Log from 2007-08-19:
--- Day changed Sun Aug 19 2007
00:50 <ghableska> #armaservers
00:50 <armabot> ghableska: This data is 28 seconds old; Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (12/14), Fortress Café (11/32), Wild West =Capture The Flag= (10/10), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}Dog Fight< (DF) (7/12), ë | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ì/xff9900 (6/16), Norm's Place (6/12), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < (6/12), (???) Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (5/16), Swampland in 2.7.1 (5/8), Swampland in (2 more messages)
00:50 <ghableska> #tea
00:50 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (11/32): G5, Georges, GNU, Hippy, Minefield, Player 1, SageLord, T V M, ~cOw~, ¦Ö¦$µbzero, ¦×¥Rico
00:50 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-109-179.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
01:27 <HellBlade-Arma> #armaservers
01:27 <armabot> HellBlade-Arma: This data is 26 seconds old; Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (10/14), Wild West =Capture The Flag= (9/10), Wild West =Sumo= (Arizona) (7/14), SPACEZONE (7/15), ë | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ì/xff9900 (6/16), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}Dog Fight< (DF) (6/12), .:vD}Victory Over Death Server (5/8), Norm's Place (5/12), Wild West =Fortress Shootout= (5/12), -=}ID< (2 more messages)
01:27 <HellBlade-Arma> #more
01:27 <armabot> HellBlade-Arma: -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < (4/12), Fortress Café (4/32), Swampland II (3/8), Swampland in 2.7.1 (3/8), ~*SpeederS*~ Server (3/12), H2H|Sealfight (2/10), Strawberry Fields (2/16), Swampland in 2.7.1 (Europe) (2/8), [Nano's Playground] | TRAPDOOR MADNESS MODE! | (2/16), Tigers Network Classic Play (2/16), [] Cheers! [] A clone of Norms Place, by Angel. (1/12), The YELLOW (1 more message)
01:27 <HellBlade-Arma> #more
01:27 <armabot> HellBlade-Arma: Submarine (1/16), Sly'sServeR (1/16), messy Team slaughter (1/10)
01:59 <Vanhayes> pong
01:59 <HellBlade-Arma> Vanhayes: ping
02:05 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:19 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:19 <armabot> pong
02:19 <HellBlade-Arma> #png
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> awww
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> (tear)
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <armabot> pong
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> EPIC WIN!
02:20 <HellBlade-Arma> #monologue
02:20 <armabot> HellBlade-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 19 lines long.
02:21 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
02:23 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #armagetron
02:27 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
02:32 <Lucifer_arma> yep, I've decided to do it
02:32 <tramshed> haha
02:32 <tramshed> armagetron is being dumb
02:32 <Lucifer_arma> I'm going to factor out the network and game object stuff from eugenics into a separate library
02:32 <Lucifer_arma> tramshed: rtfm
02:33 <tramshed> Trying to start sound. Just restart Armagetron Advanced in case of crash.
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> Error: Error in bool sr_InitDisplay() in /var/tmp/portage/games-action/armagetronad- :
02:33 <tramshed>
02:33 <tramshed> Sorry, played all my cards trying to initialize your video system.
02:33 <tramshed> Armagetron Advanced won't run on your computer. Reason:
02:33 <tramshed> Couldn't set video mode: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
02:33 <tramshed> I'll try again from the beginning, but the chances of success are minimal.
02:33 <tramshed> opengl works fine.
02:33 <tramshed> armagetron is being dumb
02:33 <tramshed> I can play ut2k4 and vendetta fine, heh
02:42 <spidey> i just walked a mile for nothing -.-
02:42 <spidey> at the store down the road, the owner will sell me cigarettes, but this time they had a new girl working
02:42 <spidey> and she carded me ;(
02:46 <NeoThermic> and you're old enough to buy them?
02:46 <Vanhayes> I havent been carded since I was 16
02:47 <NeoThermic> I get carded often going into pubs/clubs, but thats SOP here, so it isn't anything against me
02:47 <Vanhayes> coincidently thats when i started growing facial hair/shaving every other or 2 days
02:48 <Vanhayes> and in about a month and a half I wont care if I get carded
02:48 <NeoThermic> I love getting carded
02:49 <NeoThermic> as I then ask them if they want US or UK identification :P
02:51 <tramshed> I only get carded when I dont have my id
02:51 <NeoThermic> ah. Are you called Murphey by any chance? ;)
02:54 <spidey> NeoThermic, no i'm not
02:54 <spidey> i'm 17, age is 18
02:54 <NeoThermic> for cigs?
02:54 <spidey> ya
02:55 <NeoThermic> what sane country is this?!
02:55 <spidey> usa...
02:55 <NeoThermic> good god. I take that back.
02:55 <spidey> lol
02:55 <NeoThermic> 16 to drive, 18 to smoke, but 21 to drink.
02:55 <spidey> stupid, heh
02:55 <NeoThermic> but only 18 to die for your country in a war you might not support!
02:55 <spidey> actually you can drive at 14
02:55 <spidey> if you can get a hardship
02:55 <NeoThermic> just god be damned should you want to celebrate the fact that you survived :P
02:56 <spidey> haha
02:56 <NeoThermic> I wish they'd raise the smoking age to 18 here.
02:56 <NeoThermic> currently it's 18 to drive, drink, but 16 to smoke.
02:57 <NeoThermic> however, it's illegal to do all three at the same time.
02:57 <NeoThermic> spidey: ah well. Consider this the first hint that you might wish to give up smoking? :)
02:59 <Vanhayes> its 19 in theory for canada
03:00 <NeoThermic> for which?
03:00 <Vanhayes> 19 for smokes, booze, fireworks, and maybe porn
03:00 <spidey> NeoThermic, fuck that
03:00 <NeoThermic> not too bad
03:00 <spidey> wtf
03:01 <spidey> fireworks?
03:01 <spidey> has a age limit?
03:01 <NeoThermic> oh, fireworks are 18 here
03:01 <NeoThermic> yes
03:01 <Vanhayes> 15 for permit, 16 to drive, 14 in alberta to drive
03:01 <spidey> rofl, you can get them here at any age
03:01 <NeoThermic> they do in the US As well
03:01 <spidey> some parts
03:01 <spidey> the big cities maybe
03:01 <HellBlade-Arma> hayes you have to be 19 for porn?
