Searching from 2024-02-01 00:00:00 to 2024-02-01 23:59:59.999999.
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[2024-02-01 01:00:08] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Quit: Core dumped)
[2024-02-01 01:01:38] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2024-02-01 02:29:58] <Lucifer_arma> ok, this new video I've got pretty much nails the tone, but I have to reshoot the endcap before I can finish it
[2024-02-01 02:29:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ok, this new video I've got pretty much nails the tone, but I have to reshoot the endcap before I can finish it
[2024-02-01 02:31:12] <Lucifer_arma> it's probably an anomaly to hit it in the third video, but I was genuinely enjoying watching/hearing myself talk, and that's hard to do, you know, me enjoying watching/hearing myself talk.
[2024-02-01 02:31:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's probably an anomaly to hit it in the third video, but I was genuinely enjoying watching/hearing myself talk, and that's hard to do, you know, me enjoying watching/hearing myself talk.
[2024-02-01 02:31:48] <Lucifer_arma> I mean, I used my own song as an alarm clock song because I was so motivated to stop it before I heard myself singing that I woke up in like 5 seconds
[2024-02-01 02:31:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I mean, I used my own song as an alarm clock song because I was so motivated to stop it before I heard myself singing that I woke up in like 5 seconds
[2024-02-01 02:49:10] <Lucifer_arma> ok, reshot the endcap, rendering the video. I'll upload it when it's done, could be tomorrow night, depends on how long it takes.
[2024-02-01 02:49:10] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ok, reshot the endcap, rendering the video. I'll upload it when it's done, could be tomorrow night, depends on how long it takes.
[2024-02-01 03:25:03] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Nah, I avoid IoT like the plague
[2024-02-01 03:25:03] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Nah, I avoid IoT like the plague
[2024-02-01 03:25:16] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-01 03:29:29] <Lucifer_arma> your neighbors are using your wifi to watch a shitload of porn
[2024-02-01 03:29:29] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| your neighbors are using your wifi to watch a shitload of porn
[2024-02-01 03:38:22] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| lmao
[2024-02-01 03:38:23] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| lmao
[2024-02-01 03:38:24] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wish
[2024-02-01 03:38:24] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wish
[2024-02-01 03:38:28] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I don't actually have wifi
[2024-02-01 03:38:28] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I don't actually have wifi
[2024-02-01 03:39:22] <Lucifer_arma> then you've got a *problem*
[2024-02-01 03:39:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then you've got a *problem*
[2024-02-01 03:39:42] <Lucifer_arma> maybe all those africans you conquered have decided to extract payback?
[2024-02-01 03:39:42] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| maybe all those africans you conquered have decided to extract payback?
[2024-02-01 03:41:09] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wonder if it's the 'Arr setup I have
[2024-02-01 03:41:09] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wonder if it's the 'Arr setup I have
[2024-02-01 03:59:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| Darn pirates
[2024-02-01 03:59:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| Darn pirates
[2024-02-01 04:09:28] <Lucifer_arma> hey, don't knock us
[2024-02-01 04:09:29] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| hey, don't knock us
[2024-02-01 04:09:45] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, new video uploading. I'll link it when it's done
[2024-02-01 04:09:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| anyway, new video uploading. I'll link it when it's done
[2024-02-01 04:10:14] <Lucifer_arma> this one's about how stargate sg1 accidentally wrote a white supremacist story into a multi-season story
[2024-02-01 04:10:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| this one's about how stargate sg1 accidentally wrote a white supremacist story into a multi-season story
[2024-02-01 04:10:50] <Lucifer_arma> I've ranted about it here in te past, but it was probably well before the discord bridge existed
[2024-02-01 04:10:50] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I've ranted about it here in te past, but it was probably well before the discord bridge existed
[2024-02-01 04:11:23] <Lucifer_arma> (side note, in stargate terms, I see the discord bridge as very similar to the McKay-Carter bridge that connected the pegasus galaxy with the milky way)
[2024-02-01 04:11:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (side note, in stargate terms, I see the discord bridge as very similar to the McKay-Carter bridge that connected the pegasus galaxy with the milky way)
[2024-02-01 04:12:02] <Lucifer_arma> (in tron terms, y'all discord people are in the real world, and in this irc channel, we're programs, so, oops for you)
[2024-02-01 04:12:03] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (in tron terms, y'all discord people are in the real world, and in this irc channel, we're programs, so, oops for you)
[2024-02-01 04:12:34] <Lucifer_arma> (in star trek terms, we're pre-borg)
[2024-02-01 04:12:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (in star trek terms, we're pre-borg)
[2024-02-01 04:13:00] <Lucifer_arma> (in farscape terms, rygel is probably eating us or pissing on us)
[2024-02-01 04:13:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (in farscape terms, rygel is probably eating us or pissing on us)
[2024-02-01 04:13:50] <Lucifer_arma> (ok, I could've come up with something better for farscape, but it's not like anybody watches that one)
[2024-02-01 04:13:50] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (ok, I could've come up with something better for farscape, but it's not like anybody watches that one)
[2024-02-01 04:15:18] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I tried farscape. Got as far as halfway into the first episode and gave up
[2024-02-01 04:15:18] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I tried farscape. Got as far as halfway into the first episode and gave up
[2024-02-01 04:17:22] <Lucifer_arma> I'm sorry to hear that, farscape is a really great show
[2024-02-01 04:17:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'm sorry to hear that, farscape is a really great show
[2024-02-01 04:17:58] <Lucifer_arma> you have to tough it out for the first three or four episodes, though. It's like eating raw jalapenos. They're great after you've gotten into it, but really hard to get into it
[2024-02-01 04:17:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you have to tough it out for the first three or four episodes, though. It's like eating raw jalapenos. They're great after you've gotten into it, but really hard to get into it
[2024-02-01 04:18:13] <Lucifer_arma> Note: I said jalapenos because I don't know if a brit can handle anything spicier
[2024-02-01 04:18:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Note: I said jalapenos because I don't know if a brit can handle anything spicier
[2024-02-01 04:18:17] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ya, Babylon 5 was much the same
[2024-02-01 04:18:17] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ya, Babylon 5 was much the same
[2024-02-01 04:18:38] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I don't much care for jalapenos, but mostly because I find them kind of sour
[2024-02-01 04:18:38] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I don't much care for jalapenos, but mostly because I find them kind of sour
[2024-02-01 04:18:56] <Lucifer_arma> I haven't seen babylon 5. I'm pretty sure I saw the pilot when it aired as a made for tv movie, but I didn't see it as a full blown tv show with story arcs and everything
[2024-02-01 04:18:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I haven't seen babylon 5. I'm pretty sure I saw the pilot when it aired as a made for tv movie, but I didn't see it as a full blown tv show with story arcs and everything
[2024-02-01 04:19:36] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| a lot of capsacin stuff produced int he UK is sour. Product of a temperate climate. There's a massive diffrence between chilli grown here and chilli gron somewhere like India
[2024-02-01 04:19:37] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| a lot of capsacin stuff produced int he UK is sour. Product of a temperate climate. There's a massive diffrence between chilli grown here and chilli gron somewhere like India
[2024-02-01 04:19:38] <Lucifer_arma> jalapenos are pretty flavorless. Serranos are better. Same hotness, more flavor. But I'm actually from New Mexico, and hatch green chiles are the best.
[2024-02-01 04:19:38] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| jalapenos are pretty flavorless. Serranos are better. Same hotness, more flavor. But I'm actually from New Mexico, and hatch green chiles are the best.
[2024-02-01 04:20:02] <Lucifer_arma> hot chiles are native to north/central america
[2024-02-01 04:20:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| hot chiles are native to north/central america
[2024-02-01 04:20:06] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Babylon 5 was unexpectedly deep. I rate it as much as I rate the BSG remake
[2024-02-01 04:20:06] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Babylon 5 was unexpectedly deep. I rate it as much as I rate the BSG remake
[2024-02-01 04:20:20] <Lucifer_arma> haven't seen the bsg remake either
[2024-02-01 04:20:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| haven't seen the bsg remake either
[2024-02-01 04:20:35] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh you should
[2024-02-01 04:20:35] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh you should
[2024-02-01 04:20:56] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| there's some rather expert social commentary in there, cleverly intertwined into the plot
[2024-02-01 04:20:56] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| there's some rather expert social commentary in there, cleverly intertwined into the plot
[2024-02-01 04:21:04] <Lucifer_arma> I might watch it eventually. The thing is, human-form cylons are just as ridiculous as human-form replicators in stargate
[2024-02-01 04:21:04] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I might watch it eventually. The thing is, human-form cylons are just as ridiculous as human-form replicators in stargate
[2024-02-01 04:21:12] <Lucifer_arma> I hates those stories in stargate
[2024-02-01 04:21:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I hates those stories in stargate
[2024-02-01 04:21:30] <Lucifer_arma> *hated (don't want to accidentally talk like a pirate and give anything away)
[2024-02-01 04:21:30] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| *hated (don't want to accidentally talk like a pirate and give anything away)
[2024-02-01 04:22:23] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ah, that's kinda fixed in the storyline. There's a whole pseudo-religious undertone, but it's a manufactured religion specifically designed for the show. It's also worth watchign the only season of Caprica that was ever released
[2024-02-01 04:22:23] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ah, that's kinda fixed in the storyline. There's a whole pseudo-religious undertone, but it's a manufactured religion specifically designed for the show. It's also worth watchign the only season of Caprica that was ever released
[2024-02-01 04:22:32] <Lucifer_arma> seriously, when I want social commentary, I'll turn everything off and listen to my own thoughts.
[2024-02-01 04:22:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| seriously, when I want social commentary, I'll turn everything off and listen to my own thoughts.
[2024-02-01 04:23:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| honestly, it's that good that I didn't even realise that it was commentary until it was pointed out to me
[2024-02-01 04:23:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| honestly, it's that good that I didn't even realise that it was commentary until it was pointed out to me
[2024-02-01 04:23:13] <Lucifer_arma> speaking of not turning everything off, the bread I started smells fantastic
[2024-02-01 04:23:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| speaking of not turning everything off, the bread I started smells fantastic
[2024-02-01 04:23:21] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oooh I haven't made bread in a while
[2024-02-01 04:23:21] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oooh I haven't made bread in a while
[2024-02-01 04:24:07] <Lucifer_arma> I have a bread machine, and it's a big part of how I can make my little glass containers fit a whole meal in each one. Without the bread, I was actually eating two containers a night
[2024-02-01 04:24:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I have a bread machine, and it's a big part of how I can make my little glass containers fit a whole meal in each one. Without the bread, I was actually eating two containers a night
[2024-02-01 04:24:20] <Lucifer_arma> (they were rockin' burritos that I made, they're really good)
[2024-02-01 04:24:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (they were rockin' burritos that I made, they're really good)
[2024-02-01 04:24:51] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I've never owned a bread maker. I thought about it but I'd use it like, once or twice a year
[2024-02-01 04:24:51] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I've never owned a bread maker. I thought about it but I'd use it like, once or twice a year
[2024-02-01 04:24:56] <Lucifer_arma> but you brits think sauce has peas in it, you're so weird
[2024-02-01 04:24:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but you brits think sauce has peas in it, you're so weird
[2024-02-01 04:25:03] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait
[2024-02-01 04:25:04] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait
[2024-02-01 04:25:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| what?
[2024-02-01 04:25:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| what?
[2024-02-01 04:25:13] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| are you referring to mushy peas?
[2024-02-01 04:25:13] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| are you referring to mushy peas?
[2024-02-01 04:25:15] <Lucifer_arma> bread machines are awesome
[2024-02-01 04:25:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| bread machines are awesome
[2024-02-01 04:25:32] <Lucifer_arma> I'm referring to every stupid thing you make with peas. PEAS ARE NOT FOOD
[2024-02-01 04:25:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'm referring to every stupid thing you make with peas. PEAS ARE NOT FOOD
[2024-02-01 04:25:43] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| HERESY
[2024-02-01 04:25:43] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| HERESY
[2024-02-01 04:25:44] <Lucifer_arma> unless you're starving
[2024-02-01 04:25:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| unless you're starving
[2024-02-01 04:26:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| when you get to try sugar snap peas off the vine, you'll realise why peas are so excellent
[2024-02-01 04:26:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| when you get to try sugar snap peas off the vine, you'll realise why peas are so excellent
[2024-02-01 04:26:09] <Lucifer_arma> ANYWAY
[2024-02-01 04:26:09] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ANYWAY
[2024-02-01 04:26:13] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| also an excellent source of fibre
[2024-02-01 04:26:14] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| also an excellent source of fibre
[2024-02-01 04:26:32] <Lucifer_arma> bread machines are awesome. IT takes like 5 minutes to throw everything in the pan, then the machine does the rest
[2024-02-01 04:26:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| bread machines are awesome. IT takes like 5 minutes to throw everything in the pan, then the machine does the rest
[2024-02-01 04:27:16] <Lucifer_arma> and you always eat fresh bread. For me, because I eat too much of it, and I live alone, a loaf lasts like three days. So I only have to mix it up every three days
[2024-02-01 04:27:17] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and you always eat fresh bread. For me, because I eat too much of it, and I live alone, a loaf lasts like three days. So I only have to mix it up every three days
[2024-02-01 04:27:24] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ngl I can get a bit lassez-faire about kneading
[2024-02-01 04:27:25] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ngl I can get a bit lassez-faire about kneading
[2024-02-01 04:27:28] <Lucifer_arma> if I used my bread slicer, I could stretch it out to a week or longer
[2024-02-01 04:27:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if I used my bread slicer, I could stretch it out to a week or longer
[2024-02-01 04:27:40] <Lucifer_arma> you don't kneed, the machine does it for you
[2024-02-01 04:27:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you don't kneed, the machine does it for you
[2024-02-01 04:27:53] <Lucifer_arma> the machine does it all! You just toss the ingredients in and hit a button
[2024-02-01 04:27:53] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the machine does it all! You just toss the ingredients in and hit a button
[2024-02-01 04:27:58] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| no no, I mean I should probably get a bread maker *because* kneading sucks
[2024-02-01 04:27:58] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| no no, I mean I should probably get a bread maker *because* kneading sucks
[2024-02-01 04:28:04] <Lucifer_arma> ah
[2024-02-01 04:28:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ah
[2024-02-01 04:28:06] <Lucifer_arma> I see
[2024-02-01 04:28:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I see
[2024-02-01 04:28:55] <Lucifer_arma> I need one of those mixers because I want it to make pasta for me. I insist on cutting the pasta, because, you know, italian-american. But I don't want to kneed it, and my bread maker doesn't kneed pasta dough at all
[2024-02-01 04:28:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I need one of those mixers because I want it to make pasta for me. I insist on cutting the pasta, because, you know, italian-american. But I don't want to kneed it, and my bread maker doesn't kneed pasta dough at all
[2024-02-01 04:29:19] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I can't say I've ever made my own pasta
[2024-02-01 04:29:19] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I can't say I've ever made my own pasta
[2024-02-01 04:29:30] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Gnocchi yes, but that;s easy
[2024-02-01 04:29:30] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Gnocchi yes, but that;s easy
[2024-02-01 04:29:32] <Lucifer_arma> omg it's amazing
[2024-02-01 04:29:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| omg it's amazing
[2024-02-01 04:29:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I think I still have a gnicchi tray lying around somewhere actually
[2024-02-01 04:29:50] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I think I still have a gnicchi tray lying around somewhere actually
[2024-02-01 04:29:52] <Lucifer_arma> if I had a stand mixer, I'd only make my own pasta. I'd never buy dried noodles again
[2024-02-01 04:29:52] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if I had a stand mixer, I'd only make my own pasta. I'd never buy dried noodles again
[2024-02-01 04:30:22] <Lucifer_arma> it's so much better, and it doesn't take that long after the kneeding is done.
[2024-02-01 04:30:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's so much better, and it doesn't take that long after the kneeding is done.
[2024-02-01 04:30:47] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I used to eat far too much pasta. I went through something like three or four kilo bags a month
[2024-02-01 04:30:47] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I used to eat far too much pasta. I went through something like three or four kilo bags a month
[2024-02-01 04:31:04] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| now I have tits
[2024-02-01 04:31:05] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| now I have tits
[2024-02-01 04:31:24] <Lucifer_arma> I'd have to do a conversion, but that doesn't sound horrible. 1 lb. of dried pasta makes six meals.
[2024-02-01 04:31:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'd have to do a conversion, but that doesn't sound horrible. 1 lb. of dried pasta makes six meals.
[2024-02-01 04:31:30] <Lucifer_arma> and there's nothing wrong with having tits
[2024-02-01 04:31:30] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and there's nothing wrong with having tits
[2024-02-01 04:31:35] <Lucifer_arma> lots of women have them
[2024-02-01 04:31:35] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| lots of women have them
[2024-02-01 04:31:43] <Lucifer_arma> and there's nothing wrong with being a woman
[2024-02-01 04:31:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and there's nothing wrong with being a woman
[2024-02-01 04:32:40] <Lucifer_arma> and if you'd actually read the Detective Lindsay book like you promised, you'd know I have a lot to say on that subject
[2024-02-01 04:32:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and if you'd actually read the Detective Lindsay book like you promised, you'd know I have a lot to say on that subject
[2024-02-01 04:32:52] <Lucifer_arma> *guilt trip!
[2024-02-01 04:32:52] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| *guilt trip!
[2024-02-01 04:34:55] <Lucifer_arma> ok, youtube is checking my video. THis can take awhile
[2024-02-01 04:34:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ok, youtube is checking my video. THis can take awhile
[2024-02-01 04:35:39] <Lucifer_arma> I don't know what i like more about this video, the fact that I actually like it, or the fact that I rebooted my computer and so kdenlive was able to play the preview in realtime and it actually made sense
[2024-02-01 04:35:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I don't know what i like more about this video, the fact that I actually like it, or the fact that I rebooted my computer and so kdenlive was able to play the preview in realtime and it actually made sense
[2024-02-01 04:35:53] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| heh, I haven't actually bought it yet. Had my hands full with work and such. I have the rest of the confederation series to read as well as nights dawn, then I get on to new stuff
[2024-02-01 04:35:53] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| heh, I haven't actually bought it yet. Had my hands full with work and such. I have the rest of the confederation series to read as well as nights dawn, then I get on to new stuff
[2024-02-01 04:36:32] <Lucifer_arma> you didn't tell me you had a waiting list, but surely "someone you know" tops the other authors, especially when it's a quick read (40k words!)
[2024-02-01 04:36:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you didn't tell me you had a waiting list, but surely "someone you know" tops the other authors, especially when it's a quick read (40k words!)
[2024-02-01 04:36:50] <Lucifer_arma> bread machine just dinged, I'm gonna go check on my FRESH BREAD
[2024-02-01 04:36:50] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| bread machine just dinged, I'm gonna go check on my FRESH BREAD
[2024-02-01 04:38:08] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oo
[2024-02-01 04:38:08] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oo
[2024-02-01 04:38:08] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I suppose I can make an exception for a single book. I don't usually mix up stuff when I'm reading, but that's mainly for bigger universes. Kinda can't keep to that anyway given I'm reading a lot of relatively new stuff that's still being relased
[2024-02-01 04:38:09] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I suppose I can make an exception for a single book. I don't usually mix up stuff when I'm reading, but that's mainly for bigger universes. Kinda can't keep to that anyway given I'm reading a lot of relatively new stuff that's still being relased
[2024-02-01 04:44:00] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ouch. Remind me this evening (or tomorrow for you, I suppose). Aciddentally overdrawn, I gotta sort that out later today
[2024-02-01 04:44:01] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ouch. Remind me this evening (or tomorrow for you, I suppose). Aciddentally overdrawn, I gotta sort that out later today
[2024-02-01 04:45:15] <Lucifer_arma> it's not a big deal, really. You're one reader, and unless there's a realistic possibility that you'll love it AND convince 100 other people to read, it's just not that big a deal
[2024-02-01 04:45:16] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's not a big deal, really. You're one reader, and unless there's a realistic possibility that you'll love it AND convince 100 other people to read, it's just not that big a deal
[2024-02-01 04:46:00] <Lucifer_arma> I'd rather not see people I know as statistics, but that's also par for the course for writers
[2024-02-01 04:46:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'd rather not see people I know as statistics, but that's also par for the course for writers
[2024-02-01 04:46:43] <Lucifer_arma> better if you know someone who's willing to pay for my writing, because that's more valuable than whether or not you read something I wrote that you *might* share with a couple of people
[2024-02-01 04:46:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| better if you know someone who's willing to pay for my writing, because that's more valuable than whether or not you read something I wrote that you *might* share with a couple of people
[2024-02-01 04:47:44] <Lucifer_arma> and might result in a sale or two
[2024-02-01 04:47:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and might result in a sale or two
[2024-02-01 04:48:42] <Lucifer_arma> so I'm just teasing, really, and I'm already bored with it. There's a weird dynamic between a writer and their friends where the writer teases them to read, and they don't, and it's supposed to be fun for all, but it's really fun for nobody
[2024-02-01 04:48:42] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so I'm just teasing, really, and I'm already bored with it. There's a weird dynamic between a writer and their friends where the writer teases them to read, and they don't, and it's supposed to be fun for all, but it's really fun for nobody
[2024-02-01 04:48:47] <Lucifer_arma> so we crossed that off our list
[2024-02-01 04:48:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so we crossed that off our list
[2024-02-01 04:49:20] <Lucifer_arma> or maybe I just need better friends
[2024-02-01 04:49:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| or maybe I just need better friends
[2024-02-01 04:49:49] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| There is? I'll have to remember that. Also, worth putting on goodreads. I've found a few interesting books on there
[2024-02-01 04:49:49] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| There is? I'll have to remember that. Also, worth putting on goodreads. I've found a few interesting books on there
[2024-02-01 04:50:11] <Lucifer_arma> amazon owns goodreads, and my first book is there because of that
[2024-02-01 04:50:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| amazon owns goodreads, and my first book is there because of that
[2024-02-01 04:50:26] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait, they do? ugh, the web grows ever bigger
[2024-02-01 04:50:26] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait, they do? ugh, the web grows ever bigger
[2024-02-01 04:50:32] <Lucifer_arma> Amazon 1, Delinquent 0
[2024-02-01 04:50:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Amazon 1, Delinquent 0
[2024-02-01 04:51:00] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, my first book is on goodreads because of that
[2024-02-01 04:51:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, my first book is on goodreads because of that
[2024-02-01 04:51:28] <Lucifer_arma> you know, as a science fiction writer, I should a video about who owns what
[2024-02-01 04:51:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you know, as a science fiction writer, I should a video about who owns what
[2024-02-01 04:52:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I tried doing that once. The research side, not the video production side. Turns out there's a couple of shockingly large conglomerates out there
[2024-02-01 04:52:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I tried doing that once. The research side, not the video production side. Turns out there's a couple of shockingly large conglomerates out there
[2024-02-01 04:52:11] <Lucifer_arma> that'll take some time, because that's the kind of well-researched video I've been trying to not do by being a science fiction writer, and therefore not needing to cite sources
[2024-02-01 04:52:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that'll take some time, because that's the kind of well-researched video I've been trying to not do by being a science fiction writer, and therefore not needing to cite sources
[2024-02-01 04:52:39] <Lucifer_arma> I'm pretty sure amazon owns all the self-publishers
[2024-02-01 04:52:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'm pretty sure amazon owns all the self-publishers
[2024-02-01 04:54:09] <Lucifer_arma> after the research is done, the video production side is relatively easy. Shoot yourself talking, add video that you can collect. Actually, that's a big stopping point.
[2024-02-01 04:54:09] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| after the research is done, the video production side is relatively easy. Shoot yourself talking, add video that you can collect. Actually, that's a big stopping point.
[2024-02-01 04:54:34] <Lucifer_arma> There's a lot of "don't care what people are expecting", but for that particular video, I'd need to be well-researched, no matter what I said on camera
[2024-02-01 04:54:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| There's a lot of "don't care what people are expecting", but for that particular video, I'd need to be well-researched, no matter what I said on camera
[2024-02-01 04:55:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| afaik lulu appear to be independent, although they were founded by a red hat founder
[2024-02-01 04:55:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| afaik lulu appear to be independent, although they were founded by a red hat founder
[2024-02-01 04:55:12] <Lucifer_arma> ooo, here you go, stargate wrote a white supremacist story that lasted for a long time
[2024-02-01 04:55:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ooo, here you go, stargate wrote a white supremacist story that lasted for a long time
[2024-02-01 04:55:15] <Lucifer_arma>
[2024-02-01 04:55:16] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma|
[2024-02-01 04:56:17] <Lucifer_arma> lulu appears to still be independent
[2024-02-01 04:56:17] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| lulu appears to still be independent
[2024-02-01 05:26:58] <Lucifer_arma> next video is supposed to be a ranking of the star trek movies, because I protest star trek v being treated like garbage after all these other stupid movies have been made
[2024-02-01 05:26:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| next video is supposed to be a ranking of the star trek movies, because I protest star trek v being treated like garbage after all these other stupid movies have been made
[2024-02-01 05:27:28] <Lucifer_arma> I almost want to rank star trek v as the best movie, just to piss people off
[2024-02-01 05:27:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I almost want to rank star trek v as the best movie, just to piss people off
[2024-02-01 05:27:38] * Lucifer_arma is a troll, has always been a troll
[2024-02-01 05:27:38] * armagetronbridge 10irc:Lucifer_arma| is a troll, has always been a troll
[2024-02-01 05:28:41] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Which one was 5 again? Undiscovered country?
[2024-02-01 05:28:42] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Which one was 5 again? Undiscovered country?
[2024-02-01 05:29:09] <Lucifer_arma> no. The final frontier. It's the one where kirk says "Why does God need a starship?"
[2024-02-01 05:29:10] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| no. The final frontier. It's the one where kirk says "Why does God need a starship?"
[2024-02-01 05:29:20] <Lucifer_arma> that's the most quoted line I've ever heard in the wild
[2024-02-01 05:29:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that's the most quoted line I've ever heard in the wild
[2024-02-01 05:29:56] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Oh, that one. The Uhura dance one. Ya that was odd, but much closer to TNG in spirit than any of the other TOS films
[2024-02-01 05:29:57] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Oh, that one. The Uhura dance one. Ya that was odd, but much closer to TNG in spirit than any of the other TOS films
[2024-02-01 05:30:12] <Lucifer_arma> undiscovered country is probably going to make my #1 slot, actually
[2024-02-01 05:30:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| undiscovered country is probably going to make my #1 slot, actually
[2024-02-01 05:30:41] <Lucifer_arma> it's the one I've rewatched the most out of any of the others
[2024-02-01 05:30:42] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's the one I've rewatched the most out of any of the others
[2024-02-01 05:31:53] <Lucifer_arma> also,, nichelle nichols did that dance, but her vocals were overdubbed, and pissed everyone off
[2024-02-01 05:31:54] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| also,, nichelle nichols did that dance, but her vocals were overdubbed, and pissed everyone off
[2024-02-01 05:32:19] <Lucifer_arma> man, she was so hot until she did that psychic thing
[2024-02-01 05:32:19] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| man, she was so hot until she did that psychic thing
[2024-02-01 05:33:25] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, I'm off to bed. Gn.
[2024-02-01 05:33:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| anyway, I'm off to bed. Gn.
[2024-02-01 08:56:38] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| lucifer_arma, you linked the youtube studio link not the youtube watch link of your video
[2024-02-01 08:56:39] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| lucifer_arma, you linked the youtube studio link not the youtube watch link of your video
[2024-02-01 09:35:11] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| you can convert the link by copying the series of letters between `video/` and `/edit` to the end of ``
[2024-02-01 09:35:12] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| you can convert the link by copying the series of letters between `video/` and `/edit` to the end of ``
[2024-02-01 09:35:34] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| and numbers
[2024-02-01 09:35:34] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| and numbers
[2024-02-01 12:06:12] <-- Juest has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2024-02-01 12:06:13] <-- Juest has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2024-02-01 12:32:17] --> Juest has joined the channel
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[2024-02-01 13:03:35] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[2024-02-01 15:18:35] <Lucifer_arma>
[2024-02-01 15:18:35] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma|
[2024-02-01 18:39:37] --> Juesto has joined the channel
[2024-02-01 18:42:15] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2024-02-01 18:45:52] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-02-01 18:48:57] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-02-01 20:31:24] <armagetron-bridge> 10discord:nextgear| where everyone at ๐
[2024-02-01 20:31:24] <armagetronbridge> 10discord:nextgear| where everyone at ๐
[2024-02-01 22:44:43] <Lucifer_arma> I'm at home
[2024-02-01 22:44:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'm at home
[2024-02-01 22:45:02] <Lucifer_arma> well, rent's due and I still haven't managed to make any more money. Anybody got $700 they don't need anymore?
[2024-02-01 22:45:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, rent's due and I still haven't managed to make any more money. Anybody got $700 they don't need anymore?
Searching from 2024-02-02 00:00:00 to 2024-02-02 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.60 seconds
[2024-02-02 02:26:30] <-- paddymahoney has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2024-02-02 07:48:35] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| ๐
[2024-02-02 07:48:35] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| ๐
[2024-02-02 07:50:37] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Tagesschau is the most watched German news. Like 30% of gelrmans
[2024-02-02 07:50:37] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Tagesschau is the most watched German news. Like 30% of gelrmans
[2024-02-02 07:52:15] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Also most Germans laugh about fox news xD
[2024-02-02 07:52:16] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Also most Germans laugh about fox news xD
[2024-02-02 08:34:31] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-02 16:33:10] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @Lucifer_arma: Bread machines are garbage. Get a good quality mixer man.
[2024-02-02 16:33:10] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @Lucifer_arma: Bread machines are garbage. Get a good quality mixer man.
[2024-02-02 16:33:10] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Also, yes our food is mostly crap in this country but yours is even worse, no offence. Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Incidently, I haven't used or even owned a microwave for about 16 years now.
[2024-02-02 16:33:11] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Also, yes our food is mostly crap in this country but yours is even worse, no offence. Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Incidently, I haven't used or even owned a microwave for about 16 years now.
[2024-02-02 16:47:44] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| The only thing I use my microwave for is warming up tea when I forget about it, and defrosting bread that I've frozen
[2024-02-02 16:47:44] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| The only thing I use my microwave for is warming up tea when I forget about it, and defrosting bread that I've frozen
[2024-02-02 16:58:04] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| I freeze bread too deli but when I want to defrost it I just leave it out for 30 mins. Bread has a lot of air pockets/holes in it so it defrosts super fast. I dont let my drinks go cold either (if I did i would probably use a small pan to reheat) but heyho each to their own.
[2024-02-02 16:58:04] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| I freeze bread too deli but when I want to defrost it I just leave it out for 30 mins. Bread has a lot of air pockets/holes in it so it defrosts super fast. I dont let my drinks go cold either (if I did i would probably use a small pan to reheat) but heyho each to their own.
[2024-02-02 17:15:05] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I get too engrossed in work sometimes, to the detriment of everything else. Pick up my tea only to find it's colder than a russian swimmer's dangle. I hate waste, so there it is.
[2024-02-02 17:15:05] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I get too engrossed in work sometimes, to the detriment of everything else. Pick up my tea only to find it's colder than a russian swimmer's dangle. I hate waste, so there it is.
[2024-02-02 17:15:06] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Also I have a terrible internal clock, so I either forget entirely about bread, or it's still frozen. Either that or my cat will snarf it. I've literally caught him stealing food out of a hot pan before, although he hasn't doen that in a while. He seems to be growing out of the begging habit, apparently the lassy who owned him last had a grandaddy who liked to sneak him bits of b <clipped message>
[2024-02-02 17:15:06] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Also I have a terrible internal clock, so I either forget entirely about bread, or it's still frozen. Either that or my cat will snarf it. I've literally caught him stealing food out of a hot pan before, although he hasn't doen that in a while. He seems to be growing out of the begging habit, apparently the lassy who owned him last had a grandaddy who liked to sneak him bits of b <clipped message>
[2024-02-02 17:15:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| acon and that at the table.
[2024-02-02 17:15:08] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| acon and that at the table.
[2024-02-02 17:23:11] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| lol yeah cats can be buggers.
[2024-02-02 17:23:11] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| lol yeah cats can be buggers.
[2024-02-02 17:23:51] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| I had a dog a few years back and he ate my christmas dinner
[2024-02-02 17:23:51] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| I had a dog a few years back and he ate my christmas dinner
[2024-02-02 21:26:46] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2024-02-02 22:33:45] <Lucifer_arma> @monkey_arma: considering how much food in america comes from all over the world, that's a mighty bold statement you're making. And yes, it's offensive when someone from a country who tried to conquer the world because they're food is shit says anything derogatory about ANYBODY else's food
[2024-02-02 22:33:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @monkey_arma: considering how much food in america comes from all over the world, that's a mighty bold statement you're making. And yes, it's offensive when someone from a country who tried to conquer the world because they're food is shit says anything derogatory about ANYBODY else's food
[2024-02-02 22:34:20] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, can't buy a decent mixer if I can't even pay rent, so that was a pretty insensitive thing to say
[2024-02-02 22:34:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| anyway, can't buy a decent mixer if I can't even pay rent, so that was a pretty insensitive thing to say
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[2024-02-03 00:42:33] <Lucifer_arma> *phew* ranking 13 movies is going to be a long video
[2024-02-03 00:42:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| *phew* ranking 13 movies is going to be a long video
[2024-02-03 00:49:51] <Lucifer_arma> I hope my ranking of the star trek movies is considered heresy to trekkies
[2024-02-03 00:49:51] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I hope my ranking of the star trek movies is considered heresy to trekkies
[2024-02-03 03:44:45] <Lucifer_arma> just, you know, in case it got washed away, I do need help. And if anybody wants to help, you can paypal me at . I also have venmo and cashapp, because apparently there are uses for cashapp besides hookers and blow
[2024-02-03 03:44:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| just, you know, in case it got washed away, I do need help. And if anybody wants to help, you can paypal me at . I also have venmo and cashapp, because apparently there are uses for cashapp besides hookers and blow
[2024-02-03 05:43:23] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-03 05:47:56] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-03 15:48:24] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-03 17:46:13] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| try without the : for mentioning users
[2024-02-03 17:46:13] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| try without the : for mentioning users
[2024-02-03 20:09:31] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-03 20:13:59] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-03 20:33:25] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-03 22:35:23] <Lucifer_arma> @Juesto does this work?
