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Log from 2018-06-01:
[00:21:49] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets)
[00:53:40] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
[03:47:27] *** Joins: G5 (~g5@p200300EB4BC1A30014A8DFFD04D17B68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
[03:47:27] *** Joins: Aix_ (Aix@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-dwanohwfqaabdlat)
[10:04:07] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets)
[11:39:36] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets)
[15:42:40] *** Joins: Lucifer_arma (~dave@cpe-66-68-59-243.austin.res.rr.com)
[15:43:05] <Lucifer_arma> woo-hoo!  Out of the hospital in time for the ladle :)
[15:44:05] <ct|kyle> Lucifer_arma: Welcome back :P
[15:45:10] <Lucifer_arma> wow, if you want the forums to look busy, just go away for a few days
[15:45:14] <Lucifer_arma> ct|kyle: thank you
[15:45:23] <Lucifer_arma> this time I walked out with an antidepressant prescription
[15:46:48] * ct|kyle needs to remember to update ladle servers
[15:47:03] <ct|kyle> not really sure who need / get mod / admin privleges
[15:51:13] * Lucifer_arma needs to setup his ladle server, in case it's needed
[15:58:57] <ct|kyle> I have a feeling we'll have more servers than teams
[16:06:20] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets)
[17:03:24] *** Quits: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) (Excess Flood)
[17:03:32] *** Joins: luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
[21:12:31] *** Joins: zmanuel (~Z-Man@p5B3268D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
[21:12:31] *** Z-Man is now known as Guest14685
[21:12:32] *** Quits: Guest14685 (~Z-Man@p5B326798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (livingstone.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services)))
[21:12:32] *** zmanuel is now known as Z-Man

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