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Log from 2006-05-11:
--- Day changed Thu May 11 2006
00:27 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577B8A46.versanet.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:28 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
00:30 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50872173.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
00:57 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50872173.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:13 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has quit ["Pong timeout"]
02:18 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
02:33 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has quit ["server relocation"]
03:24 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #armagetron
03:31 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has quit ["Reconnecting"]
03:31 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #armagetron
04:35 -!- Lucifer_arma [n=dave@user-0vvdcf9.cable.mindspring.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
06:47 <Luke-Jr> wrtlprnft: I hope the version increments quickly, 2.6.18 is supposed to include a driver for my WiFi dongle
06:57 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has quit [Connection timed out]
07:00 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
07:30 -!- joda_bot [n=joda@perugia.math.uni-paderborn.de] has joined #armagetron
07:30 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft, are you there ? ;)
07:31 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: http://www.microbuscity.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=6965
07:31 <joda_bot> :)
07:37 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: now i am
07:41 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: So is MBC interested in playing vs. the 8th or do we just skip that ?
07:41 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: For me it depends on MBC and we only qualify for further matches if that's ok for the other teams
07:43 <joda_bot> #later tell wrtlprnft ping ;)
07:43 <armabot> joda_bot: The operation succeeded.
07:44 <joda_bot> #echo #echo echo
07:44 <armabot> #echo echo
07:44 <joda_bot> #later tell armabot #echo #later tell armabot ...
07:44 <armabot> joda_bot: Error: I can't send notes to myself.
07:46 <joda_bot> #echo #ping
07:46 <armabot> #ping
07:46 <joda_bot> #say #ping
07:48 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: ok, i should then check with AW and something something right ?
07:49 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: If one of them disagrees with us reentering we declare it training otherwise we do a playoff
07:49 <joda_bot> us=8th
07:50 <wrtlprnft> if you want you can :D
07:50 <wrtlprnft> (honestly doesn't matter for us we'll likely get stomped anyways :D )
07:52 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: nah, we just mess ourself up too ;)
07:54 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: Who decides the dates for MBC ?
07:54 <wrtlprnft> uh, generally I just ask a date and if there's enough people who can play it's set :)
07:58 <joda_bot> ok, I'll offer some proposals then
08:12 <joda_bot> #later tell lackadaisical Does ?? support the 8th replacing Knights of Ni? if not we only do a friendship game vs. MBC
08:12 <armabot> joda_bot: The operation succeeded.
08:14 <z-man> anyone else confused by the team ancronyms?
08:16 <joda_bot> z-man: yes ;) atleast at times I get confused by "??" = Team Something Something
08:17 <joda_bot> z-man: the rest is fine for me
08:17 <wrtlprnft> not that compilicated
08:17 <z-man> That's about the only one that doesn't confuse me :)
08:17 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: we could plan and play the game and then see if it counts :D
08:17 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: I already considered doing it tonight ;)
08:18 <wrtlprnft> depends on if I can get my team together :D
08:18 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: same for me ;)
08:19 <wrtlprnft> #later tell Self_Destructo you ready to play a match vs 8T tonight?
08:19 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
08:19 <wrtlprnft> #later tell spider you ready to play a match vs 8T tonight?
08:19 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
08:19  * joda_bot hates Thunderbird using konqueror
08:19 <wrtlprnft> #later tell spidey you ready to play a match vs 8T tonight?
08:19 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
08:20 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: which time ?=
08:20 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: 18:00 GMT ok ?
08:20 <joda_bot> or earlier ;)
08:21 <wrtlprnft> #g 18:00 GMT in CDT
08:21 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
08:21 <wrtlprnft> aww
08:21 <wrtlprnft> if that's 1PM CDT I can't play...
08:21 <joda_bot> hm
08:22 <joda_bot> CDT = GMT-5
08:22 <wrtlprnft> yes
08:22 <joda_bot> ok, let's find a timezone overlap ;)
08:22 <wrtlprnft> 18:00 - 5:00 == 13:00
08:23 <wrtlprnft> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/MBC_(Tronic_SPOON)#General_availability
08:23 <joda_bot> oh my way ;)
08:23 <joda_bot> oh = on
08:23 <wrtlprnft> bst is GMT - 1 IIRC
08:24 <joda_bot> are demomatt or amoosh important ?
08:24 <wrtlprnft> well
08:24 <joda_bot> because they kind of lock down the corridor ;)
08:24 <wrtlprnft> we need 5 players i guess
08:24 <wrtlprnft> and count out wizz, she doesn't play spoon anymore
08:25 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: not a problem as she is available all time ;)
08:26 <wrtlprnft> well, it is a problem since that makes one player less :D
08:26 <joda_bot> 6PM-9PM looks ok ...
08:26 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: reload and look if it's still 5 :D
08:26 <wrtlprnft> but spider_ isn't on the list and i hope he can play
08:26 <joda_bot> this is 13:00-16:00 GMT
08:27 <joda_bot> e.g. 15:00 - 18:00 GMT ?
08:27 <joda_bot> uhh... last was GMT+2 (Germany)
08:27 <wrtlprnft> err
08:27 <wrtlprnft> 6PM == 18:00
08:28 <wrtlprnft> 18:00 + 5:00 = 23:00
08:28 <wrtlprnft> that's 1AM in Germany then
08:28 <joda_bot> 6PM CDT => 1 PM GMT => 3 PM GMT+2
08:29 <wrtlprnft> yuh have to add 5, not subtract...
08:29 <wrtlprnft> *you
08:29 <joda_bot> uh ah right ;)
08:29 <joda_bot> makes sense
08:30 <joda_bot> aw that makes it pretty difficult ...
08:30 <wrtlprnft> :(
08:30 <wrtlprnft> weekend?
08:31 <joda_bot> our times are usually 13:00-22:00 GMT => 08:00-17:00 CDT ?