[2024-02-03 22:35:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @Juesto does this work?
[2024-02-03 23:28:29] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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Query completed in 0.52 seconds
[2024-02-04 05:02:07] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| It does work ๐
[2024-02-04 05:02:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| It does work ๐
[2024-02-04 09:12:09] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah
[2024-02-04 09:12:10] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah
[2024-02-04 09:15:41] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| hm weird, the bridge sometimes shows usernames and sometimes display names
[2024-02-04 09:15:41] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| hm weird, the bridge sometimes shows usernames and sometimes display names
[2024-02-04 09:16:49] <Juest> @Nanu test
[2024-02-04 09:16:49] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Juest| @Nanu test
[2024-02-04 09:17:00] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| oh interesting
[2024-02-04 09:17:00] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| oh interesting
[2024-02-04 09:17:34] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| i guess pinging the name as used by the bridge works on discord
[2024-02-04 09:17:35] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| i guess pinging the name as used by the bridge works on discord
[2024-02-04 09:17:49] <Juest> @Juesto:
[2024-02-04 09:17:50] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Juest| @Juesto:
[2024-02-04 09:18:17] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| okay yeah, the bridge recognizes users but only if it's a exact match
[2024-02-04 09:18:17] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| okay yeah, the bridge recognizes users but only if it's a exact match
[2024-02-04 09:18:50] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| either the display name or the username as displayed in the bridge
[2024-02-04 09:18:50] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| either the display name or the username as displayed in the bridge
[2024-02-04 09:19:27] <Juest> @dorianv test with username
[2024-02-04 09:19:27] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Juest| @dorianv test with username
[2024-02-04 09:19:36] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah
[2024-02-04 09:19:36] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah
[2024-02-04 09:19:50] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| it takes either display name or username
[2024-02-04 09:19:50] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| it takes either display name or username
[2024-02-04 09:20:21] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| the display name is as what the bridge shows so it might not show it because of discord cache i believe
[2024-02-04 09:20:21] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| the display name is as what the bridge shows so it might not show it because of discord cache i believe
[2024-02-04 09:21:01] <Juest> @Juesto#8050
[2024-02-04 09:21:01] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Juest| @Juesto#8050
[2024-02-04 09:21:30] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| and it doesn't work with discriminators it seems
[2024-02-04 09:21:30] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| and it doesn't work with discriminators it seems
[2024-02-04 09:22:15] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| hope you doing well nanu :)
[2024-02-04 09:22:15] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| hope you doing well nanu :)
[2024-02-04 09:22:41] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| insightful stuff yeah?
[2024-02-04 09:22:41] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| insightful stuff yeah?
[2024-02-04 09:26:12] <Juest> @juesto
[2024-02-04 09:26:12] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Juest| @juesto
[2024-02-04 09:26:32] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| exact case sensitive match
[2024-02-04 09:26:33] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| exact case sensitive match
[2024-02-04 10:28:51] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system|
[2024-02-04 10:28:51] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system|
[2024-02-04 10:29:52] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Tldr, Germany Nazi Party wants to Deport again
[2024-02-04 10:29:52] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Tldr, Germany Nazi Party wants to Deport again
[2024-02-04 10:30:23] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| They currently range at 20%
[2024-02-04 10:30:23] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| They currently range at 20%
[2024-02-04 12:01:39] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-04 12:28:46] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-04 12:29:27] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-04 12:30:24] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-04 12:30:25] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-04 12:30:25] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-04 12:30:39] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2024-02-04 12:30:39] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-04 12:30:39] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-04 12:30:39] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1592
[2024-02-04 12:30:39] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
[2024-02-04 12:30:41] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-04 12:30:41] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-04 12:33:19] <-- Guest1592 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-02-04 12:39:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:entroqy| @stereo_system
[2024-02-04 12:39:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:entroqy| @stereo_system
[2024-02-04 12:48:54] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:olive2306| Double the Juesto's double the fun.
[2024-02-04 12:48:54] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:olive2306| Double the Juesto's double the fun.
[2024-02-04 13:50:44] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| lol
[2024-02-04 13:50:44] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| lol
[2024-02-04 18:07:37] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[2024-02-04 20:54:38] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @lucifer_arma I'm just being honest about food and the current state of food/cuisine in our countries in general. I've freely admitted that the food in my country is generally crap, unless you pay a lot of money for a meal. There aren't many exceptions to this too. If you want me to find something positive to say then I do believe that things are generally improving in both count <clipped message>
[2024-02-04 20:54:38] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @lucifer_arma I'm just being honest about food and the current state of food/cuisine in our countries in general. I've freely admitted that the food in my country is generally crap, unless you pay a lot of money for a meal. There aren't many exceptions to this too. If you want me to find something positive to say then I do believe that things are generally improving in both count <clipped message>
[2024-02-04 20:54:38] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ries, although one still has to pay too much money for healthy produce and austerity has hit both countries badly.
[2024-02-04 20:54:39] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ries, although one still has to pay too much money for healthy produce and austerity has hit both countries badly.
[2024-02-04 20:54:39] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| As for getting a mixer, I payed 60 quid (around $55, which is simlilar to the price of a bread machine) for a good, first hand mixer, called the "Vonchef", from a company called "Vonhaus" on the internet. It can cope with pretty much anything that a kitchen aid don't always get what you pay for. I just did a bit of research and read reviews on the internet to find it.
[2024-02-04 20:54:40] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| As for getting a mixer, I payed 60 quid (around $55, which is simlilar to the price of a bread machine) for a good, first hand mixer, called the "Vonchef", from a company called "Vonhaus" on the internet. It can cope with pretty much anything that a kitchen aid don't always get what you pay for. I just did a bit of research and read reviews on the internet to find it.
[2024-02-04 21:04:20] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-04 21:04:52] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| I should also add that a mixer is more versatile than a bread maker, so, effectively, one is saving more money buy buying one.
[2024-02-04 21:04:52] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| I should also add that a mixer is more versatile than a bread maker, so, effectively, one is saving more money buy buying one.
[2024-02-04 21:21:09] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Ive just checked their website and they have an improved version with all stainless steel attachments for only 20 quid more!
[2024-02-04 21:21:09] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Ive just checked their website and they have an improved version with all stainless steel attachments for only 20 quid more!
[2024-02-04 21:22:29] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma|
[2024-02-04 21:22:29] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma|
[2024-02-04 21:22:38] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| It's UK-based though
[2024-02-04 21:22:38] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| It's UK-based though
[2024-02-04 22:25:17] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[2024-02-04 22:41:38] <Lucifer_arma> @monkey_arma: It's actually been on my to-buy list for several years now, a stand mixer. I almost bought one this christmas, and if my roommate hadn't moved out when he did, I would've
[2024-02-04 22:41:38] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @monkey_arma: It's actually been on my to-buy list for several years now, a stand mixer. I almost bought one this christmas, and if my roommate hadn't moved out when he did, I would've
[2024-02-04 22:41:58] <Lucifer_arma> I want to make most/all of my pasta from scratch, but hand kneeding pasta dough is just a bit much for my crampy old hands to work
[2024-02-04 22:41:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I want to make most/all of my pasta from scratch, but hand kneeding pasta dough is just a bit much for my crampy old hands to work
[2024-02-04 22:42:45] <Lucifer_arma> I'll give you that chain restaurants are crap, and we've probably sent the worst of the big ones over there. But there's some much regional variation, you can't really say all american food is crap. I live in central texas, one of the best regions in the country for food
[2024-02-04 22:42:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'll give you that chain restaurants are crap, and we've probably sent the worst of the big ones over there. But there's some much regional variation, you can't really say all american food is crap. I live in central texas, one of the best regions in the country for food
[2024-02-04 22:43:20] <Lucifer_arma> Our chinese and other asian foods tend to be low quality, but there's a decent range of mexican, tex-mex, central/south american. After Katrina, we got a huge influx of cajun and creole.
[2024-02-04 22:43:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Our chinese and other asian foods tend to be low quality, but there's a decent range of mexican, tex-mex, central/south american. After Katrina, we got a huge influx of cajun and creole.
[2024-02-04 22:43:28] <Lucifer_arma> And of course Texas is well known for its barbecue
[2024-02-04 22:43:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| And of course Texas is well known for its barbecue
[2024-02-04 22:43:49] <Lucifer_arma> Our italian food is mediocre, and there's burgers fucking everywhere
[2024-02-04 22:43:49] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Our italian food is mediocre, and there's burgers fucking everywhere
[2024-02-04 22:44:28] <Lucifer_arma> but thanks to an influx of entrepreneurial immigrants from north africa and the levant, we've got excellent halal food (shawarma and kebobs, mostly)
[2024-02-04 22:44:30] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but thanks to an influx of entrepreneurial immigrants from north africa and the levant, we've got excellent halal food (shawarma and kebobs, mostly)
[2024-02-04 22:45:41] <Lucifer_arma> when I lived in Kansas, the food there was pretty crappy, but it was all small-town stuff. There was excellent fried chicken, and you didn't have to look real hard to find it
[2024-02-04 22:45:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| when I lived in Kansas, the food there was pretty crappy, but it was all small-town stuff. There was excellent fried chicken, and you didn't have to look real hard to find it
[2024-02-04 22:46:23] <Lucifer_arma> In Seattle, the Asian food is just amazing. I couldn't even begin to tell you where to start, there. I ate at every Chinese place I drove past, and only ever had one that wasn't great
[2024-02-04 22:46:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| In Seattle, the Asian food is just amazing. I couldn't even begin to tell you where to start, there. I ate at every Chinese place I drove past, and only ever had one that wasn't great
[2024-02-04 22:47:01] <Lucifer_arma> they also have their own barbecue flavors built from applewood that's pretty tasty, as long as you don't think Texas barbecue is the only pure barbecue around
[2024-02-04 22:47:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| they also have their own barbecue flavors built from applewood that's pretty tasty, as long as you don't think Texas barbecue is the only pure barbecue around
[2024-02-04 22:47:31] <Lucifer_arma> and, of course, I grew up in New Mexico, Arizona, and West Texas (El Paso, specifically), so I've eaten a lot of different variations of Mexican food that are all fantastic
[2024-02-04 22:47:31] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and, of course, I grew up in New Mexico, Arizona, and West Texas (El Paso, specifically), so I've eaten a lot of different variations of Mexican food that are all fantastic
[2024-02-04 22:48:04] <Lucifer_arma> chile rellenos in El Paso are made with poblanos, but in New Mexico, they're made with hatch green chiles
[2024-02-04 22:48:04] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| chile rellenos in El Paso are made with poblanos, but in New Mexico, they're made with hatch green chiles
[2024-02-04 23:07:26] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @lucifer_arma Yeah, if you do manage to get enough money for a stand mixer, it will come in for all sorts of things. I put minced beef or pork in mine to make burgers/patties; the cake/K blade turns mince into smashed meat which is much nicer than using mince as is. The dough hook will make bread or pasta dough and knead it. You can put the dough on a surface and give it a fina <clipped message>
[2024-02-04 23:07:27] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @lucifer_arma Yeah, if you do manage to get enough money for a stand mixer, it will come in for all sorts of things. I put minced beef or pork in mine to make burgers/patties; the cake/K blade turns mince into smashed meat which is much nicer than using mince as is. The dough hook will make bread or pasta dough and knead it. You can put the dough on a surface and give it a fina <clipped message>
[2024-02-04 23:07:27] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| l knead if you want but it often isn't necessary.
[2024-02-04 23:07:28] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| l knead if you want but it often isn't necessary.
[2024-02-04 23:07:28] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Yes chain restaurants are crap and yes, most of ours came from the US, we even have Taco Bell now. I do agree that America is a big country and that you do have a lot of regional variation. The reason I'm so critical is that i've been to countries in Europe that put both our countries to shame (France and Spain in particular). Even most poor people in those countries eat better <clipped message>
[2024-02-04 23:07:29] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Yes chain restaurants are crap and yes, most of ours came from the US, we even have Taco Bell now. I do agree that America is a big country and that you do have a lot of regional variation. The reason I'm so critical is that i've been to countries in Europe that put both our countries to shame (France and Spain in particular). Even most poor people in those countries eat better <clipped message>
[2024-02-04 23:07:29] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| than many better off people in ours. I have friends that don't, or hardly, even eat vegetables ..i mean come on wtf. Here in the UK, many restaurants serve veg in a very basic way, boiled with possibly some butter on them. I used to be a baker and a cook/chef and I've seen a lot of crap, even from expensive establishments...maybe I have high standards.
[2024-02-04 23:07:30] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| than many better off people in ours. I have friends that don't, or hardly, even eat vegetables ..i mean come on wtf. Here in the UK, many restaurants serve veg in a very basic way, boiled with possibly some butter on them. I used to be a baker and a cook/chef and I've seen a lot of crap, even from expensive establishments...maybe I have high standards.
[2024-02-04 23:07:31] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Anyway, like i said, things are improving. Where I live, they recently held their first "food circle" meeting, which is a bunch of local producers showing off their produce to potential buyers, both trade and domestic. I intend to visit the next one if I can..they are to be held monthly. Produce includes honey, tomatoes, herbs, cheese, meat, poultry, etc.
[2024-02-04 23:07:31] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| Anyway, like i said, things are improving. Where I live, they recently held their first "food circle" meeting, which is a bunch of local producers showing off their produce to potential buyers, both trade and domestic. I intend to visit the next one if I can..they are to be held monthly. Produce includes honey, tomatoes, herbs, cheese, meat, poultry, etc.
[2024-02-04 23:11:52] <Lucifer_arma> that sounds suspiciously like farmer's markets here
[2024-02-04 23:11:52] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that sounds suspiciously like farmer's markets here
[2024-02-04 23:12:52] <Lucifer_arma> and I agree, the ways that I've seen britishers cook vegetables are to shame. My grandma was from London. She was a Pickering, apparently. Fooled around with an Italian-American serviceman during WWII, gave birth to my dad in one of those miraculous 7 month pregnancies
[2024-02-04 23:12:53] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and I agree, the ways that I've seen britishers cook vegetables are to shame. My grandma was from London. She was a Pickering, apparently. Fooled around with an Italian-American serviceman during WWII, gave birth to my dad in one of those miraculous 7 month pregnancies
[2024-02-04 23:13:58] <Lucifer_arma> I'm too far from France to get anything resembling authentic french food. Same with Spain. So it will be no surprise if I've been unimpressed with those particular regions.
[2024-02-04 23:13:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'm too far from France to get anything resembling authentic french food. Same with Spain. So it will be no surprise if I've been unimpressed with those particular regions.
[2024-02-04 23:14:36] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| we've had farmers markets for a long time. unfortunately they were'nt so good. the food circle thing seems better from what i gather, although i will have to go there myself to see
[2024-02-04 23:14:36] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| we've had farmers markets for a long time. unfortunately they were'nt so good. the food circle thing seems better from what i gather, although i will have to go there myself to see
[2024-02-04 23:14:43] <Lucifer_arma> but cajun/creole replacing carrots with bell peppers and adding a shitload of cayenne makes me wonder if France has anything worth eating
[2024-02-04 23:14:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but cajun/creole replacing carrots with bell peppers and adding a shitload of cayenne makes me wonder if France has anything worth eating
[2024-02-04 23:14:53] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| my grandma used to cook veg for hours too
[2024-02-04 23:14:53] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| my grandma used to cook veg for hours too
[2024-02-04 23:15:24] <Lucifer_arma> it was bad. She'd salt and boil a turkey before roasting it, pretty much guaranteeing a flavorless dried out hunk of waste
[2024-02-04 23:15:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it was bad. She'd salt and boil a turkey before roasting it, pretty much guaranteeing a flavorless dried out hunk of waste
[2024-02-04 23:15:44] <Lucifer_arma> but she could make tea
[2024-02-04 23:15:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but she could make tea
[2024-02-04 23:15:51] <Lucifer_arma> living the stereotype!
[2024-02-04 23:15:51] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| living the stereotype!
[2024-02-04 23:16:07] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| i have family that have been to both france and cajun country and they are very different
[2024-02-04 23:16:08] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| i have family that have been to both france and cajun country and they are very different
[2024-02-04 23:16:28] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ive been to france myself.. but not to cajun country
[2024-02-04 23:16:28] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ive been to france myself.. but not to cajun country
[2024-02-04 23:16:32] <Lucifer_arma> well, there's a few centuries separating them. I just know that cajun cooking is a descendant of french cooking
[2024-02-04 23:16:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, there's a few centuries separating them. I just know that cajun cooking is a descendant of french cooking
[2024-02-04 23:16:46] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| cajun has some influences
[2024-02-04 23:16:47] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| cajun has some influences
[2024-02-04 23:17:04] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| the french dont like spicy food though so i dont know where that came from
[2024-02-04 23:17:04] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| the french dont like spicy food though so i dont know where that came from
[2024-02-04 23:17:16] <Lucifer_arma> I understand the languages have diverged and are no longer mutually intelligible, even if both are still technically French
[2024-02-04 23:17:16] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I understand the languages have diverged and are no longer mutually intelligible, even if both are still technically French
[2024-02-04 23:17:32] <Lucifer_arma> it came from settling in Louisiana, where cayenne peppers grow in abundance
[2024-02-04 23:17:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it came from settling in Louisiana, where cayenne peppers grow in abundance
[2024-02-04 23:17:44] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| the languages are probably more similar than the food to be honest.
[2024-02-04 23:17:44] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| the languages are probably more similar than the food to be honest.
[2024-02-04 23:17:52] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ah ok i
[2024-02-04 23:17:52] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ah ok i
[2024-02-04 23:18:04] <Lucifer_arma> idk. I worked with a cajun guy, and his English accent was a lot like Elmer Fudd
[2024-02-04 23:18:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| idk. I worked with a cajun guy, and his English accent was a lot like Elmer Fudd
[2024-02-04 23:18:11] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| haha
[2024-02-04 23:18:12] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| haha
[2024-02-04 23:18:19] <Lucifer_arma> it wasn't anything like a French accent
[2024-02-04 23:18:19] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it wasn't anything like a French accent
[2024-02-04 23:18:52] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| i better play, theyre waiting for me..
[2024-02-04 23:18:52] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| i better play, theyre waiting for me..
[2024-02-04 23:19:05] <Lucifer_arma> I do find it interesting how much different things like language and cuisine can diverge in a short period. A lot of people around here think Tex-Mex is the only True Authentic Mexican Food
[2024-02-04 23:19:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I do find it interesting how much different things like language and cuisine can diverge in a short period. A lot of people around here think Tex-Mex is the only True Authentic Mexican Food
[2024-02-04 23:19:13] <Lucifer_arma> you go do that, I'm working on a video
[2024-02-04 23:19:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you go do that, I'm working on a video
[2024-02-04 23:19:33] <Lucifer_arma> rather, I'm working on a script to extract clips from videos so I can make videos with it
[2024-02-04 23:19:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| rather, I'm working on a script to extract clips from videos so I can make videos with it
[2024-02-04 23:49:16] <Lucifer_arma> woohoo! I'm using my cluster to extract video clips from a bunch of videos
[2024-02-04 23:49:17] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| woohoo! I'm using my cluster to extract video clips from a bunch of videos
[2024-02-04 23:49:23] <Lucifer_arma> <3 Landru
[2024-02-04 23:49:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| <3 Landru
Searching from 2024-02-05 00:00:00 to 2024-02-05 23:59:59.999999.
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[2024-02-05 00:05:42] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| lol at tex-mex yeah im sure mexico has some great food.
[2024-02-05 00:05:42] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| lol at tex-mex yeah im sure mexico has some great food.
[2024-02-05 00:05:47] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ok bed for me gn
[2024-02-05 00:05:47] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ok bed for me gn
[2024-02-05 03:26:07] <Lucifer_arma> crap. Paypal says they won't accept my phone number. So nvm that
[2024-02-05 03:26:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| crap. Paypal says they won't accept my phone number. So nvm that
[2024-02-05 04:42:18] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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[2024-02-05 04:42:35] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-05 05:06:47] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-05 05:11:19] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-05 05:11:21] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-05 05:11:21] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-05 05:12:21] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
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[2024-02-05 13:46:27] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-05 13:49:54] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-05 13:49:56] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-05 13:58:41] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-05 13:58:41] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1733
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[2024-02-06 01:58:59] <Lucifer_arma>
[2024-02-06 01:58:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma|
[2024-02-06 03:23:49] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-06 03:25:02] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-06 03:25:02] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1810
[2024-02-06 03:25:02] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
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[2024-02-06 23:27:05] <Lucifer_arma> ok, I think I've worked with title clips enough that I'm probably going to do video titles with them. It just looks a lot better.
[2024-02-06 23:27:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ok, I think I've worked with title clips enough that I'm probably going to do video titles with them. It just looks a lot better.
[2024-02-06 23:57:28] <Lucifer_arma> damn. Got my first copyright ding. Star Trek Movies ranking video. It looks like I may have used clips from Star Trek VI that are too long
[2024-02-06 23:57:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| damn. Got my first copyright ding. Star Trek Movies ranking video. It looks like I may have used clips from Star Trek VI that are too long
[2024-02-06 23:57:43] <Lucifer_arma> my use falls under fair use, but I don't want to fight youtube over it
[2024-02-06 23:57:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| my use falls under fair use, but I don't want to fight youtube over it
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[2024-02-07 01:19:34] <Lucifer_arma> random thought. In warfare, there's often the question of why do defenders have an inherent advantage. I don't have an answer to that question, but I think I can say that we've proven the defender always has the advantage
[2024-02-07 01:19:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| random thought. In warfare, there's often the question of why do defenders have an inherent advantage. I don't have an answer to that question, but I think I can say that we've proven the defender always has the advantage
[2024-02-07 01:20:15] <Lucifer_arma> In Fortress, the defender is just putting up a wall. The field is even for everyone. The only thing the defender has is time. Time to setup. Without that time, the fortress falls pretty quickly
[2024-02-07 01:20:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| In Fortress, the defender is just putting up a wall. The field is even for everyone. The only thing the defender has is time. Time to setup. Without that time, the fortress falls pretty quickly
[2024-02-07 01:20:28] <Lucifer_arma> but with a little bit of time, the defense quickly becomes nigh unassailable
[2024-02-07 01:20:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but with a little bit of time, the defense quickly becomes nigh unassailable
[2024-02-07 01:21:12] <Lucifer_arma> so while I can't answer the "why" of the question, I think I can answer definitively that the defense always has an advantage, and in warfare, you get to use terrain, motivation, all sorts of things to magnify that advantage
[2024-02-07 01:21:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so while I can't answer the "why" of the question, I think I can answer definitively that the defense always has an advantage, and in warfare, you get to use terrain, motivation, all sorts of things to magnify that advantage
[2024-02-07 01:54:00] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-07 01:55:13] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-07 01:55:13] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1917
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[2024-02-07 01:55:14] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-07 01:58:21] <-- Guest1917 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2024-02-07 03:25:59] <Lucifer_arma> <-- watch it quick, there's a copyright claim against it
[2024-02-07 03:25:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| <-- watch it quick, there's a copyright claim against it
[2024-02-07 03:28:02] <Lucifer_arma> also, holy crap, Swampy? Really?
[2024-02-07 03:28:03] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| also, holy crap, Swampy? Really?
[2024-02-07 08:37:08] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-07 09:12:46] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| The advantage is environmental. It's why we have the term "fighting on home turf". If you know the environment, you can quantify risk. You can fall back on accessible support. You have a retreat ready-made, where the enemy must construct or obtain a retreat of their own. You also have the majority of your effective defenses already in a position to be used, whereas the enemy must <clipped message>
[2024-02-07 09:12:47] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| The advantage is environmental. It's why we have the term "fighting on home turf". If you know the environment, you can quantify risk. You can fall back on accessible support. You have a retreat ready-made, where the enemy must construct or obtain a retreat of their own. You also have the majority of your effective defenses already in a position to be used, whereas the enemy must <clipped message>
[2024-02-07 09:12:47] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| transport their defense and offense to you. They are vulnerable at all stages of their offensive, including travel to the offensive, whereas you are in relative safety until the enemy has the ability to reach you.
[2024-02-07 09:12:47] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| transport their defense and offense to you. They are vulnerable at all stages of their offensive, including travel to the offensive, whereas you are in relative safety until the enemy has the ability to reach you.
[2024-02-07 09:12:48] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| It's actually extremely observable right now. The Ukrainian military is able to easily rotate their troops in and out of positions on the front line, enabling familial visits and medical treatment as well as basic necessity. Russia is unable to do this effectively, because they are required to travel significant distances just to reach the front line. During that entire journey t <clipped message>
[2024-02-07 09:12:49] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| It's actually extremely observable right now. The Ukrainian military is able to easily rotate their troops in and out of positions on the front line, enabling familial visits and medical treatment as well as basic necessity. Russia is unable to do this effectively, because they are required to travel significant distances just to reach the front line. During that entire journey t <clipped message>
[2024-02-07 09:12:49] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| hey are vulnerable to artillery, rocket fire, or UAV munitions - as has been well demonstrated thus far.
[2024-02-07 09:12:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| hey are vulnerable to artillery, rocket fire, or UAV munitions - as has been well demonstrated thus far.
[2024-02-07 09:12:51] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| They also know where all the local resources are, which means they can use predictive analysis to determine where some amount of materiel will be. Keeping those areas under higher observation therefore permits them to bleed the Russians at a substantial rate.
[2024-02-07 09:12:51] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| They also know where all the local resources are, which means they can use predictive analysis to determine where some amount of materiel will be. Keeping those areas under higher observation therefore permits them to bleed the Russians at a substantial rate.
[2024-02-07 09:12:52] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Of course, the training and operating management of Russia's ground forces has played a big part in anchoring Ukraine, but that is only a small part of the equation. Ukraine is also playing defense, and in no small part - they have destroyed munitions transports, vehicles moving to the front line, buildings occupied by Russian forces, all at a staggering frequency. A significany <clipped message>
[2024-02-07 09:12:53] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Of course, the training and operating management of Russia's ground forces has played a big part in anchoring Ukraine, but that is only a small part of the equation. Ukraine is also playing defense, and in no small part - they have destroyed munitions transports, vehicles moving to the front line, buildings occupied by Russian forces, all at a staggering frequency. A significany <clipped message>
[2024-02-07 09:12:53] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| number of Russia's armed vehicles, for example, have never made it to the front lines at all - purely because Ukraine is aware of precisely how they must get to their position. Such is the advantage of fighting on home soil.
[2024-02-07 09:12:54] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| number of Russia's armed vehicles, for example, have never made it to the front lines at all - purely because Ukraine is aware of precisely how they must get to their position. Such is the advantage of fighting on home soil.
[2024-02-07 11:24:20] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-07 11:27:16] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-07 11:27:16] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1963
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[2024-02-07 11:27:18] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-07 11:28:21] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-07 13:01:49] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-07 13:04:30] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-07 13:04:30] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1973
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[2024-02-07 13:04:32] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-07 13:04:32] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-07 16:40:44] <armagetron-bridge> 10discord:ℜ๐ข๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ฌ:Player51| guys, could you quickly recall how to login after ADMIN_PASS was set? asking for @dreiecksmann ๐
[2024-02-07 16:40:44] <armagetronbridge> 10discord:ℜ๐ข๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ฌ:Player51| guys, could you quickly recall how to login after ADMIN_PASS was set? asking for @dreiecksmann ๐
[2024-02-07 17:01:35] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| didn't know ADMIN_PASS still worked
[2024-02-07 17:01:35] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| didn't know ADMIN_PASS still worked
[2024-02-07 17:02:05] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| try doing `/login passwordgoeshere`, replacing `passwordgoeshere` with the password given in `ADMIN_PASS`
[2024-02-07 17:02:05] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| try doing `/login passwordgoeshere`, replacing `passwordgoeshere` with the password given in `ADMIN_PASS`
[2024-02-07 17:06:46] <armagetronbridge> 10discord:ℜ๐ข๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ฌ:Player51| yeah, he tried and it didn't work. now I find this post ( saying that armathentication needs to be disabled for that and it is enabled by default. the server is docker based but (s)he will setup local accounts as a better solution. thanks for replying, Nelg. โค๏ธ
[2024-02-07 17:06:46] <armagetron-bridge> 10discord:ℜ๐ข๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ฌ:Player51| yeah, he tried and it didn't work. now I find this post ( saying that armathentication needs to be disabled for that and it is enabled by default. the server is docker based but (s)he will setup local accounts as a better solution. thanks for replying, Nelg. โค๏ธ
[2024-02-07 19:55:47] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:Cookie Cat| You can't make this shit up ๐
[2024-02-07 19:55:47] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:Cookie Cat| You can't make this shit up ๐
[2024-02-07 19:58:27] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| this is why you don't IoT
[2024-02-07 19:58:28] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| this is why you don't IoT
[2024-02-07 21:17:59] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2024-02-07 21:22:10] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:Cookie Cat| Just picturing a hacker sitting back like watch this guys, my army of toothbrushes is about to take down this company *maniacal laughter*
[2024-02-07 21:22:10] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:Cookie Cat| Just picturing a hacker sitting back like watch this guys, my army of toothbrushes is about to take down this company *maniacal laughter*
[2024-02-07 22:56:54] <Lucifer_arma> well, that's all true, but what I was trying to get at is that in Fortress, we basically prove that defense is inherently the advantageous position to be in, because there is no terrain advantage
[2024-02-07 22:56:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, that's all true, but what I was trying to get at is that in Fortress, we basically prove that defense is inherently the advantageous position to be in, because there is no terrain advantage
[2024-02-07 22:57:04] <Lucifer_arma> there is only the circle you have to protect.
[2024-02-07 22:57:04] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there is only the circle you have to protect.
[2024-02-07 22:57:26] <Lucifer_arma> the weapons you have to defend are the same the attackers have, and they'll come at you 2-3 at a time (if they're smart)
[2024-02-07 22:57:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the weapons you have to defend are the same the attackers have, and they'll come at you 2-3 at a time (if they're smart)
[2024-02-07 22:58:06] <Lucifer_arma> now, you could argue that armagetron is an inherently defensive game, since the only weapon you really have is speed, and the reason that's a weapon is because of the wall you're making behind you
[2024-02-07 22:58:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| now, you could argue that armagetron is an inherently defensive game, since the only weapon you really have is speed, and the reason that's a weapon is because of the wall you're making behind you
[2024-02-07 22:58:58] <Lucifer_arma> but I think that even if you gave both sides guns, the defense will still have the advantage. Their initial setup might be different to accommodate shooting at the attackers as they come in, but the advantage will still be there
[2024-02-07 22:58:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but I think that even if you gave both sides guns, the defense will still have the advantage. Their initial setup might be different to accommodate shooting at the attackers as they come in, but the advantage will still be there
[2024-02-07 23:00:04] <Lucifer_arma> in the time it takes for the attackers to get from one side of the field to the other, the front line defense can setup enough to delay the attackers enough for the actual fortress defender to get setup
[2024-02-07 23:00:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| in the time it takes for the attackers to get from one side of the field to the other, the front line defense can setup enough to delay the attackers enough for the actual fortress defender to get setup
[2024-02-07 23:01:01] <Lucifer_arma> but we've all seen a good defender by him/herself successfully defend the fortress against the entire other team numerous times
[2024-02-07 23:01:01] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but we've all seen a good defender by him/herself successfully defend the fortress against the entire other team numerous times
[2024-02-07 23:02:02] <Lucifer_arma> I'll be if we created a fortress game where there's only one fortress, and the team that defends it is limited to three people, where it balances at a 2:1 rate until the defending team is full, it would be fun and challenging for all
[2024-02-07 23:02:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'll be if we created a fortress game where there's only one fortress, and the team that defends it is limited to three people, where it balances at a 2:1 rate until the defending team is full, it would be fun and challenging for all
[2024-02-07 23:02:20] <Lucifer_arma> then we can snarkily name them Team Russia and Team Ukraine :)
[2024-02-07 23:02:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then we can snarkily name them Team Russia and Team Ukraine :)
[2024-02-07 23:17:29] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:sine.wav| I disagree. Defense in Fortress is strong because of several arbitrary decisions when it comes to settings. You can change enough of those settings to make defending disadvantageous without fundamentally changing the game. It's been discussed over and over again and the only reason is hasn't changed is because we collectively decided it's more fun this way.
