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Log from 2018-05-20:
[00:35:27] *** Joins: okra (~stephen@enlightenment/developer/okra)
[00:45:10] <Lucifer_arma> luke-jr: did you suddenly get really old?
[00:46:07] <luke-jr> Lucifer_arma: no, had surgery
[00:49:55] <luke-jr> got 4-6 months before my mouth heals enough to get dentures fitted
[00:51:47] <Lucifer_arma> ah, but then you'll be able to eat pizza again, right?
[00:52:14] <Lucifer_arma> also, you just basically told me those dental surgery places that advertise "we can do it all in one day!" are full of shit
[01:00:58] <luke-jr> I hope so
[01:02:07] <luke-jr> I mean, they did all the *surgery* in one day..
[01:02:13] <luke-jr> the rest won't require surgery
[02:42:42] *** Quits: okra (~stephen@enlightenment/developer/okra) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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[04:44:56] <Z-Man> luke-jr: That sounds unpleasant. I hope the healing goes well.
[04:51:57] <luke-jr> Z-Man: it is. thanks
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[14:32:11] <sinewav> luke-jr: yeah, I hope you have a smooth recovery. Dental problems are stupidly painful. Having surgery like yours is one of my biggest health fears.
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[22:58:03] *** Z-Man- is now known as Z-Man

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