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Log from 2009-01-26:
--- Day changed Mon Jan 26 2009
00:04 <luke-jr> …
00:12 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["uʍop-ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ sǝop ǝuo ʍoɥ ƃuıɹǝpuoʍ ǝq ʎɐɯ noʎ.. it's pretty simple: JUST WRITE UPSIDE-DOWN!"]
00:13 <MrBougo> ‥
00:13 <nsh22> o0
00:13 <MrBougo> ‣•
00:14 -!- nsh22 [n=nsh22@bas3-barrie18-1177706508.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
00:22 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
00:27 -!- emmy_arma_ [n=peiaeman@pc238035.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:40 -!- arrow [n=euclid@adsl-dyn18.78-99-38.t-com.sk] has quit ["Leaving."]
00:46 <@armabot> armacommits: [0.3-armagetronad-openid] r800 oops, forgot to save before my last commit
00:47 <MrBougo> happy r800
00:48 <luke-jr> MrBougo: that r800 was my own branch that was already marked Abandoned
00:48 <luke-jr> hardly worth celebrating
00:49 <MrBougo> ew
00:50 <PinkTomato> happy r1000 is soon
00:50 <luke-jr> MrBougo: the real r# is like 2583 or such
00:51 <MrBougo> well happy r2583 then :(
00:51 <MrBougo> good night
00:52 -!- nsh22 [n=nsh22@bas3-barrie18-1177706508.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #armagetron
00:52 <nsh22> hey hey hey
00:52 <smoothice> hi
01:03 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["gone! quit! exit! etc."]
01:11 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
01:11 <nsh22> oh nos
01:11 <nsh22> lol
01:13 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
01:13 <nsh22> yay lol
01:17 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@2.180-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
01:38 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087099B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
01:39 -!- AshitakA [n=AshitakA@pD9E01FA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ["...draws the curtains...So long!"]
01:56 -!- nsh22 [n=nsh22@bas3-barrie18-1177706508.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:57 <fonkay> bump
01:57 <ct|kyle> bump
01:57 -!- nsh22 [n=nsh22@bas3-barrie18-1177706508.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #armagetron
01:58 <luke-jr> ♡ KDE 4.2.0 leaks
01:58 <ct|kyle> lol
01:58 <nsh22> hey
01:58 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: does it have functionality now luke-jr?
01:59  * ct|kyle probably should read the changelogs since i have not used KDE 4 since it came out
01:59 <nsh22> what is KDE?
01:59 <ct|kyle> #google KDE
01:59 <@armabot> ct|kyle: Search took 0.11 seconds: Kentucky Department of Education: <http://www.kde.state.ky.us/>; K Desktop Environment - Be free: <http://www.kde.org/>; K Desktop Environment - Screenshots: <http://www.kde.org/screenshots/>; KDE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE>; Eyecandy for your KDE -Desktop - KDE -Look.org: <http://www.kde-look.org/>; KDE Dot (1 more message)
02:00 <ct|kyle> second 1
02:00 <nsh22> the kentuckyt department of education, why the f*** are you using that?
02:00 <nsh22> lol
02:00 <ct|kyle> actually all but the first one should work LOL
02:00 <nsh22> anybody wann go toi my food channel?
02:01 <nsh22> it has teh url for my website
02:01 <PinkTomato> I don't want to think about food
02:01 <PinkTomato> :)
02:01 <nsh22> why not?
02:01 <nsh22> food is great
02:01 <PinkTomato> because it means chocolate for me
02:01 <PinkTomato> I can't have chocolate
02:01 <nsh22> mmmmmmmmmmmmm
02:01 <ct|kyle> why not PinkTomato
02:01 <nsh22> why not?
02:02 <nsh22> allegric?
02:02 <nsh22> diet?
02:02 <PinkTomato> it's too late, and I have already had 6 digestives :)
02:02 <nsh22> lol
02:02 <ct|kyle> lol
02:02 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
02:02 <nsh22> u CAN have it, you just choos not to
02:02 <ct|kyle> i'm allergic to about 70% of food
02:02 <PinkTomato> yeah, sorry used the wrong word :)
02:02 <nsh22> dark chocolate has very little sugar, and its actuallyy GOOD for you
02:03 <nsh22> ct|kyle : how so?
02:03 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: KDE has been functional since 4.1
02:03 <PinkTomato> luke-jr: screenshots of kde 4.2?
02:03 <ct|kyle> i really should try it then
02:03 <nsh22> ct|kyle : are u gluten intolerant?
02:03 <nsh22> #foodlovers
02:04 <PinkTomato> Dark Chocolate actually tastes nice too
02:04 <nsh22> talk food there, tron here
02:04 <nsh22> it does
02:04 <ct|kyle> I just have a bunch of allergies, of the environmental stuff they tested me for there were only 2 things that i was not allergic to
02:04 <PinkTomato> Milk chocolate is OK, but prefer dark.
02:04 <nsh22> i actually got my mom some lindt dark truffles for xmas and i thought she liked dark choclat. i found out she didnt lol
02:04 <nsh22> i got the truffles XD
02:04 <nsh22> ct|kyle : food or environment?
02:05 <ct|kyle> that was environment but still a lot of foods
02:05 <PinkTomato> ct|kyle: That sounds bad :(
02:05 <nsh22> ct|kyle : peanuts/nuts?
02:05 <ct|kyle> like crab :( watermelon, peanuts
02:05 <nsh22> WATERMELON?!?
02:05 <PinkTomato> you aren't missing out on watermelon.
02:05 <nsh22> wtf lol
02:06 <nsh22> he is tho
02:06 <nsh22> its so good when home grown
02:06 <nsh22> it may even make u JIYP
02:07 <luke-jr> PinkTomato: not done compiling
02:08 <luke-jr> but it looks mostly the same
02:08 <ct|kyle> corn also
02:08 <nsh22> are u gluten intolerent?
02:10 <ct|kyle> #wtf gluten
02:10 <nsh22> ok, so your not
02:10 <nsh22> gluten is formed whemn water and flour is mixed
02:10 <nsh22> it gives strength to doughs and batters
02:11 <nsh22> it also is what makes tough cookies, cakes and other baked gooods
02:11 <ct|kyle> yeast  i am alergic to
02:11 <nsh22> it also allows bread to rise because it traps the gases in the dough
02:11 <nsh22> well that sux
02:11 <nsh22> all yeast?
02:11 <ct|kyle> but i still have bread
02:12 <nsh22> so they are not serious allergies? (other than nuts obvi)
02:12 <ct|kyle> the only think i've gotten hives from is crab
02:12 <nsh22> but ur anaphlactic to nuts?
02:12 <ct|kyle> watermellon (all melons)
02:12 <PinkTomato> luke-jr: looks neat! I think I'll try it when it is released.
02:12 <ct|kyle> would give me an ichy throught
02:12 <nsh22> ur anaphalctic to melons?
02:12 <ct|kyle> throat*
02:12 <nsh22> nuts will?
02:13  * nsh22 could make a joke but abstains
02:13 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087099B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
02:13 <ct|kyle> i'm sure nuts will, i just never ate them after i found out
02:13 <ct|kyle> crab i used to be fine with until about a year ago
02:13 <nsh22> nuts may kill you
02:14 <nsh22> how old are you?
02:15 <ct|kyle> almost 20
02:16 <nsh22> oh
02:16  * fonkay is allergic to bullshit
02:16 <nsh22> well at least your not glutin intolerant. my cousins and uncle have it
02:16 <nsh22> you cant have ANYTHING with flour
02:17 <ct|kyle> i found out about 10 years ago
02:17 <nsh22> thats a lot of stuff
02:17 <nsh22> oh well thats good
02:28 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-193-190-182.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
02:29 <ct|kyle> oi sinewav
02:29 <sinewav> sup man, how's it hangin'?
02:30 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
02:30 <ct|kyle> got kubuntu yet :P
02:31 <sinewav> haha, no. I think it
02:31 <sinewav> `it'll be a while
02:31 <sinewav> kubuntu it is though
02:31 <sinewav> I've got lots of dumb projects I have to finish first
02:31 <ct|kyle> too much tron :P
02:32 <nsh22> food?
02:32 <nsh22> lol
02:32 <nsh22> food has taken me over
02:32 <ct|kyle> you can always dual boot to start getting used to it
02:32 <nsh22> and i like it
02:32 <sinewav> do you cook?
02:32 <nsh22> yes
02:32 <nsh22> i have a food site
02:32 <nsh22> and an irc channel lol
02:32 <ct|kyle> whats the link (don't feel like going to chanel
02:33 <nsh22> www.thefoodsite.x10hosting.com
02:33 <nsh22> and yes, guests can browse
02:33 <nsh22> i know you guys tend lo lynch ppl when they force ppl to sign up
02:34 <sinewav> vegetarian section?
