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Log from 2016-05-29:
May 29 05:07:12 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	ping: Everybody!
May 29 05:07:13 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	:)
May 29 05:07:38 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	Go read my latest post, I need some help.  (I know, nobody will see this, most of y'all will read the post anyway, yadayada)
May 29 05:15:00 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	damn, I must be drunk.  I'm thinking about what needs to be done to ensure proper backup when you plug in a USB device (phone, mp3 player, whatever), and I'm gettign lost in the possibilities
May 29 05:15:21 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	what if the device has a file the master doesn't have?  Oh, copy it, but where does it go?  Ooooo......
May 29 05:15:27 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	See?  Getting lost.....
May 29 08:43:52 2016 <luke-jr>	link?
May 29 09:03:50 2016 *	ct|kyle (~kyle@ has joined #armagetron
May 29 09:48:27 2016 <Z-Man>	luke-jr: http://forums3.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24565
May 29 10:03:55 2016 <Z-Man>	Lucifer_arma: I'd help, but my current reading speed is about one novel per year. And I'm 100% insensitive to bad writing (and acting, for that matter). It helps enjoy life!
May 29 10:05:00 2016 <Z-Man>	Also, I'm not entirely sure whether you noticed Anonymous and Amaso are the same person :)
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 29 11:18:18 2016
May 29 11:18:18 2016 *	Now talking on #armagetron
May 29 11:18:18 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron is: http://www.armagetronad.org/ | pastebin: http://armagetron.pastebin.com/ | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup
May 29 11:18:18 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron set by guru3 at Wed Apr 22 16:50:50 2015
May 29 11:35:41 2016 *	nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot) has joined #armagetron
May 29 11:35:41 2016 *	nelg-bot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 29 12:26:38 2016 *	Guest57901823 has quit (Quit: One tough cookie since '05)
May 29 12:28:56 2016 *	Long_Shoota (~LS@cpc76140-clif11-2-0-cust43.12-4.cable.virginm.net) has joined #armagetron
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 29 13:19:56 2016
May 29 13:19:56 2016 *	Now talking on #armagetron
May 29 13:19:56 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron is: http://www.armagetronad.org/ | pastebin: http://armagetron.pastebin.com/ | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup
May 29 13:19:56 2016 *	Topic for #armagetron set by guru3 at Wed Apr 22 16:50:50 2015
May 29 13:21:42 2016 *	nelg-bot (~nelg-bot@unaffiliated/amaroknelg/bot/nelg-bot) has joined #armagetron
May 29 13:21:42 2016 *	nelg-bot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 29 14:00:20 2016 <Z-Man>	Taxes: Done. Well, the annoying part, anyway. Wife and me need to sign the forms and send them out.
May 29 19:50:43 2016 <ct|kyle>	Z-Man: the annoying part of finding out how much money the government is stealing from you?
May 29 21:32:07 2016 *	zmanuel (~Z-Man@p54A1F132.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #armagetron
May 29 21:32:07 2016 *	Z-Man has quit (Killed (rajaniemi.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services)))
May 29 21:32:07 2016 *	zmanuel is now known as Z-Man
May 29 21:54:07 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	Z-Man: while I did know Anonymous and Amaso are the same person, it wouldn't have mattered.  I wouldn't trust either of them as separate people with an unpublished manuscript.
May 29 21:54:14 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	but thanks for watching out for me :)
May 29 21:54:48 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I still haven't picked a license for it, but I know I'm going with "All rights reserved"
May 29 21:54:53 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	*not
May 29 21:54:59 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	*not going with "All rights reserved"
May 29 22:02:53 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	ct|kyle: I believe it's more "finding out how much money the government takes from you so it can provide for national defense and in other protect your personal sovereignty"
May 29 22:03:04 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	*ways
May 29 22:03:18 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I'm dropping random words from sentences right now.  It's my own meme.
May 29 22:03:44 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	I wanted to end this sentence with a cliffhanger, so I started talking about fisting and ended up talking about.
May 29 22:35:56 2016 <ct|kyle>	Lucifer_arma: just how much they can take from you to promote the carbon polution, and take away our shreaded cheese :P
May 29 22:57:12 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	what is shreaded cheese?
May 29 22:57:30 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	There are two types of people in this world:  Those who like cliffhangers
May 29 22:58:44 2016 <ct|kyle>	Lucifer_arma: the typo for shrededed cheese :P
May 29 23:01:30 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	what's shrededed cheese?
May 29 23:02:31 2016 <ct|kyle>	cheese made Grate
May 29 23:03:01 2016 <Lucifer_arma>	We're going to stop buying shredded cheese, because we want to be part of what makes America grate
May 29 23:08:12 2016 <ct|kyle>	Lucifer_arma: if you stop buying it, surely other americans will, so how will it make amarica grate again, we should all be united in the grating of america
May 29 23:48:51 2016 *	ct|kyle has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon May 30 00:52:57 2016
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon May 30 00:53:30 2016

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