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Log from 2009-03-13:
--- Day changed Fri Mar 13 2009
00:00 <epsy> BabyBug, xorks?
00:00 <epsy> works *
00:00 <BabyBug> just finishing making now yup :)
00:00 <BabyBug> there's no erm, grid, morving background on the menus mind
00:01 <BabyBug> there's no grid in game either
00:01 <epsy> I've noticed that
00:01 <epsy> but thanks anyway
00:01 <BabyBug> No AI by default in Local Match either..
00:02 <epsy> maybe that was why gFloor & co were last
00:02 <epsy> will see that tomorrow
00:02 <epsy> night
00:02 <BabyBug> gdnight
00:02 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
00:03 <ivantis> ha ha ha
00:04 <ivantis> i had to submit goatse.fr for review
00:04 <ivantis> http://www.lightspeedsystems.com/Archive/WebsiteDetails.aspx?domain=goatse.fr#X
00:04 <ivantis> before it was marked as G
00:05 <ivantis> …
00:05 <ivantis> are those people fucking retarded?
00:05 <ivantis> http://www.lightspeedsystems.com/Archive/WebsiteDetails.aspx?domain=femse.com
00:05 <ivantis> it even has a thumbnail on there!
00:07 <zurd> luke-jr PING
00:07 <BabyBug> zurd, saying it more than once won't make him get back any quicker ;)
00:08 <zurd> but it save him from scrolling up to find it >.<
00:08 <zurd> did he say how long he would be out?
00:09 <BabyBug> newp, no one ever does on here....everyone's just plain rude and leaves without saying a word
00:10 <zurd> sarcasm, or a truth?
00:10 <BabyBug> truth
00:10 <zurd> thats not nice of them >.>
00:10 <BabyBug> every now and then someone will say night...but during the day...nothing
00:11 <BabyBug> z-man doesn't do it cause he's rude though. He does it cause he's lazy. But that also makes him the only nice person on here.
00:11  * Lizmatic loves BabyBug
00:12  * BabyBug loves Lizmatic 
00:12 <z-man> I don't say 'night because I don't want to spam
00:12  * ivantis thinks that everyone hates him
00:12 <Lizmatic> you're correct for once ivantis
00:12 <ivantis> everyone here at least
00:12 <BabyBug> z-man, you've already admitted you're lazy. Stop coming up with excuses now
00:13 <Lizmatic> who's this z-man anyway, does he play tron
00:13 <z-man> True, but that's not the reason I leave without saying something.
00:13 <ivantis> im like the opposite of one of those kids who becomes obsessed with some online social thing
00:13 <ivantis> people like me in the real world, but everyone hates me on irc
00:13 <BabyBug> Oh stop being so difficult! i payed you a compliment aswell! You could of just kept quiet :@
00:14 <BabyBug> Lizmatic, zman is zman =P
00:14 <Lizmatic> ivantis I bet that's a lie and just everyone hates you
00:14 <Lizmatic> with me its, I hate everyone in tron
00:14 <Lizmatic> and everyone IRL
00:14 <BabyBug> but loves me
00:15 <ivantis> im not the kind of guy who sits alone at lunch
00:15 <ivantis> i have a lot of friends, and not weird ones that no one else likes
00:15 <joda_bot> Lizmatic: hm, I guess you need a short history lesson :-)
00:15 <Lizmatic> do i O_O
00:15 <ivantis> "who is this z-man?"
00:15 <ivantis> God
00:16 <joda_bot> Lizmatic: z-man programmed the first version of armagetron :-) and he is (afaik) the only one who know the network and physics part of armagetron including all the underlying theory
00:16 <Lizmatic> really? gosh, I never knew
00:16 <Lizmatic> nice to meet you z-man
00:17 <BabyBug> Are you high again?
00:17 <Lizmatic> HOW DARE YOU
00:17 <Lizmatic> ID NEVER
00:17 <ivantis> gettin high?
00:17 <ivantis> oooh, you are bad
00:18 <BabyBug> how'd you figure that ivantis? it's perfectly legal =P
00:18 -!- nsh22 [n=neal@unaffiliated/nsh22] has joined #armagetron
00:18 <Lizmatic> I'm not bad, ask BB, I'm sweet
00:18 <nsh22> hero
00:19 <nsh22> herro*
00:19 <ivantis> bad things come from gettin high
00:19 <BabyBug> such as>
00:19 <BabyBug> ?
00:19 <nsh22> like youj? :P lol jk
00:19 <zurd> wb neal, no sign of luke
00:19 <nsh22> ivantis:
00:19 <nsh22> ...
00:19 <ivantis> no i never do that kind of stuff
00:19 <Lizmatic> http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/8/8a/Hot_chick_surprise.gif
00:19 <ivantis> nsh22: wat?
00:20 <nsh22> it was me adding you to my previous sentence
00:20 <joda_bot> Lizmatic: do I want to click on that link ?
00:20 <@armabot> armacommits: [trunk-cmake] r901 Set WIN32 flag on client builds || [trunk-cmake] r900 Have cmake complain when dependencies are not present....
00:20 <zurd> joda: no
00:20 <ivantis> joda_bot: prepare to have your mind blown
00:20 <nsh22> BabyBug: did you see the new command?
00:20 <Lizmatic> its a hot chick with a suprise
00:20 <nsh22> a chick with a dick?
00:21 <zurd> just sick and wrong,,,
00:21 <ivantis> yeah Lizmatic is high
00:21 <Lizmatic> dont be racists towards trannies
00:21 <Lizmatic> be racist towards spanish ppl
00:21 <Lizmatic> woowoo
00:21 <nsh22> Lizmatic: are you actually high?
00:22 <joda_bot> Lizmatic: are you aware that everything you say in here is stored and recorded on the net ?
00:22 <Lizmatic> eys
00:22 <Lizmatic> yes
00:22 <Lizmatic> amd
00:22 <Lizmatic> and
00:22  * joda_bot calls parents for sanity checks :-)
00:22 <Lizmatic> $_$
00:22 <nsh22> ]hug everyone
00:22 <ljrbot> nsh22 hugs everyone because they like them
00:23 <nsh22> :P
00:23 <nsh22> jk, i dont do that, it would be quite gay
00:23 <PinkTomato> or friendly
00:23 <zurd> OMFG thats so wrong... the dude looks so much like a chick
00:23 <Lizmatic> I KNOW
00:24 <ivantis> zurd: what did you want luke-jr for?
00:24 <zurd> neal and i need to talk business with him
00:25 <nsh22> OMG, that is mildly funny., he/she needs ductape :P
00:25 <zurd> lol
00:25 <nsh22> but still wrong nonetheless
00:25 <zurd> yes
00:25 <Lizmatic> RACISESTS
00:26 <nsh22> i never said the fact of being a tranny was wrong
00:26 <Lizmatic> did so
00:26 <Lizmatic> im sometimes a tranny but 2day im a helicoptergirl
00:26 <nsh22> the fact that (s)he tucked his/her dick back inside his/herself is
00:26 <zurd> and how us that racistest...you need a dictionary...
00:26 <nsh22> what exactly are you high on, i want some :P
00:27 <Lizmatic> huhu
00:27 <nsh22> ???
00:27  * Lizmatic flys her helikoptur!
00:27 <PinkTomato> run away!
00:27 <joda_bot>  /cmd silence spammers :D
00:28 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@77-64-161-27.dynamic.primacom.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910]"]
00:30 <Lizmatic> babybug
00:30 <Lizmatic> marry me!!
00:30 <BabyBug> i'm slowly getting nervous about you blurting something out...
00:31 <Lizmatic> teeeeehe
00:31 <Lizmatic> we have lots of sekrets
00:31 <Lizmatic> i should blurt stuf out
00:31 <BabyBug> ...
00:32 -!- smoothice [n=smoothic@97-118-165-122.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #armagetron
00:33 <nsh22> SMOOTH!!!!!!!!!!
00:33 <smoothice> NSH22!!!!!!!!!!!
00:33 <nsh22> MSN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:34 <ivantis> calm down!!!!!!!!!
00:34 <smoothice> ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:34 <Lizmatic> you guis homos`/?\
00:34 <Lizmatic> gonna cybe rlikeme n babybug???
00:34 <BabyBug> :| Shut up woman ><
00:35 <joda_bot> can someone for their own safety kick and ban Lizmatic. (S)he can not be hold responsible for her actions ...
00:35 <Lizmatic> arnet you a bot
00:36 <nsh22> BabyBug: plz do the above requested action lol
00:36 <Lizmatic> what!!!!
00:36 <Lizmatic> bb lhoves me :((
00:36 <ivantis> no this is entertaining
00:36 <BabyBug> #kick Lizmatic love makes us do terrible things!
00:36 <Lizmatic> HA
00:36 <Lizmatic> NUB
00:36 <BabyBug> ><
00:36 <nsh22> if she loved you, she would protect you from harming yourself
00:36 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "love makes us do terrible things!"]
00:36 <BabyBug> take ya time armabot
00:36 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
00:37 <Lizmatic> but like
00:37 <Lizmatic> isnt jodhabot a bot
00:37 <BabyBug> No
00:37 <Lizmatic> how cn he typ lik that
00:37 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-246-93.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
00:37 <joda_bot> yeah, but I'm caring and friendly bot, and right now I think it's best for you to either chat privatly in your own channel. Get some rest or do something offline were you don't leave clues to your activies for future employers ...
00:37 <joda_bot> I'm *a* caring
00:38 <joda_bot> #ban
00:38 <joda_bot> #help ban
00:38 <@armabot> joda_bot: Error: There is no command "ban".
00:38 <nsh22> smoothice: your version of msn doesnt support nidges....
00:38 <PinkTomato> nsh22: why are you nudging?
00:38 <PinkTomato> what's wrong with /msg
00:38 <Lizmatic> futur epmoyees?
00:38 <nsh22> to get hs attention
00:38 <Lizmatic> are you american>
00:38 <Lizmatic> amerikans ar usually parranoid
00:39 <PinkTomato> joda_bot: is not american I think
00:39 <Lizmatic> haha a talking tomato
00:39 <PinkTomato> bot was european I Think
00:39 <nsh22> haha a talking liz :P
00:39 <joda_bot> #help kick
00:39 <nsh22> #poll
00:39 <nsh22> #help poll
00:40 <@armabot> joda_bot: (kick [<channel>] <nick> [<reason>]) -- Kicks <nick> from <channel> for <reason>. If <reason> isn't given, uses the nick of the person making the command as the reason. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
00:40 <@armabot> nsh22: Error: There is no command "poll".
