Searching from 2024-02-17 00:00:00 to 2024-02-17 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.57 seconds
[2024-02-17 00:16:41] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Quit: Core dumped)
[2024-02-17 00:19:43] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 00:58:42] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 00:59:23] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 01:02:26] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 01:02:26] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 01:02:26] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 01:02:26] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest6
[2024-02-17 01:02:26] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
[2024-02-17 01:02:27] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 01:02:27] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-17 01:03:28] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
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[2024-02-17 01:03:29] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 01:34:02] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 01:35:42] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 210 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 01:37:02] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 01:37:02] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 01:37:02] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 01:37:02] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest13
[2024-02-17 01:37:02] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
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[2024-02-17 01:37:03] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 01:37:04] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
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[2024-02-17 01:37:05] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 01:37:44] <-- Guest13 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-02-17 01:48:10] <Lucifer_arma> How many videos before you can reasonably expect your first patreon member?
[2024-02-17 01:48:10] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| How many videos before you can reasonably expect your first patreon member?
[2024-02-17 01:59:37] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 02:00:18] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-17 02:03:19] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 02:03:19] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 02:04:15] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 02:04:15] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 02:04:15] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 02:04:16] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 02:04:16] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 02:25:01] <Lucifer_arma> there is a bit of "where are my friends?" here, but there's also a lot of "they have things to do, and if I can't capture their attention, I should quit", and I haven't tried hard enough yet to reach the point where I should quit
[2024-02-17 02:25:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there is a bit of "where are my friends?" here, but there's also a lot of "they have things to do, and if I can't capture their attention, I should quit", and I haven't tried hard enough yet to reach the point where I should quit
[2024-02-17 03:51:26] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i was so close to being better than the entire enemy team in fort but its all bots
[2024-02-17 03:51:26] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i was so close to being better than the entire enemy team in fort but its all bots
[2024-02-17 03:51:26] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-17 03:51:27] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-17 03:52:09] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i wouldve been better if capturing the base gave points to me instead of the team
[2024-02-17 03:52:10] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i wouldve been better if capturing the base gave points to me instead of the team
[2024-02-17 03:52:27] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| along with my team always dying to cycles3d
[2024-02-17 03:52:27] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| along with my team always dying to cycles3d
[2024-02-17 03:52:56] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i also got like 2 times of having 80 speed
[2024-02-17 03:52:56] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i also got like 2 times of having 80 speed
[2024-02-17 05:37:52] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 05:38:33] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest33
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
[2024-02-17 05:40:51] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 05:40:51] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:41:08] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 05:41:09] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 05:41:09] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:41:34] <-- Guest33 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-02-17 05:56:22] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 05:56:22] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest36
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
[2024-02-17 05:58:58] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 05:58:58] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:59:39] <-- Guest36 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-02-17 05:59:59] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 06:00:00] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 06:00:00] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 09:10:55] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I came across a video that goes into a hell of a lot of detail about why film and tv is shit now
[2024-02-17 09:10:55] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I came across a video that goes into a hell of a lot of detail about why film and tv is shit now
[2024-02-17 09:10:59] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| its so very on the button
[2024-02-17 09:11:00] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| its so very on the button
[2024-02-17 09:11:01] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent|
[2024-02-17 09:11:01] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent|
[2024-02-17 09:11:42] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| applies to books, too. There's a definite trend toward the simplistic rn
[2024-02-17 09:11:42] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| applies to books, too. There's a definite trend toward the simplistic rn
[2024-02-17 09:11:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| i gotta be careful of that
[2024-02-17 09:11:51] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| i gotta be careful of that
[2024-02-17 11:26:44] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| not like #other-games or something?
[2024-02-17 11:26:44] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| not like #other-games or something?
[2024-02-17 11:26:50] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| or whatever
[2024-02-17 11:26:50] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| or whatever
[2024-02-17 11:27:06] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ?
[2024-02-17 11:27:06] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ?
[2024-02-17 11:27:15] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| you mean does my message belong in that channel?
[2024-02-17 11:27:16] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| you mean does my message belong in that channel?
[2024-02-17 12:25:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| it doesn't belong there but videos at most
[2024-02-17 12:25:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| it doesn't belong there but videos at most
[2024-02-17 12:26:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| here it's fine to post videos
[2024-02-17 12:26:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| here it's fine to post videos
[2024-02-17 12:26:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since its the only channel bridged with irc
[2024-02-17 12:26:28] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since its the only channel bridged with irc
[2024-02-17 12:58:58] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| probably
[2024-02-17 12:58:58] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| probably
[2024-02-17 13:03:38] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ya, what juesto said. This is kind of an everything chat channel, within reason, but I thought it might be interesting since lucifer is also an author (and a scifi nerd to boot).
[2024-02-17 13:03:39] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ya, what juesto said. This is kind of an everything chat channel, within reason, but I thought it might be interesting since lucifer is also an author (and a scifi nerd to boot).
[2024-02-17 18:50:52] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 18:53:48] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 210 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 18:55:01] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 18:55:01] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 18:55:01] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 18:55:03] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 18:55:03] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 18:55:05] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 18:55:06] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 18:55:06] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 21:35:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 21:35:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 21:35:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hi
[2024-02-17 21:35:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hi
[2024-02-17 21:35:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| can you see my stream?
[2024-02-17 21:35:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| can you see my stream?
[2024-02-17 21:35:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah im watching
[2024-02-17 21:35:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah im watching
[2024-02-17 21:35:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| first round i went either late or early
[2024-02-17 21:35:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| first round i went either late or early
[2024-02-17 21:36:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| trying to show where you should be splitting, this is a playback of last match
[2024-02-17 21:36:03] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| trying to show where you should be splitting, this is a playback of last match
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| that is painfully obvious
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| that is painfully obvious
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this is the 2nd rnd
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this is the 2nd rnd
[2024-02-17 21:36:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue line is where your sweeper split off
[2024-02-17 21:37:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue line is where your sweeper split off
[2024-02-17 21:37:11] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can really split as early as the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:37:11] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can really split as early as the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:37:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wing split late too
[2024-02-17 21:37:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wing split late too
[2024-02-17 21:37:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are the wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are the wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the other wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the other wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:46] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea they split around where most people do
[2024-02-17 21:37:46] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea they split around where most people do
[2024-02-17 21:37:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 21:37:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 21:37:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the pink line is around where most split
[2024-02-17 21:37:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the pink line is around where most split
[2024-02-17 21:38:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but if you are not comfortable and are getting cut off by the enemy
[2024-02-17 21:38:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but if you are not comfortable and are getting cut off by the enemy
[2024-02-17 21:38:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can split as early as like yellow
[2024-02-17 21:38:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can split as early as like yellow
[2024-02-17 21:38:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:38:20] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:38:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so i should notice when the sweeper falls back
[2024-02-17 21:38:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so i should notice when the sweeper falls back
[2024-02-17 21:38:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and thats where im free to split
[2024-02-17 21:38:39] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and thats where im free to split
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and quick
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and quick
[2024-02-17 21:39:30] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this one was perfect
[2024-02-17 21:39:31] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this one was perfect
[2024-02-17 21:39:51] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but your speed was low lemme check the start
[2024-02-17 21:39:51] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but your speed was low lemme check the start
[2024-02-17 21:40:11] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh cause your double was really small
[2024-02-17 21:40:11] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh cause your double was really small
[2024-02-17 21:40:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:40:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:41:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thats too late to split
[2024-02-17 21:41:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thats too late to split
[2024-02-17 21:41:19] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| anywhere in this pink is where you can do your first turn back
[2024-02-17 21:41:19] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| anywhere in this pink is where you can do your first turn back
[2024-02-17 21:41:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:41:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:41:28] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:41:28] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:41:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hm
[2024-02-17 21:41:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hm
[2024-02-17 21:41:53] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue is too late
[2024-02-17 21:41:53] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue is too late
[2024-02-17 21:41:56] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yellow is too early
[2024-02-17 21:41:56] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yellow is too early
[2024-02-17 21:41:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:41:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:42:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i did most of them early
[2024-02-17 21:42:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i did most of them early
[2024-02-17 21:42:26] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this was good
[2024-02-17 21:42:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this was good
[2024-02-17 21:42:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| perfect actually
[2024-02-17 21:42:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| perfect actually
[2024-02-17 21:42:40] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you waited until almost at the rim to split
[2024-02-17 21:42:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you waited until almost at the rim to split
[2024-02-17 21:42:48] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| to turn again sorry*
[2024-02-17 21:42:48] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| to turn again sorry*
[2024-02-17 21:43:36] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| way too far this one
[2024-02-17 21:43:36] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| way too far this one
[2024-02-17 21:43:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:43:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:43:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| another indicator
[2024-02-17 21:43:43] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| another indicator
[2024-02-17 21:43:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| should be center?