08:31 <joda_bot> That's weekend times
08:31 <joda_bot> we might at most pick 23:00 GMT
08:31 <wrtlprnft> saturday (almost) any time is fine with mwe
08:32 <joda_bot> it's already 01:00 AM (German time)
08:32 <wrtlprnft> heh. I know joda_bot... that's why weekends are the only time i can call my parents
08:32 <joda_bot> ok, you try to get 5 players as early as possible and I try to get them as late as possible
08:32 <wrtlprnft> lol
08:33 <joda_bot> sasha has no problem playing late
08:33 <wrtlprnft> 5PM is bad for me, 4PM would be better
08:34 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: which timezone ;)
08:34 <wrtlprnft> mine
08:34 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: we should make it ;) because there are quite some us players 
08:35 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: ah wrong they're form the uk ;)
08:35 <joda_bot> so it's the same problem for them
08:35 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: can you post that time on the mbc forums (4PM CDT)?
08:35 <wrtlprnft> or 2PM, something like that
08:35 <wrtlprnft> I can't from here due to some stupid internet filter
08:36 <joda_bot> 4pm CDT => 21:00 GMT => 23:00 GMT+2
08:36 <joda_bot> ok ?
08:36 <joda_bot> just to make sure we have the same idea and I did not mess up conversion
08:36 <wrtlprnft> yes, that looks fine
08:37 <joda_bot> so earlier is a nono for MBC ?
08:37 <wrtlprnft> i can play earlier
08:37 <wrtlprnft> you can ask for earlier time, see who can play
08:38 <wrtlprnft> you could pobably even get it to 1PM
08:39 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: 1pm CDT => 13:00 CDT => 18:00 GMT => 20:00 GMT+2
08:39 <wrtlprnft> if all come as that table says we'll get ota, SD, spider_, and EE, that's gonna be a nice team :)
08:39 <joda_bot> which sounds a lot more comfortable for us
08:39 <wrtlprnft> then make it 1PM :)
08:39 <wrtlprnft> i just said 4PM was the latest i could come
08:39 <wrtlprnft> and g2g now, school
08:39 <joda_bot> I guess we settle for a time between 18:00 GMT - 21:00 GMT (weekend?) correct ?
08:40 <wrtlprnft> yes
08:40 <joda_bot> that's 1pm - 4pm CDT
08:40 <wrtlprnft> exactly :)
08:40 <joda_bot> ok ... fine
08:40 <wrtlprnft> please post it to the mbc forums so there's some time for people to say whether they can come
08:41  * wrtlprnft is really away now
08:50 -!- n54 [n=n54@138.80-203-102.nextgentel.com] has joined #armagetron
09:11 <joda_bot> hi n54 
09:12 <n54> hi joda :)
09:15 <joda_bot> hm, lucifer is off :|
09:15 <joda_bot> => wiki is offline
10:29 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@p5090A16D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
10:36 <joda_bot> wiki is back online ;)
10:36 -!- joda_bot [n=joda@perugia.math.uni-paderborn.de] has quit ["Leaving"]
10:38 -!- n54 [n=n54@138.80-203-102.nextgentel.com] has left #armagetron []
10:45 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@p509097FE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:01 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has quit ["Pong timeout"]
11:08 -!- wejp [n=j0hannes@i577BAD86.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
11:29 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
11:41 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-097-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
11:43 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50873DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
11:53 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-097-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #armagetron []
12:32 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50873DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:58 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50873DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
14:21 -!- n54 [n=n54@138.80-203-102.nextgentel.com] has joined #armagetron
14:49 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["-"]
16:11 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50873DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit []
16:14 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50873DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
17:02 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-097-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
17:03 <joda_bot> z-man z-man-home: any chance you can extract the ip of a player on the vserver
17:03 <joda_bot> I can't access the screen session from the tron account
17:03 <joda_bot> Someone is imposting and I guess I've met this one before
17:09 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: do you have screen access for the vServer ?
17:18 -!- SD|away is now known as Self_Destructo
17:25 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: nope
17:25 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: got his IP ;)
17:26 <z-man-home> joda_bot: how?
17:26 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: first login name was Rudi
17:26 <joda_bot> from z-mans logs
17:26 <joda_bot> his home dir is free to read ;)
17:26 <z-man-home> They're readable?
17:26 <z-man-home> heh
17:27 <wrtlprnft> just figured that out
17:27 <z-man-home> how forward thinking of me
17:27 <wrtlprnft> lol
17:28 <joda_bot> :P
17:28 <joda_bot> z-man-home: I was about to try to find the screen pid file, and try to attach to a different users screen session
17:28 <joda_bot> not sure if that will work
17:29 <z-man-home> I think it wouldn't
17:29 <joda_bot> afaik you have to tell screen to allow it ;)
17:29 <wrtlprnft> that would better not work or my server has a big security hole
17:29 <wrtlprnft> did you look at /proc/cpuinfo? impressive
17:30 <wrtlprnft> and 6G of ram aren't unimpressive either ;)
17:30 <wrtlprnft> assuming those are the real specs and not messed up by the virtual machine
17:30 <z-man-home> well, that's the host's specs, I think
17:32 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: well, i only see that IP logging in and out...
17:33 <z-man-home> Rudi's IP is again totally different from any other moron's IP I've seen, different subnet
17:33 <Luke-Jr> wrtlprnft: can I have 6 GB RAM?
17:34 <z-man-home> Sure, make a big swapfile
17:34 <Luke-Jr> ...
17:34 <joda_bot> z-man-home: wrtlprnft: did he really log out right afterwards ?
17:34 <wrtlprnft> no, that vserver seems to have 5g ram :)
17:34 <Luke-Jr> already have that
17:34 <Luke-Jr> OS: GNU/Linux 2.6.14-gentoo-r2-ljr/x86_64 - CPU: 1 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (2202.889 MHz) - Processes: 350 - Uptime: 43d 19h 55m - Users: 95 - Load Average: 2.43 - Memory Usage: 3518MB/1003MB (350%)
17:34 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: nvm, i see now... comes later
17:34 <Luke-Jr> 2.5 GB of swap used
17:34 <wrtlprnft> 6G ram and 8G swap
17:35 <Luke-Jr> who needs swap w/ 6 GB RAM?