02:34 <nsh22> i can make one
02:34 <nsh22> good idea, thx
02:35 <sinewav> The first thing I saw on your site was "Bacon Dip" and I was like "yum" and "ew" at the same time
02:36 <sinewav> `haha
02:36 <ct|kyle> heh
02:36 <nsh22> veggies in
02:36 <nsh22> and yes, the sit edoes like butter and bacon fat
02:36 <ct|kyle> i went to the pancakes (has some this morning)
02:36 <nsh22> lok at the bottom
02:36 <nsh22> theres competitions
02:36 <ct|kyle> ya i saw that first really
02:36  * nsh22 loves butter
02:37  * ct|kyle loves potatoes 
02:37  * nsh22 loves butter on potatoes
02:37 <nsh22> ohooooh
02:37 <ct|kyle> :P
02:37  * sinewav loves waffles like nobody's business.
02:37  * nsh22 loves butter on waffles like its nobodys business
02:37 <nsh22> XD
02:38 <ct|kyle> the only potatoe that i have had and did not like was mashed with spices in it
02:38 <nsh22> u gonna sign up and post some reciepes?
02:38 <nsh22> ive has potatoes i didnt like unforunatel
02:38 <nsh22> but thats cuz they didnt have butter
02:38 <nsh22> no joke
02:39 <sinewav> I only know how to make ramen noodles. :(
02:39 <ct|kyle> potato chips don't have butter :P
02:39 <nsh22> but they are fried
02:39 <luke-jr> sinewav: from scratch?
02:39  * ct|kyle loves the fried potatoes
02:40 <nsh22> ill be back in 5 mins
02:41 <sinewav> luke-jr: no, sorry. But I'm pretty creative with ramen.
02:41 <PinkTomato> I have ramen with ramen
02:41  * sinewav used to work in a Chinese restaurant
02:42 -!- YandereBot [n=Pharo@ip70-187-26-118.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
02:42 <luke-jr> !yandere start blind -m allow-early-kill
02:42 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
02:42 <ct|kyle> !yandere DIE
02:42 <YandereBot> ct|kyle: I don't recognize that command.
02:43 <luke-jr> !yandere end
02:43 <YandereBot> The Worm Game game has been forced to end.
02:43 <luke-jr> !yandere start help
02:43 <YandereBot> I don't recognize "help" as a mode.
02:43 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
02:43 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
02:43 <smoothice> luke-jr: will you get the dam* yanderebot out of here
02:44 <luke-jr> coward
02:44 <smoothice> arrogant
02:44 <luke-jr> :þ
02:44 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
02:45 <smoothice> !yandere go die in a pit
02:45 <YandereBot> smoothice: I don't recognize that command.
02:45 <smoothice> !yandere leanr
02:45 <YandereBot> smoothice: I don't recognize that command.
02:45 <smoothice> !yandere learn
02:45 <YandereBot> smoothice: I don't recognize that command.
02:45 <YandereBot> There aren't enough players to start the Worm Game. Try again later.
02:46 <ct|kyle> !yandere part
02:46 <YandereBot> ct|kyle: I don't recognize that command.
02:46 <ct|kyle> !part
02:46 <YandereBot> ct|kyle: You don't have permission to do that.
02:47 <luke-jr> where did PinkTomato, nsh22, and sinewav go? ☹
02:47 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
02:47 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
02:47 <luke-jr> !join #OmahaLUG
02:47 <YandereBot> luke-jr: You don't have permission to do that.
02:47 <PinkTomato> !yandere
02:48 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
02:48 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
02:48 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
02:48 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: move it to another channel
02:48 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: it's in others too ☺
02:48 <ct|kyle> don't play it here
02:49 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
02:49 <luke-jr> not enough ppl there
02:49 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: move it to #luke-jrisanasshat and tell potential players to go there
02:49 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: already did
02:50 <luke-jr> we had a night of games then it died off
02:50 <YandereBot> There aren't enough players to start the Worm Game. Try again later.
02:51 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit ["Leaving"]
02:52 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac7569e.bb.sky.com] has quit ["Leaving."]
02:52 <smoothice> #later tell Lucifer Notice the private message I sent you... thanks.
02:52 <@armabot> smoothice: The operation succeeded.
02:53 <nsh22> back
02:53 <luke-jr> too late nsh22
02:53 <luke-jr> too late
02:53 <smoothice> !yandere
02:53 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
02:53 <nsh22> i missed !yandere?
02:53 <nsh22> !yandere
02:53 <smoothice> !yandere end
02:53 <YandereBot> The Worm Game game has been forced to end.
02:53 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
02:53 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
02:53 <ct|kyle> !yandere end
02:53 <YandereBot> ct|kyle: You don't have permission to do that.
02:54 <nsh22> !yandere
02:54 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
02:55 -!- smoothice [n=smoothic@unaffiliated/smoothice] has quit ["Leaving"]
02:55 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
02:55 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
02:55 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
02:56 <luke-jr> sigh
02:56 <nsh22> ya
02:56 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
02:56 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
02:56 -!- iceknife [n=iceknife@65-255-132-101.static.fiber4.net] has joined #armagetron
02:56 <luke-jr> iceknife: say !yandere
02:56 <iceknife> !yandere
02:56 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
02:57 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
02:57 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
02:57 -!- shortc|desk [n=shortcir@c-24-11-113-231.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
02:57 <nsh22> shortc|desk : type !yandere
02:57 <shortc|desk> !yandere
02:57 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: apparently no one cares to play so just give up
02:57 <YandereBot> At 3:59 in the morning, the computer wakes up to an illegal opcode. It's coming from the direction of gedit! You all run to his directory and find that he was assassinated with a hardware malfunction. He seems to have been the victim of a worm!
02:58 <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 program, and 1 kill. It's your job to determine the worms.
02:58 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
02:58 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
02:58 <shortc|desk> !abstain
02:58 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
02:58 <luke-jr> wait
02:58 <nsh22> !short
02:58 <luke-jr> we have a kill program
02:58 <luke-jr> so let's all claim
02:58 <luke-jr> lynch one of the dupes
02:58 <luke-jr> and kill program gets the other
02:58 <shortc|desk> program.
02:58 <luke-jr> nsh22: what do you claim?
02:59 <nsh22> scanner
02:59 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: is work
02:59 <ct|kyle> worm*
02:59 <luke-jr> iceknife: and you?
02:59 <nsh22> !vote iceknife
02:59 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
02:59 <shortc|desk> !unvote
02:59 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has switched from abstain to undecided. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
03:01 <nsh22> !yandere hurry
03:01 <iceknife> !vote
03:01 <YandereBot> iceknife: vote isn't in this game.
03:01 <luke-jr> nsh22 is too rushed
03:01 <luke-jr> iceknife: what do you claim to be?
03:01 <iceknife> virus scanner
03:01 <luke-jr> ok
03:01 <luke-jr> so we lynch nsh22 now
03:01 <luke-jr> and I kill iceknife tonight
03:01 <luke-jr> !vote nsh22
03:01 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for nsh22. iceknife: 1, nsh22: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:01 <shortc|desk> !vote nsh22
03:01 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for nsh22. iceknife: 1, nsh22: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:02 <iceknife> !vote nsh22
03:02 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for nsh22. iceknife: 1, nsh22: 3, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
03:02 <YandereBot> You lynch nsh22, and it turns out nsh22 was a virus scanner!
03:02 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:02 <nsh22> lol i like your logic
03:02 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
03:02 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
03:02 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
03:02 <YandereBot> iceknife, a program, was eliminated by a fork bomb.
03:02 <YandereBot> luke-jr, a kill, was eliminated by an error.
03:02 <YandereBot> Game over! The worm wins!
03:02 <luke-jr> -.-
03:02 <shortc|desk> LOL
03:02 <YandereBot> Kills: luke-jr
03:02 <YandereBot> Programs: iceknife
03:02 <nsh22> wd
03:02 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: nsh22
03:02 <YandereBot> Worms: shortc|desk
03:02 <shortc|desk> I'm the ONLY survivor?
03:02 <luke-jr> you retards XD
03:02 <nsh22> haha
03:02 <nsh22> nice logic luke
03:02 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
03:02 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
03:02 <nsh22> kill them both
03:02 <shortc|desk> He had the right plan.
03:02 <luke-jr> nsh22: yeah, but iceknife was too new
03:02 <nsh22> !yandere
03:02 <shortc|desk> He had the wrong information.
03:03 <nsh22> lol@short
03:03 <luke-jr> iceknife: in that scenario, don't lie :þ
03:03 <iceknife> don't lie? did it tell me what I was?
03:03 <luke-jr> …yes
03:03 <luke-jr> before the introduction
03:03 <luke-jr> via /notice
03:03 <nsh22> yes it did
03:03  * shortc|desk grabs a soda and stows his leftover chip-dip.
03:03 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
03:03 <iceknife> !yandere
03:03 <iceknife> oh I see.
03:04 <iceknife> Sorry, wasn't sure what was going down yet.
03:04 <YandereBot> There aren't enough players to start the Worm Game. Try again later.
03:04 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
03:04 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
03:05 <nsh22> !yandere
03:05 <iceknife> !yandere
03:05 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
03:06 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
03:06 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
03:06 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: O.o
03:06 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
03:07 <shortc|desk> !yandere
03:07 <iceknife> !yandere
03:07 <shortc|desk> Sorry...distracted by the TV in the other room.