[2024-02-17 21:43:46] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| should be center?
[2024-02-17 21:43:58] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| when im alone with center its too late
[2024-02-17 21:43:58] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| when im alone with center its too late
[2024-02-17 21:44:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:44:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:44:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you also want to turn earlier, like where your other wing did because your center needs options
[2024-02-17 21:44:19] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you also want to turn earlier, like where your other wing did because your center needs options
[2024-02-17 21:44:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| this is my reaction time
[2024-02-17 21:44:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| this is my reaction time
[2024-02-17 21:44:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you block off his right side, he might die
[2024-02-17 21:44:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you block off his right side, he might die
[2024-02-17 21:44:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| that's fine, you really just have to react to the sweep turning back
[2024-02-17 21:44:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| that's fine, you really just have to react to the sweep turning back
[2024-02-17 21:44:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing is tougher but right wing can be deadly for center if not done right
[2024-02-17 21:44:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing is tougher but right wing can be deadly for center if not done right
[2024-02-17 21:45:06] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 21:45:06] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 21:45:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| cause a lot of centers like to go right because its safer
[2024-02-17 21:45:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| cause a lot of centers like to go right because its safer
[2024-02-17 21:45:21] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:45:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:45:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so, was giving center a rough time
[2024-02-17 21:45:30] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so, was giving center a rough time
[2024-02-17 21:45:43] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| a little but experienced centers can still be fine
[2024-02-17 21:45:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| a little but experienced centers can still be fine
[2024-02-17 21:45:45] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just harder
[2024-02-17 21:45:45] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just harder
[2024-02-17 21:46:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| who was center?
[2024-02-17 21:46:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| who was center?
[2024-02-17 21:46:06] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean
[2024-02-17 21:46:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean
[2024-02-17 21:46:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| sanity
[2024-02-17 21:46:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| sanity
[2024-02-17 21:46:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @sanityarc did i cause issues or was it alright?
[2024-02-17 21:46:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @sanityarc did i cause issues or was it alright?
[2024-02-17 21:46:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| here you didnt go back very far, you can go closer to the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:46:55] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| here you didnt go back very far, you can go closer to the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:47:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thats how far i should go?
[2024-02-17 21:47:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thats how far i should go?
[2024-02-17 21:47:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i tend to rush
[2024-02-17 21:47:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i tend to rush
[2024-02-17 21:47:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| about yea
[2024-02-17 21:47:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| about yea
[2024-02-17 21:47:32] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess this kind of thing shows a lot about a player
[2024-02-17 21:47:33] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess this kind of thing shows a lot about a player
[2024-02-17 21:47:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just takes practice
[2024-02-17 21:47:42] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just takes practice
[2024-02-17 21:48:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:48:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:48:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| dont bother drawing it
[2024-02-17 21:48:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| dont bother drawing it
[2024-02-17 21:48:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 21:48:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 21:48:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you got it
[2024-02-17 21:48:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you got it
[2024-02-17 21:48:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then ye you can see the effect of letting the enemy by
[2024-02-17 21:48:31] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then ye you can see the effect of letting the enemy by
[2024-02-17 21:48:37] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i see
[2024-02-17 21:48:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i see
[2024-02-17 21:48:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 21:48:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 21:48:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| other wing went late that time
[2024-02-17 21:48:48] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| other wing went late that time
[2024-02-17 21:48:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and so did sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:48:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and so did sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:48:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the other sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:48:58] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the other sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:49:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| sweepers usually go up kinda far, to give you as much speed as possible
[2024-02-17 21:49:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| sweepers usually go up kinda far, to give you as much speed as possible
[2024-02-17 21:49:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:49:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:49:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you want to split earlier, you can tell your sweeper and they can go back earlier
[2024-02-17 21:49:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you want to split earlier, you can tell your sweeper and they can go back earlier
[2024-02-17 21:49:34] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| to give you room
[2024-02-17 21:49:34] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| to give you room
[2024-02-17 21:49:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg was expecting me to turn early?
[2024-02-17 21:49:36] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg was expecting me to turn early?
[2024-02-17 21:49:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg turning was consistent
[2024-02-17 21:49:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg turning was consistent
[2024-02-17 21:49:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i think?
[2024-02-17 21:49:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i think?
[2024-02-17 21:50:16] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| he turned back when you passed him
[2024-02-17 21:50:16] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| he turned back when you passed him
[2024-02-17 21:50:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:50:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:50:25] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| because he was no longer giving you speed
[2024-02-17 21:50:25] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| because he was no longer giving you speed
[2024-02-17 21:50:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:50:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:50:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thats the point i should start splitting
[2024-02-17 21:50:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thats the point i should start splitting
[2024-02-17 21:50:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you passed him earlier than the people on the left because your double grind at the start was short
[2024-02-17 21:50:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you passed him earlier than the people on the left because your double grind at the start was short
[2024-02-17 21:50:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:50:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:51:50] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so
[2024-02-17 21:51:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so
[2024-02-17 21:51:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| * try to extend the dg as far as possible without going past the start
[2024-02-17 21:51:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| * try to extend the dg as far as possible without going past the start
[2024-02-17 21:51:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| * be quicker to split especially after sweeper turns
[2024-02-17 21:51:53] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| * be quicker to split especially after sweeper turns
[2024-02-17 21:52:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:52:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:52:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| another mistake is that i do an attack turn at the rim at times
[2024-02-17 21:52:45] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| another mistake is that i do an attack turn at the rim at times
[2024-02-17 21:52:46] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and die by it
[2024-02-17 21:52:47] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and die by it
[2024-02-17 21:53:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| one of the rounds i had lucky dumps
[2024-02-17 21:53:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| one of the rounds i had lucky dumps
[2024-02-17 21:53:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 21:53:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 21:54:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well gl
[2024-02-17 21:54:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well gl
[2024-02-17 21:54:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at this point in the round, it's 25s in and we have our sweepers setup and we are only down 1, you dont have to come back to the def, can go up and try to put pressure on the enemy sweepers
[2024-02-17 21:54:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at this point in the round, it's 25s in and we have our sweepers setup and we are only down 1, you dont have to come back to the def, can go up and try to put pressure on the enemy sweepers
[2024-02-17 21:54:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| when we are down 2, it is good to come back
[2024-02-17 21:54:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| when we are down 2, it is good to come back
[2024-02-17 21:54:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| we can continue later or tomorrow
[2024-02-17 21:54:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| we can continue later or tomorrow
[2024-02-17 22:19:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv well... you still going to play more?