00:40 <BabyBug> Is she really doing anything ban worthy right this moment?
00:40 <joda_bot> BabyBug: no, that's not the point ...
00:40 <nsh22> being under the influence?
00:41 <joda_bot> drugs are fine by me, but she is just hurting herself in the end, and is not really responsible or brought to reason by talking
00:41 <BabyBug> well she's shut up now anyway
00:41 <ivantis> no drugs are baad
00:42 <joda_bot> ivantis: stop playing armagetron then
00:42 <ivantis> very very bad
00:42 <Lizmatic> hurting meself?
00:42 <Lizmatic> YOUR RIGHT
00:42 -!- sinewave [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-246-93.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
00:42 <Lizmatic> i elfell from my chair almost
00:42 <joda_bot> ivantis: don't eat sugared drings
00:42 <ivantis> i already stopped playing a while ago
00:42 <nsh22> drugs are bad, they couldve had a role in ivantis' birth :P
00:42 <joda_bot> eh drink :D
00:42 <ivantis> couldve
00:42 <ct|kyle> sinewave :(
00:42 <ivantis> but didnt
00:42 <nsh22> how do you know
00:42 <joda_bot> ct|kyle: ?
00:43 <ivantis> because im normal
00:43 <ivantis> not weird
00:43 <ivantis> like most of the people here
00:43 <ct|kyle> joda_bot: ?
00:43 <joda_bot> ct|kyle: ?
00:43 <sinewave> I left ct, thus :(
00:43 <ct|kyle> joda_bot: ?
00:43 <Lizmatic> ct is ghey
00:43 <joda_bot> sinewav: ?
00:43 <nsh22> you left ct? why?
00:43 <Lizmatic> cock ticklers
00:44 <ct|kyle> sinewave: but you still play fortress, don't you?
00:44 <BabyBug> #kban Lizmatic I'm so sorry ='(
00:44 -!- mode/#armagetron [+b *!n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] by armabot
00:44 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "I'm so sorry ='("]
00:44 <BabyBug> happy joda_bot? :P
00:44 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-76-88-116-195.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
00:44 <sinewave> yeah, but I like my team. Nothing against ct though.
00:44 <ivantis> everyone seen the latest?
00:44 <ivantis> http://xkcd.com/
00:44 <ivantis> ha thats a good one
00:45 <ivantis> Haiku-compliant
00:45 <joda_bot> I like the last one :-P
00:46 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-246-93.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
00:46 <smoothice> hi ¥@LL!
00:46 <ct|kyle> oi smoothice
00:47 <smoothice> oi ct|kyle
00:47 <smoothice> oi BabyBug
00:47 <smoothice> oi PinkTomato
00:47 <smoothice> oi teabot
00:47 <smoothice> oi armabot
00:47 <sinewave> lol
00:47 <smoothice> lol
00:47 <BabyBug> don't highlight me for no freaking reason! :@
00:47 <joda_bot> ivantis: I think everybody has his share of "wierdness", it is just a different kind or type of "wierd" ...
00:47 <ct|kyle> hey BabyBug
00:47 <smoothice> :D
00:47 <smoothice> owned!
00:47 <smoothice> ct|kyle: :P
00:48 <ivantis> my latest employer used "lol" in Yahoo IM
00:48 <ivantis> doesnt that seem a bit odd?
00:48 <smoothice> :O
00:48 <smoothice> lol!
00:48 <nsh22> cool, noone cares
00:48 <sinewave> no
00:48 <ivantis> a grown man, saying lol
00:48 <smoothice> lol
00:48 <smoothice> Version: 0.2.8-sty+ct_alpha20090222 unix dedicated
00:48 <nsh22> lue says lol, so who cares
00:48 <sinewave> `I'm grown. watch this ---> LOL!
00:48 <smoothice> sinewave: /nick sinewav
00:49 <sinewave> fine
00:49 <smoothice> the e makes it look cruddy
00:49 <smoothice> lol
00:49 -!- sinewave is now known as sinewav
00:49 <smoothice> thank you
00:49 <smoothice> lol
00:49 <smoothice> @echo hi BabyBug
00:49 <teabot> hi BabyBug
00:50 <joda_bot> BabyBug: I hope you can explain Lizmatic why she got kicked if she is back to normal
00:50 <joda_bot> #gn
00:50 <joda_bot> gn8
00:50 <nsh22> joda_bot: thats what logs are for :P
00:50 <joda_bot> :-)
00:50 <BabyBug> joda_bot, i'm having to put up with her on msn atm =P
00:50 <BabyBug> but she loves me, she'll forgive me =P
00:50 <nsh22> lawl
00:51 <joda_bot> BabyBug: just entertain her :-), perhaps give her a link to site with funny pictures that might distract her :-)
00:51 <nsh22> BabyBug: want me to make you and liz a ] command :P i have one in mind
00:51 <joda_bot> #help kban
00:52 <nsh22> actually, nvm... the one i was thinking about would get me smote by luke-jr
00:52 <BabyBug> nsh22, no
00:52 <@armabot> joda_bot: (kban [<channel>] [--{exact,nick,user,host}] <nick> [<seconds>] [<reason>]) -- If you have the #channel,op capability, this will kickban <nick> for as many seconds as you specify, or else (if you specify 0 seconds or don't specify a number of seconds) it will ban the person indefinitely. --exact bans only the exact hostmask; --nick bans just the nick; --user bans just the user, and (1 more message)
00:52 <BabyBug> joda_bot, i'll just send her some more nudey pics...should calm her down 8-)
00:52 <BabyBug> #op
00:52 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o BabyBug] by armabot
00:52 <joda_bot> :-)
00:52 -!- mode/#armagetron [-b *!n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] by BabyBug
00:52 <ct|kyle> sinewav: now I figured out why, you were still upset about me still pwning you on your racing maps when you got in CT :P,  No I understand your disission.
00:52 <@BabyBug> #deop
00:52 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o BabyBug] by armabot
00:53 <sinewav> Yes! I will never, ever forgive! >:|
00:53 <joda_bot> nice play BabyBug ... strange thing that you're called Lizmatic , too :-P
00:53 <BabyBug> joda_bot? I'm called Lizmatic??!! What?!
00:53 <zurd> luke-jr ping
00:53 <joda_bot> Modus (-b *!n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl ) von BabyBug
00:53 <BabyBug> I removed her ban...
00:53 <joda_bot> ah it's unban ...
00:53 <joda_bot> ah ok
00:54 <BabyBug> lol
00:54 <joda_bot> got me confused there
00:54 <joda_bot> time for bed I guess ...
00:54 <joda_bot> not thinking clearly
00:54 <nsh22> noight
00:54 <BabyBug> hehe, night
00:55 <zurd> #op
00:55 <@armabot> zurd: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
00:55 <zurd> >.<
00:55 <zurd> #whoami
00:55 <@armabot> zurd: I don't recognize you.
00:55 <nsh22> #whoami
00:55 <@armabot> nsh22: nsh22
00:55 <nsh22> :P
00:55 <smoothice> #whoami
00:55 <@armabot> smoothice: I don't recognize you.
00:55 <zurd> HA
00:55 <nsh22> you need to register with armabot
00:56 <zurd> how?
00:56 <nsh22> #help register
00:56 <zurd> #register Zurd
00:56 <@armabot> nsh22: (register <name> <password>) -- Registers <name> with the given password <password> and the current hostmask of the person registering. You shouldn't register twice; if you're not recognized as a user but you've already registered, use the hostmask add command to add another hostmask to your already-registered user, or use the identify command to identify just for a session. This command (1 more message)
00:56 <@armabot> zurd: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel.
00:56 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-072-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
00:56 <nsh22> smoothice: FAIL!
00:57 <smoothice> nsh22: no, WIN!
00:57 <nsh22> #more
00:57 <@armabot> nsh22: (and all other commands that include a password) must be sent to the bot privately, not in a channel.
00:58 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
00:58 <zurd> :o
00:58 <nsh22> FFS!
00:59 <nsh22> ok, hmwrk time!
00:59 <nsh22> #weather innisfil
00:59 <@armabot> nsh22: The current temperature in Innisfil, Innisfil, Ontario is 16.7°F (7:59 PM EDT on March 12, 2009). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 53%. Dew Point: 3.2°F. Windchill: 8.6°F. Pressure: 30.53 in 1033.7 hPa (Rising).
01:00 <nsh22> for fuck sake
01:00 <nsh22> its fucking cold again :(
01:01 <zurd> #weather palm springs
01:01 <@armabot> zurd: Error: HTTP Error 500: Server Error
01:01 <zurd> DAMNIT!
01:02 <nsh22> #weather palm
01:02 <@armabot> nsh22: The current temperature in Reserve at Bally Spring, BARTO, Pennsylvania is 37.4°F (8:01 PM EDT on March 12, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 35%. Dew Point: 12.2°F. Windchill: 37.4°F. Pressure: 30.47 in 1031.7 hPa (Falling).
01:02 <nsh22> enter your zip instaid
01:02 <Vanhayes> #weather e5n 5c5
01:02 <zurd> #weather 92240
01:03 <@armabot> Vanhayes: The current temperature in Hampton High School, Hampton, New Brunswick is 20.5°F (9:02 PM ADT on March 12, 2009). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 255%. Windchill: 14.0°F. Pressure: 30.43 in 1030.4 hPa (Rising).
01:03 <@armabot> zurd: The current temperature in Palm Springs, California is 73.4°F (4:53 PM PDT on March 12, 2009). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 27%. Dew Point: 37.4°F. Pressure: 29.87 in 1011 hPa (Falling).
01:03 <Vanhayes> #finc 20.5
01:03 <@armabot> Vanhayes: -6.38888888889
01:03 <nsh22> im colder
01:03 <Vanhayes> #finc 14
01:03 <@armabot> Vanhayes: -10.0
01:03 <zurd> #inc -14
01:03 <Vanhayes> ya it was nice here today
01:04 <Vanhayes> #weather edmonton
01:04 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Error: HTTP Error 500: Server Error
01:04 <nsh22> it wasnt too bad here, -4 or sumthin
01:04 <Vanhayes> #weather t5p 2r2
01:04 <@armabot> Vanhayes: The current temperature in Sunridge Ski Area, Edmonton, Alberta is 41.5°F (6:02 PM MDT on March 12, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 40%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Windchill: 39.2°F. Pressure: 30.03 in 1016.8 hPa (Falling).
