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Log from 2007-01-02:
--- Day changed Tue Jan 02 2007
00:00 <DrJoeTr0n> whats a tron?
00:01 <spidey> #lastseen NanoRev
00:02 <Vanhayes_> #ping
00:02 <@armabot> pong
00:02 <spidey> #ping
00:02 <@armabot> pong
00:02 <spidey> ......
00:02 <@armabot> spidey: timed out
00:02 <Vanhayes_> timed out then
00:20 -!- zman [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
00:21 -!- z-manuel [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
00:26 -!- NanoRev [n=4b2420ae@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC (EOF)"]
00:27 -!- NanoRev [n=4b2420ae@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
00:33 <Lucifer_arma> nasa are such liars
00:33 <ghableska> why?
00:34 <Lucifer_arma> their rovers have survived 4 years when they were only "expected" to survive 4 months, and now apparently they have the ability to upgrade the software on-the-fly essentially
00:34 <Lucifer_arma> clearly they expected the rovers to last much longer than 4 months
00:34 <ghableska> heh
00:34 <ghableska> they just want a good public image
00:34 <Lucifer_arma> they probably lied about the expected life of the rovers in case it turned out they screwed up again and the things didn't work
00:34 <ghableska> haha
00:35  * Lucifer_arma would love an opportunity to program one of the upgrades to one of the rovers
00:36 <Lucifer_arma> as long as they survived to 1 year, the lie held up, but now it's just feeling a bit thin.  Sure, they overdid themselves, probably nobody at nasa expected them to last *this* long still
00:37 <Lucifer_arma> but I wonder how long they projected realistically originally, you know, before they revised it to 4 months for PR
00:52 <NanoRev> One thing's for sure
00:52 <NanoRev> Microsoft wasn't involved
00:54 -!- NanoRev [n=4b2420ae@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC"]
01:00 -!- wejp_ [n=j@i577BA96F.versanet.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:03 -!- wejp_ [n=j@i577BB456.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
01:03 -!- DrJoeTr0n [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-75-56-61-88.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [">-;;,ccc3"]
01:07 <ghableska> #weather 50266
01:07 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 29.5°F (6:02 PM CST on January 01, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Windchill: 24.8°F. Pressure: 29.32 in 992.8 hPa. 
01:19 -!- Durka [n=Justin@cpe-76-167-238-228.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
01:20 <Durka> #hello
01:20 <@armabot> Hello Durka :) Random Fortune: I can't live the button-down life like you. I want it all! The || terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles! || -- Homer Simpson || Lisa's Rival
01:25  * luke-jr stabs svn
01:26 <Durka> lol
01:28  * luke-jr stabs Durka too
01:28 <ghableska> :)
01:28  * luke-jr also stabs ghableska
01:29 <ghableska> hi there!
01:33  * Durka ow
01:33 <Durka> #roulette
01:33 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
01:35 <Durka> #ping
01:35 <@armabot> pong
01:36 <luke-jr> #roulette
01:36 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
01:36 <luke-jr> :)
01:36 <ghableska> #weather 50266
01:36 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 29.1°F (6:35 PM CST on January 01, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 66%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Windchill: 24.8°F. Pressure: 29.32 in 992.8 hPa. 
01:36 <ghableska> erm, I mean
01:36 <ghableska> #roulette
01:36 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
01:44 <Durka> #roulette
01:44 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
01:44 <Durka> luke's turn now :p
01:44 <Durka> TOUCHDOWN MICHIGAN!!!!!!!!
01:45 <Durka> W00T!!!!
01:45 <luke-jr> #roulette
01:45 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
01:45  * Durka pokes ghab (ur turn :p)
01:45  * luke-jr thinks its Durka's turn
01:45 <Durka> no...
01:45 <Durka> lol
01:45 <Durka> fine =/
01:45 <Durka> #roulette
01:45 <luke-jr> lol
01:45 -!- Durka was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
01:45  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:46 -!- Durka [n=Justin@cpe-76-167-238-228.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
01:46 <luke-jr> :)
01:46  * Durka roflcoptor
01:46 <Durka> so luke did u ever get around to puttin the files up?
01:46 <luke-jr> still waiting for legit to respond :p
01:46 <spidey> ..............
01:47 <Durka> lol
01:47 <Durka> spidey!
01:47 <Durka> w00t!
01:47 <luke-jr> #roulette
01:47 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
01:47 <Durka> finish the image website yet? :p
01:47 <Durka> #roulette
01:47 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
01:48 <luke-jr> image website?
01:48 <Durka> lol ya
01:48 <Durka> spidey's making a site thats just a few images
01:48 <Durka> and a lot of image maps for links
01:48 <spidey> i'm not
01:48 <Durka> tis cool
01:48 <luke-jr> ...
01:48 <Durka> its cool
01:49 <spidey> someone else is making a photoshop layout
01:49 <luke-jr> #roulette
01:49 -!- luke-jr was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
01:49  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:49 <spidey> one of the clanmembers
01:49 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@CPE-24-31-246-32.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
01:49 <luke-jr> crap
01:49 <spidey> #luke
01:49 <@armabot> stfu, baka noob?? RTFM??
01:49 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Compn
01:49 -!- Netsplit leguin.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: arctanx, [Xpert]DarkStar, guru3
01:49 <luke-jr> #roulette --spin
01:49 <ghableska> O_o
01:49 <@armabot> luke-jr: (roulette [spin]) -- Fires the revolver. If the bullet was in the chamber, you're dead. Tell me to spin the chambers and I will.
01:49 -!- arctanx [n=inverse@124-168-233-79.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #armagetron
01:49 -!- Netsplit over, joins: [Xpert]DarkStar
01:49 <luke-jr> #roulette spin
01:49 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
01:50 <spidey> #roulette
01:50 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
01:50 <luke-jr> #roulette
01:50 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
01:50 <luke-jr> Durka: ghableska
01:50 <Durka> #roulette
01:50 -!- Durka was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
01:50  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:50 <luke-jr> ROFL
01:50 -!- Durka [n=Justin@cpe-76-167-238-228.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
01:50 <Durka> =/
01:51 <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img 
01:51 <@armabot> spidey: [22:03:39] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img --nolimit
01:51 <luke-jr> lol
01:51 <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img --nolimit
01:51 <@armabot> spidey: [01:51:05] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img, [22:03:39] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img --nolimit, and [03:55:20] <spidey> http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/768/previewyw1.jpg
01:51 <spidey> http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/768/previewyw1.jpg
01:51 <spidey> that's what he's talking abou
01:51 <Durka> ya
01:51 <Durka> lol
01:51 <spidey> +t
01:52 <Durka> huge play for usc
01:52 <Durka> go michigan!
01:52 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
01:52 <luke-jr> #roulette spin
01:52 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
01:52 <luke-jr> #roulette
01:52 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
01:52 <Durka> fuck
01:53 <Durka> wow touchdown for usc
01:53 <Durka> 62 yard TD :(
01:53 <Durka> #roulette
01:53 -!- Durka was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
01:53  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
01:53 <ghableska> heh
01:53 -!- Durka [n=Justin@cpe-76-167-238-228.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
01:53 <Durka> wow
01:53 <luke-jr> lol
01:53 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
01:53 <spidey> wow
01:54 <spidey> that was stupid
01:54 <spidey> #last --nolimit
01:54 <@armabot> spidey: [01:53:51] <spidey> that was stupid, [01:53:48] <spidey> wow, [01:53:30] <luke-jr> lol, [01:53:15] <Durka> wow, [01:53:11] <ghableska> heh, [01:53:05] <Durka> #roulette, [01:52:58] <Durka> 62 yard TD :(, [01:52:53] <Durka> wow touchdown for usc, [01:52:48] <Durka> fuck, [01:52:25] <luke-jr> #roulette, [01:52:16] <luke-jr> #roulette spin, [01:52:01] <Durka> go michigan!, [01:51:58] <Durka> huge play for usc, (50 more messages)
01:54 <Durka> #more
01:54 <@armabot> Durka: Fortress= (1 players) || Strawberry Fields (1 players) || ~Dc~ Diggers Click Team Server (0 players) || Arena 51 Fight Club (0 players) || LoBo'S Habitat yea (0 players) || Wild West =Team Sumo= (0 players)
01:54 <luke-jr> spidey: ?
01:55 <spidey> i clicked the X when i ment to click _
01:55 <luke-jr> lol
01:59 <Durka> wow that #more was for when i typed #armaservers about 10 hours ago o_O
02:00 <ghableska> #more
02:00 <@armabot> ghableska: www.icemans.net (1 players) || Wild West =Labyrinth CTF= (Experimental) (1 players) || thekowsklan test arena STILL IN PRE-ALPHA STAGE (0 players) || thekowsklan classic (0 players) || ~Dc~ Diggers Click Team Server (0 players)
02:00 <Durka> lol
02:01 <luke-jr> #more
02:01 <@armabot> luke-jr: Error: You haven't asked me a command; perhaps you want to see someone else's more.  To do so, call this command with that person's nick.
02:06 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:5ae3:8196:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #armagetron
02:13 <spidey> ..
02:17 <Durka> #more Lucifer_arma
02:17 <@armabot> Durka: Error: Lucifer_arma has no public mores.
02:17 <Durka> #more guru3
02:17 <@armabot> Durka: players) || Wild West =Wild Fortress= (0 players) || Wild West =Labyrinth CTF= (Experimental) (0 players) || Wild West =Fortress= (0 players) || Fortress (0 players) || BFAM--Brotherz From Another Motherz (0 players)
02:17  * ghableska wonders if he should set this to his wallpaper http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/44722066/
02:18 <Durka> lol
02:18 <guru3> what's a #more?
02:18 <ghableska> BFAM? o.0
02:19 <Durka> make it this
02:19 <Durka> http://nicholasparedes.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/nytimes_teamamerica.jpg
02:19 <spidey> http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/gir2413/doublepostoa5.gif
02:19 <spidey> i liked that
02:20 <ghableska> that would look *very* bad on a 1024x1280 screen
02:20 <spidey> lol
02:21 <Lucifer_arma> that's right, all of my mores are private
02:26 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034196079.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
02:27 -!- Vanhayes_ [n=lamb--ch@stjhnbsu83w-156034196079.nb.aliant.net] has left #armagetron []
02:33 <Durka> lmao
02:33 <Durka> nice spidey
02:33 <Durka> #more spidey
02:33 <@armabot> Durka: [01:51:32] <spidey> +t, [01:51:32] <Durka> lol, [01:51:31] <Durka> ya, [01:51:27] <spidey> that's what he's talking abou, [01:51:23] <spidey> http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/768/previewyw1.jpg, [01:51:16] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img --nolimit, [01:51:13] <luke-jr> lol, [01:51:05] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img, [01:50:48] <Durka> =/, [01:50:43] <luke-jr> ROFL, [01:50:39] (49 more messages)
02:33 <Durka> #more spidey
02:33 <@armabot> Durka: [01:51:32] <spidey> +t, [01:51:32] <Durka> lol, [01:51:31] <Durka> ya, [01:51:27] <spidey> that's what he's talking abou, [01:51:23] <spidey> http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/768/previewyw1.jpg, [01:51:16] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img --nolimit, [01:51:13] <luke-jr> lol, [01:51:05] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with http://img, [01:50:48] <Durka> =/, [01:50:43] <luke-jr> ROFL, [01:50:39] (49 more messages)
02:33 <Durka> #more Vanhayes
02:33 <@armabot> Durka: Tuesday - Rain ending in the morning then cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. Rainfall amount 2 to 4 mm. Wind southeast 40 km/h gusting to 60 becoming northwest 40 gusting to 70 in the morning. Temperature falling to minus 3 in the evening. Tuesday night..clearing early in the evening. Wind northwest 40 km/h gusting to 70. Low minus 8.; Wednesday - Sunny. High plus 3.;
02:33 <spidey> ..................................................
02:34 <Vanhayes> #weather saint john
02:34 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Temperature: 36°F / 2°C | Humidity: N/A% | Pressure: -9999.00in / -9999hPa | Conditions: Light Rain | Wind Direction: South | Wind Speed: 10mph / 17km/h | Updated: 9:11 PM AST; Tonight - Rain. Risk of freezing rain early this evening. Rainfall amount 10 to 15 mm. Fog patches developing early this evening. Wind south 30 km/h becoming southeast 40 gusting to 60 overnight. Temperature rising to 9 by morning.; (1 more message)
02:34 <Vanhayes> #more
02:34 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Tuesday - Rain ending in the morning then cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. Rainfall amount 2 to 4 mm. Wind southeast 40 km/h gusting to 60 becoming northwest 40 gusting to 70 in the morning. Temperature falling to minus 3 in the evening. Tuesday night..clearing early in the evening. Wind northwest 40 km/h gusting to 70. Low minus 8.; Wednesday - Sunny. High plus 3.;
02:34 <ghableska> #weather 50266
02:34 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 28.0°F (7:33 PM CST on January 01, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Pressure: 29.34 in 993.5 hPa. 
02:34 <Durka> #weather 90049
02:34 <@armabot> Durka: The current temperature in Santa Monica, California is 59.0°F (4:51 PM PST on January 01, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 44%. Dew Point: 37.4°F. Pressure: 30.00 in 1016 hPa.  Wind Advisory in effect until 3 PM PST Tuesday for areas below passes and canyons between Hollywood Hills and Malibu...
02:35 <Durka> #g 1+1
02:35 <@armabot> Durka: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:35 <Durka> #g 1+1
02:35 <@armabot> Durka: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:35 <Durka> wow...
02:35 <Durka> ummm
02:35 <Vanhayes> #g 1 + 1
02:35 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:35 <Vanhayes> guess its broke
02:35 <Vanhayes> #help g 
02:35 <@armabot> Vanhayes: (g <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "google calc $*".
02:43 <Durka> #g 100-1
02:43 <@armabot> Durka: 100 - 1 = 99
02:43 <Durka> #g 1+1
02:43 <@armabot> Durka: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:43 <Durka> weird
02:44 <ghableska> #g 1 + 1
02:44 <@armabot> ghableska: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:44 <ghableska> #g 2+2
02:44 <@armabot> ghableska: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:44 <ghableska> #g 2-3
02:44 <@armabot> ghableska: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:47 <Durka> #g wrtl+prnft
02:47 <@armabot> Durka: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
02:56 <Durka> #ping
02:56 <@armabot> pong
03:17 <Lucifer_arma> google appears to have shut down their calculator
03:17 <Lucifer_arma> I even tried it through the web interface and it didn't work
03:17 <Lucifer_arma> #google does anything work?
03:17 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: Search took 0.13 seconds: ABC News: Does Anything Work When Battling a Hangover?: <http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Health/story?id=1458572>; Does anything work ?!: <http://www.work-at-home-forum.com/14_2620_0.html>; Topic: Does anything work ?! @ Work at Home Forum: <http://www.work-at-home-forum.com/topic_rss.php?topic=2620>; Inside SWT: How does anything work ?: <http://inside- (3 more messages)
03:18 <ghableska> apparently
03:21 <GodTodd> #g 1+1=
03:21 <Durka> #g 100-1
03:21 <@armabot> GodTodd: 1 + 1 = 2
03:21 <@armabot> Durka: 100 - 1 = 99
03:22 <GodTodd> #g 1+1
03:22 <Durka> #g 1+1
03:22 <@armabot> GodTodd: 1 + 1 = 2
03:22 <@armabot> Durka: 1 + 1 = 2
03:22 <Durka> lol
03:22 <Durka> X)
03:22 <GodTodd> working for me
03:22 <Lucifer_arma> hmmm
03:22 <GodTodd> #g 10+43-43/4*5
03:22 <@armabot> GodTodd: 10 + 43 - ((43 / 4) * 5) = -0.75
03:22 <Lucifer_arma> looks like it just started working again :)
03:23 <Lucifer_arma> #google define idiot
03:23 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: Search took 0.17 seconds: Definition of Idiot from dictionary.net: <http://www.dictionary.net/idiot>; Ask The Idiot for creative and innovative ideas and perspectives: <http://www.acrologic.co.uk/guest/asktheidiot.html>; VikingPhoenix.com - Definitions and Glossary: <http://vikingphoenix.com/Internet/reference/defglos.htm>; Mighty Hunter, or Village Idiot ? The Fight to Define Attention ...: (2 more messages)
03:23 <Lucifer_arma> #google define:idiot
03:23 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: No matches found. (Search took 0.01 seconds)
03:24 <Lucifer_arma> google plugin just doesn't support that :/
03:25 <Lucifer_arma> yay.  Put in "Armagetron Advanced" and hit I'm Feeling Lucky
03:26 <Lucifer_arma> works for my name, too
03:35 <GodTodd> #weather 75023
03:35  * Lucifer_arma didn't just discover "I'm Feeling Lucky", he was just wondering how useful it was for some things
03:35 <@armabot> GodTodd: The current temperature in Custer & Pleasant Valley, Plano, Texas is 40.5°F (8:35 PM CST on January 01, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 61%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Pressure: 30.35 in 1027.7 hPa. 
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> GodTodd: got any new material for the website tonight?
03:35 <Lucifer_arma> I'm going to be writing something as soon as this room quiets down
03:36 <GodTodd> not yet...finishing up my oral presentation for tomorrow and studying a bit for the test on wednesday :/
03:36 <Lucifer_arma> heh, ok.  :)
03:36 <GodTodd> i'm hoping to this week tho :)
03:37 <Lucifer_arma> that's really sweet.  My daughter wants to help her older brother set up a lemonade stand so he can buy his younger brother a birthday present
03:38 <GodTodd> she getting a cut?
03:39 <Lucifer_arma> I'll go ask
03:39 <GodTodd> heh
03:42 <Lucifer_arma> manipulative little bitch
03:42 <GodTodd> she's getting a cut?
03:42 <Lucifer_arma> she's planning on taking half, but she's got her brother all hyped up over buying the present, and she hasn't bothered telling him she gets half
03:42  * Lucifer_arma smiles proudly at his daughter
03:42 <GodTodd> haha
03:42 <GodTodd> yep...she's your kid :)
03:59 <GodTodd> stupid partner
03:59 <Lucifer_arma> ?
03:59 <GodTodd> sent me a fucking pptx file
04:01 <GodTodd> make me download a trial version of office 2007 then send me the ppt files....so now i have to reinstall my pirated office xp to get back where i started
04:01 <GodTodd> :/
04:03 <GodTodd> mostly because school doesn't yet use office 2007
04:04 <GodTodd> *and* he's one of those UT farts from Austin
04:04 <GodTodd> :)
04:08 <GodTodd> #dance
04:08 <@armabot> GodTodd does the 'I killed chat' dance.
04:08 <ghableska> o0
04:09 <GodTodd> #weather 50266
04:09 <@armabot> GodTodd: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 26.2°F (9:07 PM CST on January 01, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: 17.6°F. Pressure: 29.34 in 993.5 hPa. 
04:10 <Vanhayes> #joke
04:10 <@armabot> By royal decree, all humor has hereby been expunged from this channel. If you feel you absolutely *have* to be funny please find a channel where people are able to understand jokes.
04:11 <GodTodd> #luke
04:11 <@armabot> stfu, baka noob?? RTFM??
04:11 <Vanhayes> heh are those all yours?
04:11 <GodTodd> heh...yeah
04:15 <GodTodd> well...not weather ;)
04:17 <Durka> #luke
04:17 <@armabot> stfu, baka noob?? RTFM??
04:17 <Durka> #roulette
04:17 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
04:17 <Durka> #night
04:17 <@armabot> Good night Durka!