03:01 <spidey> but not where i live
03:01 <HellBlade-Arma> good god that's terrible
03:01 <Vanhayes> you fireworks is like our smoke im guessing, barely anyone ids
03:01 <Vanhayes> your*
03:02 <Vanhayes> smokes*
03:02 <HellBlade-Arma> lol I'm 15 and I buy porn ;P
03:02 <HellBlade-Arma> good ol' so cal
03:02 <NeoThermic> spidey: which state?
03:02 <spidey> tennessee
03:02 <Vanhayes> why buy porn when the internet is throwing it at you everywhere
03:03 <NeoThermic> spidey: AOP is 10
03:03 <HellBlade-Arma> I've only bought porn twice actually but I have done it
03:03 <Vanhayes> i think alberta and quebec are 18 to drink
03:03 <HellBlade-Arma> the rest I dl
03:03 <HellBlade-Arma> ;P
03:03 <NeoThermic> although they are date-limited to set parts of the year
03:03 <Vanhayes> im sure alberta is not positive about the frenchies
03:03 <HellBlade-Arma> what age can you drink is Ireland?
03:03 <HellBlade-Arma> in**
03:03 <Vanhayes> when you old enough to hold the bottle without dropping it
03:04 <NeoThermic> 18 in (Republic of) Ireland
03:04 <Vanhayes> what about the north?
03:04 <HellBlade-Arma> it's the uk
03:04 <NeoThermic> that falls under UK law, so 18 too
03:05 <NeoThermic> well, 18 in most cases
03:05 <HellBlade-Arma> darn
03:05 <NeoThermic> there are legal exceptions
03:05 <HellBlade-Arma> I was hoping to chill out at the pubs there drinking some guiness
03:05 <NeoThermic> HellBlade-Arma: age?
03:05 <HellBlade-Arma> 15
03:05 <Vanhayes> around here the cops Might get you to pour out you drink if you look too young and dont have an ID
03:05 <spidey> rofl
03:05 <spidey> i love bets that i can't lose
03:06 <NeoThermic> bleh, you don't even fall under the special exceptions
03:06 <HellBlade-Arma> I know -.-
03:06 <spidey> my brother said i bet $100 this will be the last cigarette i ever touch
03:06 <spidey> so, for me i can't lose, only him D:
03:06 <HellBlade-Arma> lol
03:06 <Vanhayes> thats a horrible bet by your brother
03:06 <spidey> heh
03:06 <Vanhayes> you will have to pay only if you outlive him and he doesnt smoke untill he dies
03:07 <NeoThermic> Vanhayes: dunno, they could be betting on what date they get diagnosed for cancer? :P
03:07 <NeoThermic> that'd be a horrible bet :P
03:07 <Vanhayes> and if he were to quit smoking chances are he is gonna outlive you
03:07 <NeoThermic> yep :)
03:07 <NeoThermic> we could calculate it
03:08 <Vanhayes> "heh I bet ill get cancer before you!" "Double or nothing says its lung cancer"
03:08 <HellBlade-Arma> lol
03:08 <NeoThermic> we'd just need to know how many a day you smoke, and how many a day he does, and since when you both started. From that we could work out how many years you've knocked off of your life expectancy :P
03:09 <HellBlade-Arma> I smoke a carton a day
03:09 <HellBlade-Arma> lol
03:09 <NeoThermic> that like 1 gallon?
03:09 <NeoThermic> I mean, christ, what kind of lighter do yo need for that?
03:09 <HellBlade-Arma> a normal one
03:10 <HellBlade-Arma> you just light it from the bottom
03:10 <Vanhayes> I dont smoke cigs at all, real cigars ocasiaoaly, mini cigars more frequent but still not alot
03:10 <HellBlade-Arma> the carton burns up pretty fast
03:10 <NeoThermic> unscrew the cap, light the bottom and inhale? :)
03:10 <NeoThermic> I've never even had one cig. Ever.
03:10 <Vanhayes> but then I do alot of buckets a day
03:10 <NeoThermic> and I don't ever plan to
03:10 <HellBlade-Arma> neither have I
03:10 <HellBlade-Arma> I just like burning cartons
03:10 <NeoThermic> lol
03:10 <HellBlade-Arma> ;P
03:11 <NeoThermic> the first thing that could ever go wrong with me is with my liver
03:11 <Vanhayes> cigs never made sense to me, the taste bad and dont do anything for/to you
03:11 <HellBlade-Arma> sadly I have a high chance of getting cancer, both my parents had it
03:11 <NeoThermic> I don't drink beer, so I've learnt to tolerate stuff that is 40% or better. Current fave is absinthe at 72.5% :P
03:11 <HellBlade-Arma> now I just need to catch it before it is to late
03:12 <Vanhayes> m lungs are half gone, my liver is next I think
03:13 <HellBlade-Arma> now you need to start drinking for your kidneys to go ;P
03:13 <NeoThermic> liver goes quicker than kidneys
03:13 <Vanhayes> ya, kidneys are last
03:14 <NeoThermic> unless you wake up in a bathtub of ice..
03:14 <HellBlade-Arma> that's why you start drinking
03:14 <Vanhayes> Im counting on them to perfect cloning organs in my life time
03:14 <NeoThermic> what, to end up in the tub or not?
03:14 <HellBlade-Arma> lol
03:14 <HellBlade-Arma> no so that they go faster
03:14 <NeoThermic> Vanhayes: I'd pefer them to work out how to interface silicon with nerves
03:15 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@adsl-156-161-166.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #armagetron ["Up! Up! And Away!"]
03:15 <tramshed> thats been done
03:15 <NeoThermic> so that you could replace failing body parts with mechanical replacements that work as good, if not better than the organic stuff :P
03:15 <Vanhayes> hmm my spine might be before the kidneys
03:15 <NeoThermic> tramshed: not to any good effect
03:15 <NeoThermic> else you'd be hearing about paralyesd people walking again
03:15 <tramshed> lockins managed to get out, thats good effect
03:16 <tramshed> bmis are a pretty major area of research nowadays
03:16 <tramshed> 10, 15 years, we will likely have what you are dreaming of
03:16 <NeoThermic> I hope so
03:16 <NeoThermic> I really do
03:16 <Vanhayes> sounds good
03:16 <NeoThermic> I'd pefer to live past 110 years
03:16 <HellBlade-Arma> and this is why humans stopped evolving
03:17 <tramshed> who says we stopped evolving?
03:17 <Vanhayes> 60 is my goal for now
03:17 <NeoThermic> "only" 60?