03:07 <luke-jr> there u r!
03:07 <YandereBot> TextEdit is a quiet, insignificant program. But she's especially quiet today, because she was taken out by a fork bomb. She seems to have been the victim of a worm!
03:07 <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 program, and 1 firewall. It's your job to determine the worms.
03:07 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:08 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
03:08 <nsh22> same logic as last time luke?
03:08 <ct|kyle> #weather 46814
03:08 <@armabot> ct|kyle: The current temperature in Tanbark, Fort Wayne, Indiana is 7.7°F (9:08 PM EST on January 25, 2009). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: -0.4°F. Windchill: 6.8°F. Pressure: 30.43 in 1030.4 hPa (Steady).
03:08 <luke-jr> nsh22: no, we lack a kill program
03:08 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: What are you using for a program list? (i.e. TextEdit, gedit, etc.)
03:08 <ct|kyle> that + haircut == really cold
03:09 <nsh22> #weather innisfil
03:09 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: female(TextEdit, KWrite), male(gedit, Notepad)
03:09 <@armabot> nsh22: The current temperature in Innisfil, Innisfil, Ontario is 6.8°F (9:09 PM EST on January 25, 2009). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 56%. Dew Point: -5.8°F. Windchill: 6.8°F. Pressure: 29.35 in 993.8 hPa (Falling).
03:09 <nsh22> i win
03:09 <iceknife> who is the virus scanner?
03:09 <luke-jr> iceknife: the virus scanner shouldn't admit it
03:09 <iceknife> #weather rockport
03:09 <luke-jr> or the worm will kill him
03:09 <@armabot> iceknife: Error: HTTP Error 500: Server Error
03:09 <luke-jr> furthermore, even if the virus scanner does admit it, none of us innocents know he is legit
03:09 <nsh22> i r program
03:10 <luke-jr> so he is admitting it only to the worm
03:10 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Aw.  It'd be so incredibly simple just to use a combined listing from /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/games, etc.
03:10 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: feel free to add it
03:10  * shortc|desk sighs
03:10 <iceknife> I just guarded a person.
03:10 <luke-jr> iceknife: … liar
03:11 <iceknife> I did.
03:11 <iceknife> :-)
03:11 <shortc|desk> What's the source control tool, and what's the repo address?
03:11 <iceknife> or did I...
03:11 <nsh22> since nobosy wants to do anything....
03:11 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: bzr branch/checkout lp:yandere
03:11 <shortc|desk> iceknife: It's day.  You can't guard during the day.
03:11 <shortc|desk> !abstain
03:11 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
03:11 <nsh22> !vote iceknife
03:11 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
03:11 <iceknife> !abstain
03:11 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted to abstain. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
03:11 <luke-jr> !abstain
03:11 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted to abstain. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 3, Undecided: 0
03:11 <YandereBot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
03:11 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:11 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
03:11 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
03:12 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
03:12 <YandereBot> shortc|desk, a virus scanner, is terminated, killed by a shorted circuit.
03:12 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:12 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, and iceknife.
03:12 <luke-jr> sigh
03:12 <luke-jr> there goes that hope
03:12 <iceknife> hmm..
03:12 <nsh22> !vote iceknife
03:12 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:12 <iceknife> Actually I know who is the worm.
03:12 <luke-jr> I guarded nsh22
03:12 <luke-jr> !vote iceknife
03:12 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:12 <iceknife> liar luke.
03:12 <luke-jr> …
03:12 <luke-jr> no
03:12 <iceknife> !abstain
03:12 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted to abstain. iceknife: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 0
03:12 <YandereBot> You lynch iceknife, and it turns out iceknife was a firewall!
03:12 <YandereBot> Game over! The worm wins!
03:12 <YandereBot> Firewalls: iceknife
03:12 <YandereBot> Programs: nsh22
03:12 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: shortc|desk
03:12 <luke-jr> ok yes :D
03:12 <YandereBot> Worms: luke-jr
03:13 <shortc|desk> I knew it was luke.
03:13 <shortc|desk> Just because I was the first to die...
03:13 <nsh22> lol luke
03:13 <iceknife> I knew it was as well.. I guarded nsh22
03:13 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
03:13 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
03:13 <shortc|desk> !yandere
03:13 <iceknife> !yandere
03:13 <nsh22> !yandere bot
03:13 <YandereBot> nsh22: I don't recognize that command.
03:13 <nsh22> !yandere
03:13 <iceknife> just waiting on luke now
03:14 <YandereBot> Windows was always a corrupt OS. But last night it was confirmed when the system began getting slower and slower. Overnight, KWrite has been terminated by the PC speaker's magnetic field. This looks like the work of a worm!
03:14 <YandereBot> This game has 1 virus scanner, 1 root worm, 1 radmin, and 1 program. It's your job to determine the worms.
03:14 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:14 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, shortc|desk, iceknife, and nsh22.
03:14 <luke-jr> ooo
03:14 <shortc|desk> !yandere help radmin
03:14 <nsh22> radmins? what do they do
03:14 <luke-jr> !yandere help radmin
03:14 <iceknife> !yandere help radmin
03:14 <luke-jr> [20:14:43] [Notice] -YandereBot- Remote administrators are normal users with no special abilities, except virus scanners will mistake them for worms.
03:14 <shortc|desk> !yandere help root worm
03:15 <shortc|desk> Ah.  Like "psychic yandere", then.
03:15 <iceknife> !yandere program
03:15 <YandereBot> iceknife: program isn't in this game.
03:15 <luke-jr> !yandere help root worm
03:15 <luke-jr> [20:15:16] [Notice] -YandereBot- Worms running as root are worms that can inspect another program's role one time during a day of your choosing. Type "/msg YandereBot !spy <user>" during the day or "/msg YandereBot !vote <user>" during the night.
03:15 <iceknife> !yandere help program
03:15 <nsh22> !vote shortc|desk
03:15 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
03:15 <iceknife> !vote nsh22
03:15 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for nsh22. shortc|desk: 1, nsh22: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:15 <shortc|desk> !vote iceknife
03:15 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for iceknife. shortc|desk: 1, nsh22: 1, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:15 <nsh22> lol
03:16 <nsh22> luke, vote for self, 4 way tie
03:16 <iceknife> the power is in lukes hand.
03:16 <shortc|desk> It's the worm game isn't it?
03:16 <shortc|desk> !vote luke-jr
03:16 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has switched from iceknife to vote for luke-jr. shortc|desk: 1, nsh22: 1, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:16 <luke-jr> !vote shortc|desk
03:16 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 2, nsh22: 1, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
03:16 <YandereBot> You lynch shortc|desk, and it turns out shortc|desk was a root worm!
03:16 <YandereBot> Congratulations! The last worm has been defeated!
03:16 <YandereBot> Programs: iceknife
03:16 <YandereBot> Radmins: luke-jr
03:16 <luke-jr> kthx
03:16 <YandereBot> Root worms: shortc|desk
03:16 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
03:16 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: nsh22
03:16 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
03:16 <nsh22> XD
03:16 <nsh22> !yandere
03:16 <iceknife> !yandere
03:16 <shortc|desk> !yandere
03:17 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: I deduced nsh22's role from your actions :þ
03:17 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Uh?
03:17 <shortc|desk> I never actually used my ability.  I was just screwing around. :-)
03:17 <luke-jr> lol
03:17 <nsh22> same
03:17 <luke-jr> nsh22: you never got a chance
03:17 <nsh22> my logic is random at best
03:17 <YandereBot> At 3:35 in the morning, the computer wakes up to an illegal opcode. It's coming from the direction of Notepad! You all run to his directory and find that he was assassinated with a PEBKAC. He seems to have been the victim of a worm!
03:17 <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 program, and 1 bug. It's your job to determine the worms.
03:17 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:17 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
03:17 <shortc|desk> nsh22: My logic is best when it's random.
03:17 -!- mib_b5pktz [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-38ad470aed91fb76] has joined #armagetron
03:18 -!- mib_b5pktz [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-38ad470aed91fb76] has left #armagetron []
03:18 <nsh22> !yandere bug
03:18 <YandereBot> nsh22: bug isn't in this game.
03:18 -!- SignalOne [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6dbc75dba23cf663] has joined #armagetron
03:18 <luke-jr> …
03:18 <nsh22> !yandere help bug
03:18 <shortc|desk> !yandere help bug
03:18 <SignalOne> ...
03:18 <luke-jr> !yandere help bug
03:18 <SignalOne> hi!
03:18 <iceknife> !yandere help bug
03:18 <luke-jr> [20:18:24] [Notice] -YandereBot- Bugs can either spy on someone once during a day of your choosing OR kill someone once during a night. Type "/msg YandereBot !spy <user>" during the day or "/msg YandereBot !kill <user>" during the night.
03:18 <luke-jr> SignalOne: hi
03:18 <iceknife> !abstain
03:18 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
03:18 <SignalOne> yay people are here
03:19 <luke-jr> !abstain
03:19 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
03:19 <SignalOne> so wats up
03:19 <nsh22> !abstain
03:19 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
03:19 <SignalOne> are we playing worm?