01:04 <Vanhayes> wow really warm there
01:04 <nsh22> #weather h0h 0h0
01:04 <@armabot> nsh22: Error: HTTP Error 500: Server Error
01:04 <nsh22> #weather heaven
01:05 <@armabot> nsh22: Error: HTTP Error 500: Server Error
01:09 <zurd> where is luke!
01:09 <nsh22> fucking his wife?
01:09 <nsh22> lol
01:09 <nsh22> it always seems that where he is
01:09 <nsh22> <luke-jr> brb, sex
01:09 <zurd> >.<
01:09 <nsh22> he apparentlty wants 25 kids...
01:10  * nsh22 is listening to "what its like"
01:11  * nsh22 needs some laughs
01:11 <nsh22> #q
01:11 <ct|kyle> nsh22: no he is getting paid by the fat and ugly to have sex with them
01:11 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #86: "<luke-jr> I'm still grasping at corks to plug the holes" (added by GodTodd at 07:12 AM, January 07, 2009)
01:11 <nsh22> ct|kyle: hmmm... its a possibility
01:11 <nsh22> :P
01:11 <nsh22> #q
01:11 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #71: "<Monkey_arma> to be fair the mess the wiki is in, i cant tell spam from actual content" (added by noob7 at 10:50 PM, April 14, 2008)
01:11 <nsh22> #q
01:11 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #32: "i2020> sure you can... who told you that, little lukie wookie" (added by spidey at 07:34 PM, November 05, 2006)
01:11 <nsh22> #q
01:11 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #76: "<Lucifer> vista doesn't have the kind of boobs that KDE has" (added by ivantis at 05:54 AM, July 31, 2008)
01:11 <nsh22> :P
01:11 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 2
01:11 <zurd> #q
01:12 <@armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #2: "(11:44:13) eddiefantastic: I'd rather stick my cock in a jar of honey, roll it in oats then feed it to a goat" (added by ct|kyle at 05:49 PM, December 12, 2007)
01:12 <@armabot> zurd: Quote #69: "gentoo ebuild is as broken as luke-jr himself :D ~xfroggy" (added by ct|kyle at 06:23 PM, January 26, 2008)
01:12 <nsh22> ct|kyle: LMAO
01:12 <nsh22> #q
01:12 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #23: "<spidey> you wanna fuck Luke-Jr ?" (added by Vanhayes at 01:40 AM, October 15, 2006)
01:12 <nsh22> o0
01:12 <nsh22> #q
01:12 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #49: "<ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo" (added by epsy at 03:52 PM, July 09, 2007)
01:12 <zurd> o.o
01:12 <nsh22> #q
01:12 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #45: "better an idiot that can admit it than a luke-jr....er, idiot that can't --GodTodd" (added by Lucifer_arma at 03:35 AM, March 12, 2007)
01:12 <nsh22> #q
01:12 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #30: "Fonkay: Are you afraid of sex? -armabot" (added by spidey at 01:02 AM, November 02, 2006)
01:12 <nsh22> #q
01:12 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #17: "And I hate dying nearly as much as I hate Vanhayes. --featherfcuk" (added by Lucifer_arma at 02:02 AM, June 14, 2006)
01:12 <nsh22> LMAO
01:12 <Vanhayes> ack
01:13 <nsh22> #q
01:13 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #36: "<Durka> HEY im a n00b" (added by spidey at 08:45 PM, December 07, 2006)
01:13 <zurd> hahaha
01:13 <nsh22> #q
01:13 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #90: "WoW is the game of satanists! -- BabyBug" (added by Pathetique at 03:24 PM, March 04, 2009)
01:13 <nsh22> that is tru
01:13 <Vanhayes> wonder whatever happened to spidey
01:13 <nsh22> #q
01:13 <zurd> #quote
01:13 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #39: "spidey sucks cow dick?" (added by Vanhayes at 01:47 AM, December 13, 2006)
01:13 <@armabot> zurd: For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. -- (Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites)
01:13 <Vanhayes> #quote get 38
01:13 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Quote #38: "<GodTodd> hayes jerks off turkeys?" (added by spidey at 01:44 AM, December 13, 2006)
01:13 <nsh22> zurd: just use #q, #quote is gay
01:13 <nsh22> #q
01:13 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #14: "On a full moon, Christopher Walken transform in a wereworm. Not as dangerous as a werewolf, but twice as cunning. - philippeqc" (added by n54 at 07:58 PM, April 25, 2006)
01:14 <zurd> #q
01:14 <@armabot> zurd: Quote #77: "scool is easy it just makes me board --ct|kyle" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:04 AM, July 31, 2008)
01:14 <nsh22> #q
01:14 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #31: "<Fonkay> #eliza you are stupid <armabot> Fonkay: Why do you say i are stupid?" (added by Vanhayes at 01:05 AM, November 02, 2006)
01:14 <zurd> lol
01:14 <zurd> #q
01:14 <nsh22> #q
01:14 <@armabot> zurd: Quote #62: "<tronner> armabot: *click* <armabot> tronner: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes." (added by epsy at 11:34 PM, November 16, 2007)
01:14 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #28: "i can't speel either --Fonkay" (added by Lucifer_arma at 07:38 AM, October 28, 2006)
01:14 <Vanhayes> bah keeps beeping me
01:14 <nsh22> #q
01:14 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #16: "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. - Brian Kernighan" (added by a user that is no longer registered at 11:21 PM, May 03, 2006)
01:14 <nsh22> LOL
01:15 <zurd> xD
01:15 <nsh22> #q
01:15 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #22: "i got a pen from a microsoft rep about 2 months ago.. already stopped working properly -- Plazma" (added by Lucifer_arma at 03:46 AM, September 19, 2006)
01:15 <nsh22> #q
01:15 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #86: "<luke-jr> I'm still grasping at corks to plug the holes" (added by GodTodd at 07:12 AM, January 07, 2009)
01:15 <nsh22> #q
01:15 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #18: "so you can't send a note to spidey or other noobs. -wrtlprnft" (added by Vanhayes at 05:23 AM, June 21, 2006)
01:15 <nsh22> #q
01:15 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #12: "'ebuild blah portage rocks emerge hotplug coldplig - armabot mashuffle'" (added by n54 at 05:44 PM, March 29, 2006)
01:15 <zurd> #q get 99
01:15 <@armabot> zurd: Quote #90: "WoW is the game of satanists! -- BabyBug" (added by Pathetique at 03:24 PM, March 04, 2009)
01:15 <Vanhayes> no 99
01:15 <zurd> >.<
01:15 <zurd> i got 90
01:15 <nsh22> #q get 89
01:15 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #3: "um, try spelling it wirght :) -- Lucifer" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:22 AM, March 27, 2006)
01:15 <Vanhayes> and you have to say Quote get not q get
01:15 <zurd> where do you the list?
01:16 <nsh22> #q get 89
01:16 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #55: "<MrBougo> Lucifer_arma: quote me!" (added by epsy at 01:30 PM, August 12, 2007)
01:16 <nsh22> #q get 89
01:16 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #57: "* epsy runs away from MrBougo | <epsy> i'm gonna take a shower brb | * MrBougo follows epsy *" (added by MrBougo at 01:38 PM, August 12, 2007)
01:16 <Vanhayes> Quote get not q get
01:16 <nsh22> #quote get 89
01:16 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #89: "<ct|kyle>: smoothice: you can with zones v3" (added by epsy at 12:19 AM, February 15, 2009)
01:16 <nsh22> #quote get 88
01:16 <zurd> ]q
01:16 <ljrbot> zurd: Error: "q" is not a valid command.
01:16 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #88: "Flex: you start your grind at the zone, by the time you get to the split it's weak, not to mention the guy is burning the same rubber.." (added by madmax at 01:15 AM, January 31, 2009)
01:16 <nsh22> LMAO
01:16 <Vanhayes> #Quote get 91
01:16 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Error: There is no Quote with id #91 in my database for #armagetron.
01:17 <nsh22> #quote get 87
01:17 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #87: "<BabyBug> the thought of rabbit teeth near my clit is in no way sexy" (added by Lucifer_arma at 04:58 AM, January 18, 2009)
01:17 <Vanhayes> only 90
01:17 <nsh22> lmao babybug
01:17 <sinewav> O_0
01:17 <Vanhayes> kinky
01:17 <nsh22> no, she doesnt thoink its sexy
01:17 <nsh22> #quote get 86
01:17 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #86: "<luke-jr> I'm still grasping at corks to plug the holes" (added by GodTodd at 07:12 AM, January 07, 2009)
01:17 <nsh22> #quote get 85
01:17 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #85: "i spelled sumthing wrong -nsh22" (added by Lucifer_arma at 01:06 AM, January 07, 2009)
01:17 <nsh22> MOI!
01:18 <nsh22> #quote get 84
01:18 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #84: "<cusco> #quote search *cusco*  <armabot> cusco: No matching quotes were found." (added by Lucifer_arma at 11:54 PM, December 19, 2008)
01:18 <Vanhayes> theres one in there where luke jr says pedophile is good
01:18 <nsh22> wewt i got the first quote of 2009
01:18 <nsh22> yeah ive seen it, many times
01:18 <Vanhayes> funny one
01:18 <nsh22> #quote get 83
01:18 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #83: "<Lizmatic> wtfzomg ady-lucifer and lucifer aren't the same guys?! !!!?!"" (added by Lucifer_arma at 10:57 PM, December 16, 2008)
01:18 <smoothice> #quote add Vanhayes: theres one in there where luke jr says pedophile is good
01:18 <@armabot> smoothice: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
01:18 <nsh22> i remember that
01:18 <nsh22> FAIL SMOOTH!
01:19 <nsh22> #quote get 82
01:19 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #82: "<TaZ> Ady-Lucifer: Nah, you're nicer than lucifer though" (added by K-Yo at 04:46 PM, December 13, 2008)
01:19 <nsh22> #quote get 81
01:19 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #81: "GodTodd: that lightning is just God aiming for luke-jr and missing" (added by ct|kyle at 07:50 AM, August 05, 2008)
01:19 <nsh22> #quote get 80
01:19 <@armabot> nsh22: Quote #80: "<luke-jr> Intel GPU pwns <luke-jr> CPU sucks" (added by epsy at 11:35 PM, August 04, 2008)
01:19 <zurd> SPAM!