[2024-02-07 23:17:29] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:sine.wav| I disagree. Defense in Fortress is strong because of several arbitrary decisions when it comes to settings. You can change enough of those settings to make defending disadvantageous without fundamentally changing the game. It's been discussed over and over again and the only reason is hasn't changed is because we collectively decided it's more fun this way.
[2024-02-07 23:19:04] <Lucifer_arma> I'd be interested in seeing those settings. I suppose cycle_wall_accel being high could make it difficult to maintain the defensive wall
[2024-02-07 23:19:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'd be interested in seeing those settings. I suppose cycle_wall_accel being high could make it difficult to maintain the defensive wall
[2024-02-07 23:20:01] <Lucifer_arma> but I've noticed that in chess, if you play black defensively for the first part of the game, your chances of winning go up a lot
[2024-02-07 23:20:01] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but I've noticed that in chess, if you play black defensively for the first part of the game, your chances of winning go up a lot
[2024-02-07 23:20:56] <Lucifer_arma> but chess is also heavily weighted towards whoever takes the first back row piece, and since white always goes first, it has the advantage
[2024-02-07 23:20:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but chess is also heavily weighted towards whoever takes the first back row piece, and since white always goes first, it has the advantage
[2024-02-07 23:21:55] <Lucifer_arma> but even in last man standing, a good camper can be pretty hard to beat
[2024-02-07 23:21:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but even in last man standing, a good camper can be pretty hard to beat
[2024-02-07 23:22:30] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:sine.wav| We discussed changing hole size, reducing rubber, reducing wall length, and adding slightly negative zone shrink so eventually you can't fully surround the zone. All those put much more pressure on defense.
[2024-02-07 23:22:31] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:sine.wav| We discussed changing hole size, reducing rubber, reducing wall length, and adding slightly negative zone shrink so eventually you can't fully surround the zone. All those put much more pressure on defense.
[2024-02-07 23:23:34] <Lucifer_arma> that reminds me of my apocalypse server, where I set hole size so big that whenever anyone crashed, it knocked out 98% of the walls on the grid
[2024-02-07 23:23:35] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that reminds me of my apocalypse server, where I set hole size so big that whenever anyone crashed, it knocked out 98% of the walls on the grid
[2024-02-07 23:24:19] <Lucifer_arma> but wouldn't reduced rubber give the defense an advantage? If it's hard to do that initial grind, then the defense basically has all day to setup
[2024-02-07 23:24:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but wouldn't reduced rubber give the defense an advantage? If it's hard to do that initial grind, then the defense basically has all day to setup
[2024-02-07 23:25:00] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| > but I think that even if you gave both sides guns, the defense will still have the advantage
[2024-02-07 23:25:00] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| > but I think that even if you gave both sides guns, the defense will still have the advantage
[2024-02-07 23:25:00] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| heh, that might be why counter strike and other games like it have multiple places to attack
[2024-02-07 23:25:01] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| heh, that might be why counter strike and other games like it have multiple places to attack
[2024-02-07 23:25:26] <Lucifer_arma> but as you reduce wall length, you simply increase the number of defenders you keep in the fortress, and that in turn makes it even harder to spin down the fortress
[2024-02-07 23:25:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but as you reduce wall length, you simply increase the number of defenders you keep in the fortress, and that in turn makes it even harder to spin down the fortress
[2024-02-07 23:25:34] <Lucifer_arma> one attacker won't be able to take it anymore
[2024-02-07 23:25:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| one attacker won't be able to take it anymore
[2024-02-07 23:26:15] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:sine.wav| The initial grind is overrated. Modern Fort is less about being tight and more about being smart about your flanks.
[2024-02-07 23:26:15] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:sine.wav| The initial grind is overrated. Modern Fort is less about being tight and more about being smart about your flanks.
[2024-02-07 23:26:23] <Lucifer_arma> anything that changes the size of the zone could be defined as either changing the terrain during the game, or changing the goal. In the comparison to actual war, it would be like if ukraine's borders were automatically expanding as they were fighting
[2024-02-07 23:26:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| anything that changes the size of the zone could be defined as either changing the terrain during the game, or changing the goal. In the comparison to actual war, it would be like if ukraine's borders were automatically expanding as they were fighting
[2024-02-07 23:27:42] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| as for rubber, if you get it low enough to prevent adjusts/stabs for the defender you can still zoom in from the outside but not close the door as defender, and to avoid that a defense needs to leave less overlap which is harder to perform well with and definitely will make defenses weaker
[2024-02-07 23:27:42] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| as for rubber, if you get it low enough to prevent adjusts/stabs for the defender you can still zoom in from the outside but not close the door as defender, and to avoid that a defense needs to leave less overlap which is harder to perform well with and definitely will make defenses weaker
[2024-02-07 23:28:44] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| set rubber to 2 and speedy attacks will get much easier ๐
[2024-02-07 23:28:45] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| set rubber to 2 and speedy attacks will get much easier ๐
[2024-02-07 23:28:48] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:sine.wav| Yeah, less rubber reduces the ability for a defender to counterattack
[2024-02-07 23:28:48] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:sine.wav| Yeah, less rubber reduces the ability for a defender to counterattack
[2024-02-07 23:31:13] <Lucifer_arma> ah, but less rubber also makes it more difficult for the attackers to grind to gain the speed to make those attacks. I'll assume you guys tried it and I'm wrong, though.
[2024-02-07 23:31:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ah, but less rubber also makes it more difficult for the attackers to grind to gain the speed to make those attacks. I'll assume you guys tried it and I'm wrong, though.
[2024-02-07 23:31:45] <Lucifer_arma> I know back in the day we tried lowering rubber and the game just became impossible to play
[2024-02-07 23:31:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I know back in the day we tried lowering rubber and the game just became impossible to play
[2024-02-07 23:32:37] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| somewhat, attackers can either do reverse triples / outside corner grinds to get some speed, it's definitely harder though
[2024-02-07 23:32:37] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| somewhat, attackers can either do reverse triples / outside corner grinds to get some speed, it's definitely harder though
[2024-02-07 23:34:47] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| the largest advantage a defender has in common play right now though is the ability to have a bit of trail overlap and stab/adjust against their own wall, all while not having to shrink too fast
[2024-02-07 23:34:47] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| the largest advantage a defender has in common play right now though is the ability to have a bit of trail overlap and stab/adjust against their own wall, all while not having to shrink too fast
[2024-02-07 23:35:56] <Lucifer_arma> you guys should try cycle_width to eliminate the grind completely and see what happens :)
[2024-02-07 23:35:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you guys should try cycle_width to eliminate the grind completely and see what happens :)
[2024-02-07 23:36:05] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:sine.wav| ha
[2024-02-07 23:36:06] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:sine.wav| ha
[2024-02-07 23:36:11] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| fireworks \o/
[2024-02-07 23:36:11] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| fireworks \o/
[2024-02-07 23:36:53] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i am a total tunnel rat and would forget every time and die very very often ^^
[2024-02-07 23:36:54] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i am a total tunnel rat and would forget every time and die very very often ^^
[2024-02-07 23:36:55] <Lucifer_arma> I remember it being fun, but it also went against all my instincts to worry about how wide my cycle was
[2024-02-07 23:36:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I remember it being fun, but it also went against all my instincts to worry about how wide my cycle was
[2024-02-07 23:37:25] <Lucifer_arma> yep, that's what happened. I just couldn't avoid trying to penetrate the fortress by going down the trails left behind by the grind
[2024-02-07 23:37:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yep, that's what happened. I just couldn't avoid trying to penetrate the fortress by going down the trails left behind by the grind
[2024-02-07 23:38:33] <Lucifer_arma> but that is a solution to being to play high rubber without having it be high rubber
[2024-02-07 23:38:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but that is a solution to being to play high rubber without having it be high rubber
[2024-02-07 23:41:46] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| hmm i just had the idea of making cycle_width_rubber_min and _max negative, and it actually works as expected ๐
[2024-02-07 23:41:46] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| hmm i just had the idea of making cycle_width_rubber_min and _max negative, and it actually works as expected ๐
[2024-02-07 23:42:35] <Lucifer_arma> how were you expecting it to work?
[2024-02-07 23:42:35] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| how were you expecting it to work?
[2024-02-07 23:42:51] <Lucifer_arma> (I'm not remember how negative rubber worked)
[2024-02-07 23:42:51] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (I'm not remember how negative rubber worked)
[2024-02-07 23:44:01] <Lucifer_arma> I also apparently have forgotten how to word
[2024-02-07 23:44:01] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I also apparently have forgotten how to word
[2024-02-07 23:44:17] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| cycle_width seems to work by using up rubber and that setting controls how fast
[2024-02-07 23:44:18] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| cycle_width seems to work by using up rubber and that setting controls how fast
[2024-02-07 23:44:28] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| 1 is "like sitting in front of a wall"
[2024-02-07 23:44:28] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| 1 is "like sitting in front of a wall"
[2024-02-07 23:44:48] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, that's how cycle_width works. It's fun to get into the tunnel and be like "Yay! I made it!" and then get partway into it and die
[2024-02-07 23:44:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, that's how cycle_width works. It's fun to get into the tunnel and be like "Yay! I made it!" and then get partway into it and die
[2024-02-07 23:44:50] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| so negative values do actually make it regenerate faster ๐
[2024-02-07 23:44:50] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| so negative values do actually make it regenerate faster ๐
[2024-02-07 23:45:24] <Lucifer_arma> ah, so your deep grind helps you, then
[2024-02-07 23:45:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ah, so your deep grind helps you, then
[2024-02-07 23:45:31] <Lucifer_arma> I'd like to see that on a server, then
[2024-02-07 23:45:31] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'd like to see that on a server, then
[2024-02-07 23:46:19] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i wonder if i could make something with that, though my experience says with otherwise normal settings people can just hug a wall and go back and forth on it
[2024-02-07 23:46:19] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i wonder if i could make something with that, though my experience says with otherwise normal settings people can just hug a wall and go back and forth on it
[2024-02-07 23:46:30] <Lucifer_arma> I also still want to see the walls stretch around the cycle whenever cycle_width is positive
[2024-02-07 23:46:30] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I also still want to see the walls stretch around the cycle whenever cycle_width is positive
[2024-02-07 23:47:33] <Lucifer_arma> you know, like a snake eating a rat
[2024-02-07 23:47:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you know, like a snake eating a rat
[2024-02-07 23:48:46] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| sounds like some good old shader magic, though i don't have any idea how those work in SDL
[2024-02-07 23:48:46] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| sounds like some good old shader magic, though i don't have any idea how those work in SDL
[2024-02-07 23:50:21] <Lucifer_arma> they don't. You use opengl/opengles/vulkan to load the shader code onto the video card, where it runs
[2024-02-07 23:50:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| they don't. You use opengl/opengles/vulkan to load the shader code onto the video card, where it runs
[2024-02-07 23:50:45] <Lucifer_arma> SDL just gives you the opengl context.
[2024-02-07 23:50:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| SDL just gives you the opengl context.
[2024-02-07 23:51:58] <Lucifer_arma> if you did it as a shader, it seems like you'd put the cycle wall graphic as a texture on the cycle itself and simply not render the walls there
[2024-02-07 23:51:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if you did it as a shader, it seems like you'd put the cycle wall graphic as a texture on the cycle itself and simply not render the walls there
[2024-02-07 23:53:07] <Lucifer_arma> seems like it would be easier to physically warp the walls. All you'd have to do is calculate the angle of lean for the wall at several points along the length of the cycle
[2024-02-07 23:53:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| seems like it would be easier to physically warp the walls. All you'd have to do is calculate the angle of lean for the wall at several points along the length of the cycle
[2024-02-07 23:53:48] <Lucifer_arma> the wall "models" are generated on the fly
[2024-02-07 23:53:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the wall "models" are generated on the fly
[2024-02-07 23:55:59] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| both could work, either give the cycle shader the info if a wall is near and do some effect there, or the wall shader the info where cycles are and bend them
[2024-02-07 23:55:59] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| both could work, either give the cycle shader the info if a wall is near and do some effect there, or the wall shader the info where cycles are and bend them
[2024-02-07 23:56:20] <Lucifer_arma> but to make the wall actually wrap the cycle, you'd have to calculate vertical points too and not move the top points of the wall very much, if at all
[2024-02-07 23:56:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but to make the wall actually wrap the cycle, you'd have to calculate vertical points too and not move the top points of the wall very much, if at all
[2024-02-07 23:56:48] <Lucifer_arma> can shaders change mesh vertices? Last time I was looking at shaders, you couldn't
[2024-02-07 23:56:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| can shaders change mesh vertices? Last time I was looking at shaders, you couldn't
[2024-02-07 23:57:21] <Lucifer_arma> because a shader won't be able to accomodate warping several walls in a layer, I don't think.
[2024-02-07 23:57:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| because a shader won't be able to accomodate warping several walls in a layer, I don't think.
[2024-02-07 23:57:57] <Lucifer_arma> speaking of shaders, one thing I found that's really cool in the Dolphin wii emulator. They programmed a shader that runs on the video card and emulates the wii's video card
[2024-02-07 23:57:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| speaking of shaders, one thing I found that's really cool in the Dolphin wii emulator. They programmed a shader that runs on the video card and emulates the wii's video card
[2024-02-07 23:58:34] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| at work i've done some shaders with unity3d and while they can't touch the actual positions, they can bend things (move them while they render on the gpu? hard to explain heh)
[2024-02-07 23:58:34] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| at work i've done some shaders with unity3d and while they can't touch the actual positions, they can bend things (move them while they render on the gpu? hard to explain heh)
[2024-02-07 23:59:15] <Lucifer_arma> are they actual cuda code shaders or does unity3d provide their own shader language?
[2024-02-07 23:59:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| are they actual cuda code shaders or does unity3d provide their own shader language?
[2024-02-07 23:59:35] <Lucifer_arma> or opengl, I guess opengl/gles/vulkan provides a shader language
[2024-02-07 23:59:35] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| or opengl, I guess opengl/gles/vulkan provides a shader language
[2024-02-07 23:59:37] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| HLSL or GLSL work with it as far as i've seen
[2024-02-07 23:59:37] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| HLSL or GLSL work with it as far as i've seen
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[2024-02-08 00:00:10] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i think HLSL was microsoft/directx and GLSL was gles but i don't know for sure
[2024-02-08 00:00:10] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i think HLSL was microsoft/directx and GLSL was gles but i don't know for sure
[2024-02-08 00:00:54] <Lucifer_arma> I don't know what directx does for shaders. I haven't even touched a windows PC in years, let alone programmed for one
[2024-02-08 00:00:54] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I don't know what directx does for shaders. I haven't even touched a windows PC in years, let alone programmed for one
[2024-02-08 00:01:13] <Lucifer_arma> at work, we use thin clients running x11 :)
[2024-02-08 00:01:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| at work, we use thin clients running x11 :)
[2024-02-08 00:02:23] <Lucifer_arma> oh, nvm, walgreens uses windows. That's why their POS's are POS's
[2024-02-08 00:02:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| oh, nvm, walgreens uses windows. That's why their POS's are POS's
[2024-02-08 00:02:40] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| to be honest i don't know what actually goes on behind the curtains, i just look up how to do what i want to do and get frustrated when it runs into problems on some systems ๐
[2024-02-08 00:02:40] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| to be honest i don't know what actually goes on behind the curtains, i just look up how to do what i want to do and get frustrated when it runs into problems on some systems ๐
[2024-02-08 00:02:43] <Lucifer_arma> that was my last job before I became a parts guy at o'reilly
[2024-02-08 00:02:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that was my last job before I became a parts guy at o'reilly
[2024-02-08 00:03:19] <Lucifer_arma> well, your shader script gets compiled on the CPU by the video card driver and then sent to be executed on the video card
[2024-02-08 00:03:19] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, your shader script gets compiled on the CPU by the video card driver and then sent to be executed on the video card
[2024-02-08 00:03:38] <Lucifer_arma> how can I know so much about computers on not be able to find a job in IT? WTF?
[2024-02-08 00:03:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| how can I know so much about computers on not be able to find a job in IT? WTF?
[2024-02-08 00:05:37] <Lucifer_arma> it is possible to precompile shaders, and a lot of games/game engines do that when they load, that's why loading can take so long
[2024-02-08 00:05:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it is possible to precompile shaders, and a lot of games/game engines do that when they load, that's why loading can take so long
[2024-02-08 00:05:41] <Lucifer_arma> (part of why)
[2024-02-08 00:05:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (part of why)
[2024-02-08 00:06:35] <Lucifer_arma> last time I looked, which was both a long time ago and before I knew anything about shaders, arma didn't precompile any shaders
[2024-02-08 00:06:36] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| last time I looked, which was both a long time ago and before I knew anything about shaders, arma didn't precompile any shaders
[2024-02-08 00:06:59] <Lucifer_arma> but I probably didn't know what I was looking at at the time
[2024-02-08 00:06:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but I probably didn't know what I was looking at at the time
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[2024-02-08 05:50:01] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Lol I just got cable ๐
[2024-02-08 05:50:01] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| Lol I just got cable ๐
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[2024-02-08 08:03:30] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| glsl is opengl
[2024-02-08 08:03:30] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| glsl is opengl
[2024-02-08 08:03:39] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| vulkan is spirv
[2024-02-08 08:03:39] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| vulkan is spirv
[2024-02-08 08:03:45] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| spir-v
[2024-02-08 08:03:45] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| spir-v
[2024-02-08 09:42:33] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Finally got cityfibre in my street. And it turns out I can eventualy get symmetrical 300MB for less than I currently pay for 80/30
[2024-02-08 09:42:33] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Finally got cityfibre in my street. And it turns out I can eventualy get symmetrical 300MB for less than I currently pay for 80/30
[2024-02-08 10:50:54] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:stereo_system| just found this. love it
[2024-02-08 10:50:55] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:stereo_system| just found this. love it
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[2024-02-08 14:39:19] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-09 12:14:10] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-09 12:14:10] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
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[2024-02-09 12:14:11] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-09 12:14:23] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-09 13:44:44] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-09 13:45:39] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-09 13:45:39] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-09 13:45:41] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-09 13:55:15] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-09 13:55:15] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-09 13:55:17] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-09 13:55:17] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-09 14:17:16] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-09 14:17:16] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-09 14:17:18] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-09 14:17:18] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-09 18:54:07] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[2024-02-09 20:28:08] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:entroqy| What net do you currently have?
[2024-02-09 20:28:08] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:entroqy| What net do you currently have?
[2024-02-09 20:28:13] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:entroqy| *speds
[2024-02-09 20:28:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:entroqy| *speds
[2024-02-09 20:30:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake| @entroqy
[2024-02-09 20:30:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake|
[2024-02-09 20:30:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake| @entroqy
[2024-02-09 20:30:45] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake|
[2024-02-09 20:31:22] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:entroqy| Oh, I skimmed it and didnt automatically associate that with internet speed, thnks lol
[2024-02-09 20:31:23] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:entroqy| Oh, I skimmed it and didnt automatically associate that with internet speed, thnks lol
[2024-02-09 20:31:48] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:entroqy| That's prob still pretty decent for tron. Though 300 will feel smooth
[2024-02-09 20:31:48] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:entroqy| That's prob still pretty decent for tron. Though 300 will feel smooth
[2024-02-09 22:38:56] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: I left a post with spammy links in the moderator's queue. The content looks legit, but also looks like it could be AI generated, so, second opinion?
[2024-02-09 22:38:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Z-Man: I left a post with spammy links in the moderator's queue. The content looks legit, but also looks like it could be AI generated, so, second opinion?
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[2024-02-10 08:36:15] <Z-Man> Lucifer_arma: Yeah, it reads like a template with arma pasted in (at best), and it's a spam link all right. Begone!
[2024-02-10 08:36:16] <armagetronbridge> 15irc:Z-Man| Lucifer_arma: Yeah, it reads like a template with arma pasted in (at best), and it's a spam link all right. Begone!
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[2024-02-10 17:45:23] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-10 17:49:57] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-10 18:08:25] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-10 18:08:35] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-10 18:08:35] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest2342
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[2024-02-10 18:08:37] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-10 18:27:30] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-10 18:28:25] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-10 18:28:27] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-10 18:39:15] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-10 18:39:15] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest2344
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[2024-02-10 18:39:17] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-10 18:51:23] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-10 18:55:45] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-10 18:55:47] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-10 18:55:47] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-11 00:51:46] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-11 00:51:48] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-11 03:02:37] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-11 03:02:39] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-11 03:02:39] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-11 03:03:28] <Lucifer_arma> ping
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[2024-02-11 03:15:57] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-11 03:15:57] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-11 03:15:58] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest2384
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[2024-02-11 03:15:59] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-11 03:26:26] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-11 03:26:46] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2024-02-11 03:26:46] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-11 03:26:46] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-11 03:26:46] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest2385
[2024-02-11 03:26:46] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
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[2024-02-11 03:26:48] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-11 05:45:24] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-11 05:49:07] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-11 05:49:07] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-11 05:49:09] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-11 05:49:09] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-11 06:54:47] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-11 06:55:37] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-11 06:55:37] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-11 06:55:39] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-11 06:55:39] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-11 07:20:39] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| pong
[2024-02-11 07:20:39] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| pong
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[2024-02-11 13:07:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Cycle Operator| Um
[2024-02-11 13:07:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Cycle Operator|
[2024-02-11 13:07:24] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Cycle Operator| Um
[2024-02-11 13:07:25] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Cycle Operator|
[2024-02-11 14:05:28] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-11 14:10:30] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I swear, when you hit 30, everything starts going a bit wonky. Done scratched my cornea, gotten diagnosed with GORD, and had a minor cancer scare all in two months. I should invest in one of those autodocs from the expanse
[2024-02-11 14:10:30] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I swear, when you hit 30, everything starts going a bit wonky. Done scratched my cornea, gotten diagnosed with GORD, and had a minor cancer scare all in two months. I should invest in one of those autodocs from the expanse
[2024-02-11 16:16:40] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Cycle Operator| You can't die if nobody tells you are dying
[2024-02-11 16:16:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Cycle Operator| You can't die if nobody tells you are dying
[2024-02-11 16:28:19] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
[2024-02-11 16:28:19] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
[2024-02-11 18:50:40] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| Is server list broken?
[2024-02-11 18:50:41] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| Is server list broken?
[2024-02-11 20:06:07] <-- Juest has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[2024-02-12 02:06:57] <Lucifer_arma> I miss being 30. Those were awesome times. I didn't need glasses. I didn't need to stretch just to use the microwave.
[2024-02-12 02:06:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I miss being 30. Those were awesome times. I didn't need glasses. I didn't need to stretch just to use the microwave.
[2024-02-12 02:07:49] <Lucifer_arma> I still have the same awesome ass I had then, though, so that's a plus for getting older
[2024-02-12 02:07:49] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I still have the same awesome ass I had then, though, so that's a plus for getting older
[2024-02-12 06:11:48] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-12 07:04:07] <-- monr0e has quit (Quit: Butterflies live only short lives. They flower and flutter for just a few, glorious weeks, and then they die.)
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[2024-02-12 07:11:39] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Once I can slow down and not spend every waking minute in front of my computer, I'll have to get mysel to a proper gym. Hand weights don't cut it anymore. I think that's part of the reason, I'm nto really very fit at all at the moment. Doesn't help that I'm trying to build a project that would take a ten person team a year to build heh
[2024-02-12 07:11:39] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Once I can slow down and not spend every waking minute in front of my computer, I'll have to get mysel to a proper gym. Hand weights don't cut it anymore. I think that's part of the reason, I'm nto really very fit at all at the moment. Doesn't help that I'm trying to build a project that would take a ten person team a year to build heh
[2024-02-12 09:40:44] <-- Netsplit between *.net and *.split. Quit: monr0e
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[2024-02-13 08:34:25] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| any tips on not making my game freeze to death when i double bind too much in a high rubber server?
[2024-02-13 08:34:25] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| any tips on not making my game freeze to death when i double bind too much in a high rubber server?
[2024-02-13 10:09:18] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| funny when theres nothing for a whole round
[2024-02-13 10:09:19] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-13 10:09:19] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| funny when theres nothing for a whole round
[2024-02-13 10:09:19] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-13 20:47:42] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:entroqy| Hmm. So you have a decent gaming PC?
[2024-02-13 20:47:42] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:entroqy| Hmm. So you have a decent gaming PC?
[2024-02-13 21:03:20] <Lucifer_arma> maybe don't double bind too much in a high rubber server?
[2024-02-13 21:03:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| maybe don't double bind too much in a high rubber server?
[2024-02-13 21:08:24] <Lucifer_arma> I don't think we're too far from just letting the AIs on the forums actually post and just take over. They're almost joining the conversations.
[2024-02-13 21:08:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I don't think we're too far from just letting the AIs on the forums actually post and just take over. They're almost joining the conversations.
[2024-02-13 21:09:34] <Lucifer_arma> I mean, an AI actually had a good suggestion: using AI to generate maps for arma so everytime we play, the map's different. If the online gambling link hadn't been in the post, I would have approved it
[2024-02-13 21:09:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I mean, an AI actually had a good suggestion: using AI to generate maps for arma so everytime we play, the map's different. If the online gambling link hadn't been in the post, I would have approved it
[2024-02-13 21:09:36] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[2024-02-13 21:25:32] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i think someone did that with a maze generator once ๐
[2024-02-13 21:25:32] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| i think someone did that with a maze generator once ๐
[2024-02-13 21:26:19] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| many people actually
[2024-02-13 21:26:20] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| many people actually
[2024-02-13 21:26:30] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| lovebug and light both come to mind
[2024-02-13 21:26:30] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| lovebug and light both come to mind
[2024-02-13 22:06:27] <Lucifer_arma> I was first with that one, too. :)
[2024-02-13 22:06:27] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I was first with that one, too. :)
[2024-02-13 22:06:57] <Lucifer_arma> we got a map rotation setting because making it work from a cronjob, like I did, was such a pain in the ass
[2024-02-13 22:06:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| we got a map rotation setting because making it work from a cronjob, like I did, was such a pain in the ass
[2024-02-13 23:58:03] <Lucifer_arma> @delinquent: Why does this look like you?
[2024-02-13 23:58:04] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @delinquent: Why does this look like you?
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[2024-02-14 06:51:44] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-14 06:59:23] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like i had such a low amount of space and it somehow kept going down and apparentely i have not double binded enough for the wall to end
[2024-02-14 06:59:23] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like i had such a low amount of space and it somehow kept going down and apparentely i have not double binded enough for the wall to end
[2024-02-14 07:00:24] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| it doesnt lag at all
[2024-02-14 07:00:24] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| it doesnt lag at all
[2024-02-14 07:01:49] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| but my internet is bad enough that i have consistent 140 ping when connecting to servers on the other side of earth
[2024-02-14 07:01:49] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| but my internet is bad enough that i have consistent 140 ping when connecting to servers on the other side of earth
[2024-02-14 07:07:42] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i also dont know like how to host a server on my pc so people can see it cause i had my server on my pc for like an hour having fun with the ais on my amazing new gamemode which never existed on any other server nor was it even close and like when i ended the server to check if anyones online EIGHT PEOPLE ONLINE and like how do i make it visible
[2024-02-14 07:07:43] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i also dont know like how to host a server on my pc so people can see it cause i had my server on my pc for like an hour having fun with the ais on my amazing new gamemode which never existed on any other server nor was it even close and like when i ended the server to check if anyones online EIGHT PEOPLE ONLINE and like how do i make it visible
[2024-02-14 07:27:21] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Lucifer_arma: I have no idea, primarily because I can't see that offer. Upwork, in a fashion typical of modern sites, refuses to permit direct linking. I hate sites that do that, it's completely the opposite of the intention of the internet.
[2024-02-14 07:27:21] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Lucifer_arma: I have no idea, primarily because I can't see that offer. Upwork, in a fashion typical of modern sites, refuses to permit direct linking. I hate sites that do that, it's completely the opposite of the intention of the internet.
[2024-02-14 07:50:36] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Hosting from your armagetron application is only really supposed to be for the sort of temporary event that might include a lan party, or a couple of guests playing. If you want to put a proper server up, you'll need to first ensure that your server computer is always accessible - perhaps a VPS from a cheap provider, or an old machine at home for testing purposes.
[2024-02-14 07:50:36] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Hosting from your armagetron application is only really supposed to be for the sort of temporary event that might include a lan party, or a couple of guests playing. If you want to put a proper server up, you'll need to first ensure that your server computer is always accessible - perhaps a VPS from a cheap provider, or an old machine at home for testing purposes.
[2024-02-14 07:50:36] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Hosting is easier on Linux, and you can follow this guide here:
[2024-02-14 07:50:37] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Hosting is easier on Linux, and you can follow this guide here:
[2024-02-14 07:50:37] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| When your machine is configured, you can visit the configuration of the server at `~/<theusernameyouused>/servers/MyServer/settings`, and edit the `settings_custom.cfg` file with Nano - `sudo nano settings_custom.config`
[2024-02-14 07:50:38] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| When your machine is configured, you can visit the configuration of the server at `~/<theusernameyouused>/servers/MyServer/settings`, and edit the `settings_custom.cfg` file with Nano - `sudo nano settings_custom.config`
[2024-02-14 07:50:39] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Remember, anything you enter into the console via the armagetron *game* will only last until you restart the server - for anything to be permanent, you need to add the configuration to `settings_custom.cfg`.
[2024-02-14 07:50:39] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Remember, anything you enter into the console via the armagetron *game* will only last until you restart the server - for anything to be permanent, you need to add the configuration to `settings_custom.cfg`.
[2024-02-14 07:50:40] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| To make the server visible, use the configuration entry `TALK_TO_MASTER` - and set it to `1`.
[2024-02-14 07:50:41] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| To make the server visible, use the configuration entry `TALK_TO_MASTER` - and set it to `1`.
[2024-02-14 07:50:41] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| To start or restart your server, navigate to `~/<theusernameyouused>/scripts` and use `` like so: `. <serverdirectoryname>` - if you haven't changed the server directory, `<serverdirectoryname` will be `MyServer`
[2024-02-14 07:50:42] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| To start or restart your server, navigate to `~/<theusernameyouused>/scripts` and use `` like so: `. <serverdirectoryname>` - if you haven't changed the server directory, `<serverdirectoryname` will be `MyServer`
[2024-02-14 11:02:19] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea i wanted to host temporarily and on Linux
[2024-02-14 11:02:19] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea i wanted to host temporarily and on Linux
[2024-02-14 12:03:44] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:Rx.Luigi (Best LDF Player Ever)| I spam doubles binds a lot it’s my the the core of my playstyle even in loose dogfight.What version are you playing on and have you tired to reset all your settings like graphical settings and etc. also when you double bind does your fps drop to the point the game crashes or what exactly happens.
[2024-02-14 12:03:44] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:Rx.Luigi (Best LDF Player Ever)| I spam doubles binds a lot it’s my the the core of my playstyle even in loose dogfight.What version are you playing on and have you tired to reset all your settings like graphical settings and etc. also when you double bind does your fps drop to the point the game crashes or what exactly happens.
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[2024-02-14 16:23:34] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-14 20:53:14] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:Light| You were a good part of my inspiration on that one. I went a step further and had the map generated on the fly, changing every couple of rounds. I also created a tighter maze than you went for and made it much bigger. I also went one bit further and made the end zone the furthest point away from the start, which made the mazes more of an actual maze that you had to find the end o <clipped message>
[2024-02-14 20:53:14] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:Light| You were a good part of my inspiration on that one. I went a step further and had the map generated on the fly, changing every couple of rounds. I also created a tighter maze than you went for and made it much bigger. I also went one bit further and made the end zone the furthest point away from the start, which made the mazes more of an actual maze that you had to find the end o <clipped message>
[2024-02-14 20:53:14] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:Light| f, which could be at an edge or anywhere inside.
[2024-02-14 20:53:15] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:Light| f, which could be at an edge or anywhere inside.
[2024-02-14 21:37:46] <-- monr0e has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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[2024-02-15 00:35:45] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-15 00:35:47] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-15 00:36:00] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-15 02:20:05] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like after a couple hundred double binds into the same wall my game just froze
[2024-02-15 02:20:05] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like after a couple hundred double binds into the same wall my game just froze
[2024-02-15 02:21:13] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| and like it was glitching that the rubber was weirdly jumping up and down
[2024-02-15 02:21:13] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| and like it was glitching that the rubber was weirdly jumping up and down
[2024-02-15 02:32:58] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| That happens and can be either the server, your machine or both. Connection can have an impact too. Like the Sun server hosted on a raspberry pi just crumbles when everyone is just non stop twitching all over the place
[2024-02-15 02:32:59] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| That happens and can be either the server, your machine or both. Connection can have an impact too. Like the Sun server hosted on a raspberry pi just crumbles when everyone is just non stop twitching all over the place
[2024-02-15 04:06:42] --> Guest2858 has joined the channel
[2024-02-15 04:06:44] <Guest2858>
[2024-02-15 04:06:44] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Guest2858|
[2024-02-15 04:06:50] <Guest2858>
[2024-02-15 04:06:50] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Guest2858|
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[2024-02-15 06:54:53] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i used to play on raspberry pi and the fps went down when 22 100iq ais were calculated at once
[2024-02-15 06:54:53] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i used to play on raspberry pi and the fps went down when 22 100iq ais were calculated at once
[2024-02-15 08:22:14] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-02-15 08:37:21] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Lucifer_arma could you check and make sure that that guest user that popped up in IRC is gone? ta
[2024-02-15 08:37:21] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Lucifer_arma could you check and make sure that that guest user that popped up in IRC is gone? ta
[2024-02-15 09:11:36] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| these bots are just cheating like i literally killed the bot and it said suicide
[2024-02-15 09:11:36] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| these bots are just cheating like i literally killed the bot and it said suicide
[2024-02-15 09:11:36] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 09:11:37] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 09:12:57] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| there's a lot of dependency on when a tail was interacted with, how long for, and what possible moves the cycle can make. We see suicides thet aren't really suicides constantly in fortress and sumo, it's nothing new. Remember, this *is* a twenty year old codebase, much as it might have been maintained in that time.