04:17 <Durka> #roulette
04:17 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
04:17 <Durka> #roulette
04:17 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
04:17 <Durka> #roulette
04:17 <@armabot> Durka: *click*
04:17 <Durka> #roulette
04:17 <Vanhayes> #roulette
04:17 -!- Durka was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
04:17 -!- Vanhayes was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
04:17  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
04:17  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
04:17 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034196079.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
04:17 <Vanhayes> ha
04:18 <Vanhayes> double barreled gun this time
04:19 <GodTodd> maybe it's polish roulette
04:20 <GodTodd> 6 bullets ;)
04:28 <GodTodd> hmmm....if necessity is the mother of invention then is laziness its father?
04:29 <Vanhayes> wouldnt laziness be the father of innovation, seeing as the thing is already invented?
04:32 <Lucifer_arma> http://www.geocities.com/versetrue/rowling.htm  <--- I knew there was a reason Harry Potter was evil
04:33  * Lucifer_arma points out the linked page is more like a black helicopter webpage, but it at least summarizes some interesting information
04:39 <GodTodd> Vanhayes: no, i mean, for instance inventing the recliner because you're too lazy to go from the chair to the bed
04:40 <Vanhayes> ah,  ok 
04:41 <GodTodd> and the fact that the point of most inventions is to 'make our lives easier'
04:41 <GodTodd> aka so we don't have to work as hard
04:57 <Lucifer_arma> the bread machine is the greatest invention ever
04:58 <spidey> Real Madrid is first in the league and Real Betis is fifth while Osasuna is right between them. If Barcelona has more points than Celta Vigo and Celta Vigo is exactly below Osasuna then who is second?
04:58 <spidey> o.O
05:00 <arctanx> Barcelona?
05:01 <spidey> lol
05:02 <arctanx> What kind of a lame riddle is that?
05:02 <[NP]Tangent> ahahahaha
05:03 <[NP]Tangent> I just pissed off a bunch of young high shcool kids
05:03 <[NP]Tangent> talking about lighting a copy of The Notebook on fire was the most brilliant thing I have ever done
05:03 <arctanx> It's not hard to do
05:04 <arctanx> What? What's that?
05:04 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, Barcelona
05:04  * Lucifer_arma has the same question arctanx has, what kind of a lame riddle is that?
05:04 <Lucifer_arma> what is "The NOtebook"?
05:05 <arctanx> yep
05:05 <GodTodd> lame chick book
05:05 <[NP]Tangent> yeah
05:05 <[NP]Tangent> a movie now
05:05 <GodTodd> yeah
05:05 <spidey> #g 2*2*10 /20
05:05 <@armabot> spidey: (2 * 2 * 10) / 20 = 2
05:05 <GodTodd> lame chick flick
05:05 <arctanx> 2?
05:06 <GodTodd> same as 2*20/20
05:06 <GodTodd> 2
05:06 <GodTodd> or 2x/x
05:06 <GodTodd> 2
05:06 <Lucifer_arma> 2y/y
05:06 <GodTodd> haha
05:06 <Lucifer_arma> 2x^2/x^2
05:07 <Lucifer_arma> (2+1)/(0+1.5)
05:07 <arctanx> or 2sin(pi/4)/cos(pi/4) ;)
05:07 <Lucifer_arma> heh
05:08 <arctanx> or 2*e^(i*pi)/-1
05:08 <arctanx> the point is it's 2
05:09 <GodTodd> correctomundo
05:09 <GodTodd> well that and the notebook is lame
05:09 <GodTodd> :)
05:09 <arctanx> #g 2*e^(i*pi)/-1
05:09 <@armabot> arctanx: (2 * (e^(i * pi))) / (-1) = 2
05:10 <arctanx> far out
05:10 <arctanx> that bot is more smart than I was prepared to give it credit for
05:10 <arctanx> #g sin(pi/3)
05:10 <@armabot> arctanx: sin(pi / 3) = 0.866025404
05:11 <arctanx> of course
05:11 <arctanx> google is smart ;)
05:17 <GodTodd> #g sqrt(3)/2
05:17 <@armabot> GodTodd: sqrt(3) / 2 = 0.866025404
05:18 <Lucifer_arma> #g e^(i*pi)
05:18 <GodTodd> #g sqrt(-1)
05:18 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: e^(i * pi) = -1
05:18 <@armabot> GodTodd: sqrt(-1) = i
05:19 <GodTodd> heh
05:19 <Lucifer_arma> apparently I've forgotten something important, I'm not seeing how e^i*pi is -1
05:19 <Lucifer_arma> #g ln(pi)
05:19 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: ln(pi) = 1.14472989
05:20 <GodTodd> #g e^i
05:20 <@armabot> GodTodd: e^i = 0.540302306 + 0.841470985 i
05:21 <luke-jr> #roulette
05:22 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
05:22 <Lucifer_arma> so, [NP]Tangent (hi there!) : why were they angry you suggested setting that particular book on fire?
05:23 <[NP]Tangent> eh
05:23 <[NP]Tangent> kids
05:23 <[NP]Tangent> I'd assume "emo"
05:25 <Lucifer_arma> oh, ok.  Not just general opposition to book-burning, then?
05:27 <[NP]Tangent> nope
05:27 <[NP]Tangent> it wasn't book burning
05:27 <[NP]Tangent> DVD burning
05:27 <[NP]Tangent> :D
05:29 <Lucifer_arma> how bad can it be?  It had James Garner in it...
05:30 <GodTodd> i hear if you watch it too much your dick recesses and becomes a clitoris
05:31 <[NP]Tangent> hahahaha
05:35 <Lucifer_arma> Had helped organize Martin Luther King's march on Washington for Civil Rights, four years before going to Vietnam. (1963)  <--- About James Garner
05:38 <Lucifer_arma> "I came from Oklahoma. I was born and raised in the Depression. Now, you want to put some pressure on somebody, well, live through the Depression. In Oklahoma. In the dust. And then the flood followed... So studio executives don't bother me at all."
05:38  * Lucifer_arma likes James Garner :)
05:38  * GodTodd didn't say anything bad about James Garner :)
05:39 <GodTodd> he was Rockford, wasn't he?
05:42 <Lucifer_arma> yes, he was
05:42 <Lucifer_arma> he also did Support your local sheriff
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> I think Jennifer Garner is his daughter, but I"m not sure
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> now, [NP]Tangent (hi there!) , you should direct your emo friends to this:
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Beautiful_Mind_%28film%29
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> it's the anti-emo movie, I think
05:46 <GodTodd> heh
05:46 <GodTodd> that was a weird movie
05:50 <Lucifer_arma> I liked it.  :)
05:50 <GodTodd> yeah..it was good
05:50 <GodTodd> just...weird :)
05:51 <Lucifer_arma> I particularly liked the presentation of how the antipsychotic medicine interfered with his thinking and crushed his ability to do math
05:51 <Lucifer_arma> so he decided to quit taking the medicine, and ultimately worked it out
05:56 <GodTodd> yep
05:56 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@] has left #Armagetron []
05:57 <Lucifer_arma> I like those two things.  The first because everytime you're given some sort of mind-drug, you're told it will clear up your mind and make you think better
05:57 <Lucifer_arma> and the second because it suggests it might be possible to work around mental problems without drugs
05:57 <GodTodd> i think it is possible, personally
05:57 <Lucifer_arma> don't know if that's a generalization that applies to ADD and friends, but I suspect some things, like Bipolar Disorder, work
05:58 <GodTodd> ADD is over-diagnosed
05:58 <GodTodd> overly*
05:58 <Lucifer_arma> well, I do question even the existence of such disorders, and then the causes, but what do I know, eh?
05:58 <Lucifer_arma> in some part of my mind I have to accept the possibility I'm wrong, and the possibility I might personally be ADHD and/or Bipolar
05:58 <Lucifer_arma> in which case, what do I do about it?  :)
05:58 <GodTodd> "that kid stole a car" "well, he *is* ADD, you know."
05:59 <Lucifer_arma> I wrote my comp I research paper on the subject of overdiagnosis of such disorders
06:00 <Lucifer_arma> I focused on ADD, but bipolar disorder came up a lot, and ADHD was mentioned more in the research I did than ADD, although the two were usually mentioned together
06:00 <GodTodd> thing is...i don't think ADD is really a disorder...it's a conditioning by tv and such
06:01 <GodTodd> yeah...ADD and ADHD are interchangeable IIRC
06:01 <Lucifer_arma> I think a lot of the fog would be cleared up if your general practitioner had more psychological training and coordinated mental health as well
06:01 <Lucifer_arma> you really need someone who can look at it and say "What if it is mercury poisoning?"
06:01 <GodTodd> true
06:01 <Lucifer_arma> see, there *are* lots of physical conditions that can cause those symptoms.  But if you just look at the symptoms, rush off to a psychologist, and then take your psychologist's note to your GP to get a prescription,
06:02 <Lucifer_arma> you haven't solved the problem!
06:02 <Lucifer_arma> unfortunately, that's what people do.
06:02 <Lucifer_arma> psychologists aren't trained MDs!  Psychiatrists are, but that doesn't mean they won't opt for the $150/hour counseling over a referral to a specialist
06:02 <GodTodd> and, sadly, most of the time it's parents that don't take the time to try and get to the bottom of it
06:03 <Lucifer_arma> no!  They want a pill that will cure their kid's problems, or at least disown them of the responsibility
06:03 <GodTodd> yep
06:04 <Lucifer_arma> then there's teachers trying to get more funding for their schools.  My former sister-in-law had to deal with that.  She had a teacher for one of her kids that told her he couldn't go there anymore without a Ritalin prescription.
06:04 <Lucifer_arma> I just can't wait until one of my kids' teachers tells me I need to get him/her something like that
06:04 <GodTodd> heh
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> my son's first grade teacher took a step in that direction by suggesting he needed a speech therapist
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> see, when a kid gets diagnosed ADD/ADHD, that means more funding for the schools
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> same with speech therapy
06:05 <Lucifer_arma> well, it just so happened that the thing she was recommending him for was a regression that came from one of his friends, he could say "y" and "l" separately before school started
06:06 <Lucifer_arma> and she completely failed to notice his r's and one other letter (which I've forgotten)
06:06 <GodTodd> well...i'm of two minds on that...my ex tried to say that my son was diagnosed with asperger's so the school could get more funding...
06:06 <GodTodd> i disagreed
06:08 <GodTodd> i realize there are a lot of cases where that is true (that the school is just trying to get the funding/they just slap a label on a kid for convenience) but those are usually cases that are easily resolvable by the parents being involved and actually knowing their kids
06:08 <Lucifer_arma> heh, like most things, I'm reading the asperger's page and thinking "That's me, that's me, that's not me, that's me"
06:08 <GodTodd> such as in your son's case
06:10 <GodTodd> heh
06:10 <Lucifer_arma> People with AS typically have a highly pedantic way of speaking, using a far more formal register of language than appropriate for a context. A five-year-old child with this condition may regularly speak in language that could easily have come from a university textbook, especially concerning his or her special area of interest
06:10  * Lucifer_arma quietly notes that there is a growing body of evidence indicating the geek stereotype is really just Asperger's
06:10 <GodTodd> it would almost seem so
06:13 <GodTodd> heh...i got calls from the counsellor at my son's school the week before Christmas
06:13 <Lucifer_arma> heh.  In reading the wikipedia page, I can't help but think "It would be so awesome to have a kid with asperger's"
06:14 <GodTodd> apparently they were concerned with a certain thing he had taken to saying
06:14 <Lucifer_arma> it wasn't "fuck you", was it?
06:14 <GodTodd> when he farts he likes to say "wooo, smells like suicide" and then laugh
06:15 <GodTodd> nah...that was kindergarten
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> hahahaha
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> where did he get that?
06:16 <Lucifer_arma> In some cases, people with AS may have an odd way of walking, and may display compulsive finger, hand, arm or leg movements,[31] including tics and stims.  <--- that would explain the head-shaking I do
06:16 <GodTodd> apparently he had heard me tell my wife, after taking an especially greasy shit, not to go into the bathroom for a while because it would be suicide...then he adapted it
06:16 <Lucifer_arma> my parents say they had me "checked out" for autism and the tests were all negative, but this would have been in the 70s, and they've got nothing to explain the head-shaking
06:17 <Lucifer_arma> hahahaha.  So he generalized it, that's cool.  I might have to start saying that, that's awesome.
06:17 <GodTodd> yeah...they're finding a lot of our generation that would have been diagnosed if they had known what to actually look for
06:17 <GodTodd> hey...i thought it was a step in the right direction....he's adapting things instead of copying...that's better than a few years ago :)
06:18 <Lucifer_arma> Some people with AS experience varying degrees of sensory overload and are extremely sensitive to touch, smells, sounds, tastes, and sights. They may prefer soft clothing, familiar scents, or certain foods.  <--- this whole paragraph is interesting
06:18 <Lucifer_arma> well, he's just getting older.  Just wait until he starts coming up with his own shit.  ;)
06:18 <GodTodd> he does
06:19 <GodTodd> and yeah...having an AS kid is interesting
06:20 <GodTodd> Lucifer_arma: you talking about the head-bobbing you do when you walk?
06:20 <Lucifer_arma> yes, that
06:20 <Lucifer_arma> here's something interesting:
06:20 <Lucifer_arma> Asperger’s observations, published in German, were not widely known until 1981, when an English doctor named Lorna Wing published a series of case studies of children showing similar symptoms, which she called “Asperger’s Syndrome".  <--- meaning they may not have even known to look for it when I was young enough for them to be looking
06:21 <GodTodd> yep
06:21 <Lucifer_arma> I do the head-bobbing all the time, and it takes somewhat conscious effort to stop
06:21 <GodTodd> yeah...i remember the head bobbing
06:21 <Lucifer_arma> and with the way my parents take something they want to hear as fact and then always think it's fact afterwards, there's no way new research coming to light would have affected their base view
06:22 <GodTodd> heh
06:22 <GodTodd> my mom now thinks that i have/had AS
06:22 <GodTodd> having seen my son a bit
06:22 <Lucifer_arma> Even though no consensus exists for the cause(s) of AS, it is widely accepted that AS has a hereditary factor
06:23 <GodTodd> yep
06:23 <GodTodd> they can't prove it tho
06:23 <GodTodd> yet
06:24 <Lucifer_arma> probably all they've got right now is correlation
06:24 <GodTodd> yeah...that and the fact that they didn't know until 25 years ago wtf it was
06:24 <GodTodd> so they're going on people's memories and shit
06:25 <Lucifer_arma> Unintended side effects of medication and intervention have largely been ignored in the literature about treatment programs for children or adults,[58] and there are claims that some treatments are not ethical and do more harm than good.[59][60]
06:25 <Lucifer_arma> [edit] 
06:25 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, it is fairly new in the grand scheme of things.
06:25 <GodTodd> yep
06:25 <Lucifer_arma> that rates it in there with ADD/ADHD and Bipolar Disorder for when it started getting focus
06:26 <GodTodd> and i don't really see it as a disorder except insofar as dyslexia is a disorder
06:26 <GodTodd> it's more of a complication you learn to work around
06:27 <Lucifer_arma> well, that's part of the debate.  If 20% of the population is affected by it, can it really be classed as a "disorder"?
06:28 <Lucifer_arma> maybe AS doesn't figure into that, but ADHD easily does
06:28 <GodTodd> true
06:28 <GodTodd> #g 1/166
06:28 <@armabot> GodTodd: 1 / 166 = 0.00602409639
06:28 <Lucifer_arma> BD for that matter.  In the 90s, we were seeing diagnoses rates over 20%.  One school I uncovered in my research had over 50% of their students diagnosed ADD or ADHD, and they were a regular public school!
06:29 <GodTodd> heh
06:29 <GodTodd> personally i think ADD is a bs disorder
06:29 <Lucifer_arma> Individuals with AS may make great intellectual contributions: published case reports suggest an association with accomplishments in computer science, mathematics, and physics. The deficits associated with AS may be debilitating, but many individuals experience positive outcomes, particularly those who are able to excel in areas less dependent on social interaction, such as mathematics, music, and the sciences.[1]
06:30 <GodTodd> then again, what do i know? :)
06:30 <Lucifer_arma> actually, I suspect ADD is for real.  :/
06:30 <arctanx> Hehe I have some AS
06:30 <GodTodd> i don't believe it is a disorder persay
06:30 <luke-jr> #roulette
06:30 <arctanx> It's not serious, but I meet too many of the criteria'
06:30 <GodTodd> perse*
06:30 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
06:30 <GodTodd> blah
06:30 <Lucifer_arma> but I'd expect the whole set of mental disorders to look a lot different in 50 years when they know more about the brain in general
06:30 <GodTodd> it's a conditioning :P
06:31 <arctanx> I tend to speak more formally, like soft clothes and routine, am sensitive to sound and touch
06:31  * GodTodd touches arctanx.
06:31 <spidey> hmm
06:31 <GodTodd> stfu spidey
06:31 <GodTodd> :)
06:31 <spidey> quote worthy :p
06:32 <arctanx> It's also taken me until this year or so (I'm 18 now) to become close to socially adjusted
06:32 <arctanx> and damn it's a good feeling
06:32  * GodTodd still isn't socially adjusted.
06:32 <Lucifer_arma> #quote add "<spidey> hmm  <GodTodd> stfu spidey"
06:32 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
06:32 <spidey> ..
06:32 <spidey> * GodTodd touches arctanx.   <---that's quote worthy
06:32 <spidey> :p
06:32 <Lucifer_arma> #quote add "<spidey> hmm  <GodTodd> stfu spidey"
06:32 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: The operation succeeded.  Quote #41 added.
06:33  * GodTodd still isn't socially adjusted and is "eighteenish".
06:33 <GodTodd> :)
06:33 <Lucifer_arma> the thing that's getting me about this AS page is that for every symptom, I'm thinking of how I had to learn specific skills to counter
06:33 <spidey> more like 40ish
06:33 <arctanx> Lucifer_arma: It's funny like that, isn't it
06:34 <Lucifer_arma> I have several scripts I've put together over the years that I go through for small-talk.  I didn't use to be able to small talk at all.
06:34 <GodTodd> Lucifer_arma: yep...that's the challenge of an AS kid...teaching them the ways to counter the different way of thinking
06:34 <Lucifer_arma> I have to take it with a grain of salt, I've read a number of pages on various disorders with the same reaction
06:34 <arctanx> Before I read any of the asperger's stuff, I realised that I had some things that I did that were a little weird, and made a conscious effort to behave differently
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> I'm particularly interested in the autistic spectrum because those resonate the strongest, but even so....
06:35 <arctanx> When I was younger I used to have to put the same number of steps on every slab of concrete on a footpath
06:35 <arctanx> and would go to great pains to achieve this
06:35 <luke-jr> #roulette spin
06:35 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> yeah!
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> I still do that!  :)
06:35 <GodTodd> arctanx: i did that !