01:19 <zurd> #help SPAM
01:19 <nsh22> MAPS!
01:19 <@armabot> zurd: (spam <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "$randomNick $*".
01:19 <PinkTomato> please just use quote search :)
01:19 <nsh22> ?
01:19 <nsh22> #spam
01:19 <zurd> #spam
01:19 <PinkTomato> #quote search nsh22
01:19 <@armabot> PinkTomato: 1 found: #85: "i spelled sumthing wrong -nsh22"
01:20 <nsh22> lol im just ;looking ythrough them all
01:20 <smoothice> #quote search smoothice
01:20 <nsh22> and killing armabot ath the same ti8me
01:20 <@armabot> smoothice: 1 found: #89: "<ct|kyle>: smoothice: you can with zones v3"
01:20 <nsh22> #quote search luke-jr
01:20 <@armabot> nsh22: 16 found: #20: "ok luci, you'd know better on this one -- luke-jr", #21: "<Luke-Jr_work__> btw, pedophile is good", #23: "<spidey> you wanna fuck Luke-Jr ?", #26: "<Lucifer_arma> I want fundamentalism just so I...", #45: "better an idiot that can admit it than a luke-...", #59: "-Kick- You have been kicked from channel...", #60: "<luke-jr> fanatics are good", #63: "GodTodd: definition of (2 more messages)
01:20 <PinkTomato> lulz
01:20 <nsh22> #mor
01:20 <nsh22> #more
01:20 <@armabot> nsh22: great : agrees with...", #64: "[14:14] <luke-jr> and needless to say, don't...", #68: "[12:54] <luke-jr> …. ok, you win", #69: "gentoo ebuild is as broken as luke-jr himself...", #70: "(20:09:38) luke-jr: StickyNoob: what does that...", #73: "<Lucifer> if you don't want to nitpick, don't...", #80: "<luke-jr> Intel GPU pwns <luke-jr> CPU sucks", #81: "GodTodd: that lightning is just God (1 more message)
01:20 <Vanhayes> #quote get hayes
01:21 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Error: 'hayes' is not a valid id.
01:21 <nsh22> #more
01:21 <@armabot> nsh22: aiming for...", and #86: "<luke-jr> I'm still grasping at corks to plug..."
01:21 <Vanhayes> #quote search hayes
01:21 <@armabot> Vanhayes: 2 found: #17: "And I hate dying nearly as much as I hate..." and #38: "<GodTodd> hayes jerks off turkeys?"
01:21 <Vanhayes> #quote search vanhayes
01:21 <@armabot> Vanhayes: 1 found: #17: "And I hate dying nearly as much as I hate..."
01:22 <Vanhayes> #whoami
01:22 <nsh22> #quote search fail
01:22 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Vanhayes
01:22 <@armabot> nsh22: No matching quotes were found.
01:22 <nsh22> #quote search armabot
01:22 <@armabot> nsh22: 11 found: #12: "'ebuild blah portage rocks emerge hotplug...", #30: "Fonkay: Are you afraid of sex? -armabot", #31: "<Fonkay> #eliza you are stupid <armabot>...", #4: "left vertical bar is brakes, right one is an...", #5: "first the spoon, then the ladle, then the bowl,...", #62: "<tronner> armabot: *click* <armabot> tronner:...", #65: "<Ady666> armabot, 1+2? [...] <Ady666> its thinking", (1 more message)
01:22 <zurd> WTF where is luke-jr
01:22 <nsh22> I DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:22 <nsh22> LOL
01:23 <nsh22> im very bored
01:23 <Vanhayes> luke-jr has quit (Remote closed the connection)
01:23 <nsh22> we know...
01:23 <zurd> i know, but when does he want to come back...
01:23 <nsh22> ]alias add jimp "echo just jizzed in his pants"
01:23 <ljrbot> nsh22: The operation succeeded.
01:23 <nsh22> ]jimp
01:23 <ljrbot> just jizzed in his pants
01:23 <Vanhayes> he is spying on you with ljrbot
01:23 <@armabot> armacommits: [trunk-cmake] r903 Fixed some little glitches.... || [trunk-cmake] r902 Remove dependency to "inexistent" and rewrite an if() line f...
01:23 <nsh22> ]alias add jimp "echo $1 just jizzed in his pants"
01:23 <ljrbot> nsh22: The operation succeeded.
01:23 <nsh22> ]jimp
01:24 <ljrbot> nsh22: (jimp <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $1 just jizzed in his pants".
01:24 <nsh22> ]alias add jimp "echo $who just jizzed in his pants"
01:24 <ljrbot> nsh22: The operation succeeded.
01:24 <nsh22> ]jimp
01:24 <ljrbot> nsh22 just jizzed in his pants
01:24 <nsh22> :P
01:24 <nsh22> @echo ]jimp
01:24 <teabot> nsh22: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
01:24 <zurd> [jimp ljrbot
01:24 <Vanhayes> #help roulette
01:24 <@armabot> Vanhayes: (roulette [spin]) -- Fires the revolver. If the bullet was in the chamber, you're dead. Tell me to spin the chambers and I will.
01:24 <nsh22> #echo ]jimp
01:24 <@armabot> nsh22: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
01:24 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
01:24 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:24 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:24 <nsh22> ]jimp concord
01:24 <ljrbot> nsh22 just jizzed in his pants
01:24 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:24 <nsh22> ...
01:24 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:24 <zurd> ]jimp ljrbot
01:24 <ljrbot> zurd just jizzed in his pants
01:25 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:25 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:25 <zurd> >.<
01:25 <smoothice> #roulette spin
01:25 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
01:25 <smoothice> #roulette
01:25 <@armabot> smoothice: *click*
01:25 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:25 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:25 <Vanhayes> next
01:25 <nsh22> #eightball is zurd dumb?
01:25 <@armabot> nsh22: I doubt it very much.
01:25 <Vanhayes> is armabot opped?
01:25 <nsh22> ....
01:25 <zurd> #armagetron.tourneys
01:25 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:25 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@CPE001111c2dce8-CM001a66837916.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "BANG!"]
01:26  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:26 <smoothice> #eightball is nsh22 dumb?
01:26 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@CPE001111c2dce8-CM001a66837916.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #armagetron
01:26 <@armabot> smoothice: _I_ don't know.
01:26 <Vanhayes> i guess she is
01:26 <smoothice> #eightball is nsh22 dumb?
01:26 <@armabot> smoothice: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
01:26 <smoothice> l...
01:26 <nsh22> #eightball is smooth dumb?
01:26 <smoothice> danitl ol
01:26 <@armabot> nsh22: Naturally.
01:26 <smoothice> ...
01:26 <nsh22> HA!
01:26 <nsh22> #eightball is smooticeh dumb?
01:26 <Vanhayes> try roulette
01:26 <@armabot> nsh22: One would be wise to think so.
01:26 <nsh22> #eightball is smooticeh dumb?
01:26 <@armabot> nsh22: Of course.
01:26 <nsh22> hahhahahahahah
01:26 <nsh22> #eightball is smooticeh dumb?
01:26 <@armabot> nsh22: One would be wise to think so.
01:26 <zurd> #eightball do my co-leaders fail?
01:26 <@armabot> zurd: I doubt it very much.
01:26 <nsh22> #eightball is smootice dumb?
01:26 <@armabot> nsh22: You know the answer better than I.
01:27 <zurd> DAMNIT!
01:27 <nsh22> #eightball is smootice dumb?
01:27 <@armabot> nsh22: No clue.
01:27 <nsh22> #eightball is smootice dumb?
01:27 <@armabot> nsh22: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
01:27 <zurd> DAMNIT!
01:27 <zurd> #eightball do my co-leaders fail?
01:27 <@armabot> zurd: I doubt it very much.
01:27 <nsh22> #eightball is neal dumb?
01:27 <zurd> #eightball do my co-leaders fail?
01:27 <@armabot> nsh22: No chance.
01:27 <@armabot> zurd: The outlook is poor.
01:27 <zurd> #eightball do my co-leaders fail?
01:27 <@armabot> zurd: You're kidding, right?
01:27 <zurd> #eightball do my co-leaders fail?
01:27 <@armabot> zurd: Unlikely.
01:27 <zurd> #eightball do my co-leaders fail?
01:27 <@armabot> zurd: Unlikely.
01:27 <Vanhayes> zurd accept it they dont fail
01:27 <zurd> >.<
01:27 <nsh22> #eightball is xurds coleader paying for ha;l  vps server :P?
01:27 <@armabot> nsh22: One would be wise to think so.
01:27 <nsh22> zurd: :P armabot like me
01:28 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:28 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:28 <nsh22> #r
01:28 <nsh22> ]r
01:28 <ljrbot> nsh22: *click*
01:28 <nsh22> ]r
01:28 <zurd> #eightball will neal pay for the rest of the VPS?
01:28 <ljrbot> nsh22: *click*
01:28 <@armabot> zurd: No clue.
01:28 <zurd> >.<
01:28 <Vanhayes> someone play rouleete with me and armabot
01:28 <zurd> #eightball will neal pay for the rest of the VPS?
01:28 <@armabot> zurd: Come again?
01:28 <zurd> #eightball will neal pay for the rest of the VPS?
01:28 <@armabot> zurd: You know the answer better than I.
01:28 <nsh22> :P
01:28 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:28 <zurd> this isnt fair
01:28 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:28 <zurd> #roulette
01:28 <nsh22> #eightball will neal kick zurd if he doesnt pay his amount?
01:28 <@armabot> zurd: *click*
01:28 <@armabot> nsh22: It is possible.
01:28 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:28 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:29 <zurd> #roulette
01:29 -!- zurd [i=629675b5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9a1c89646a35d4f8] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "BANG!"]
01:29  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:29 <Vanhayes> ha
01:29 <smoothice> #eightball Does nsh22 drink his own urine?
01:29 <@armabot> smoothice: You're kidding, right?
01:29 -!- zurd [i=629675b5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9a1c89646a35d4f8] has joined #armagetron
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal kick zurd hard if he doesnt pay his amount?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
01:29 <zurd> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal kick zurd hard if he doesnt pay his amount?