17:35 <z-man-home> Luke-Jr: WTF are you running on your machine? Is this just one huge tmpfs?
17:35 <wrtlprnft> well, 2mb of it are used
17:35 <wrtlprnft> and 4CPUs are nice too
17:35 <Luke-Jr> z-man-home: you have access; ps uax =p
17:35 <Luke-Jr> my tmpfs is 90 MB
17:36  * z-man-home can't be bothered
17:36 <z-man-home> :)
17:36 <Luke-Jr> want me to paste it here? lol
17:36 <z-man-home> err, no
17:36 <z-man-home> I'm not really that interested, actually ;)
17:36 <Luke-Jr> KDE, I guess
17:37 <Luke-Jr> something like 10-15 Konsoles, similar w/ Konqueror
17:37 <Luke-Jr> things like that
17:37 <wrtlprnft> yeah. and some kagregator is using up your CPU
17:37 <Luke-Jr> oh, right
17:37 <Luke-Jr> I hate Akregator
17:37 <wrtlprnft> and tons of /usr/bin/bash
17:37 <wrtlprnft> err, /bin/bash
17:37 <Luke-Jr> Know a good RSS thing?
17:37 <Luke-Jr> one that doesn't eat RAM and CPU?
17:37 <joda_bot> z-man-home: is there a vserver admin pw ?
17:37 <wrtlprnft> doesn't exist i guess
17:37 <Luke-Jr> RSS sucks anyway
17:38 <wrtlprnft> everything needs RAM and CPU
17:38 <joda_bot> z-man-home: I'm in a mood to find Rudi and ban him ;)
17:38 <Luke-Jr> news should be pushed, not pulled
17:38 <z-man-home> Yes, but I'm not posting it on IRC
17:38 <wrtlprnft> Luke-Jr: that's mailing lists
17:38 <Luke-Jr> wrtlprnft: you know what I mean
17:38 <Luke-Jr> wrtlprnft: yes, but something in a standard format for aggregation and such
17:38 <joda_bot> z-man-home: can u put it into a text file... ah wait where are the autoexec.cfg for the tron server ;)
17:38 <wrtlprnft> well, I use opera anyways, so i use the rss reader it has as a bonus :D
17:39 <z-man-home> can't you just put a ssh key on the tron user account?
17:40 <joda_bot> generated the key but can't append it ;)
17:40 <joda_bot> your right are not that generous ;)
17:41 <z-man-home> heheh
17:41 <wrtlprnft> warning, i just put mine there, don't add that unless you want to give me access
17:41 <z-man-home> I may be dumb, but not stupid
17:41 <z-man-home> np
17:41 <wrtlprnft> the one ending in mathias@laptop is mine
17:42 <Luke-Jr> what are you all talking about anyway?
17:42 <Luke-Jr> I just heard 6 GB RAM =p
17:43 <z-man-home> Done, you can now both also login as z-man
17:43 <Luke-Jr> ...
17:43 <z-man-home> and run "screen -RR" from there
17:43 <joda_bot> z-man-home: are you sure there is admin pw ?
17:43 <z-man-home> Oh, that admin pw
17:43 <z-man-home> no, there isn't one
17:44 <joda_bot> there is none in the var autoexec.cfg and none in the /etc/armagetronad-dedicated7 ...
17:44 <joda_bot> *sigh*
17:44 <Luke-Jr> z-man: wouldn't -rx work better? =p
17:44 <z-man-home> I thought you meant the ROOT pw
17:44 <joda_bot> ah no ;)
17:44 <joda_bot> I just wanted to get ban / kick rights ;)
17:44 <Luke-Jr> ...
17:46 <z-man-home> K, now there is an ADMIN_PASS
17:46 <z-man-home> Luke-Jr: wtf are you talking about?
17:47 <Luke-Jr> z-man: screen -rx
17:47 <z-man-home> why? -RR always works fine for me :)
17:47 <Luke-Jr> what are *you* talking about? =p
17:47 <Luke-Jr> -RR appears it wouldn't work well w/ multiple screen sessions
17:47 <z-man-home> The vserver test
17:47 <Luke-Jr> vserver test?
17:48 <z-man-home> -RR opens the first it can get
17:48 <Luke-Jr> I noticed
17:48 <z-man-home> yes, I "rented" a zero cost vserver for three days
17:48 <Luke-Jr> O.o
17:48 <z-man-home> It's on the developer's only section in the forum
17:48  * Luke-Jr wonders what the point is?
17:48 <Luke-Jr> ok
17:48 <z-man-home> the access data, I mean
17:48 <z-man-home> To test whether a vserver has enough power as a game server
17:49 <z-man-home> so we can tell aspiring server admins "yes, a vserver is enough"
17:49 <z-man-home> or not :)
17:49 <Luke-Jr> what is a 'vserver'?
17:50 <Luke-Jr> just UML?
17:50 <z-man-home> A virtual server
17:50 <z-man-home> no, a server machine
17:50 <z-man-home> but not a real one, it's emulated in a virtual machine on some BIG box
17:50 <Luke-Jr> so... uml
17:50 <z-man-home> what's UML? beside universal markup stuff :)
17:51 <Luke-Jr> User Mode Linux
17:51 <z-man-home> yes, something like that
17:51 <z-man-home> but actually, I think XEN is used
17:51 <Luke-Jr> Linux that  runs as a usermode process'
17:51 <Luke-Jr> o
17:51 <z-man-home> as a basis
17:51 <Luke-Jr> so why *wouldn't* it work?