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> it irritates my wife to no end
06:35 <luke-jr> #roulette
06:35 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
06:35 <GodTodd> i used to count everything too
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> then I get really confused on those long rock/cement things were there aren't separate slabs
06:35 <GodTodd> and it had to be an even number
06:35 <arctanx> I had the mental revelation that I was being obsessive-compulsive and needed to relax and just take things how they are
06:36 <arctanx> and I think I'm a better person
06:36 <arctanx> Anyway, time for work
06:36 <GodTodd> i almost choked many times at the water fountain trying to get to 20
06:36 <Lucifer_arma> I finally realized just a few weeks ago that the main reason I like heavy metal is because there's no abrupt noises, it's one continuous wall of noise
06:36 <luke-jr> it's because a change means that one way was worse than the other :p
06:36 <Lucifer_arma> can't say that about much music
06:36 <luke-jr> so it makes sense to try to standardize # of steps per slab
06:37 <Lucifer_arma> anyway, I've really noticed how much various noises annoy me recently.  My wife can tone them out, but the same noises drive me crazy
06:37 <GodTodd> same here
06:37 <GodTodd> then i get the "you need to just chill" speech
06:37 <GodTodd> heh
06:38 <luke-jr> opposite here
06:38 <luke-jr> I can tone anything out
06:38 <Lucifer_arma> Most patients presenting in clinical settings with AS have other comorbid psychiatric disorders.[68] Children are likely to present with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), while depression is a common diagnosis in adolescents and adults.[68] A study of referred adult patients found that 30% presenting with ADHD had ASD as well.
06:38 <luke-jr> my wife gets annoyed by the quietest stuff
06:38 <Lucifer_arma> that part's not surprising, every single "disorder" says that
06:39 <GodTodd> yeah
06:39 <Lucifer_arma> well, we went to atomic clocks because I got obsessive about wanting all my clocks to have the same time on them, but was too lazy to do it by hand
06:39 <luke-jr> lol
06:39 <GodTodd> man....you should see my son when i forget to change the calendars
06:39 <Lucifer_arma> I have had to deal with depression a lot throughout my life.  In fact, the reason I'm so hardcore with the anti-depression attitude is because it carries me when I get depressed
06:39 <GodTodd> it's not pretty
06:39 <luke-jr> I'd be like that, if I paid much attention to the clocks :p
06:39 <Lucifer_arma> haha
06:40 <Lucifer_arma> my daughter goes nuts over the calendar, but that may be because she's recently learned how to read them
06:40 <GodTodd> my son used to read calendars like they were novels
06:40 <GodTodd> and he used to be able to tell you what day a certain date was
06:40 <GodTodd> as long as it was in the past
06:41 <Lucifer_arma> Some professionals contend that, far from being a disease, AS is simply the pathologizing of neurodiversity that should be celebrated, understood and accommodated instead of "treated" or "cured".
06:41 <GodTodd> right on!
06:41 <GodTodd> :)
06:41 <GodTodd> that's my take on it
06:41 <Lucifer_arma> I'd say that's mostly true about them all.  :)
06:42 <GodTodd> it's not a disease...it's just a different way of thinking
06:42 <Lucifer_arma> just like you take a kid who can't read and teach them how to read, you should take a kid with a deficiency and teach them skills to compensate
06:42 <GodTodd> yep
06:42 <GodTodd> and i've assumed that as my job...i'm his father after all
06:42 <luke-jr> you're also assuming iti's a deficiency
06:43 <Lucifer_arma> my wife and I have a large focus on teaching our kids skills to compensate for deficiencies, and also on how to determine their own deficiencies and determine skills they can learn to compensate
06:43 <luke-jr> and not just another way of doing the same thing
06:43 <Lucifer_arma> we both have something of a fear of someone forcing some sort of treatment on them that they don't need, and she can at least speak from experience that most of the treatment hurts more than it helps
06:43 <GodTodd> truly
06:44 <Lucifer_arma> now, if they *need* it, we're all for it, but the current climate in this area being what it is, we'd rather they do without
06:44 <Lucifer_arma> i.e. it'll take a very strong argument for us to support a need for treatment
06:44 <Lucifer_arma> just showing me your doctoral dissertation won't do it
06:45 <GodTodd> thing is...my son is leaps and bounds further along in his deficient areas in just 3 years....we've just focused him on coping skills more
06:45 <Lucifer_arma> He contends that the term "difference" is more neutral, and that this small shift in a term could mean the difference between a diagnosis of AS being received as a family tragedy, or as interesting information, such as learning that a child is left-handed.
06:46 <GodTodd> anger/frustration management, time management, focusing on work, interpersonal communication....that sort of thing
06:46 <Lucifer_arma> what is life other than learning to cope with reality?
06:46 <GodTodd> yep
06:48 <Lucifer_arma> People with AS often get along a lot better with those considerably older or younger than them, rather than those their own age.  <--- that would certainly explain the age difference between me and my wife
06:48 <Lucifer_arma> it's not so pronounced now, but we've been married almost 11 years
06:54 <GodTodd> heh
06:56 <Lucifer_arma> Even with support, AS parents simply may not be up to the enormous task. Raising a neurotypical child involves complex emotional interaction between parent and child, as well as the ability to avoid parental behaviors damaging to a child's well-being.  <--- WHy would an AS parent *want* to raise a neurotypical kid anyway?
06:58 <Lucifer_arma> Cure Autism Now, or CAN, is an American organization dedicated to genocide against autistics by accelerating the pace of biomedical research and prenatal testing of autism through fundraising for research projects, education and outreach.  <--- This is NPOV???
07:00 <GodTodd> npov?
07:01 <Lucifer_arma> neutral point of view
07:01 <GodTodd> ah
07:01 <Lucifer_arma> although I do strongly disagree with using DNA testing to decide whether or not to get an abortion
07:01 <GodTodd> definitely
07:02 <Lucifer_arma> we were offered it for all of our kids, and when my wife couldn't promise not to abort the baby if she didn't like the results, we agreed not to get the testing done
07:02 <GodTodd> yeah...we turned it down too
07:03 <luke-jr> #roulette
07:03 <@armabot> luke-jr: *click*
07:03  * luke-jr notes usually autism is caused by vaccines
07:04  * GodTodd notes that luke-jr is usually full of shit. :)
07:08 <Lucifer_arma> Those who have diagnosed themselves as autistic would not necessarily be seen as autistic by doctors and may instead be suffering from Medical Textbook Syndrome (reading about a condition and thinking they have it).
07:08  * Lucifer_arma is glad now that he's ignoring luke-jr (hi there!) 
07:09 <GodTodd> they have a different name for hypochondria now?
07:09 <GodTodd> heh
07:09 <Lucifer_arma> I like that one.  :)  It's not the same as hypochondria, though...
07:09 <Lucifer_arma> I have to walk away from something I read and let it simmer for awhile to avoid suffering from MTS :)
07:10 <GodTodd> same here
07:14 <GodTodd> i've taken some of the "autism tests/questionaires" but don't really take them seriously...it's like taking an IQ test online
07:15 <Lucifer_arma> I still say that attempting to cure all emotional/neurological disorders is a mistake
07:15 <Lucifer_arma> just accepting my terminology for a moment
07:16 <Lucifer_arma> see, most of these disorders are defined in relationship to "normal"
07:16 <Lucifer_arma> but the fact is, for someone to do something abnormal, they must *be* abnormal
07:16 <Lucifer_arma> so to be a great inventor, you have to be more than a normal inventor
07:16 <Lucifer_arma> so if you cure all of these "disorders", you've gotten rid of exceptional people, and no more exceptional feats can be expected from the human race
07:17 <GodTodd> yep
07:17 <Lucifer_arma> of course, you take the bad with the good.  On the other end of the curve are the people who aren't normal and fail to adjust
07:18 <GodTodd> it's "thinking differently" that breeds innovation
07:18 <Lucifer_arma> we should focus our efforts on helping those people to adjust, not to become normal, but to become the best of what they are
07:18 <GodTodd> right
07:31 <GodTodd> but then it could just be that my son has asperger's because i care for his health
07:31 <GodTodd> ;)
07:37 <Lucifer_arma> indeed.  I wonder how many of these "disorders" are diagnosed solely because the parents are actually *gasp* paying attention
07:37 <Lucifer_arma> well, I've got my topic now, at least.  :)  It's going to result in two articles on the website.  I'll write one first, then get the other formatted and published (it's my comp I research paper)
07:38 <GodTodd> heh
07:40  * Lucifer_arma tries to remember the website's format, heh
07:40 <GodTodd> heh
07:43 <Lucifer_arma> Personally, I've had numerous friends diagnose me with everything from bipolar disorder to full-blown paranoid schizophrenia.  But I'm too awesome for so many people to be out to get me...
07:44 <Lucifer_arma> hmmm, need to think about format a bit more, apparently
07:44 <GodTodd> why's that?
07:44 <Lucifer_arma> man, ever since I took that comp I class I have to actually think about how to organize something before I write it.  I used to be able to whip shit out that was reasonably easy to follow.
07:44 <Lucifer_arma> now it's unintelligible if I don't spend some time working it out.  Damn training...
07:45 <GodTodd> haha
07:49 <Lucifer_arma> what's the opposite of deficiency?
07:49 <Lucifer_arma> #dict deficiency
07:49 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: wn, gcide, and moby-thes responded: wn: deficiency n 1: the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; "there is a serious lack of insight into the problem"; "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions"; "for want of a nail the shoe was lost" [syn: {lack}, {want}] 2: lack of an adequate quantity or number; "the inadequacy of unemployment benefits" [syn: {insufficiency}, (5 more messages)
07:50 <Lucifer_arma> #more
07:50 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: {inadequacy}] [ant: {sufficiency}, {sufficiency}]; gcide: Deficiency \De*fi"cien*cy\, n.; pl. {Deficiencies}. [See {Deficient}.] The state of being deficient; inadequacy; want; failure; imperfection; shortcoming; defect. "A deficiency of blood." --Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] [Marlborough] was so miserably ignorant, that his deficiencies made him the ridicule of his contemporaries. --Buckle. [1913 (4 more messages)
07:50 <Lucifer_arma> I don't want sufficiency, I want something that means advantage or excel (as in "he excels at <that>") and rhymes with deficiency
07:51 <Lucifer_arma> #dict excel
07:51 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: gazetteer, foldoc, gcide, wn, moby-thes, and gaz-place responded: foldoc: Excel {Microsoft Excel}; wn: excel v : distinguish oneself; "She excelled in math" [syn: {stand out}, {surpass}] [also: {excelling}, {excelled}]; gazetteer: Excel, AL (town, FIPS 24880) Location: 31.42617 N, 87.34242 W Population (1990): 571 (220 housing units) Area: 4.3 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water); gcide: (5 more messages)
07:51 <Lucifer_arma> #more
07:51 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: Excel \Ex*cel"\, v. i. To surpass others in good qualities, laudable actions, or acquirements; to be distinguished by superiority; as, to excel in mathematics, or classics. [1913 Webster] Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel. --Gen. xlix. 4. [1913 Webster] Then peers grew proud in horsemanship t' excel. --Pope. [1913 Webster]; moby-thes: 36 Moby Thesaurus words for "excel": be born for, be master (4 more messages)
07:52 <Lucifer_arma> #more
07:52 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: of, beat, best, better, cap, dominate, eclipse, exceed, go beyond, go one better, improve on, outdo, outpace, outrank, outshine, outstrip, outweigh, overbalance, overbear, overcome, overpass, overshadow, overtop, perfect, predominate, preponderate, prevail, shine, shine in, surpass, top, tower above, tower over, transcend, trump; gaz-place: Excel, AL -- U.S. town in Alabama Population (2000): 582 (3 more messages)
07:52 <Lucifer_arma> #more
07:52 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: Housing Units (2000): 253 Land area (2000): 1.649436 sq. miles (4.272020 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.649436 sq. miles (4.272020 sq. km) FIPS code: 24880 Located within: Alabama (AL), FIPS 01 Location: 31.427308 N, 87.340587 W ZIP Codes (1990): Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs. Headwords: Excel, AL Excel; gcide: Excel (2 more messages)
07:52 <Lucifer_arma> #more
07:52 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: \Ex*cel"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Excelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Excelling}.] [L. excellere, excelsum; ex out + a root found in culmen height, top; cf. F. exceller. See {Culminate}, {Column}.] 1. To go beyond or surpass in good qualities or laudable deeds; to outdo or outgo, in a good sense. [1913 Webster] Excelling others, these were great; Thou, greater still, must these excel. --Prior. [1913 Webster] I saw (1 more message)
07:52 <Lucifer_arma> #more
07:52 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness. --Eccl. ii. 13. [1913 Webster] 2. To exceed or go beyond; to surpass. [1913 Webster] She opened; but to shut Excelled her power; the gates wide open stood. --Milton. [1913 Webster]
07:52 <Lucifer_arma> that was almost useful
07:53 <Lucifer_arma> masteries
07:55 <GodTodd> proficiency?
07:58 <Lucifer_arma> no, not strong enough.  I went with masteries, it was close enough to rhyming
07:58 <Lucifer_arma> what was Newton's first name?  :)
07:58  * Lucifer_arma notes forgetting words is a symptom of bipolar disorder
07:59 <Lucifer_arma> isaac, of course
07:59 <GodTodd> heh
07:59 <GodTodd> the earth is bipolar
07:59 <GodTodd> ;)
08:00 <Lucifer_arma> ok, how about a less-inflammable evil dictator person?  Not hitler or stalin, I've already mentioned them...
08:00 <GodTodd> heh...hussein? ;)
08:00  * Lucifer_arma quietly notes all spheres are bipolar when you start spinning them
08:00 <Lucifer_arma> less-inflammable
08:00 <GodTodd> he's not very flammable under all that dirt :P
08:00 <Lucifer_arma> now probably isn't the best time to mention hussein and/or anybody affiliated with al-qaeda
08:01 <Lucifer_arma> stick to well-known historical figures :)
08:01  * GodTodd notes he was joking.
08:01 <Lucifer_arma> preferable pre-industrialization
08:01 <GodTodd> :P
08:01 <GodTodd> #joke
08:01 <@armabot> By royal decree, all humor has hereby been expunged from this channel. If you feel you absolutely *have* to be funny please find a channel where people are able to understand jokes.
08:01 <GodTodd> heh
08:01 <Lucifer_arma> ooo, pwned!  -- spidey
08:02 <GodTodd> ummm....so no Il Duce?
08:02 <Lucifer_arma> has to be someone inarguably bad, though.  Is Napolean inarguably bad?
08:02 <Lucifer_arma> well, if I don't know who the fuck the guy is, I'm not putting him in there
08:02 <GodTodd> hahaha
08:03 <Lucifer_arma> heh, POntius Pilate?  ;)
08:03 <Lucifer_arma> Moses!  He was clearly a retard---Asperger's patient!
08:03  * Lucifer_arma notes that "retard" is technically correct, if you can overlook the negative connotations
08:04 <Lucifer_arma> is there a wikipedia page for historical bad guys?
08:04 <GodTodd> btw Il Duce was Mussolini :P
08:06 <Lucifer_arma> ahhh
08:06 <Lucifer_arma> hmm, he's inarguably a bad guy now
08:06 <Lucifer_arma> but not pre-industrialized!
08:06 <GodTodd> right
08:07 <Lucifer_arma> Cortez?  does he fit the bill?
08:08 <GodTodd> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heads_of_state_timeline
08:08 <GodTodd> pick one :P
08:09 <Lucifer_arma> aha, Benedict Arnold!
08:10 <Lucifer_arma> may as well throw Petaine in there too
08:15 <Lucifer_arma> I'm considering pulling hitler out of the list
08:15 <Lucifer_arma> I think his presence in the list distracts from what I'm saying, but I'll let my editor make a call on it :)
08:17 <GodTodd> heh
08:27 <Lucifer_arma> As Kirk said, this is what makes us who we are!  (no apologies for the Star Trek V quote, I really enjoy that movie)
08:29 -!- Genki [n=47d76989@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
08:32 -!- Genki [n=47d76989@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
09:03 -!- z-manuel [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
09:10 <Lucifer_arma> heh
09:10 <Lucifer_arma> what's the word you use to describe someone who talks like they know it all?  (like me, it's used on me a lot)
09:11 <Lucifer_arma> ahh, condescending
09:35 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:45 <Lucifer_arma> grrrr
09:45 <Lucifer_arma> I don't feel like editing all that mess right now.  :/
09:47 <Lucifer_arma> heya z-man (hi there!) 
10:05 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-76-183-44-91.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:06 -!- DrJoeTr0n [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-75-56-61-88.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6642 /private/z-man/clio/ (. tests/MakefileTest):
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6646@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 09:37:09 +0100
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: added rule to generate assembly output. May be useful for code size
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: optimization.
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6643 /private/z-man/clio/ (. classname.hpp dataconversion.hpp ifunctioninfo.hpp):
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6647@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 09:56:38 +0100
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: code size optimization: switched back to class name getters returning
10:14 <@armabot> armagetronad: std::string, not std::string const &.
10:15 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6644 /private/z-man/clio/ (5 files):
10:15 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6648@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:04:31 +0100
10:15 <@armabot> armagetronad: More direct function argument list generation.
10:15 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6645 /private/z-man/clio/ (. classname.hpp templatearglist.hpp):
10:15 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6649@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:09:22 +0100
10:15 <@armabot> armagetronad: More direct template name generation.
10:26 <Lucifer_arma> I'd like to see a strategic wargame that makes the presumption that communists had won elections in Europe throughout the 50s, rebuilt, and then somehow a war started between the US and communist Europe
10:35 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034196079.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
10:42 <guru3> Lucifer_arma: clever idea in that new years post
10:43 <Lucifer_arma> thank you.  :)  I've been enjoying reading the follow-ups.
10:43 <guru3> yeah, but i think my follow-up is a bit stupid
10:45 <Lucifer_arma> well, what else are you going to say, really?
10:45 <guru3> i've been there since there were categories? ><
11:02 <Lucifer_arma> After the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union were doomed to be antagonists.... There probably was never any real possibility that the post-1945 relationship could be anything but hostility verging on conflict... Traditions, belief systems, propinquity, and convenience ... all combined to stimulate antagonism, and almost no factor operated in either country to hold it back. (Brinkley, 799)
11:02 <Lucifer_arma> if that's true, does that mean we're doomed to resume the Cold War?  I mean, most of that stuff hasn't changed.  It was true before the communists took over in Russia and it's mostly still true
11:02 <arctanx> Borat isn't helping anything
11:03 <Lucifer_arma> all that's really needed is for Russia to finish their economic recovery
11:03 <arctanx> and then they'll side with China
11:03 <Lucifer_arma> forgive my ignorance, who's Borat?  :)
11:03 <arctanx> and together go stick it to the US
11:03 <arctanx> Lucifer_arma: a fictional character from Kazakhstan, played by the same guy as who did ali g
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6646 /private/z-man/clio/ (. tests/MakefileTest):
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6654@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:54:30 +0100
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: Agressively stripping symbol names from executables.
11:04 <arctanx> He had some scenes in the ali g show, and recently did a full feature movie about conditions in kazakhstan, and a journalism trip to the US to learn about the culture so as to improve Kazakhstan
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6647 /private/z-man/clio/ (. autoinstantiation.hpp):
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6655@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:54:59 +0100
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: Added a couple of futile "inline" statements.
11:04 <Lucifer_arma> ah.  I didn't see that movie, read lots of bad shit about it.  Apparently the only good thing about it is that many americans now know that kazakhstan exists
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6648 /private/z-man/clio/ (. tests/codesize.test/test.cpp):
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6656@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:55:35 +0100
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected output (that is never used)
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6649 /private/z-man/clio/ (. tests/super.test/test.cpp):
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6657@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:55:59 +0100
11:04 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected unused output.