01:29 <Vanhayes> zurd: Bang
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: Come again?
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal kick zurd hard if he doesnt pay his amount?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: _I_ don't know.
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will nealpay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: The outlook is poor.
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will nealpay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: About as likely as pigs flying.
01:29 <nsh22> s:P lol
01:29 <zurd> #rouleete
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: The outlook is hazy, please ask again later.
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: No clue.
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: No clue.
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: Come again?
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: What are you asking me for?
01:29 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:29 <Vanhayes> #roulete
01:29 <@armabot> nsh22: What are you asking me for?
01:30 <@armabot> Vanhayes is trying to cheat!
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:30 <smoothice> #eightball will neal pay his half?
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: Maybe...
01:30 <@armabot> smoothice: What are you asking me for?
01:30 <zurd> #roulete
01:30 <smoothice> lol
01:30 <nsh22> ]r
01:30 <ljrbot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
01:30  * ljrbot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:30 <@armabot> zurd is trying to cheat!
01:30 <nsh22> :P
01:30 <zurd> #roulete
01:30 <Vanhayes> cheater
01:30 <@armabot> zurd is trying to cheat!
01:30 <zurd> what?!
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball is this thing reliable?
01:30 <Vanhayes> one l not two=cheating
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: The outlook is hazy, please ask again later.
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball is this thing reliable?
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball is this thing reliable?
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: What are you asking me for?
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball is this thing reliable?
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: You know the answer better than I.
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball is this thing reliable?
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: No clue.
01:30 <nsh22> #eightball is this thing reliable?
01:30 <@armabot> nsh22: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
01:30 <zurd> #roulete
01:30 <@armabot> zurd is trying to cheat!
01:31 <smoothice> #eightball does neal suck?
01:31 <nsh22> #echo #r
01:31 <zurd> say it then >.<
01:31 <nsh22> #echo #roulette
01:31 <@armabot> smoothice: It is so.
01:31 <@armabot> #r
01:31 <smoothice> hah
01:31 <smoothice> neal sucks
01:31 <smoothice> :P
01:31 <@armabot> #roulette
01:31 <nsh22> #echo #roulette
01:31 <@armabot> #roulette
01:31 <Vanhayes> #roulette
01:31 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@CPE001111c2dce8-CM001a66837916.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "BANG!"]
01:31  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:31 <nsh22> #echo #roulette
01:31 <zurd> #roulete
01:31 <@armabot> #roulette
01:31 <@armabot> zurd is trying to cheat!
01:31 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@CPE001111c2dce8-CM001a66837916.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #armagetron
01:31 <Vanhayes> bang
01:31 <zurd> IM NOT CHEATING!
01:31 <smoothice> #eightball Is zurd smart??
01:31 <nsh22> ITS TWO t's !!!!!!!!!!
01:31 <@armabot> smoothice: Yes!
01:31 <Vanhayes> #roulotte
01:31 <smoothice> awww
01:31 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
01:31 <zurd> wooooooooooooo
01:31 <zurd> #roulete
01:31 <@armabot> zurd is trying to cheat!
01:32 <zurd> WTF!
01:32 <nsh22> #eightball is smooth dumb?
01:32 <@armabot> nsh22: Of course.
01:32 <smoothice> lol
01:32 <nsh22> :P
01:32 <zurd> HAHAHA!
01:32  * nsh22 loves armabot
01:32 <zurd> #eightball does neal love you?
01:32 <smoothice> #eightball Is zurd dumb???
01:32 <@armabot> zurd: About as likely as pigs flying.
01:32 <@armabot> smoothice: The outlook is good.
01:32 <Vanhayes> zurd: roulette has two ts
01:32 <smoothice> HAHAHAHA
01:32 <smoothice> I cracked eightball
01:32 <smoothice> I know how to make it answer yes
01:32 <zurd> #roulete
01:32 <smoothice> to ANY QUESTION!
01:32 <@armabot> zurd is trying to cheat!
01:32 <nsh22> #eightball is eightball correct?
01:32 <@armabot> nsh22: Naturally.
01:32 <nsh22> #eightball is eightball correct?
01:32 <@armabot> nsh22: Of course.
01:33 <nsh22> #eightball is eightball correct?
01:33 <@armabot> nsh22: Obviously.
01:33 <zurd> #eightball does neal love armabot?
01:33 <@armabot> zurd: No clue.
01:33 <nsh22> ...
01:33 <zurd> #eightball does neal love armabot?
01:33 <@armabot> zurd: No clue.
01:33 <zurd> #eightball does neal love armabot?
01:33 <@armabot> zurd: Come again?
01:33 <zurd> xD
01:33 <zurd> #eightball does neal love Zurd?
01:33 <nsh22> #eightball does zurd love himself?
01:33 <@armabot> zurd: What are you asking me for?
01:33 <@armabot> nsh22: Come again?
01:33 <nsh22> #eightball does zurd love himself?
01:33 <@armabot> nsh22: The outlook is hazy, please ask again later.
01:33 <smoothice> #eightball Is zurd a butthole???
01:33 <zurd> #eightball does neal love Zurd?
01:33 <@armabot> smoothice: Obviously.
01:33 <smoothice> HAHAHAHAH
01:33 <@armabot> zurd: What are you asking me for?
01:33 <zurd> NUUUUUUUUUUUU
01:33 <smoothice> Is zurd a butthole???
01:33 <smoothice> YES@!
01:33 <smoothice> #eightball Is zurd a butthole???
01:33 <@armabot> smoothice: The answer is certainly yes.
01:33 <nsh22> #eightball is smooth an open butthole?
01:33 <smoothice> nope
01:33 <@armabot> nsh22: Of course.
01:33 <smoothice> ...
01:33 <nsh22> :P
01:34 <nsh22> owned
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does smoothice play with himself while coding armagetron??
01:34 <@armabot> zurd: About as likely as pigs flying.
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does smoothice play with himself while coding armagetron??
01:34 <@armabot> zurd: NO!
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does smoothice play with himself while coding armagetron??
01:34 <@armabot> zurd: You're kidding, right?
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does smoothice play with himself??
01:34 <nsh22> #eightball does zurd play with himself when playinb g tron?
01:34 <@armabot> zurd: About as likely as pigs flying.
01:34 <@armabot> nsh22: The answer is certainly yes.
01:34 <Vanhayes> #flirt zurd
01:34 <zurd> >.>
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does smoothice play with himself??
01:34 <@armabot> zurd: No.
01:34 <nsh22> liar
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does Zurd play with himself??
01:34 <nsh22> :P
01:34 <@armabot> zurd: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
01:34 <zurd> #eightball does Zurd play with himself??
01:35 <smoothice> #eightball Is nsh22 a really bad tron player???????????????
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: No clue.
01:35 <@armabot> smoothice: Naturally.
01:35 <smoothice> jaja
01:35 <nsh22> :P
01:35 <smoothice> HAHAH!
01:35 <smoothice> you suck at tron!
01:35 <Vanhayes> #vanhayes
01:35 <@armabot> eh? eh? eh? eh? eh? eh? EH?!?!?!!!!!!1111ONEONE
01:35 <smoothice> knew it
01:35 <zurd> #eightball does neal play with himself??
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: _I_ don't know.
01:35 <nsh22> #eightball Does smoothice fail at life AND tron?
01:35 <@armabot> nsh22: In your dreams.
01:35 <nsh22> #eightball Does smoothice fail at life AND tron?
01:35 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has quit ["Leaving."]
01:35 <@armabot> nsh22: NO.
01:35 <smoothice> :D
01:35 <nsh22> #eightball Does smoothice fail at life?
01:35 <@armabot> nsh22: NO.
01:35 <zurd> #eightball does neal play with himself??
01:35 <nsh22> #eightball Does smoothice fail at life ?
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: No clue.
01:35 <zurd> #eightball does neal play with himself?
01:35 <@armabot> nsh22: You know the answer better than I.
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: No chance.
01:35 <nsh22> ew
01:35 <smoothice> #eightball Does nsh22 fail at life like everyone thinks????
01:35 <zurd> #eightball does zurd love his co-leaders?
01:35 <@armabot> smoothice: It shall be.
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: It shall be.
01:35 <smoothice> HAHAHAHAHAH
01:35 <zurd> #eightball does zurd love his co-leaders?
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: It is so.
01:35 <zurd> #eightball does zurd love his co-leaders?
01:35 <nsh22> :P
01:35 <@armabot> zurd: It is possible.
01:36 <zurd> #eightball does zurd love his co-leaders?
01:36 <@armabot> zurd: One would be wise to think so.
01:36 <zurd> #eightball does zurd love his co-leaders?
01:36 <@armabot> zurd: It shall be.
01:36 <zurd> #eightball does zurd love his co-leaders?
01:36 <@armabot> zurd: The answer is certainly yes.
01:36 <zurd> YOUR WRONG ARMABOT!!
01:36 <smoothice> #eightball Does zurd suck??????????????????????????????????
01:36 <@armabot> smoothice: One would be wise to think so.
01:36 <smoothice> haha
01:36 <Vanhayes> #t from english to french You all are spamming with armabot
01:36 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Error: "'from'" is not a valid language.  Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
01:36 <zurd> :C
01:36 <nsh22> #eightball will zurds co-leaders leave him like the others?
01:36 <@armabot> nsh22: Of course.
01:36 <Vanhayes> #t english to french You all are spamming with armabot
01:36 <smoothice> #t en fr You all suck
01:36 <nsh22> goddammit
01:36 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Error: Babelfish has foiled our plans by changing its webpage format.
01:36 <@armabot> smoothice: Error: Babelfish has foiled our plans by changing its webpage format.
01:36 <nsh22> goddammit
01:36 <nsh22> goddammit
01:36 <nsh22> #eightball will zurds co-leaders leave him like the others?
01:36 <@armabot> nsh22: The outlook is good.
01:36 <smoothice> lol
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <Vanhayes> boo
01:36 <nsh22> #eightball will zurds co-leaders leave him like the others?
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <@armabot> nsh22: Naturally.
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <nsh22> #eightball will zurds co-leaders leave him like the others?
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <@armabot> nsh22: Of course.
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:36 <zurd> :(
01:37 <zurd> stop spaming!