17:51 <z-man-home> The actual software is called "Virtuozzo"
17:51 <z-man-home> Because it may not have enough CPU power
17:52 <z-man-home> Or memory
17:52 <z-man-home> Or restrictions for software you can install imposed by the hoster
17:53 <wrtlprnft> z-man-home: ack, i forgot a letter in my key
17:53 <Luke-Jr> software restrictions kinda defeat the point of a vserver
17:53 <wrtlprnft> it would need to say "ssh-rsa", not "sh-rsa" to work
17:54 <Luke-Jr> ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALDS9qOvIO8pj2i3Q7ozRw+yjm5gz3GcDHbNowEQ42P74QCoBMzGeGh418mwivvhMGsmQne8E5XsK3FJQnY/ymv4mmV0rpgCAVdUTJR5SwycEGdr81nRS1Q70X93Q5TNKZUrg4t5K5OWZYJDn6qRm82RNSOp6o8GZVdgI9G1MCLRAAAAFQDIkyXr2kflmOrqutaoNeR35J3JFwAAAIA4J70r4Vj6keuOHk/CesYt7tHCoIxM6fghPrc8WNRrefhAbE9Vpso9TxyTvgPL8eari+jPAA0BW0B42TvzEnDP0plrmMnGkn+bEw7VNfAkV61bgXKNb12WY9kXXyXJid9085ibG+hvzG1ENp19MfJgL/DBBeMztTXoD3YBAwNnzAAAAIB9TVk7yGtzzX/5QH8n
17:54 <Luke-Jr> BkK728JilX6l+ybNWMZ81xcenhO/GtfpbLeNlBgaNmuEiXiNODsxa0VKJj5Av94GKcQ0FddwGmU2yhfFo9N+afa9TkE/Bqg8BU4riFoqo6OVuWegTsI+o1RU0Xpt/hxXS3UK0e6vLQWu+vZyEe9NDOgz5A== luke-jr@arumekun
17:54 <wrtlprnft> z-man-home: thanks :)
17:56 <z-man-home> Luke-Jr: wait, how do I know you're really Luke-Jr?
17:57  * z-man-home is slightly paranoid
17:57 <z-man-home> Use the access data from the forum to login as tron, you should be able to ssh to z-man@localhost then if you want access to the running server
17:57 <wrtlprnft> good point ;)
17:58 <wrtlprnft> well, then you could as well totally get rid of the tron account somehow ;)
17:58 <z-man-home> Yeah, I probably could
17:59 <z-man-home> but I wrote down the password to the other one on a piece of paper I can't find
17:59 <z-man-home>  :)
17:59 <z-man-home> And the server will probably get shut down in a few hours, so I won't bother. It's yours now :)
18:00 <joda_bot> hm ?
18:00 <z-man-home> Well, the transatlantic people may have a thing or two to test
18:01 <Luke-Jr> heh, anyone think it might be worth asking them to do a deal: we get a vserver for the project, and we recommend them for hosting? ;)
18:02 <Luke-Jr> so who's running the server in screen?
18:02 <z-man-home> Not me
18:02 <z-man-home> you can steal it with -RR -D :)
18:02 <Luke-Jr> not really
18:03 <Luke-Jr> -RR makes a new session
18:03 <Luke-Jr> had to do -Rx for that
18:03 <z-man-home> and "screen -RR -D" just got me the server process. I have it now, bwahahaha!
18:04 <z-man-home> hmm, shall I kick wrtl?
18:04 <Luke-Jr> lol
18:04 <z-man-home> of course, you have to be user z-man, that's the one that is running the server
18:04 <z-man-home> hey
18:04 <z-man-home> screen sessions can be shared?
18:05 <Luke-Jr> with -x
18:05 <z-man-home> fun
18:06 <z-man-home> there, that was it
18:06 <Luke-Jr> wtf?
18:06 <z-man-home> server shutting down
18:07 <joda_bot> ...
18:07 <Luke-Jr> y
18:07 <joda_bot> lol someone restarted the system ;)
18:07 <wrtlprnft> wth just happened?
18:07 <z-man-home> yes, probably the admins.
18:07 <wrtlprnft> z-man-home: yes, they can
18:07 <z-man-home> It was running for three days already
18:07 <wrtlprnft> use screen -x
18:07 <z-man-home> we already discussed that in screen :)
18:07 <wrtlprnft> lol
18:07 <Luke-Jr> heh, anyone think it might be worth asking them to do a deal: we get a vserver for the project, and we recommend them for hosting? ;)
18:08 <wrtlprnft> lol
18:08 <z-man-home> Aren't we already doing that with antix?
18:08 <wrtlprnft> ?
18:08 <z-man-home> microbus's son who owns the servers MBC is running on
18:08 <wrtlprnft> i know that
18:08 <wrtlprnft> but i thought that was only sp and mbc
18:08 <Luke-Jr> we are? o.o
18:09 <wrtlprnft> and there's donations for mbc as well to keep the server up
18:09 <z-man-home> well, we're not actually recommending their service, but they're mentioned somewhere in the docs
18:09 <Luke-Jr> do we get anything in exchange?
18:09 <z-man-home> a master server
18:09 <Luke-Jr> hm
18:09 <z-man-home> and the mention is just with the list of people who run master servers, nowhere prominent
18:10  * wrtlprnft never saw that list
18:10 <z-man-home> just in the included docs nobody reads anyway
18:10 <Luke-Jr> well, if someone will trade a project vserver (Svn, web, etc) for recommendation, that'd be better for us I think ;)
18:10 <wrtlprnft> i know luci has one, but that's about it
18:10 <wrtlprnft> i assume z-man-home has one, too
18:10 <wrtlprnft> abd there's 5 of them :D
18:10 <z-man-home> right
18:10 <z-man-home> four
18:10 <wrtlprnft> hmm
18:10 <wrtlprnft> the last one is luke's then?