11:04 <arctanx> The reviews I heard were that it's funny. And having seen it, I agree
11:05 <guru3> it's not a good movie
11:05 <arctanx> Of course not
11:05 <Lucifer_arma> well, like I say, I didn't see it, but what I've read about it is that it's basically more american xenophobia
11:06 <arctanx> It's like team america. Shocking movie, but it says a few political things, and uses a pile of distasteful jokes
11:07  * wrtlprnft never knew what kind of psycho Lucifer_arma was
11:07 <Lucifer_arma> I'm actually thinking that there won't be one single opponent to the US in another Cold War-style conflict, but that it'll be an alliance
11:07 <Lucifer_arma> ?  what'd I do this time?
11:08 <Lucifer_arma> ah, you must've read my latest post in  that emo thread :)
11:08 <wrtlprnft> yeah, exactly
11:09 <wrtlprnft> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Ladle-7/Challenge_Board&curid=3136&diff=16731&oldid=16730&rcid=15486
11:09 <wrtlprnft> wtf
11:09 <wrtlprnft> i thought we didn't want to have hyphy on our team ever again…
11:10 <Lucifer_arma> did anybody tell him that?
11:10 <Lucifer_arma> he might just be figuring he was invited back because nobody told him otherwise...
11:11 <wrtlprnft> x_X
11:11 <wrtlprnft> usually you ask before you join a team
11:11 <wrtlprnft> though i can't know if he talked to 2020, of course
11:11 <wrtlprnft> either forums pm or some sort of IM
11:23 <Lucifer_arma> well, if he asked 2020 it's a virtual guarantee 2020 caved.  :)
11:25 <arctanx> hmm arma tourneys. That would be cool if I could play :P
11:26 <wrtlprnft> you can't?
11:26 <arctanx> a) I suck at fortress, b) I'm in AU = 300ms pings to anywhere that people think matter :P
11:27 <Lucifer_arma> c) he's not custang
11:28 <arctanx> On speed servers, people seal-trap me in the time it takes for me to see that they've done it
11:28 <wrtlprnft> fortress can be practiced, and i had 250ms ping to bugfarm when i was in canada and still was one of the best players there :)
11:28 <wrtlprnft> so, excuses :P
11:29 <Lucifer_arma> I also had 250ms to bugfarm, and Manta had 300-400 and he was one of the best players there too :)
11:29 <wrtlprnft> just learn a passive style of playing where you avoid being speedtrapped
11:29 <wrtlprnft> people will still crash into you
11:29 <Lucifer_arma> and live about half a second ahead of your cycle anyway
11:29 <arctanx> About half of my kills are instas :P
11:29 <Lucifer_arma> that goes no matter what your ping is, the game's too fast to concentrate on where you are now
11:30 <wrtlprnft> oh, and use the latest trunk version of the client, the lagometer is better there
11:30 <Lucifer_arma> in my own experience, the only time ping was a determining factor in the winner was when the other team had a lot of good players *and* the lowest pings
11:31 <Lucifer_arma> but a good assortment of pings on each team should deal with that
11:31 <Lucifer_arma> hmmm, maybe that's the right path to balance teams.  Require each team to have an assortment of pings...
11:31 <Lucifer_arma> that also means every team will have the same scheduling problems.  :)
11:31 <arctanx> yeah :P
11:32 <arctanx> Oh, and d) I share a 256k/64k connection, and have a sister and dad who use it regularly, sister for webcomics, deviantart, and dad for youtube
11:32 <guru3> i host 7 servers
11:32 <guru3> don't see me moaning about lag :>
11:32 <Lucifer_arma> we did pretty well playing 5 vs 8 on a european server where the team with 8 had < 100 pings and our team had 4 that were > 150
11:32 <wrtlprnft> i had the same problem in canada, too
11:32 <guru3> of course, everyone that plays on them does ^^
11:32 <arctanx> 3600ms is getting towards unplayable I'm afraid
11:32 <wrtlprnft> a homestay brother from brazil who used the connection all the time to do filesharing
11:33 <wrtlprnft> just be the technical guy, take control of the router and block his mac address
11:33 <Lucifer_arma> granted, we lost, but most every round was a fairly good fight.  we went down fighting for real...
11:33 <wrtlprnft> and tell him it doesn't work for you, either, and you have no idea what's wrong
11:33 <arctanx> He won't believe me
11:33 <wrtlprnft> she, in that case
11:33 <Lucifer_arma> traffic shaping?
11:33 <arctanx> He'll start doing his own troubleshooting, like turning off the modem
11:33 <Lucifer_arma> just have it give preference to arma packets?
11:34 <arctanx> traffic shaping I could do if I was up in the linux nat jive
11:34 <arctanx> I've been too lazy to study iptables in extensive detail so far
11:34 <wrtlprnft> just tell her the router is booting up and she may not disturb it in any case
11:34  * Lucifer_arma likes how all problems can be reduced to "too lazy"
11:34 <wrtlprnft> and the modem
11:34 <arctanx> yeah it's convenient isn't it
11:35 <arctanx> wrtlprnft: My family is simply not that stupid
11:35 <wrtlprnft> :s
11:35 <Lucifer_arma> that would only work on my wife once.  ;)
11:35 <arctanx> I'll upgrade us to 512/512 or 1.5/256 later on
11:35 <wrtlprnft> then only block traffic to youtube and tell them it's down
11:35 <wrtlprnft> they
11:35 <wrtlprnft> 'll notice everything else works
11:36 <arctanx> it's my sister browsing a myriad of phpbbs and webcomics that's the more consistent problem
11:36 <Lucifer_arma> take your computer to a friend's house for the tourney?
11:36 <arctanx> my friends whore the net more extensively than here
11:36 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, but you could bribe them with beer
11:36 <arctanx> besides that isn't practical, since being the AU dude, I would have to play at 3am
11:36 <Lucifer_arma> not impractical if you're bribing them with beer
11:36 <Lucifer_arma> didn't I mention that already?
11:36 <arctanx> I could make a special effort fo the cup maybe, when is that?
11:37 <Lucifer_arma> never?  they stopped at the ladle, and the cup is after the bowl
11:37 <wrtlprnft> arctanx: at least at 3am noone else will use your connection
11:37 <wrtlprnft> so that's the solution to everything :)
11:37 <Lucifer_arma> well, maybe that's when his sister surfs porn
11:38 <wrtlprnft> alternatively hijack your neighbours' WLAN
11:38 <wrtlprnft> you could then block them out, and they won't know it's you :P
11:38 <Lucifer_arma> you sell your soul recently, wrtlprnft (hi there!) ?
11:39 <wrtlprnft> no :P
11:39 <wrtlprnft> i just dislike people doing that sort of crap on the internet
11:39 <Lucifer_arma> just wondering because it seems like you're suggesting a lot more punk-ass solutions to problems than you used to :)
11:40 <wrtlprnft> maybe that was a new year'
11:40 <wrtlprnft> s resolution of mine?
11:40 <Lucifer_arma> to be more evil?
11:40 <arctanx> mmk fair enough
11:40 <wrtlprnft> to suggest more evil
11:40 <arctanx> I'm doing a dist upgrade tonight, then I'll install nvidia drivers and practise :P
11:41 <wrtlprnft> don't tell luke-jr you're using nvidia drivers
11:41 <Lucifer_arma> cue luke-jr (hi there!) with his nvidia diatribe
11:41 <wrtlprnft> now that's evil, Lucifer_arma 
11:42 <Lucifer_arma> installing nvidia drivers?  how?
11:42 <wrtlprnft> if luke-jr (hi there!!!) was here he'd annoy arctanx
11:42 <Lucifer_arma> well, the more people he annoys, the more people figure out how to legitimately ignore him, and eventually he goes away
11:42 <wrtlprnft> just because you woke him
11:43 <Lucifer_arma> well, I'd hate to be the one that woke luke-jr (hi there!) from his beauty rest
11:43 <Lucifer_arma> besides, he'd think it was for a good cause, I'm sure
11:44 <wrtlprnft> well, luke-jr likes to tell others that he thinks they suck
11:44 <wrtlprnft> so you're doing him a favor
11:44 <Lucifer_arma> no, that's me.  luke-jr (hi there!) just likes to make others think that he thinks he rules
11:45 <Lucifer_arma> oh yeah.  Have you run the trunk in a screen resolution that's not identical to your desktop resolution yet?
11:45 <wrtlprnft> yeah
11:45 <wrtlprnft> it works for me
11:45 <wrtlprnft> unless it crashes, which leaves me with a mess
11:46 <Lucifer_arma> I got a little itty-bitty box in the middle.  No doubt the box measured 300x200 (or whatever the default lowest resolution is).
11:46 <wrtlprnft> oh
11:46 <Lucifer_arma> surrounded by black bands, like letterboxing.  It was really weird.  Went away when I switched to the same resolution as my desktop.
11:47 <wrtlprnft> that's if you have a tft screen that isn't configured to stretch nonnative resolutions
11:47 <Lucifer_arma> ah, so driver configuration there?
11:47 <wrtlprnft> probably in your monitor's setup
11:47 <wrtlprnft> or BIOS, if you have a laptop
11:47 <wrtlprnft> at least on my laptop it's in the bios
11:47 <Lucifer_arma> ok then, no bug in arma, that's all I cared about.  It's new to me, but it's also the first time I've run arma since I went back to mandriva
11:48 <Lucifer_arma> mostly because it's the first time I got it to build *grumblegrumble*
11:48 <wrtlprnft> x_X
11:48 <wrtlprnft> umm, can you try to see what happens if you switch your desktop's resolution in kcontrol?
11:48 <Lucifer_arma> it didn't act that way in gentoo or Kubuntu, so it's probably x.org config.  I did have to use a newer nvidia driver, though.
11:49 <Lucifer_arma> well, I can, but it's not a problem for me since I prefer to play at the same resolution as my desktop and I know this laptop can do what's expected
11:49 <Lucifer_arma> so unless we need the information to help other people, I'd just as soon blow it off :)
11:50 <wrtlprnft> stretching on a TFT looks awful anyways
11:51 <Lucifer_arma> yeah.  arma looks like shit on this screen on anything other than my desktop resolution.  Admittedly I haven't tried a desktop resolution that's not 1280x800
11:51 <Lucifer_arma> well, I hate being sick.  Now the fever's gone, the upset stomach's gone, I feel great, right?
11:52 <Lucifer_arma> only, since I slept so much last night (from being sick), now I can't sleep :/
11:52 <wrtlprnft> haha
11:52 <Lucifer_arma> almost 5am
11:53 <Lucifer_arma> I was on a sleep cycle that actually matched the solar day, for the first time in probably a year.  :/
11:53 <wrtlprnft> haha
11:54 <guru3> ive been staying up until 2 and sleeping until 11 lately
11:54 <guru3> it's a problem :/
11:54 <Lucifer_arma> showing up late for classes because of it, yet?
11:54 <guru3> no classes again yet
11:54 <guru3> but if i don't do something soon
11:55 <guru3> i'll be wrecked for exams
11:55 <Lucifer_arma> go to bed now!  :)
11:55 <guru3> just got up an hour ago
11:55 <Lucifer_arma> oh.  see how fuzzy my math is now?
11:56 <Lucifer_arma> you're in UTC now, right?
11:56 <guru3> 1666 won round atm
11:56 <wrtlprnft> just force yourself to wake up at 6am and don't go to bed again
11:56 <guru3> well i forced myself to wake up at 10:30
11:56 <wrtlprnft> then you'll automatically be tired earler in the evening
11:56 <Lucifer_arma> force myself to wake up, what color's the sky in your world?!?
11:56 <guru3> yeah
11:56 <guru3> i'm working on it
11:57 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer_arma: 0xffbbcc
11:57 <Lucifer_arma> actually, you should go the other way.  :)  Just stay up continuously until about 2 hours before your target bedtime, set your alarm for your target wake up time and do it
11:57 <Lucifer_arma> at least, that's what almost works for me
11:57 <wrtlprnft> that'S what i mean
11:57 <guru3> i'll try that in england
11:57 <guru3> not here with my parents tho
11:58 <Lucifer_arma> ahhh, have you considered the reason for your weird schedule then is because you're used to England time?
11:58 <guru3> doesn't explain staying up quite so late
11:58 <Lucifer_arma> it might be better to go with it until you're back in england, then adjust
11:59 <Lucifer_arma> 2am->11am is 9 hours, which is kinda long
11:59 <guru3> yeah
11:59 <Lucifer_arma> might be just right for you, but it's kinda long for "normal".  Also, there's the assumption that you're doing less exhausting stuff on the holidays
11:59 <guru3> it's unusually long for me
11:59 <Lucifer_arma> your parents are in UTC+1, right?  and you're normally in UTC?
12:00 <guru3> something like that
12:00 <Lucifer_arma> what's the target wake up time when you're in England, for exams and shit?
12:00 <guru3> haven't checked the exam schedule
12:00 <guru3> but let's say 7:30
12:00 <Lucifer_arma> and what was the target wake up time for regular classes?
12:01 <guru3> 7:30
12:01 <Lucifer_arma> did you hit that time most of the time?  ;)
12:01 <guru3> yeah ive always woken up
12:01 <guru3> except for two days where i forgot to set the alarm
12:02 <Lucifer_arma> well, it takes 3 weeks to adjust your circadian to a new sleep schedule (or however you put it), so provided you had it well-adjusted before, and you haven't been in Sweden more than 3 weeks when you return, you shouldn't have a problem
12:03 <guru3> mmm
12:03 <guru3> sounds good
12:03 <Lucifer_arma> then there's inertia.  If you've been in Sweden 4 weeks, it's easier to adjust back to what you had before than if you were in Sweden 8 weeks.  See what I mean?
12:03 <guru3> rings some bells
12:03 <guru3> in other weirder news, i was in classic play, and despite being set otherwise there was a round with two humans and an AI
12:04 <Lucifer_arma> ai had ping 0?
12:04 <guru3> ofc
12:04 <Lucifer_arma> just asking!  :)
12:04 <guru3> what happened was i had been playing with a guy
12:04 <wrtlprnft> just for one round?
12:04 <guru3> he left, and so i had a round by myself
12:04 <guru3> when i finally killed myself
12:04 <guru3> when normally just an ai would join
12:04 <guru3> a real person happened to join at the same time
12:04 <guru3> and so it was me real person and ai in the round
12:04 <Lucifer_arma> I've seen that, actually
12:05 <guru3> i think it's a pretty rare event
12:05 <Lucifer_arma> the whole chain you've described, in fact
12:05 <wrtlprnft> i think that's fixed in the latest 0.2.8 branch
12:05 <wrtlprnft> there were some bug cries on cvs test
12:05 <guru3> vere there now
12:06 <guru3> and ack
12:06 <guru3> MSVC++ got me
12:06 <guru3> and Pine got me
12:06 <arctanx> Has anyone been considering adding tools to arma for making tourneys easier?
12:06 <Lucifer_arma> I'm glad they shared you
12:06 <Lucifer_arma> arctanx: everyone's considered it sooner or later
12:06 <wrtlprnft> arctanx: scripting, arctanx, scripting
12:07 <arctanx> As I understand, the only control you actually have is setting the variables
12:07 <Lucifer_arma> actually, I don't know about these guys, but I'm interested in writing some scripts as soon as we've settled on a scripting language and have it implemented
12:07 <wrtlprnft> that's a nice excuse :P
12:07 <guru3> i've had my reveng on Vi
12:07  * Lucifer_arma quietly notes that tournament support is one of the use cases for scripting.
12:07 <arctanx> haha
12:07 <Lucifer_arma> actually, it's like 3 of the use cases for scripting
12:07 <guru3> and off to breakfast
12:08 <guru3> bbl
12:08 <arctanx> It's gcc that usually buggers me up
12:08 <wrtlprnft> arctanx: an external script can parse the logs, set settings, print console/centre messages, start a new match, kick/ban people
12:08 <arctanx> oh really?
12:08 <wrtlprnft> that should be enough in theory, it's just awkward
12:08 <Lucifer_arma> sure
12:08 <arctanx> How does an external script interface with the running game?
12:08 <wrtlprnft> arctanx: pipe its output into the arma server
12:08 <Lucifer_arma> it's really fucking awkward, and in theory it's only enough within a restricted set of parameters
12:08 <wrtlprnft> as console input
12:08 <arctanx> ah that would work eh
12:09 <arctanx> a bit of a kludge, but why not ;)
12:09 <Lucifer_arma> it worked for z-man on cvs test.  I never got it to work, but I haven't tried since before
12:09 <arctanx> Unfortunately you can't your script reading the console output that way
12:09 <wrtlprnft> arctanx: sure you can
12:09 <wrtlprnft> mkfifo /tmp/armastuff
12:09 <arctanx> Unless you do some messy thing with it piping to a file, and your script reading the file. Either that or I'm too ignorant of bash scripting
12:10 <Lucifer_arma> it's not that messy
12:10  * arctanx pulls out man
12:10 <Lucifer_arma> mkfifo /er/wrtlprnft/already/did/this/part
12:10 <wrtlprnft> cat /tmp/armastuff | ./script | armagetronad-dedicated > /tmp/armastuff
12:10 <Lucifer_arma> armagetronad-dedicated > /er/wrtlprnft/already/did/this/part
12:10 <arctanx> I've never heard of a fifo. Might explain a lot
12:10 <arctanx> man
12:10 <wrtlprnft> it would work with a regular file and tail -f, too
12:10 <arctanx> That is so damn clever
12:11 <wrtlprnft> #man mkfifo
12:11 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: SYNOPSIS || mkfifo - make FIFOs (named pipes)
12:11 <Lucifer_arma> there is a catch you should be aware of
12:11 <Lucifer_arma> when there's a pipe involved, the kernel doesn't start either process until both are connected
12:11 <Lucifer_arma> and if one becomes disconnected, it stops the other
12:12 <arctanx> Hmm
12:12 <Lucifer_arma> so a bug in your script can cause the server to cut off.  Test your script!
12:12 <arctanx> Makes sense
12:12 <wrtlprnft> the alternative would be to have two normal files
12:12 <arctanx> So a fifo behaves like a normal file for piping stuff in and out, but doesn't accumulate data?
12:12 <wrtlprnft> tail -f inputfile | armagetronad-dedicated | tee -a outputfile
12:12 <Lucifer_arma> right.  it's just a buffer, essentially
12:13 <arctanx> what would happen if you did the same thing with a normal file?
12:13 <wrtlprnft> tail -f outputfile | script >> inputfile
12:13 <arctanx> It would just make a log of all server output?
12:13 <wrtlprnft> with a normal file you have to use tail -f
12:13 <arctanx> No wait, cat would die wouldn't it
12:13 <arctanx> Yeah
12:13 <Lucifer_arma> the only catch with a normal file is latency.  Messages don't come instantly is all.
12:13 <arctanx> So pipes get special privileges?
12:14 <wrtlprnft> there's a small buffer, true
12:14 <Lucifer_arma> granted, they come within a few milliseconds, and in most practical senses it's equivalent to a fifo
12:14 <wrtlprnft> mathias@laptop 1 $ mkfifo test2                                                                             ~
12:14 <wrtlprnft> mathias@laptop $ ll test2                                                                                   ~
12:14 <wrtlprnft> prw-r--r-- 1 mathias users 0 2007-01-02 12:14 test2
12:14 <Lucifer_arma> a lot of it depends on the tail implementation.  I have a python tail implementation that, if nothing new is added to the file in awhile, it can take up to 1 minute to register the new thing when it does appear
12:14 <Lucifer_arma> gnu tail (or whatever it is that's usually available in linux) is a much better implementation
12:15 <Lucifer_arma> that's the part where latency matters.  The part where you're appending to a file that's being catted into arma should be essentially identical to fifos in performance
12:15 <arctanx> Are fifos designed for this whole piped extension thing? Or do they have other applications?