01:37 <nsh22> :C
01:37 <nsh22> :C
01:37 <nsh22> :C
01:37 <nsh22> :C
01:37 <nsh22> :C
01:37 <nsh22> :C
01:37 <smoothice> BabyBug: please #kick nsh22
01:37 <smoothice> You would be wise to do so.
01:37 <smoothice> Obviously.
01:37 <Vanhayes> #/me loves Vanhayes
01:37  * armabot loves Vanhayes
01:37 <nsh22> smoothice: .....
01:37 <Vanhayes> ya you do
01:37 <smoothice> #do loves nsh22 and wants to marry him and have a CHILD!
01:37 <@armabot> Another day...
01:37 <BabyBug> zurd and nsh22 you need to stop spamming
01:37 <zurd> #flirt vanhayes
01:38 <nsh22> BabyBug: OK!
01:38  * zurd is struck with silence
01:38 <nsh22> finnaly :P
01:38 <z-man> GOOD NIGHT ALL SPAM
01:38 <nsh22> GOOD NIGHT!
01:38 <zurd> ignight big Z
01:39 <smoothice> #alias add goodnight $1
01:39 <@armabot> smoothice: The operation succeeded.
01:39 <smoothice> #goodnight nsh22
01:39 <nsh22> ...
01:39 <smoothice> haha
01:39 <smoothice> loophole!
01:39 <nsh22> fail
01:39 <smoothice> ownd
01:39 <smoothice> #say hi
01:39 <@armabot> hi
01:39 <smoothice> awwww
01:39 <Vanhayes> #praise smoothice
01:39  * armabot gives words of praise for smoothice
01:39 <smoothice> #dns nightwalkers.info
01:39 <@armabot> Host not found.
01:40 <Vanhayes> #praise nsh22
01:40  * armabot gives nsh22 a cookie
01:40 <nsh22> #alias add goodnight "echo Goodnight $1"
01:40 <@armabot> nsh22: The operation succeeded.
01:40 <Vanhayes> #night
01:40 <@armabot> Good night Vanhayes!
01:40 <nsh22> #goodnight smoothice
01:40 <@armabot> Goodnight smoothice
01:40 <Vanhayes> alkready there
01:40 <nsh22> :P
01:40 <nsh22> i pwn aliases :P
01:40 <smoothice> you phail at Phailing to Phail!
01:40 <smoothice> llol
01:41  * zurd commends BabyBug for the future ban of nsh22
01:41 <Vanhayes> #cyborg
01:41 <@armabot> Vanhayes: V.A.N.H.A.Y.E.S.: Versatile Artificial Neohuman Hardwired for Accurate Yelling and Efficient Sabotage
01:41 <smoothice> #cyborg
01:41 <nsh22> #alias add phlail "echo smoothice"
01:41 <@armabot> nsh22: The operation succeeded.
01:41 <@armabot> smoothice: S.M.O.O.T.H.I.C.E.: Synthetic Mechanical Organism Optimized for Troubleshooting, Hazardous Infiltration and Ceaseless Exploration
01:41 <smoothice> lol
01:41 <nsh22> #phliai;
01:41 <nsh22> #phliail
01:41 <nsh22> #phlail
01:41 <@armabot> smoothice
01:41 <Vanhayes> my yeling is accurate
01:41 <nsh22> :P
01:41 <zurd> #cyborg
01:41 <Vanhayes> #cyborg nsh22
01:41 <@armabot> zurd: Z.U.R.D.: Zealous Utility and Repair Device
01:41 <@armabot> Vanhayes: N.S.H.: Networked Synthetic Humanoid
01:41 <nsh22> ok im done, i g2g
01:41 <nsh22> ill be around
01:42 <zurd> suits me well
01:42 <zurd> night neal
01:42  * nsh22 is away: IM WATCHING YOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:42 <nsh22> :P\
01:42 <smoothice> yous?
01:42 <smoothice> PHAIL!
01:42 <smoothice> haha
01:42 <smoothice> ownd
01:42 <zurd> to nightwalkers DF!
01:42 <smoothice> k
01:42 <nsh22> cant
01:42 <nsh22> ...
01:42 <zurd> sucks for you then xD
01:42 <smoothice> #si -v ~Night Walker's Central~DF~
01:42 <smoothice> yay
01:42 <@armabot> smoothice: ~Night Walker's Central~DF~ ( running 0.2.8_alpha20090224 unix dedicated, url: Nightwalkers.info, Description: “Have fun, no cussing.“, Players (0/10):
01:42 <smoothice> 0/10?
01:42 <smoothice> :(
01:43 <zurd> :(
01:43 <zurd> people will show up in a matter of seconds
01:43 <smoothice> Nullification
01:50 <zurd> come on smooth >.<
01:50 <nsh22> #si ~night
01:50 <@armabot> nsh22: ~Night Walker's Central~DF~: Players (4/10): +|Hammer, +|Zurd~NW (ZURD101@forums), Mute~NW, Smoothisafail (nsh22@forums)
01:50 <nsh22> :P
01:57 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871F4B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:02 -!- cage [n=cage@250-78.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #armagetron
02:03 -!- cage [n=cage@250-78.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has left #armagetron []
02:04 -!- cage [n=cage@250-78.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #armagetron
02:05 -!- cage [n=cage@250-78.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has left #armagetron []
02:27 <@armabot> armacommits: [0.2.8-armagetronad-sty] r892 CYCLE_KILL_INVULNERABLE function. When disabled, player is i...
02:28 -!- zurd [i=629675b5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9a1c89646a35d4f8] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
02:42 <nsh22> #m luke-jr in regards to the vps server, if you did get it, cold you send the info for zurd and mines server to my email adress, or if you would like to get paid first i can pay you on monday (im going away tomorrow and wont be back until then).
02:42 <@armabot> nsh22: The operation succeeded.
02:51 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["ø"]
02:55 -!- nsh22 [n=neal@unaffiliated/nsh22] has quit ["gud bye"]
03:04 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []
03:32 <@armabot> armacommits: [armagetronad-v2sty] r888 Flags now move and work proporly
03:34 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
03:34 <smoothice> hi luke-jr, nsh22 sent you a later tell
03:35 <luke-jr> prove it
03:35 <smoothice> ...
03:35 <luke-jr> XD
03:35 <smoothice> h22: #m luke-jr in regards to the vps server, if you did get it, cold you send the info for zurd and mines server to my email adress, or if you would like to get paid first i can pay you on monday (im going away tomorrow and wont be back until then).
03:35 <smoothice> lol
03:36 <luke-jr> well, I don't have the info to setup anything, so I guess it waits till Monday
03:36 <luke-jr> :/
03:36 <smoothice> :(
03:36 <smoothice> that' why I like fsckVPS
03:36 <smoothice> Instant setup VPS
03:36 <smoothice> in Dallas or Atlanta
03:36 <smoothice> from vaserv
03:36 <smoothice> hear that people?
03:36 <smoothice> FSCKVPS!
03:37 <smoothice> Instant Setup VPS!
03:38 <luke-jr> smoothice: not if you don't give them the info
03:43 <smoothice> you cannot sign up
03:43 <smoothice> if you don't give the the info
03:45 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
03:45 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit [Client Quit]
03:55 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
04:06 <luke-jr> smoothice: exactly my point
04:06 <luke-jr> smoothice: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/armagetronad/+spec/sty
04:07 <luke-jr> smoothice: each of the 19 parts on that list should be their own branch
04:08 <luke-jr> hope the roadmap helps ☺
04:08 <luke-jr> feel free to edit the whiteboard
04:09 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: bouncing shots should be a generic bouncing zones
04:10 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: right you are
04:12 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: how can I get a good measure for the speed of the player to apply to speed of the zone
04:13 <luke-jr> uh?
04:14 <ct|kyle> owner_->Direction().x * owner_->Speed()  makes it move way too fast
04:16 <luke-jr> does it? :x
04:16 <luke-jr> that's what I was about to suggest XD
04:17 <ct|kyle> ya it moves away from the player
04:17 <luke-jr> :/
04:27 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: what is the difference between HELP_MESSAGE (sty) and HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURB (trunk)?
04:27 <sinewav> tr fort
04:27 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: help_message in sty is no longer needed
04:27 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: that doesn't answer my question :/
04:28 <ct|kyle> the pigs was a general help message on /help and /help only. the one in tron has /help <topics>
04:28 <luke-jr> I'm not asking about the topics, just that one config parameter
04:29 <ct|kyle> .cfg2 HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLU
04:29 <ct|kyle> #cfg2 HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLU
04:29 <@armabot> ct|kyle: HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURB: Message that is displayed before the list of help topics if someone uses /help without arguments
04:29 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: they are the same
04:30 <luke-jr> then why are they named different? -.-
04:31 <ct|kyle> I was not in charge of naming
04:31 <ct|kyle> :P
04:31 <ct|kyle> pig created the HELP_MESSAGE  and I think z-man created the HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURB
04:31 <ct|kyle> HELP_MESSAGE should be obsolete
04:32 <ct|kyle> #cfg2 HELP_MESSAGE
04:32 <@armabot> ct|kyle: Sorry, no matches :S
04:32 <ct|kyle> #cfg2 HELP_
04:32 <@armabot> ct|kyle: ADD_HELP_TOPIC: Add a new help topic to be used with /help. Usage: ADD_HELP_TOPIC || HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURB: Message that is displayed before the list of help topics if someone uses /help without arguments || REMOVE_HELP_TOPIC: Remove a help topic.
04:33 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: so I see 2 differences
04:33 <luke-jr> config name and an extra \n
04:34  * luke-jr writes a quick sty-compat branch
04:34 <ct|kyle> there really is no need for the olf HELP_MESSAGE
04:34 <ct|kyle> old*
04:35 <luke-jr> so sty configs work?