18:10 <z-man-home> iF has the fourth
18:10 <wrtlprnft> ah
18:10 <Luke-Jr> I don't run one
18:11 <wrtlprnft> might have been, who knows
18:11  * z-man-home goes to bed
18:11 <wrtlprnft> night
18:11 <Luke-Jr> why?
18:12 <joda_bot> nixda.net runs on a 1&1 vserver AFAIK
18:12 <z-man-home> night
18:12 <Luke-Jr> IIRC, 1and1 is annoying
18:12  * joda_bot is admin .... hihi but no clue about the deals
18:12 <wrtlprnft>    Registrar: EPAG DOMAINSERVICES GMBH
18:12 <joda_bot> well I got an account and admin rights for the server ;)
18:12 <wrtlprnft> Person              : Thorsten Klee
18:13 <joda_bot> which is running on my account not root
18:13 <wrtlprnft> Person              : Webplus24 GmbH
18:13 <wrtlprnft> nice :)
18:13 <joda_bot> Thorsten is the real owner ;) but he has no time
18:13 <joda_bot> or interest anymore
18:14 <wrtlprnft> I'm thinking about a vserver, it would probably be stronger from network, CPU and RAM than my current machine, but I have no idea how i can live with 3GM storage
18:14 <wrtlprnft> su i guess I'll stay with my current setup
18:14 <wrtlprnft> maybe fix the RAM one day, those crashes and SSH errors are annoying
18:15 <joda_bot> hehe
18:15 <wrtlprnft> not hehe. always fun to phone my parents in the middle of the night to press the restart button
18:16 <wrtlprnft> and of course, since I'm no there I have no way to fix it
18:16 <wrtlprnft> *not
18:16 <Luke-Jr> BTW, ARP Proxy is nice
18:28 <wrtlprnft> joda_bot: the chat on your site is somewhat disfunctional... i can only connect for a few seconds
18:28 <wrtlprnft> why not direct it to this channel? :D
18:33 -!- z-man-home [n=manuel@p50873DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:40 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft: might be... there is noone around anyways
18:40 <joda_bot> and sylv setup the chat
18:40 <joda_bot> I'd rather use a java applet or some flash irc client if such a solution exists
18:42  * n54 is around, at least partly...
18:43 <wrtlprnft> just post a link to a real irc client :D
18:44 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer_arma is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 29 times.
18:44 <wrtlprnft> For example, like this: * Lucifer_arma smacks forehead
18:44 <wrtlprnft> is Lucifer a split personality then?
18:44 <joda_bot> wrtlprnft:  ?
18:45 <joda_bot> ah ok, you're reading tank's report site again ?
18:45 <wrtlprnft> yes
18:45 <wrtlprnft> it's fun once in a while :D
18:45 <n54> yeah :)
18:46 <wrtlprnft> and no wonder, ghab still has the shortest lines :D
18:46 <n54> :)
19:04 <Luke-Jr> wrtlprnft: Java works [almost] anywhere
19:04 <Luke-Jr> though personally, I'd prefer moving most IRC within a MOO somewhere =p
19:14 <Luke-Jr> 4. Read-only rsync service
19:15 <joda_bot> gn8
19:15 <Luke-Jr> Our improved CVS service architecture, which we plan to deploy tomorrow afternoon (2006-05-12),
19:15 <Luke-Jr> bad timing, I'll be gone until Mon
19:15 <Luke-Jr> but once I get back, Svn shouldn't be long
19:15 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-097-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #armagetron []
19:19 <wrtlprnft> cya Luke-Jr 
19:32 -!- Lucifer_arma [n=dave@user-0vvdcf9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #armagetron
19:33 <Lucifer_arma> k
19:33 <wrtlprnft> hi :)
19:33 <wrtlprnft> how did the tests go?
19:34 <wrtlprnft> s/tests/exams/
19:37 <n54> yeah how did it go?
19:38 <Luke-Jr> he failed =p j/k
19:39 <wrtlprnft> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Remove_Gnome
19:39 <wrtlprnft> just found that... handy :)
19:40 <wrtlprnft> I still had some packages that occasionally updated for no reason... hope they're gone now
19:40  * wrtlprnft made the mistake to install and try GNOME and never really got rid of it
19:40 <wrtlprnft> first thing it did was mess up my kmenu
19:43 <Luke-Jr> wrtlprnft: depclean should wrok, in theory
19:43  * Luke-Jr saved the contents of 'emerge -pv' beofre installing it ;)
19:51 <wrtlprnft> it wasn't just that
19:51 <wrtlprnft> i had some things like themes for gnome installed as well
19:53 <wrtlprnft> but for some reasons they weren't in my world file...
19:59  * n54 remembers he has forgotten to take his pills....
20:06 <n54> it seems lucifer went to sleep as soon as he logged on... ?
20:14 <wrtlprnft> looks like it
20:15 <wrtlprnft> probably exhausting exams :)
20:15 <n54> :)
20:24 <wrtlprnft> test
20:24 <n54> test of what?
20:24 <wrtlprnft> (testing my new logsupload script... it's only supposed to update if arma is not running... gave me a lag bomb every 5 minutes
20:25 <n54> gah
20:25 <wrtlprnft> so i wrote something to see if it uploads it :)
20:25 <n54> :)
20:25 <wrtlprnft> ok, it does
20:28 <wrtlprnft> wow 15 people already entered my trap server that renames everyone to player 1 and sets their color to red :D
20:28 <n54> hehe
20:28 <wrtlprnft> one chat line:
20:29 <wrtlprnft> [1] Player 1: watches me put my foot up admins ass.
20:29 <wrtlprnft> [1] Player 1: say
20:29 <wrtlprnft> [2] Player 1: hah
20:29 <wrtlprnft> [1] Player 1: xxxxxxx
20:29 <wrtlprnft> i expected a bit more comments
20:29 <n54> so would I
20:30 <wrtlprnft> most people just entered and left. probably didn't even realize they were renamed
20:30 <wrtlprnft> but well, i guess they did on the next server they entered :D
20:30 <n54> it sticks?