12:16 <Lucifer_arma> well, they weren't designed solely to make tourney scripts for arma...
12:16 <wrtlprnft> if you have any buffer problems just have the script echo “# some really long comment to flush the buffer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”
12:16 <arctanx> Well no, but they seem to be pretty tailor made for the case of wanting to pipe stuff into and out of something
12:16 <Lucifer_arma> they're just a way to connect processes.  They're exactly the same as a pipe using the | operator, just named, which is why they're called named pipes
12:17 <Lucifer_arma> they provide more flexibility for cases where it's impractical to put the pipe into the commandline
12:18 <Lucifer_arma> also, you can create them programmatically, so a program can open many pipes
12:18 <wrtlprnft> like, if you want to pipe process a into process b and process b into process a at the same time
12:18 <wrtlprnft> can't do that with shell commands :(
12:18 <Lucifer_arma> since it's the same underlying system as far as the kernel's concerned, you can have a program start another program and connect to it's stdin/stdout/stderr
12:18 <Lucifer_arma> wrtlprnft: I think that was the use case K&R dreamed up originally, iirc.
12:19 <arctanx> Well that's what you're effectively doing isn't it
12:19 <guru3> note to self: for keyboard to work, plug it in
12:19 <arctanx> a | b | same instance of a
12:19 <Lucifer_arma> yep, that's exactly what he's doing :)
12:20 <arctanx> So you can have as many pipes as you like, not just stdin/out/err, etc.?
12:20 <Lucifer_arma> sure.  a pipe can replace a file anywhere you use a file
12:20 <Lucifer_arma> with the caveat I mentioned earlier.  The kernel halts the process if there isn't a program on both sides of the pipe
12:21 <Lucifer_arma> so, you could do mkfifo /etc/armagetronad/everytime.cfg
12:21 <arctanx> Oh right, so in a program, you would just pretend you're using a file
12:21 <Lucifer_arma> then, if you don't connect a process to that pipe, when the server goes to load everytime.cfg the first time, it'll halt until you connect something to it
12:21 <Lucifer_arma> yes.  You use regular open commands on it, in fact.
12:22 <Lucifer_arma> now, you have to use special functions to create a pipe, obviously, but not to use one.  As far as the program's concerned, a pipe *is* a file
12:22 <arctanx> That would probably explain how people do most dedicated server control
12:22 <wrtlprnft> personally i prefer the tail approach, but pipes are nice, too
12:22 <arctanx> wrtlprnft: so you get a log produced automagically?
12:23 <Lucifer_arma> pipes are the fundamental reason Linux is superior to Windows :)
12:23 <wrtlprnft> yeah, by redirecting arma
12:23 <wrtlprnft> 's output into a file
12:23 <arctanx> I mean for other games too
12:23 <arctanx> oh hang on
12:23 <arctanx> Yeah I see
12:24 <arctanx> What do people usually use to write scripts? Python or something?
12:24 <guru3> their keyboard
12:25 <guru3> the use their keyboard to write :>
12:25 <arctanx> What do people usually use to interpret their scripts?
12:25 <arctanx> wise guy :P
12:25 <guru3> well, ruby scripts they stick thru python, python ones thru bash, and shell scripts thru ruby
12:26  * arctanx takes a breath
12:26 <wrtlprnft> php or shellscripts here
12:26  * guru3 grins
12:26 <Lucifer_arma> guru3: that was the most illegible thing I've ever seen you write
12:26 <guru3> sorry i was trying to be sarcastic :>
12:26 <arctanx> It seems to me that a compiled C program would be more reliable for avoiding the pipe & process destruction thing
12:26 <Lucifer_arma> I use my own text editor.  :)  If you've got pyqt3, you can use it too!
12:27 <Lucifer_arma> nah, that's just C bigotry
12:27 <arctanx> whereas a buggy clause in a script could lead to a crash unexpectedly
12:27  * wrtlprnft uses gvim or vim
12:27 <guru3> arctanx: ruby scripts go thru the ruby interperater, python ones thru python, shell thru bash, php thru php
12:27 <wrtlprnft> shellscripts go thru zsh :)
12:27 <arctanx> unless you can find some syntax checker for your script, or make certain you test every part of it
12:27 <guru3> if we're being technical
12:27 <guru3> shell scripts go thru a link of /bin/sh to your favorite shell
12:28 <arctanx> I usually shebang mine to /bin/bash directly
12:28 <Lucifer_arma> ummm, no, arctanx.  If what you're saying is true, there'd be no such thing as buggy C code, and there is.  There's a lot of it.
12:28 <wrtlprnft> not if you put #!/usr/bin/zsh at the beginning :)
12:28 <guru3> hardly a shell script then
12:28 <guru3> it's a zshell script
12:28 <arctanx> Lucifer_arma: sure it might be buggy, but in terms of probabilities of a run-time crash
12:28 <Lucifer_arma> if I put #!/usr/bin/zsh at the beginning, it wouldn't run here
12:28 <wrtlprnft> :P
12:28  * wrtlprnft loves his zsh
12:29 <arctanx> unless you stuff up your memory management, or do an infinite loop or something stupid, a compiled program at least has had a preliminary level of testing done :P
12:29 <Lucifer_arma> arctanx: I'd say dumb pointer mistakes are more likely to cause a run-time crash in a c program than whatever mysterious problem you've concocted for interpreted languages
12:29 <guru3> is that your codename for weed wrtlprnft? ;)
12:29 <wrtlprnft> nah :P
12:29 <arctanx> mysterious problems = my penchant for typos
12:29 <Lucifer_arma> whether the language is compiled or interpreted is far *far* less important than the quality of the compiler/interpreter and the quality of the programmer writing the program in question
12:30 <wrtlprnft> 1!
12:30 <Lucifer_arma> well, that's "quality of the programmer", not "C makes for inherently superior code"
12:30 <wrtlprnft> c makes for inherently illegible code imho
12:30 <arctanx> That's a lot broader argument you're countering than my specific point :P
12:30 <guru3> oh-ho say can you C :D
12:30 <wrtlprnft> int *a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
12:31 <Lucifer_arma> why not just do:
12:31 <guru3> arctanx: sounds like you and luke would get along
12:31 <Lucifer_arma> er, nvm, I'm finally getting sleepy
12:31 <arctanx> wrtlprnft: to be honest, I really like C syntax. It goes well with my mind.
12:31 <wrtlprnft> stop insult people guru3 
12:31 <wrtlprnft> *insulting
12:32 <Lucifer_arma> then write it in C, just keep in mind that most of us here (besides luke-jr (hi there!) ) object to C bigotry
12:32 <arctanx> But since I can't use any one programming language well, I'm in no position to be zealous about anything
12:32  * wrtlprnft likes int *a = new int; more
12:32 <guru3> can't help it wrtlprnft, i'm feeling weird today
12:32 <Lucifer_arma> there is a syntax checker for python, I suspect there's one for other languages if you look around a bit
12:32  * Lucifer_arma likes int a; the most
12:33  * Lucifer_arma wonders why you'd make a pointer to an int in the first place
12:33 <arctanx> $a is even easier :P
12:33  * wrtlprnft notes that you can do php -l <somescript.php
12:34 <Lucifer_arma> well, if you want to get that technical about it, just typing a is easiest
12:34 <arctanx> well yeah
12:34 <wrtlprnft> std::auto_ptr<std::auto_ptr<int> > a(new std::auto_ptr<int>(new int));  is best
12:34 <Lucifer_arma> and as much as I'd like to be all python-bigoted about it, many languages don't use $ to decorate variables :)
12:34  * Lucifer_arma whacks wrtlprnft (hi there!) 
12:34 <arctanx> anyway, now that I've caused language-anti-crusader-mayhem, I foresee some fun tinkering with arma dedicated server for me in the future
12:35 <Lucifer_arma> in fact, some of us are confused by the $ coming before the variable.  I seem to remember it goes after the variable name, and indicates "string"
12:35 <Lucifer_arma> a$ = "Hi there!"
12:35 <arctanx> yeah
12:35 <arctanx> good times
12:35 <Lucifer_arma> PRINT a$
12:35 <wrtlprnft> eek!
12:35 <guru3> viva basic
12:35 <arctanx> for b = 1 to 10 step 2
12:35 <arctanx> print a$
12:35 <arctanx> print b
12:35 <arctanx> next b
12:35 <arctanx> :P
12:36 <guru3> that takes me back
12:36 <Lucifer_arma> y'all know you can get a basic interpreter for linux, right?  ;)
12:36 <Lucifer_arma> not that I've tried or anything...
12:36 <arctanx> That's the way with most linux things I guess
12:36 <arctanx> You can do it, but why would you want to
12:36 <Lucifer_arma> although I would like a non-VB basic compiler
12:36 <Lucifer_arma> not saying I'd use it, but a non-VB oop compiler would be neat to have
12:37 <Lucifer_arma> kind of like owning a classic car.  Not worth driving, too expensive anyway, but fun to show people interested in that sort of thing
12:37 <wrtlprnft> for(b, 1, 10, 2
12:37 <wrtlprnft>     a print
12:37 <wrtlprnft>     b print
12:37 <wrtlprnft> )
12:37 <guru3> ack post order
12:37 <Lucifer_arma> io?
12:37 <wrtlprnft> yep
12:38 <Lucifer_arma> is io a lisp-derivative, then?
12:38  * wrtlprnft loves the Io syntax
12:38 <wrtlprnft> no
12:38 <Lucifer_arma> oh good!  you had me worried there for a minute...
12:38 <wrtlprnft> inspired by all kinds of languages
12:38 <Lucifer_arma> I guess there weren't enough lists or parentheses in your little snippet there
12:39  * Lucifer_arma loves all programming languages except LISP, Perl, and MOO (and moo is only an exception because luke-jr (hi there!) likes it)
12:39 <arctanx> ++++++++++++++++++++++++.----------.++++++++++++++++++++++++.
12:39 <arctanx> :P
12:39 <wrtlprnft> yay!
12:40 <Lucifer_arma> yay what?
12:40 <wrtlprnft> ^X^Q)
12:41 <wrtlprnft> that would be the output of arctanx' program
12:41 <arctanx> probably
12:41 <arctanx> somewhere in the non-printables
12:41 <wrtlprnft> except for the last char :P
12:42 <arctanx> well ner :P
12:42 <Lucifer_arma> ?  why would that be the output of arctanx's program?
12:42 <wrtlprnft> because.
12:42 <arctanx> Lucifer_arma: why wouldn't it be?
12:42 <Lucifer_arma> last basic interpreter I used converted ints to strings when you print it
12:42 <Lucifer_arma> so if you say "PRINT 10", your output is the string "10"
12:42 <wrtlprnft> 27 + signs => ascii 27 => 0x18 => °°X
12:42 <wrtlprnft> err
12:42 <wrtlprnft> ^X
12:43 <wrtlprnft> that's brainfuck, not basic
12:43  * arctanx nods
12:43 <Lucifer_arma> oh, that's what all that +-+ crap was?
12:43 <arctanx> except it's 24 signs
12:43 <arctanx> so your hex was right
12:44 <wrtlprnft> argh, sorry
12:44 <wrtlprnft> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck
12:44 <wrtlprnft> i was looking at my ascii table while typing this, not at my screen
12:44 <arctanx> I said your hex is right
12:44 <wrtlprnft> the ) is probably wrong
12:45 <wrtlprnft> #math calc "++++++++++++++++++++++++".lenth()
12:45 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: invalid syntax (line 1)
12:45 <wrtlprnft> gah
12:45 <wrtlprnft> darn python
12:45 <wrtlprnft> #math calc "++++++++++++++++++++++++".count()
12:45 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: invalid syntax (line 1)
12:45 <wrtlprnft> #math calc "++++++++++++++++++++++++".size()
12:45 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: invalid syntax (line 1)
12:45 <wrtlprnft> #math calc '++++++++++++++++++++++++'.size()
12:45 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'size'
12:45 <wrtlprnft> #math calc '++++++++++++++++++++++++'.count()
12:45 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
12:45 <Lucifer_arma> stop it!
12:45 <wrtlprnft> grrr!
12:46 <Lucifer_arma> #math calc len("++++++++++++++++++++++++")
12:46 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: Error: 'len' is not a defined function.
12:46 <arctanx> #math calc '++++++++++++++++++++++++'.length()
12:46 <@armabot> arctanx: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'length'
12:46 <Lucifer_arma> yes it is!
12:46 <arctanx> aw
12:46 <arctanx> :P
12:46 <Lucifer_arma> I needed you to stop so I could copy and paste, new lines were breaking up my selection
12:46 <wrtlprnft> it's 24 chars, according to wc
12:46 <Lucifer_arma> #math len("++++++++++++++++++++++++")
12:46 <wrtlprnft> #g 27 + 14
12:46 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: 27 + 14 = 41
12:46 <wrtlprnft> no, the ')' was correct
12:47 <Lucifer_arma> just sticking it into a python interpreter came up with 24 also :)
12:47 <arctanx> #g 41 in hexadecimal
12:47 <@armabot> arctanx: 41 = 0x29
12:47 <wrtlprnft> that works?!
12:47 <Lucifer_arma> there is a python plugin for supybot, but I don't know if you want to enable it
12:47 <wrtlprnft> #base 10 16 41
12:47 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: 29
12:47 <arctanx> why shouldn't it, google is good
12:47 <Lucifer_arma> you guys consistently underestimate google's calculator :)
12:48 <Lucifer_arma> why do you think we've become soooo dependent on it here?  ;)
12:48 <wrtlprnft> #g 500 V * 1 day / 20 feet / (the answer to life the universe and everything seconds * speed of light)
12:48 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: (((500 V) * (1 day)) / (20 feet)) / (the answer to life the universe and everything seconds * the speed of light) = 0.000562819058 tesla
12:48 <wrtlprnft> :P
12:48 <arctanx> #g integrate 3*(tan(x))^2*(cos(3x))^-1*dx
12:48 <@armabot> arctanx: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
12:48 <Lucifer_arma> wow, google came up with a numerical answer to that
12:48 <Lucifer_arma> doesn't do intergrals
12:48 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer_arma: what else?
12:49 <wrtlprnft> the units are correct
12:49 <arctanx> #g the answer to life the universe and everything
12:49 <@armabot> arctanx: the answer to life the universe and everything = 42
12:49 <arctanx> far out
12:49 <wrtlprnft> 1 day is a lot, too
12:49 <Lucifer_arma> the parser used to bork on most of the problems I've seen that incorporate that text
12:49 <wrtlprnft> still it's a sort of weak magnetic field
12:49 <Lucifer_arma> maybe you've just figured out how to work it :)
12:49 <arctanx> yeah
12:50 <Lucifer_arma> ok, I'm almost sleepy enough to go to bed.  I'm going to set my alarm for just 4 hours or so from when I lay down so hopefully I can go to bed at a normal time tomorrow night
12:50 <arctanx> #g 20 newtons * 0.5 amperes * 0.50 metres
12:50 <@armabot> arctanx: (20 newtons) * (0.5 amperes) * (0.50 meters) = 5 m^(2) kg A / s^(2)
12:50 <arctanx> oops
12:50 <arctanx> #g 20 tesla * 0.5 amperes * 0.50 metres
12:50 <@armabot> arctanx: (20 tesla) * (0.5 amperes) * (0.50 meters) = 5 newtons
12:51 <arctanx> sweet.
12:51 <Lucifer_arma> now if we can just get google to do plotting...
12:51 <Lucifer_arma> integrals would be nice, though, I have to admit
12:54 <wrtlprnft> yeah
12:55 <arctanx> http://integrals.wolfram.com
12:55 <wrtlprnft> and proper support for binary prefixes
12:55 <arctanx> or simply /msg mbot % Integrate[x^2,x]
12:55 <wrtlprnft> 1 KB = 1000 bytes, 1KiB = 1024 bytes
12:56 <arctanx> right
12:57 <wrtlprnft> armabot: that would be great to have for armabot
12:57 <arctanx> how often do you need to convert those anyway though
12:58 <arctanx> I just reduce everything to multiple of kilobytes
12:58 <arctanx> kibibytes*
12:58 <wrtlprnft> well, it's fun if you can do things like
12:59 <wrtlprnft> #g 700Kbit/second in GB/month
12:59 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
12:59 <wrtlprnft> wtf
12:59 <wrtlprnft> #g (700/8)KB/second in GB/month
12:59 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: (700 / 8) * (KB / second) = 219.442926 GB / month
12:59 <wrtlprnft> just with the correct prefixes :S
13:00 <arctanx> close enough for practical purposes though
13:01 <arctanx> especially with serialisation and protocol overhead
13:02 <wrtlprnft> yeah
13:18 <Lucifer_arma> don't you hve it backwards, though?
13:19 <Lucifer_arma> #g (700*8)KB/second in GB/month
13:19 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: (700 * 8) * (KB / second) = 14,044.3472 GB / month
13:19 <Lucifer_arma> #g 700Kb/second in GB/month
13:19 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: 700 (Kb / second) = 219.442926 GB / month
13:19 <Lucifer_arma> #g 700KB/second in GB/month
13:19 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: 700 (KB / second) = 1,755.54341 GB / month
13:20 <Lucifer_arma> ok, nvm
13:20  * Lucifer_arma curses case-sensitive units
13:24 <arctanx> :P
13:25 <arctanx> okay I'm off to install gentoo over ubuntu, just because I can
13:25  * arctanx detaches
13:29 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q3901.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
13:52 <wrtlprnft> wise choice :)
13:58 <arctanx> 'night
13:59 <Lucifer_arma> I can't believe I'm about to put a Reagan quote on my website
14:02 <Lucifer_arma> damn, I misspelled something
14:03 <Lucifer_arma> heh
14:03 <Lucifer_arma> #quote add The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave.  - Ronald Reagen, in his address following the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger
14:03 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma: The operation succeeded.  Quote #42 added.
14:07 <wrtlprnft> 42 lol
14:08 <Lucifer_arma> http://www.mrcranky.com/movies/teawithmussolini/40.html
14:09 <Lucifer_arma> that is an interesting irony
14:10 <Lucifer_arma> some of these are a lot of fun
14:11 <Lucifer_arma> The time has come for the human race to enter the solar system.
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6650 /private/z-man/clio/ (. tests/MakefileTest tests/MakefileTestBase):
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6662@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 11:43:17 +0100
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected dependencies
14:11 <Lucifer_arma> I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn’t study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people.
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6651 /private/z-man/clio/ (. functioninfo.hpp macros.hpp):
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6663@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 12:15:32 +0100
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: Some inlines.
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6652 /private/z-man/clio/ (. classinfo.hpp error.cpp error.hpp):
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6664@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 12:52:17 +0100
14:11 <@armabot> armagetronad: removed costy BreakPoint call
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6653 /private/z-man/clio/ (. iclassinfo.hpp):
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6665@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 13:10:02 +0100
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: Added another NOTHROW
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6654 /private/z-man/clio/ (. instantiation.hpp):
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6666@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:04:16 +0100
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: Added easy removal for code size tests.
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6655 /private/z-man/clio/ (. tests/Makefile tests/MakefileTest):
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6667@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:05:00 +0100
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected dependencies
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6656 /private/z-man/clio/ (. helptest.hpp):
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6668@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:06:00 +0100
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: Removed outdated comments.