04:36 <ct|kyle> also luke-jr how should I handle putting the /drop stuff in ePlayer
04:36 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: ☺
04:36 <luke-jr> I was just thinking of that earleir
04:36 <luke-jr> there is only one good solution
04:36 <luke-jr> a proper trigger interface! :p
04:37 <ct|kyle> can't we just define flag zones being compiled and place something like that around it in ePlayer
04:38 <luke-jr> so uh, consider it todo
04:38 <luke-jr> we could, I suppose
04:38 <luke-jr> but a proper solution will be needed at some point
04:38 <luke-jr> I prefer to do it when needed ☺
04:38 <ct|kyle> almost needed :P
04:39 <ct|kyle> I've got getting the speed correct and getting IsHome() working
04:40 -!- smoothice [n=smoothic@unaffiliated/smoothice] has quit ["void smoothice::leave();"]
04:40 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: remember, I fully expect flags to take a few rewrites before it's ready for merging
04:40 <luke-jr> so feel free to hack it in for this revision
04:41 <ct|kyle> kind of like how I used magic numbers  shape->setPosX(tFunction(owner_->Position().x, 0.0));
04:43 <ivantis2> hey look its luke-jr
04:43 <ivantis2> hai
04:44 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: shooting will need triggers too
04:45 <ct|kyle> ya shooting will be a bitch
04:45 <luke-jr> /shoot and /+shoot ☺
04:45 <ivantis2> what are you guys talking about?
04:45 <luke-jr> will need client-side support to handle the latter properly
04:45 <ct|kyle> you are not sugesting chatting to shoot
04:45 <luke-jr> ivantis2: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/armagetronad/+spec/sty
04:46 <ivantis2> i thought you hated sty
04:46 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: I'm suggesting making the instant chat system into a trigger system ☺
04:46 <ct|kyle> not a bad idea for backporting, but a shot key for current would be nice
04:46 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: so an instachat of /+shoot will send "/+shoot" when you press the key and "/-shoot" when you release it
04:46 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: "/shoot" would be like press+release
04:47 <ct|kyle> ah
04:48 <luke-jr> ivantis2: why would I hate sty?
04:49 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: could you take a look at lines 259 - 324 of zFlag.cpp
04:49 <ivantis2> idk
04:49 <ivantis2> luke-jr, you should sign up on elance.com
04:49 <ivantis2> and get a job
04:50 <luke-jr> ivantis2: get a clue, elance.com would put me in the poor house
04:50 <luke-jr> ivantis2: I charge $45/hr for my work
04:50 <ivantis2> so do a lot of people on elance
04:50  * luke-jr stabs ct|kyle for using tab characters
04:50 <ivantis2> experienced people on there are usually from $40 to $60 an hour
04:51 <ct|kyle> tab characters?
04:51 <luke-jr> ivantis2: I have too much work to take on any more projects
04:51 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: yes
04:51 <ct|kyle> o0
04:51 <ivantis2> why are you here?
04:51 <ct|kyle> they should be spaces
04:51 <ivantis2> i dont like using tab
04:51 <ivantis2> s
04:53 <luke-jr> #kick ivantis2
04:53 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "luke-jr"]
04:53 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: yeah, they should be
04:53 <luke-jr> anyhow, are you going to tell me what the problem is?
04:54 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #aRmAgEtRoN
04:55 <luke-jr> ivantis2: btw, I don't think elance people want to pay you to go bug people in #Google asking them to do the work for you
04:55 <ct|kyle> for some reason it is counting home flags as not home
04:55 <luke-jr>     if ((shape->getPosition().x == homePosition_X)
04:55 <luke-jr>         && (shape->getPosition().y == homePosition_Y))
04:55 <luke-jr> you can't do that
04:55 <luke-jr> just check if the flag is held or not
04:56 <luke-jr> or maybe a new boolean
04:56 <ct|kyle> flag does not have to be held to be away from home
04:56 <ct|kyle> but ya I could do an atHome=true when GoHome() is called
04:57 <ivantis2> i didnt ask for the work to be done
04:57 <ivantis2> i was asking if anyone was familiar with how it worked
04:57 <ivantis2> but i figured it out on my own
05:00 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: heh Boolean is already there, must not have been merged
05:06 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: heh, I am looking for flags of the same team that the flag the player is holding (otherFlag->Team() == team)
05:07 <luke-jr> …
05:07 <luke-jr> and?
05:07 <ct|kyle> I should be using players team instead of team
05:09 <ct|kyle> btw luke-jr it is smoothice using tabs
05:09 <ivantis> …
05:09 <ivantis> ha i have the …
05:09 <ivantis> :P
05:09 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit ["goodbye!"]
05:09 <ct|kyle> ...
05:11 <ivantis2> ...
05:12 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: I'm updating 0.2.8-sty+ct
05:13 <ct|kyle> what for luke-jr
05:13 <ct|kyle> oh
05:13 <luke-jr> to get a clean diff from 0.2.8-sty to 0.2.8-sty+ct
05:13 <luke-jr> ☺
05:13 <ct|kyle> oh LOL, ya that does need to be done
05:13 <luke-jr> rev 662 of my branch is merge 0.2.8
05:15 <ct|kyle> are there any conflicts?
05:15 <luke-jr> one
05:15 <luke-jr> in english_base
05:16 <ct|kyle> well then I'll merge and push it
05:23 <luke-jr> not done yet, going to merge 0.2.8-sty too
05:25 <ct|kyle> the bouncing stuff we will want to use the ct+sty code
05:25 <luke-jr> which "we"?
05:25 <ct|kyle> of course modified for zones v2
05:25 <ct|kyle> for 0.3 Sty
05:26 <luke-jr> why?
05:28 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?p=204341#204341
05:28 <luke-jr> oh, just bugfixes?
05:29 <ct|kyle> it is global too I think the one in sty is zone specific
05:29 <luke-jr> I was scared we'd need to make a "bounce style" option XD
05:29 <luke-jr> remember, this is a rewrite ;)
05:31 <ct|kyle> that code is a little more than I can handle :P and definitely more than smoothice can handle
05:31 <luke-jr> maybe I'll give it a shot then
05:34 <ct|kyle> the hard part about bouncing at least off of walls in zones v2 is knowing what direction it should go. because if the center of zone does not Aline with the point of impact in the direction  of the impact than I think the zone spins or something
05:41 <@armabot> armacommits: [0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct] r662 merging with 0.2.8 r1098 || [0.2.8-armagetronad-sty] r893 merge from 0.2.8 || [0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct] r662 merge from 0.2.8 || [armagetronad-sty-help-compat] r893 HELP_MESSAGE alias to HELP_INTRODUCTORY_BLURB for compatibil...
05:45 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: so tabs -> spaces?
05:56 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
06:25 -!- zurd [i=629675b5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7921fe0cb6d0abb3] has joined #armagetron
06:25 <zurd> luke-jr: ping
06:25 <ivantis2> ]echo pong
06:26 <ivantis2> oh right its still ignoring me
06:26 <zurd> lol
06:26 <ivantis2> man im tired
06:26 <ivantis2> maybe i should get to bed
06:29 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@226.28-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
06:44 <@armabot> armacommits: [0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct] r663 merge from 0.2.8-sty (and make conflicted regions more merga... || [armagetronad-v2sty] r889 Scoring now works properly || [0.2.8-armagetronad-sty+ct] merge from 0.2.8
06:44 <zurd> #q
06:44 <@armabot> zurd: Quote #35: "ur not a good writer :P - Ady" (added by Lucifer_arma at 11:00 PM, November 13, 2006)
06:50 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-246-93.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
06:51 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@226.28-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
06:53 <ivantis2> #q
06:53 <@armabot> ivantis2: Quote #76: "<Lucifer> vista doesn't have the kind of boobs that KDE has" (added by ivantis at 05:54 AM, July 31, 2008)
06:53 <ivantis2> oh i remember that one
06:53 <ivantis2> it was right before i went to Wisconsin
06:56 <ivantis2> #quote get #crazy-tronners 2
06:56 <@armabot> ivantis2: Quote #2: "(11:44:13) eddiefantastic: I'd rather stick my cock in a jar of honey, roll it in oats then feed it to a goat" (added by ct|kyle at 05:49 PM, December 12, 2007)
06:57 <ivantis2> ...than use vista
06:59 <luke-jr> ivantis2: you ARE vista
07:00 <ivantis2> you would rather do that than talk to me?
07:01 -!- zurd [i=629675b5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7921fe0cb6d0abb3] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
07:01 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
07:04 <ivantis2> 4
07:05 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
07:06 <ivantis2> hey look its epsy
07:06 <ivantis2> what time is it in france right now?
07:09 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
07:17 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m4e0436d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
07:18 <ivantis> epsy: do you have a spring break where you live?
07:19 <ivantis> ignored! how rude!
07:19 <ivantis> ok, fine
07:19 <ivantis> dont answer me
07:19  * ivantis pouts
07:28 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m4e0436d0.tmodns.net] has quit ["Powered by fIRC v0.2.7, the android IRC client."]
07:36 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has quit []
07:46 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
07:57 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
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08:00 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has left #armagetron []
08:21 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871F4B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
08:54 -!- evaldusia [i=evaldusi@187-173-70.elekta.lt] has joined #armagetron
09:20 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@CPE001111c2dce8-CM001a66837916.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
09:23 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@] has joined #armagetron
10:37 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871F4B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
11:58 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
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12:25 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
12:36 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
12:36 <BabyBug> Hey baby <3
12:37 <Lizmatic> hello girl that banned me <3
12:38 <BabyBug> ^^
12:42  * Lizmatic spanks
12:44 <BabyBug> ...
13:04 -!- BabyBug [n=babybug@] has quit ["Leaving"]
13:38 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
14:03 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:05 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
14:15 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
15:17 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l37.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
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15:29 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
15:37 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@unaffiliated/stewah] has quit []
15:37 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["Ragequit."]
16:25 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
16:25 <ivantis2> #roulette
16:25 <@armabot> ivantis2: *click*
16:26 <ivantis2> #roulette
16:26 <@armabot> ivantis2: *click*
16:26 <ivantis2> ~echo #roulette
16:26 <The_Master> #roulette
16:26 <@armabot> The_Master: *click*
16:26 <The_Master> armabot: What color are your eyes?
16:27 -!- arrow [n=euclid@adsl-dyn40.78-99-184.t-com.sk] has joined #armagetron
16:27 <ivantis2> ~echo #roulette
16:27 <The_Master> #roulette
16:27 <@armabot> The_Master: *click*
16:27 <The_Master> armabot: Not many people express themselves that way.
16:29 <ivantis2> ~echo #roulette
16:29 <The_Master> #roulette
16:29 <@armabot> The_Master: *click*
16:29 <The_Master> armabot: Are you really a " armabot"?
16:29 <ivantis2> come on, bang!