[2024-02-15 09:12:57] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| there's a lot of dependency on when a tail was interacted with, how long for, and what possible moves the cycle can make. We see suicides thet aren't really suicides constantly in fortress and sumo, it's nothing new. Remember, this *is* a twenty year old codebase, much as it might have been maintained in that time.
[2024-02-15 09:13:24] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i literally killed the bot and it said suicide
[2024-02-15 09:13:25] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i literally killed the bot and it said suicide
[2024-02-15 09:13:29] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i surrounded it too
[2024-02-15 09:13:29] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i surrounded it too
[2024-02-15 09:13:37] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ya, it's not a new thing
[2024-02-15 09:13:37] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ya, it's not a new thing
[2024-02-15 09:13:46] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| but i guess bots dont matter
[2024-02-15 09:13:46] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| but i guess bots dont matter
[2024-02-15 09:13:51] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i mean they do but not as much
[2024-02-15 09:13:52] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i mean they do but not as much
[2024-02-15 09:13:58] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| cause bots dont have feelings
[2024-02-15 09:13:59] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| cause bots dont have feelings
[2024-02-15 09:14:15] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| you'll see it with real players too on occasion. Not mugh we can do about it save rewriting the entire game, which isn;t going to happen any time soon
[2024-02-15 09:14:15] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| you'll see it with real players too on occasion. Not mugh we can do about it save rewriting the entire game, which isn;t going to happen any time soon
[2024-02-15 09:14:24] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| interesting
[2024-02-15 09:14:25] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| interesting
[2024-02-15 09:14:25] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 09:14:25] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 09:14:52] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| is this from your armagetron client, or is it the dedicated server binary as demosntrated from my script?
[2024-02-15 09:14:52] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| is this from your armagetron client, or is it the dedicated server binary as demosntrated from my script?
[2024-02-15 09:15:04] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| or rather, the script I linked to?
[2024-02-15 09:15:05] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| or rather, the script I linked to?
[2024-02-15 09:15:47] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| it was when entering submarine and saying hi 0.01 seconds after entering
[2024-02-15 09:15:47] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| it was when entering submarine and saying hi 0.01 seconds after entering
[2024-02-15 09:16:47] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh right. Yeah, there's an issue somewhere. It only seems to occur on some servers, and seems to be completely irrespective of configuration or versioning. Happens in Nanu's server, but not in mine for example. Frankly I have no idea why, and I've spent wuite soem time experimenting.
[2024-02-15 09:16:48] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh right. Yeah, there's an issue somewhere. It only seems to occur on some servers, and seems to be completely irrespective of configuration or versioning. Happens in Nanu's server, but not in mine for example. Frankly I have no idea why, and I've spent wuite soem time experimenting.
[2024-02-15 09:17:06] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| *dies in armagetron readin ghtis*
[2024-02-15 09:17:06] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| *dies in armagetron readin ghtis*
[2024-02-15 11:06:35] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| I tried around a little bit with extreme settings to make stuff happen faster and managed to do it too, with 100 rubber, cycle_rubber_minadjust 1e-8 and spiraling inwards after a strong dig. My guess is pretty much managing to place walls on top of another because computer numbers run out of digits (floating point precision) and the game not liking it - at least my settings were <clipped message>
[2024-02-15 11:06:35] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| I tried around a little bit with extreme settings to make stuff happen faster and managed to do it too, with 100 rubber, cycle_rubber_minadjust 1e-8 and spiraling inwards after a strong dig. My guess is pretty much managing to place walls on top of another because computer numbers run out of digits (floating point precision) and the game not liking it - at least my settings were <clipped message>
[2024-02-15 11:06:35] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| aimed at something like that. Got one freeze and one cycle stuck in place that way. So... pretty much what lucifer said, with hopefully a decent guess why. ๐
[2024-02-15 11:06:36] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| aimed at something like that. Got one freeze and one cycle stuck in place that way. So... pretty much what lucifer said, with hopefully a decent guess why. ๐
[2024-02-15 12:55:40] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:olive2306| @xirlord_57543 welcome back you legend
[2024-02-15 12:55:40] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:olive2306| @xirlord_57543 welcome back you legend
[2024-02-15 12:55:43] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:olive2306| โค๏ธ
[2024-02-15 12:55:44] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:olive2306| โค๏ธ
[2024-02-15 13:02:21] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 13:02:21] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 14:21:49] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so like what else do i need to put here for this to work
[2024-02-15 14:21:49] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so like what else do i need to put here for this to work
[2024-02-15 14:21:49] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 14:21:50] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-15 14:22:35] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like for it to be enterable by the average armagetron gamer
[2024-02-15 14:22:35] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like for it to be enterable by the average armagetron gamer
[2024-02-15 14:23:27] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| you're better off with the dedicated server, that's just like listen i believe?
[2024-02-15 14:23:28] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| you're better off with the dedicated server, that's just like listen i believe?
[2024-02-15 14:23:41] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but i just want to host on my laptop
[2024-02-15 14:23:41] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but i just want to host on my laptop
[2024-02-15 14:23:47] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| it does got the power
[2024-02-15 14:23:47] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| it does got the power
[2024-02-15 14:23:56] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| run it separately on your laptop
[2024-02-15 14:23:56] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| run it separately on your laptop
[2024-02-15 14:24:06] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| it'll mean you can run it without the game
[2024-02-15 14:24:06] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| it'll mean you can run it without the game
[2024-02-15 14:24:26] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but i just want to have like temporary hosting so you know
[2024-02-15 14:24:27] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but i just want to have like temporary hosting so you know
[2024-02-15 14:24:34] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| ah ok
[2024-02-15 14:24:34] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| ah ok
[2024-02-15 14:24:39] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah that should suffice then
[2024-02-15 14:24:39] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah that should suffice then
[2024-02-15 14:24:44] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like my parents dont like when something is on for more than 16 hours
[2024-02-15 14:24:44] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like my parents dont like when something is on for more than 16 hours
[2024-02-15 14:24:53] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| and then its up to the network you're in where you need to port forward
[2024-02-15 14:24:53] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| and then its up to the network you're in where you need to port forward
[2024-02-15 14:25:33] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so if i enter host network game will people see this
[2024-02-15 14:25:34] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so if i enter host network game will people see this
[2024-02-15 14:25:47] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| not until you port forwarded
[2024-02-15 14:25:47] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| not until you port forwarded
[2024-02-15 14:25:57] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but i have the default port
[2024-02-15 14:25:57] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but i have the default port
[2024-02-15 14:26:00] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so what else do i need
[2024-02-15 14:26:01] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so what else do i need
[2024-02-15 14:26:14] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| is the default port already forwarded and allowed in the firewall?
[2024-02-15 14:26:14] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| is the default port already forwarded and allowed in the firewall?
[2024-02-15 14:26:56] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so like if it werent i wouldnt be able to host a network game?
[2024-02-15 14:26:56] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so like if it werent i wouldnt be able to host a network game?
[2024-02-15 14:27:17] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah, you wouldnt be able to host
[2024-02-15 14:27:17] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah, you wouldnt be able to host
[2024-02-15 14:27:20] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like many times ive tried on my own with mostly default stuff
[2024-02-15 14:27:20] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like many times ive tried on my own with mostly default stuff
[2024-02-15 14:27:24] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| and like it worked
[2024-02-15 14:27:25] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| and like it worked
[2024-02-15 14:27:27] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| okay then
[2024-02-15 14:27:28] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| okay then
[2024-02-15 14:27:31] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| but no one even knew i was hosting
[2024-02-15 14:27:32] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| but no one even knew i was hosting
[2024-02-15 14:27:32] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| you using ipv6?
[2024-02-15 14:27:32] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| you using ipv6?
[2024-02-15 14:27:42] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| i guess your network isnt that strict then
[2024-02-15 14:27:42] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| i guess your network isnt that strict then
[2024-02-15 14:27:50] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea whatever allows for a bazilion long password
[2024-02-15 14:27:50] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea whatever allows for a bazilion long password
[2024-02-15 14:27:51] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| restricted*
[2024-02-15 14:27:51] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| restricted*
[2024-02-15 14:28:02] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| the universe will end before somebody will crack that password
[2024-02-15 14:28:03] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| the universe will end before somebody will crack that password
[2024-02-15 14:28:03] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| what are you onto?
[2024-02-15 14:28:03] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| what are you onto?
[2024-02-15 14:28:06] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| ...
[2024-02-15 14:28:06] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| ...
[2024-02-15 14:28:15] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like nobody sees the game that im hosting
[2024-02-15 14:28:15] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like nobody sees the game that im hosting
[2024-02-15 14:28:36] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| that might be true?
[2024-02-15 14:28:36] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| that might be true?
[2024-02-15 14:28:37] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| idk
[2024-02-15 14:28:37] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| idk
[2024-02-15 14:28:41] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| what are you talking about???
[2024-02-15 14:28:42] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| what are you talking about???
[2024-02-15 14:28:51] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but how do i fix that nobody can see that im hosting a game
[2024-02-15 14:28:52] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but how do i fix that nobody can see that im hosting a game
[2024-02-15 14:29:21] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| access your router and port forward, i suggest making the dhcp always assign the same ip to your computer mac address
[2024-02-15 14:29:21] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| access your router and port forward, i suggest making the dhcp always assign the same ip to your computer mac address
[2024-02-15 14:29:47] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| why is temporary hosting so complicated
[2024-02-15 14:29:47] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| why is temporary hosting so complicated
[2024-02-15 14:29:52] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| its how it is
[2024-02-15 14:29:52] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| its how it is
[2024-02-15 14:29:59] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| hosting at all is complicated
[2024-02-15 14:29:59] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| hosting at all is complicated
[2024-02-15 14:30:17] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| especially on restricted/home networks
[2024-02-15 14:30:18] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| especially on restricted/home networks
[2024-02-15 14:35:35] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| wait but like can you join my server thru custom connect or something
[2024-02-15 14:35:35] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| wait but like can you join my server thru custom connect or something
[2024-02-15 14:35:50] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| cause if i can like host and it works
[2024-02-15 14:35:50] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| cause if i can like host and it works
[2024-02-15 14:38:22] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| i odnt know your public ip address to even connect, and even still, i wouldnt be able to join until you resolve the port forwarding unless you didnt have problems before due to ipv6 or a open network
[2024-02-15 14:38:22] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| i odnt know your public ip address to even connect, and even still, i wouldnt be able to join until you resolve the port forwarding unless you didnt have problems before due to ipv6 or a open network
[2024-02-15 14:38:53] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but if it didnt work then i wouldnt be able to host right?
[2024-02-15 14:38:53] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| yea but if it didnt work then i wouldnt be able to host right?
[2024-02-15 14:39:01] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like not even host when no one can see right?
[2024-02-15 14:39:02] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| like not even host when no one can see right?
[2024-02-15 14:39:07] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| ...
[2024-02-15 14:39:07] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| ...
[2024-02-15 14:43:23] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| oh come on
[2024-02-15 14:43:23] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| oh come on
[2024-02-15 15:11:44] <-- monr0e has quit (Quit: Butterflies live only short lives. They flower and flutter for just a few, glorious weeks, and then they die.)
[2024-02-15 15:38:49] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| indeed
[2024-02-15 15:38:50] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| indeed
[2024-02-15 15:39:16] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| you are better off with the dedicated server if you dont want the server appear on the master list
[2024-02-15 15:39:16] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| you are better off with the dedicated server if you dont want the server appear on the master list
[2024-02-15 16:38:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| @xirlord_57543 yea I think nobody will be able to see your server like juesto said unless your router has port forwarding setup, which your parents probably don't want you to mess with that. Unfortunately it's not easy like a lot of steam games ๐
[2024-02-15 16:38:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| @xirlord_57543 yea I think nobody will be able to see your server like juesto said unless your router has port forwarding setup, which your parents probably don't want you to mess with that. Unfortunately it's not easy like a lot of steam games ๐
[2024-02-15 18:40:11] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| btw @wwnelg i use your sty+ct+ap build on your website :)
[2024-02-15 18:40:11] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| btw @wwnelg i use your sty+ct+ap build on your website :)
[2024-02-15 19:11:36] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| on my way back home @dorianv
[2024-02-15 19:11:37] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| on my way back home @dorianv
[2024-02-15 20:35:00] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| suggested i/o rates? should i set them based on my connection speed?
[2024-02-15 20:35:00] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| suggested i/o rates? should i set them based on my connection speed?
[2024-02-15 20:38:05] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| 512
[2024-02-15 20:38:05] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| 512
[2024-02-15 20:42:52] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-15 20:47:36] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-15 20:47:36] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-15 20:47:36] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-15 20:47:37] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-15 20:47:37] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-15 20:47:40] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-15 20:48:00] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| camera custom zoom? i had it set negative to show where everyone spawned at one point but
[2024-02-15 20:48:01] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| camera custom zoom? i had it set negative to show where everyone spawned at one point but
[2024-02-15 20:48:18] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| huh
[2024-02-15 20:48:18] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| huh
[2024-02-15 20:48:29] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| you have it as a top down view?
[2024-02-15 20:48:29] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| you have it as a top down view?
[2024-02-15 20:48:45] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| camera custom zoom only affects the start of the round during the countdown
[2024-02-15 20:48:45] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| camera custom zoom only affects the start of the round during the countdown
[2024-02-15 20:48:49] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| ah
[2024-02-15 20:48:49] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| ah
[2024-02-15 20:49:22] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| as i shown, i use custom cam and it zooms in/out with speed
[2024-02-15 20:49:23] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| as i shown, i use custom cam and it zooms in/out with speed
[2024-02-15 20:49:43] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah thats the CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE/_BACK_FROMSPEED commands
[2024-02-15 20:49:43] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah thats the CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE/_BACK_FROMSPEED commands
[2024-02-15 20:50:01] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| should i disable it?
[2024-02-15 20:50:02] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| should i disable it?
[2024-02-15 20:50:07] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| personal preference
[2024-02-15 20:50:07] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| personal preference
[2024-02-15 20:50:57] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| turn speed is also personal preference?
[2024-02-15 20:50:57] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| turn speed is also personal preference?
[2024-02-15 20:51:11] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| sure, although you probably dont want it too high
[2024-02-15 20:51:11] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| sure, although you probably dont want it too high
[2024-02-15 20:51:28] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| i just play with default 4 turn speed
[2024-02-15 20:51:28] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| i just play with default 4 turn speed
[2024-02-15 20:52:32] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| i guess i play with 4 turn speed too
[2024-02-15 20:52:32] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| i guess i play with 4 turn speed too
[2024-02-15 20:52:49] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| what build do you often play in?
[2024-02-15 20:52:49] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| what build do you often play in?
[2024-02-15 20:52:55] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| sty+ct+ap?
[2024-02-15 20:52:55] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| sty+ct+ap?
[2024-02-15 20:53:04] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah
[2024-02-15 20:53:04] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah
[2024-02-15 20:53:09] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| your build?
[2024-02-15 20:53:09] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| your build?
[2024-02-15 20:53:18] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| is there a reason why its not updated often?
[2024-02-15 20:53:18] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| is there a reason why its not updated often?
[2024-02-15 20:55:27] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| uh, ya, 512, sorry. Brain like a sieve.
[2024-02-15 20:55:28] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| uh, ya, 512, sorry. Brain like a sieve.
[2024-02-15 20:55:35] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| oop
[2024-02-15 20:55:35] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| oop
[2024-02-15 20:55:41] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| i dont think it really matters that much
[2024-02-15 20:55:42] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| i dont think it really matters that much
[2024-02-15 20:57:47] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| uh, regarding the builds, i'd really prefer they'd be auto built
[2024-02-15 20:57:47] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| uh, regarding the builds, i'd really prefer they'd be auto built
[2024-02-15 20:58:13] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| technically most of them i pulled from gitlab's auto building process and the windows build stopped building there at some point
[2024-02-15 20:58:13] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| technically most of them i pulled from gitlab's auto building process and the windows build stopped building there at some point
[2024-02-15 20:58:29] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| and last time i checked its no longer auto building +ap at all
[2024-02-15 20:58:29] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| and last time i checked its no longer auto building +ap at all
[2024-02-15 21:01:58] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| bummer
[2024-02-15 21:01:58] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| bummer
[2024-02-15 21:02:14] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| and macos?
[2024-02-15 21:02:14] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| and macos?
[2024-02-15 21:02:55] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah i built that one myself on a 15 year old macbook, heh
[2024-02-15 21:02:55] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah i built that one myself on a 15 year old macbook, heh
[2024-02-15 21:06:09] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[2024-02-15 21:06:36] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-02-15 21:16:21] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| heh
[2024-02-15 21:16:22] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| heh
[2024-02-15 21:47:24] <armagetron-bridge> 11discord:spinz808.eth| hey can I still play arma on mac?
[2024-02-15 21:47:24] <armagetronbridge> 11discord:spinz808.eth| hey can I still play arma on mac?
[2024-02-15 21:49:00] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @wwnelg i have MAX_IN_RATE and MAX_OUT_RATE at 512 in my autoexec.cfg. When I visit network settings they are at much lower values and i cant set them at higher values there. Shouldn't autoexec.cfg override user.cfg?
[2024-02-15 21:49:00] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @wwnelg i have MAX_IN_RATE and MAX_OUT_RATE at 512 in my autoexec.cfg. When I visit network settings they are at much lower values and i cant set them at higher values there. Shouldn't autoexec.cfg override user.cfg?
[2024-02-15 21:50:31] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| i think it should yeah
[2024-02-15 21:50:31] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| i think it should yeah
[2024-02-15 21:50:42] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| oh uh
[2024-02-15 21:50:42] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| oh uh
[2024-02-15 21:51:30] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| you can check in the console what they are set to
[2024-02-15 21:51:31] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| you can check in the console what they are set to
[2024-02-15 21:51:40] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| the menu probably limits it
[2024-02-15 21:51:40] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| the menu probably limits it
[2024-02-15 21:51:57] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| and it might apply the menu numbers when leaving the menu, not sure though
[2024-02-15 21:51:57] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| and it might apply the menu numbers when leaving the menu, not sure though
[2024-02-15 21:51:57] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| in fact visting the menu probably resets the values
[2024-02-15 21:51:58] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| in fact visting the menu probably resets the values
[2024-02-15 21:52:00] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| much like color codes
[2024-02-15 21:52:00] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| much like color codes
[2024-02-15 21:52:03] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| er cycle colors
[2024-02-15 21:52:04] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| er cycle colors
[2024-02-15 21:52:50] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| the console says 512 for both
[2024-02-15 21:52:51] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| the console says 512 for both
[2024-02-15 21:52:55] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| ok then youre good
[2024-02-15 21:52:56] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| ok then youre good
[2024-02-15 21:53:06] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| yeah but maybe at some point we should change that ?
[2024-02-15 21:53:06] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| yeah but maybe at some point we should change that ?
[2024-02-15 21:53:16] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| because it will be confusing for new players
[2024-02-15 21:53:16] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| because it will be confusing for new players
[2024-02-15 21:53:37] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| i mean the network settings
[2024-02-15 21:53:37] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| i mean the network settings
[2024-02-15 21:53:45] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| anyway yes im ok for now
[2024-02-15 21:53:45] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| anyway yes im ok for now
[2024-02-15 21:53:48] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| cheers
[2024-02-15 21:53:48] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| cheers
[2024-02-15 23:01:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:.startale.| Hi i'am new how to download the game ?
[2024-02-15 23:01:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:.startale.| Hi i'am new how to download the game ?
[2024-02-15 23:02:00] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent|
[2024-02-15 23:02:00] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent|
[2024-02-15 23:02:23] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| if you're on a linux system, try looking in your package manager first
[2024-02-15 23:02:23] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| if you're on a linux system, try looking in your package manager first
[2024-02-15 23:02:44] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| otherwise, grab the relevant download form the "Client" section
[2024-02-15 23:02:45] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| otherwise, grab the relevant download form the "Client" section
[2024-02-15 23:05:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:.startale.| thank : )
[2024-02-15 23:05:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:.startale.| thank : )
[2024-02-15 23:26:47] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| Yes, both clients work for me.
[2024-02-15 23:26:47] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| Yes, both clients work for me.
[2024-02-15 23:26:54] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| I'm on the M2
[2024-02-15 23:26:55] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| I'm on the M2
[2024-02-15 23:27:09] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| Get between 950 and 2k fps
[2024-02-15 23:27:09] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| Get between 950 and 2k fps
[2024-02-15 23:27:39] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| Starts can be stuttery sometimes though. Happens to me on Mac but not on Win
[2024-02-15 23:27:39] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| Starts can be stuttery sometimes though. Happens to me on Mac but not on Win
[2024-02-15 23:27:57] <armagetron-bridge> 04discord:daya.k| Not just M2. Intel also
[2024-02-15 23:27:57] <armagetronbridge> 04discord:daya.k| Not just M2. Intel also
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[2024-02-16 00:17:49] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[2024-02-16 00:39:35] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2024-02-16 01:31:47] <Lucifer_arma> @delinquent: That spam bot joined, said something, and left, all before I saw it, otherwise I'd have booted it :)
[2024-02-16 01:31:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @delinquent: That spam bot joined, said something, and left, all before I saw it, otherwise I'd have booted it :)
[2024-02-16 01:32:25] <Lucifer_arma> Um, the master server should still list servers where the port forwarding is screwy, they'll just be unreachable. Eventually, the master server will remove unreachable servers from its list
[2024-02-16 01:32:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Um, the master server should still list servers where the port forwarding is screwy, they'll just be unreachable. Eventually, the master server will remove unreachable servers from its list
[2024-02-16 01:33:57] <Lucifer_arma> pretty sure max_in and max_out are only effective on the server
[2024-02-16 01:33:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| pretty sure max_in and max_out are only effective on the server
[2024-02-16 01:35:48] <Lucifer_arma> there are techniques to get around port forwarding that could be added to arma. We've never thought they were useful enough or important enough to be worth the time to add them and later maintain them
[2024-02-16 01:35:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there are techniques to get around port forwarding that could be added to arma. We've never thought they were useful enough or important enough to be worth the time to add them and later maintain them
[2024-02-16 01:36:20] <Lucifer_arma> but the basic idea is that you send a packet to a central server (like the master server) through a specific port, and most, but not all, NAT routers will open that port
[2024-02-16 01:36:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but the basic idea is that you send a packet to a central server (like the master server) through a specific port, and most, but not all, NAT routers will open that port
[2024-02-16 01:36:40] <Lucifer_arma> then, through some additional shenanigans, you can have other computers that aren't that server able to connect through the port you got opened
[2024-02-16 01:36:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then, through some additional shenanigans, you can have other computers that aren't that server able to connect through the port you got opened
[2024-02-16 01:37:23] <Lucifer_arma> but there are now more routers on the market that specifically disallow those shenanigans, in part because they're used by bittorrent to pirate stuff
[2024-02-16 01:37:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but there are now more routers on the market that specifically disallow those shenanigans, in part because they're used by bittorrent to pirate stuff
[2024-02-16 08:17:09] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| max_in/out are only effective on the server, but they can be seemingly requested by the client. They're usually set in the config, so the autoexec overrides them and makes sure that both server and client are playing with the same values.
[2024-02-16 08:17:10] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| max_in/out are only effective on the server, but they can be seemingly requested by the client. They're usually set in the config, so the autoexec overrides them and makes sure that both server and client are playing with the same values.
[2024-02-16 08:17:41] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I forget the entire discussion, but someone from the sysadmin thread went through the source and looked this up. There was more to it, but I forget
[2024-02-16 08:17:41] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I forget the entire discussion, but someone from the sysadmin thread went through the source and looked this up. There was more to it, but I forget
[2024-02-16 09:29:12] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| i see
[2024-02-16 09:29:13] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| i see
[2024-02-16 09:29:43] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| lucifer_arma, stun, upnp, nat punching perhaps?
[2024-02-16 09:29:43] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| lucifer_arma, stun, upnp, nat punching perhaps?
[2024-02-16 09:38:02] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| @dorianv you free? maybe better tomorrow actually i have to do things x.x
[2024-02-16 09:38:02] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| @dorianv you free? maybe better tomorrow actually i have to do things x.x
[2024-02-16 10:48:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| I have meetings for a few hrs but free later
[2024-02-16 10:48:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| I have meetings for a few hrs but free later
[2024-02-16 10:49:21] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| i have to do things today
[2024-02-16 10:49:21] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| i have to do things today
[2024-02-16 10:49:29] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| not sure if it'll take me all afternoon
[2024-02-16 10:49:29] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| not sure if it'll take me all afternoon
[2024-02-16 10:51:53] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| thx for info, that's today?
[2024-02-16 10:51:53] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| thx for info, that's today?
[2024-02-16 10:55:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| Ye
[2024-02-16 10:55:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| Ye
[2024-02-16 10:55:13] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| Idk about tomorrow will see
[2024-02-16 10:55:13] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| Idk about tomorrow will see
[2024-02-16 10:57:56] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| I can also find you some reading material if you’re that interested, there’s some old guides that still apply
[2024-02-16 10:57:56] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| I can also find you some reading material if you’re that interested, there’s some old guides that still apply
[2024-02-16 11:05:39] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah go ahead, dm me that @dorianv
[2024-02-16 11:05:40] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| yeah go ahead, dm me that @dorianv
[2024-02-16 11:06:03] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| for fort and in general too
[2024-02-16 11:06:04] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| for fort and in general too
[2024-02-16 11:06:10] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| sumo as well
[2024-02-16 11:06:10] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| sumo as well
[2024-02-16 12:13:35] <Lucifer_arma> @Juesto: I was describing nat punching. upnp isn't universal
[2024-02-16 12:13:35] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @Juesto: I was describing nat punching. upnp isn't universal
[2024-02-16 12:58:06] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| okay
[2024-02-16 12:58:07] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| okay
[2024-02-16 12:58:15] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| how about using stun servers?
[2024-02-16 12:58:16] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| how about using stun servers?
[2024-02-16 16:13:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| known bug? @wwnelg
[2024-02-16 16:13:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| known bug? @wwnelg
[2024-02-16 16:13:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto|
[2024-02-16 16:13:53] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto|
[2024-02-16 16:15:21] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah
[2024-02-16 16:15:21] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah
[2024-02-16 16:41:37] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv explain me your fort grind practice server?
[2024-02-16 16:41:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv explain me your fort grind practice server?
[2024-02-16 16:46:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea I can show you later but basically you can type /go 1 or /go 2 to spawn in that position's spot at a grind with rim walls instead of cycles ready for you to simulate grinding
[2024-02-16 16:46:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea I can show you later but basically you can type /go 1 or /go 2 to spawn in that position's spot at a grind with rim walls instead of cycles ready for you to simulate grinding
[2024-02-16 16:46:34] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then at the end of those lines are like an enemy split with rim walls where you can dig between the center of them as if you were centering in fort
[2024-02-16 16:46:34] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then at the end of those lines are like an enemy split with rim walls where you can dig between the center of them as if you were centering in fort
[2024-02-16 16:47:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| from left to right the center digs are harder and harder to get past
[2024-02-16 16:47:03] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| from left to right the center digs are harder and harder to get past
[2024-02-16 16:47:19] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at the end of each of those digs is a practice bottle you can try to live
[2024-02-16 16:47:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at the end of each of those digs is a practice bottle you can try to live
[2024-02-16 16:55:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah interesting
[2024-02-16 16:55:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah interesting
[2024-02-16 17:34:32] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| @dorianv the grind server insta crashes my client
[2024-02-16 17:34:32] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| @dorianv the grind server insta crashes my client
[2024-02-16 18:21:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @ooooooooo000000000 what version, what package, what distro?
[2024-02-16 18:21:45] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @ooooooooo000000000 what version, what package, what distro?
[2024-02-16 18:27:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| its pretty safe to host armagetronad servers right?
[2024-02-16 18:27:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| its pretty safe to host armagetronad servers right?
[2024-02-16 19:44:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im not fast enough to turn tight
[2024-02-16 19:44:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im not fast enough to turn tight
[2024-02-16 20:14:23] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-16 20:18:29] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-16 20:43:20] <armagetron-bridge> 10discord:justkoala| you did quite well last match, the grinds were good and you blocked monkey from reaching the defense
[2024-02-16 20:43:21] <armagetronbridge> 10discord:justkoala| you did quite well last match, the grinds were good and you blocked monkey from reaching the defense
[2024-02-16 20:49:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah thanks
[2024-02-16 20:49:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah thanks
[2024-02-16 20:49:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| we won?
[2024-02-16 20:49:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| we won?
[2024-02-16 20:50:43] <armagetron-bridge> 10discord:justkoala| we did, 200-176
[2024-02-16 20:50:43] <armagetronbridge> 10discord:justkoala| we did, 200-176
[2024-02-16 21:19:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah great
[2024-02-16 21:19:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah great
[2024-02-16 21:27:04] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-16 21:29:13] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-16 21:29:13] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest3094
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[2024-02-16 22:59:10] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-17 01:48:10] <Lucifer_arma> How many videos before you can reasonably expect your first patreon member?
[2024-02-17 01:48:10] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| How many videos before you can reasonably expect your first patreon member?
[2024-02-17 01:59:37] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-17 02:03:19] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-17 02:04:15] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-17 02:04:16] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 02:25:01] <Lucifer_arma> there is a bit of "where are my friends?" here, but there's also a lot of "they have things to do, and if I can't capture their attention, I should quit", and I haven't tried hard enough yet to reach the point where I should quit
[2024-02-17 02:25:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there is a bit of "where are my friends?" here, but there's also a lot of "they have things to do, and if I can't capture their attention, I should quit", and I haven't tried hard enough yet to reach the point where I should quit
[2024-02-17 03:51:26] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i was so close to being better than the entire enemy team in fort but its all bots
[2024-02-17 03:51:26] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i was so close to being better than the entire enemy team in fort but its all bots
[2024-02-17 03:51:26] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-17 03:51:27] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-17 03:52:09] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i wouldve been better if capturing the base gave points to me instead of the team
[2024-02-17 03:52:10] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i wouldve been better if capturing the base gave points to me instead of the team
[2024-02-17 03:52:27] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| along with my team always dying to cycles3d
[2024-02-17 03:52:27] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| along with my team always dying to cycles3d
[2024-02-17 03:52:56] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i also got like 2 times of having 80 speed
[2024-02-17 03:52:56] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| i also got like 2 times of having 80 speed
[2024-02-17 05:37:52] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest33
[2024-02-17 05:40:50] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
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[2024-02-17 05:40:51] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-17 05:41:09] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-17 05:56:22] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest36
[2024-02-17 05:58:56] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
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[2024-02-17 05:58:58] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-17 06:00:00] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 09:10:55] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I came across a video that goes into a hell of a lot of detail about why film and tv is shit now
[2024-02-17 09:10:55] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I came across a video that goes into a hell of a lot of detail about why film and tv is shit now
[2024-02-17 09:10:59] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| its so very on the button
[2024-02-17 09:11:00] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| its so very on the button
[2024-02-17 09:11:01] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent|
[2024-02-17 09:11:01] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent|
[2024-02-17 09:11:42] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| applies to books, too. There's a definite trend toward the simplistic rn
[2024-02-17 09:11:42] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| applies to books, too. There's a definite trend toward the simplistic rn
[2024-02-17 09:11:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| i gotta be careful of that
[2024-02-17 09:11:51] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| i gotta be careful of that
[2024-02-17 11:26:44] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| not like #other-games or something?
[2024-02-17 11:26:44] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| not like #other-games or something?
[2024-02-17 11:26:50] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| or whatever
[2024-02-17 11:26:50] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| or whatever
[2024-02-17 11:27:06] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ?
[2024-02-17 11:27:06] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ?
[2024-02-17 11:27:15] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| you mean does my message belong in that channel?
[2024-02-17 11:27:16] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| you mean does my message belong in that channel?
[2024-02-17 12:25:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| it doesn't belong there but videos at most
[2024-02-17 12:25:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| it doesn't belong there but videos at most
[2024-02-17 12:26:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| here it's fine to post videos
[2024-02-17 12:26:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| here it's fine to post videos
[2024-02-17 12:26:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since its the only channel bridged with irc
[2024-02-17 12:26:28] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since its the only channel bridged with irc
[2024-02-17 12:58:58] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| probably
[2024-02-17 12:58:58] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| probably
[2024-02-17 13:03:38] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ya, what juesto said. This is kind of an everything chat channel, within reason, but I thought it might be interesting since lucifer is also an author (and a scifi nerd to boot).
[2024-02-17 13:03:39] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ya, what juesto said. This is kind of an everything chat channel, within reason, but I thought it might be interesting since lucifer is also an author (and a scifi nerd to boot).