[2024-02-17 22:19:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv well... you still going to play more?
[2024-02-17 22:19:40] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ya
[2024-02-17 22:19:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ya
[2024-02-17 22:19:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i can keep streaming stuff if you want
[2024-02-17 22:19:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i can keep streaming stuff if you want
[2024-02-17 22:19:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| til bed in a few hours?
[2024-02-17 22:19:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| til bed in a few hours?
[2024-02-17 22:20:00] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| prob
[2024-02-17 22:20:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| prob
[2024-02-17 22:20:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean, in the breaks i guess we can still go through the match
[2024-02-17 22:20:12] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean, in the breaks i guess we can still go through the match
[2024-02-17 22:20:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| rounds
[2024-02-17 22:20:13] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| rounds
[2024-02-17 22:20:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok ill stream
[2024-02-17 22:20:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok ill stream
[2024-02-17 22:20:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| maybe not
[2024-02-17 22:20:39] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| maybe not
[2024-02-17 22:20:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since fort gets filled quicky
[2024-02-17 22:20:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since fort gets filled quicky
[2024-02-17 22:20:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| it will take a bit to pop
[2024-02-17 22:20:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| it will take a bit to pop
[2024-02-17 22:21:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so here...
[2024-02-17 22:21:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so here...
[2024-02-17 22:21:09] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh
[2024-02-17 22:21:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh
[2024-02-17 22:21:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| so yea here we are just down 1 so you dont have to come back
[2024-02-17 22:21:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| so yea here we are just down 1 so you dont have to come back
[2024-02-17 22:21:40] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| it's 4v5
[2024-02-17 22:21:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| it's 4v5
[2024-02-17 22:22:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i do go back to attacking when i realize?
[2024-02-17 22:22:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i do go back to attacking when i realize?
[2024-02-17 22:22:09] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| o maybe
[2024-02-17 22:22:09] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| o maybe
[2024-02-17 22:22:16] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you die hehe
[2024-02-17 22:22:16] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you die hehe
[2024-02-17 22:22:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nevermind
[2024-02-17 22:22:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nevermind
[2024-02-17 22:22:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| guess i didnt realize
[2024-02-17 22:22:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| guess i didnt realize
[2024-02-17 22:23:04] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| still a little late on this one
[2024-02-17 22:23:04] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| still a little late on this one
[2024-02-17 22:23:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| at least i dont die
[2024-02-17 22:23:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| at least i dont die
[2024-02-17 22:23:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup!
[2024-02-17 22:23:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup!
[2024-02-17 22:23:57] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were up 1 and you didnt have to be near def
[2024-02-17 22:23:57] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were up 1 and you didnt have to be near def
[2024-02-17 22:24:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| cornered
[2024-02-17 22:24:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| cornered
[2024-02-17 22:24:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:24:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:24:49] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the double grinds are looking good as the rounds go on
[2024-02-17 22:24:49] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the double grinds are looking good as the rounds go on
[2024-02-17 22:24:57] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just the split is a little late
[2024-02-17 22:24:57] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just the split is a little late
[2024-02-17 22:25:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| consistently late :(
[2024-02-17 22:25:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| consistently late :(
[2024-02-17 22:25:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i need to work on that
[2024-02-17 22:25:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i need to work on that
[2024-02-17 22:25:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe all good
[2024-02-17 22:25:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe all good
[2024-02-17 22:25:46] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were down 1 and you came back to sweep, dont have to
[2024-02-17 22:25:46] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were down 1 and you came back to sweep, dont have to
[2024-02-17 22:25:59] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| something to work on
[2024-02-17 22:25:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| something to work on
[2024-02-17 22:26:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well its easier than going to attack and die quickly :p
[2024-02-17 22:26:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well its easier than going to attack and die quickly :p
[2024-02-17 22:26:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| part of the reason, in this round one of our attackers gets in
[2024-02-17 22:26:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| part of the reason, in this round one of our attackers gets in
[2024-02-17 22:26:20] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but he has nobody with him to gank
[2024-02-17 22:26:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but he has nobody with him to gank
[2024-02-17 22:26:32] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round where i went to the attack
[2024-02-17 22:26:32] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round where i went to the attack
[2024-02-17 22:26:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 22:26:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 22:26:36] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and failed
[2024-02-17 22:26:36] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and failed
[2024-02-17 22:26:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:26:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:28:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| checking again just in case something missed?
[2024-02-17 22:28:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| checking again just in case something missed?
[2024-02-17 22:29:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea earlier i was just watching the grind and skipping to next rounds
[2024-02-17 22:29:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea earlier i was just watching the grind and skipping to next rounds
[2024-02-17 22:29:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 22:29:06] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 22:29:06] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just seeing what you did when you lived
[2024-02-17 22:29:06] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just seeing what you did when you lived
[2024-02-17 22:29:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round was funny seeing you come back inside our def
[2024-02-17 22:29:31] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round was funny seeing you come back inside our def
[2024-02-17 22:29:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 22:29:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 22:29:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh?
[2024-02-17 22:29:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh?
[2024-02-17 22:29:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| lol
[2024-02-17 22:29:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| lol
[2024-02-17 22:29:50] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| which round?
[2024-02-17 22:29:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| which round?
[2024-02-17 22:29:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the 5th one ill show your pov
[2024-02-17 22:30:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the 5th one ill show your pov
[2024-02-17 22:30:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:30:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:30:20] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah yeah
[2024-02-17 22:30:20] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah yeah
[2024-02-17 22:30:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| xD
[2024-02-17 22:30:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| xD
[2024-02-17 22:30:26] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 22:30:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 22:31:11] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round
[2024-02-17 22:31:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round
[2024-02-17 22:31:15] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| perhaps on the previous match
[2024-02-17 22:31:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| perhaps on the previous match
[2024-02-17 22:31:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| where we holed and failed
[2024-02-17 22:31:21] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| where we holed and failed
[2024-02-17 22:31:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| with nelg
[2024-02-17 22:31:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| with nelg
[2024-02-17 22:31:29] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:31:29] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:31:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i might not have it
[2024-02-17 22:31:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i might not have it
[2024-02-17 22:31:36] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i just have the ones played in NJ
[2024-02-17 22:31:37] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i just have the ones played in NJ
[2024-02-17 22:31:47] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh huge kill!