03:19 <luke-jr> SignalOne: huntin worms
03:19 <nsh22> yes signal
03:19 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: baka ranger should be renamed rootkit.
03:19 <SignalOne> how hard would it be for me to learn this
03:19 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: he's hardware
03:19 <iceknife> who are we waiting on.
03:19 <luke-jr> !unvote
03:19 <YandereBot> luke-jr has switched from abstain to undecided. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
03:19 <shortc|desk> I know. But he *should* be renamed rootkit. :-)
03:19 <luke-jr> does the bug have info?
03:19 <iceknife> it's not hard signal I just started.
03:19 <nsh22> SignalOne : not hard,, i learned it after all
03:20 <SignalOne> hehe
03:20 <luke-jr> nsh22: you did?
03:20 <SignalOne> well here i go
03:20 <SignalOne> !abstain
03:20 <YandereBot> SignalOne: You aren't in this game.
03:20 <luke-jr> ..
03:20 <SignalOne> lol
03:20 <shortc|desk> SignalOne: It's not a path to a door, but a journey forever on to the horizon.
03:20 <iceknife> !undecided
03:20 <nsh22> luke-jr : no but im tryin to gte moreplayers XD
03:20 <iceknife> umm what are we doing?
03:20 <shortc|desk> !abstain
03:20 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
03:20 <SignalOne> !rumandcoke
03:20 <iceknife> hmm my !undecided didn't work.
03:20 <luke-jr> no info from bug? :/
03:20 <luke-jr> !abstain
03:20 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 4, Undecided: 0
03:20 <YandereBot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
03:20 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:20 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
03:20 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
03:20 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: If you'd stop bugging him...
03:21 <iceknife> no info from bug? whats that mean?
03:21 <luke-jr> iceknife: the bug can spy at day
03:21 <luke-jr> once
03:21 <luke-jr> anyhow, it's night
03:21 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
03:21 <YandereBot> luke-jr, a virus scanner, is missing, terminated by radiation.
03:21 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:21 <YandereBot> Current players: nsh22, iceknife, and shortc|desk.
03:21 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Role?
03:22 <shortc|desk> oh...kay
03:22 <shortc|desk> iceknife: Role?
03:22 <iceknife> program
03:22 <iceknife> sorry about that watching foodnetwork as well.
03:22 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Role?
03:23 <nsh22> sry, working on site
03:23 <nsh22> bug
03:23 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Have you spied anyone?
03:23 <nsh22> luke
03:23 <iceknife> can everyone spy people?
03:23 <shortc|desk> Ah.
03:23 <shortc|desk> iceknife: Only certain roles.
03:23 <nsh22> so ya...
03:23 <iceknife> luke was a virus scanner
03:24 <nsh22> and he was killed by the worm
03:24 <shortc|desk> obfuscated bugs, top, bugs, hackers, root worms and virus scanners can spy.
03:24 <shortc|desk> Some during the day.  Some during the night.  Only a virus scanner can spy more than once.
03:25 <iceknife> !abstain
03:25 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
03:25 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: hackers can spy more than once
03:25 <nsh22> !abstain
03:25 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
03:25 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: oh, right.  pedobear.
03:25 <nsh22> pedobear?
03:25 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Here's the thing  There's three of us left.
03:25 <shortc|desk> If we abstain, yandere wins.
03:25 <shortc|desk> er...worm.
03:25 <nsh22> oh
03:25 <iceknife> !vote shortc|desk
03:25 <YandereBot> iceknife has switched from abstain to vote for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
03:26 <nsh22> !shortc|desk
03:26 <iceknife> I think it's shortc|desk he is pushing to kill people off.
03:26 <nsh22> !vote shortc|desk
03:26 <YandereBot> nsh22 has switched from abstain to vote for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:26 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Now, I believe you when you say that you're the bug.  See, iceknife claims to be a program.  There's only one program.  Problem is, *I'm* the program.
03:26 <iceknife> no I'm the program.
03:26 <iceknife> I'll cut and paste it.
03:26 <shortc|desk> Also, if I were the worm, I'd have just let everyone abstain, and take the win.
03:26 <luke-jr> iceknife: no you won't
03:26 <luke-jr> iceknife: that'd be cheating
03:26 <shortc|desk> Not to mention lying...
03:27 <luke-jr> well, if he's lying, then it's not cheating
03:27 <luke-jr> so if he DOES paste it, he's a liar
03:27 <shortc|desk> So he's either a liar or a cheater.
03:27 <iceknife> or neither and you are the bug.
03:27 <luke-jr> …
03:27 <iceknife> well then I'd be a cheater.
03:27 <iceknife> I see what you did there.
03:28 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Seriously.  If there are three people left, then the worm wins.
03:28 <luke-jr> poor SignalOne and I are waiting btw
03:28 <shortc|desk> The reason for this is that the worm will kill someone that night.
03:28 <iceknife> he voted.. we are just waiting on you
03:28 <shortc|desk> The next day, there'd be only two people left, meaning neither side can get a majority.
03:28 <shortc|desk> Which means that the worm can then kill again that night.
03:29 <nsh22> short, we are waiting for you to vote ;)
03:29 <shortc|desk> So, in all reality, if I were the worm, I wouldn't have brought up the fact that abstaining at that point would have led to the worm's victory, because that victory would have been mine.
03:29 <luke-jr> stfu shortc|desk and die
03:29 <luke-jr> they're not n00b enough to change votes now
03:29 <luke-jr> it's obvious you're guilty
03:29 <shortc|desk> nsh22: So, if you have any interest in winning, switch your vote to iceknife.
03:30  * shortc|desk is confused.
03:30 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Surely you'd see the logic in what I'm saying...
03:30 <nsh22> please vote or abstain
03:30 <iceknife> short you are the one we are waiting to see vote.
03:30  * shortc|desk sighs.
03:30 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: I see beyond it.
03:30 <shortc|desk> !vote iceknife
03:30 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for iceknife. shortc|desk: 2, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
03:30 <YandereBot> You lynch shortc|desk, and it turns out shortc|desk was a program!
03:30 <YandereBot> Game over! The worm wins!
03:30 <YandereBot> Bugs: iceknife
03:30 <YandereBot> Programs: shortc|desk
03:30 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: luke-jr
03:30 <luke-jr> lol
03:30 <YandereBot> Worms: nsh22
03:30 <iceknife> muahahahaha.
03:30 <nsh22> i win
03:30 <shortc|desk> Huh...
03:30 <luke-jr> well played iceknife
03:30 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
03:30 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
03:30 <luke-jr> err
03:30 <luke-jr> nsh22: ⁇?
03:30 <nsh22> !yandere
03:30 <luke-jr> wtf
03:30 <luke-jr> how did THAT happen
03:30 <nsh22> sXD
03:31 <shortc|desk> iceknife: You screwed that game over big time...
03:31 <nsh22> short, stfu and play lol
03:31 <luke-jr> SignalOne: !yandere
03:31 <iceknife> how did I do that?
03:31 <shortc|desk> !yandere
03:31 <iceknife> Aren't bugs evil?
03:31 <nsh22> no
03:31 <shortc|desk> iceknife: By claiming to be a program.
03:31 <luke-jr> iceknife: no
03:31 <shortc|desk> iceknife: No.  bugs are helpful in this game.
03:31 <shortc|desk> !yandere help bug
03:31 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
03:31 <luke-jr> only worms and backdoors are evil
03:31 <iceknife> bugs aren't evil.. wth.. I sure don't like them in my programs..
03:31 <iceknife> !yandere
03:31 <nsh22> lol
03:31 <luke-jr> iceknife: they're not malicious tho
03:32 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: I think the bug needs a rename.
03:32 <iceknife> they can be.
03:32 <nsh22> mysite is finnaly coming along YAY
03:32 <luke-jr> maybe
03:32 <shortc|desk> nsh22: What site is that?
03:32 <nsh22> any1 care to take a look at it to rate it?
03:32 <luke-jr> tbh, most of those once-roles have no obvious names
03:32 <nsh22> www.thefoodsite.x10hosting.com
03:32 <YandereBot> Today is KWrite's turn to get used! And she's been planning on this for quite some time now! All the libraries eagerly link, but they're met with a surprise: KWrite was taken out by a loud pop. There's only one explanation: there is a worm among us!
03:32 <luke-jr> fail #1: no domain name
03:32 <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 program, and 1 firewall. It's your job to determine the worms.
03:32 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:32 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, shortc|desk, and iceknife.
03:33 <luke-jr> I'm the virus scanner.
03:33 <nsh22> a firewall, wtf is a firewall
03:33 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: And why would you say that before the first night?
03:33 <luke-jr> firewall should protect me from the worm tonight ☺
03:33 <shortc|desk> nsh22: A guardian.
03:33 <shortc|desk> Um...DON't.
03:33 <shortc|desk> If a virus scanner guards the worm, the virus scanner dies.
03:33 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: do you claim to be scanner?
03:34 <nsh22> !vote shortc|desk
03:34 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
03:34 <nsh22> he doesnt want the admin to live lol
03:34 <nsh22> obvi a bot
03:34 <nsh22> virus*
03:34 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: No, but it doesn't make any sense for you to admit being the virus scanner before having any information.