20:30 <wrtlprnft> yes
20:30 <n54> ouch
20:30 <wrtlprnft> unless you rename yourself
20:31  * wrtlprnft remembers that he wanted to rename all the bots to Player 1
20:33 <wrtlprnft> s/unless/until
20:33 <wrtlprnft> it's nothing bad that happens... you just have to change your name to what it was before. Althogh it might be a pain for those people with lots of special chars and colors in their names
20:34 <n54> yeah, well I don't have that but I guess someone like supertard could be a bit peeved :)
20:35 <n54> not that I think he would be
20:35 <wrtlprnft> heh. be happy i don't reset all the instant chats to default
20:36 <wrtlprnft> I'm sure he has his name backuped somewhere
20:36 <n54> makes me wonder if the server should be able to do some of the stuff you're mentioning
20:36 <n54> as sticky I mean
20:37 <wrtlprnft> yeah, i know. It will be fixed
20:37 <n54> becaue what you're doing is changing the user's files on their end right? otherwise how would it be sticky?
20:37 <wrtlprnft> that's a bug, although not a critical one
20:37 <n54> ok
20:37 <wrtlprnft> no, it just changes the settings
20:37 <n54> so if you restart the program all is back to usual?
20:37 <wrtlprnft> it's like you were to enter PLAYER_1 Player 1 on the console
20:38 <wrtlprnft> but since those are sticky items they get saved on exit
20:38 <wrtlprnft> it only works with a few, basically everything you can access from the menu
20:39 <wrtlprnft> the rest is either non-sticky or gets set by the server anyways
20:39 <n54> yeah i get it
20:39 <n54> it's bad imo :)
20:39 <wrtlprnft> i know it is, but not dangerous
20:40 <wrtlprnft> you can't write to any file directly
20:40 <n54> yup I got that
20:41 <wrtlprnft> although changing the old HUD configs could bake up for some confusion with noobs
20:41 <wrtlprnft> those are sticky, but they can't be accessed and reset using the menu
20:42 <n54> I'm all for the server being able to force options and settings for it's gameplay but I don't think it should have any sort of stickyness or even indirect manipulation of user files
20:43 <wrtlprnft> that's why it's a bug and going to be fixed with the next version. There's a thread in the dev forums about it
20:43 <n54> unless there were a folder dedicated to it (which might be needed)
20:43 <n54> yeah I know you told me, I'm not worried I'm just talking :D
20:43 <wrtlprnft> :D
20:44 <n54> perhaps i come across as argumentative, it's not my intention, I'm jsut talking :)
20:44 <wrtlprnft> it just looked to me like you thought it was a really serious issue
20:44 <wrtlprnft> the MAP_FILE and ../ one was serious
20:45 <n54> armagetron/ad is still a young program I don't except it to be "secure"
20:45 <wrtlprnft> not that young
20:46 <wrtlprnft> and, well, it should be secure enough to prevent someone else from installing spyware on your computer :D
20:46 <n54> the things I really worry about is stuff like this: http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/402
20:46 <n54> perhaps :)
20:47 <wrtlprnft> I'm pretty sure that arma has the possibility for a heap/stack overflow somewhere, but noone found it yet, so it's safe :)
20:47 <n54> lol that's a flawed definition of safe but ok ;)
20:48 <wrtlprnft> well, it would take a serious effort to find and exploit one, it's easier to just wait for the next bug in IE and use that :)
20:49 <wrtlprnft> so probably the first one to find the error will be one of the devs and i trust them not to use that against anyone and not make it public before it's fixed
20:50 <n54> noone sane would run armagetronad or similar on a truly safe system anyway, I don't worry about that
20:50 <wrtlprnft> there is no such thing as a truly safe system
20:51 <n54> you're right but read my link for reference :)
20:51 <wrtlprnft> I just always think that arma is so exotic that it isn't worth designing a mass exploit and I don't think that contents of my machines are so important for anyone that they would attack me personally
20:52 <wrtlprnft> which would be a considerable amount of work and i'd probably notice it before it succeeds
20:52 <n54> I think those are flawed arguments but it's not really anything to discuss, you do as you please
20:53 <n54> and I don't mean that in any kind of bad way
20:53 <wrtlprnft> and, someone who would attack someone using arma, why would he attack me?
20:54 <wrtlprnft> *if
20:56 <wrtlprnft> uh, well, and for an attacker on this machine who would get rights on my user account there would be no use in exploiting a bug in X11 to gain root rights
20:57 <wrtlprnft> they could just log what i type and wait for me to enter my root password
20:58 <n54> the point of the article is ring0 not X itself, that's just an example (and primarily just one for what kinds of things that I think are worrying security-wise)
20:58 <wrtlprnft> and a server isn't supposed to run X11 anyways. And there's stuff like SELINUX
20:58 <wrtlprnft> there you can run apache and whatever as a normal user and just give them the special rights they need
20:59 <n54> I think you misunderstand
20:59 <wrtlprnft> so apache would gain the right to open port 80 and write to its logs, but nothing more
20:59 <wrtlprnft> uh, guess so
21:00 <n54> no worries :)
21:09 <Lucifer_arma> got a 98 on the paper I turned in late
21:09 <n54> wow
21:10 <Lucifer_arma> he wrote a comment at the end "most americans would probably disagree"  :)
21:10 <wrtlprnft> nice
21:10 <n54> was this the space one?
21:10 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, that one
21:11 <wrtlprnft> i found sometimes it's a good idea to write something the teacher doesn't expect, although it depends on the teacher
21:11 <Lucifer_arma> so I have a 90.9% in that class right now, and I'm pretty sure I got an A on the final.  Hmm, time to play what-if
21:14 <Lucifer_arma> looks like I can get as low as a 77 on the final and still get an A in the class, so that's done.  :)
21:14 <wrtlprnft> what's the border for A? 85%?