[2024-02-17 22:31:47] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh huge kill!
[2024-02-17 22:31:50] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| it was the match before this one
[2024-02-17 22:31:50] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| it was the match before this one
[2024-02-17 22:32:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh yeah there was a round where i did like lucky kills
[2024-02-17 22:32:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh yeah there was a round where i did like lucky kills
[2024-02-17 22:32:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there you found the hole round
[2024-02-17 22:32:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there you found the hole round
[2024-02-17 22:32:53] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| i holed for sanity, sanity died trying to seal the hole to prevent nearby enemies from getting in
[2024-02-17 22:32:54] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| i holed for sanity, sanity died trying to seal the hole to prevent nearby enemies from getting in
[2024-02-17 22:33:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:33:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:33:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| then by the time you got there, the def had already come back around to cover
[2024-02-17 22:33:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| then by the time you got there, the def had already come back around to cover
[2024-02-17 22:33:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:33:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:34:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok think I saw all of your rounds, I'll look for another match with an experienced wing you can watch what they do
[2024-02-17 22:34:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok think I saw all of your rounds, I'll look for another match with an experienced wing you can watch what they do
[2024-02-17 22:34:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm lets see
[2024-02-17 22:34:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm lets see
[2024-02-17 22:37:53] <Lucifer_arma> it's not just that tv and movies are getting simplistic, they're also stretching them out unnecessarily. Each season of Star Trek: Picard could have been a next generation two parter. There was no reason to stretch them out like they did.
[2024-02-17 22:37:53] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's not just that tv and movies are getting simplistic, they're also stretching them out unnecessarily. Each season of Star Trek: Picard could have been a next generation two parter. There was no reason to stretch them out like they did.
[2024-02-17 22:38:56] <Lucifer_arma> also, they're going out of their way to explain things that don't need to be explained. And this trend goes back into the 90s, tbh. Enterprise did it when they explained why TOS klingons don't have forehead ridges. Star Wars did it when they dropped both the Death Star plans in Episode 3, and then making the entire Rogue One movie
[2024-02-17 22:38:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| also, they're going out of their way to explain things that don't need to be explained. And this trend goes back into the 90s, tbh. Enterprise did it when they explained why TOS klingons don't have forehead ridges. Star Wars did it when they dropped both the Death Star plans in Episode 3, and then making the entire Rogue One movie
[2024-02-17 22:41:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| lets watch koala pov
[2024-02-17 22:41:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| lets watch koala pov
[2024-02-17 22:42:34] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to get up to enemy def as fast as he can to put pressure
[2024-02-17 22:42:34] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to get up to enemy def as fast as he can to put pressure
[2024-02-17 22:43:26] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the enemy team is doing sumo def which is not common, you probably dont want to do what he is doing now LOL
[2024-02-17 22:43:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the enemy team is doing sumo def which is not common, you probably dont want to do what he is doing now LOL
[2024-02-17 22:44:42] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hm okay hmm
[2024-02-17 22:44:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hm okay hmm
[2024-02-17 22:44:49] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round they were only down 1 but the enemy team holed
[2024-02-17 22:44:49] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round they were only down 1 but the enemy team holed
[2024-02-17 22:44:55] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| so koala came back because the def was broken
[2024-02-17 22:44:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| so koala came back because the def was broken
[2024-02-17 22:45:38] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh sorry they were up 1
[2024-02-17 22:45:38] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh sorry they were up 1
[2024-02-17 22:45:47] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but still def was broken so they come back to pressure
[2024-02-17 22:45:47] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but still def was broken so they come back to pressure
[2024-02-17 22:45:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| :p
[2024-02-17 22:45:48] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| :p
[2024-02-17 22:46:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but they also have to be careful to not crowd each other, if too many defenders are trying to keep space in the zone they might kill each other and do more harm than good
[2024-02-17 22:46:16] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but they also have to be careful to not crowd each other, if too many defenders are trying to keep space in the zone they might kill each other and do more harm than good
[2024-02-17 22:46:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just have to watch where your teammates are and try to not get in their way
[2024-02-17 22:46:28] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just have to watch where your teammates are and try to not get in their way
[2024-02-17 22:47:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| as SOON as they get another kill and are up 2, they send more attackers up
[2024-02-17 22:47:42] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| as SOON as they get another kill and are up 2, they send more attackers up
[2024-02-17 22:47:50] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| because they can hole and gank
[2024-02-17 22:47:51] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| because they can hole and gank
[2024-02-17 22:48:11] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| enemy def tries to block the hole so they get in free
[2024-02-17 22:48:11] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| enemy def tries to block the hole so they get in free
[2024-02-17 22:48:36] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| meanwhile their def was fine holding 3v3
[2024-02-17 22:48:36] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| meanwhile their def was fine holding 3v3
[2024-02-17 22:48:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| holing needs to be well coordinated for it to work?
[2024-02-17 22:48:42] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| holing needs to be well coordinated for it to work?
[2024-02-17 22:48:53] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea, you just need numbers and coordination
[2024-02-17 22:48:53] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea, you just need numbers and coordination
[2024-02-17 22:49:13] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| props to the endurance of people like you single handedly defending for a whole round
[2024-02-17 22:49:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| props to the endurance of people like you single handedly defending for a whole round
[2024-02-17 22:49:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| really well coordinated holes can instantly win a round, if you can get 2 attackers in while only the enemy def can get in
[2024-02-17 22:49:21] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| really well coordinated holes can instantly win a round, if you can get 2 attackers in while only the enemy def can get in
[2024-02-17 22:51:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| for attacking, the idea is usually that you are trying to open space on the enemy def and keeping the enemy sweepers away from it
[2024-02-17 22:51:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| for attacking, the idea is usually that you are trying to open space on the enemy def and keeping the enemy sweepers away from it
[2024-02-17 22:51:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| that space can be used to try to cut, but more often is a spot for holing
[2024-02-17 22:51:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| that space can be used to try to cut, but more often is a spot for holing
[2024-02-17 22:51:52] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round koala goes on the back and grabs the back corner of the def
[2024-02-17 22:51:53] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round koala goes on the back and grabs the back corner of the def
[2024-02-17 22:52:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to keep control of that space i highlighted
[2024-02-17 22:52:40] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to keep control of that space i highlighted
[2024-02-17 22:53:48] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at 3v4 they are not really looking to hole anymore, now all they can do is try to apply pressure and maybe get a cut
[2024-02-17 22:53:49] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at 3v4 they are not really looking to hole anymore, now all they can do is try to apply pressure and maybe get a cut
[2024-02-17 22:54:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| with the right strategy, can you get the def to shrink?
[2024-02-17 22:54:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| with the right strategy, can you get the def to shrink?