03:34 <shortc|desk> By doing so, you set yourself up as a target.
03:34 <iceknife> !vote luke-jr
03:34 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for luke-jr. shortc|desk: 1, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:34 <luke-jr> nsh22: iceknife?
03:34 <luke-jr> do either of YOU claim to be the virus scanner?
03:35 <nsh22> nope
03:35 <iceknife> I actually agree with shortc|desk to be claiming to the be virus scanner.
03:35 <shortc|desk> nsh22, iceknife Don't admit to it if you are.
03:35 <luke-jr> if nobody else claims to be the scanner, I'm obviously legit ;)
03:35 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: why shouldn't they?
03:35 <iceknife> that seems fishy.
03:35 <luke-jr> we have a firewall
03:35 <luke-jr> the virus scanner won't die tonight
03:35 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: For the same reason it doesn't make any sense for you to admit being the virus scanner, if you are one.
03:35 <shortc|desk> It sets them up as a target.
03:35 <luke-jr> here's the plan:
03:36 <luke-jr> well plans
03:36 <luke-jr> 1. Only I claim virus scanner
03:36 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Here's the problem.
03:36 <luke-jr> 1a. Firewall protects me tonight, so I can scan someone
03:36 <luke-jr> 1b. I have info tomorrow
03:36 <luke-jr> 2. Two claims to scanner
03:36 -!- SignalOne [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6dbc75dba23cf663] has left #armagetron []
03:37 <luke-jr> hm
03:37 <BabyBug> this game is taken way too seriously...
03:37 <shortc|desk> Um...
03:37 <luke-jr> I thought i had a solution to #2
03:37 <shortc|desk> Wasn't he in this game?
03:37 <luke-jr> maybe I forgot it
03:37 <luke-jr> no
03:37 -!- Raiono [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-df5ace268f65cf77] has joined #armagetron
03:37 <luke-jr> ok, I guess I was betting on the worm claiming firewall
03:37 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: And if you're actually the worm, and the firewall guards you, then the firewall will die, you'll (if you're lucky) kill someone else during the night, and it'll be a one-night win for you.
03:37 <iceknife> no shortc he didn't go.
03:37 <Raiono> luke i cant use unix kde , looks hawt though
03:37 <luke-jr> then I'd scan one of the two firewalls
03:37 <YandereBot> The goal at day time is to determine who you think is a worm and to cast your vote to lynch that loli. Type "!vote <user>" to vote (or to change your previous vote), or type "!abstain" to wait a turn and not lynch anyone. The vote needs a majority to succeed.
03:37 <Raiono> i wana PLAY!
03:38 <nsh22> wait
03:38 <luke-jr> Raiono: so don't disappear when it's starting
03:38 <Raiono> i didnt
03:38 <Raiono> i had reapeared
03:38 <luke-jr> right now, I think shortc|desk is the worm, and he already admitted he isn't the scanner
03:38 <iceknife> I'm going to kill off luke-jr I don't trust you.
03:38 <luke-jr> and presumably nsh22 and iceknife know they're not
03:38 <shortc|desk> luke-jr, no, I did not admit to being the scanner.
03:38 <iceknife> shortc is making more sense.
03:38 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: you admitted to NOT being the scanner
03:39 <luke-jr> iceknife: if nobody else claims to be scanner, then it must be me
03:39 <iceknife> !vote luke-jr
03:39 <nsh22> question: can the firewall be attacked by the worm?
03:39 <luke-jr> nsh22: yes
03:39 <iceknife> then we are hosed nsh.
03:39 <shortc|desk> <luke-jr> shortc|desk: do you claim to be scanner?
03:39 <shortc|desk> <shortc|desk> luke-jr: No, but it doesn't make any sense for you to admit being the virus scanner before having any information.
03:39 <nsh22> can we vote and get on with this....
03:39 <iceknife> and if the firewall guards the virus then the virus gets a one shot kill.
03:39 <iceknife> I voted.
03:39 <shortc|desk> iceknife: He's lying.  He's good enough at this game to know that's not true.
03:40 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Stop manipulating the n00bs. :-)
03:40 <iceknife> I think it's luke-jr I voted that way
03:40 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: I'm not.
03:40 <shortc|desk> !vote luke-jr
03:40 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for luke-jr. shortc|desk: 1, luke-jr: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:40 <Raiono> lol
03:40 <luke-jr> !vote shortc|desk
03:40 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 2, luke-jr: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
03:40 <YandereBot> Everyone has voted, but there is a tie. Someone will need to switch their vote, or you can type "!next" and force the group to abstain.
03:40 <luke-jr> !yandere next
03:40 <YandereBot> You fail to make a decision. No one is lynched.
03:40 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:40 <nsh22> who hasnt voted
03:40 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
03:40 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, shortc|desk, and iceknife.
03:40 <shortc|desk> nsh22: It's night.
03:40 <shortc|desk> Now someone dies.
03:41 <shortc|desk> Hopefully, the firewall won't have taken the bait luke set.
03:41 <nsh22> not if the firewall protects someone
03:41 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Here's the problem.  Whenever a firewall protects the worm, the firewall dies.
03:41 <iceknife> !vote luke-jr
03:41 <YandereBot> Commands in the channel are ignored during the night. Please PM them to me instead. This message does not imply that iceknife has any special ability.
03:41 <shortc|desk> So if the firewall can be goaded by the worm into guarding the worm, the worm can take the opportunity to get two kills in one night.
03:42 <iceknife> we don't vote at night?
03:42 <nsh22> doesnt matter to me, irdc
03:42 <shortc|desk> iceknife: No.  Have to wait until day.
03:42 <luke-jr> …
03:42 <nsh22> no we dont
03:42 <iceknife> oh then how do we kill the worm at night?
03:42 <Raiono> can you pm a vote at night?
03:42 <nsh22> short, make your descion on who you want to kill already
03:42 <shortc|desk> iceknife: Most times, you can't.
03:42 <shortc|desk> nsh22: I can't. :-)
03:42 <nsh22> good response
03:43 <YandereBot> The dawn comes, and it seems everyone survived the night.
03:43 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:43 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, nsh22, shortc|desk, and iceknife.
03:43 <shortc|desk> ooh.
03:43 <shortc|desk> Now this gets interesting. :-D
03:43 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: you look liek a program
03:43 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: You may have inferred that from my statement of "I can't."
03:43 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: nope
03:43 <luke-jr> nobody but the worm can kill at night
03:43 <shortc|desk> Lucifer: Not strictly true.
03:43 <nsh22> !vote iceknife
03:43 <YandereBot> nsh22 has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
03:43 <nsh22> been awefully quiet
03:44 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: I told nsh22 if I died, you were probably the worm
03:44 <shortc|desk> kill and killall can kill at night.
03:44 <luke-jr> so I suspect nsh22 is trustworthy
03:44 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: this is visible roles
03:44 <iceknife> I'm so confused right now nsh22 lol.
03:44 <shortc|desk> nsh22: Are you the firewall?  Who did you guard?
03:44 <nsh22> i may change my vote later on, ur just very quiet while you kill
03:45 <luke-jr> iceknife: what do you claim?
03:45 <iceknife> I don't trust any of you!
03:45 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: iceknife should claim now, right?
03:45 <iceknife> program
03:45 <luke-jr> HAHA
03:45 <iceknife> I'm not the scanner.
03:45 <luke-jr> !vote iceknife
03:45 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:45 <luke-jr> iceknife: shortc|desk is the program
03:45 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: What SHOULD happen is that the firewall should come forward and publicly say who they guarded.
03:46 <iceknife> !vote shortc|desk
03:46 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for shortc|desk. iceknife: 2, shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
03:46 <nsh22> zomg my moms kicking eme off
03:46 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: nsh22 is obviously the firewall
03:46 <nsh22> i g2g in 2 mins
03:46 <luke-jr> nsh22: tell us who you guarded
03:46 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: I'd like to hear that from him...
03:46 <nsh22> luke
03:46 <shortc|desk> alright.
03:46 <shortc|desk> !vote iceknife
03:46 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 3, shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
03:46 <YandereBot> You lynch iceknife, and it turns out iceknife was a worm!
03:46 <YandereBot> Congratulations! The last worm has been defeated!
03:46 <YandereBot> Firewalls: nsh22
03:46 <iceknife> dang.
03:46 <YandereBot> Programs: shortc|desk
03:46 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: luke-jr
03:46 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
03:46 <nsh22> i was right
03:46 <YandereBot> Worms: iceknife
03:46 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
03:46 <iceknife> I tried to kill luke off.
03:46 <nsh22> i g2g guys
03:46 <iceknife> see ya.
03:46 <iceknife> !yandere
03:46 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: You played in a very unorthodox manner.
03:46 <nsh22> so i chose the right person to save?
03:46 <Raiono> !join
03:46 <YandereBot> Raiono: You don't have permission to do that.
03:47 <luke-jr> iceknife: that was utterly stupid :þ
03:47 <Raiono> oh man
03:47 <luke-jr> Raiono: !yandere
03:47 <shortc|desk> What possessed you to reveal yourself as virus scanner on the first day?