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6657 /private/z-man/clio/ (. factory.hpp):
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6669@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:09:17 +0100
14:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: removed wrong NOTHROW.
14:17 <Lucifer_arma> http://netscientia.com/ufo_quotes.html  <--- here's a fun webpage, even if it does have a crackpot feel to it
14:20 <z-man> if that has a crackpot feel, what, in your eyes, does it take to be a full crackpot?
14:21 <Lucifer_arma> same text without quotes that are likely to be legitimate :)
14:21 <Lucifer_arma> although some of the quotes looked like they were probably one-liner jokes removed from context to support the page, which is common crackpot practice
14:21 <z-man> Especially the hawking one
14:22 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, that was the first one that caught my attention that way.  There's some more farther down like it.  :)
14:26 <Lucifer_arma> "The price of greatness is responsibility." Winston Churchill
14:26  * Lucifer_arma is surfing for quotes
14:29 <Lucifer_arma> "It I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it." Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972
14:32 <Lucifer_arma> ok, 2 more, then I'm going to bed
14:33 <Lucifer_arma> "The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
14:33 <Lucifer_arma> "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
15:18 <luke-jr> #roulette spin
15:18 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
15:22 <spidey> #last --with spidey --nolimit
15:23 <@armabot> spidey: [08:01:29] <Lucifer_arma> ooo, pwned!  -- spidey, [06:32:43] <Lucifer_arma> #quote add "<spidey> hmm  <GodTodd> stfu spidey", [06:32:19] <Lucifer_arma> #quote add "<spidey> hmm  <GodTodd> stfu spidey", [06:31:30] <GodTodd> stfu spidey, [02:33:36] <Durka> #more spidey, [02:33:33] <Durka> #more spidey, [02:33:07] <Durka> nice spidey, [01:54:35] <luke-jr> spidey: ?, [01:51:16] <spidey> #last --from spidey --with (4 more messages)
15:30 <spidey> http://developers.slashdot.org/developers/07/01/01/2041256.shtml
15:35 <wrtlprnft> so what?
15:46 -!- DrJoeTr0n [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-75-56-61-88.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:47 -!- DrJoeTr0n [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-75-57-86-152.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
15:47 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@Q3901.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
16:03 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q3901.q.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:07 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@Q3901.q.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:16 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@] has joined #Armagetron
16:17 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@] has quit [Client Quit]
16:17 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@] has joined #Armagetron
16:31 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@user-0c93tj3.cable.mindspring.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:48 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@rrcs-67-53-67-115.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
16:51 <ghableska> #weather 50266
16:51 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 28.9°F (9:47 AM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Windchill: 24.8°F. Pressure: 29.31 in 992.4 hPa. 
16:56 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6658 / (/ private/z-man/clio/tests/MakefileTest):
16:56 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6646@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 09:37:09 +0100
16:56 <@armabot> armagetronad: added rule to generate assembly output. May be useful for code size
16:56 <@armabot> armagetronad: optimization.
16:57 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6659 / (3 files in 2 dirs):
16:57 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6647@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 09:56:38 +0100
16:57 <@armabot> armagetronad: code size optimization: switched back to class name getters returning
16:57 <@armabot> armagetronad: std::string, not std::string const &.
16:58 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6660 / (3 files in 2 dirs):
16:58 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6648@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:04:31 +0100
16:58 <@armabot> armagetronad: More direct function argument list generation.
16:58 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6661 /:
16:58 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6649@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:09:22 +0100
16:58 <@armabot> armagetronad: More direct template name generation.
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6662 / (/ private/z-man/clio/tests/MakefileTest):
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6654@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:54:30 +0100
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: Agressively stripping symbol names from executables.
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6663 /:
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6655@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:54:59 +0100
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: Added a couple of futile "inline" statements.
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6664 /:
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6656@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:55:35 +0100
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected output (that is never used)
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6665 /:
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6657@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 10:55:59 +0100
16:59 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected unused output.
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6666 / (/ private/z-man/clio/tests/MakefileTest):
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6662@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 11:43:17 +0100
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected dependencies
17:00 <z-man> hey, I already had those committed!
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6667 /:
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6663@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 12:15:32 +0100
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: Some inlines.
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6668 /:
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6664@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 12:52:17 +0100
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: removed costy BreakPoint call
17:00 <z-man> WTF?
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6669 /:
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6665@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 13:10:02 +0100
17:00 <@armabot> armagetronad: Added another NOTHROW
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6670 /:
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6666@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:04:16 +0100
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: Added easy removal for code size tests.
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6671 /:
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6667@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:05:00 +0100
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: Corrected dependencies
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6672 /:
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6668@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:06:00 +0100
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: Removed outdated comments.
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6673 /:
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6669@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:09:17 +0100
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: removed wrong NOTHROW.
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6674 / (8 files in 2 dirs):
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6678@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 14:57:16 +0100
17:01 <@armabot> armagetronad: Saved some bytes by using ostringstream instead of stringstream.
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6675 / (3 files in 2 dirs):
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6679@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 15:21:15 +0100
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: Made it so that not half of AA depends on clio.
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6676 / (3 files in 2 dirs):
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6680@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 15:21:57 +0100
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: Factored out large bits of pointer conversion into non-template method.
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6677 / (3 files in 2 dirs):
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6681@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 15:27:18 +0100
17:02 <@armabot> armagetronad: Removed default arguments where they are not needed.
17:07 <z-man> Hmm. Looks like you should not call svk pull/push on subdirectories first and then on the whole tree later.
17:13 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a] has joined #armagetron
17:13 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@rrcs-67-53-67-115.west.biz.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
17:13 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6678 /private/z-man/clio/ifunctioninfo.cpp: Random change to test syncing.
17:13 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6679 / (/ private/z-man/clio/tests/MakefileTest):
17:13 <@armabot> armagetronad: r6703@gonzo: manuel | 2007-01-02 17:12:20 +0100
17:13 <@armabot> armagetronad: Random change to see if syncing still works
17:17 <ghableska> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6225301.stm
17:17 <ghableska> heh
17:20 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r6680 / (/ private/z-man/clio/macros.hpp): removed unused stuff.
17:27 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
18:54 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
18:54 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
18:55 <spidey> ..
18:55 <spidey> #roulette
18:55 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
18:56 <ghableska> #roulette
18:56 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
19:08 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
19:08 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
19:17 -!- [dlh]_ [n=[dlh]@] has joined #armagetron
19:18 <spidey> #roulette
19:18 -!- spidey was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
19:19  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
19:19 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
19:22 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034196079.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
19:35 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:40 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
19:40 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
19:49 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-76-183-44-91.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
20:11 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
20:12 <guru3> z-man is in da' house
20:12 <ghableska> 0o
20:17 <luke-jr|work> oO
20:17 <spidey> oOo
20:18 <ghableska> you need 5 more
20:18 <spidey> oOoOoOoO
20:19 <Compn> #armaservers
20:19 <@armabot> Compn: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (12 players) || Norm's Place (10 players) || ~"XzL.Clan The Server (8 players) || Strawberry Fields (8 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (7 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬/xff9900 (7 players) || Chico's Brake Boost Styball (6 players) || °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~ (6 players) || Tigers Network Classic Play (5 players) || Crazy Tronners Wild Battle Fortress (1 more message)
20:19 <Compn> oops arena!
20:20 <DrJoeTr0n> my server is lame again :(
20:20 <guru3> i wonder if i could get my stats to generate a graph from when i first started collecting them in the db until today
20:21 <spidey> hmm
20:22 <spidey> any recomended dvd playback software? o.O
20:22 <guru3> mplayer
20:24 <spidey> k
20:24 <luke-jr|work> :p
20:24 <spidey> #g 512 kbit/s in kb/s
20:24 <@armabot> spidey: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:24 <spidey> #g 512 / 8
20:24 <@armabot> spidey: 512 / 8 = 64
20:24 <wrtlprnft> cmon
20:25 <luke-jr|work> #g 1+2
20:25 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: 1 + 2 = 3
20:25 <luke-jr|work> :o
20:25 <wrtlprnft> 2^9 / 2^3 = 2^(9-3) = 2^6 = 64
20:25 <spidey> #g 2+1
20:25 <@armabot> spidey: 2 + 1 = 3
20:25 <spidey> no way...
20:25 <wrtlprnft> you don't need google for that!
20:25 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
20:25 <ghableska> wrtlprnft: you sure? ;)
20:25 <wrtlprnft> absolutely
20:26 <luke-jr|work> wrtlprnft: even google doesn't always agree on that
20:26 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:26 <luke-jr|work> IIRC, when you asked it for 1+2, it had no clue
20:26 <wrtlprnft> ah, right
20:26 <wrtlprnft> probably the google devs changed something and took it down
20:26 <luke-jr|work> heh
20:26 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
20:26 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
20:26  * wrtlprnft thinks google should make their calculator OSS
20:26  * luke-jr|work thinks it's just a calculator :p
20:27 <wrtlprnft> try msn's calculator
20:27 <wrtlprnft> it can't do anything besides 1+2=3
20:27 <luke-jr|work> heh
20:27 <wrtlprnft> not even the answer to life the universe and everything
20:27 <wrtlprnft> msn sucks.
20:27 <luke-jr|work> hm
20:27 <ghableska> #g pi
20:27 <@armabot> ghableska: pi = 3.14159265
20:27 <luke-jr|work> I was going to watch that movie last night
20:28 <luke-jr|work> Google Calculator appears to suck too, as proven by ghableska 
20:28 <ghableska> #g phi
20:28 <@armabot> ghableska: the golden ratio = 1.61803399
20:28 <wrtlprnft> that's exact enough
20:28 <wrtlprnft> haha!
20:28 <luke-jr|work> ... but then two protest-ants started IMing me...
20:28 <wrtlprnft> #g .5 + sqrt(1.25)
20:28 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: .5 + sqrt(1.25) = 1.61803399
20:28 <wrtlprnft> woot
20:29 <ghableska> #g gravitational constant
20:29 <@armabot> ghableska: gravitational constant = 6.67300 * 10^(-11) m^(3) kg^(-1) s^(-2)
20:29 <luke-jr|work> #g e
20:29 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: e = 2.71828183
20:29 <ghableska> ooh
20:29 <wrtlprnft> #g c
20:29 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: the speed of light = 299,792,458 m / s
20:29 <luke-jr|work> #g distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri
20:29 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:29 <luke-jr|work> oh well
20:29 <ghableska> heh
20:30 <wrtlprnft> #g ε0
20:30 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:30 <wrtlprnft> aww
20:30 <ghableska> #g parsecs in cm
20:30 <@armabot> ghableska: 1 centimeters = 3.24077649 * 10^(-19) Parsecs
20:30 <luke-jr|work> #g life, the universe, and everything
20:30 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:30 <ghableska> #g 1 parsec in cm
20:30 <@armabot> ghableska: 1 Parsec = 3.08568025 * 10^(18) centimeters
20:30 <wrtlprnft> parsec?!
20:30 <wrtlprnft> what's that?
20:30 <luke-jr|work> #g 1 parsec in miles
20:30 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: 1 Parsec = 1.91735281 * 10^(13) miles
20:30 <luke-jr|work> obviously a space unit
20:31 <luke-jr|work> #g circumference of the Earth in parsecs
20:31 <ghableska> #g 1 parsec in light-years
20:31 <wrtlprnft> apparently
20:31 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:31 <@armabot> ghableska: 1 Parsec = 3.26163626 light-years
20:31 -!- Sticky [n=Sticky@80-41-35-106.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
20:31 <luke-jr|work> #g circumference of the Earth
20:31 <wrtlprnft> #g radius of the earth * 2 * pi
20:31 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:31 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: radius of Earth * 2 * pi = 40,074.7842 kilometers
20:31 <Sticky> hay all
20:31 <luke-jr|work> #g radius of the Earth *2 in parsecs
20:31 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: radius of Earth * 2 = 4.1339993 * 10^(-10) Parsecs
20:31 <ghableska> #g k
20:31 <@armabot> ghableska: Boltzmann constant = 1.3806503 * 10^(-23) m^(2) kg s^(-2) K^(-1)
20:31  * wrtlprnft sticks to Sticky 
20:31 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:31 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr|work: wrong
20:31 <luke-jr|work> ...
20:32 <luke-jr|work> wrong?
20:32 <wrtlprnft> unless you define π=1
20:32 <ghableska> #g planck length
20:32 <@armabot> ghableska: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:32 <ghableska> aw
20:32 <luke-jr|work> wtf? what am I wrong about?
20:32 <ghableska> #luke
20:32 <@armabot> stfu, baka noob?? RTFM??
20:32 <wrtlprnft> #g vacuum permittivity
20:32 <luke-jr|work> #alias del luke
20:32 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:32 <wrtlprnft> !
20:32 <luke-jr|work> #g a
20:32 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:32 <luke-jr|work> #g b
20:32 <wrtlprnft> #g g
20:32 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:32 <luke-jr|work> #g d
20:32 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:32 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g e
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: e = 2.71828183
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g f
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 <ghableska> #g g
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g h
20:33 <@armabot> ghableska: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g i
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Planck's constant = 6.626068 * 10^(-34) m^(2) kg / s
20:33 <wrtlprnft> IT DOESN'T KNOW G?!
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g j
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g k
20:33 <wrtlprnft> #kick luke-jr|work spammer
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Boltzmann constant = 1.3806503 * 10^(-23) m^(2) kg s^(-2) K^(-1)
20:33 <ghableska> wrtlprnft: caps?
20:33 -!- luke-jr|work was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [spammer]
20:33 <ghableska> heh
20:33 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a] has joined #armagetron
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #kick wrtlprnft 
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g l
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 <Sticky> wtf are you all trying to do
20:33 <luke-jr|work> #g m
20:33 <wrtlprnft> #kick luke-jr|work spammer
20:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:33 -!- luke-jr|work was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [spammer]
20:33 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a] has joined #armagetron
20:33 <wrtlprnft> that guy's annoying me
20:33 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o armabot] by ChanServ
20:34 <luke-jr|work> #g n
20:34 <armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:34 <luke-jr|work> #g o
20:34 <armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:34 <luke-jr|work> #g p
20:34 <armabot> luke-jr|work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:34 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o wrtlprnft] by ChanServ
20:34 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has quit ["leaving"]
20:34 <@wrtlprnft> ...
20:34 <@wrtlprnft> wanna stop?
20:34 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o luke-jr|work] by ChanServ
20:34 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o wrtlprnft] by luke-jr|work
20:34 <luke-jr|work> :)
20:34 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o luke-jr|work] by luke-jr|work
20:34  * ghableska wonders how to silence someone.... ;)
20:34 <wrtlprnft> :P
20:34 <Sticky> you need to make armabot work with private messages then people can do this off the main chat
20:34 <wrtlprnft> it does!
20:35 <Sticky> realy
20:35 <wrtlprnft> anyways, google is available to everyone!
20:35 <luke-jr|work> heh
20:35 <wrtlprnft> http://google.com/ if you don't know
20:35 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o armabot] by ChanServ
20:35 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
20:35 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
20:36 <wrtlprnft> #g 1 / c / c / (permeability of vacuum)
20:36 <luke-jr|work> armabot doesn't work for roulette in PM :o
20:36 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:36 <ghableska> heh, this is an interesting title
20:36 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr|work: /join #arma-ladle
20:36 <ghableska> "Swedish goat defies arsonists"
20:37 <wrtlprnft> #g 1 / c / c / (1.2566371 * 10^-6 N / A / A)
20:37 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: ((1 / c) / c) / (1.2566371 * (10^(-6)) ((N / A) / A)) = 8.85418755 * 10^(-12) m^(-3) kg^(-1) s^(4) A^(2)
20:37 <wrtlprnft> aww, F/m would have been nicer
20:37 <ghableska> #weather 50266
20:37 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 39.9°F (1:33 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: 23.0°F. Windchill: 35.6°F. Pressure: 29.20 in 988.7 hPa. 
20:38 <ghableska> mostly cloudy? bah
20:38 <ghableska> no clouds anywhere
20:38 <spidey> grrr
20:39 <wrtlprnft> #luke
20:39 <@armabot> stfu, baka noob?? RTFM??
20:40 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:40 <GodTodd> hmmm
20:41 <wrtlprnft> mmmh?
20:41 <GodTodd> sure sure...everyone get quiet when i get here :P
20:41 <GodTodd> heh
20:42 <ghableska> mhhm
20:42 <ghableska> grr, school starts tomorrow 
20:43  * wrtlprnft is not here
20:43 <ghableska> o0
20:43 <GodTodd> starts? when did it end?
20:43 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
20:43 <GodTodd> stfu spidey
20:43 <ghableska> 21st
20:43  * GodTodd is taking winter classes
20:43 <GodTodd> :P
20:43 <ghableska> :P
20:44 <wrtlprnft> haha
20:44  * wrtlprnft has vacation till monday
20:44 <ghableska> when did yours start?
20:44 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
20:44  * GodTodd gets a week off between winter and spring
20:44 <GodTodd> winter started the monday after finals week for fall
20:45 <ghableska> the one thing I don't get is they give us finals _after_ break
20:45 <ghableska> O_o
20:45 <GodTodd> heh
20:45 <GodTodd> i have a final next tuesday
20:45 <ghableska> same here
20:45  * wrtlprnft dislikes the idea of finals in school altogether
20:46 <ghableska> that entire week, actually
20:46  * ghableska should probably start to study
20:46 <spidey> GodTodd, fuck off
20:46 <GodTodd> i only have one class.....it's a 10 meeting class in 3 weeks
20:46 <GodTodd> and one of the weeks was xmas
20:46 <ghableska> haha
20:46 <wrtlprnft> #g 0x7d3 in roman numerals
20:46 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: 0x7d3 = MMIII
20:46 <wrtlprnft> !
20:46 <GodTodd> spidey: you'd like that too damn much :P
20:47 <GodTodd> #g 324325423 in roman numerals
20:47 <@armabot> GodTodd: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:47 <wrtlprnft> aww
20:47 <GodTodd> bah
20:47 <GodTodd> wimp
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #g MMMMMMMMMMMMM in hexadecimal
20:47 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: MMMMMMMMMMMMM = 0x32C8
20:47 <ghableska> spidey: http://www.slate.com/id/2103467/
20:47 <spidey> #g 0x3d6 in roman numerals
20:47 <GodTodd> #g 4 in roman numerals
20:47 <@armabot> GodTodd: 4 = IV
20:47 <@armabot> spidey: 0x3d6 = CMLXXXII
20:47 <ghableska> O_o
20:48 <wrtlprnft> #g sqrt(-2) / 1i in roman numerals
20:48 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:48 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:48 <spidey> #g 0x3d6 in english
20:48 <spidey> xD
20:48 <wrtlprnft> #g sqrt(-2)
20:48 <@armabot> spidey: 0x3d6 = nine hundred eighty-two
20:48 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: sqrt(-2) = 1.41421356 i
20:48 <wrtlprnft> hahah!
20:48 <spidey> o.o
20:48 <spidey> O.O
20:48 <ghableska> haha
20:48 <wrtlprnft> #g 123 in german
20:48 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:48 <wrtlprnft> #g sqrt(-4) / 1i in roman numerals
20:48 <ghableska> #g 12 in french
20:48 <GodTodd> #g 1 in german
20:48 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: sqrt(-4) / (1 * i) = II
20:48 <@armabot> ghableska: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:48 <@armabot> GodTodd: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:48 <ghableska> -_-
20:48 <spidey> #g one in german
20:48 <@armabot> spidey: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:48 <wrtlprnft> #g 1 * 10^-6 in english
20:48 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:48 <spidey> #g 0x3d6 in german
20:49 <@armabot> spidey: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #g 1.5 in english
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:49 <spidey> hm
20:49 <ghableska> ...