21:14 <Lucifer_arma> not sure about my calc class.  I might have pulled off an A, I might have slid to a B :(
21:14 <Lucifer_arma> 90%
21:14 <Lucifer_arma> well, 89.5%, since it rounds up to a 90
21:14 <wrtlprnft> is the exam worth so few?
21:14 <Lucifer_arma> um, it's more like my other grades are high
21:15 <Lucifer_arma> there's 5 grades total, with the lowest grade dropped, which he normally doesn't do
21:15 <Lucifer_arma> they're averaged together.  4 are tests, 1 is the paper.
21:15 <wrtlprnft> but if you're at 90.9% now...
21:16 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@] has joined #armagetron
21:16 <Lucifer_arma> so basically, if the last test was really bad, then it'll be dropped, and my average is the 90.9 I have now.  Or I did something wrong, likely.  :)
21:16 <wrtlprnft> that means all you did until now, just excluding the exam, right?
21:16 <wrtlprnft> oh, it'll be dropped, ok
21:16 <wrtlprnft> then it makes sense
21:16 <wrtlprnft> 1.4% didn't seem like a lot of room for me ;)
21:17 <n54> what class was this btw?
21:17 <n54> history?
21:17 <Lucifer_arma> this was History 2
21:17 <n54> ok
21:17 <Lucifer_arma> #g 89.5*4
21:17 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: 89.5 * 4 = 358
21:17 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@p5090A16D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
21:17 <Lucifer_arma> #g 358/4
21:17 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: 358 / 4 = 89.5
21:18 <Lucifer_arma> #g (87.4 + 95.4 + 98.0)/3
21:18 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: (87.4 + 95.4 + 98.0) / 3 = 93.6
21:18 <Lucifer_arma> #g (87.4 + 95.4 + 98.0 + 82.6)/4
21:18 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: (87.4 + 95.4 + 98.0 + 82.6) / 4 = 90.85
21:18 <Lucifer_arma> ok, that one's my current average that doesn't include the final.
21:19 <Lucifer_arma> Basically, if this last test is worse than any test I've taken now, it gets dropped.  If it's better, my average only goes up.  So I've got an A
21:19 <Lucifer_arma> #g (87.4 + 95.4 + 98.0)
21:19 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: 87.4 + 95.4 + 98.0 = 280.8
21:19 <Lucifer_arma> #g 280.8 - 358
21:19 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: 280.8 - 358 = -77.2
21:19 <Lucifer_arma> er
21:20 <Lucifer_arma> #g 358-280.8
21:20 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: 358 - 280.8 = 77.2
21:20 <Lucifer_arma> ok, that's the minimum score on the final that I need to get an A.
21:20 <Lucifer_arma> Since that is lower than my lowest test score otherwise, it doesn't matter, does it?  :)
21:20 <n54> guess not :)
21:21 <wrtlprnft> guess so...
21:22  * n54 hopes guru3 isn't crushed by his exams either
21:23 <Lucifer_arma> #g 358 - 100 - 90
21:23 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: 358 - 100 - 90 = 168
21:23 <       Lucifer_arma> That's how many points I need in my government class to get an A, and that's divided amongst 3 scores
21:23 <       Lucifer_arma> #g 168 / 3
21:23 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: 168 / 3 = 56
21:23 <       Lucifer_arma> problem is, those three scores he hasn't bothered to tell us.  One is a paper, one is "participation" based on attendance/actual participation, and the third is a test
21:24 <       Lucifer_arma> hm
21:24 <       Lucifer_arma> #g (5 * 89.5)
21:24 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: 5 * 89.5 = 447.5
21:24 <       n54> probably because he wants you to do your best each time ;)
21:24 <       Lucifer_arma> ah, much more reasonable.  I thought that was something off.  Ok...
21:24 <       Lucifer_arma> #g (5 * 89.5) - 190
21:24 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: (5 * 89.5) - 190 = 257.5
21:24 <       Lucifer_arma> #g 257.5/3
21:24 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: 257.5 / 3 = 85.8333333
21:25 <       Lucifer_arma> So I need an 85.8 average on remaining classwork.  The thing that irks me is that I shouldn't have to guess at so many loose points when the semester's over.
21:25 <       Lucifer_arma> The fucker slacked on grading the papers and our last test, so I had to take the optional final because I had no way to know what my grade was.
21:26 <       Lucifer_arma> So there's 4 grades hanging loose, and one of them will be dropped.  Anyway, I can't keep my mouth shut about politics, so it's probably a given I got an A for participation.
21:26 <       Lucifer_arma> #g (5 * 89.5) - 190 - 95
21:26 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: (5 * 89.5) - 190 - 95 = 162.5
21:26 <       Lucifer_arma> #g 162.5/2
21:26 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: 162.5 / 2 = 81.25
21:27 <       Lucifer_arma> My paper was perfect, except it was boring.  but it was spell-checked, good grammar, etc.  It was technically perfect, the only way he could *not* give it an A is because it's boring.
21:27 <       Lucifer_arma> #g (5 * 89.5) - 190 - 95 - 90
21:27 <       armabot> Lucifer_arma: (5 * 89.5) - 190 - 95 - 90 = 72.5
21:27 *       )) Lucifer_armaSo I need somewhere around a low C on the leftover test, provided my assumptions hold out.  But really, I just can't imagine *not* getting an A on a paper.  :)
21:28 *       )) Lucifer_armaok, now the painful one.
21:28 Lucifer_a)) #g 95 + 87 + 88 + 94
21:28   armabot)) Lucifer_arma: 95 + 87 + 88 + 94 = 364
21:28 Lucifer_a)) #g 89.5 * 5
21:28   armabot)) Lucifer_arma: 89.5 * 5 = 447.5
21:29 Lucifer_a)) #g 447.5 - 364
21:29   armabot)) Lucifer_arma: 447.5 - 364 = 83.5
21:29 Lucifer_a)) So to get an A for my test average in calculus, I needed an 83.5 on the final, which I almost certainly got.