03:17 <HellBlade-Arma> for him it is
03:17 <HellBlade-Arma> amazing
03:17 <Vanhayes> if I live to 60 ill be happy
03:17 <NeoThermic> heh
03:17 <NeoThermic> wait till your parents are 60
03:17 <NeoThermic> then reconsider that goal
03:17 <HellBlade-Arma> it's a good thing I'll only drink guiness and not smoke
03:17 <HellBlade-Arma> I'll live for awhile
03:18 <Vanhayes> Im pretty sure every time I went turkey jerking it cut 5 years off my life
03:18 <NeoThermic> lol
03:18 <Vanhayes> my dad is 60
03:18 <tramshed> cirrorhosis
03:18 <Vanhayes> ?
03:18 <Vanhayes> #google cirrorhosis
03:18 <armabot> Vanhayes: Search took 0.05 seconds: Patients with Special Health Care Needs in General and Pediatric ...: <http://www.cda-adc.ca/jcda/vol-72/issue-10/915.pdf>
03:19 <tramshed> its when your liver starts to die from alchohol
03:19 <tramshed> its a long term side effect of heavy drinking
03:20 <Vanhayes> http://www.siamhealth.net/Disease/picture/cirrhosis.jpg thats filthy
03:20 <HellBlade-Arma> that blood is disgusting
03:20 -!- HellBlade-Arma [n=HellBlad@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["oh well"]
03:24 <spidey> #weather 38256
03:24 <armabot> spidey: The current temperature in Paris, Tennessee is 86.5°F (8:30 PM CDT on August 18, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 43%. Dew Point: 60.8°F. Pressure: 29.96 in 1014.4 hPa (Rising). Heat advisory in effect from 1 PM to 8 PM CDT Sunday...
03:28 <Vanhayes> hmm I say its 10 out here
03:28 <Vanhayes> #weather saint john
03:28 <armabot> Vanhayes: Temperature: 57°F / 14°C | Humidity: 77% | Pressure: 29.87in / 1012hPa | Conditions: Mostly Cloudy | Wind Direction: NW | Wind Speed: 8mph / 13km/h | Updated: 10:00 PM ADT; Tonight - Showers with a few thundershowers ending this evening then cloudy periods. Local amount 15 mm(0.6 in) in thundershowers. Wind northwest 20 km/h (12 mph). Low 10C(50F).; Sunday - A mix of sun and cloud. 40 (1 more message)
03:28 <Vanhayes> hmm, feels colder
03:32 <Lucifer_arma> #weather 78717
03:32 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: The current temperature in Meadows of Brushy Creek, Austin, Texas is 82.9°F (8:36 PM CDT on August 18, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 73.4°F. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010.0 hPa (Rising).
03:32 <Lucifer_arma> it's warmer here, it's 85 F according to my thermo-meter
03:33 <spidey> we haven't had a/c all day
03:33 <Lucifer_arma> I never get carded anymore
03:33 <spidey> the outlet the a/c was plugged in caught on fire
03:34 <spidey> so at 100F
03:34 <spidey> it's about 110F in the house
03:34 <Lucifer_arma> open the windows and hang wet towels in them
03:34 <spidey> ?
03:34 <Lucifer_arma> put a fan in front of the wet towel
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> as the water evaporates, it will absorb (for lack of a better word) heat
03:35 <spidey> O.o
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> see, it's something like this
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> heat is measured in joules, frequently, btw
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> let's say the water is at 99 C
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> and you add 100 joules to bring it up to 100 C
03:36 <Lucifer_arma> makes sense, so far, right? (only I'm making up the numbers)
03:36 <Lucifer_arma> now, you add something like 5000 Joules to the water
03:36 <Lucifer_arma> you'd think it'll just change to steam and be 150 C, right?
03:36 <Lucifer_arma> well, it doesn't, it changes to steam with all of that heat, and becomes 100 C heat
03:37 <spidey> ...
03:37 <Lucifer_arma> phase changes. Same thing happens when you melt ice, which is why if you put 32 F water in a cup with other water, it won't lower the temperature as much as 32 F ice
03:37 <Lucifer_arma> to turn ice into water at the same temperature, you have to add a lot more heat than it takes to raise the temperature of that water
03:38 <Lucifer_arma> so what happens with the towel in the window is you get the water to evaporate, and when it does, it absorbs a lot of heat
03:38 <spidey> well
03:38 <Lucifer_arma> that's what those misters do that you see sometimes on people's patios
03:38 <spidey> my answer is raise my body heat :D
03:38 <spidey> i've had 3 hot showers today
03:38 <Lucifer_arma> they blow mist over you, and then the mist evaporates, and when it does, it takes all the heat right around you
03:38 <spidey> so it doesn't bother me as bad as everyone else
03:38 <NeoThermic> #weather 93555
03:38 <armabot> NeoThermic: The current temperature in SW Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest, California is 99.0°F (6:32 PM PDT on August 18, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 15%. Dew Point: 42.8°F. Pressure: 29.67 in 1004.6 hPa (Steady).
03:39 <Lucifer_arma> if you have curtains on your windows, you can just open the windows and spray water on the curtains
03:39 <NeoThermic> #weather 93556
03:39 <Lucifer_arma> pretty straightforward, really
03:39 <armabot> NeoThermic: The current temperature in City Hall, Ridgecrest, California is 97.2°F (6:44 PM PDT on August 18, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 11%. Dew Point: 33.8°F. Pressure: 29.49 in 998.5 hPa (Steady).