03:47 <luke-jr> it's a known bug
03:47 <Raiono> !yandere
03:47 <iceknife> well I was hoping that they didn't believe you luke.
03:47 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: intuition maybe
03:47 <nsh22> lol i kinda have to save the admin, he kinda owns my server lolk
03:47 <iceknife> then I'd have the virus scanner dead.
03:47 <luke-jr> iceknife: once I die, they know what I am
03:47 <nsh22> and short, ur dumb thats all.
03:47 <nsh22> byby
03:47 <shortc|desk> iceknife: You played well that round, I think.
03:47 <Raiono> byebye
03:47 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
03:47 <luke-jr> LOL
03:47 <luke-jr> shortc|desk is dumb?
03:47 <shortc|desk> The biggest problem was luke's defying established logic...
03:47 -!- nsh22 [n=nsh22@bas3-barrie18-1177706508.dsl.bell.ca] has quit ["G'nite folks"]
03:47 <Raiono> !join
03:47 <YandereBot> Raiono: You don't have permission to do that.
03:47 <luke-jr> he's like the #3 player
03:47 <luke-jr> Raiono: !YANDERE
03:47 <iceknife> we need 2 more.
03:48 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
03:48 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
03:48 <Raiono> !YANDERE!
03:48 <Raiono> !yandere
03:48 <iceknife> !yandere
03:48 <luke-jr> omfg
03:48 <shortc|desk> !yandere
03:48 <Raiono> i already was in it
03:48 <Raiono> i just wanted to try after
03:48 <iceknife> luke we need you in it.
03:48 <Raiono> deductive reasoning
03:48 <luke-jr> iceknife: I started it
03:48 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: remember I play a lot on intuition
03:48 <YandereBot> Today is TextEdit's turn to get used! And she's been planning on this for quite some time now! All the libraries eagerly link, but they're met with a surprise: TextEdit has been terminated by a fork bomb. This looks like the work of a worm!
03:48 <Raiono> luke-jr !HAVECHOCALATE
03:48 <YandereBot> This game has 1 virus scanner, 1 root worm, 1 program, and 1 hacker. It's your job to determine the worms.
03:48 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
03:48 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, Raiono, and shortc|desk.
03:48 <luke-jr> eck, fork bomb
03:49 <luke-jr> eck, root worm
03:49 <luke-jr> :x
03:49 <iceknife> so hackers aren't bad.
03:49 <luke-jr> mr. hacker, please HELP
03:49 <iceknife> just the worm.
03:49 <iceknife> !yandere help hacker
03:49 <shortc|desk> Lucifer: You had me confused.  I don't see "fork bomb" anywhere in the source. :-)
03:49 <luke-jr> …
03:50 <luke-jr> it's in TWG theme intros
03:50 <luke-jr> as a death method
03:50 <shortc|desk> !yandere help hacker
03:50 <Lucifer> shortc|desk: who the fuck are you and why do you keep pinging me?
03:50 <luke-jr> ROFL
03:50 <Raiono> hmm so i need to type /msg yanderebot luke?
03:50 <shortc|desk> Lucifer: Doh! I"m sorry...
03:50 <iceknife> !vote Raiono
03:50 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for Raiono. Raiono: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
03:50 <shortc|desk> Lucifer: XChat's auto-complete keeps sending my comments to you instead of luke-jr.
03:50 <shortc|desk> I didn't realize I missed one...
03:50 <iceknife> i'm a program, just normal with nothing special.
03:50 <Raiono> !vote iceknife
03:50 <YandereBot> Raiono has voted for iceknife. Raiono: 1, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:51 <shortc|desk> !abstain
03:51 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. Raiono: 1, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
03:51 <luke-jr> …
03:51 <luke-jr> this is ridiculous
03:51 <iceknife> which means I'm going to hit the wc while waiting for your votes
03:51 <luke-jr> the hacker and worm both know something
03:51 <Raiono> your fast vote against me shows you are willing to cast away your guilt
03:51 <BabyBug> shortc|desk, Settings > Preferences > Input Box > Nick Completion Sorted > Last-spoke order :P
03:52 <iceknife> no you are new and you said so I have to /msg Yanderbot.. that is what the worm would do
03:52 <luke-jr> sigfh
03:52 <luke-jr> !abstain
03:52 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted to abstain. Raiono: 1, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 0
03:52 <YandereBot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
03:52 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:52 <shortc|desk> BabyBug: Thanks a bunch.
03:52 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
03:52 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, Raiono, and shortc|desk.
03:52 <shortc|desk> That ought to improve my msg speed by at least half. :-D
03:52 <Raiono> no i asked because of playing the game in tron
03:53 <Raiono> says im the scanner
03:53 <Raiono> and the worm
03:53 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
03:53 <YandereBot> luke-jr, a virus scanner, has been savagely killed by the Trash.
03:53 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
03:53 <YandereBot> Current players: iceknife, Raiono, and shortc|desk.
03:53 <shortc|desk> Raiono: You look like a worm.
03:53 <Raiono> no way
03:53 <iceknife> !shortc|desk
03:53 <Raiono> i look like a bedbug
03:54 <shortc|desk> Raiono: What's your role?
03:54 <Raiono> i dunno yet
03:54 <Raiono> sry first time
03:54 <shortc|desk> Ah.
03:54 <iceknife> it tells you in bold letters
03:54 <iceknife> what is your role shortc?
03:54 <luke-jr> bold?
03:54 <luke-jr> wtf?
03:54 <Raiono> what color is the message
03:54 <shortc|desk> Did you see the stuff Yanderebot told you when the game started?
03:54 -!- Isum [n=isum@adsl-70-232-52-146.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
03:54 <Isum> what's this?
03:54 <iceknife> mine is a bolt black when the game first starts.
03:54 <Raiono> yes i did
03:54 <shortc|desk> Isum: Open season on Yandere newbies. :-D
03:55 <Isum> Mmmmkay.....
03:55 <luke-jr> Raiono: !yandere help
03:55 <iceknife> raiono !vote shortc|desk
03:55 <Raiono> !yandere help
03:55 <Isum> I don't have time to play just at the moment....
03:55 <iceknife> I'm the program and I think you are the hacker...
03:55 <shortc|desk> Well, really, it's a more public testing ground for luke-jr's The Worm Game theme.
03:55 <Isum> I will starting next Monday night though.
03:55 <iceknife> short has to be the virus.
03:55 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: ntohing to test left
03:55 <Raiono> ok so all we do is vote and pm and try to narrow down who is the worm?
03:56 <shortc|desk> Raiono: Pretty much.
03:56 <Raiono> i heard talk of scanner and firewall
03:56 <iceknife> yes.
03:56 <shortc|desk> Raiono: !yandere help virus scanner
03:56 <Raiono> do we vote for them
03:56 <Raiono> i did
03:56 <iceknife> !shortc|desk
03:56 <shortc|desk> Raiono: Roles are assigned when the game starts.
03:56 <Raiono> !yandere help virus scanner
03:56 <Raiono> ok
03:56 <iceknife> !vote shortc|desk
03:56 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
03:56 <iceknife> you have to type !vote shortc|desk
03:56 <iceknife> to vote for him since it's day time
03:57 <Raiono> what is the help for firewall
03:57 <Raiono> !yandere help firewal
03:57 <luke-jr> there is no firewall in this game
03:57 <iceknife> !yandere help firewall
03:57 <shortc|desk> !yandere help firewall
03:57 <luke-jr> [20:48:50] <YandereBot> This game has 1 virus scanner, 1 root worm, 1 program, and 1 hacker. It's your job to determine the worms.
03:57 <Raiono> !yandere help firewall
03:57 <Isum> I wonder if it would be possible to run a D&D campaign over IRC....
03:58 <iceknife> we need votes, we have 2 left to vote.
03:58 <Raiono> do we know if we are the worm the firewall or the scanner
03:58 <iceknife> it says when the game starts.
03:58 <iceknife> yanderbot says you are a "insert function"
03:58 <Raiono> are there any synonymes for worm firewall or scanner
03:58 <iceknife> no.
03:58 <Raiono> ill read it again i cant tell what i am
03:58 <luke-jr> it also tells you if you do just '!yandere help'
03:58 <iceknife> you are either a worm or hacker this round.
03:59 <iceknife> just do a !yandere help
03:59 <iceknife> !yandere help
03:59 <shortc|desk> !yandere help
03:59 <Raiono> so you lied to me
03:59 <iceknife> it's the first line of the help
03:59 <Raiono> you can be a scanner or a worm or a hacker or a firewall
03:59 <Raiono> what wlse can you be
03:59 <Raiono> else*\
03:59 <iceknife> no this game...
03:59 <iceknife> Raiono you don't get to choose..
03:59 <Raiono> i know
03:59 <Raiono> but what are options
03:59 <Raiono> how many roles
03:59 <shortc|desk> luke-jr was killed the first night, and he was the virus scanner.
04:00 <iceknife> play a few rounds and we will find out. I don't know.. I'm new to this as well.