21:29 Lucifer_a)) Now here's the catch.  That's 90% of the grade.  The other 10% is homework.
21:30 Lucifer_a)) He hasn't handed it all back yet, mostly because we turned in the last group of homework today.  I can't see what I turned in affecting my homework average at all, though.
21:31 Lucifer_a)) ok, call it somewhere around 30% to be really conservative.
21:31           )) Lucifer_armadepends entirely on how generous he was over late homework.
21:32           )) Lucifer_arma#g 0.9 * (95 + 87 + 88 + 94) + 0.1 * ( 30)
21:32           )) armabotLucifer_arma: (0.9 * (95 + 87 + 88 + 94)) + (0.1 * 30) = 330.6
21:32           )) Lucifer_arma#g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 88 + 94)/4 ) + 0.1 * ( 30)
21:32           )) armabotLucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 88 + 94) / 4)) + (0.1 * 30) = 84.9
21:32           )) Lucifer_arma#g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 90)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 30)
21:32           )) armabotLucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 90) / 5)) + (0.1 * 30) = 84.72
21:32           )) Lucifer_arma#g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 100)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 30)
21:32           )) armabotLucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 100) / 5)) + (0.1 * 30) = 86.52
21:33           )) Lucifer_armait may not have even been possible for me to pull off an A.  :(
21:33           )) Lucifer_arma#g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 100)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 50)
21:33           )) armabotLucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 100) / 5)) + (0.1 * 50) = 88.52
21:33           )) Lucifer_arma#g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 100)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 75)
21:33           )) armabotLucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 88 + 94 + 100) / 5)) + (0.1 * 75) = 91.02
21:33 Lucifer_arma)) #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 100)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 50)
21:33      armabot)) Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 100) / 5)) + (0.1 * 50) = 89.24
21:33 Lucifer_arma)) #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 87)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 50)
21:33      armabot)) Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 87) / 5)) + (0.1 * 50) = 86.9
21:33 Lucifer_arma)) #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 87)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 75)
21:33      armabot)) Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 87) / 5)) + (0.1 * 75) = 89.4
21:34 Lucifer_arma)) I think around a 75 is probably more realistic for my homework average, but I might get a B.  :(  That sucks.
21:34 *Lucifer_arma)) stops spamming with grade calculations
21:36    wrtlprnft)) no, that's fine with me, I'm testing IRC themes and can use that
21:36 Lucifer_arma)) heh, really, I'm done.  This guy's good about getting tests graded and final averages computed, and I just emailed him, so I"ll have the information pretty quickly.
21:37 Lucifer_arma)) which reminds me, I need to email my government teacher to nag.  I *know* I've got 2 A's so far, but there's still 2 classes I'm waiting to find out about.
21:39 )) So, I need to get at least a 75% on my homework average, which isn't guaranteed right now.  Then I need to et all my corrections points for the third test, which I turned in today.
21:39  *THen*, even an 87 on the final isn't enough.
21:39  #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 89)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 75)
21:39  Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 89) / 5)) + (0.1 * 75) = 89.76
21:39  #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 88)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 75)
21:39  okok, not I can't see any nicks
21:39  Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 88) / 5)) + (0.1 * 75) = 89.58
21:40  ok, after those two assumptions, I can get an 88 on the final and get an A.  It's pretty tight, so many things left.  He'll probably email me with an 86 or something.
21:40  maybe he'll suddenly decides he likes me a lot and wiggle the numbers some in my favor.  Not likely, though.  He's not that kind of teacher.  :)
21:41 <>problem is, change any of the two assumptions and my grade plummets.  Plummets, I say!
21:42 -!- Self_Destructo is now known as SD|away
21:42 <>cya guys
21:42 <>later
21:42 <>uh, guess so... no idea who said that
21:43 <>what a mess
21:43 <>that was SD|away 
21:43 <>ah ok
21:43 <>feels like being in the dark
21:49 <> #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 88)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 60)
21:49 <> Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 88) / 5)) + (0.1 * 60) = 88.08
21:49  * n54 turns on the light
21:49 <> #g 0.9 * ( (95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 88)/5 )
21:49 <> Lucifer_arma: 0.9 * ((95 + 87 + 92 + 94 + 88) / 5) = 82.08
21:51 <Lucifer_arma> #g 0.9 * ( (95 + (87+88)/2 + 92 + 94 + 88)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 60)
21:51 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + ((87 + 88) / 2) + 92 + 94 + 88) / 5)) + (0.1 * 60) = 88.17
21:51 <> #g 0.9 * ( (95 + (87+90)/2 + 92 + 94 + 90)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 60)
21:51 <> Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + ((87 + 90) / 2) + 92 + 94 + 90) / 5)) + (0.1 * 60) = 88.71
21:51 <> #g 0.9 * ( (95 + (87+94)/2 + 92 + 94 + 94)/5 ) + 0.1 * ( 60)
21:51 <> Lucifer_arma: (0.9 * ((95 + ((87 + 94) / 2) + 92 + 94 + 94) / 5)) + (0.1 * 60) = 89.79
21:52 <> haha
21:52 <> this is an optimization problem.  I should work it out on paper, then I can model it properly.  :)
21:53 <> test
21:53 <> where did the nicks go?...
21:53 <> brb
--- Log closed Thu May 11 21:53:45 2006
--- Log opened Thu May 11 21:54:01 2006
21:54 -!- wrtlprnft [n=wrtlprnf@S0106000f6687e817.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #armagetron
21:54 -!- Irssi: #armagetron: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
21:54 -!- Irssi: Join to #armagetron was synced in 4 secs
21:54 <> guess not...
21:58 <     wrtlprnft> #echo test
21:58 <     armabot> test
21:58 <     wrtlprnft> looks like this works again, somehow
22:03 <wrtlprnft> #echo test
22:03 <armabot> test

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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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