[2024-02-17 18:50:52] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 18:53:48] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 210 seconds.)
[2024-02-17 18:55:01] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 18:55:01] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-17 18:55:01] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-17 18:55:03] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 18:55:03] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-17 18:55:05] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-17 18:55:06] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-17 18:55:06] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-17 21:35:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 21:35:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 21:35:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hi
[2024-02-17 21:35:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hi
[2024-02-17 21:35:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| can you see my stream?
[2024-02-17 21:35:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| can you see my stream?
[2024-02-17 21:35:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah im watching
[2024-02-17 21:35:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah im watching
[2024-02-17 21:35:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| first round i went either late or early
[2024-02-17 21:35:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| first round i went either late or early
[2024-02-17 21:36:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| trying to show where you should be splitting, this is a playback of last match
[2024-02-17 21:36:03] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| trying to show where you should be splitting, this is a playback of last match
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| that is painfully obvious
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| that is painfully obvious
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this is the 2nd rnd
[2024-02-17 21:36:07] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this is the 2nd rnd
[2024-02-17 21:36:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue line is where your sweeper split off
[2024-02-17 21:37:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue line is where your sweeper split off
[2024-02-17 21:37:11] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can really split as early as the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:37:11] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can really split as early as the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:37:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wing split late too
[2024-02-17 21:37:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wing split late too
[2024-02-17 21:37:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are the wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are the wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the other wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the other wing
[2024-02-17 21:37:46] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea they split around where most people do
[2024-02-17 21:37:46] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea they split around where most people do
[2024-02-17 21:37:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 21:37:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 21:37:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the pink line is around where most split
[2024-02-17 21:37:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the pink line is around where most split
[2024-02-17 21:38:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but if you are not comfortable and are getting cut off by the enemy
[2024-02-17 21:38:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but if you are not comfortable and are getting cut off by the enemy
[2024-02-17 21:38:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can split as early as like yellow
[2024-02-17 21:38:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can split as early as like yellow
[2024-02-17 21:38:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:38:20] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:38:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so i should notice when the sweeper falls back
[2024-02-17 21:38:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so i should notice when the sweeper falls back
[2024-02-17 21:38:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and thats where im free to split
[2024-02-17 21:38:39] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and thats where im free to split
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and quick
[2024-02-17 21:38:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and quick
[2024-02-17 21:39:30] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this one was perfect
[2024-02-17 21:39:31] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this one was perfect
[2024-02-17 21:39:51] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but your speed was low lemme check the start
[2024-02-17 21:39:51] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but your speed was low lemme check the start
[2024-02-17 21:40:11] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh cause your double was really small
[2024-02-17 21:40:11] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh cause your double was really small
[2024-02-17 21:40:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:40:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:41:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thats too late to split
[2024-02-17 21:41:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thats too late to split
[2024-02-17 21:41:19] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| anywhere in this pink is where you can do your first turn back
[2024-02-17 21:41:19] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| anywhere in this pink is where you can do your first turn back
[2024-02-17 21:41:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:41:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:41:28] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:41:28] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:41:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hm
[2024-02-17 21:41:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hm
[2024-02-17 21:41:53] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue is too late
[2024-02-17 21:41:53] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| blue is too late
[2024-02-17 21:41:56] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yellow is too early
[2024-02-17 21:41:56] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yellow is too early
[2024-02-17 21:41:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:41:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 21:42:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i did most of them early
[2024-02-17 21:42:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i did most of them early
[2024-02-17 21:42:26] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this was good
[2024-02-17 21:42:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this was good
[2024-02-17 21:42:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| perfect actually
[2024-02-17 21:42:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| perfect actually
[2024-02-17 21:42:40] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you waited until almost at the rim to split
[2024-02-17 21:42:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you waited until almost at the rim to split
[2024-02-17 21:42:48] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| to turn again sorry*
[2024-02-17 21:42:48] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| to turn again sorry*
[2024-02-17 21:43:36] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| way too far this one
[2024-02-17 21:43:36] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| way too far this one
[2024-02-17 21:43:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:43:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:43:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| another indicator
[2024-02-17 21:43:43] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| another indicator
[2024-02-17 21:43:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| should be center?
[2024-02-17 21:43:46] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| should be center?
[2024-02-17 21:43:58] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| when im alone with center its too late
[2024-02-17 21:43:58] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| when im alone with center its too late
[2024-02-17 21:44:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:44:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:44:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you also want to turn earlier, like where your other wing did because your center needs options
[2024-02-17 21:44:19] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you also want to turn earlier, like where your other wing did because your center needs options
[2024-02-17 21:44:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| this is my reaction time
[2024-02-17 21:44:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| this is my reaction time
[2024-02-17 21:44:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you block off his right side, he might die
[2024-02-17 21:44:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you block off his right side, he might die
[2024-02-17 21:44:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| that's fine, you really just have to react to the sweep turning back
[2024-02-17 21:44:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| that's fine, you really just have to react to the sweep turning back
[2024-02-17 21:44:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing is tougher but right wing can be deadly for center if not done right
[2024-02-17 21:44:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing is tougher but right wing can be deadly for center if not done right
[2024-02-17 21:45:06] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 21:45:06] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 21:45:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| cause a lot of centers like to go right because its safer
[2024-02-17 21:45:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| cause a lot of centers like to go right because its safer
[2024-02-17 21:45:21] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:45:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:45:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so, was giving center a rough time
[2024-02-17 21:45:30] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so, was giving center a rough time
[2024-02-17 21:45:43] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| a little but experienced centers can still be fine
[2024-02-17 21:45:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| a little but experienced centers can still be fine
[2024-02-17 21:45:45] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just harder
[2024-02-17 21:45:45] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just harder
[2024-02-17 21:46:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| who was center?
[2024-02-17 21:46:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| who was center?
[2024-02-17 21:46:06] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean
[2024-02-17 21:46:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean
[2024-02-17 21:46:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| sanity
[2024-02-17 21:46:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| sanity
[2024-02-17 21:46:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @sanityarc did i cause issues or was it alright?
[2024-02-17 21:46:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @sanityarc did i cause issues or was it alright?
[2024-02-17 21:46:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| here you didnt go back very far, you can go closer to the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:46:55] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| here you didnt go back very far, you can go closer to the yellow line
[2024-02-17 21:47:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thats how far i should go?
[2024-02-17 21:47:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thats how far i should go?
[2024-02-17 21:47:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i tend to rush
[2024-02-17 21:47:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i tend to rush
[2024-02-17 21:47:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| about yea
[2024-02-17 21:47:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| about yea
[2024-02-17 21:47:32] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess this kind of thing shows a lot about a player
[2024-02-17 21:47:33] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess this kind of thing shows a lot about a player
[2024-02-17 21:47:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just takes practice
[2024-02-17 21:47:42] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just takes practice
[2024-02-17 21:48:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:48:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-17 21:48:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| dont bother drawing it
[2024-02-17 21:48:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| dont bother drawing it
[2024-02-17 21:48:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 21:48:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 21:48:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you got it
[2024-02-17 21:48:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you got it
[2024-02-17 21:48:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then ye you can see the effect of letting the enemy by
[2024-02-17 21:48:31] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then ye you can see the effect of letting the enemy by
[2024-02-17 21:48:37] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i see
[2024-02-17 21:48:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i see
[2024-02-17 21:48:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 21:48:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 21:48:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| other wing went late that time
[2024-02-17 21:48:48] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| other wing went late that time
[2024-02-17 21:48:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and so did sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:48:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and so did sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:48:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the other sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:48:58] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the other sweeper
[2024-02-17 21:49:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| sweepers usually go up kinda far, to give you as much speed as possible
[2024-02-17 21:49:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| sweepers usually go up kinda far, to give you as much speed as possible
[2024-02-17 21:49:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:49:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:49:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you want to split earlier, you can tell your sweeper and they can go back earlier
[2024-02-17 21:49:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you want to split earlier, you can tell your sweeper and they can go back earlier
[2024-02-17 21:49:34] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| to give you room
[2024-02-17 21:49:34] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| to give you room
[2024-02-17 21:49:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg was expecting me to turn early?
[2024-02-17 21:49:36] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg was expecting me to turn early?
[2024-02-17 21:49:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg turning was consistent
[2024-02-17 21:49:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg turning was consistent
[2024-02-17 21:49:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i think?
[2024-02-17 21:49:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i think?
[2024-02-17 21:50:16] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| he turned back when you passed him
[2024-02-17 21:50:16] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| he turned back when you passed him
[2024-02-17 21:50:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:50:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh
[2024-02-17 21:50:25] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| because he was no longer giving you speed
[2024-02-17 21:50:25] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| because he was no longer giving you speed
[2024-02-17 21:50:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:50:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 21:50:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thats the point i should start splitting
[2024-02-17 21:50:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thats the point i should start splitting
[2024-02-17 21:50:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you passed him earlier than the people on the left because your double grind at the start was short
[2024-02-17 21:50:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and you passed him earlier than the people on the left because your double grind at the start was short
[2024-02-17 21:50:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:50:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 21:51:50] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so
[2024-02-17 21:51:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so
[2024-02-17 21:51:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| * try to extend the dg as far as possible without going past the start
[2024-02-17 21:51:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| * try to extend the dg as far as possible without going past the start
[2024-02-17 21:51:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| * be quicker to split especially after sweeper turns
[2024-02-17 21:51:53] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| * be quicker to split especially after sweeper turns
[2024-02-17 21:52:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:52:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep
[2024-02-17 21:52:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| another mistake is that i do an attack turn at the rim at times
[2024-02-17 21:52:45] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| another mistake is that i do an attack turn at the rim at times
[2024-02-17 21:52:46] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and die by it
[2024-02-17 21:52:47] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and die by it
[2024-02-17 21:53:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| one of the rounds i had lucky dumps
[2024-02-17 21:53:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| one of the rounds i had lucky dumps
[2024-02-17 21:53:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 21:53:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 21:54:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well gl
[2024-02-17 21:54:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well gl
[2024-02-17 21:54:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at this point in the round, it's 25s in and we have our sweepers setup and we are only down 1, you dont have to come back to the def, can go up and try to put pressure on the enemy sweepers
[2024-02-17 21:54:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at this point in the round, it's 25s in and we have our sweepers setup and we are only down 1, you dont have to come back to the def, can go up and try to put pressure on the enemy sweepers
[2024-02-17 21:54:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| when we are down 2, it is good to come back
[2024-02-17 21:54:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| when we are down 2, it is good to come back
[2024-02-17 21:54:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| we can continue later or tomorrow
[2024-02-17 21:54:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| we can continue later or tomorrow
[2024-02-17 22:19:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv well... you still going to play more?
[2024-02-17 22:19:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv well... you still going to play more?
[2024-02-17 22:19:40] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ya
[2024-02-17 22:19:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ya
[2024-02-17 22:19:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i can keep streaming stuff if you want
[2024-02-17 22:19:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i can keep streaming stuff if you want
[2024-02-17 22:19:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| til bed in a few hours?
[2024-02-17 22:19:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| til bed in a few hours?
[2024-02-17 22:20:00] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| prob
[2024-02-17 22:20:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| prob
[2024-02-17 22:20:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean, in the breaks i guess we can still go through the match
[2024-02-17 22:20:12] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean, in the breaks i guess we can still go through the match
[2024-02-17 22:20:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| rounds
[2024-02-17 22:20:13] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| rounds
[2024-02-17 22:20:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok ill stream
[2024-02-17 22:20:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok ill stream
[2024-02-17 22:20:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| maybe not
[2024-02-17 22:20:39] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| maybe not
[2024-02-17 22:20:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since fort gets filled quicky
[2024-02-17 22:20:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since fort gets filled quicky
[2024-02-17 22:20:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| it will take a bit to pop
[2024-02-17 22:20:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| it will take a bit to pop
[2024-02-17 22:21:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so here...
[2024-02-17 22:21:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so here...
[2024-02-17 22:21:09] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh
[2024-02-17 22:21:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh
[2024-02-17 22:21:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| so yea here we are just down 1 so you dont have to come back
[2024-02-17 22:21:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| so yea here we are just down 1 so you dont have to come back
[2024-02-17 22:21:40] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| it's 4v5
[2024-02-17 22:21:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| it's 4v5
[2024-02-17 22:22:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i do go back to attacking when i realize?
[2024-02-17 22:22:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i think i do go back to attacking when i realize?
[2024-02-17 22:22:09] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| o maybe
[2024-02-17 22:22:09] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| o maybe
[2024-02-17 22:22:16] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you die hehe
[2024-02-17 22:22:16] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you die hehe
[2024-02-17 22:22:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nevermind
[2024-02-17 22:22:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nevermind
[2024-02-17 22:22:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| guess i didnt realize
[2024-02-17 22:22:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| guess i didnt realize
[2024-02-17 22:23:04] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| still a little late on this one
[2024-02-17 22:23:04] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| still a little late on this one
[2024-02-17 22:23:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| at least i dont die
[2024-02-17 22:23:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| at least i dont die
[2024-02-17 22:23:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup!
[2024-02-17 22:23:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup!
[2024-02-17 22:23:57] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were up 1 and you didnt have to be near def
[2024-02-17 22:23:57] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were up 1 and you didnt have to be near def
[2024-02-17 22:24:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| cornered
[2024-02-17 22:24:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| cornered
[2024-02-17 22:24:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:24:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:24:49] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the double grinds are looking good as the rounds go on
[2024-02-17 22:24:49] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the double grinds are looking good as the rounds go on
[2024-02-17 22:24:57] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just the split is a little late
[2024-02-17 22:24:57] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just the split is a little late
[2024-02-17 22:25:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| consistently late :(
[2024-02-17 22:25:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| consistently late :(
[2024-02-17 22:25:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i need to work on that
[2024-02-17 22:25:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i need to work on that
[2024-02-17 22:25:10] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe all good
[2024-02-17 22:25:10] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe all good
[2024-02-17 22:25:46] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were down 1 and you came back to sweep, dont have to
[2024-02-17 22:25:46] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| here we were down 1 and you came back to sweep, dont have to
[2024-02-17 22:25:59] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| something to work on
[2024-02-17 22:25:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| something to work on
[2024-02-17 22:26:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well its easier than going to attack and die quickly :p
[2024-02-17 22:26:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well its easier than going to attack and die quickly :p
[2024-02-17 22:26:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| part of the reason, in this round one of our attackers gets in
[2024-02-17 22:26:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| part of the reason, in this round one of our attackers gets in
[2024-02-17 22:26:20] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but he has nobody with him to gank
[2024-02-17 22:26:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but he has nobody with him to gank
[2024-02-17 22:26:32] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round where i went to the attack
[2024-02-17 22:26:32] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round where i went to the attack
[2024-02-17 22:26:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 22:26:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 22:26:36] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and failed
[2024-02-17 22:26:36] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and failed
[2024-02-17 22:26:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:26:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:28:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| checking again just in case something missed?
[2024-02-17 22:28:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| checking again just in case something missed?
[2024-02-17 22:29:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea earlier i was just watching the grind and skipping to next rounds
[2024-02-17 22:29:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea earlier i was just watching the grind and skipping to next rounds
[2024-02-17 22:29:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 22:29:06] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 22:29:06] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just seeing what you did when you lived
[2024-02-17 22:29:06] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just seeing what you did when you lived
[2024-02-17 22:29:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round was funny seeing you come back inside our def
[2024-02-17 22:29:31] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round was funny seeing you come back inside our def
[2024-02-17 22:29:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 22:29:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| LOL
[2024-02-17 22:29:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh?
[2024-02-17 22:29:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh?
[2024-02-17 22:29:39] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| lol
[2024-02-17 22:29:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| lol
[2024-02-17 22:29:50] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| which round?
[2024-02-17 22:29:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| which round?
[2024-02-17 22:29:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the 5th one ill show your pov
[2024-02-17 22:30:00] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the 5th one ill show your pov
[2024-02-17 22:30:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:30:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:30:20] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah yeah
[2024-02-17 22:30:20] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah yeah
[2024-02-17 22:30:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| xD
[2024-02-17 22:30:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| xD
[2024-02-17 22:30:26] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 22:30:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hehe
[2024-02-17 22:31:11] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round
[2024-02-17 22:31:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there was one round
[2024-02-17 22:31:15] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| perhaps on the previous match
[2024-02-17 22:31:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| perhaps on the previous match
[2024-02-17 22:31:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| where we holed and failed
[2024-02-17 22:31:21] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| where we holed and failed
[2024-02-17 22:31:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| with nelg
[2024-02-17 22:31:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| with nelg
[2024-02-17 22:31:29] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:31:29] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 22:31:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i might not have it
[2024-02-17 22:31:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i might not have it
[2024-02-17 22:31:36] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i just have the ones played in NJ
[2024-02-17 22:31:37] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i just have the ones played in NJ
[2024-02-17 22:31:47] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh huge kill!
[2024-02-17 22:31:47] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh huge kill!
[2024-02-17 22:31:50] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| it was the match before this one
[2024-02-17 22:31:50] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| it was the match before this one
[2024-02-17 22:32:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| oh yeah there was a round where i did like lucky kills
[2024-02-17 22:32:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| oh yeah there was a round where i did like lucky kills
[2024-02-17 22:32:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there you found the hole round
[2024-02-17 22:32:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there you found the hole round
[2024-02-17 22:32:53] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| i holed for sanity, sanity died trying to seal the hole to prevent nearby enemies from getting in
[2024-02-17 22:32:54] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| i holed for sanity, sanity died trying to seal the hole to prevent nearby enemies from getting in
[2024-02-17 22:33:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:33:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-17 22:33:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| then by the time you got there, the def had already come back around to cover
[2024-02-17 22:33:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| then by the time you got there, the def had already come back around to cover
[2024-02-17 22:33:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:33:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:34:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok think I saw all of your rounds, I'll look for another match with an experienced wing you can watch what they do
[2024-02-17 22:34:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ok think I saw all of your rounds, I'll look for another match with an experienced wing you can watch what they do
[2024-02-17 22:34:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm lets see
[2024-02-17 22:34:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm lets see
[2024-02-17 22:37:53] <Lucifer_arma> it's not just that tv and movies are getting simplistic, they're also stretching them out unnecessarily. Each season of Star Trek: Picard could have been a next generation two parter. There was no reason to stretch them out like they did.
[2024-02-17 22:37:53] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's not just that tv and movies are getting simplistic, they're also stretching them out unnecessarily. Each season of Star Trek: Picard could have been a next generation two parter. There was no reason to stretch them out like they did.
[2024-02-17 22:38:56] <Lucifer_arma> also, they're going out of their way to explain things that don't need to be explained. And this trend goes back into the 90s, tbh. Enterprise did it when they explained why TOS klingons don't have forehead ridges. Star Wars did it when they dropped both the Death Star plans in Episode 3, and then making the entire Rogue One movie
[2024-02-17 22:38:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| also, they're going out of their way to explain things that don't need to be explained. And this trend goes back into the 90s, tbh. Enterprise did it when they explained why TOS klingons don't have forehead ridges. Star Wars did it when they dropped both the Death Star plans in Episode 3, and then making the entire Rogue One movie
[2024-02-17 22:41:20] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| lets watch koala pov
[2024-02-17 22:41:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| lets watch koala pov
[2024-02-17 22:42:34] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to get up to enemy def as fast as he can to put pressure
[2024-02-17 22:42:34] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to get up to enemy def as fast as he can to put pressure
[2024-02-17 22:43:26] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| the enemy team is doing sumo def which is not common, you probably dont want to do what he is doing now LOL
[2024-02-17 22:43:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| the enemy team is doing sumo def which is not common, you probably dont want to do what he is doing now LOL
[2024-02-17 22:44:42] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hm okay hmm
[2024-02-17 22:44:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hm okay hmm
[2024-02-17 22:44:49] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round they were only down 1 but the enemy team holed
[2024-02-17 22:44:49] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round they were only down 1 but the enemy team holed
[2024-02-17 22:44:55] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| so koala came back because the def was broken
[2024-02-17 22:44:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| so koala came back because the def was broken
[2024-02-17 22:45:38] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh sorry they were up 1
[2024-02-17 22:45:38] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh sorry they were up 1
[2024-02-17 22:45:47] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but still def was broken so they come back to pressure
[2024-02-17 22:45:47] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but still def was broken so they come back to pressure
[2024-02-17 22:45:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| :p
[2024-02-17 22:45:48] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| :p
[2024-02-17 22:46:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but they also have to be careful to not crowd each other, if too many defenders are trying to keep space in the zone they might kill each other and do more harm than good
[2024-02-17 22:46:16] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but they also have to be careful to not crowd each other, if too many defenders are trying to keep space in the zone they might kill each other and do more harm than good
[2024-02-17 22:46:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| just have to watch where your teammates are and try to not get in their way
[2024-02-17 22:46:28] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| just have to watch where your teammates are and try to not get in their way
[2024-02-17 22:47:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| as SOON as they get another kill and are up 2, they send more attackers up
[2024-02-17 22:47:42] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| as SOON as they get another kill and are up 2, they send more attackers up
[2024-02-17 22:47:50] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| because they can hole and gank
[2024-02-17 22:47:51] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| because they can hole and gank
[2024-02-17 22:48:11] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| enemy def tries to block the hole so they get in free
[2024-02-17 22:48:11] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| enemy def tries to block the hole so they get in free
[2024-02-17 22:48:36] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| meanwhile their def was fine holding 3v3
[2024-02-17 22:48:36] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| meanwhile their def was fine holding 3v3
[2024-02-17 22:48:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| holing needs to be well coordinated for it to work?
[2024-02-17 22:48:42] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| holing needs to be well coordinated for it to work?
[2024-02-17 22:48:53] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea, you just need numbers and coordination
[2024-02-17 22:48:53] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea, you just need numbers and coordination
[2024-02-17 22:49:13] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| props to the endurance of people like you single handedly defending for a whole round
[2024-02-17 22:49:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| props to the endurance of people like you single handedly defending for a whole round
[2024-02-17 22:49:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| really well coordinated holes can instantly win a round, if you can get 2 attackers in while only the enemy def can get in
[2024-02-17 22:49:21] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| really well coordinated holes can instantly win a round, if you can get 2 attackers in while only the enemy def can get in
[2024-02-17 22:51:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| for attacking, the idea is usually that you are trying to open space on the enemy def and keeping the enemy sweepers away from it
[2024-02-17 22:51:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| for attacking, the idea is usually that you are trying to open space on the enemy def and keeping the enemy sweepers away from it
[2024-02-17 22:51:15] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| that space can be used to try to cut, but more often is a spot for holing
[2024-02-17 22:51:15] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| that space can be used to try to cut, but more often is a spot for holing
[2024-02-17 22:51:52] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round koala goes on the back and grabs the back corner of the def
[2024-02-17 22:51:53] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this round koala goes on the back and grabs the back corner of the def
[2024-02-17 22:52:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to keep control of that space i highlighted
[2024-02-17 22:52:40] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| he is trying to keep control of that space i highlighted
[2024-02-17 22:53:48] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at 3v4 they are not really looking to hole anymore, now all they can do is try to apply pressure and maybe get a cut
[2024-02-17 22:53:49] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at 3v4 they are not really looking to hole anymore, now all they can do is try to apply pressure and maybe get a cut
[2024-02-17 22:54:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| with the right strategy, can you get the def to shrink?
[2024-02-17 22:54:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| with the right strategy, can you get the def to shrink?
[2024-02-17 22:54:23] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep, and then gank it
[2024-02-17 22:54:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yep, and then gank it
[2024-02-17 22:54:26] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| force them to box smaller
[2024-02-17 22:54:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| force them to box smaller
[2024-02-17 22:54:33] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt sound easy
[2024-02-17 22:54:34] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt sound easy
[2024-02-17 22:54:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| it takes a while, and it depends on how good the attackers and the def is
[2024-02-17 22:54:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| it takes a while, and it depends on how good the attackers and the def is
[2024-02-17 22:54:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but ideally attackers can always shrink a def
[2024-02-17 22:54:55] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but ideally attackers can always shrink a def
[2024-02-17 22:55:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| in this case there are sweepers that can try to relieve pressure from the def though, and help them expand in spots where the attackers have been working
[2024-02-17 22:55:18] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| in this case there are sweepers that can try to relieve pressure from the def though, and help them expand in spots where the attackers have been working
[2024-02-17 22:55:22] <Lucifer_arma> ideally you have three attackers each work on a different side of the def's wall, pushing in wherever they can
[2024-02-17 22:55:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ideally you have three attackers each work on a different side of the def's wall, pushing in wherever they can
[2024-02-17 22:55:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:55:39] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:56:16] <Lucifer_arma> sweepers start by trying to prevent people from getting that far, then once they inevitably split through, the sweepers attack the attackers :)
[2024-02-17 22:56:17] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| sweepers start by trying to prevent people from getting that far, then once they inevitably split through, the sweepers attack the attackers :)
[2024-02-17 22:56:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| also, center and wings are supposed to attack whereas sweepers and def do so?
[2024-02-17 22:56:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| also, center and wings are supposed to attack whereas sweepers and def do so?
[2024-02-17 22:56:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea centers and wings attack, sweepers and def defend
[2024-02-17 22:56:39] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea centers and wings attack, sweepers and def defend
[2024-02-17 22:56:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wings try to block the opposite wings
[2024-02-17 22:56:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wings try to block the opposite wings
[2024-02-17 22:57:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but it can change depending on how pressured your def is, your attackers might have to go back
[2024-02-17 22:57:03] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but it can change depending on how pressured your def is, your attackers might have to go back
[2024-02-17 22:57:03] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 22:57:04] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea
[2024-02-17 22:57:13] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| at start you want to give as much time to your def to setup
[2024-02-17 22:57:13] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| at start you want to give as much time to your def to setup
[2024-02-17 22:57:23] <Lucifer_arma> ideally, when you're attacking, you'll core dump at least one of the other team on your way to the zone
[2024-02-17 22:57:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ideally, when you're attacking, you'll core dump at least one of the other team on your way to the zone
[2024-02-17 22:57:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so in that case the attackers play a role of defending the defense too?
[2024-02-17 22:57:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so in that case the attackers play a role of defending the defense too?
[2024-02-17 22:57:57] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:57:58] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yup
[2024-02-17 22:58:02] <Lucifer_arma> sorta. Remember you also get points for core dumps, and matches are determined by score
[2024-02-17 22:58:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| sorta. Remember you also get points for core dumps, and matches are determined by score
[2024-02-17 22:58:09] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yea
[2024-02-17 22:58:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yea
[2024-02-17 22:58:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt look easy to core dump without dying
[2024-02-17 22:58:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| doesnt look easy to core dump without dying
[2024-02-17 22:58:28] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if they are in your zone, they can gank it with advantage, so you want to send people back to keep advantage in your favor and try to block out enemies
[2024-02-17 22:58:28] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if they are in your zone, they can gank it with advantage, so you want to send people back to keep advantage in your favor and try to block out enemies
[2024-02-17 22:58:43] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| they can even gank with 3v3 after some time in the zone
[2024-02-17 22:58:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| they can even gank with 3v3 after some time in the zone
[2024-02-17 22:59:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| at less than half it becomes less viable to hole and gank?
[2024-02-17 22:59:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| at less than half it becomes less viable to hole and gank?
[2024-02-17 22:59:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sorry, gank as in?
[2024-02-17 22:59:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sorry, gank as in?
[2024-02-17 22:59:30] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh capture the zone
[2024-02-17 22:59:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oh capture the zone
[2024-02-17 22:59:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:59:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 22:59:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea at 6v6 you can hole and have plenty of people to get in and gank
[2024-02-17 22:59:55] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea at 6v6 you can hole and have plenty of people to get in and gank
[2024-02-17 23:00:14] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you will be down 1 after the hole, but have a few free players to pressure and gank
[2024-02-17 23:00:14] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you will be down 1 after the hole, but have a few free players to pressure and gank
[2024-02-17 23:00:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you force the defense in half?
[2024-02-17 23:00:19] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you force the defense in half?
[2024-02-17 23:00:26] <Lucifer_arma> I highly recommend practicing in last man standing and working up a one on one defense strategy
[2024-02-17 23:00:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I highly recommend practicing in last man standing and working up a one on one defense strategy
[2024-02-17 23:00:45] <Lucifer_arma> your teammates may not like it (I don't really know), but while you're practicing and learning, you'll basically learn how to attack
[2024-02-17 23:00:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| your teammates may not like it (I don't really know), but while you're practicing and learning, you'll basically learn how to attack
[2024-02-17 23:00:49] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| dogfight/classic?
[2024-02-17 23:00:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| dogfight/classic?
[2024-02-17 23:00:49] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| how do you mean force the def in half? like a sumo def?
[2024-02-17 23:00:50] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| how do you mean force the def in half? like a sumo def?
[2024-02-17 23:00:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 23:00:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sort of
[2024-02-17 23:01:08] <Lucifer_arma> remember sumo exists to practice taking the zone in fortress :)
[2024-02-17 23:01:08] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| remember sumo exists to practice taking the zone in fortress :)
[2024-02-17 23:01:30] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea sumo is great practice
[2024-02-17 23:01:30] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea sumo is great practice
[2024-02-17 23:01:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nanu, a few of the rounds the defense wall got halved by emeny's hand
[2024-02-17 23:01:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nanu, a few of the rounds the defense wall got halved by emeny's hand
[2024-02-17 23:01:54] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ohh, that is when the enemy centers
[2024-02-17 23:01:54] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ohh, that is when the enemy centers
[2024-02-17 23:01:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the other match today
[2024-02-17 23:01:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the other match today
[2024-02-17 23:02:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 23:02:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-17 23:02:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hows that exactly
[2024-02-17 23:02:10] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hows that exactly
[2024-02-17 23:02:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i have a few recording let me pull up
[2024-02-17 23:02:27] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i have a few recording let me pull up
[2024-02-17 23:02:45] <Lucifer_arma> it's a practical issue. Ideally, you'd cut into the defense and chase the other cycle out completely while building your own defensive wall
[2024-02-17 23:02:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's a practical issue. Ideally, you'd cut into the defense and chase the other cycle out completely while building your own defensive wall
[2024-02-17 23:03:01] <Lucifer_arma> however, some defenders are so good, they'll get you if you do that, so instead you cut the zone in half and defend your half of it
[2024-02-17 23:03:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| however, some defenders are so good, they'll get you if you do that, so instead you cut the zone in half and defend your half of it
[2024-02-17 23:03:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| (nanu is streaming here on discord showing me stuff)
[2024-02-17 23:03:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| (nanu is streaming here on discord showing me stuff)
[2024-02-17 23:03:13] <Lucifer_arma> I guessed the context :)
[2024-02-17 23:03:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I guessed the context :)
[2024-02-17 23:03:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah np
[2024-02-17 23:03:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah np
[2024-02-17 23:03:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| centering is when your pos 1 digs down the enemy grind and tries to get out
[2024-02-17 23:03:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| centering is when your pos 1 digs down the enemy grind and tries to get out
[2024-02-17 23:03:58] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| this sort of ends up splitting up the enemy def, especially if you live
[2024-02-17 23:03:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| this sort of ends up splitting up the enemy def, especially if you live
[2024-02-17 23:04:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you know how to fit on the center grind?
[2024-02-17 23:04:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how do you know how to fit on the center grind?
[2024-02-17 23:04:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| we just have a feeling for about how much to dig to make it past the enemy digs
[2024-02-17 23:04:22] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| we just have a feeling for about how much to dig to make it past the enemy digs
[2024-02-17 23:04:24] <Lucifer_arma> oftentimes, you don't, you just make the tightest grind you can and hope for the best :)
[2024-02-17 23:04:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| oftentimes, you don't, you just make the tightest grind you can and hope for the best :)
[2024-02-17 23:04:38] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's some hoping haha
[2024-02-17 23:04:38] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's some hoping haha
[2024-02-17 23:04:48] <Lucifer_arma> you also get a feel for which players can't grind so closely, and you'll know when the opportunities will be there
[2024-02-17 23:04:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you also get a feel for which players can't grind so closely, and you'll know when the opportunities will be there
[2024-02-17 23:04:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how the wall/grind collision check really work?
[2024-02-17 23:04:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how the wall/grind collision check really work?