04:00 <luke-jr> Raiono: about 25
04:00 <shortc|desk> <YandereBot> This game has 1 virus scanner, 1 root worm, 1 program, and 1 hacker. It's your job to determine the worms.
04:00 <Raiono> firewall/scanner/haker/ wow rly
04:00 <Raiono> 25 is allot
04:00 <iceknife> right now I'm pretty sure shortc is the worm.
04:00 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: 21, to be exact.
04:00 <Raiono> i think you are
04:00 <shortc|desk> Unless there are roles you didn't rename.
04:00 <iceknife> then vote for me.
04:00 <Raiono> iceknofe looks like a worm
04:00 <Raiono> i did
04:00 <iceknife> no you didn't.
04:00 <Raiono> !vote icekife
04:01 <YandereBot> Raiono: icekife isn't in this game.
04:01 <iceknife> !vote shortc|desk
04:01 <Raiono> !vote iceknife
04:01 <YandereBot> Raiono has voted for iceknife. shortc|desk: 1, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
04:01 <iceknife> shortc|desk I tried looks like you are going to win this one.
04:01 <shortc|desk> !vote iceknife
04:01 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for iceknife. shortc|desk: 1, iceknife: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
04:01 <YandereBot> You lynch iceknife, and it turns out iceknife was a program!
04:01 <YandereBot> Game over! The worm wins!
04:01 <YandereBot> Hackers: Raiono
04:01 <luke-jr> hardware, program, obfuscated bug, obfuscated worm, top, firewall, mutex, signed program, cron job, bug, hacker, root worm, kill -9, notify, virus scanner, ptrace, killall, backdoor, radmin, kill, and worm
04:01 <YandereBot> Programs: iceknife
04:01 <YandereBot> Root worms: shortc|desk
04:01 <shortc|desk> iceknife: Indeed.
04:01 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: luke-jr
04:01 <iceknife> I told you..
04:01 <shortc|desk> I thought I was screwed, actually...
04:01 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
04:01 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
04:01 <iceknife> I know, I had it narrowed down and was like there is no way YOU aren't the worm.
04:01 <iceknife> !yandere
04:01 <shortc|desk> !yandere
04:01 <Raiono> !yandere
04:02 <shortc|desk> Raiono: Don't worry about it.  You'll get better.  Everyone does. :-)
04:02 <Raiono> so you use gaurd at night?
04:02 <iceknife> yep
04:02 <Raiono> i know
04:02 <luke-jr> BabyBug: O.o
04:02 <iceknife> yeah my first round I was pretty confused as well.
04:02 <BabyBug> luke-jr?
04:02 <Raiono> ty for support, i'd like to thank god and my parents and the academy
04:02 <luke-jr> BabyBug: play?
04:02 <BabyBug> No
04:02 <YandereBot> All the programs go about their business one day and notice that KWrite seems to be missing. After executing for a while, they go to her directory to check on her, and find that she has been terminated by a shorted circuit. She seems to have been the victim of a worm!
04:02 <shortc|desk> Although I think I'll have a bit of an advantage when I run into nsh22 next time.  He seems to think I'm an idiot...
04:02 <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 program, and 1 bug. It's your job to determine the worms.
04:02 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
04:02 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, shortc|desk, and Raiono.
04:03 <luke-jr> #1 Nanobot, #2 luke-jr, #3 shortc
04:03 <luke-jr> :þ
04:03 <Raiono> so it's daytime, and i don't need to gaurd or spy?
04:03 <shortc|desk> Ok, for clarity, an explanation of this round.
04:03 <luke-jr> top 3 players
04:03 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: You and I duke it out for #2.
04:03 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: f u, I'm #2
04:03 <shortc|desk> :-P
04:04 <Raiono> :s
04:04 <iceknife> what is your role shortc?
04:04 <luke-jr> Mr. Bug: please /msg YandereBot !spy shortc|desk
04:04 <shortc|desk> Raiono: Anyway, we have four roles this round.
04:04 <iceknife> luke I did you.
04:04 <shortc|desk> We have the worm.  The worm is the bad guy.
04:04 <Raiono> yes i figured we cant have more then one rols
04:04 <luke-jr> iceknife: what am I?
04:04 <iceknife> I am the bug.
04:04 <iceknife> you are a program
04:04 <luke-jr> correct
04:04 <shortc|desk> <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 program, and 1 bug. It's your job to determine the worms.
04:04 <iceknife> well you look like a program
04:04 <luke-jr> Raiono: what are you/
04:04 <luke-jr> ?
04:04 <iceknife> so we know it's either short or raiono
04:05 <Raiono> i am confused slightly
04:05 <luke-jr> ………
04:05 <iceknife> what is your role
04:05 <Raiono> i think im scanning luke
04:05 <shortc|desk> Guys, slow down a minute so I can explain what's going on.
04:05 <luke-jr> Raiono: you won't get a chance
04:05 <luke-jr> !vote shortc|desk
04:05 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
04:05 <shortc|desk> ...
04:05 <Raiono> if i tell you what i am there is a chance you will attack me
04:05 <iceknife> !vote shortc|desk
04:05 <luke-jr> Raiono: !vote shortc|desk
04:05 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
04:05  * shortc|desk laughs uproariously.
04:05 <shortc|desk> !abstain
04:05 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. shortc|desk: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
04:05 <Raiono> !abstain
04:05 <YandereBot> Raiono has voted to abstain. shortc|desk: 2, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 0
04:05 <YandereBot> Everyone has voted, but there is a tie. Someone will need to switch their vote, or you can type "!next" and force the group to abstain.
04:05 <iceknife> no becasue you are the virus scanner.
04:05 <luke-jr> !unvote
04:05 <YandereBot> luke-jr has switched from shortc|desk to undecided. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 2, Undecided: 1
04:06 <shortc|desk> !unvote
04:06 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has switched from abstain to undecided. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
04:06 <iceknife> !unvote
04:06 <Raiono> !unvote
04:06 <YandereBot> iceknife has switched from shortc|desk to undecided. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
04:06 <YandereBot> Raiono has switched from abstain to undecided. Abstains: 0, Undecided: 4
04:06 <luke-jr> Raiono: !vote shortc|desk
04:06 <Raiono> !vote short
04:06 <YandereBot> Raiono: short isn't in this game.
04:06 <luke-jr> Raiono: unless you are the worm, it's obvious he's guilty
04:06 <Raiono> lol
04:06 <iceknife> !vote shortc|desk
04:06 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 3
04:06 <Raiono> hmm
04:06 <shortc|desk> !abstain
04:06 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
04:06 <iceknife> you have to spell it out fully
04:06  * shortc|desk just wants to see this...
04:06 <Raiono> what if i abstain
04:06 <iceknife> !undecided
04:06 <Raiono> can i vote tommorow
04:06 <luke-jr> Raiono: then one of us dies
04:06 <Raiono> !undecided
04:06 <Raiono> oh
04:06 <shortc|desk> Raiono: You can lynch someone once every day.
04:06 <luke-jr> Raiono: probably you
04:06 <luke-jr> !vote shortc|desk
04:06 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 2, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
04:07 <Raiono> i dont wana die
04:07 <iceknife> raiono no voting tomorrow
04:07 <iceknife> you won't.
04:07 <iceknife> no one is voting for you
04:07 <shortc|desk> Raiono: You're the worm.
04:07 <luke-jr> the worm will kill Raiono
04:07 <Raiono> !vote luke-jr
04:07 <YandereBot> Raiono has voted for luke-jr. shortc|desk: 2, luke-jr: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 0
04:07 <YandereBot> You lynch shortc|desk, and it turns out shortc|desk was a virus scanner!
04:07 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
04:07 <iceknife> whoever gets the most votes dies
04:07 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
04:07 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, and Raiono.
04:07 <luke-jr> wtf
04:07 <iceknife> omg...
04:07  * shortc|desk laughs uproariously again.
04:07 <iceknife> !raiono
04:07 <iceknife> well we know who it is luke
04:07 <shortc|desk> Raiono: It's night now.
04:07 <iceknife> raiono you have to kill one of us.
04:07 <luke-jr> sigh
04:07 <iceknife> so we can go to daytime lol
04:08 <luke-jr> underestimated him
04:08 <shortc|desk> Raiono: If you're the worm, you need to tell Yanderebot who you want to kill tonight.
04:08 <shortc|desk> so... /msg Yanderebot !kill (username)
04:08 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
04:08 <YandereBot> luke-jr, a program, was eliminated by a fork bomb.
04:08 <YandereBot> Game over! The worm wins!
04:08 <YandereBot> Bugs: iceknife
04:08 <YandereBot> Programs: luke-jr
04:08 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: shortc|desk
04:08 <YandereBot> Worms: Raiono
04:08 <iceknife> why wouldn't it let me kill raiono
04:08 <iceknife> I did the bug kill command.
04:08 <shortc|desk> luke-jr, iceknife: I told you guys to give me a minute to explain the game to him, but nooOOoo, you just charged ahead. :-D
04:08 <Raiono> lol
04:08 <Raiono> i won though
04:08 <iceknife> apprently he didn't needed explained.