20:49 <wrtlprnft> sucks
20:49 <GodTodd> google hates german apparently
20:49 <spidey> #g 0x3d6 in french
20:49 <@armabot> spidey: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:49 <spidey> it only does english and roman ?
20:49 <GodTodd> #g 32432 in english
20:49 <@armabot> GodTodd: 32,432 = thirty-two thousand four hundred thirty-two
20:49 <wrtlprnft> it hates anything that's not english
20:49 <GodTodd> nationalistic bot
20:49 <GodTodd> :)
20:49  * wrtlprnft notes that roman numerals aren't a language as such
20:50 <wrtlprnft> #g 1,2 + 1
20:50 <ghableska> #g 123456789 in english
20:50 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: 1,2 + 1 = 2,2
20:50 <@armabot> ghableska: 123,456,789 = one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine
20:50 <wrtlprnft> at least it does the german notation
20:50 <spidey> #list
20:50 <@armabot> spidey: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
20:50 <wrtlprnft> it also hates all non- ascii chars, even if they have a meaning
20:50 <wrtlprnft> #g π
20:50 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:50 <wrtlprnft> #g 1πm in feet
20:50 <spidey> #list google
20:50 <@armabot> spidey: cache, calc, fight, google, lucky, meta, phonebook, spell, and stats
20:50 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:50 <ghableska> #babelfish
20:50 <spidey> #list babelfish
20:50 <@armabot> spidey: babelize, language list, language random, and translate
20:50 <GodTodd> #g MMMCXLI in english
20:50 <wrtlprnft> #help phonebook
20:50 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: (phonebook <phone number>) -- Looks <phone number> up on Google.
20:50 <@armabot> GodTodd: MMMCXLI = three thousand one hundred forty-one
20:50 <spidey> #translate help
20:50 <@armabot> spidey: (translate <from-language> [to] <to-language> <text>) -- Returns <text> translated from <from-language> into <to-language>. Beware that translating to or from languages that use multi-byte characters may result in some very odd results.
20:51 <wrtlprnft> #g MMXI
20:51 <spidey> #translate english nine to german
20:51 <@armabot> spidey: Error: "'nine'" is not a valid language.  Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:51 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:51 <spidey> #translate english to german nine
20:51 <@armabot> spidey: neun
20:51 <ghableska> #translate english to german 9
20:51 <@armabot> ghableska: 9
20:51 <spidey> lol
20:51 <ghableska> ...
20:51 <GodTodd> hahahaha
20:51 <wrtlprnft> #g the answer to life the universe and everyhing in roman numerals
20:51 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
20:52 <wrtlprnft> #translate german to english neun
20:52 <ghableska> #translate english to german  one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine
20:52 <@armabot> ghableska: hundert dreiundzwanzig Million vierhundert fifty-six tausend sieben hundert eighty-nine
20:52 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: nine
20:52 <ghableska> haha
20:52 <spidey> #translate english to japanese fool
20:52 <@armabot> spidey: '\x00\x00\x00'
20:52 <spidey> .....
20:52 <wrtlprnft> err
20:52 <ghableska> O_o
20:52 <wrtlprnft> that's not german!
20:52 <wrtlprnft> that's a mess.
20:52 <ghableska> lol
20:52 <spidey> #translate japanese to english \x00\x00\00
20:52 <@armabot> spidey: \x00\x00\00
20:52 <ghableska> hahaa
20:52 <spidey> the hell
20:52 <wrtlprnft> i wouldn't know what that number was supposed to be
20:52 <wrtlprnft> #g the answer to life the universe and everything in roman numerals
20:52 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: the answer to life the universe and everything = XLII
20:52 <ghableska> #translate english to japanese  one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine
20:52 <@armabot> ghableska: '\x0023,000,000 \x00400 \x00\x00\x00\x00,000 700 \x00\x00\x00'
20:52 <wrtlprnft> #g XLII * II
20:52 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: XLII * II = LXXXIV
20:53 -!- SuPeRTaRD-bb [n=blah@adsl-71-145-187-242.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
20:53  * wrtlprnft notes that multiplying roman numbers is everything but easy
20:53 <wrtlprnft> hi
20:53 <ghableska> #translate english to japanese four
20:53 <@armabot> ghableska: 4
20:53 <spidey> lol
20:53 <ghableska> O_o
20:53 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> ¶8)
20:53 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:53 <ghableska> o0
20:53 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> 4..
20:54 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> hi
20:54 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> happy new year!
20:54 <wrtlprnft> ty, you too
20:54 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> i love you.
20:54 <spidey> #translate english to chinese_simple four
20:54  * wrtlprnft always thought that four was 5 in japanese
20:54 <@armabot> spidey: '\x00'
20:54 <ghableska> lol
20:54 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> thx ^_~
20:54 <DrJoeTr0n> SuPeRTaRD :D he lives 
20:54 <GodTodd> #translate japanese to english baka
20:54 <@armabot> GodTodd: Baka
20:54 <GodTodd> haHA
20:54 <wrtlprnft> #translate portugese to english baka
20:54 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: "'portugese'" is not a valid language.  Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:54 <spidey> japanese use weird symbles for text
20:54 <ghableska> #translate english to japanese one
20:54 <@armabot> ghableska: '1 \x00'
20:55 <ghableska> #translate english to greek something blah hi
20:55 <@armabot> ghableska: '\x00\x00\x00\x00 blah \x00\x00\x00\x00'
20:55 <wrtlprnft> armabot is broken in that regard
20:55 <ghableska> ...
20:55 <GodTodd> greek has no word for blah?
20:55 <DrJoeTr0n> wrtlprnft broken? or just doesnt know yet :p
20:55 <ghableska> #translate english to russian blah
20:55 <@armabot> ghableska: blah
20:55 <GodTodd> #translate english to spidey blah
20:55 <@armabot> GodTodd: Error: "'spidey'" is not a valid language.  Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:56 <DrJoeTr0n> its kinda hard to translade slang
20:56 <GodTodd> liar!
20:56 <wrtlprnft> 华语/華語
20:56 <ghableska> #translate english to russian slang
20:56 <@armabot> ghableska: '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
20:56 <ghableska> ....
20:56 <wrtlprnft> you can have chinese chars in irc
20:56 <spidey> ugh
20:56 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> modern mayber
20:56 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> -r
20:56 <ghableska> #translate english to spanish nine
20:56 <@armabot> ghableska: nueve
20:56 <wrtlprnft> 北方话官话北方話官話
20:57 <ghableska> it works!
20:57 <ghableska> wrtlprnft?
20:57 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> how has everyone been?
20:57 <wrtlprnft> hmm, deja_vu doesn't seem to have complete chinese support :(
20:57 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> i been working 7d a week..
20:57 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> todays my last day..
20:57 <ghableska> >:/
20:57 <wrtlprnft> aww
20:57 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr|work: translate? :P
20:57 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> any huge aadvanced updates?  i guess i aught to get the newest version
20:57 <spidey> ...
20:58 <wrtlprnft> SuPeRTaRD-bb: when did you leave?
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> since i dont even have it installed currently..
20:58 <spidey> anyone know why when i play a dvd it skips and the sound is distorted
20:58 <spidey> :/
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> i dint leave
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> been busy tho
20:58 <luke-jr|work> wrtlprnft: why?
20:58 <wrtlprnft> when did you check the last time?
20:58 <wrtlprnft> why not?
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> havent kept up with the community & atron advanced
20:58 <luke-jr|work> I don't know Chinese?
20:58 <ghableska> #google wrtl
20:58 <wrtlprnft> learn it!
20:58 <@armabot> ghableska: Search took 0.18 seconds: WRTL Exterior Lighting - Home: <http://www.wrtl.co.uk/>; WRTL Exterior Lighting - News Archive: <http://www.wrtl.co.uk/default.asp?id=1552&news=397>; Wisconsin Right to Life: <http://www.wrtl.org/>; WRTL Exterior Lighting Ltd.: <http://www.lightingdirectory.com/company/id/248>; Election Law: More News and Commentary on WRTL: (2 more messages)
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> i havent upated tron in like 4 months
20:58 <wrtlprnft> haha
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> but i been playing some at shrunk
20:58 <ghableska> o0
20:58 <wrtlprnft> then you didn't miss a release
20:58 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> with version..
20:59 -!- _Sticky_ [n=a@80-41-35-106.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
20:59 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> 2.9?
20:59 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> 2.8.2?
20:59 <wrtlprnft>
20:59 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> k
20:59 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> but i seen some servers say i need update to play
20:59 <GodTodd> luke doesn't know something? wow....
20:59 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> custom build?
20:59 <GodTodd> i'm floored
20:59 <wrtlprnft>π.a_rc5-alpha6
21:00 <wrtlprnft> weird
21:00 <luke-jr|work> SuPeRTaRD: 0.3?
21:00 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-144-42.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:00 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> 2.8.2 i think is what i been playng on
21:00 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> er with
21:00 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> from
21:01 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> 2.8.2 win client
21:01 <luke-jr|work> there is no 2
21:01 <luke-jr|work> there isn't even 1.0 yet
21:01 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> oh
21:01 <wrtlprnft>π.a_rc5-alpha6
21:01 <ghableska> O_o
21:01 <wrtlprnft> that would be correct
21:01 <SuPeRTaRD-bb>
21:01 <wrtlprnft> go fetch that version
21:01 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> ¶8)
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> yeh i had alpha 4
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> or so
21:02 <wrtlprnft> i only see a blinking mess
21:02 -!- Van-hayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034242133.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
21:02 <wrtlprnft> well, of course
21:02 <ghableska> hi Van-hayes
21:02 <wrtlprnft> that should tell you to upgrade on most servers
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> rc4 maybe
21:02 <wrtlprnft> as it has a security hole
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> ah
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> not most, but some new ones
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> yes
21:02 <GodTodd> get spackle
21:02 <wrtlprnft> and i found it :D
21:02 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> heh
21:03 <wrtlprnft> though it was basically luke-jr|work screwing up trying to filter ../ from paths
21:03 <ghableska> #seen Arma696
21:03 <@armabot> ghableska: Arma696 was last seen in #armagetron 2 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <Arma696> #roulette
21:03 <wrtlprnft> haha
21:03 <GodTodd> wrtl!
21:03 <GodTodd> take that back
21:03 <GodTodd> !
21:03 <wrtlprnft> y?
21:04 <GodTodd> cuz luke's my hero?
21:04 <ghableska> O_o
21:04 <luke-jr|work> actually, IIRC, it was an attempted bugfix to make the ../ filter work on Windoze
21:04 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> attempted is the key word
21:04 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> ;p
21:04 <wrtlprnft> that's a weird hero you chose GodTodd 
21:04 <SuPeRTaRD-bb> right
21:04  * GodTodd loves luke.
21:04 -!- SuPeRTaRD-bb is now known as SuPeRTaRD
21:05 <luke-jr|work> SuPeRTaRD: yeah, too bad we need to support windozelusers
21:05 <wrtlprnft>  #kick GodTodd just stupid
21:05 <wrtlprnft> :P
21:05 <GodTodd> haha
21:05 <_Sticky_> #kick windows users
21:05 <@armabot> _Sticky_: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
21:05 <SuPeRTaRD> heh
21:05 <ghableska> how mean
21:06 <_Sticky_> heh
21:06  * GodTodd waits for luke to teach him more about asperger's syndrome.
21:06 <_Sticky_> anyone got vista yet??
21:06 <wrtlprnft> go away.
21:06 <luke-jr|work> Vista sucks
21:06 <ghableska> eww
21:06  * wrtlprnft agrees with luke-jr|work 
21:06 <wrtlprnft> wow!
21:06 <ghableska> *gasp*
21:06 <wrtlprnft> bad omen
21:06 <ghableska> ehh
21:06 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
21:06 <ghableska> wrtlprnft: go away now, we don't like you any more
21:06  * GodTodd agrees with wrtl because he refuses to agree with luke ;)
21:07 <_Sticky_> yeah god uses Vista
21:07 <wrtlprnft> apparently deja_vu_ sans mono doesn't support all chinese chars yet :s
21:07 <luke-jr|work> God hates Windows
21:07 <luke-jr|work> :p
21:07 <spidey> god hates you, luke
21:07 <GodTodd> god hates luke
21:07 <wrtlprnft> god wants to kick luke's butt
21:07 <GodTodd> it's in the bible
21:08 <spidey> indeed
21:08 <GodTodd> wrote it there myself :)
21:08 <SuPeRTaRD> i got an aigo oLED watch for xmas, it plays 4 full lenth movies, or 20 tv shows, or mp3 or pictures, etc etc.. its tight
21:08 <SuPeRTaRD> even tells time
21:08 <SuPeRTaRD> $50 straight outta china
21:08 <wrtlprnft> too sad deja_vu_ doesn't support it
21:08 <SuPeRTaRD> hehe
21:09 <SuPeRTaRD> chix dig my movie watch
21:09 <SuPeRTaRD> &D
21:09 <GodTodd> damn...and all i have to offer is mindblowing sex :/
21:09 <GodTodd> heh
21:10 <SuPeRTaRD> anyways, good talking to you all!!!   happy 2007!
21:10 <SuPeRTaRD> im gonna fix the world this year
21:10 <SuPeRTaRD> vote for me for king of the world
21:10 -!- |Sticky| [n=a@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
21:10  * wrtlprnft votes for luke-jr|work to be king of the world
21:10 <wrtlprnft> oops
21:10 <wrtlprnft> darn tab-completion
21:10 <spidey> oh hell no
21:10 <wrtlprnft> i mean wrtlprnft of course
21:11 <SuPeRTaRD> :/
21:11 <spidey> now we all get to kill wrtl
21:11 <spidey> for putting something like luke-jr incharge
21:11  * luke-jr|work pwns spidey 
21:11 -!- spidey is now known as TheHulk
21:11  * TheHulk steps on luke-jr|work 
21:11  * wrtlprnft votes for giving luke-jr|work and spidey access to 20 big nukes each
21:11 -!- TheHulk is now known as spidey
21:11  * GodTodd fixes the 'o' key
21:11 <wrtlprnft> the world will be over pretty soon
21:11  * ghableska watches as spidey and luke-jr|work proceed to reign destruction on each other
21:11 <SuPeRTaRD> not
21:12 <spidey> wrtlprnft, how big?
21:12 <SuPeRTaRD> cleansed
21:12 <SuPeRTaRD> soon
21:12 <SuPeRTaRD> i'm gonna help cleanse
21:12 <spidey> big enough i can nuke MO and hit luke?
21:12 <wrtlprnft> ooOOøøØØØooOooOoØOoØØØooØØooØøoOøooOOooOOØooØoooøøøøø
21:12 <ghableska> ?
21:12 <GodTodd> spidey: aim better than in s3d :P
21:12 <wrtlprnft> 21:11  * GodTodd fixes the 'o' key
21:12 <spidey> GodTodd, can't :<
21:12 <SuPeRTaRD> i have to cleanse humanity b4 2012
21:12 <spidey> i don't have smoke tracers either!
21:12 <SuPeRTaRD> i have my work cut out for me
21:13 <GodTodd> just don't hit tx and we're cool :)
21:13 <spidey> i was thinking about nuking austin
21:13 <GodTodd> too close
21:13 <spidey> and surrounding areas
21:13 <GodTodd> depends on 'surrounding'
21:13 <spidey> wrtlprnft, can i have 40 instead?
21:13 <SuPeRTaRD> trek to greenland with me
21:13 <spidey> GodTodd, a big circle
21:13 <wrtlprnft> spidey: you'll both get Tsar Bombas
21:14 <GodTodd> spidey: how big a circle?
21:14 <spidey> tx will be nice and radiated when i'm done :p
21:14 <GodTodd> we're not really *that* far from tn
21:14 <GodTodd> and it's a big state
21:14 <SuPeRTaRD> the only safe place in the US is a few places in teh rockies maybe
21:14 <SuPeRTaRD> imo
21:15 <GodTodd> nah...safest place is where spidey aims
21:15 <SuPeRTaRD> im going to greenland or OZ
21:15 <spidey> aussie is better
21:15 <spidey> noone ever thinks of aussie
21:15  * wrtlprnft thinks he'd better go to moon before giving spidey any nukes
21:16 <SuPeRTaRD> heh
21:16 <GodTodd> wrtlprnft: the way he aims, not such a good plan :)
21:16 <wrtlprnft> the side that doesn't face the earth, of course
21:16 <ghableska> heh
21:16  * ghableska pictures wrtlprnft injuring himself, even in low gravity
21:16 <wrtlprnft> ouch
21:16 <spidey> haha
21:16 <spidey> he broke his leg!
21:17  * GodTodd humps luke-jr|work.
21:17 <spidey> but how?
21:17 <spidey> he fell
21:17 <spidey> o.O
21:17 <ghableska> GodTodd: not here, come on
21:17 <spidey> feel
21:17 <spidey> or w/e
21:17 <ghableska> do it in private
21:17  * wrtlprnft notes that on moon he'd be able to jump from his 4th floor window w/o injuring himself
21:17 <GodTodd> no :P
21:17  * ghableska drapes cloth over GodTodd
21:17 <wrtlprnft> ffel
21:17 <spidey> you have 4  floors?
21:17 <wrtlprnft> no
21:17 <spidey> not fair! i only have 2 :<
21:17 <wrtlprnft> i have one floor
21:17 <spidey> ?
21:17 <wrtlprnft> but it happens to be the 4th of the building i live in
21:18 <GodTodd> which is also a ceiling
21:18 <spidey> oh
21:18 <SuPeRTaRD> every one is waking up
21:18 <SuPeRTaRD> good to see this rooms already awake
21:18 <SuPeRTaRD> i've been taking surveys
21:18 <SuPeRTaRD> expect a US revolt soon
21:18 <spidey> The use of this software for illegal activities, including infringement of intellectual property laws is strictly forbidden, and may subject the user to civil and/or criminal penalties.
21:18 <spidey> o.O
21:18 <wrtlprnft> mplayer?
21:18 <spidey> ares
21:18  * ghableska wonders when this room was busiest
21:18 <spidey> lol
21:18 <ghableska> ...
21:19 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034196079.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:19 <GodTodd> ghableska: when the most people were chatting
21:19 <GodTodd> duh :)
21:19 <SuPeRTaRD> ...
21:19 <ghableska> thanks
21:19 <GodTodd> np
21:19 <ghableska> I always wondered...
21:19 <GodTodd> anytime
21:19 <ghableska> now go back under your cloth
21:19 <GodTodd> no
21:19 <ghableska> >_>
21:19 <wrtlprnft> it's busiest if luke-jr|work or spidey do one of their spam attacks
21:20 <ghableska> heh
21:20 <wrtlprnft> or deja_vu_ (hi there!), for that matter
21:20 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
21:20 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
21:20 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:20 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
21:20 <ghableska> #roulette
21:20 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:20 <spidey> #roulette
21:20 -!- spidey was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:20  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:20 <ghableska> :)
21:20 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
21:20 <wrtlprnft> armabot has a good taste.
21:20 <spidey> it was rigged
21:21 <ghableska> #roulette
21:21 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:21 <spidey> #roulette
21:21 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:21 <wrtlprnft> aww!