[2024-02-17 23:05:39] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| you're not actually putting "rubber" into a wall, you're really putting "time" into a wall if that makes sense
[2024-02-17 23:05:40] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| you're not actually putting "rubber" into a wall, you're really putting "time" into a wall if that makes sense
[2024-02-17 23:05:43] <Lucifer_arma> that's what rubber is for. Rubber slows your cycle down by a certain amount based on your ping, and when you turn, you return immediately to whatever speed you were
[2024-02-17 23:05:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that's what rubber is for. Rubber slows your cycle down by a certain amount based on your ping, and when you turn, you return immediately to whatever speed you were
[2024-02-17 23:05:52] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are just beating a dig like you would anywhere else on the map, you can get closer to a wall with less speed and spending time pointed at the wall
[2024-02-17 23:05:53] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you are just beating a dig like you would anywhere else on the map, you can get closer to a wall with less speed and spending time pointed at the wall
[2024-02-17 23:06:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm i see
[2024-02-17 23:06:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm i see
[2024-02-17 23:06:14] <Lucifer_arma> if you use your brakes at the same time, you can get pretty close
[2024-02-17 23:06:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if you use your brakes at the same time, you can get pretty close
[2024-02-17 23:06:18] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im slow at stuff
[2024-02-17 23:06:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im slow at stuff
[2024-02-17 23:06:24] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you're fine lol
[2024-02-17 23:06:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you're fine lol
[2024-02-17 23:06:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so i usually just crash
[2024-02-17 23:06:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so i usually just crash
[2024-02-17 23:06:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| especially with lag
[2024-02-17 23:06:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| especially with lag
[2024-02-17 23:06:58] <Lucifer_arma> it takes practice. Sweeping is the best place for a new fort player in part because you'll practice grinding in a relatively safe place to do it
[2024-02-17 23:07:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it takes practice. Sweeping is the best place for a new fort player in part because you'll practice grinding in a relatively safe place to do it
[2024-02-17 23:07:06] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's tough especially lagging to get the digs right, but with practice you'll get better at it
[2024-02-17 23:07:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| yea it's tough especially lagging to get the digs right, but with practice you'll get better at it
[2024-02-17 23:07:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sweep is harder tho
[2024-02-17 23:07:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sweep is harder tho
[2024-02-17 23:07:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since its def
[2024-02-17 23:07:30] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since its def
[2024-02-17 23:07:37] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| nowadays sweep is harder to start for new players
[2024-02-17 23:07:37] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| nowadays sweep is harder to start for new players
[2024-02-17 23:07:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| bots dont do defense
[2024-02-17 23:07:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| bots dont do defense
[2024-02-17 23:07:55] <Lucifer_arma> really? Sweeping is just the LMS position, is it not?
[2024-02-17 23:07:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| really? Sweeping is just the LMS position, is it not?
[2024-02-17 23:08:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| LMS?
[2024-02-17 23:08:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| LMS?
[2024-02-17 23:08:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| last man standing
[2024-02-17 23:08:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| last man standing
[2024-02-17 23:08:07] <Lucifer_arma> last man standing, the default play mode
[2024-02-17 23:08:08] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| last man standing, the default play mode
[2024-02-17 23:08:08] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| oohh
[2024-02-17 23:08:08] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| oohh
[2024-02-17 23:08:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sweeping is the side defense in fort
[2024-02-17 23:08:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sweeping is the side defense in fort
[2024-02-17 23:08:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| attackers have gotten really good at pressuring your timings, so if you spend too much time on sweep doing the wrong turns/wrong things, the enemy can break into your def at the start
[2024-02-17 23:08:45] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| attackers have gotten really good at pressuring your timings, so if you spend too much time on sweep doing the wrong turns/wrong things, the enemy can break into your def at the start
[2024-02-17 23:08:46] <Lucifer_arma> right, attacking the attackers that are working the sides
[2024-02-17 23:08:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| right, attacking the attackers that are working the sides
[2024-02-17 23:09:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| so inexperienced sweepers can cause instant losses
[2024-02-17 23:09:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| so inexperienced sweepers can cause instant losses
[2024-02-17 23:09:21] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| or if they cannot block the center well
[2024-02-17 23:09:21] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| or if they cannot block the center well
[2024-02-17 23:09:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wings has its balance too
[2024-02-17 23:09:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wings has its balance too
[2024-02-17 23:09:29] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| which has also gotten harder the better centers are
[2024-02-17 23:09:29] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| which has also gotten harder the better centers are
[2024-02-17 23:09:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing has it more complicated and its more important to turn earlier
[2024-02-17 23:09:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| left wing has it more complicated and its more important to turn earlier
[2024-02-17 23:10:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| right is a little better but can complicate the center
[2024-02-17 23:10:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| right is a little better but can complicate the center
[2024-02-17 23:10:42] <Armanelgtron> o also note that we almost always play 6v6 fort
[2024-02-17 23:10:42] <armagetronbridge> 14irc:Armanelgtron| o also note that we almost always play 6v6 fort
[2024-02-17 23:10:44] <Lucifer_arma> right is easier, imo. Left has to defend a bit before attacking, typically. It's because the two teams start offset from each other
[2024-02-17 23:10:45] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| right is easier, imo. Left has to defend a bit before attacking, typically. It's because the two teams start offset from each other
[2024-02-17 23:11:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg you were going to write but discord took a poop?
[2024-02-17 23:11:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nelg you were going to write but discord took a poop?
[2024-02-17 23:11:31] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but either way if you feel uncomfortable on either, splitting early is the way to go
[2024-02-17 23:11:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but either way if you feel uncomfortable on either, splitting early is the way to go
[2024-02-17 23:11:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess im eager
[2024-02-17 23:11:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i guess im eager
[2024-02-17 23:12:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| since i just go for it and get late
[2024-02-17 23:12:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| since i just go for it and get late
[2024-02-17 23:12:02] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| :P
[2024-02-17 23:12:02] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| :P
[2024-02-17 23:12:04] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:12:04] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:12:52] <Lucifer_arma> the basic skills aren't terribly difficult to get good at them and start contributing to your team's wins, but obviously with a lot of practice, you gain an advantage
[2024-02-17 23:12:53] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the basic skills aren't terribly difficult to get good at them and start contributing to your team's wins, but obviously with a lot of practice, you gain an advantage
[2024-02-17 23:12:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| should i yolo and play another one?
[2024-02-17 23:12:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| should i yolo and play another one?
[2024-02-17 23:13:07] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if it's not too late for you sure ๐
[2024-02-17 23:13:07] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if it's not too late for you sure ๐
[2024-02-17 23:13:11] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| eh
[2024-02-17 23:13:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| eh
[2024-02-17 23:13:12] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| its 1 am
[2024-02-17 23:13:12] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| its 1 am
[2024-02-17 23:13:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and im a little sleepy
[2024-02-17 23:13:19] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and im a little sleepy
[2024-02-17 23:13:20] <Lucifer_arma> but the biggest single skill you should work on is tactical thinking, and everything you do in LMS or sumo will help
[2024-02-17 23:13:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but the biggest single skill you should work on is tactical thinking, and everything you do in LMS or sumo will help
[2024-02-17 23:13:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| but also aderaline ftw
[2024-02-17 23:13:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| but also aderaline ftw
[2024-02-17 23:13:34] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sumo has too many tight turns
[2024-02-17 23:13:34] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sumo has too many tight turns
[2024-02-17 23:13:37] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:13:37] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| haha
[2024-02-17 23:13:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and tight spaces
[2024-02-17 23:13:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and tight spaces
[2024-02-17 23:13:45] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| harder to navigate
[2024-02-17 23:13:45] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| harder to navigate
[2024-02-17 23:13:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| especially quickly and with double binds
[2024-02-17 23:13:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| especially quickly and with double binds
[2024-02-17 23:13:59] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea what lucifer says is true, practicing those turns and staying alive will make things easier for you
[2024-02-17 23:14:00] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea what lucifer says is true, practicing those turns and staying alive will make things easier for you
[2024-02-17 23:14:04] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and particularly if the server has a delay
[2024-02-17 23:14:04] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and particularly if the server has a delay
[2024-02-17 23:14:06] <Lucifer_arma> right, but if you're good at sumo, then when you get inside the zone in fortress, you'll be good at taking it
[2024-02-17 23:14:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| right, but if you're good at sumo, then when you get inside the zone in fortress, you'll be good at taking it
[2024-02-17 23:14:14] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well so either stick to lms/lts?
[2024-02-17 23:14:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well so either stick to lms/lts?
[2024-02-17 23:14:32] <Lucifer_arma> not exactly, just don't discount those as good places to practice
[2024-02-17 23:14:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| not exactly, just don't discount those as good places to practice
[2024-02-17 23:14:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| well
[2024-02-17 23:14:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| well
[2024-02-17 23:14:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i suppose we could play some lts :)
[2024-02-17 23:14:59] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i suppose we could play some lts :)
[2024-02-17 23:15:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| team play practice ftw
[2024-02-17 23:15:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| team play practice ftw
[2024-02-17 23:15:40] <Lucifer_arma> if there's a server that divides everyone into teams of two, that's an excellent place to practice pairs tactics
[2024-02-17 23:15:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if there's a server that divides everyone into teams of two, that's an excellent place to practice pairs tactics
[2024-02-17 23:15:58] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there arent really servers like that
[2024-02-17 23:15:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there arent really servers like that
[2024-02-17 23:16:07] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i could host one i guess
[2024-02-17 23:16:07] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i could host one i guess
[2024-02-17 23:16:15] <Lucifer_arma> because when you have pairs tactics down, you go around in fortress attacking 2v1 a few times and then go after the zone
[2024-02-17 23:16:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| because when you have pairs tactics down, you go around in fortress attacking 2v1 a few times and then go after the zone
[2024-02-17 23:16:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| on windows, probably not a good idea
[2024-02-17 23:16:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| on windows, probably not a good idea
[2024-02-17 23:16:55] <Lucifer_arma> I could turn breakfast in hell into a pairs lms server, but it won't be tonight, probably
[2024-02-17 23:16:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I could turn breakfast in hell into a pairs lms server, but it won't be tonight, probably
[2024-02-17 23:17:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea always feel free to hop into fort matches, playing is the best practice, and then when there's no matches playing sumo and stuff like that is good too
[2024-02-17 23:17:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| but yea always feel free to hop into fort matches, playing is the best practice, and then when there's no matches playing sumo and stuff like that is good too
[2024-02-17 23:17:05] <Lucifer_arma> kinda focused on figuring out how I'm going to ge tmy bills paid :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| kinda focused on figuring out how I'm going to ge tmy bills paid :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| :)
[2024-02-17 23:17:36] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, best way to practice fortress is to play fortress. LMS/sumo are good to practice when there's no fort match available
[2024-02-17 23:17:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, best way to practice fortress is to play fortress. LMS/sumo are good to practice when there's no fort match available
[2024-02-17 23:18:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 23:18:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-17 23:18:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thanks lucifer_arma for the offer :D
[2024-02-17 23:18:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thanks lucifer_arma for the offer :D
[2024-02-17 23:20:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll try to hop on fort matches
[2024-02-17 23:20:48] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll try to hop on fort matches
[2024-02-17 23:21:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im someone who tends to improve by not practicing
[2024-02-17 23:21:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im someone who tends to improve by not practicing
[2024-02-17 23:21:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| if that makes sense?
[2024-02-17 23:21:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| if that makes sense?
[2024-02-17 23:21:21] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 23:21:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv
[2024-02-17 23:21:22] <Lucifer_arma> it's also worth finding someone else who wants to practice and making them a practice partner
[2024-02-17 23:21:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's also worth finding someone else who wants to practice and making them a practice partner
[2024-02-17 23:21:38] <Lucifer_arma> then you can go into an empty fort server and takes turns attacking each other's zones with one of you defending
[2024-02-17 23:21:38] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then you can go into an empty fort server and takes turns attacking each other's zones with one of you defending
[2024-02-17 23:21:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ye, nanu's definitely willing
[2024-02-17 23:21:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ye, nanu's definitely willing
[2024-02-17 23:21:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| pretty good defender tho
[2024-02-17 23:21:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| pretty good defender tho
[2024-02-17 23:22:15] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| could try working on the attack
[2024-02-17 23:22:15] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| could try working on the attack
[2024-02-17 23:22:19] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and defense
[2024-02-17 23:22:19] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and defense
[2024-02-17 23:22:24] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| ye im down to help
[2024-02-17 23:22:25] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| ye im down to help
[2024-02-17 23:22:25] <Lucifer_arma> any defender can be defeated regardless of your skill level. It comes down to fitting your tactics to the defender
[2024-02-17 23:22:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| any defender can be defeated regardless of your skill level. It comes down to fitting your tactics to the defender
[2024-02-17 23:22:32] <Lucifer_arma> so the best attackers are those who are flexible
[2024-02-17 23:22:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so the best attackers are those who are flexible
[2024-02-17 23:22:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| at least three people for practicing holing
[2024-02-17 23:22:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| at least three people for practicing holing
[2024-02-17 23:23:37] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, but holing isn't that hard. You want to focus on getting into the hole from any angle and without a wall to follow to get in
[2024-02-17 23:23:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, but holing isn't that hard. You want to focus on getting into the hole from any angle and without a wall to follow to get in
[2024-02-17 23:23:57] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and with an active defense
[2024-02-17 23:23:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and with an active defense
[2024-02-17 23:24:20] <Lucifer_arma> when I did the first hole back in the day, I used an instant chat to tell my team what I was going to do, but we learned quickly that we needed me to run in straight from a distance
[2024-02-17 23:24:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| when I did the first hole back in the day, I used an instant chat to tell my team what I was going to do, but we learned quickly that we needed me to run in straight from a distance
[2024-02-17 23:24:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| it seems that its better to defend at a slow speed instead of grinding by going straight
[2024-02-17 23:24:23] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| it seems that its better to defend at a slow speed instead of grinding by going straight
[2024-02-17 23:24:28] <Lucifer_arma> so the person using the hole can get into it properly
[2024-02-17 23:24:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so the person using the hole can get into it properly
[2024-02-17 23:24:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 23:24:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i see
[2024-02-17 23:24:42] <Lucifer_arma> as peoples' skills increased, that became less important, but it's still useful
[2024-02-17 23:24:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| as peoples' skills increased, that became less important, but it's still useful
[2024-02-17 23:25:06] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i dont even use instant chats at all
[2024-02-17 23:25:06] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i dont even use instant chats at all
[2024-02-17 23:25:14] <Lucifer_arma> there's no "best" way to defend. If you're too slow when someone cuts, they push you right the hell out of your own zone
[2024-02-17 23:25:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there's no "best" way to defend. If you're too slow when someone cuts, they push you right the hell out of your own zone
[2024-02-17 23:25:33] <Lucifer_arma> if you're going too fast, it's harder to maintain your wall and deal with the pushers
[2024-02-17 23:25:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if you're going too fast, it's harder to maintain your wall and deal with the pushers
[2024-02-17 23:26:11] <Lucifer_arma> you need some instant chats. I don't know what all people are using these days, but you still need a "affirmative", "I'm coming", and "Defense is down" instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:26:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you need some instant chats. I don't know what all people are using these days, but you still need a "affirmative", "I'm coming", and "Defense is down" instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:26:20] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| somehow nanu has some holes but still manages to defend good enough
[2024-02-17 23:26:20] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| somehow nanu has some holes but still manages to defend good enough
[2024-02-17 23:26:34] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| bind to Fn keys?
[2024-02-17 23:26:34] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| bind to Fn keys?
[2024-02-17 23:26:41] <Lucifer_arma> there are ways to defend against holes
[2024-02-17 23:26:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there are ways to defend against holes
[2024-02-17 23:26:43] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or numbers i guess
[2024-02-17 23:26:43] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or numbers i guess
[2024-02-17 23:27:00] <Lucifer_arma> I bind my camera keys on my left hand and layout the team-oriented instant chats around those camera keys
[2024-02-17 23:27:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I bind my camera keys on my left hand and layout the team-oriented instant chats around those camera keys
[2024-02-17 23:27:18] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| you do double bind?
[2024-02-17 23:27:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| you do double bind?
[2024-02-17 23:27:22] <Lucifer_arma> I use my right hand for movement, and I put a brake key on both sides
[2024-02-17 23:27:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I use my right hand for movement, and I put a brake key on both sides
[2024-02-17 23:27:25] <Lucifer_arma> yes
[2024-02-17 23:27:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yes
[2024-02-17 23:27:57] <Lucifer_arma> I bind / and right ctl to turn right, . and , to turn left
[2024-02-17 23:27:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I bind / and right ctl to turn right, . and , to turn left
[2024-02-17 23:28:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i have arrows for glancing except the front which has a brake one
[2024-02-17 23:28:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i have arrows for glancing except the front which has a brake one
[2024-02-17 23:28:11] <Lucifer_arma> shift keys are brakes (and I always forget about brakes because brakes are for wusses)
[2024-02-17 23:28:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| shift keys are brakes (and I always forget about brakes because brakes are for wusses)
[2024-02-17 23:28:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i use mirrored keys
[2024-02-17 23:28:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i use mirrored keys
[2024-02-17 23:28:28] <Lucifer_arma> I put glances on z, x, and left alt
[2024-02-17 23:28:28] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I put glances on z, x, and left alt
[2024-02-17 23:28:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wasd ijkl
[2024-02-17 23:28:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wasd ijkl
[2024-02-17 23:28:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and i have a extra bind on qe uo
[2024-02-17 23:28:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and i have a extra bind on qe uo
[2024-02-17 23:28:47] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| same idea
[2024-02-17 23:28:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| same idea
[2024-02-17 23:28:59] <Lucifer_arma> so asdfcv all become instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:28:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so asdfcv all become instant chats
[2024-02-17 23:28:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| those go unused
[2024-02-17 23:29:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| those go unused
[2024-02-17 23:29:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or i could use the numbers row
[2024-02-17 23:29:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or i could use the numbers row
[2024-02-17 23:29:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or f keys
[2024-02-17 23:29:23] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or f keys
[2024-02-17 23:29:47] <Lucifer_arma> I use my right thumb to turn right and my pointer finger to turn left, with my middle finger as another right turn
[2024-02-17 23:29:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I use my right thumb to turn right and my pointer finger to turn left, with my middle finger as another right turn
[2024-02-17 23:29:59] <Lucifer_arma> to double bind left, I move my pointy finger and index finger over one and hit it
[2024-02-17 23:29:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| to double bind left, I move my pointy finger and index finger over one and hit it
[2024-02-17 23:30:11] <Lucifer_arma> I set it up like I did because it's inspired by how you play a guitar
[2024-02-17 23:30:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I set it up like I did because it's inspired by how you play a guitar
[2024-02-17 23:31:26] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 23:31:26] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| okay
[2024-02-17 23:31:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im done
[2024-02-17 23:31:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im done
[2024-02-17 23:31:30] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| heading to bed
[2024-02-17 23:31:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| heading to bed
[2024-02-17 23:31:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im almost sleeping on the chair
[2024-02-17 23:31:37] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im almost sleeping on the chair
[2024-02-17 23:32:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv ok definitely we can work on this more tomorrow
[2024-02-17 23:32:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv ok definitely we can work on this more tomorrow
[2024-02-17 23:33:03] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| new plan: hit me up on a lms
[2024-02-17 23:33:03] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| new plan: hit me up on a lms
[2024-02-17 23:34:04] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| classic tronning
[2024-02-17 23:34:04] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| classic tronning
[2024-02-17 23:34:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i might as well just host a game
[2024-02-17 23:34:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i might as well just host a game
[2024-02-17 23:34:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so we have default settings
[2024-02-17 23:34:48] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so we have default settings
[2024-02-17 23:34:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| you tell me specifics
[2024-02-17 23:34:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| you tell me specifics
[2024-02-17 23:35:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and maybe i'll just learn to administer a server
[2024-02-17 23:35:11] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and maybe i'll just learn to administer a server
[2024-02-17 23:36:06] <Lucifer_arma> administering a server isn't that hard
[2024-02-17 23:36:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| administering a server isn't that hard
Searching from 2024-02-18 00:00:00 to 2024-02-18 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.56 seconds
[2024-02-18 04:59:06] --> k02h3rparasites has joined the channel
[2024-02-18 04:59:10] <k02h3rparasites>
[2024-02-18 04:59:13] <armagetronbridge> 06irc:k02h3rparasites|
[2024-02-18 05:01:08] <-- k02h3rparasites has quit (autokilled: Spambot. Mail if you think this is in error. (2024-02-18 10:01:08))
[2024-02-18 08:32:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i'm meaning configuring an armagetron server
[2024-02-18 08:32:56] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i'm meaning configuring an armagetron server
[2024-02-18 09:07:58] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| morning @dorianv
[2024-02-18 09:07:58] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| morning @dorianv
[2024-02-18 10:49:02] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| Morning ๐
[2024-02-18 10:49:02] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| Morning ๐
[2024-02-18 12:24:04] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how its going
[2024-02-18 12:24:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how its going
[2024-02-18 12:24:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i have to go now
[2024-02-18 12:24:09] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i have to go now
[2024-02-18 12:24:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| but i'll be back in a few hours i think
[2024-02-18 12:24:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| but i'll be back in a few hours i think
[2024-02-18 13:31:56] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| sup @dorianv ?
[2024-02-18 13:31:57] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| sup @dorianv ?
[2024-02-18 13:32:05] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| hi
[2024-02-18 13:32:05] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| hi
[2024-02-18 13:35:22] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| wanna play @juesto? I'm in Deathmatch
[2024-02-18 13:35:23] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| wanna play @juesto? I'm in Deathmatch
[2024-02-18 13:48:45] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:ripjaw121219| yo
[2024-02-18 13:48:45] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:ripjaw121219| yo
[2024-02-18 13:48:52] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:ripjaw121219| im finally back
[2024-02-18 13:48:53] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:ripjaw121219| im finally back
[2024-02-18 13:48:59] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| welcome back ๐
[2024-02-18 13:48:59] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| welcome back ๐
[2024-02-18 14:03:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| in a bit, not home
[2024-02-18 14:03:14] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| in a bit, not home
[2024-02-18 15:53:18] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ok now im finally back @dorianv
[2024-02-18 15:53:18] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ok now im finally back @dorianv
[2024-02-18 15:56:29] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| Pickup time ๐
[2024-02-18 15:56:29] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| Pickup time ๐
[2024-02-18 16:05:08] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-18 16:07:43] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-18 16:07:43] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest175
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[2024-02-18 16:07:45] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-18 16:08:45] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
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[2024-02-18 16:08:46] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-18 16:19:49] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-18 16:23:09] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-18 16:23:09] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-18 16:23:09] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest176
[2024-02-18 16:23:09] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
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[2024-02-18 16:23:12] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-18 16:24:13] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-18 16:38:30] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2024-02-18 16:41:41] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 240 seconds.)
[2024-02-18 16:42:44] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-18 16:42:44] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
[2024-02-18 16:42:44] -!- Topic set by ChanServ! on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2024-02-18 16:42:45] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-18 16:42:45] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-18 16:42:58] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2024-02-18 16:42:59] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-18 16:42:59] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-18 17:14:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| wait, once i hit the rim do i just turn around?
[2024-02-18 17:14:09] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| wait, once i hit the rim do i just turn around?
[2024-02-18 17:18:26] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:ppotter| pretty much, then either make your way to the enemy base, or try to delay their wing further
[2024-02-18 17:18:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:ppotter| pretty much, then either make your way to the enemy base, or try to delay their wing further
[2024-02-18 17:19:36] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv check it out each on our browsers and talk about it i guess?
[2024-02-18 17:19:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv check it out each on our browsers and talk about it i guess?
[2024-02-18 17:22:05] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| sure
[2024-02-18 17:22:05] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| sure
[2024-02-18 17:25:08] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| do you have a holing instant chat?
[2024-02-18 17:25:08] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| do you have a holing instant chat?
[2024-02-18 17:26:15] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| no
[2024-02-18 17:26:15] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| no
[2024-02-18 17:26:36] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| probably someone saw it and i typed a moment after
[2024-02-18 17:26:37] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| probably someone saw it and i typed a moment after
[2024-02-18 17:26:46] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you plan on holing you should make one, just something like I'm holing! with some color to make it notable
[2024-02-18 17:26:46] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| if you plan on holing you should make one, just something like I'm holing! with some color to make it notable
[2024-02-18 17:27:17] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then use it before you hole so your team knows you are looking
[2024-02-18 17:27:18] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and then use it before you hole so your team knows you are looking
[2024-02-18 17:27:26] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| and they have time to put themselves into position with you
[2024-02-18 17:27:27] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| and they have time to put themselves into position with you
[2024-02-18 17:27:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-18 17:27:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah i see
[2024-02-18 17:27:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-18 17:27:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| hmm
[2024-02-18 17:33:44] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| that works until players use the "I'm holing!!" instant chat and proceed to not hole
[2024-02-18 17:33:44] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| that works until players use the "I'm holing!!" instant chat and proceed to not hole
[2024-02-18 17:34:01] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah...
[2024-02-18 17:34:01] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah...
[2024-02-18 17:34:10] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| so better to just be quick to announce hole after the fact
[2024-02-18 17:34:11] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| so better to just be quick to announce hole after the fact
[2024-02-18 17:34:13] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| or "holed"
[2024-02-18 17:34:13] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| or "holed"
[2024-02-18 17:35:16] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| not necessarily, it's good in some cases to alert players that you're looking to hole
[2024-02-18 17:35:17] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| not necessarily, it's good in some cases to alert players that you're looking to hole
[2024-02-18 17:35:24] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i guess
[2024-02-18 17:35:24] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i guess
[2024-02-18 17:38:55] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im using the glance keys a bit more
[2024-02-18 17:38:55] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im using the glance keys a bit more
[2024-02-18 17:38:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| corrected the forward glance
[2024-02-18 17:39:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| corrected the forward glance
[2024-02-18 18:08:38] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake| :SagiriShy:
[2024-02-18 18:08:38] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake| :SagiriShy:
[2024-02-18 19:04:52] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv screen
[2024-02-18 19:04:52] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv screen
[2024-02-18 19:09:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i see
[2024-02-18 19:09:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i see
[2024-02-18 19:10:54] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| there were times where im confused and not sure where to go
[2024-02-18 19:10:54] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| there were times where im confused and not sure where to go
[2024-02-18 19:11:22] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| i think that round you were looking at you ended up in a tunnel between enemies
[2024-02-18 19:11:22] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| i think that round you were looking at you ended up in a tunnel between enemies
[2024-02-18 19:11:28] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-18 19:11:28] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah
[2024-02-18 19:11:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| 4/16
[2024-02-18 19:11:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| 4/16
[2024-02-18 19:11:39] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can go for that when you get more comfortable but for now it will probably be sure death
[2024-02-18 19:11:39] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:Nanu| you can go for that when you get more comfortable but for now it will probably be sure death
[2024-02-18 19:11:53] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| right
[2024-02-18 19:11:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| right
[2024-02-18 19:47:31] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| how do i do text colors?
[2024-02-18 19:47:31] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| how do i do text colors?
[2024-02-18 19:50:53] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| 0xFFFFFF
[2024-02-18 19:50:53] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| 0xFFFFFF
[2024-02-18 19:51:01] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| Where ffffff is a hex code
[2024-02-18 19:51:01] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| Where ffffff is a hex code
[2024-02-18 19:51:47] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| group of two or three?
[2024-02-18 19:51:47] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| group of two or three?
[2024-02-18 19:52:05] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| RRGGBB
[2024-02-18 19:52:05] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:ooooooooo000000000| RRGGBB
[2024-02-18 19:54:51] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| thanks
[2024-02-18 19:54:51] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| thanks
[2024-02-18 19:55:04] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @wwnelg toggling fullscreen does not work
[2024-02-18 19:55:05] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @wwnelg toggling fullscreen does not work
[2024-02-18 19:55:25] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and the resolutions in the gui do not work either
[2024-02-18 19:55:25] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and the resolutions in the gui do not work either
[2024-02-18 19:56:14] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv i put 1440x900 for armagetron
[2024-02-18 19:56:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @dorianv i put 1440x900 for armagetron
[2024-02-18 19:56:32] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto|
[2024-02-18 19:56:32] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto|
[2024-02-18 19:57:19] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @juesto try launching the game via the command line with the fullscreen tag
[2024-02-18 19:57:20] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| @juesto try launching the game via the command line with the fullscreen tag
[2024-02-18 19:57:38] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| im not sure what that would be on windows...maybe armagetron /f
[2024-02-18 19:57:39] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| im not sure what that would be on windows...maybe armagetron /f
[2024-02-18 19:58:14] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| im using nelg's compile of sty+ct+ap
[2024-02-18 19:58:15] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| im using nelg's compile of sty+ct+ap
[2024-02-18 19:58:31] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| command line works for all versions iirc
[2024-02-18 19:58:31] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| command line works for all versions iirc
[2024-02-18 19:58:33] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i have USE_DIRECTX 1
[2024-02-18 19:58:33] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i have USE_DIRECTX 1
[2024-02-18 19:59:04] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| can you get to cmd.exe ?
[2024-02-18 19:59:05] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| can you get to cmd.exe ?
[2024-02-18 19:59:16] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah why, i'd rather not use arguments to launch
[2024-02-18 19:59:16] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah why, i'd rather not use arguments to launch
[2024-02-18 19:59:23] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ok i just meant for now
[2024-02-18 19:59:23] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| ok i just meant for now
[2024-02-18 19:59:24] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| nvm
[2024-02-18 19:59:24] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| nvm
[2024-02-18 19:59:42] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll try setting fullscreen to 1 in the config with armagetron closed
[2024-02-18 19:59:42] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i'll try setting fullscreen to 1 in the config with armagetron closed
[2024-02-18 19:59:49] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| in linux it works fine
[2024-02-18 19:59:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| in linux it works fine
[2024-02-18 19:59:59] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| its most likely because of the use_directx var
[2024-02-18 19:59:59] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| its most likely because of the use_directx var
[2024-02-18 20:00:33] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-18 20:00:33] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-18 20:00:41] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i dont know how to apply changes without going in the menus
[2024-02-18 20:00:41] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i dont know how to apply changes without going in the menus
[2024-02-18 20:01:19] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| you can leave the game and edit either your user.cfg or create a file called autoexec.cfg and put them there
[2024-02-18 20:01:19] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| you can leave the game and edit either your user.cfg or create a file called autoexec.cfg and put them there
[2024-02-18 20:02:01] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| they are just lines like predict_objects 1
[2024-02-18 20:02:01] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| they are just lines like predict_objects 1
[2024-02-18 20:02:13] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| put a # in front of a line for comments
[2024-02-18 20:02:14] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| put a # in front of a line for comments
[2024-02-18 20:05:38] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i know
[2024-02-18 20:05:38] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| yeah i know
[2024-02-18 20:06:12] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| is there a shortcut to toggle fullscreen?
[2024-02-18 20:06:12] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| is there a shortcut to toggle fullscreen?
[2024-02-18 20:38:30] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| yes, you can assign it in the game menu
[2024-02-18 20:38:31] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| yes, you can assign it in the game menu
[2024-02-18 20:39:21] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| btw
[2024-02-18 20:39:22] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| btw
[2024-02-18 20:39:32] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| its in SYSTEM SETTINGS -> MISC STUFF
[2024-02-18 20:39:32] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| its in SYSTEM SETTINGS -> MISC STUFF
[2024-02-18 20:39:34] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| theres a `-w` command line parameter
[2024-02-18 20:39:34] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| theres a `-w` command line parameter
[2024-02-18 20:39:38] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| to open it in windowed mode
[2024-02-18 20:39:38] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| to open it in windowed mode
[2024-02-18 20:54:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-18 20:54:22] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| ah
[2024-02-18 20:54:29] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i have unbound it
[2024-02-18 20:54:29] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i have unbound it
[2024-02-18 20:54:36] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| because it was bothering me or something
[2024-02-18 20:54:36] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| because it was bothering me or something
[2024-02-18 22:55:44] <Lucifer_arma> I am an idiot
[2024-02-18 22:55:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I am an idiot
[2024-02-18 22:56:06] <Lucifer_arma> somehow I managed to put the last 15 minutes of Star Trek VI at the end of my star trek movies ranked video, but I didn't notice
[2024-02-18 22:56:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| somehow I managed to put the last 15 minutes of Star Trek VI at the end of my star trek movies ranked video, but I didn't notice
[2024-02-18 22:56:24] <Lucifer_arma> so here I am trying to argue with youtube over copyright, and I finally just watched the video and that's how I found out
[2024-02-18 22:56:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so here I am trying to argue with youtube over copyright, and I finally just watched the video and that's how I found out
[2024-02-18 22:56:40] <Lucifer_arma> so I deleted the video *again* and will be reuploading a corrected version
[2024-02-18 22:56:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so I deleted the video *again* and will be reuploading a corrected version
[2024-02-18 22:57:06] <Lucifer_arma> on the subject of holing: just as a matter of etiquette, don't ask other people to make holes. Offer to make them yourself for them
[2024-02-18 22:57:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| on the subject of holing: just as a matter of etiquette, don't ask other people to make holes. Offer to make them yourself for them
[2024-02-18 22:57:42] <Lucifer_arma> It's also reasonable to say "You want to hole or would you like me to hole?", but that doesn't translate to a simple instant chat.
[2024-02-18 22:57:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| It's also reasonable to say "You want to hole or would you like me to hole?", but that doesn't translate to a simple instant chat.