03:39 <Lucifer_arma> it's also how sweat works, it's why you sweat, in fact. When the sweat evaporates, it takes with it a lot of heat in the general vicinity of your body
03:40 <Lucifer_arma> so you want to wear loose-fitting cotton clothing in the heat, so there's air circulation, and you end up with a compartment around your body that's cool
03:40 <Lucifer_arma> taking your shirt off in the heat is a one-way ticket to heat stroke
03:40 <Lucifer_arma> anyway, I'm done, check out howstuffworks for more on refrigeration and phase changes :)
03:42 <Lucifer_arma> oh yeh, if you have ceiing fans, and there's a little space between the wet cloth and the window, switching them to blow up towards the roof will help circulate the air over the towel
03:43 <Lucifer_arma> it'll pull air straight in through the window, through the towel, and then up to the roof (via the middle of the room)
03:43 <Lucifer_arma> from there it'll go along the roof back down and through the crack to exit the house, cold
03:43 <Lucifer_arma> er, warm
03:43 <Lucifer_arma> it'll exit the house warm, taking with it a lot of heat that was in the room
03:51 <Lucifer_arma> http://www.weather.com/maps/news/atlstorm4/atl4projectedpath_large.html
03:53 <Lucifer_arma> it's still far enough out that it could turn significantly and come to us, but something tells me it's going to veer left and cross central america instead
03:53 <Lucifer_arma> I could be wrong, I'm no meteorologist
03:53 -!- endlessurf [n=endlessu@adsl-76-202-192-178.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
03:53 * Lucifer_arma considers starting a new irc channel for watching hurricanes ;)
03:54 <Vanhayes> i bet ghab would stay in there 24/7
03:54 <Lucifer_arma> checking weather? ;)
03:54 <Lucifer_arma> I need a name for a python module that provides a network layer for games
03:55 <Vanhayes> Dave' Stupid python module that provides a network layer for games?
03:56 <Vanhayes> it rolls off the tongue
04:19 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
04:22 -!- HellBlade-Arma [n=HellBlad@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
04:26 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #armagetron
04:42 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
04:52 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #armagetron
05:04 <GodTodd> grrr....wtf does this iso keep getting errors? :/
05:12 <GodTodd> if the md5sum matches...is it an error with the burn itself?
05:21 -!- endlessurf [n=endlessu@adsl-76-202-192-178.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
05:23 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034241231.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
05:23 -!- spidey [n=spidey@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Connection timed out]
05:24 -!- spidey [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
05:25 <spidey> holy shit
05:25 <spidey> dude
05:25 <spidey> my brothers uncle came out today to ffix the recepticle
05:25 <spidey> it was burnt, litterally
05:25 <spidey> it crumbled when he took the old one out
05:34 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@adsl-156-161-166.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> GodTodd: yes, if the md5sum matches, it's an error with the burn
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> Or
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> it's a bad cdrom
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> way to check is to try known good cds, like audio cds, and see how they play. Do they skip or have other errors?
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> Also, burn the iso image at the slowest available speed and see what that gives you
06:06 <Lucifer_arma> I'm going to call the module pynetgame, and the library Python Network Game Library
06:08 <Lucifer_arma> I googled it, and nothing came up
06:16 <HellBlade-Arma> #weather 92037
06:16 <armabot> HellBlade-Arma: The current temperature in La Jolla Shores, La Jolla, California is 80.1°F (9:20 PM PDT on August 18, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 68.0°F. Pressure: 29.78 in 1008.4 hPa (Rising).
06:16 <HellBlade-Arma> wow it's night at it is hotter than it was in the day
06:18 <NeoThermic> #weather EGLL
06:18 <armabot> NeoThermic: The current temperature in London, United Kingdom is 60.8°F (4:50 AM BST on August 19, 2007). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 59.0°F. Pressure: 29.65 in 1004 hPa (Falling).
06:18 <GodTodd> Lucifer_arma: i did the slower speed thing with the server edition...finally got a good burn(at least it verified good)with kubuntu at the higher speed
06:21 <GodTodd> was talking with the wife about my network/kid os plans and she liked the idea of being able to lock out boxes at certain times ;)
06:43 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #armagetron
06:46 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has left #armagetron []
06:51 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #armagetron
06:54 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
07:04 <Seeker> Anyone keepin an eye on here......just checking my setup
07:05 <HellBlade-Arma> on where?
07:06 -!- HellBlade-Arma is now known as Stewie-Arma
07:06 <Seeker> the channel......and i guess so if i got a response
07:06 <Stewie-Arma> well many people are doing other things right now
07:06 <Seeker> just makin sure i got this stupid thing set up right
07:06 <Stewie-Arma> they just keep this up so they don't have to restart it every time they have something to ask
07:06 <Stewie-Arma> lol
07:07 <Seeker> i set up the irc on my trillian so its always on with the rest of my messengers
07:07 <Stewie-Arma> blech trillian
07:07 <Seeker> it keeps em all in one spot
07:08 <Seeker> im just surprised it works properly on vista
07:08 <Stewie-Arma> blech vista
07:08 <Stewie-Arma> why would you use that?
07:09 <Seeker> FREE copy of ultimate from my company for software compatability testing
07:09 <Seeker> not my chioce
07:09 <Seeker> lol
07:09 <GodTodd> dual boot :)
07:09 <Seeker> tripple
07:09 <Stewie-Arma> I've heard the security is worse than 98
07:09 <GodTodd> that works too :)
07:09 <Seeker> ubuntu, vista, xp
07:09 <Seeker> still learnin linux
07:10 * GodTodd has booted 5 oses on one machine before...
07:10 <Stewie-Arma> it's not THAT hard
07:10 <Stewie-Arma> Todd do you have a switch?
07:10 <Seeker> no...just different
07:10 <GodTodd> nope...no switch
07:10 <GodTodd> why?
07:10 <Stewie-Arma> just wondering
07:10 <Seeker> i was gonna pop in my ild dos drive for fun yesterday
07:10 <Seeker> sry..old
07:10 <Stewie-Arma> but switches are really fun
07:11 <GodTodd> er...wait...it was 5 versions of windows actually....7 oses total
07:11 <GodTodd> with the two linuxes
07:11 -!- spidey [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
07:11 <Seeker> anyone using a hypervisor for virtualization?
07:11 <GodTodd> 98, xp, 2k, 2k server, 2k advanced server, mandrake, red hat
07:11 <Seeker> lol
07:12 <Stewie-Arma> awww
07:12 <GodTodd> the real pain in the ass was that i had to go through two bootloaders :)
07:12 <Seeker> well fine then....im gonna install all the dang os's i have in my library......
07:12 <GodTodd> heh...i don't even dual boot anymore
07:12 <Stewie-Arma> hey do we know if there is any possible way to do the ladder based on ip?
07:12 <Seeker> then well se whos king!!!! anyone got a couple spard drives?