21:21 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:21 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
21:21 <spidey> luke-jr, your turn :p
21:21 <luke-jr|work> #roulette spin
21:21 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
21:21 <luke-jr|work> #roulette 
21:21 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
21:21 <ghableska> #roulette
21:21 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:21 <luke-jr|work> :)
21:21 <spidey> gay
21:21 <spidey> #roulette
21:21 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:21 <ghableska> heh
21:22 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:22 <luke-jr|work> #roulette 
21:22 -!- luke-jr|work was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:22  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:22 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a] has joined #armagetron
21:22 <luke-jr|work> haha
21:22 <wrtlprnft> armabot has a really good taste.
21:22 <spidey> that's what you get
21:22 <ghableska> #roulette
21:22 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:22 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:22 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
21:22 <spidey> #roulette
21:22 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:22 <ghableska> luke-jr
21:22 <GodTodd> wrtlprnft: you tasted armabot?
21:22 <wrtlprnft> nah
21:22 <wrtlprnft> GodTodd: your turn
21:22 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
21:22 -!- luke-jr|work was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:22  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:22 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a] has joined #armagetron
21:22 <wrtlprnft> nvm
21:22 <ghableska> haha
21:22 <luke-jr|work> -.-
21:22 <spidey> lmfao
21:22 <spidey> #roulette spin
21:23 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
21:23 <spidey> #roulette
21:23 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:23 <ghableska> #roulette
21:23 -!- ghableska was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:23  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:23 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:23 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
21:23 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@] has joined #Armagetron
21:23 <spidey> #roulete
21:23 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:23 <ghableska> #weather 50266
21:23 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 41.2°F (2:22 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 21.2°F. Windchill: 33.8°F. Pressure: 29.20 in 988.7 hPa. 
21:23 <spidey> ghableska, your turn
21:23  * wrtlprnft wonders if ghableska has some sort of script running
21:23 <GodTodd> #weather 75023
21:23 <@armabot> GodTodd: The current temperature in Custer & Pleasant Valley, Plano, Texas is 51.1°F (2:23 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 35%. Dew Point: 24.8°F. Pressure: 30.31 in 1026.3 hPa. 
21:23 <wrtlprnft> to use the weather command everytime he joins
21:23 <ghableska> a scripty?
21:23 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:23 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
21:23 <ghableska> nah
21:24 <spidey> ghableska, your turn :p
21:24 <ghableska> #weather 50266
21:24 <ghableska> :P
21:24 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 41.2°F (2:22 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 21.2°F. Windchill: 33.8°F. Pressure: 29.20 in 988.7 hPa. 
21:24 <GodTodd> we need armabot to say 'stfu spidey' whenever he joins
21:24 <ghableska> #roulette
21:24 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:24 <wrtlprnft> GodTodd: that's easy
21:24 <GodTodd> i know
21:24 <GodTodd> :)
21:24 <wrtlprnft> #herold add spidey "stfu spidey"
21:24 <wrtlprnft> done
21:24 <wrtlprnft> or not?
21:24 <wrtlprnft> #load herold
21:24 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: No plugin named "herold" exists.
21:24 <GodTodd> herals
21:25 <wrtlprnft> #load Herold
21:25 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: No plugin named "Herold" exists.
21:25 <GodTodd> herald
21:25 <wrtlprnft> darn
21:25 <wrtlprnft> whatever
21:25 <GodTodd> heh
21:25 <wrtlprnft> we just have to say it ourselves
21:25 <GodTodd> #help herals
21:25 <@armabot> GodTodd: Error: There is no command "herals".
21:25 <GodTodd> #help herald
21:25 <@armabot> GodTodd: Error: There is no command "herald".
21:25 <GodTodd> bah
21:25 <ghableska> #help harold
21:25 <@armabot> ghableska: Error: There is no command "harold".
21:25 <spidey> #check herald
21:25 <ghableska> o0
21:25 <spidey> #list
21:25 <@armabot> spidey: No spelling suggestion made.  This could mean that the word you gave is spelled right; it could also mean that its spelling was too whacked out even for Google to figure out.
21:25 <@armabot> spidey: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
21:25 <spidey> #list herald
21:25 <@armabot> spidey: add, change, default, get, and remove
21:26 <spidey> #help herald add
21:26 <@armabot> spidey: (herald add [<channel>] <user|nick> <msg>) -- Sets the herald message for <user> (or the user <nick|hostmask> is currently identified or recognized as) to <msg>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
21:26 -!- Sticky [n=Sticky@80-41-35-106.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:26 <spidey> #herald add #armagetron luke-jr|work BAKABAKABAKA!
21:26 <@armabot> spidey: Error: I can't find luke-jr|work in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
21:26 <GodTodd> #herald add spidey "stfu spidey"
21:26 <@armabot> GodTodd: The operation succeeded.
21:26 <luke-jr|work> :p
21:26 <ghableska> hah
21:26 <spidey> #herald add #armagetron luke-jr BAKABAKABAKA!
21:26 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
21:26 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
21:26 <@armabot> spidey: Error: I can't find luke-jr in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
21:27 <spidey> #roulete
21:27 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:27 <ghableska> #roulette
21:27 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:27 <spidey> #roulete
21:27 <@armabot> spidey: *click*
21:27 <wrtlprnft> spidey is cheating
21:27 <spidey> lol
21:27 <ghableska> -_-
21:27 -!- _Sticky_ [n=a@80-41-35-106.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:27 <GodTodd> #herald add luke-jr* "BAKABAKABAKA!"
21:27 <@armabot> GodTodd: Error: I can't find luke-jr* in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
21:27 -!- spidey was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:27 <GodTodd> heh
21:27 <ghableska> :D
21:27 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
21:27 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
21:27 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
21:27 <spidey> gay
21:28 <luke-jr|work> yeah, GodTodd is
21:28 <luke-jr|work> :p
21:28 <spidey> we know
21:28 <GodTodd> you'd know, baby
21:28 <luke-jr|work> #kick GodTodd 
21:28 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
21:28 <GodTodd> i get kicked for you saying i'm gay?
21:28 <GodTodd> that's catholic logic for you
21:28 <luke-jr|work> NickServ says I'm identified you dumb bot
21:28 <wrtlprnft> #capability add luke-jr|work #like-jr,op
21:28 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: The command "capability add" is available in the Admin and Channel plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "capability add".
21:29 <wrtlprnft> #admin capability add luke-jr|work #like-jr,op
21:29 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: I can't find luke-jr|work in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
21:29 <ghableska> #whoami
21:29 <@armabot> ghableska: I don't recognize you.
21:29 <wrtlprnft> #admin capability add luke-jr #like-jr,op
21:29 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: I can't find luke-jr in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
21:29 <spidey> #whoami
21:29 <@armabot> spidey: spidey
21:29 <luke-jr|work> #whoami
21:29 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: I don't recognize you.
21:29 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr|work: a) you need to be identified to armabot, b) you don't have that capability
21:29 <luke-jr|work> dumb bot
21:29 <wrtlprnft> dumb luke-jr|work 
21:29 <ghableska> #luke
21:29 <luke-jr|work> a) armabot doesn't control FreeNode nicks, NickServ does
21:29 <spidey> i agree with wrtl
21:29 <luke-jr|work> b) I should :)
21:30 <spidey> bullshit you should
21:30 <wrtlprnft> c) armabot is ran by me, so i decide who gets what rights
21:30 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o spidey] by ChanServ
21:30 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer_arma has owner rights, GodTodd admin rights, that's it
21:30 <@spidey> ...
21:30 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o spidey] by ChanServ
21:30 <wrtlprnft> !
21:30  * luke-jr|work peers
21:30 <ghableska> erm.
21:31 -!- mode/#armagetron [+v spidey] by ChanServ
21:31 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o ghableska] by ChanServ
21:31 <+spidey> i need
21:31 <+spidey> those wires that have 3 prongs
21:31 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o ghableska] by ChanServ
21:31 <+spidey> red, white, and yellow
21:31 <luke-jr|work> ...
21:31 <luke-jr|work> wtf are you talking about
21:31 <+spidey> so i can watch this dvd on the tv and not lag todeath on thep c
21:31 <luke-jr|work> just grab 3 wires
21:31 <+spidey> don't have any
21:31 <luke-jr|work> and paint them
21:31 <+spidey> :/
21:31 <+spidey> die
21:32 <+spidey> just
21:32 <wrtlprnft> just use paperclips
21:32 <+spidey> die
21:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o wrtlprnft] by ChanServ
21:32 <+spidey> wrtlprnft, ok, you set it yp
21:32 <@wrtlprnft> red, white, and yellow, if you like
21:32 <luke-jr|work> wrtlprnft: what are you doing?
21:32 <+spidey> up*
21:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o wrtlprnft] by ChanServ
21:32 <wrtlprnft> stfu luke-jr|work 
21:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [+oo logspidey [dlh]_] by ChanServ
21:32 <+spidey>  hm
21:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o logspidey] by ChanServ
21:32 <+spidey> tobad logspidey is ran in nophup
21:32 <+spidey> :/
21:32 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr|work: will you stop it?
21:33 <luke-jr|work> ...
21:33 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
21:33 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
21:33 <+spidey> #roulette
21:33 -!- spidey was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:33  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:34 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-119-125-27.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
21:34 <@armabot> stfu spidey
21:34 <spidey> ...
21:34 <luke-jr|work> O.o
21:34 <spidey> #help roulette
21:34 <@armabot> spidey: (roulette [spin]) -- Fires the revolver. If the bullet was in the chamber, you're dead. Tell me to spin the chambers and I will.
21:34 <spidey> #help roulete
21:34 <@armabot> spidey: (roulete <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "echo $who: *click*".
21:34 <luke-jr|work> #alias remove roulete
21:34 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: The operation succeeded.
21:34 <spidey> the hell?
21:34 <spidey> #roulete
21:34 <wrtlprnft> aww
21:34 <wrtlprnft> that was soo useful to cheat you!
21:34 <wrtlprnft> #last --from wrtlprnft --with #roulete
21:34 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: [21:23:38] <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:34 <wrtlprnft> #last --from wrtlprnft --with #roulete --nolimit --without last
21:35 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: [21:23:38] <wrtlprnft> #roulete, [21:23:00] <wrtlprnft> #roulete, [21:22:12] <wrtlprnft> #roulete, [21:21:18] <wrtlprnft> #roulete, [21:20:18] <wrtlprnft> #roulete, and [21:09:12] <wrtlprnft> #roulete
21:35 <ghableska> haha
21:35 <spidey> lmao
21:35 <luke-jr|work> wrtlprnft's a scaredy cat
21:35 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
21:35 <wrtlprnft> bbiab
21:35 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
21:39 <spidey> "I get to go to lots of oversea places, like Canada!" 
21:39 <spidey> wow and i though i was dumb
21:39 <spidey> o.O
21:39 <GodTodd> depends on where you start
21:44 <luke-jr|work> spidey: maybe he's from Europe?>
21:44 <spidey> who says it's a he?
21:44 <spidey> that quote was from britney spears 
21:44 <spidey> lol
21:44 <GodTodd> maybe she was in europe
21:48 <wrtlprnft> if you consider the great lakes a sea…
21:52 <GodTodd> #dict sea
21:52 <@armabot> GodTodd: foldoc, gcide, wn, bouvier, vera, and moby-thes responded: vera: SEA Self-Extracting Archive; foldoc: SEA {Self Extracting Archive}; vera: SEA Society for Electronic Access (org.); wn: sea adj : relating to or characteristic of or occurring on the sea or ships; "sea stories"; "sea smells"; "sea traffic" [syn: {sea(a)}] [ant: {air(a)}, {land(a)}] n 1: a division of an ocean or a large body (14 more messages)
21:52 <GodTodd> #more
21:52 <@armabot> GodTodd: of salt water partially enclosed by land 2: anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume [syn: {ocean}] 3: turbulent water with swells of considerable size; "heavy seas"; bouvier: SEA. The ocean; the great mass of waters which surrounds the land, and which probably extends from pole to pole, covering nearly three quarters of the globe. Waters within the ebb and flow of the tide, are to be considered (13 more messages)
21:54  * ghableska yawns
21:55  * GodTodd snway.
21:56 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
22:01 -!- |Sticky| [n=a@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
22:03 -!- Sticky [n=a@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
22:05 -!- Sticky [n=a@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Client Quit]
22:05 -!- Sticky [n=a@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
22:06 -!- Sticky [n=a@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Client Quit]
22:11 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
22:12 <luke-jr|work> who's britney spears?
22:13 <luke-jr|work> #roulette
22:13 <@armabot> luke-jr|work: *click*
22:16 <GodTodd> you're kidding, right?
22:17 <luke-jr|work> ...
22:17 <luke-jr|work> why
22:17 <luke-jr|work> O.o
22:19 <luke-jr|work> fine
22:19 <luke-jr|work> I don't care who it is
22:20 <luke-jr|work> probably just some dumb luser
22:20 <GodTodd> why what?
22:21 <GodTodd> and of course she's a dumb luser....she's not you, after all
22:22 <luke-jr|work> ...
22:22 <wrtlprnft> #wikipedia britney spears
22:22 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Search took 0.80 seconds: Britney Spears products - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britney_Spears_products>; Oops!... I Did It Again (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oops!..._I_Did_It_Again_(song)>; Britney Spears ' fifth studio album - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (3 more messages)
22:23 <ghableska> lol wrtlprnft
22:23 <wrtlprnft> not that the article could possibly contain any relevant information
22:23 <wrtlprnft> as spears is entirely irrelevant :P
22:23 <ghableska> :P
22:23 -!- ghableska is now known as [away]ghableska
22:24 <[away]ghableska> bbl
22:24 <wrtlprnft> don't start that, too
22:24 <wrtlprnft> use the /away command
22:24 <GodTodd> #weather 50266
22:24 <@armabot> GodTodd: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 41.4°F (3:22 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 44%. Dew Point: 21.2°F. Windchill: 37.4°F. Pressure: 29.18 in 988.0 hPa. 
22:24 -!- [away]ghableska is now known as ghableska
22:24  * GodTodd fills in for ghableska
22:26 <luke-jr|work> ...
22:27 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has joined #armagetron
22:28 <madmax|pt> hello
22:31 <luke-jr|work> hi
22:35 <spidey> #g 78+866+77
22:35 <@armabot> spidey: 78 + 866 + 77 = 1,021
23:01 <ghableska> #realchatlogs
23:01 <@armabot> ghableska: http://master3.armagetronad.net/armalogs/
23:02 <ghableska> wrtlprnft: I don't see how /away made any difference...
23:07 -!- Sticky [n=Sticky@80-41-73-25.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
23:17 <Sticky> its oh so quiet
23:21 <madmax|pt> shhh
23:21 <Sticky> shhh
23:21 <madmax|pt> its all so still
23:21 <ghableska> Boo!
23:21 <madmax|pt> hi there Sticky 
23:21 <Sticky> hay
23:24 <ghableska> #weather 59266
23:24 <ghableska> #weather 50266
23:24 <@armabot> ghableska: Error: Could not retrieve weather for "59266".
23:24 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 39.6°F (4:23 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 51%. Dew Point: 23.0°F. Windchill: 33.8°F. Pressure: 29.17 in 987.7 hPa. 
23:26 -!- Netsplit leguin.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: yojimbo
23:27 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1d9b.q.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
23:28 -!- Netsplit over, joins: yojimbo
23:30 -!- zman [n=manuel@p50873B25.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
23:31 <wrtlprnft> ghableska: it does make a difference if someone tries to /msg you or uses /whois ghableska 
23:31 <ghableska> ok
23:31 <wrtlprnft> and some clients also show the message if the user tries to wake you
23:31 <wrtlprnft> ghableska: like this
23:32 <wrtlprnft> (you have to use /away <reason> to go into away mode, and /away to go out of it)
23:32 <ghableska> ah
23:32 <wrtlprnft> /msg me again ghableska 
23:33 -!- Netsplit leguin.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: yojimbo
23:34 -!- Netsplit over, joins: yojimbo
23:43 -!- Netsplit leguin.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: yojimbo
23:43 -!- Netsplit over, joins: yojimbo
23:44 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870B33.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:45 <guru3> 1-man, 2-man, z-man, more!
23:45 <spidey> lol
23:45 <ghableska> heh
23:46 <guru3> see now, for the life of me, i can't figure out why people find that funny
23:48 <spidey> me either
23:49 <Sticky> non lol
23:50 <luke-jr|work> ...
23:50 <luke-jr|work> /away is lame :p
23:50 <Sticky> oops
23:51 <Van-hayes> #luke
23:51 -!- Van-hayes is now known as Vanhayes
23:51 <Vanhayes> #ping
23:51 <@armabot> pong
23:52 <Vanhayes> aw someone got rif of #luke?
23:52 <Vanhayes> rid*
23:52 <ghableska> #luke
23:52 <ghableska> :/
23:52 <Vanhayes> and by someone i mean luke
23:54 <ghableska> #weather 50266
23:54 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 37.9°F (4:53 PM CST on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 23.0°F. Windchill: 30.2°F. Pressure: 29.14 in 986.7 hPa. 
23:54 <Vanhayes> #weather saint john
23:54 <@armabot> Vanhayes: Temperature: 30°F / -1°C | Humidity: 64% | Pressure: 29.76in / 1008hPa | Conditions: Scattered Clouds | Wind Direction: NW | Wind Speed: 29mph / 46km/h | Updated: 6:00 PM AST; Tonight - Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries early this evening. Clearing this evening. Wind northwest 40 km/h gusting to 60 becoming west 30 overnight. Low minus 8.; Wednesday - Sunny. Increasing cloudiness in the afternoon. (1 more message)
23:55 <Vanhayes> still really warm for this time of year :/
23:55 <ghableska> what is it like usually?
23:56 -!- Netsplit leguin.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: yojimbo
23:56 <Vanhayes> well its been like this for about 2-3 years now, but it used to be around -15-20 in january and febuary
23:56 <ghableska> -15?
23:56 -!- Netsplit over, joins: yojimbo
23:56 <DrJoeTr0n> I really want to find a decient online bomberman game
23:56 <ghableska> #g -15 c in f
23:56 <@armabot> ghableska: (-15) degrees Celsius = 5 degrees Fahrenheit
23:57 <ghableska> brr
23:57 <Vanhayes> ya, i miss that
23:57 <ghableska> #weather Ulaanbaatar
23:57 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia is -2.2°F (6:30 AM ULAT on January 03, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: -7.6°F. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa. 
23:57 <ghableska> :P
23:57 <Vanhayes> #g -2.2 f in c
23:57 <@armabot> Vanhayes: (-2.2) degrees Fahrenheit = -19 degrees Celsius
23:58 <ghableska> #weather London
23:58 <@armabot> ghableska: Temperature: 36°F / 2°C | Humidity: 70% | Pressure: 30.32in / 1027hPa | Conditions: Scattered Clouds | Wind Direction: SSW | Wind Speed: 7mph / 11km/h | Updated: 5:00 PM EST; Tonight - A few clouds. Wind southwest 20 km/h. Low zero.; Wednesday - Sunny with cloudy periods. Wind southwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. High 8. Wednesday night..clear. Wind southwest 40 km/h gusting to 60. Low plus 2.; Thursday - A (1 more message)
23:59 <ghableska> #weather Reykjavik
23:59 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in Flétturimi/Grafavogur, Reykjavik, Iceland is 36.9°F (10:59 PM GMT on January 02, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 97%. Dew Point: 35.6°F. Windchill: 32.0°F. Pressure: 29.30 in 992.1 hPa. 
23:59 <ghableska> O_O

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