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[2024-02-19 00:55:41] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake| @wwnelg hmmmmmm do you know if anyone has the map zero/durf created for holing practice? It was pretty simple, 0 length tails, respawn on and increasingly smaller holes as you went down a series of lanes
[2024-02-19 00:55:41] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake| @wwnelg hmmmmmm do you know if anyone has the map zero/durf created for holing practice? It was pretty simple, 0 length tails, respawn on and increasingly smaller holes as you went down a series of lanes
[2024-02-19 00:57:01] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake| An arcade server for random practice maps would be a neat idea, /include holing.cfg, grind.cfg, etc
[2024-02-19 00:57:01] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake| An arcade server for random practice maps would be a neat idea, /include holing.cfg, grind.cfg, etc
[2024-02-19 01:12:21] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-19 01:17:06] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-19 03:00:24] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-19 09:52:36] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| oh i think i remember that, i'll have to look
[2024-02-19 09:52:37] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| oh i think i remember that, i'll have to look
[2024-02-19 11:13:58] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-19 11:59:28] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake| It might be under the arma repository but I'm not certain, zero had a tendency to keep a lot of his stuff private
[2024-02-19 11:59:28] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake| It might be under the arma repository but I'm not certain, zero had a tendency to keep a lot of his stuff private
[2024-02-19 11:59:56] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:magi_cake| And I'm certain it would have been in the files of a PC I don't have anymore
[2024-02-19 11:59:56] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:magi_cake| And I'm certain it would have been in the files of a PC I don't have anymore
[2024-02-19 12:08:48] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| Durf/bonus/HoleyMap-1.0.2.aamap.xml
[2024-02-19 12:08:48] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| it's currently not on the main repo though
[2024-02-19 12:08:48] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| Durf/bonus/HoleyMap-1.0.2.aamap.xml
[2024-02-19 12:08:49] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| it's currently not on the main repo though
[2024-02-19 12:08:49] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080|
[2024-02-19 12:08:50] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080|
[2024-02-19 12:12:11] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| for local practice you could put that at the path in your resource/included or resource/automatic folders, or maybe @wwnelg yoink that to your repo ๐
[2024-02-19 12:12:11] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| for local practice you could put that at the path in your resource/included or resource/automatic folders, or maybe @wwnelg yoink that to your repo ๐
[2024-02-19 12:13:18] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| shouldve checked my repo first, turns out it was already there:
[2024-02-19 12:13:19] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| shouldve checked my repo first, turns out it was already there:
[2024-02-19 12:15:41] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| nice i just checked the main one and my local folder ^^
[2024-02-19 12:15:41] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| nice i just checked the main one and my local folder ^^
[2024-02-19 12:17:03] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| in which case: `MAP_FILE Durf/bonus/HoleyMap-1.0.2.aamap.xml(`
[2024-02-19 12:17:04] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| in which case: `MAP_FILE Durf/bonus/HoleyMap-1.0.2.aamap.xml(`
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[2024-02-19 16:32:34] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-19 20:23:09] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| significant power outage here
[2024-02-19 20:23:09] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| significant power outage here
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[2024-02-20 01:00:36] <Lucifer_arma> well, after getting my shit together on that star trek video, in a pretty short period of time, it's now my most-watched video
[2024-02-20 01:00:36] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, after getting my shit together on that star trek video, in a pretty short period of time, it's now my most-watched video
[2024-02-20 08:37:19] --> Juest has joined the channel
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[2024-02-20 09:52:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| nice
[2024-02-20 09:52:28] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| nice
[2024-02-20 14:06:42] <-- armagetron-bridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[2024-02-20 19:49:44] <Lucifer_arma> well, we're not connected to discord anymore
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[2024-02-21 01:17:51] <Lucifer_arma> dammit, I got shit to say
[2024-02-21 01:18:50] <Lucifer_arma> Apparently Star Trek is a religion. Because we trekkies believe that we as a species can be better and we can make this utopia happen, that stands against the Christian belief that only through Jesus Christ can we be saved from our savage nature
[2024-02-21 01:19:01] <Lucifer_arma> I have so much to say about that
[2024-02-21 01:19:34] <Lucifer_arma> But I'm not going to go into it. INstead, Levar Burton was ordained through the same service through which I was ordained. So we're both ministers of the same service
[2024-02-21 01:19:40] <Lucifer_arma> that's kinda cool
[2024-02-21 09:05:39] --> Juesto has joined the channel
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[2024-02-21 12:18:06] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest460
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[2024-02-21 14:46:43] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-21 14:50:06] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest469
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[2024-02-21 16:10:17] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-21 16:10:18] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-21 22:01:24] <Armanelgtron> Lucifer_arma: yeah, i guess theres some issues on deli's end but he says the discord bridge might be back up tomorrow
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[2024-02-21 23:19:11] <monr0e> Phew, bridge came back up on its own too!
[2024-02-21 23:19:12] <armagetron-bridge> 12irc:monr0e| Phew, bridge came back up on its own too!
[2024-02-21 23:20:23] <monr0e> sorry Lucifer_arma, it's been a rahter rough couple of months. Completely forgot about maintaining stuff that isn't on my regular infra, so the server hosting the bridge coughed, shit a little, and promptly pissed itself, just like Murphy said.
[2024-02-21 23:20:23] <armagetron-bridge> 12irc:monr0e| sorry Lucifer_arma, it's been a rahter rough couple of months. Completely forgot about maintaining stuff that isn't on my regular infra, so the server hosting the bridge coughed, shit a little, and promptly pissed itself, just like Murphy said.
[2024-02-21 23:20:56] <monr0e> I should get around to making some separate monitoring scripts for these machines
[2024-02-21 23:20:57] <armagetron-bridge> 12irc:monr0e| I should get around to making some separate monitoring scripts for these machines
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[2024-02-22 00:02:37] <Lucifer_arma> holy crap, my star trek video is up to 130 views.
[2024-02-22 00:02:38] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| holy crap, my star trek video is up to 130 views.
[2024-02-22 00:03:17] <Lucifer_arma> the only one with more views than that is Fortress Walk (because my music videos are still in the channel), and that's probably 90% me listening to my own song
[2024-02-22 00:03:18] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the only one with more views than that is Fortress Walk (because my music videos are still in the channel), and that's probably 90% me listening to my own song
[2024-02-22 00:04:06] <Lucifer_arma> well, I have some goodish news finally. I found a '99 E250 on Facebook, and it looks like I'm going to make it mine. Either that or I just got scammed out of $40. Long story, but she looks legit.
[2024-02-22 00:04:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, I have some goodish news finally. I found a '99 E250 on Facebook, and it looks like I'm going to make it mine. Either that or I just got scammed out of $40. Long story, but she looks legit.
[2024-02-22 00:04:31] <Lucifer_arma> e250, for those who don't recognize it immediately, is a sizable Ford van
[2024-02-22 00:04:31] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| e250, for those who don't recognize it immediately, is a sizable Ford van
[2024-02-22 00:05:55] <Lucifer_arma> it's not tall enough for me to be fully erect in it (get your mind out of the gutter!), but it should be big enough for me to make a nice home in the back
[2024-02-22 00:05:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's not tall enough for me to be fully erect in it (get your mind out of the gutter!), but it should be big enough for me to make a nice home in the back
[2024-02-22 00:13:06] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oooh vanlife
[2024-02-22 00:13:06] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oooh vanlife
[2024-02-22 00:13:13] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wanted to try that at one poijt
[2024-02-22 00:13:13] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wanted to try that at one poijt
[2024-02-22 00:13:23] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| unfortunately I had three cats
[2024-02-22 00:13:23] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| unfortunately I had three cats
[2024-02-22 00:13:31] <-- monr0e has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2024-02-22 00:13:46] <Lucifer_arma> oddly, I just remember a couple of days ago that I wanted to do that. Here I am struggling to pay rent when I could have been focusing on getting out into a van :)
[2024-02-22 00:13:46] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| oddly, I just remember a couple of days ago that I wanted to do that. Here I am struggling to pay rent when I could have been focusing on getting out into a van :)
[2024-02-22 00:14:24] <Lucifer_arma> this thing doesn't run, but I'm a mechanic, I can make it run. As long as I don't get in trouble for putting it in the parking lot at my work, I'll take the time I need to make it a home and save up some money before I quit my job
[2024-02-22 00:14:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| this thing doesn't run, but I'm a mechanic, I can make it run. As long as I don't get in trouble for putting it in the parking lot at my work, I'll take the time I need to make it a home and save up some money before I quit my job
[2024-02-22 00:16:51] <Lucifer_arma> so, if this deal goes down, and I believe it will, I'll need to network to one of the tow truck services that frequent my job (auto parts) and negotiate a cheap tow
[2024-02-22 00:16:52] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so, if this deal goes down, and I believe it will, I'll need to network to one of the tow truck services that frequent my job (auto parts) and negotiate a cheap tow
[2024-02-22 00:16:59] <Lucifer_arma> I'll give this chick $500 and take possession of the van
[2024-02-22 00:17:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'll give this chick $500 and take possession of the van
[2024-02-22 00:17:11] <Lucifer_arma> Next month, I'll give her another $300 and get the title and it'll be mine
[2024-02-22 00:17:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Next month, I'll give her another $300 and get the title and it'll be mine
[2024-02-22 00:17:58] <Lucifer_arma> somewhere along the way, I'll show up really early to the DMV and get in to take my learner's permit test
[2024-02-22 00:17:59] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| somewhere along the way, I'll show up really early to the DMV and get in to take my learner's permit test
[2024-02-22 00:18:07] <Lucifer_arma> then I can take the driving test at a driving school
[2024-02-22 00:18:08] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then I can take the driving test at a driving school
[2024-02-22 00:18:21] <Lucifer_arma> then I'll get my license back, get the van and bike insured and registered
[2024-02-22 00:18:22] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then I'll get my license back, get the van and bike insured and registered
[2024-02-22 00:19:47] <Lucifer_arma> at that point, my "rent" will be just the cost of keeping the van and bike legal, significantly less than rent on a real place
[2024-02-22 00:19:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| at that point, my "rent" will be just the cost of keeping the van and bike legal, significantly less than rent on a real place
[2024-02-22 00:20:40] <Lucifer_arma> and I'll focus my side hustle time on my writing and my youtube channel until I have enough income from both of those pursuits to quit my job and just go do whatever I want, wherever I can drive
[2024-02-22 00:20:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and I'll focus my side hustle time on my writing and my youtube channel until I have enough income from both of those pursuits to quit my job and just go do whatever I want, wherever I can drive
[2024-02-22 00:27:21] <Lucifer_arma> also, the cost of putting all my crap in storage, since I don't really want to lose any of it
[2024-02-22 00:27:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| also, the cost of putting all my crap in storage, since I don't really want to lose any of it
[2024-02-22 00:30:20] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| That was another concern. I started looking at things like Luton vans and small hauler bodies, but even then it felt a little too infeasible. Not to mention running the computer and the several home servers I like to tinker with, plus everything else. what with road tax and fuel and everything added on, it would probably have ended up substantially more expensive than the two bed <clipped message>
[2024-02-22 00:30:20] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| That was another concern. I started looking at things like Luton vans and small hauler bodies, but even then it felt a little too infeasible. Not to mention running the computer and the several home servers I like to tinker with, plus everything else. what with road tax and fuel and everything added on, it would probably have ended up substantially more expensive than the two bed <clipped message>
[2024-02-22 00:30:21] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| house I was renting at the time.
[2024-02-22 00:30:21] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| house I was renting at the time.
[2024-02-22 00:31:17] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| tbf I was also kinda psychotic at the time, drinking rather heavily, and likely entirely unequipped to make the change regardless
[2024-02-22 00:31:18] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| tbf I was also kinda psychotic at the time, drinking rather heavily, and likely entirely unequipped to make the change regardless
[2024-02-22 00:31:39] <Lucifer_arma> that's definitely where being in the USA helps. Registration and insurance are relatively cheap. I can get insurance for like $150/month. THere's regular repairs and maintenance, but being a mechanic, I'll do those for pretty cheap
[2024-02-22 00:31:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that's definitely where being in the USA helps. Registration and insurance are relatively cheap. I can get insurance for like $150/month. THere's regular repairs and maintenance, but being a mechanic, I'll do those for pretty cheap
[2024-02-22 00:34:10] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh fuck don't get me started on insurance here. I pay almost a grand a year just for insurance alone, it's stupid. And I drive (or, at least, drive when I can afford and SORN when I can't) a very early 90's prelude. I don't understand how the youngins do it, my first ever quote for a vectra at like, 20, was almost five grand
[2024-02-22 00:34:11] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh fuck don't get me started on insurance here. I pay almost a grand a year just for insurance alone, it's stupid. And I drive (or, at least, drive when I can afford and SORN when I can't) a very early 90's prelude. I don't understand how the youngins do it, my first ever quote for a vectra at like, 20, was almost five grand
[2024-02-22 00:34:56] <Lucifer_arma> that's comparable, actually
[2024-02-22 00:34:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| that's comparable, actually
[2024-02-22 00:36:02] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| aye, but we also have road tax, MOT, fuel duty through the roof
[2024-02-22 00:36:02] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| aye, but we also have road tax, MOT, fuel duty through the roof
[2024-02-22 00:36:21] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| and the MOT has to be yearly after the car is four years old
[2024-02-22 00:36:21] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| and the MOT has to be yearly after the car is four years old
[2024-02-22 00:36:28] <Lucifer_arma> we don't have that. Rather, we do, but it's not nearly as high. Most taxes are factored into fuel costs, and right now gas is about $3/gallon
[2024-02-22 00:36:29] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| we don't have that. Rather, we do, but it's not nearly as high. Most taxes are factored into fuel costs, and right now gas is about $3/gallon
[2024-02-22 00:37:12] <Lucifer_arma> yearly registration is based on the value of the vehicle for the first year, the sales tax, basically (so 0.0865%) with a few "highway" fees. After the first year, it's just the highway tax
[2024-02-22 00:37:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yearly registration is based on the value of the vehicle for the first year, the sales tax, basically (so 0.0865%) with a few "highway" fees. After the first year, it's just the highway tax
[2024-02-22 00:37:21] <Lucifer_arma> like $40-$90/year, I don't remember which
[2024-02-22 00:37:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| like $40-$90/year, I don't remember which
[2024-02-22 00:37:55] <Lucifer_arma> there's talk of an EV surcharge for EVs, since they're so much heavier, and big vehicles get bigger fees already
[2024-02-22 00:37:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there's talk of an EV surcharge for EVs, since they're so much heavier, and big vehicles get bigger fees already
[2024-02-22 00:38:39] <Lucifer_arma> and that's pretty much it. There's emissions testing for the area I'm in, but once I move out of it I may be able to register somewhere else without emissions testing and pay less
[2024-02-22 00:38:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and that's pretty much it. There's emissions testing for the area I'm in, but once I move out of it I may be able to register somewhere else without emissions testing and pay less
[2024-02-22 00:39:30] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| petrol is about £1.50 a litre at the moment, and that's surprisingly cheap. at one point not so long ago it hit two quid a litre. I really wish we were using more hydrogen, once we scaled and brought manufacturing cost down for water extracted H2 we could have SO MUCH cheap fuel
[2024-02-22 00:39:30] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| petrol is about £1.50 a litre at the moment, and that's surprisingly cheap. at one point not so long ago it hit two quid a litre. I really wish we were using more hydrogen, once we scaled and brought manufacturing cost down for water extracted H2 we could have SO MUCH cheap fuel
[2024-02-22 00:39:51] <Lucifer_arma> I honestly haven't been paying attention to gas prices because I'm only filling a 2 gallon tank and it lasts me 2-3 weeks
[2024-02-22 00:39:51] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I honestly haven't been paying attention to gas prices because I'm only filling a 2 gallon tank and it lasts me 2-3 weeks
[2024-02-22 00:40:45] <Lucifer_arma> hydrogen is a non-starter. When you factor in what you have to do to be able to store it safely in a vehicle that might be in a head on collision at 100mph, hydrogen is a nonstarter
[2024-02-22 00:40:46] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| hydrogen is a non-starter. When you factor in what you have to do to be able to store it safely in a vehicle that might be in a head on collision at 100mph, hydrogen is a nonstarter
[2024-02-22 00:41:16] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I favour a hydrogen polymer in an internal combustion scenario, with some sort of reactive filter to trap the nitrates which can then be used as a source of fixed nitrogen for farming. technically that would be a carbon negative solution, and we'd still have brum brum. I like the brum brum.
[2024-02-22 00:41:17] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I favour a hydrogen polymer in an internal combustion scenario, with some sort of reactive filter to trap the nitrates which can then be used as a source of fixed nitrogen for farming. technically that would be a carbon negative solution, and we'd still have brum brum. I like the brum brum.
[2024-02-22 00:42:04] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| the advantage of the polymer is that it is stable at room temperature, but creating it is he hard part
[2024-02-22 00:42:04] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| the advantage of the polymer is that it is stable at room temperature, but creating it is he hard part
[2024-02-22 00:42:18] <Lucifer_arma> if we could grab the nitrates, we could feed them back into an existing gas engine and make it extremely fuel efficient, which would stall everything
[2024-02-22 00:42:19] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if we could grab the nitrates, we could feed them back into an existing gas engine and make it extremely fuel efficient, which would stall everything
[2024-02-22 00:42:49] <Lucifer_arma> but hydrogen is never stable, it's the most reactive element in existence!
[2024-02-22 00:42:49] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but hydrogen is never stable, it's the most reactive element in existence!
[2024-02-22 00:43:23] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| nah, the nitrates come about as a result of combustion in an environment containing nitrogen. only way to grab them is to secure them post-combustion
[2024-02-22 00:43:24] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| nah, the nitrates come about as a result of combustion in an environment containing nitrogen. only way to grab them is to secure them post-combustion
[2024-02-22 00:44:12] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, I know where they come from. Nitrogen in the atmosphere, and current ICE tech scavenges air from the atmosphere to get the oxidizer, and since there's nitrogen in it, there's nitrous oxide in the exhaust
[2024-02-22 00:44:12] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, I know where they come from. Nitrogen in the atmosphere, and current ICE tech scavenges air from the atmosphere to get the oxidizer, and since there's nitrogen in it, there's nitrous oxide in the exhaust
[2024-02-22 00:44:20] <Lucifer_arma> if there's too much, it fucks up the catalytic converter
[2024-02-22 00:44:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if there's too much, it fucks up the catalytic converter
[2024-02-22 00:44:35] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| also, that's the advantage of polymers - they make shit stable. plastic is a polymer, but perform pyrolysis on it and you get diesel - and potentially petrol. it's the long chains that make it super stable
[2024-02-22 00:44:36] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| also, that's the advantage of polymers - they make shit stable. plastic is a polymer, but perform pyrolysis on it and you get diesel - and potentially petrol. it's the long chains that make it super stable
[2024-02-22 00:44:44] <Lucifer_arma> if we could grab it at that point, we could feed it back into the combustion reaction and get a significant performance boost, because it's the same nitrous oxide that hot rodders use
[2024-02-22 00:44:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| if we could grab it at that point, we could feed it back into the combustion reaction and get a significant performance boost, because it's the same nitrous oxide that hot rodders use
[2024-02-22 00:45:13] <Lucifer_arma> but you can't make long chains of hydrogen. There's only one electron, and in a covalent bond, you get H2
[2024-02-22 00:45:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but you can't make long chains of hydrogen. There's only one electron, and in a covalent bond, you get H2
[2024-02-22 00:45:29] <Lucifer_arma> and no other electrons for bonding
[2024-02-22 00:45:29] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and no other electrons for bonding
[2024-02-22 00:48:06] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ya, that's the hurdle. I read a paper a few years back that suggested it might be possible to fundamentally alter how the bond works under pressure, but this is the sort of weird part of physics where fusion happens and the rules stop being so... rule-like. it's a lot of fantasy, but like, fantasy that might not be all that fantastical? kinda like how we technically have a mathem <clipped message>
[2024-02-22 00:48:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ya, that's the hurdle. I read a paper a few years back that suggested it might be possible to fundamentally alter how the bond works under pressure, but this is the sort of weird part of physics where fusion happens and the rules stop being so... rule-like. it's a lot of fantasy, but like, fantasy that might not be all that fantastical? kinda like how we technically have a mathem <clipped message>
[2024-02-22 00:48:07] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| atical formula for a warp drive
[2024-02-22 00:48:07] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| atical formula for a warp drive
[2024-02-22 00:48:47] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| bugger I can't remember the name of the formula
[2024-02-22 00:48:47] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| bugger I can't remember the name of the formula
[2024-02-22 00:48:55] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, but the alcubierre drive still requires the ability to generate a gravitational field. They have managed to factor out the negative energy part, though
[2024-02-22 00:48:55] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, but the alcubierre drive still requires the ability to generate a gravitational field. They have managed to factor out the negative energy part, though
[2024-02-22 00:49:39] <Lucifer_arma> hydrogen can be part of a polymer, for example in plastic, but it can't be a polymer by itself. There's just not enough electrons
[2024-02-22 00:49:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| hydrogen can be part of a polymer, for example in plastic, but it can't be a polymer by itself. There's just not enough electrons
[2024-02-22 00:49:51] <Lucifer_arma> not just a mechanic, I also have an engineering degree :)
[2024-02-22 00:49:51] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| not just a mechanic, I also have an engineering degree :)
[2024-02-22 00:50:10] <Lucifer_arma> it's a BS two year degree, but it has some chemistry and a lot of physics
[2024-02-22 00:50:10] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's a BS two year degree, but it has some chemistry and a lot of physics
[2024-02-22 00:50:25] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| that's it, alcubierre. Ya, I watched an interview with... I forget who specifically, a German lady who was rather involved with physics, but she believes the alcubierre formula to be fundamentally flawed and thus impossible
[2024-02-22 00:50:25] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| that's it, alcubierre. Ya, I watched an interview with... I forget who specifically, a German lady who was rather involved with physics, but she believes the alcubierre formula to be fundamentally flawed and thus impossible
[2024-02-22 00:50:54] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: want to weigh in on alcubierre drive?
[2024-02-22 00:50:54] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Z-Man: want to weigh in on alcubierre drive?
[2024-02-22 00:51:37] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| hmmmm. maybe polymerised with oxygen then? In long-chain form. or would that just be heavy water?
[2024-02-22 00:51:37] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| hmmmm. maybe polymerised with oxygen then? In long-chain form. or would that just be heavy water?
[2024-02-22 00:52:12] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| iirc most liquid polymers are meant to be somewhat oily in texture
[2024-02-22 00:52:12] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| iirc most liquid polymers are meant to be somewhat oily in texture
[2024-02-22 00:52:26] <Lucifer_arma> no, still not possible, I believe. Heavy water is deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen with one neutron) bonded with oxygen in a regular H2O molecule
[2024-02-22 00:52:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| no, still not possible, I believe. Heavy water is deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen with one neutron) bonded with oxygen in a regular H2O molecule
[2024-02-22 00:52:46] <Lucifer_arma> you gotta remember what a polymer is. It's a repeating chain in a two dimensional configuration
[2024-02-22 00:52:46] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| you gotta remember what a polymer is. It's a repeating chain in a two dimensional configuration
[2024-02-22 00:53:14] <Lucifer_arma> most known polymers are hydrocarbons because the combination of hydrogen and carbon (and also usually a lot of oxygen) makes a repeatable chain
[2024-02-22 00:53:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| most known polymers are hydrocarbons because the combination of hydrogen and carbon (and also usually a lot of oxygen) makes a repeatable chain
[2024-02-22 00:53:39] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait, strictly two dimensional? so is plastic technically a lattice?
[2024-02-22 00:53:39] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait, strictly two dimensional? so is plastic technically a lattice?
[2024-02-22 00:54:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh my, it's 6am. no wonder my imagination is working overdrive. I'm probably making a lot less sense than I think I am.
[2024-02-22 00:54:50] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| oh my, it's 6am. no wonder my imagination is working overdrive. I'm probably making a lot less sense than I think I am.
[2024-02-22 00:55:29] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I should sleep. gn
[2024-02-22 00:55:29] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I should sleep. gn
[2024-02-22 00:58:16] <Lucifer_arma> yes, plastic is technically a lattice. Also, plastic requires crude oil, so all this talk about ending oil drilling, it's not going to happen. What will happen if we stop relying on oil for fuel is that plastic prices will drop because of the huge supply of raw materials for plastic
[2024-02-22 00:58:16] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yes, plastic is technically a lattice. Also, plastic requires crude oil, so all this talk about ending oil drilling, it's not going to happen. What will happen if we stop relying on oil for fuel is that plastic prices will drop because of the huge supply of raw materials for plastic
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[2024-02-22 11:10:45] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Oh, drilling isn't going to end any time soon. What would be nice would be to reduce our *dependency* on the same, though - and things like that mushroom packaging, new fuels, using metal and reusable in place of plastic, all contributes. I'm quite partial to that packaging, btw, I saw a little minidoc on the production of it. Fantastic stuff.
[2024-02-22 11:10:46] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Oh, drilling isn't going to end any time soon. What would be nice would be to reduce our *dependency* on the same, though - and things like that mushroom packaging, new fuels, using metal and reusable in place of plastic, all contributes. I'm quite partial to that packaging, btw, I saw a little minidoc on the production of it. Fantastic stuff.
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[2024-02-23 02:20:53] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-23 03:33:28] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-23 04:08:49] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:ppotter| That is rather high, I paid like £400 this year for an FN2. Also if its early 90s have you tried a classic car policy? Think it should qualify by now
[2024-02-23 04:08:49] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:ppotter| That is rather high, I paid like £400 this year for an FN2. Also if its early 90s have you tried a classic car policy? Think it should qualify by now
[2024-02-23 04:11:14] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Lucifer_arma: I had an idea. What we need for a hydrogen polymer is a substrate. That might be entirely the wrong word for it, I am neither a chemist nor a physicist, but it strikes me that using something that is combustible as an agent for the creation fo long hydrogen or hydrogen-containing chains is a neat idea. Thus, nitrogen - we already need some mehtodology of capturing e <clipped message>
[2024-02-23 04:11:14] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Lucifer_arma: I had an idea. What we need for a hydrogen polymer is a substrate. That might be entirely the wrong word for it, I am neither a chemist nor a physicist, but it strikes me that using something that is combustible as an agent for the creation fo long hydrogen or hydrogen-containing chains is a neat idea. Thus, nitrogen - we already need some mehtodology of capturing e <clipped message>
[2024-02-23 04:11:15] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| xcess nitrates produced by in-atmo combustion, so scale up that platform and use nitrogen itself as the carrier. Given it has seven electrons, that would theoretically be enough to attach hydrogen and potentially oxygen in the right combination to produce a potential reaction of some significance - likely hcallenging or exceeding petroleum itself.
[2024-02-23 04:11:15] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| xcess nitrates produced by in-atmo combustion, so scale up that platform and use nitrogen itself as the carrier. Given it has seven electrons, that would theoretically be enough to attach hydrogen and potentially oxygen in the right combination to produce a potential reaction of some significance - likely hcallenging or exceeding petroleum itself.
[2024-02-23 04:11:16] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Of course, there's probably a tonne of other issues that make this approach horribly infeasible, but my imagiination is working overtime here
[2024-02-23 04:11:17] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Of course, there's probably a tonne of other issues that make this approach horribly infeasible, but my imagiination is working overtime here
[2024-02-23 04:12:28] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| You might be right about that. I stayed with Admiral because no-claims, and they're pretty good about halting the insurance when I need to sorn it like it is now, but meh. Might check into that when I have a moment
[2024-02-23 04:12:28] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| You might be right about that. I stayed with Admiral because no-claims, and they're pretty good about halting the insurance when I need to sorn it like it is now, but meh. Might check into that when I have a moment
[2024-02-23 04:18:32] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:ppotter| Fair, don't want to end up with an insurer that make it difficult to pause/cancel in your scenario. Probably worth a look at least
[2024-02-23 04:18:32] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:ppotter| Fair, don't want to end up with an insurer that make it difficult to pause/cancel in your scenario. Probably worth a look at least
[2024-02-23 04:29:34] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Thus far, I have successfully dropped and broken my kettle, and cracked a damaged egg into a hot pan. Today's prospects are looking *poor*
[2024-02-23 04:29:34] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Thus far, I have successfully dropped and broken my kettle, and cracked a damaged egg into a hot pan. Today's prospects are looking *poor*
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[2024-02-24 00:36:50] <Lucifer_arma> the best use of hydrogen is still in fuel cells. Heat engines max out at around 40% efficiency. With fuel cells and electric motors, we can hit 90% efficiency.
[2024-02-24 00:36:50] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the best use of hydrogen is still in fuel cells. Heat engines max out at around 40% efficiency. With fuel cells and electric motors, we can hit 90% efficiency.
[2024-02-24 00:37:32] <Lucifer_arma> But at that point, why not batteries? We will reach a point where charging a battery EV will take the same amount of time as filling up an ICE car, whether it's through fast charging technology or battery swapping
[2024-02-24 00:37:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| But at that point, why not batteries? We will reach a point where charging a battery EV will take the same amount of time as filling up an ICE car, whether it's through fast charging technology or battery swapping
[2024-02-24 00:40:31] <Lucifer_arma> well, fixing my star trek video was the right thing to do. I've picked up five more subscribers and it's my most successful video now
[2024-02-24 00:40:31] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| well, fixing my star trek video was the right thing to do. I've picked up five more subscribers and it's my most successful video now
[2024-02-24 03:16:35] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2024-02-24 05:15:48] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-24 05:37:25] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-24 06:12:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| congrats lucifer_arma
[2024-02-24 06:12:36] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| congrats lucifer_arma
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[2024-02-24 06:12:36] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-24 06:39:34] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-24 06:40:30] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-24 06:40:31] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-24 07:12:51] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-24 07:12:52] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-24 07:13:14] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2024-02-24 08:44:08] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Lucifer_arma: @northernscrub That German Lady most probably was Sabine Hossenfelder, she has a quite good science channel on Youtube.
[2024-02-24 08:44:09] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Lucifer_arma: @northernscrub That German Lady most probably was Sabine Hossenfelder, she has a quite good science channel on Youtube.
[2024-02-24 08:44:09] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| The original Alcubierre drive paper was a reverse engineered solution to general relativity. GR usially has the matter distribution given and asks us to derive the spacetime curvature from that. For the Alcubierre drive, he went the other way; he slapped together a spacetime curvature that would contain timelike curves (that are trajectories normal matter can move on) that move f <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:09] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| The original Alcubierre drive paper was a reverse engineered solution to general relativity. GR usially has the matter distribution given and asks us to derive the spacetime curvature from that. For the Alcubierre drive, he went the other way; he slapped together a spacetime curvature that would contain timelike curves (that are trajectories normal matter can move on) that move f <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:10] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| aster than light globally. It's quite easy to do! And then he calculated the matter distribution, which turned out to be solvable, just with negative energy densities, which we do not know how to make. Another difficulty NOBODY is talking about is that the bit where you have the negative energy density, in front of your starship, the bit that 'compresses' spacetime, there are no <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:11] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| aster than light globally. It's quite easy to do! And then he calculated the matter distribution, which turned out to be solvable, just with negative energy densities, which we do not know how to make. Another difficulty NOBODY is talking about is that the bit where you have the negative energy density, in front of your starship, the bit that 'compresses' spacetime, there are no <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:12] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| timelike or lightlike curves from your starship to it. That means there are no conventional means your starship can control those bits of hypothetical negative energy substance. So on top of the impossible substance, you also need to set up the whole thing in advance for your hole trip; the impossible stuff needs to do what it does for as long as your journey lasts, then dissolve <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:12] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| timelike or lightlike curves from your starship to it. That means there are no conventional means your starship can control those bits of hypothetical negative energy substance. So on top of the impossible substance, you also need to set up the whole thing in advance for your hole trip; the impossible stuff needs to do what it does for as long as your journey lasts, then dissolve <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:13] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| . Or I suppose you can just put it into a stable configuration where it goes on forever and let your starship drop out of the side or out the back of the warp bubble. Just don't aim your drive at anywhere people actually live, then. See S5E10 of TNG, "New Ground". Anyway, preparing the impossible matter in that way may turn out to be another layer of impossible. Or super easy, on <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:13] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| . Or I suppose you can just put it into a stable configuration where it goes on forever and let your starship drop out of the side or out the back of the warp bubble. Just don't aim your drive at anywhere people actually live, then. See S5E10 of TNG, "New Ground". Anyway, preparing the impossible matter in that way may turn out to be another layer of impossible. Or super easy, on <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:44:14] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| ce you get the first impossibility out of the way.
[2024-02-24 08:44:14] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| ce you get the first impossibility out of the way.
[2024-02-24 08:49:40] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| For example, you know how black holes are not actually any matter any more, just frozen spacetime curvature, if you look at them right? Well, if the stuff in front of the alcubierre drive were something similar, it would not even need to be any kind of new matter. Just gravity frozen in a different way. A naked singularity of the right kind might do the trick. That might even be <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:49:40] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| For example, you know how black holes are not actually any matter any more, just frozen spacetime curvature, if you look at them right? Well, if the stuff in front of the alcubierre drive were something similar, it would not even need to be any kind of new matter. Just gravity frozen in a different way. A naked singularity of the right kind might do the trick. That might even be <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:49:41] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| stable and require no fine tuning.
[2024-02-24 08:49:41] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| stable and require no fine tuning.
[2024-02-24 08:49:42] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Of course, we have so little idea about how one would make a naked singularity that there are conjectures that it is fundamentally impossible. (Math speak: Conjecture = something we believe is a strong candidate for a theorem, but we're not able to prove it. In this case, in the framework of GR, which we basically know must be incomplete because it does not combine well with quan <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:49:42] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Of course, we have so little idea about how one would make a naked singularity that there are conjectures that it is fundamentally impossible. (Math speak: Conjecture = something we believe is a strong candidate for a theorem, but we're not able to prove it. In this case, in the framework of GR, which we basically know must be incomplete because it does not combine well with quan <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 08:49:43] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| tum theory, further reducing the value of GR conjectures)
[2024-02-24 08:49:43] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| tum theory, further reducing the value of GR conjectures)
[2024-02-24 08:51:57] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Also sometimes: Conjecture = Stuff we hope is true, because otherwise our lives would be miserable. The 'no naked singularities' thing is more of that kind, because naked singularities are generally believed to be bad news and you don't want them around.