07:13 <GodTodd> i did all those on one drive ;)
07:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-206-67.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
07:13 <GodTodd> a 120 GB
07:13 <Stewie-Arma> lol
07:13 <Seeker> im only runnin a single 80gig right now
07:13 <MrBougo> hiho
07:13 <Stewie-Arma> I'm running a single 100 gig
07:13 <Stewie-Arma> hi MrBougo
07:13 <MrBougo> one 186 gig for me
07:13 <Stewie-Arma> at 7400RPM
07:14 <GodTodd> i'm running at least half a TB...and i need more :/
07:14 <Seeker> i just switched to sata only...need som new big drives
07:14 <GodTodd> 2 servers, 3 laptops
07:14 <Stewie-Arma> I have 3 externals but they aren't plugged in
07:14 <MrBougo> lol
07:14 <MrBougo> sata rocks
07:14 <Seeker> i have 3 250' and 6 80's but they are ide
07:14 <MrBougo> one external
07:14 <MrBougo> 150 gigs or something
07:15 <MrBougo> but i dont use it
07:15 <Stewie-Arma> I have 2 500's and a 250
07:15 <MrBougo> i'd only need 60 gigs
07:15 <GodTodd> fuck i hate windows :/
07:15 <MrBougo> it would be enough
07:15 * GodTodd is doing maintenance on his son's laptop
07:15 <MrBougo> 10 gigs for the monster OS
07:15 <Stewie-Arma> lol MrBougo, learn how to use the internet ;P
07:15 <MrBougo> 15 more for my music
07:15 <Seeker> i want to get 2 500's sometime soon, then ill start playing with some things again
07:15 <MrBougo> Stewie-Arma?
07:16 <MrBougo> Stewie-Arma: i dont get it
07:16 <Stewie-Arma> MrBougo why do you think I have over 1 TB of stuff?
07:16 <GodTodd> only 15GB of music?
07:16 <GodTodd> wow
07:16 <MrBougo> hehe Stewie-Arma
07:16 <MrBougo> GodTodd: i download a two hour set / week
07:16 <Stewie-Arma> I know how to use the internet that's why ;P
07:16 <MrBougo> and sometimes some other 1 or 2 hour set
07:16 <Seeker> i have my dvd iso's ripped to a 500 external, and i ned more room
07:16 <MrBougo> Stewie-Arma: i do too
07:16 <MrBougo> BUT
07:17 * GodTodd won't go into how he has over 60 GB of music
07:17 <Stewie-Arma> but...
07:17 <MrBougo> here we have goddamnfuckyoubelgianisps download quotes
07:17 <MrBougo> quotas*
07:17 <MrBougo> 10 gigs/month
07:17 <Seeker> ANYWAY........ao noone has tried hypervisor virtualization yet?
07:17 <Stewie-Arma> lol
07:18 <Stewie-Arma> fur srly?
07:18 <MrBougo> if you download more than 10 gigs in a month, you're doomed, buy the damn 5 gigs pack
07:18 <MrBougo> and fuckt that
07:18 <MrBougo> its goddamn expensive
07:18 <Stewie-Arma> fuckin belgians
07:18 <Seeker> i assume that includes page loads too?
07:18 <MrBougo> we pay more for less than the frenchies get
07:18 <MrBougo> they have triple play stuff
07:19 <MrBougo> tv, phone, internet with no limit
07:19 <MrBougo> and for like...
07:19 <MrBougo> $12 cheaper
07:19 <GodTodd> when a technology is new in a country you pay more ;)
07:19 <Stewie-Arma> 12USD?
07:19 <MrBougo> yup
07:19 <MrBougo> nah
07:19 <Seeker> i pay 140/month for all unlimited
07:19 <Stewie-Arma> which answer went to who?
07:19 <MrBougo> we pay $12 more than the frenchies
07:19 <MrBougo> and we get less
07:19 <MrBougo> GodTodd: nah
07:20 <MrBougo> it isnt new in belgium
07:20 <MrBougo> go eat yourself
07:20 <Stewie-Arma> lol I pay $20 and get unlimited ;P
07:20 * GodTodd was joking
07:20 <Seeker> then it must be cheap to live in japan ;)
07:20 <MrBougo> Belgacom has the monopoly
07:20 <Stewie-Arma> but it's 5MB shared
07:20 <MrBougo> they own all the telephonic cables in the country
07:20 <MrBougo> so other ISP's have less chances to survive
07:20 <Stewie-Arma> man that sucks
07:20 <MrBougo> and they cant be cheaper, because they pay belgacom
07:21 <MrBougo> yep, it does
07:21 <MrBougo> but i believe that it will change some day
07:21 <MrBougo> just like it did in france not so long ago
07:22 <Stewie-Arma> alright I have a question...
07:22 <Seeker> ?
07:23 <Stewie-Arma> http://www.a1eddie.com/fun2.htm go to the third movie pack and can you tell me if edd has put that moviepack to download yet?
07:23 <Seeker> the one with the recombant bikes?
07:24 <Stewie-Arma> I think
07:24 <Seeker> i can download it from that link by clicking on it
07:24 <Stewie-Arma> that's not the moviepack
07:25 <Seeker> what is it?
07:25 <Seeker> i think he was just showcasing the bike in the pic
07:25 <Seeker> but i may use it in the pack i been workin on for mtself
07:26 <Seeker> i need to ask a few people for permission so I can release it.
07:27 <Stewie-Arma> nvm I found it
07:27 <Stewie-Arma> the movie pack that is
07:27 <Stewie-Arma> http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=2112
07:27 <Seeker> as shown...ahh
07:29 <Stewie-Arma> hmmm
07:29 <Seeker> lol....he has a starfighter ship
07:29 <Seeker> i love that movie
07:30 <Stewie-Arma> hmmm I can't get the texture to show...
07:30 <Seeker> ?
07:30 <Seeker> did you unzip it first?
07:30 <Stewie-Arma> the rim wall and floor
07:30 <Stewie-Arma> yeah
07:31 <Seeker> odd....ill have to dl it and see what I get
07:31 <Stewie-Arma> but I know there has to be a setting that needs to be changed for the textures to show
07:31 <Stewie-Arma> I get the bike
07:31 <Stewie-Arma> but nothing else
07:32 <Seeker> the only setting I can think of is the dual tex floor that needs to be single tex to work properly.......not for the walls though
07:33 <Stewie-Arma> not the cycle walls the outer rim sorry
07:33 <Seeker> hmm....i cant remember a setting that would need to be changed
07:34 <Stewie-Arma> nvm
07:34 <Stewie-Arma> it's just that the floor is strange
07:34 <Stewie-Arma> lol
07:34 <Seeker> lol
07:37 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-206-67.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
07:37 <Stewie-Arma> there needs to be a change in colors between bike and floor
07:40 <spidey_> ?