[2024-02-17 22:54:23] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep, and then gank it
[2024-02-17 22:54:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep, and then gank it
[2024-02-17 22:54:26] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| force them to box smaller
[2024-02-17 22:54:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| force them to box smaller
[2024-02-17 22:54:33] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt sound easy
[2024-02-17 22:54:34] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt sound easy
[2024-02-17 22:54:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| it takes a while, and it depends on how good the attackers and the def is
[2024-02-17 22:54:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| it takes a while, and it depends on how good the attackers and the def is
[2024-02-17 22:54:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but ideally attackers can always shrink a def
[2024-02-17 22:54:55] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but ideally attackers can always shrink a def
[2024-02-17 22:55:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| in this case there are sweepers that can try to relieve pressure from the def though, and help them expand in spots where the attackers have been working
[2024-02-17 22:55:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| in this case there are sweepers that can try to relieve pressure from the def though, and help them expand in spots where the attackers have been working
[2024-02-17 22:55:22] <Lucifer_arma> ideally you have three attackers each work on a different side of the def's wall, pushing in wherever they can
[2024-02-17 22:55:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ideally you have three attackers each work on a different side of the def's wall, pushing in wherever they can
[2024-02-17 22:55:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:55:39] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:56:16] <Lucifer_arma> sweepers start by trying to prevent people from getting that far, then once they inevitably split through, the sweepers attack the attackers :)
[2024-02-17 22:56:17] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| sweepers start by trying to prevent people from getting that far, then once they inevitably split through, the sweepers attack the attackers :)
[2024-02-17 22:56:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| also, center and wings are supposed to attack whereas sweepers and def do so?
[2024-02-17 22:56:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| also, center and wings are supposed to attack whereas sweepers and def do so?
[2024-02-17 22:56:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea centers and wings attack, sweepers and def defend
[2024-02-17 22:56:39] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea centers and wings attack, sweepers and def defend
[2024-02-17 22:56:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wings try to block the opposite wings
[2024-02-17 22:56:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wings try to block the opposite wings
[2024-02-17 22:57:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but it can change depending on how pressured your def is, your attackers might have to go back
[2024-02-17 22:57:03] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but it can change depending on how pressured your def is, your attackers might have to go back
[2024-02-17 22:57:03] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 22:57:04] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 22:57:13] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at start you want to give as much time to your def to setup
[2024-02-17 22:57:13] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at start you want to give as much time to your def to setup
[2024-02-17 22:57:23] <Lucifer_arma> ideally, when you're attacking, you'll core dump at least one of the other team on your way to the zone
[2024-02-17 22:57:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ideally, when you're attacking, you'll core dump at least one of the other team on your way to the zone
[2024-02-17 22:57:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so in that case the attackers play a role of defending the defense too?
[2024-02-17 22:57:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so in that case the attackers play a role of defending the defense too?
[2024-02-17 22:57:57] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:57:58] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:58:02] <Lucifer_arma> sorta. Remember you also get points for core dumps, and matches are determined by score
[2024-02-17 22:58:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| sorta. Remember you also get points for core dumps, and matches are determined by score
[2024-02-17 22:58:09] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yea
[2024-02-17 22:58:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yea
[2024-02-17 22:58:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt look easy to core dump without dying
[2024-02-17 22:58:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt look easy to core dump without dying
[2024-02-17 22:58:28] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if they are in your zone, they can gank it with advantage, so you want to send people back to keep advantage in your favor and try to block out enemies
[2024-02-17 22:58:28] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if they are in your zone, they can gank it with advantage, so you want to send people back to keep advantage in your favor and try to block out enemies
[2024-02-17 22:58:43] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| they can even gank with 3v3 after some time in the zone
[2024-02-17 22:58:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| they can even gank with 3v3 after some time in the zone
[2024-02-17 22:59:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| at less than half it becomes less viable to hole and gank?
[2024-02-17 22:59:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| at less than half it becomes less viable to hole and gank?
[2024-02-17 22:59:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sorry, gank as in?
[2024-02-17 22:59:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sorry, gank as in?
[2024-02-17 22:59:30] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh capture the zone
[2024-02-17 22:59:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh capture the zone
[2024-02-17 22:59:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:59:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:59:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea at 6v6 you can hole and have plenty of people to get in and gank
[2024-02-17 22:59:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea at 6v6 you can hole and have plenty of people to get in and gank
[2024-02-17 23:00:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you will be down 1 after the hole, but have a few free players to pressure and gank
[2024-02-17 23:00:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you will be down 1 after the hole, but have a few free players to pressure and gank
[2024-02-17 23:00:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you force the defense in half?
[2024-02-17 23:00:19] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you force the defense in half?
[2024-02-17 23:00:26] <Lucifer_arma> I highly recommend practicing in last man standing and working up a one on one defense strategy
[2024-02-17 23:00:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I highly recommend practicing in last man standing and working up a one on one defense strategy
[2024-02-17 23:00:45] <Lucifer_arma> your teammates may not like it (I don't really know), but while you're practicing and learning, you'll basically learn how to attack
[2024-02-17 23:00:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| your teammates may not like it (I don't really know), but while you're practicing and learning, you'll basically learn how to attack
[2024-02-17 23:00:49] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| dogfight/classic?
[2024-02-17 23:00:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| dogfight/classic?
[2024-02-17 23:00:49] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| how do you mean force the def in half? like a sumo def?
[2024-02-17 23:00:50] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| how do you mean force the def in half? like a sumo def?
[2024-02-17 23:00:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 23:00:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 23:01:08] <Lucifer_arma> remember sumo exists to practice taking the zone in fortress :)
[2024-02-17 23:01:08] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| remember sumo exists to practice taking the zone in fortress :)
[2024-02-17 23:01:30] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea sumo is great practice
[2024-02-17 23:01:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea sumo is great practice
[2024-02-17 23:01:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nanu, a few of the rounds the defense wall got halved by emeny's hand
[2024-02-17 23:01:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nanu, a few of the rounds the defense wall got halved by emeny's hand
[2024-02-17 23:01:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ohh, that is when the enemy centers
[2024-02-17 23:01:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ohh, that is when the enemy centers
[2024-02-17 23:01:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the other match today
[2024-02-17 23:01:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the other match today
[2024-02-17 23:02:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 23:02:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 23:02:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hows that exactly
[2024-02-17 23:02:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hows that exactly
[2024-02-17 23:02:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i have a few recording let me pull up
[2024-02-17 23:02:27] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i have a few recording let me pull up
[2024-02-17 23:02:45] <Lucifer_arma> it's a practical issue. Ideally, you'd cut into the defense and chase the other cycle out completely while building your own defensive wall
[2024-02-17 23:02:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's a practical issue. Ideally, you'd cut into the defense and chase the other cycle out completely while building your own defensive wall
[2024-02-17 23:03:01] <Lucifer_arma> however, some defenders are so good, they'll get you if you do that, so instead you cut the zone in half and defend your half of it
[2024-02-17 23:03:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| however, some defenders are so good, they'll get you if you do that, so instead you cut the zone in half and defend your half of it
[2024-02-17 23:03:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| (nanu is streaming here on discord showing me stuff)
[2024-02-17 23:03:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| (nanu is streaming here on discord showing me stuff)
[2024-02-17 23:03:13] <Lucifer_arma> I guessed the context :)
[2024-02-17 23:03:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I guessed the context :)
[2024-02-17 23:03:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah np
[2024-02-17 23:03:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah np
[2024-02-17 23:03:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| centering is when your pos 1 digs down the enemy grind and tries to get out
[2024-02-17 23:03:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| centering is when your pos 1 digs down the enemy grind and tries to get out
[2024-02-17 23:03:58] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this sort of ends up splitting up the enemy def, especially if you live
[2024-02-17 23:03:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this sort of ends up splitting up the enemy def, especially if you live
[2024-02-17 23:04:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you know how to fit on the center grind?