[2024-02-24 08:51:57] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Also sometimes: Conjecture = Stuff we hope is true, because otherwise our lives would be miserable. The 'no naked singularities' thing is more of that kind, because naked singularities are generally believed to be bad news and you don't want them around.
[2024-02-24 11:13:35] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Sabine Hossenfelder sounds about right, to be honest.
[2024-02-24 11:13:36] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Sabine Hossenfelder sounds about right, to be honest.
[2024-02-24 11:13:36] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Re: Why not batteries, motors, etc etc. A huge part of that is because driving is, for me personally, an *experience*. That experience includes the noise of a combustion engine, and I'm not alone in that by a long shot. As human beings, we are somewhat inclined toward control of machines that make noise, or otherwise appear to be more powerful than we are. It's the reason we like <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 11:13:37] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Re: Why not batteries, motors, etc etc. A huge part of that is because driving is, for me personally, an *experience*. That experience includes the noise of a combustion engine, and I'm not alone in that by a long shot. As human beings, we are somewhat inclined toward control of machines that make noise, or otherwise appear to be more powerful than we are. It's the reason we like <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 11:13:38] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| trains, ships, lorries, etcetera. Motors simply don't have that same appeal, which is why it is difficult to get people to move to less polluting forms of transportation en-masse.
[2024-02-24 11:13:38] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| trains, ships, lorries, etcetera. Motors simply don't have that same appeal, which is why it is difficult to get people to move to less polluting forms of transportation en-masse.
[2024-02-24 11:13:39] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| An engine that runs on a fuel that doesn't pollute is, thus, an engine that will be wildly popular - and rather than waiting twenty or thirty years for people to move away from petroleum, we could get the vast majority of people moved over within five or ten years. Less, if we enacted a program that converted traditional petrol engines to run on the new fuel. It's hardly a magica <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 11:13:39] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| An engine that runs on a fuel that doesn't pollute is, thus, an engine that will be wildly popular - and rather than waiting twenty or thirty years for people to move away from petroleum, we could get the vast majority of people moved over within five or ten years. Less, if we enacted a program that converted traditional petrol engines to run on the new fuel. It's hardly a magica <clipped message>
[2024-02-24 11:13:40] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| l instant solution - the economy of scale needs to happen to make water-sourced hydrogen affordable in the first place, or the process needs to be subsidised for a time, but the issue of consumer desire would be rapidly reduced to nothing.
[2024-02-24 11:13:41] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| l instant solution - the economy of scale needs to happen to make water-sourced hydrogen affordable in the first place, or the process needs to be subsidised for a time, but the issue of consumer desire would be rapidly reduced to nothing.
[2024-02-24 22:39:25] <Lucifer_arma> ah, but battery EVs have been in sporadic development for over a hundred years, with a huge focus over the last 10 years. The only alternate fuel solutions that have been pursued have only gotten as far as proof of concept
[2024-02-24 22:39:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| ah, but battery EVs have been in sporadic development for over a hundred years, with a huge focus over the last 10 years. The only alternate fuel solutions that have been pursued have only gotten as far as proof of concept
[2024-02-24 22:40:26] <Lucifer_arma> and EVs are superior technology to ICEs. Literally, the only drawback by comparison is the lack of engine noise. Otherwise, they're faster, require a whole lot less maintenance, and have few moving parts
[2024-02-24 22:40:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and EVs are superior technology to ICEs. Literally, the only drawback by comparison is the lack of engine noise. Otherwise, they're faster, require a whole lot less maintenance, and have few moving parts
[2024-02-24 22:40:42] <Lucifer_arma> meaning they will ultimately be hugely more reliable than ICEs.
[2024-02-24 22:40:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| meaning they will ultimately be hugely more reliable than ICEs.
[2024-02-24 22:41:06] <Lucifer_arma> This isn't the Itanium repeating itself, it's more like the Opteron
[2024-02-24 22:41:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| This isn't the Itanium repeating itself, it's more like the Opteron
[2024-02-24 22:42:03] <Lucifer_arma> As it stands right now, all we need to do, theoretically, to switch to an alternate fuel is reprogram that ECM in a car. But that doesn't even begin to address what has to happen.
[2024-02-24 22:42:04] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| As it stands right now, all we need to do, theoretically, to switch to an alternate fuel is reprogram that ECM in a car. But that doesn't even begin to address what has to happen.
[2024-02-24 22:42:47] <Lucifer_arma> There is always blowby gases, so you need oils specially formulated to last even when the fuel gets mixed into it. You need seals compatible with the fuel. Fuel lines, hoses, and all those seals. Fuel injectors.
[2024-02-24 22:42:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| There is always blowby gases, so you need oils specially formulated to last even when the fuel gets mixed into it. You need seals compatible with the fuel. Fuel lines, hoses, and all those seals. Fuel injectors.
[2024-02-24 22:43:54] <Lucifer_arma> just look at the attempts to switch to biodiesel. You have to change every seal and hose in the fuel system. Same with just using vegetable oil. I mean, right now, you could get a diesel car and not have to change everything, because manufacturers changed it all for you like 10-20 years ago
[2024-02-24 22:43:54] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| just look at the attempts to switch to biodiesel. You have to change every seal and hose in the fuel system. Same with just using vegetable oil. I mean, right now, you could get a diesel car and not have to change everything, because manufacturers changed it all for you like 10-20 years ago
[2024-02-24 22:44:30] <Lucifer_arma> but if you had this car, you could go to restaurants and see about buying their used oil, process it yourself, and then fuel your car with it, and now you have something that's carbon neutral
[2024-02-24 22:44:30] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but if you had this car, you could go to restaurants and see about buying their used oil, process it yourself, and then fuel your car with it, and now you have something that's carbon neutral
[2024-02-24 22:45:03] <Lucifer_arma> this is stable technology right now. But there isn't enough arable land in the world to fuel a worldwide fleet of diesel vehicles
[2024-02-24 22:45:03] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| this is stable technology right now. But there isn't enough arable land in the world to fuel a worldwide fleet of diesel vehicles
[2024-02-24 22:45:59] <Lucifer_arma> we're at minimum 10-20 years away from a production alternate fuel engine, and another 10-20 years away from having it be reliable, to say nothing of what it takes to scale up fuel production for whatever fuel it winds up being
[2024-02-24 22:46:01] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| we're at minimum 10-20 years away from a production alternate fuel engine, and another 10-20 years away from having it be reliable, to say nothing of what it takes to scale up fuel production for whatever fuel it winds up being
[2024-02-24 22:46:15] <Lucifer_arma> EVs are here now, and they're getting more reliable and faster charging with every new production model
[2024-02-24 22:46:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| EVs are here now, and they're getting more reliable and faster charging with every new production model
[2024-02-24 22:48:41] <Lucifer_arma> the charging infrastructure is going up, and it really looks like someone is going to crack the solid state battery soon, which will double energy density. If it takes 15 minutes to charge, but you can drive 500 miles between charges, people will accept that math
[2024-02-24 22:48:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the charging infrastructure is going up, and it really looks like someone is going to crack the solid state battery soon, which will double energy density. If it takes 15 minutes to charge, but you can drive 500 miles between charges, people will accept that math
[2024-02-24 22:54:36] <Lucifer_arma> we've reached a tipping point on solar where it's now cheaper to build and produce solar energy than it is LNG, and it stays cheaper when you factor out subsidies (for both, people don't realize how much the US government subsidizes fossil fuels)
[2024-02-24 22:54:36] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| we've reached a tipping point on solar where it's now cheaper to build and produce solar energy than it is LNG, and it stays cheaper when you factor out subsidies (for both, people don't realize how much the US government subsidizes fossil fuels)
[2024-02-24 22:55:34] <Lucifer_arma> utility scale battery plants are dropping in price, too, and in the next couple of years, those will be cheaper than LNG, if they're not already
[2024-02-24 22:55:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| utility scale battery plants are dropping in price, too, and in the next couple of years, those will be cheaper than LNG, if they're not already
[2024-02-24 22:56:26] <Lucifer_arma> and there's new battery chemistries ramping up battery production (sulfur and carbon, not as energy dense as lithium, but much more stable and quick to charge, perfect for utility scale batteries)
[2024-02-24 22:56:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and there's new battery chemistries ramping up battery production (sulfur and carbon, not as energy dense as lithium, but much more stable and quick to charge, perfect for utility scale batteries)
[2024-02-24 22:57:40] <Lucifer_arma> LNG and gasoline have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship for some time because they ultimately come from the same source. EVs and solar power enjoy the same kind of symbiosis. THere's at least one company that's buying up used EV battery packs and converting them to utility scale batteries
[2024-02-24 22:57:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| LNG and gasoline have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship for some time because they ultimately come from the same source. EVs and solar power enjoy the same kind of symbiosis. THere's at least one company that's buying up used EV battery packs and converting them to utility scale batteries
[2024-02-24 22:58:23] <Lucifer_arma> they can product current at a lower rate than EVs require for another 20 years, theoretically, so before we even need to recycle them into new batteries, they'll have first served 10 years in a vehicle and 20 years on the power grid
[2024-02-24 22:58:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| they can product current at a lower rate than EVs require for another 20 years, theoretically, so before we even need to recycle them into new batteries, they'll have first served 10 years in a vehicle and 20 years on the power grid
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[2024-02-25 02:00:34] --> paddymahoney has joined the channel
[2024-02-25 09:45:50] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ya, I'm aware of all of these arguments. I'm aware of the academic answers to these questions. They don't solve the *human* factor - which is the unaccountable emotional attachment to the complex and the uncouth. You can build a battery with the energy density of a thousand suns, and it would still fail to answer the *hnnng* factor. With a combustion engine, you can quite literal <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Ya, I'm aware of all of these arguments. I'm aware of the academic answers to these questions. They don't solve the *human* factor - which is the unaccountable emotional attachment to the complex and the uncouth. You can build a battery with the energy density of a thousand suns, and it would still fail to answer the *hnnng* factor. With a combustion engine, you can quite literal <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:51] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ly feel and hear the work that the engine is doing - and whilst an electric motor isn't completely silent, there's no *throb* to it. Everything you tell me about a battery or a motor is a paper figure, because I hav no way to emotionally evaluate how those figures reflect reality. In short, an electric motor doesn't quite get the heart going as much as the whiney rumble of a supe <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:51] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ly feel and hear the work that the engine is doing - and whilst an electric motor isn't completely silent, there's no *throb* to it. Everything you tell me about a battery or a motor is a paper figure, because I hav no way to emotionally evaluate how those figures reflect reality. In short, an electric motor doesn't quite get the heart going as much as the whiney rumble of a supe <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:52] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| rcharged jag.
[2024-02-25 09:45:52] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| rcharged jag.
[2024-02-25 09:45:53] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| That's why you have people who hate electric cars so much - even though they might not necessarily be able to put into words *why* they don't like them. Give them something that *sounds* and *feels* like a V8, though, and they have no real reason to say no. That's what I'm looking at - will the public, en masse, adopt a new fuel over electric?
[2024-02-25 09:45:53] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| That's why you have people who hate electric cars so much - even though they might not necessarily be able to put into words *why* they don't like them. Give them something that *sounds* and *feels* like a V8, though, and they have no real reason to say no. That's what I'm looking at - will the public, en masse, adopt a new fuel over electric?
[2024-02-25 09:45:55] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Also, you mentioned sporadic development over a century - yes, true, but so have hydrogen vehicles! In fact, Hydrogen vehicles have a history right back to 1802 (if you talk about hydrogen as a whole) or 1860 (if you talk about hydrogen combustion engines). In fact, there's a whole production vehicle from 2005 - and an entirely bivalent vehicle at that. That vehicle was even sold <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:55] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Also, you mentioned sporadic development over a century - yes, true, but so have hydrogen vehicles! In fact, Hydrogen vehicles have a history right back to 1802 (if you talk about hydrogen as a whole) or 1860 (if you talk about hydrogen combustion engines). In fact, there's a whole production vehicle from 2005 - and an entirely bivalent vehicle at that. That vehicle was even sold <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:56] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| on the market - although this *is* 2006, so you're talking kinda shitty mpg. That program is still, afaik, under development.
[2024-02-25 09:45:56] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| on the market - although this *is* 2006, so you're talking kinda shitty mpg. That program is still, afaik, under development.
[2024-02-25 09:45:57] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| You're right about the extraneous engineering though - although much of it has already been done, changing to a polymer would essentially require a significant proportion of it to be revised. However, I don't think that that is necessarily a limiting factor - we have a degree of the chemical and physical science already available to us, so rather than an entirely new premise, all <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:57] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| You're right about the extraneous engineering though - although much of it has already been done, changing to a polymer would essentially require a significant proportion of it to be revised. However, I don't think that that is necessarily a limiting factor - we have a degree of the chemical and physical science already available to us, so rather than an entirely new premise, all <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:45:59] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| we need do is build on what we already have.
[2024-02-25 09:45:59] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| we need do is build on what we already have.
[2024-02-25 09:46:00] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wouldn't say EVs are worthless, just as an aside. They certainly have *some* utility. This is mroe a question fo attempting to satisfy a part of the market that really doesn't care for them
[2024-02-25 09:46:00] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wouldn't say EVs are worthless, just as an aside. They certainly have *some* utility. This is mroe a question fo attempting to satisfy a part of the market that really doesn't care for them
[2024-02-25 09:48:17] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| The only real advantages of ICE cars right now are the higher range on one filling and the speed you can fill your tank with. All of the other stuff people quote, the noise, the way you play with the clutch, how real it feels when you change your own oil, the feeling of moving the shift stick... that's all just mental inertia. Some smart person I can't quite remember once said th <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:48:17] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| The only real advantages of ICE cars right now are the higher range on one filling and the speed you can fill your tank with. All of the other stuff people quote, the noise, the way you play with the clutch, how real it feels when you change your own oil, the feeling of moving the shift stick... that's all just mental inertia. Some smart person I can't quite remember once said th <clipped message>
[2024-02-25 09:48:18] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| at if it were the other way round, if we had used EVs for the past hundred years and would need to switch to ICEs now for some reason, people would complain that the trip to the charging station is no longer an event they can enjoy.
[2024-02-25 09:48:18] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| at if it were the other way round, if we had used EVs for the past hundred years and would need to switch to ICEs now for some reason, people would complain that the trip to the charging station is no longer an event they can enjoy.
[2024-02-25 09:48:42] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| hah, you're probably right about that!
[2024-02-25 09:48:42] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| hah, you're probably right about that!
[2024-02-25 09:49:56] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| I've been using car sharing in the past couple of months, driven both kinds. One thing I assume any car person would love about EVs is their absolute immediate response, from standstil, to pressing the accelerator.
[2024-02-25 09:49:57] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| I've been using car sharing in the past couple of months, driven both kinds. One thing I assume any car person would love about EVs is their absolute immediate response, from standstil, to pressing the accelerator.
[2024-02-25 09:50:41] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I'm in something of a unique position, though - I'm rather closer than either of you are to the generation that has grown up essentially with both. In fact, that's the generation below mine - and the same attitudes are prevalent in that generation as exist in others. My own brother admires electric vehicles, but would never own one. He's 20.
[2024-02-25 09:50:42] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I'm in something of a unique position, though - I'm rather closer than either of you are to the generation that has grown up essentially with both. In fact, that's the generation below mine - and the same attitudes are prevalent in that generation as exist in others. My own brother admires electric vehicles, but would never own one. He's 20.
[2024-02-25 09:51:10] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| you *could* make the argument that inertia for both forms of vehicle perhaps exist, though, so perhaps my arguemtn is not as strong as I might think
[2024-02-25 09:51:10] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| you *could* make the argument that inertia for both forms of vehicle perhaps exist, though, so perhaps my arguemtn is not as strong as I might think
[2024-02-25 09:51:13] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Give him another five or ten years.
[2024-02-25 09:51:13] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Give him another five or ten years.
[2024-02-25 09:51:33] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| (Oh right, price is also an issue, can't forget about that.)
[2024-02-25 09:51:33] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| (Oh right, price is also an issue, can't forget about that.)
[2024-02-25 09:52:58] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| meh, he could technically lease either or for the same money per month. He's about to go get hsi first car, and I've told him in no uncertain terms that if he goes for a lease I will remove his forequarters, but the money thing is not so much an issue in the age of the subscription (eugh, I feel dirty saying that)
[2024-02-25 09:52:58] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| meh, he could technically lease either or for the same money per month. He's about to go get hsi first car, and I've told him in no uncertain terms that if he goes for a lease I will remove his forequarters, but the money thing is not so much an issue in the age of the subscription (eugh, I feel dirty saying that)
[2024-02-25 09:53:46] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| as it stands, I'm gonna push him gently in the direction fo a well-loved early 00's hatchback for under half a grand, and the remainder of the few grand he has will go toward the tools he needs to fix it up
[2024-02-25 09:53:46] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| as it stands, I'm gonna push him gently in the direction fo a well-loved early 00's hatchback for under half a grand, and the remainder of the few grand he has will go toward the tools he needs to fix it up
[2024-02-25 09:54:23] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Nah. I realized yesterday: We have a certain bike rental service here, and if the conditions for you are right, even if you use it a lot, it can end up cheaper than owning a bike.
[2024-02-25 09:54:23] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Nah. I realized yesterday: We have a certain bike rental service here, and if the conditions for you are right, even if you use it a lot, it can end up cheaper than owning a bike.
[2024-02-25 09:54:52] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| It's like: Pay 60 Euro a year, and all your trips shorter than 30 minutes are free.
[2024-02-25 09:54:53] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| It's like: Pay 60 Euro a year, and all your trips shorter than 30 minutes are free.
[2024-02-25 09:55:16] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait, bicycle or motorcycle?
[2024-02-25 09:55:16] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| wait, bicycle or motorcycle?
[2024-02-25 09:55:24] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Bicycle.
[2024-02-25 09:55:24] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Bicycle.
[2024-02-25 09:55:32] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| Sorry ๐
[2024-02-25 09:55:33] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Sorry ๐
[2024-02-25 09:55:35] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| heh
[2024-02-25 09:55:35] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| heh
[2024-02-25 09:55:53] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| nah, I get it. Although tbf all the bikes I've ever had have been twenty quid out the scrappy
[2024-02-25 09:55:53] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| nah, I get it. Although tbf all the bikes I've ever had have been twenty quid out the scrappy
[2024-02-25 09:56:10] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I had a huge heavy downhil frame at one point, I miss it
[2024-02-25 09:56:10] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I had a huge heavy downhil frame at one point, I miss it
[2024-02-25 09:56:53] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I don't know about cologne specifically, but Mindelheim has quite the cycle infrastructure. In a city designed for the use of both vehciles and cycles, that kinda makes sense
[2024-02-25 09:56:53] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I don't know about cologne specifically, but Mindelheim has quite the cycle infrastructure. In a city designed for the use of both vehciles and cycles, that kinda makes sense
[2024-02-25 10:00:19] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| I had scrapyard salvage bikes too at one point. Especially those I used to ride to the train station... But right now, by bike is pretty much my main end-to-end transportation, so I want it to be reasonably nice.
[2024-02-25 10:00:19] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| I had scrapyard salvage bikes too at one point. Especially those I used to ride to the train station... But right now, by bike is pretty much my main end-to-end transportation, so I want it to be reasonably nice.
[2024-02-25 10:00:19] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| The rental bikes are just about reasonably nice. They're bulky and heavy only have three gears. I should not complain too much, because I only used the lowest and highest ๐
[2024-02-25 10:00:19] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| The rental bikes are just about reasonably nice. They're bulky and heavy only have three gears. I should not complain too much, because I only used the lowest and highest ๐
[2024-02-25 10:08:34] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| OK, I'm convinced now that generative AI can be useful:
[2024-02-25 10:08:34] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| OK, I'm convinced now that generative AI can be useful:
[2024-02-25 10:10:02] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| And that's a tiny local model that generates text faster than I can read. It does tend to halucinate a lot, though.
[2024-02-25 10:10:02] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| And that's a tiny local model that generates text faster than I can read. It does tend to halucinate a lot, though.
[2024-02-25 11:11:27] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so ive noticed like quite a lot of people here answer my questions just by chatting and not replying
[2024-02-25 11:11:27] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so ive noticed like quite a lot of people here answer my questions just by chatting and not replying
[2024-02-25 11:11:57] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so um i wont read the chat ones cause a week of a vacation is kinda like i wont read hundreds of messages cause i sorta ddint rest enough
[2024-02-25 11:11:57] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so um i wont read the chat ones cause a week of a vacation is kinda like i wont read hundreds of messages cause i sorta ddint rest enough
[2024-02-25 11:12:24] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so like just reply to what you wanted to tell me and include @xirlord_57543
[2024-02-25 11:12:24] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| so like just reply to what you wanted to tell me and include @xirlord_57543
[2024-02-25 12:49:30] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| @xirlord_57543 Same for me, actually. This channel alone, not to mention the whole Discord, is too much to actually read through. Not actually so much because of the volume, but because of the chat structure.
[2024-02-25 12:49:30] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| @xirlord_57543 Same for me, actually. This channel alone, not to mention the whole Discord, is too much to actually read through. Not actually so much because of the volume, but because of the chat structure.
[2024-02-25 13:01:16] <armagetronbridge> 12discord:zman_0| OMGOMG whe have this implied contract here in the house that the area around the mail boxes and trashcan at the exit is a general swap area; so if someone does not want a DVD any more, they just put them there for a bit for others to take, and if the're still there after a couple of days, they get thrown out for good.
[2024-02-25 13:01:16] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| OMGOMG whe have this implied contract here in the house that the area around the mail boxes and trashcan at the exit is a general swap area; so if someone does not want a DVD any more, they just put them there for a bit for others to take, and if the're still there after a couple of days, they get thrown out for good.
[2024-02-25 13:01:17] <armagetron-bridge> 12discord:zman_0| Anyway, today I was about to go out for a jog, and found a perfectly good snakeboard for adults there. If that's what the skateboard like things that only have one wheel in front and in the back that both can rotate are called. Waveboards, I think, is another term. I would never have bought one myself, because they look TERRIFYING. But now that I have one, I am happy as a clam. T <clipped message>
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[2024-02-25 13:10:36] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-25 13:55:18] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-25 13:55:19] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-25 14:38:54] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| me on popular discord servers tryna scroll up to what happened 2 minutes ago:
[2024-02-25 14:38:54] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| me on popular discord servers tryna scroll up to what happened 2 minutes ago:
[2024-02-25 14:39:09] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
[2024-02-25 14:39:09] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543|
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[2024-02-25 14:54:08] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-25 14:54:09] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-25 16:33:43] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-25 16:34:04] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-25 16:34:05] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-25 16:34:05] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-25 18:53:21] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| the reason is that its bridged to irc and theres no replies functionality there and pings are to the display name not the username
[2024-02-25 18:53:22] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| the reason is that its bridged to irc and theres no replies functionality there and pings are to the display name not the username
[2024-02-25 22:42:06] <Lucifer_arma> @xirlord and there's no list in irc of people who are on discord
[2024-02-25 22:42:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @xirlord and there's no list in irc of people who are on discord
[2024-02-25 22:43:01] <Lucifer_arma> @delinquent: I don't know if I can stress enough that after 4 years of doing custom exhaust in central Texas, I'm well aware of the exact points you're making, as well as reasonably aware of which proportion of the population is going to care as much as you say they will
[2024-02-25 22:43:01] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| @delinquent: I don't know if I can stress enough that after 4 years of doing custom exhaust in central Texas, I'm well aware of the exact points you're making, as well as reasonably aware of which proportion of the population is going to care as much as you say they will
[2024-02-25 22:43:29] <Lucifer_arma> the single biggest factor slowing EV adoption right now is range anxiety
[2024-02-25 22:43:30] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the single biggest factor slowing EV adoption right now is range anxiety
[2024-02-25 22:43:47] <Lucifer_arma> but EV adoption is still moving at a pretty good clip.
[2024-02-25 22:43:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but EV adoption is still moving at a pretty good clip.
[2024-02-25 22:44:13] <Lucifer_arma> even in central texas, a notoriously fossil fuel dependent place. I saw a Rivian today, and I see Teslas several times a week.
[2024-02-25 22:44:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| even in central texas, a notoriously fossil fuel dependent place. I saw a Rivian today, and I see Teslas several times a week.
[2024-02-25 22:45:00] <Lucifer_arma> and a 12 second production car with no emissions is *not* a paper figure. It's performance that few people outside of hot rodders and race car drivers have ever experienced
[2024-02-25 22:45:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and a 12 second production car with no emissions is *not* a paper figure. It's performance that few people outside of hot rodders and race car drivers have ever experienced
[2024-02-25 22:46:00] <Lucifer_arma> I've driven a 12 second car. It was a camaro, iirc (it was 10 years ago). I guarantee you that for most people who might think the sound matters, once they see how response and *fast* an EV is, they won't care about the sound anymore
[2024-02-25 22:46:00] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I've driven a 12 second car. It was a camaro, iirc (it was 10 years ago). I guarantee you that for most people who might think the sound matters, once they see how response and *fast* an EV is, they won't care about the sound anymore
[2024-02-25 22:46:31] <Lucifer_arma> (for non-car enthusiasts, 12 seconds is how fast a car like this can complete the quarter mile race, starting from a standstill, but not including braking, like they do in the UK)
[2024-02-25 22:46:31] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (for non-car enthusiasts, 12 seconds is how fast a car like this can complete the quarter mile race, starting from a standstill, but not including braking, like they do in the UK)
[2024-02-25 22:47:52] <Lucifer_arma> 14 seconds is the quarter mile time at which the local race tracks require roll cages to be installed
[2024-02-25 22:47:52] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| 14 seconds is the quarter mile time at which the local race tracks require roll cages to be installed
[2024-02-25 22:48:15] <Lucifer_arma> it's very rare for an ICE vehicle to be able to hit these kinds of times and still be street legal, but it's pretty easy for an EV to hit them
[2024-02-25 22:48:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's very rare for an ICE vehicle to be able to hit these kinds of times and still be street legal, but it's pretty easy for an EV to hit them
[2024-02-25 22:51:20] <Lucifer_arma> it's also getting extremely difficult to drive a stick shift and beat an automatic in the race. Automatics are up to 7-8 gears now, and that computer can make slightly worse decisions much faster than a human and shift faster.
[2024-02-25 22:51:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's also getting extremely difficult to drive a stick shift and beat an automatic in the race. Automatics are up to 7-8 gears now, and that computer can make slightly worse decisions much faster than a human and shift faster.
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[2024-02-26 09:50:20] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 09:50:21] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 10:19:50] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 10:19:52] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 11:11:42] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 11:31:14] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 11:43:51] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 12:08:53] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 12:08:55] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 13:33:40] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| ordered a kettle from Asda and they're fucking using evri to ship it. bets on whether it actually arrives anyone?
[2024-02-26 13:33:40] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| ordered a kettle from Asda and they're fucking using evri to ship it. bets on whether it actually arrives anyone?
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[2024-02-26 13:47:44] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-26 13:47:44] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 14:46:23] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-26 14:46:25] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 14:46:25] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1113
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[2024-02-26 14:46:26] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 15:02:46] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-26 15:02:57] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 15:02:58] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 15:15:23] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 15:15:23] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest1116
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[2024-02-26 15:15:25] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-26 16:35:07] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-26 16:35:08] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-27 03:42:16] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| it's right, you know. I'd rather use thunderbird
[2024-02-27 03:42:16] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| it's right, you know. I'd rather use thunderbird
[2024-02-27 03:46:20] <Lucifer_arma> I just watched this chick whose teeth are exactly as bad as mine, but hers are white. And she's on Youtube. I feel empowered.
[2024-02-27 03:46:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I just watched this chick whose teeth are exactly as bad as mine, but hers are white. And she's on Youtube. I feel empowered.
[2024-02-27 09:21:53] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| @wwnelg hey any chance of implementing savestates or the ability to play from a point in a recording?
[2024-02-27 09:21:53] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| @wwnelg hey any chance of implementing savestates or the ability to play from a point in a recording?
[2024-02-27 09:36:04] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| in my playback thingy? i do think i'm relatively happy with the speed of things in an average recording, certainly faster than trying to fast forward through a recording in armagetron... and when playing back aarecs there is already some save state magic going on there
[2024-02-27 09:36:04] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| in my playback thingy? i do think i'm relatively happy with the speed of things in an average recording, certainly faster than trying to fast forward through a recording in armagetron... and when playing back aarecs there is already some save state magic going on there
[2024-02-27 09:48:40] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| @wwnelg Thunderbird crashes for me. I prefer Evolution.
[2024-02-27 09:48:40] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| @wwnelg Thunderbird crashes for me. I prefer Evolution.
[2024-02-27 11:50:14] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean like playing along the recording with live input
[2024-02-27 11:50:14] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| i mean like playing along the recording with live input
[2024-02-27 11:50:44] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and in armagetronad?
[2024-02-27 11:50:44] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and in armagetronad?
[2024-02-27 12:53:03] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| my car could probably do it in like 20
[2024-02-27 12:53:04] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:xirlord_57543| my car could probably do it in like 20
[2024-02-27 13:36:19] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| i don't understand
[2024-02-27 13:36:19] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| i don't understand
[2024-02-27 13:39:40] <armagetron-bridge> 09discord:Force| @wwnelg are we able to watch the tst recordings that zman did in your playback?
[2024-02-27 13:39:40] <armagetronbridge> 09discord:Force| @wwnelg are we able to watch the tst recordings that zman did in your playback?
[2024-02-27 13:40:47] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah, some of them seem a bit laggy but they do play back
[2024-02-27 13:40:47] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| yeah, some of them seem a bit laggy but they do play back
[2024-02-27 13:41:06] <armagetron-bridge> 09discord:Force| Cool
[2024-02-27 13:41:06] <armagetronbridge> 09discord:Force| Cool
[2024-02-27 13:46:40] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| @juesto i think i understand now, you want to be able to take control of a lightcycle while you are playing back a recording? that would be neat, but this would cause a bunch of other problems, mostly cycles driving through walls and other players stabbing a wall or accelerating on a wall that no longer exists for you
[2024-02-27 13:46:40] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| @juesto i think i understand now, you want to be able to take control of a lightcycle while you are playing back a recording? that would be neat, but this would cause a bunch of other problems, mostly cycles driving through walls and other players stabbing a wall or accelerating on a wall that no longer exists for you
[2024-02-27 13:47:36] <armagetron-bridge> 15discord:Nélg| when you deviate from the path the lightcycle was taking in the recording
[2024-02-27 13:47:36] <armagetronbridge> 15discord:Nélg| when you deviate from the path the lightcycle was taking in the recording
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[2024-02-28 06:31:12] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-28 08:11:47] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-28 10:35:00] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| and if you run a simulation from the time the deviation happens?
[2024-02-28 10:35:00] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| and if you run a simulation from the time the deviation happens?
[2024-02-28 10:35:04] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| based on the recording
[2024-02-28 10:35:05] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| based on the recording
[2024-02-28 10:35:17] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| is it too much hassle to work with?
[2024-02-28 10:35:17] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| is it too much hassle to work with?
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[2024-02-29 07:29:33] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-29 07:30:04] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-29 15:58:37] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
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[2024-02-29 16:28:36] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
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[2024-02-29 16:29:31] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | | Welcome to IRC"
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[2024-02-29 16:29:32] -!- set mode #armagetron +nt
[2024-02-29 16:29:32] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2024-02-29 22:41:27] <Lucifer_arma> in a good world, you'd just keep processing the bike's inputs until it hits a wall that wasn't there, go ahead and core dump it, and stop processing its inputs
[2024-02-29 22:41:27] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| in a good world, you'd just keep processing the bike's inputs until it hits a wall that wasn't there, go ahead and core dump it, and stop processing its inputs
[2024-02-29 22:41:51] <Lucifer_arma> in a great world, you'd have AIs that can play fortress take over the first time they encounter something that wasn't in the original game
[2024-02-29 22:41:51] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| in a great world, you'd have AIs that can play fortress take over the first time they encounter something that wasn't in the original game
[2024-02-29 22:42:07] <Lucifer_arma> in a perfect world, those would be neural networks trained to play exactly like the player they're replacing
[2024-02-29 22:42:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| in a perfect world, those would be neural networks trained to play exactly like the player they're replacing
[2024-02-29 23:02:44] <Lucifer_arma> when putting my armagetron experience on a resume, is it useful to point out that we've far exceeded the last triumvirate because we haven't murdered each other yet?
[2024-02-29 23:02:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| when putting my armagetron experience on a resume, is it useful to point out that we've far exceeded the last triumvirate because we haven't murdered each other yet?
[2024-02-29 23:02:46] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: ?
[2024-02-29 23:02:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| Z-Man: ?
[2024-02-29 23:03:15] <Lucifer_arma> (yes, I put Evil Triumvir as my job title, with (Project Administrator, 1 of 3) to explain)
[2024-02-29 23:03:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| (yes, I put Evil Triumvir as my job title, with (Project Administrator, 1 of 3) to explain)
[2024-02-29 23:48:31] <Lucifer_arma> damn, I'm going to have to reshoot my hubble 2 video
[2024-02-29 23:48:32] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| damn, I'm going to have to reshoot my hubble 2 video
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