07:45 <Bougo> um
07:45 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-206-67.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
07:45 -!- Bougo is now known as MrBo
07:45 <MrBo> wth
07:45 <MrBo> MrBo is owned
07:45 -!- MrBo is now known as MrBogo
07:45 <Stewie-Arma> lol
07:45 <MrBogo> fuck
07:46 <MrBogo> * *** Notice -- Too many nick changes; wait 15 seconds before trying again
07:46 -!- MrBogo is now known as MrBougo
07:46 <MrBougo> i want a black cycle!
07:46 <Stewie-Arma> not that hard
07:47 <MrBougo> crap, theres noone in the rbi server
07:47 <MrBougo> (nexuiz)
07:47 <MrBougo> how many spaces do you need
07:47 <Stewie-Arma> why not go gulch?
07:47 <MrBougo> for the parentheses to make a circle
07:47 <MrBougo> 140 ping
07:48 <MrBougo> im on gulch, ok
07:48 <Stewie-Arma> lol
07:48 <Stewie-Arma> gulch is fun
08:04 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:43 <Stewie-Arma> #weather 92037
08:43 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: The current temperature in La Jolla Shores, La Jolla, California is 76.8°F (11:45 PM PDT on August 18, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 66.2°F. Pressure: 29.79 in 1008.7 hPa (Steady).
08:45 <Stewie-Arma> #ping
08:45 <armabot> pong
08:45 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
08:45 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:00 <MrBougo> xfroggy
09:00 <MrBougo> poing
09:00 <MrBougo> #poing
09:00 <armabot> piong
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> #piong
09:01 <armabot> poing
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> #pong
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> awww
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> no ping for me?
09:01 <Stewie-Arma> #eliza HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME??!?!?!?
09:02 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: What do you think?
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> I think you should stfu
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> I hope that gets to him
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:02 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 17 lines long.
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> lol amazing
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> to bad I had one that was atleast 60
09:02 <MrBougo> http://www.semicolon.com/Poing.html
09:02 <MrBougo> haha that mac game was amazing
09:02 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:02 <MrBougo> i remember playing it
09:02 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
09:03 <MrBougo> pned
09:03 <MrBougo> pwned*
09:03 <Stewie-Arma> you prick!
09:03 <MrBougo> it was 19 lines long
09:03 <MrBougo> 20 including your #monologue
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> I never played that game...
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 2 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 3 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 4 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 5 lines long.
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 6 lines long.
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 7 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 8 lines long.
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 9 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 10 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <MrBougo> BREAKIT
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 11 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 2 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 3 lines long.
09:04 <MrBougo> BREAKITAGAIN
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 2 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> #monologue
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> lol friggen win
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 3 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:04 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Your current monologue is at least 4 lines long.
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> that's hilarious
09:04 <MrBougo> Lucifer_arma: we need your op powers here
09:04 <MrBougo> :D
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:04 <Stewie-Arma> wasn't that amazing?
09:04 <MrBougo> want something more hilarious?
09:05 <Stewie-Arma> what like me being muted?
09:05 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:05 <MrBougo> nope
09:05 <Stewie-Arma> what?
09:05 <MrBougo> wait
09:05 <Stewie-Arma> me being kicked?
09:05 <Stewie-Arma> cmon you gatta tell me
09:05 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has joined #armagetron
09:05 <MrBougo> you'll see
09:05 <MrBougo> here it is
09:05 <MrBougo> #echo &echo
09:05 <armabot> &echo
09:05 <MrBoto> armabot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
09:06 <MrBougo> and some more :)
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> armabot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> that's amazing
09:06 <MrBougo> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> armabot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:06 <MrBougo> &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> MrBougo: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
09:06 <MrBougo> &echo #echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo
09:06 <armabot> MrBoto: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
09:06 <MrBoto> armabot: Error: "(echo" is not a valid command.
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:06 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:06 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBougo> armabot used to output an error on this
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo #echo &echo
09:07 <Stewie-Arma> really?
09:07 <MrBoto> #echo &echo
09:07 <armabot> &echo
09:07 <MrBoto> armabot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
09:07 <MrBougo> so he output error
09:07 <MrBougo> and the other answers
09:07 <MrBougo> and the other answers
09:07 <MrBougo> and the other answers
09:07 <MrBougo> and it wouldnt stop
09:07 <MrBougo> #lobotomy add #armagetron
09:07 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
09:07 <Stewie-Arma> that's amazing
09:07 <MrBougo> oops
09:07 <MrBougo> :p
09:07 <MrBougo> but dont spam too much
09:07 <MrBougo> or i &lobotomy add #armagetron
09:08 <Stewie-Arma> what's that?
09:08 <MrBougo> or &ignore add Stewie-Arma
09:08 <MrBougo> &lobotomy add #armagetron
09:08 <MrBoto> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
09:08 <MrBougo> try to send him a command
09:08 <MrBougo> like &help
09:08 <MrBougo> &help
09:08 <Stewie-Arma> which does?
09:08 <MrBoto> MrBougo: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
09:08 <MrBougo> i can
09:08 <MrBougo> im the owner
09:08 <MrBougo> but try it
09:08 <Stewie-Arma> &help
09:08 <MrBougo> :)
09:08 <Stewie-Arma> I see
09:08 <MrBougo> &lobotomy remove #armagetron
09:08 <MrBoto> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
09:08 <MrBougo> and ignores does the same thing only for one person
09:08 <MrBougo> #help ignore add
09:08 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: That command exists in the Admin and Channel plugins. Please specify exactly which plugin command you want help with.
09:08 <MrBougo> #help admin ignore add
09:08 <armabot> MrBougo: (admin ignore add <hostmask|nick> [<expires>]) -- Ignores <hostmask> or, if a nick is given, ignores whatever hostmask that nick is currently using. <expires> is a "seconds from now" value that determines when the ignore will expire; if, for instance, you wish for the ignore to expire in an hour, you could give an <expires> of 3600. If no <expires> is given, the ignore will never (1 more message)
09:09 <MrBougo> &ignore add Stewie-Arma 20
09:09 <MrBoto> MrBougo: Error: The command "ignore add" is available in the Admin and Channel plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "ignore add".
09:09 <Stewie-Arma> who "owns" armabot?