[2024-02-17 23:04:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you know how to fit on the center grind?
[2024-02-17 23:04:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| we just have a feeling for about how much to dig to make it past the enemy digs
[2024-02-17 23:04:22] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| we just have a feeling for about how much to dig to make it past the enemy digs
[2024-02-17 23:04:24] <Lucifer_arma> oftentimes, you don't, you just make the tightest grind you can and hope for the best :)
[2024-02-17 23:04:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| oftentimes, you don't, you just make the tightest grind you can and hope for the best :)
[2024-02-17 23:04:38] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's some hoping haha
[2024-02-17 23:04:38] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's some hoping haha
[2024-02-17 23:04:48] <Lucifer_arma> you also get a feel for which players can't grind so closely, and you'll know when the opportunities will be there
[2024-02-17 23:04:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you also get a feel for which players can't grind so closely, and you'll know when the opportunities will be there
[2024-02-17 23:04:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how the wall/grind collision check really work?
[2024-02-17 23:04:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how the wall/grind collision check really work?
[2024-02-17 23:05:39] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| you're not actually putting "rubber" into a wall, you're really putting "time" into a wall if that makes sense
[2024-02-17 23:05:40] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| you're not actually putting "rubber" into a wall, you're really putting "time" into a wall if that makes sense
[2024-02-17 23:05:43] <Lucifer_arma> that's what rubber is for. Rubber slows your cycle down by a certain amount based on your ping, and when you turn, you return immediately to whatever speed you were
[2024-02-17 23:05:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that's what rubber is for. Rubber slows your cycle down by a certain amount based on your ping, and when you turn, you return immediately to whatever speed you were
[2024-02-17 23:05:52] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are just beating a dig like you would anywhere else on the map, you can get closer to a wall with less speed and spending time pointed at the wall
[2024-02-17 23:05:53] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are just beating a dig like you would anywhere else on the map, you can get closer to a wall with less speed and spending time pointed at the wall
[2024-02-17 23:06:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm i see
[2024-02-17 23:06:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm i see
[2024-02-17 23:06:14] <Lucifer_arma> if you use your brakes at the same time, you can get pretty close
[2024-02-17 23:06:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if you use your brakes at the same time, you can get pretty close
[2024-02-17 23:06:18] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im slow at stuff
[2024-02-17 23:06:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im slow at stuff
[2024-02-17 23:06:24] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you're fine lol
[2024-02-17 23:06:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you're fine lol
[2024-02-17 23:06:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so i usually just crash
[2024-02-17 23:06:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so i usually just crash
[2024-02-17 23:06:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| especially with lag
[2024-02-17 23:06:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| especially with lag
[2024-02-17 23:06:58] <Lucifer_arma> it takes practice. Sweeping is the best place for a new fort player in part because you'll practice grinding in a relatively safe place to do it
[2024-02-17 23:07:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it takes practice. Sweeping is the best place for a new fort player in part because you'll practice grinding in a relatively safe place to do it
[2024-02-17 23:07:06] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's tough especially lagging to get the digs right, but with practice you'll get better at it
[2024-02-17 23:07:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's tough especially lagging to get the digs right, but with practice you'll get better at it
[2024-02-17 23:07:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sweep is harder tho
[2024-02-17 23:07:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sweep is harder tho
[2024-02-17 23:07:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since its def
[2024-02-17 23:07:30] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since its def
[2024-02-17 23:07:37] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| nowadays sweep is harder to start for new players
[2024-02-17 23:07:37] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| nowadays sweep is harder to start for new players
[2024-02-17 23:07:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| bots dont do defense
[2024-02-17 23:07:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| bots dont do defense
[2024-02-17 23:07:55] <Lucifer_arma> really? Sweeping is just the LMS position, is it not?
[2024-02-17 23:07:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| really? Sweeping is just the LMS position, is it not?
[2024-02-17 23:08:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| LMS?
[2024-02-17 23:08:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| LMS?
[2024-02-17 23:08:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| last man standing
[2024-02-17 23:08:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| last man standing
[2024-02-17 23:08:07] <Lucifer_arma> last man standing, the default play mode
[2024-02-17 23:08:08] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| last man standing, the default play mode
[2024-02-17 23:08:08] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oohh
[2024-02-17 23:08:08] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oohh
[2024-02-17 23:08:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sweeping is the side defense in fort
[2024-02-17 23:08:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sweeping is the side defense in fort
[2024-02-17 23:08:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| attackers have gotten really good at pressuring your timings, so if you spend too much time on sweep doing the wrong turns/wrong things, the enemy can break into your def at the start
[2024-02-17 23:08:45] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| attackers have gotten really good at pressuring your timings, so if you spend too much time on sweep doing the wrong turns/wrong things, the enemy can break into your def at the start
[2024-02-17 23:08:46] <Lucifer_arma> right, attacking the attackers that are working the sides
[2024-02-17 23:08:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| right, attacking the attackers that are working the sides
[2024-02-17 23:09:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| so inexperienced sweepers can cause instant losses
[2024-02-17 23:09:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| so inexperienced sweepers can cause instant losses
[2024-02-17 23:09:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| or if they cannot block the center well
[2024-02-17 23:09:21] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| or if they cannot block the center well
[2024-02-17 23:09:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wings has its balance too
[2024-02-17 23:09:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wings has its balance too
[2024-02-17 23:09:29] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| which has also gotten harder the better centers are
[2024-02-17 23:09:29] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| which has also gotten harder the better centers are
[2024-02-17 23:09:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing has it more complicated and its more important to turn earlier
[2024-02-17 23:09:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing has it more complicated and its more important to turn earlier
[2024-02-17 23:10:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| right is a little better but can complicate the center
[2024-02-17 23:10:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| right is a little better but can complicate the center
[2024-02-17 23:10:42] <Armanelgtron> o also note that we almost always play 6v6 fort
[2024-02-17 23:10:42] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Armanelgtron| o also note that we almost always play 6v6 fort
[2024-02-17 23:10:44] <Lucifer_arma> right is easier, imo. Left has to defend a bit before attacking, typically. It's because the two teams start offset from each other
[2024-02-17 23:10:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| right is easier, imo. Left has to defend a bit before attacking, typically. It's because the two teams start offset from each other
[2024-02-17 23:11:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg you were going to write but discord took a poop?
[2024-02-17 23:11:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg you were going to write but discord took a poop?
[2024-02-17 23:11:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but either way if you feel uncomfortable on either, splitting early is the way to go
[2024-02-17 23:11:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but either way if you feel uncomfortable on either, splitting early is the way to go
[2024-02-17 23:11:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess im eager
[2024-02-17 23:11:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess im eager
[2024-02-17 23:12:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since i just go for it and get late
[2024-02-17 23:12:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since i just go for it and get late
[2024-02-17 23:12:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| :P
[2024-02-17 23:12:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| :P
[2024-02-17 23:12:04] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:12:04] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:12:52] <Lucifer_arma> the basic skills aren't terribly difficult to get good at them and start contributing to your team's wins, but obviously with a lot of practice, you gain an advantage
[2024-02-17 23:12:53] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the basic skills aren't terribly difficult to get good at them and start contributing to your team's wins, but obviously with a lot of practice, you gain an advantage
[2024-02-17 23:12:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| should i yolo and play another one?