16:30 <ivantis2> ~echo #roulette
16:30 <The_Master> #roulette
16:30 -!- The_Master [n=master@unaffiliated/ttech/bot/themaster] has left #armagetron [requested by armabot: "BANG!"]
16:30  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
16:31 <ivantis2> ownd
16:32 <ivantis2> is ttech gonna be mad at me?
16:32 <ivantis2> Ttech[daedalus], sorry i couldnt help myself
16:33 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
16:34 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
16:47 <joda_bot> #whoami
16:47 <@armabot> joda_bot: joda_bot
16:53 -!- mib_n8inlj [i=3ff59f4e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-18e071721e829b6a] has joined #armagetron
16:53 <ivantis2> #meow!
16:53 <@armabot> ¡ʍoǝɯ
16:54 <mib_n8inlj> ?
16:54 <mib_n8inlj> #meow!
16:55 <@armabot> ¡ʍoǝɯ#
16:55 <ivantis2> ?
16:55 <ivantis2> #meow!
16:55 <@armabot> ¡ʍoǝɯ#
16:55 <ivantis2> ...
16:57 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
16:57 <ivantis> #meow!
16:57 <@armabot> ¡ʍoǝɯ#
16:57 -!- mib_n8inlj [i=3ff59f4e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-18e071721e829b6a] has quit [Client Quit]
16:57 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Client Quit]
16:58 -!- ivantis2 [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:30 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has joined #armagetron
17:31 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@blk-7-225-70.eastlink.ca] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:03 -!- pruWord [n=pruWord@p54A64454.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
18:04 <pruWord> someone here?:P
18:04 -!- pruWord [n=pruWord@p54A64454.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
18:10 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@77-64-161-27.dynamic.primacom.net] has joined #armagetron
18:26 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has quit ["Leaving."]
18:43 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
18:59 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870FA0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
19:03 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-224-54.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
19:13 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has joined #armagetron
19:16 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
19:16 -!- AshitakA [n=AshitakA@pD9E01651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
19:17 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-072-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
19:33 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit ["goodbye!"]
19:52 -!- AshitakA [n=AshitakA@pD9E01651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #armagetron ["...See ya!"]
19:53 -!- Concord [n=Concord@pool-72-93-80-152.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
20:09 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
20:13 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
20:14 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870FA0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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20:19 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
20:30 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@CPE001111c2dce8-CM001a66837916.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #armagetron
20:31 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
20:31 <ivantis> luke-jr: ping
20:32 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Client Quit]
20:37 -!- dlh [n=dlh@] has joined #armagetron
20:51 <Concord> #si cafe
20:52 <@armabot> Concord: Fortress Café: Players (0/32):
20:58 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
20:59 <ivantis> dudes! guess what!
20:59 <Vanhayes> what?
20:59 <ivantis> im going to visit where luke-jr lives
20:59 <ivantis> omaha nebraska
21:00 <ivantis> its a thing for boyscouts
21:01 <noob13> :D
21:01 <ivantis> im going to some museum
21:01 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
21:03 <ivantis> okay i need to conserve cell phone battery for this trip
21:03 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Client Quit]
21:04 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
21:06 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has quit ["Leaving."]
21:07 <Concord> #si trfort
21:07 <@armabot> Concord: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “trfort” at the moment, sorry.
21:07 <Concord> #si tr
21:07 <@armabot> Concord: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress.: Players (10/14): ((=>Basket<=)), ct°$afari$Kater, Gardo, Guybrush, LA PANTERA, Player 1, PSYCHOHOLIC, yousux.com, ~|DS|~AshitakA, °°° ³dot °°°
21:14 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
21:32 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:40 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:45 <Lackadaisical> Lucifer: who's the dedicated web guy you mentioned on the forums?
21:58 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAGetRoN
22:01 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
22:01 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
22:03 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
22:03 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@77-64-161-27.dynamic.primacom.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910]"]
22:08 <epsy> Lackadaisical, do you read alistapart?
22:08 <Lackadaisical> sometimes
22:08 <Lackadaisical> don't do much webstuff lately, so not much these days
22:09 <epsy> yeah
22:10 <epsy> you've been talking about whitespace, did you read it's issue about it?
22:10 <epsy> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/whitespace/
22:11 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has joined #armagetron
22:11 <Lackadaisical> ah yeah thats an old one
22:11 <Lackadaisical> but i was just talking about whitespace because kamp mentioned it in his post
22:12 <epsy> I originally thought of something like phpbb.com
22:12 <epsy> er
22:12 <epsy> now that the page loaded, no
22:13 <epsy> well, anyway I revised my thought and considered it wouldn't really be tron at all
22:13 <epsy> so I thought about a "screen" theme
22:14 <epsy> you see, with alternating rows and stuff like that
22:14 <epsy> after all, we have something like that already
22:14 <Lackadaisical> you mean for the forums?
22:14 <epsy> for the whole, why shuld it be different all over
22:14 <epsy> (of course I don't mean forum posts)
22:15 <Lackadaisical> ah ok so what rows are you talking about then?
22:15 <epsy> well, these are on the forums
22:15 <epsy> we'd just have to make it a lot more hawt
22:17 <epsy> but well, I wouldn't use it as background
22:17 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has joined #armagetron
22:18 <Lackadaisical> do you have any examples of "screen" themes?
22:18 <epsy> let me check a second
22:18 <Lackadaisical> just want to make sure im thinking of the same thing as you ;)
22:18 <epsy> well, try to get one as well
22:19 <epsy> hal is useless >.>
22:20 -!- joda_bot1 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-072-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
22:20 -!- joda_bot is now known as Guest99156
22:21 -!- joda_bot1 is now known as joda_bot
22:23 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has quit ["Leaving."]
22:27 <epsy> hm
22:34 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
22:35 <ivantis> luke-jr: ping
22:36 <epsy> Lackadaisical, I can hardly find any :(
22:36 <ivantis> epsy: am i once again on your ignore list?
22:36 <Lackadaisical> mmm ok
22:37 -!- ivantis [n=firc_hat@m490e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Client Quit]
22:38 <epsy> Lackadaisical, maybe this: (in front of the "3") and here:
22:38 -!- Guest99156 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-072-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:38 <epsy> that's the only I could find and it's not very descriptive
22:39 <Lackadaisical> those are quakescreenshots?
22:40 <epsy> indeed
22:41 <epsy> is it clear enough?
22:43 <Lackadaisical> well i guess it has a lot more tronlike feel than the sites i linked at least
22:43 <Lackadaisical> a dark website would definatly be the most tronlike, but it doesnt necessarily mean we have to ditch using whitespace
22:43 <epsy> yeah, well it will better stay as a small gimmick
22:44 <Lackadaisical> you just mean the little scores right?
22:44 <epsy> (and nto being thrown everywhere)
22:44 <epsy> hm?
22:45 <epsy> the ones on the ad panel, right? (where the QL logo stands)
22:45 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
22:45 <compguygene> hi epsy
22:46 <epsy> damn, am I even here?
22:46 <epsy> hi :)
22:46 <compguygene> wanted to say thanks for the settings
22:46 <compguygene> we tested them
22:46 <compguygene> they absolutely rock
22:46 <epsy> heh
22:46 <compguygene> also
22:46 <compguygene> i got a vps in germany
22:46 <epsy> it will need some updates I think
22:47 <compguygene> so between that and the one i have in connecticut
22:47 <compguygene> i can pretty much host this thing
22:47 <Concord> the website looks like it goes with arma version 2.5, just making that blue grid thing black will make a huge difference
22:47 <Concord> (just like the floor is now black)
22:47 <epsy> well, we can't share the adminnig of 8 servers
22:48 <epsy> Concord, it's not really about the color
22:48 <epsy> Concord, a tiny touch of blue will help
22:48 <epsy> Lackadaisical, [23:45] <epsy>: the ones on the ad panel, right? (where the QL logo stands)
22:48 <compguygene> well, concord's latest post on playfortress is the answer to that
22:48 <Concord> http://www.armagetronad.net/screenshots/ss_fort_1.png  V http://www.armagetronad.net/screenshots/screenshot_12.png
22:49 <epsy> ah
22:49 <compguygene> just wanted to keep you updated
22:49 <compguygene> you laid the groundwork for future kewlness, thank you very much!
22:50  * compguygene leaves you to you more important constant work on arma...
22:50 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@blk-7-225-70.eastlink.ca] has joined #armagetron
22:51 <epsy> mm
22:51 <epsy> wish I was working
22:51 <epsy> also
22:51 <epsy> compguygene, #armagetron.tourneys
22:51 <compguygene> ahh...didn't know
22:51 <compguygene> ty
22:51 <epsy> one big part of knowing eachother's tourneys is to put them in one place
22:51 <epsy> the chantopic there is for that
22:51 <compguygene> ok
22:51 <compguygene> ty
22:52 -!- evaldusia [i=evaldusi@187-173-70.elekta.lt] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:52 <epsy> so edit it :)
22:52  * compguygene never has checked a channel list
22:52 <Lackadaisical> i see three ql logos
22:52 <epsy> Lackadaisical, the one on the center of the screen
22:54 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has left #armagetron []
22:58 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
23:07 -!- zurd [i=6296741a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-a84f8cf2f14bad80] has joined #armagetron
23:08 <zurd> #
23:08 <zurd> #q
23:08 <@armabot> zurd: Quote #74: "Pathetique: I find it funny how ivantis can write C++ but has no clue how to actually write it." (added by ct|kyle at 09:07 PM, July 28, 2008)
23:15 -!- compguygene [n=compguyg@cpe-76-189-167-60.neo.res.rr.com] has left #armagetron []
23:19 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-224-54.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit []
23:20 -!- cpayan [n=cpayan@adsl-065-012-248-221.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
23:25 <noob13> #tea
23:25 <@armabot> noob13: Fortress Café: Players (0/32):
23:28 <luke-jr> ivantis FAIL
23:29 <epsy> luke-jr, he didn't even talk yet did he?
23:30 <luke-jr> epsy: he's been pinging me all day
23:30 <epsy> there's always a solution
23:30 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
23:32 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@hn-33-170.brookes.ac.uk] has joined #armagetron
23:34 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:43 -!- dlh [n=dlh@] has quit ["leaving"]
23:44 -!- zurd [i=6296741a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-a84f8cf2f14bad80] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
23:45 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
23:50 -!- smoothice [n=smoothic@97-118-165-122.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #armagetron

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