09:09 <MrBougo> &admin ignore add Stewie-Arma 20
09:09 <MrBoto> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
09:09 <MrBougo> wrtlprnft
09:09 <MrBougo> &admin ignore list
09:09 <MrBoto> MrBougo: 'Stewie-Arma!n=HellBlad@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com' and 'armabot!n=armabot@'
09:09 <MrBougo> oh hey
09:09 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:09 <Stewie-Arma> he's ignoring armabot
09:09 <MrBougo> &admin ignore remove mailto:'armabot!n=armabot@'
09:09 <MrBoto> MrBougo: Error: mailto:'armabot!n=armabot@' wasn't in the ignores database.
09:09 <MrBougo> oops
09:09 <MrBougo> &admin ignore remove armabot!n=armabot@
09:09 <MrBoto> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
09:09 <MrBougo> &admin ignore list
09:09 <MrBoto> MrBougo: I'm not currently globally ignoring anyone.
09:10 <MrBougo> &admin ignore armabot!*@*
09:10 <MrBoto> MrBougo: Error: The "Admin" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "ignore" in it. Try "list Admin" to see the commands in the "Admin" plugin.
09:10 <Stewie-Arma> oh lol armabot changed ips
09:10 <MrBougo> &admin ignore add armabot!*@*
09:10 <MrBoto> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
09:10 <Stewie-Arma> awww
09:10 <MrBougo> yup it did
09:10 <MrBougo> now it worckxz
09:10 <Stewie-Arma> now you made it so we can't spam -.-
09:10 <Stewie-Arma> you meanie
09:10 <MrBougo> affirmative! :D
09:11 <MrBoto> actually you can spam
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> atleast I was the last one to do it
09:11 <MrBoto> but dont use me :)
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> I'm guessing #echo #echo
09:11 <MrBoto> i dont wanna be ban'd
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> #echo #echo
09:11 <armabot> #echo
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> nope
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> darn
09:11 <MrBougo> just spam like you'd do everywhere
09:11 <MrBougo> everywhere
09:11 <MrBougo> everywhere
09:11 <MrBougo> everywhere
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> oh
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> you
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> mean
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> like
09:11 <Stewie-Arma> this?
09:12 <MrBougo> yup
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> I love how I'm the only one with alt + enter capabilities
09:12 <MrBougo> are
09:12 <MrBougo> ups
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> it makes it so I can type every line
09:12 <MrBougo> wait
09:12 <MrBougo> i
09:12 <MrBougo> can
09:12 <MrBougo> too
09:12 <MrBougo> :D
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> but
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> it
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> saves
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> every
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> line
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> before
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> it
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> orly?
09:12 <Stewie-Arma> nice!
09:13 <MrBougo> but not alt enter
09:13 <Stewie-Arma> what's it for you??
09:13 <MrBougo> copy paste from notepad ++
09:13 <MrBougo> xD
09:13 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:13 <Stewie-Arma> I type it into the chatbox ;P
09:15 <MrBougo> test
09:22 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
09:26 <MrBougo> testeetestee
09:26 <MrBougo> weee :(
09:29 <MrBougo> testee
09:29 <MrBougo>
09:29 <MrBougo>
09:30 <MrBougo> lol
09:30 <MrBougo> Stewie-Arma:
09:30 <MrBougo> can you hear a bell or something?
09:41 <MrBougo> i could make some weird sound spam
09:41 <MrBougo> #echo &echo #echo &echo .... #echo <system bell chararcter>
09:41 <Stewie-Arma> lol
09:42 <Stewie-Arma> actually MrBougo I have it set to always make that bell noise even when it isn't my name being said
09:42 <MrBougo> ew
09:42 <Stewie-Arma> probably cause growl is making it do it
09:43 <Stewie-Arma> oh wait no I don't have it set to make that bell noise
09:43 <Stewie-Arma> I guess it is growl doing it
09:43 <MrBougo> testtest
09:43 <MrBougo> test
09:43 <MrBougo> test
09:43 <MrBougo> test
09:43 <MrBougo> weeee
09:44 <MrBougo> testtest
09:44 <MrBougo> ...
09:45 <MrBougo> oooooh ok
09:45 <MrBougo> i can insert unicode stuff :)
09:45 <MrBougo> with ctrl alt u then the code
09:45 <MrBougo> ģ
09:45 <Stewie-Arma> nice
09:45 <MrBougo> :D
09:45 <MrBougo> hex code
09:45 <MrBougo> ÿ
09:46 <MrBougo> lets see whats my unicode char
09:46 <MrBougo> lets only take the hex chars in my name
09:46 <MrBougo> b.............................
09:46 <MrBougo>
09:49 <MrBougo> yours is u+EEAA
09:49 <MrBougo>
09:50 <MrBougo> http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/eeaa/sample.png
09:50 <MrBougo> U+EEAA is not a valid unicode character.
09:51 <MrBougo> only found on DFSongStd
09:55 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@dyn-62-56-82-78.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
09:58 <spidey_> ...
09:59 <Stewie-Arma> hey spidey
09:59 <Stewie-Arma> ping xfroggy
09:59 <Stewie-Arma> #lastseen ~ X ~
09:59 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: ~ X ~ has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 4 hours 27 minutes ago.
09:59 <Stewie-Arma> hmmmm
10:00 <Stewie-Arma> #lastseen Stewart
10:00 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Stewart Griffon has last been seen on Fortress Café 7 hours 1 minute ago.
10:00 <Stewie-Arma> #lastseen stew
10:00 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: Stewart Griffon has last been seen on Fortress Café 7 hours 1 minute ago.
10:00 <Stewie-Arma> alright that's better
10:00 <Stewie-Arma> #lastseen durka
10:00 <Stewie-Arma> did durka quit tron?
10:00 <armabot> Stewie-Arma: timed out
10:02 <MrBougo> hello spidey_
10:02 <Stewie-Arma> MrBougo: do you play tron?
10:02 <MrBougo> sometimes
10:02 <MrBougo> now this font is weird
10:02 <Stewie-Arma> orly?
10:02 <MrBougo> http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9678/wtfsb6.png
10:02 <MrBougo> what is this supposed to look like?
10:03 <MrBougo> there was some kind of puzzle in the char map
10:03 <Stewie-Arma> it looks like a face
10:03 <MrBougo> only because of the eye
10:03 <MrBougo> could be some planet too
10:04 <MrBougo> let me check
10:04 <Stewie-Arma> it's a zerg!
10:04 <Stewie-Arma> ZERG RUSH!