[2024-02-17 23:12:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| should i yolo and play another one?
[2024-02-17 23:13:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if it's not too late for you sure 😛
[2024-02-17 23:13:07] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if it's not too late for you sure 😛
[2024-02-17 23:13:11] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| eh
[2024-02-17 23:13:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| eh
[2024-02-17 23:13:12] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| its 1 am
[2024-02-17 23:13:12] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| its 1 am
[2024-02-17 23:13:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and im a little sleepy
[2024-02-17 23:13:19] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and im a little sleepy
[2024-02-17 23:13:20] <Lucifer_arma> but the biggest single skill you should work on is tactical thinking, and everything you do in LMS or sumo will help
[2024-02-17 23:13:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but the biggest single skill you should work on is tactical thinking, and everything you do in LMS or sumo will help
[2024-02-17 23:13:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| but also aderaline ftw
[2024-02-17 23:13:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| but also aderaline ftw
[2024-02-17 23:13:34] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sumo has too many tight turns
[2024-02-17 23:13:34] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sumo has too many tight turns
[2024-02-17 23:13:37] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:13:37] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:13:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and tight spaces
[2024-02-17 23:13:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and tight spaces
[2024-02-17 23:13:45] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| harder to navigate
[2024-02-17 23:13:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| harder to navigate
[2024-02-17 23:13:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| especially quickly and with double binds
[2024-02-17 23:13:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| especially quickly and with double binds
[2024-02-17 23:13:59] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea what lucifer says is true, practicing those turns and staying alive will make things easier for you
[2024-02-17 23:14:00] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea what lucifer says is true, practicing those turns and staying alive will make things easier for you
[2024-02-17 23:14:04] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and particularly if the server has a delay
[2024-02-17 23:14:04] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and particularly if the server has a delay
[2024-02-17 23:14:06] <Lucifer_arma> right, but if you're good at sumo, then when you get inside the zone in fortress, you'll be good at taking it
[2024-02-17 23:14:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| right, but if you're good at sumo, then when you get inside the zone in fortress, you'll be good at taking it
[2024-02-17 23:14:14] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well so either stick to lms/lts?
[2024-02-17 23:14:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well so either stick to lms/lts?
[2024-02-17 23:14:32] <Lucifer_arma> not exactly, just don't discount those as good places to practice
[2024-02-17 23:14:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| not exactly, just don't discount those as good places to practice
[2024-02-17 23:14:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well
[2024-02-17 23:14:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well
[2024-02-17 23:14:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i suppose we could play some lts :)
[2024-02-17 23:14:59] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i suppose we could play some lts :)
[2024-02-17 23:15:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| team play practice ftw
[2024-02-17 23:15:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| team play practice ftw
[2024-02-17 23:15:40] <Lucifer_arma> if there's a server that divides everyone into teams of two, that's an excellent place to practice pairs tactics
[2024-02-17 23:15:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if there's a server that divides everyone into teams of two, that's an excellent place to practice pairs tactics
[2024-02-17 23:15:58] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there arent really servers like that
[2024-02-17 23:15:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there arent really servers like that
[2024-02-17 23:16:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i could host one i guess
[2024-02-17 23:16:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i could host one i guess
[2024-02-17 23:16:15] <Lucifer_arma> because when you have pairs tactics down, you go around in fortress attacking 2v1 a few times and then go after the zone
[2024-02-17 23:16:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| because when you have pairs tactics down, you go around in fortress attacking 2v1 a few times and then go after the zone
[2024-02-17 23:16:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| on windows, probably not a good idea
[2024-02-17 23:16:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| on windows, probably not a good idea
[2024-02-17 23:16:55] <Lucifer_arma> I could turn breakfast in hell into a pairs lms server, but it won't be tonight, probably
[2024-02-17 23:16:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I could turn breakfast in hell into a pairs lms server, but it won't be tonight, probably
[2024-02-17 23:17:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea always feel free to hop into fort matches, playing is the best practice, and then when there's no matches playing sumo and stuff like that is good too
[2024-02-17 23:17:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea always feel free to hop into fort matches, playing is the best practice, and then when there's no matches playing sumo and stuff like that is good too
[2024-02-17 23:17:05] <Lucifer_arma> kinda focused on figuring out how I'm going to ge tmy bills paid :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| kinda focused on figuring out how I'm going to ge tmy bills paid :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:36] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, best way to practice fortress is to play fortress. LMS/sumo are good to practice when there's no fort match available
[2024-02-17 23:17:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, best way to practice fortress is to play fortress. LMS/sumo are good to practice when there's no fort match available
[2024-02-17 23:18:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 23:18:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 23:18:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thanks lucifer_arma for the offer :D
[2024-02-17 23:18:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thanks lucifer_arma for the offer :D
[2024-02-17 23:20:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll try to hop on fort matches
[2024-02-17 23:20:48] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll try to hop on fort matches
[2024-02-17 23:21:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im someone who tends to improve by not practicing
[2024-02-17 23:21:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im someone who tends to improve by not practicing
[2024-02-17 23:21:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| if that makes sense?
[2024-02-17 23:21:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| if that makes sense?