10:04 <MrBougo> if its the earth, there are many chances for it to be the blue marble photography
10:05 <MrBougo> it aint
11:04 <P4> #onlineservers
11:04 <armabot> P4: This data is 38 seconds old; Norm's Place (7/12), Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (6/14), Wild West =Capture The Flag= (6/10), WildCat (5/16), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < (5/12), Shrunkland in 2.8.2: Now with RPG menu! (4/6), SPACEZONE III (2/15), Unnamed Server (1/16), The YELLOW Submarine (1/16), Eternal Destiny Clan Server(X.X) (1/16)
11:06 -!- ObliviondaSA [n=be405ab1@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
11:06 <ObliviondaSA> hi
11:08 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-206-67.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:08 <ObliviondaSA> any1 here?
11:10 <ObliviondaSA> plz i need sum help
11:10 <noob13> what seems to be the problem?
11:12 <ObliviondaSA> i just tried to log into wild west sumo and it says i banned for 20000 minutes
11:12 <ObliviondaSA> the funny thing is i havent logged into tron for almost one week
11:14 <noob13> can't really help you with that....
11:15 <noob13> u can try renewing ur ip address...
11:15 <ObliviondaSA> who can then? cuz its pretty frustrating
11:15 <ObliviondaSA> i dont even no what i did
11:15 <ObliviondaSA> i tried rebooting my connection even my computer
11:15 <noob13> or then contact durka or some other admin to remove ur ban..
11:16 <noob13> don't know who's in charge of that server...
11:16 <ObliviondaSA> its not sumo
11:16 <ObliviondaSA> only
11:16 <ObliviondaSA> its also ctf and ctf shooting
11:17 <noob13> seems like you did something really bad then :P
11:17 <ObliviondaSA> but i didnt...
11:18 <ObliviondaSA> last time i played everything was fine then i had my modem taken away and today i tried to play and it wudnt let me =(
11:18 <Hoax-> manta admins ww servers, talk to him or dorka
11:18 <noob13> #armaservers
11:18 <armabot> noob13: This data is 10 seconds old; Norm's Place (10/12), Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (8/14), Shrunkland in 2.8.2: Now with RPG menu! (6/6), Wild West =Capture The Flag= (6/10), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < (6/12), SPACEZONE III (5/15), Chico's Brake Boost Styball (5/8), The DogFight Arena | by Durka & ~"XzL.Shaggy (3/8), D E L I G H T F U L D I G G E R S (2/16), John Bigboote's (1 more message)
11:19 <noob13> #sd Norm
11:19 <armabot> noob13: Norm's Place: Players (10/12): Corback, djiezes, Fenix, Jazza, Kingbastard, O--->, pimp floyd, Recoil, Sammy Mc, TF~Dima
11:19 <ObliviondaSA> is any of them online?
11:20 <noob13> not here... u can prolly reach them through durkadurkaland.com forum
11:21 <ObliviondaSA> okay thanks
11:29 -!- ObliviondaSA [n=be405ab1@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC (EOF)"]
12:47 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@adsl-156-161-166.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit ["Up! Up! And Away!"]
12:48 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@adsl-156-161-166.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
15:56 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-109-179.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
15:56 <ghableska> #tea
15:57 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (2/32): eric, ¢T¦$$
16:19 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #armagetron
16:23 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has left #armagetron []
16:24 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #armagetron
16:27 -!- Stempo [n=446e0204@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
16:27 <Stempo> #weather 85747
16:27 <armabot> Stempo: The current temperature in Fast Horse Ranch, Vail, Arizona is 79.9°F (7:29 AM MST on August 19, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: 66.2°F. Pressure: 29.33 in 993.1 hPa (Rising).
16:27 <Stempo> MrBoto <3
16:27 <MrBoto> MrBoto <3 Stempo too :3
16:32 -!- Stempo [n=446e0204@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC (EOF)"]
16:43 -!- Seeker [n=Tim@cmu-24-35-55-42.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has left #armagetron []
17:05 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:21 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
17:43 <ghableska> #tea
17:43 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (1/32): ~ B ~
19:00 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
19:00 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-109-179.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
19:14 * kidanger part quelques minutes
19:14 -!- kidanger is now known as kidanger[away]
19:34 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@184.24-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
19:53 -!- Stewie-Arma [n=HellBlad@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]
19:55 <Lucifer_arma> goo goo goo, ga ga ga, is all I want to say to you
19:55 <MrBougo> bag
19:55 <MrBougo> bah
19:56 -!- MrBougo is now known as trufanoduma
19:56 -!- trufanoduma is now known as MrBougo
19:57 -!- MrBougo is now known as Xadeon
19:58 -!- Xadeon [n=MrBougo@184.24-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
19:58 -!- Bougo [i=MrBougo@184.24-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
19:58 -!- Bougo is now known as MrBougo
20:00 -!- MrBougo [i=MrBougo@184.24-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Client Quit]
20:01 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@184.24-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
20:03 -!- HellBlade-Arma [n=HellBlad@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
20:06 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has left #armagetron ["MrBougo"]
20:09 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has joined #armagetron
20:17 <MrBougo> &quit
20:17 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has quit ["MrBougo"]
20:17 <MrBougo> bye
20:17 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@184.24-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
20:28 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@ppp-69-221-251-153.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
20:31 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@2002:45dd:fb99:0:0:0:45dd:fb99] has joined #armagetron
20:36 -!- kidanger[away] [n=kidanger@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
20:37 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
20:40 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has quit [Client Quit]
20:43 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
20:45 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has quit [Client Quit]
21:13 -!- Hoax- [n=Hoax@dyn-62-56-82-78.dslaccess.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:18 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@ip72-206-114-236.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
21:31 <HellBlade-Arma> ping xfroggy
21:39 <HellBlade-Arma> #ping
21:39 <armabot> pong
21:39 <HellBlade-Arma> #piong
21:39 <armabot> poing
21:39 <HellBlade-Arma> #poing
21:39 <armabot> piong
21:48 -!- HellBlade-Arma [n=HellBlad@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:55 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.80.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
22:09 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.80.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
22:43 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034241231.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
22:58 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
23:51 -!- spidey [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
23:54 <armabot> armagetronad: guru3 * r7321 /www/mainsite/links.php: DD|Clan website
View entire month
DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.
• Website was created by nelg
• Design:
» Layout is loosely based on an old design by Durf.
» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
» Other icons: fontawesome

is a site that has tools, maps, and other various items. It orignally only existed as a server control panel, but I slowly began adding stuff such as a homepage and tools.