[2024-02-17 23:21:21] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 23:21:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 23:21:22] <Lucifer_arma> it's also worth finding someone else who wants to practice and making them a practice partner
[2024-02-17 23:21:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's also worth finding someone else who wants to practice and making them a practice partner
[2024-02-17 23:21:38] <Lucifer_arma> then you can go into an empty fort server and takes turns attacking each other's zones with one of you defending
[2024-02-17 23:21:38] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then you can go into an empty fort server and takes turns attacking each other's zones with one of you defending
[2024-02-17 23:21:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ye, nanu's definitely willing
[2024-02-17 23:21:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ye, nanu's definitely willing
[2024-02-17 23:21:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| pretty good defender tho
[2024-02-17 23:21:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| pretty good defender tho
[2024-02-17 23:22:15] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| could try working on the attack
[2024-02-17 23:22:15] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| could try working on the attack
[2024-02-17 23:22:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and defense
[2024-02-17 23:22:19] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and defense
[2024-02-17 23:22:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ye im down to help
[2024-02-17 23:22:25] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ye im down to help
[2024-02-17 23:22:25] <Lucifer_arma> any defender can be defeated regardless of your skill level. It comes down to fitting your tactics to the defender
[2024-02-17 23:22:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| any defender can be defeated regardless of your skill level. It comes down to fitting your tactics to the defender
[2024-02-17 23:22:32] <Lucifer_arma> so the best attackers are those who are flexible
[2024-02-17 23:22:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so the best attackers are those who are flexible
[2024-02-17 23:22:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| at least three people for practicing holing
[2024-02-17 23:22:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| at least three people for practicing holing
[2024-02-17 23:23:37] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, but holing isn't that hard. You want to focus on getting into the hole from any angle and without a wall to follow to get in
[2024-02-17 23:23:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, but holing isn't that hard. You want to focus on getting into the hole from any angle and without a wall to follow to get in
[2024-02-17 23:23:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and with an active defense
[2024-02-17 23:23:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and with an active defense
[2024-02-17 23:24:20] <Lucifer_arma> when I did the first hole back in the day, I used an instant chat to tell my team what I was going to do, but we learned quickly that we needed me to run in straight from a distance
[2024-02-17 23:24:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| when I did the first hole back in the day, I used an instant chat to tell my team what I was going to do, but we learned quickly that we needed me to run in straight from a distance
[2024-02-17 23:24:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| it seems that its better to defend at a slow speed instead of grinding by going straight
[2024-02-17 23:24:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| it seems that its better to defend at a slow speed instead of grinding by going straight
[2024-02-17 23:24:28] <Lucifer_arma> so the person using the hole can get into it properly
[2024-02-17 23:24:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so the person using the hole can get into it properly
[2024-02-17 23:24:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 23:24:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 23:24:42] <Lucifer_arma> as peoples' skills increased, that became less important, but it's still useful
[2024-02-17 23:24:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| as peoples' skills increased, that became less important, but it's still useful
[2024-02-17 23:25:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i dont even use instant chats at all
[2024-02-17 23:25:06] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i dont even use instant chats at all
[2024-02-17 23:25:14] <Lucifer_arma> there's no "best" way to defend. If you're too slow when someone cuts, they push you right the hell out of your own zone
[2024-02-17 23:25:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there's no "best" way to defend. If you're too slow when someone cuts, they push you right the hell out of your own zone
[2024-02-17 23:25:33] <Lucifer_arma> if you're going too fast, it's harder to maintain your wall and deal with the pushers
[2024-02-17 23:25:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if you're going too fast, it's harder to maintain your wall and deal with the pushers
[2024-02-17 23:26:11] <Lucifer_arma> you need some instant chats. I don't know what all people are using these days, but you still need a "affirmative", "I'm coming", and "Defense is down" instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:26:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you need some instant chats. I don't know what all people are using these days, but you still need a "affirmative", "I'm coming", and "Defense is down" instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:26:20] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| somehow nanu has some holes but still manages to defend good enough
[2024-02-17 23:26:20] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| somehow nanu has some holes but still manages to defend good enough
[2024-02-17 23:26:34] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| bind to Fn keys?
[2024-02-17 23:26:34] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| bind to Fn keys?
[2024-02-17 23:26:41] <Lucifer_arma> there are ways to defend against holes
[2024-02-17 23:26:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there are ways to defend against holes
[2024-02-17 23:26:43] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or numbers i guess
[2024-02-17 23:26:43] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or numbers i guess
[2024-02-17 23:27:00] <Lucifer_arma> I bind my camera keys on my left hand and layout the team-oriented instant chats around those camera keys
[2024-02-17 23:27:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I bind my camera keys on my left hand and layout the team-oriented instant chats around those camera keys
[2024-02-17 23:27:18] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| you do double bind?
[2024-02-17 23:27:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| you do double bind?
[2024-02-17 23:27:22] <Lucifer_arma> I use my right hand for movement, and I put a brake key on both sides
[2024-02-17 23:27:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I use my right hand for movement, and I put a brake key on both sides
[2024-02-17 23:27:25] <Lucifer_arma> yes
[2024-02-17 23:27:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yes
[2024-02-17 23:27:57] <Lucifer_arma> I bind / and right ctl to turn right, . and , to turn left
[2024-02-17 23:27:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I bind / and right ctl to turn right, . and , to turn left
[2024-02-17 23:28:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i have arrows for glancing except the front which has a brake one
[2024-02-17 23:28:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i have arrows for glancing except the front which has a brake one
[2024-02-17 23:28:11] <Lucifer_arma> shift keys are brakes (and I always forget about brakes because brakes are for wusses)
[2024-02-17 23:28:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| shift keys are brakes (and I always forget about brakes because brakes are for wusses)
[2024-02-17 23:28:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i use mirrored keys
[2024-02-17 23:28:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i use mirrored keys
[2024-02-17 23:28:28] <Lucifer_arma> I put glances on z, x, and left alt
[2024-02-17 23:28:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I put glances on z, x, and left alt
[2024-02-17 23:28:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wasd ijkl
[2024-02-17 23:28:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wasd ijkl
[2024-02-17 23:28:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and i have a extra bind on qe uo
[2024-02-17 23:28:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and i have a extra bind on qe uo
[2024-02-17 23:28:47] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| same idea
[2024-02-17 23:28:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| same idea
[2024-02-17 23:28:59] <Lucifer_arma> so asdfcv all become instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:28:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so asdfcv all become instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:28:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| those go unused
[2024-02-17 23:29:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| those go unused
[2024-02-17 23:29:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or i could use the numbers row
[2024-02-17 23:29:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or i could use the numbers row
[2024-02-17 23:29:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or f keys
[2024-02-17 23:29:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or f keys
[2024-02-17 23:29:47] <Lucifer_arma> I use my right thumb to turn right and my pointer finger to turn left, with my middle finger as another right turn
[2024-02-17 23:29:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I use my right thumb to turn right and my pointer finger to turn left, with my middle finger as another right turn
[2024-02-17 23:29:59] <Lucifer_arma> to double bind left, I move my pointy finger and index finger over one and hit it
[2024-02-17 23:29:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| to double bind left, I move my pointy finger and index finger over one and hit it
[2024-02-17 23:30:11] <Lucifer_arma> I set it up like I did because it's inspired by how you play a guitar
[2024-02-17 23:30:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I set it up like I did because it's inspired by how you play a guitar
[2024-02-17 23:31:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 23:31:26] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 23:31:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im done
[2024-02-17 23:31:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im done
[2024-02-17 23:31:30] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| heading to bed
[2024-02-17 23:31:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| heading to bed
[2024-02-17 23:31:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im almost sleeping on the chair
[2024-02-17 23:31:37] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im almost sleeping on the chair
[2024-02-17 23:32:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv ok definitely we can work on this more tomorrow
[2024-02-17 23:32:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv ok definitely we can work on this more tomorrow
[2024-02-17 23:33:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| new plan: hit me up on a lms
[2024-02-17 23:33:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| new plan: hit me up on a lms
[2024-02-17 23:34:04] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| classic tronning
[2024-02-17 23:34:04] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| classic tronning
[2024-02-17 23:34:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i might as well just host a game
[2024-02-17 23:34:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i might as well just host a game
[2024-02-17 23:34:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so we have default settings
[2024-02-17 23:34:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so we have default settings
[2024-02-17 23:34:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| you tell me specifics
[2024-02-17 23:34:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| you tell me specifics
[2024-02-17 23:35:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and maybe i'll just learn to administer a server
[2024-02-17 23:35:11] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and maybe i'll just learn to administer a server
[2024-02-17 23:36:06] <Lucifer_arma> administering a server isn't that hard
[2024-02-17 23:36:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| administering a server isn't that hard
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Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.
• Website was created by nelg
• Design:
» Layout is loosely based on an old design by Durf.
» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
» Other icons: fontawesome

is a site that has tools, maps, and other various items. It orignally only existed as a server control panel, but I slowly began adding stuff such as a homepage and tools.