04:08 <Raiono> shsh
04:09 <iceknife> !yandere help bug
04:09 <Raiono> i even calculated my vote
04:09 <Raiono> and i got the expected wtf
04:09 <shortc|desk> Feigning newbie status will only work for so long. :-D
04:09 <Raiono> hahahaa
04:09 <iceknife> !yandere
04:09 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
04:09 <Raiono> wel im gonna go eat dinner
04:09 <Raiono> ty for helpin out
04:09 <Raiono> peace
04:09  * shortc|desk waves
04:10 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: I think we just got pwned. :-)
04:10 <luke-jr> :/
04:10 <iceknife> lol.
04:10 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
04:10 <iceknife> yeah and I tried to kill raiono at night as the bug but it wouldn't le tme.
04:10 <luke-jr> !yandere start blind -m allow-early-kill
04:10 <shortc|desk> iceknife: You can spy once during the day, OR kill once at night.
04:10 <iceknife> ahh I see that now.
04:11 -!- moses_ [i=4c140b63@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ee034809fd9ce341] has joined #Armagetron
04:11 <YandereBot> There aren't enough players to start the Worm Game. Try again later.
04:11 <moses_> huh?
04:11 <moses_> why here?
04:11 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
04:11 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
04:11 <shortc|desk> !yandere
04:11 <iceknife> !yandere
04:11 <iceknife> I think we only have 3. so we need more.
04:11 <shortc|desk> moses_: The players in this channel are a hoot...
04:12 <luke-jr> moses_: shortc|desk and I just got pwnt by a total n00b
04:12 <shortc|desk> moses_: luke-jr and I just got pwned by a guy pretending to be a newbie.
04:12 <shortc|desk> Well, he was a newbie, but he understood more than he let on.
04:12 <iceknife> I was actually getting annoyed.. how do i tell me role... I wanted to reach through the screen and smack them, then they pwn you guys.
04:12 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
04:12 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
04:12 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
04:13 <moses_> !yandere
04:13 <moses_> this has quite alot of people
04:13 <moses_> do they all play?
04:13 <shortc|desk> Not yet...
04:13 <YandereBot> KWrite is a quiet, insignificant program. But she's especially quiet today, because she was knocked off with a surge. She seems to have been the victim of a worm!
04:13 <YandereBot> This game has 1 worm, 1 virus scanner, 1 radmin, and 1 program. It's your job to determine the worms.
04:13 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
04:13 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, shortc|desk, iceknife, and moses_.
04:13 -!- Raiono [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-df5ace268f65cf77] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
04:13 <moses_> dude
04:14 <moses_> can we please play normal yandere roles
04:14 <moses_> these new roles are kinda gay
04:14 <shortc|desk> moses_: I believe these roles were written targeting this channel.
04:14 <moses_> !abstain
04:14 <YandereBot> moses_ has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
04:14 <shortc|desk> !abstain
04:14 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
04:14 <iceknife> !abstain
04:14 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
04:14 <luke-jr> !abstain
04:14 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted to abstain. Abstains: 4, Undecided: 0
04:14 <YandereBot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
04:14 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
04:14 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
04:14 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, shortc|desk, iceknife, and moses_.
04:15 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
04:15 <YandereBot> luke-jr, a program, was assassinated with a user error.
04:15 <YandereBot> There is 1 worm still at large.
04:15 <YandereBot> Current players: shortc|desk, iceknife, and moses_.
04:15 <iceknife> shortc what is your role?
04:15 <moses_> !yandere iceknife
04:15 <YandereBot> moses_ has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
04:15 <moses_> !yandere abstain
04:15 <YandereBot> moses_ has switched from iceknife to vote to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 2
04:15 <moses_> !yandere shortc|desk
04:15 <YandereBot> moses_ has switched from abstain to vote for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
04:16 <shortc|desk> iceknife: I was about to ask you the same question.
04:16 <shortc|desk> iceknife: You look like a worm.
04:16 <iceknife> !yandere shortc|desk
04:16 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for shortc|desk. shortc|desk: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
04:16  * shortc|desk sighs.
04:16 <iceknife> Why not tell me your role.
04:16 <moses_> !yandere abstain
04:16 <YandereBot> moses_ has switched from shortc|desk to vote to abstain. shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 1, Undecided: 1
04:16 <moses_> !yandere iceknife
04:16 <YandereBot> moses_ has switched from abstain to vote for iceknife. iceknife: 1, shortc|desk: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
04:16 <iceknife> !yandere moses_
04:16 <YandereBot> iceknife has switched from shortc|desk to vote for moses_. iceknife: 1, moses_: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
04:16 <shortc|desk> iceknife: There's only one role in this game who can spy.
04:16 <shortc|desk> Therefor, I must be the virus scanner.
04:16 <iceknife> who is moses_
04:16 <shortc|desk> !yandere iceknife
04:16 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 2, moses_: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
04:16 <YandereBot> You lynch iceknife, and it turns out iceknife was a worm!
04:16 <YandereBot> Congratulations! The last worm has been defeated!
04:17 <YandereBot> Programs: luke-jr
04:17 <YandereBot> Radmins: moses_
04:17 <YandereBot> Virus scanners: shortc|desk
04:17 <YandereBot> Worms: iceknife
04:17 <iceknife> :-(
04:17 <shortc|desk> I'm just lucky I didn't spy moses_. :-)
04:17 <shortc|desk> He'd have looked like a worm, too.
04:17 <moses_> im a civ
04:17 <luke-jr> !yandere start visible-roles
04:17 <YandereBot> The Worm Game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
04:17 <iceknife> !yandere
04:17 <shortc|desk> moses_: You were a radmin, which is this theme's version of a tsundere.
04:17 <iceknife> isn't yandere an anime as well?
04:18 <shortc|desk> iceknife: yandere is a term used in anime.
04:18 <shortc|desk> I don't know if there's a series explicitly named "Yandere", though.
04:18 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
04:18 <iceknife> we need 2 more players that last round was fast though.
04:18 <shortc|desk> A yandere is that girl who likes the guy, and is incredibly, violently possessive of him.
04:18 <luke-jr> !yandere extend
04:18 <YandereBot> Added another waiting extension.
04:19 <shortc|desk> So, the yandere is your crazy ex-girlfriend who
04:19 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
04:19 <shortc|desk> who's sitting in jail because she threatened the girl you sat next to in class.
04:19 <shortc|desk> !yandere
04:19 <iceknife> oh so you know her as well huh lol
04:19 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-193-190-182.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has left #armagetron []
04:19 <iceknife> moses you going to play a new round?
04:20 <shortc|desk> iceknife: It's an archetype. :-)
04:20 <moses_> this version blows
04:20 <moses_> we should play in #anime
04:20 <YandereBot> There aren't enough players to start the Worm Game. Try again later.
04:20 <luke-jr> meh, fine
04:20 <luke-jr> !yandere start theme=yandere visible-roles
04:20 <YandereBot> A yandere game is starting in 60 seconds! Please type "!join" to join.
04:20 <luke-jr> moses_: happy?
04:20 <moses_> no
04:20 <iceknife> !yandere
04:20 <moses_> no prizes
04:20 <luke-jr> …
04:20 <shortc|desk> iceknife: My crazy ex-girlfriend was the daughter of a federal prosecutor.  I suspect it's unlikely she'd land in jail for threatening someone...
04:20 <luke-jr> omfg, so what about lame worthless prizes
04:21 <iceknife> what do you get from prizes.. an atta boy..
04:21 <moses_> also only 4?
04:21 <moses_> !yandere
04:21 <luke-jr> shortc|desk:
04:21 <YandereBot> We don't have enough players yet. We need at least 4 players to start a game. I'll wait for another 60 seconds. Please type "!join" to join.
04:21 <shortc|desk> iceknife: In #anime, you get items added to your inventory in the other common game in that channel.
04:21 <shortc|desk> !yadnere
04:21 <shortc|desk> !yandere
04:21 <shortc|desk> I thought I was already in it.
04:21 <shortc|desk> Ah...it timed out.
04:21 <luke-jr> iceknife: shortc|desk means rocks
04:22 <luke-jr> which are worthlesss inn that  otheer game
04:22 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Or lolipops and pantsu.
04:22 <shortc|desk> Which are even more worthless.
04:22 <luke-jr> still worthless
04:22 <YandereBot> Shin-chan is taking a shower. She begins her daily ritual of massaging her chest, hoping to grow breasts soon so she can finally confess to that special someone. But then she screams as the water temperature dramatically rises and quickly burns off all her flesh, leaving behind a loli skeleton. This looks like the work of a yandere!
04:22 <YandereBot> This game has 1 yandere, 1 spy, 1 esper, and 1 civilian. It's your job to determine the yanderes.
04:22 <YandereBot> This game starts at DAY. Discuss.
04:22 <shortc|desk> But I keep them, as a measure of my success at the game. :-)
04:22 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, moses_, and shortc|desk.
04:22 <shortc|desk> And because it's fun to make jokes about the number of such items I virtually possess.
04:23 <moses_> !abstain
04:23 <YandereBot> moses_ has voted to abstain. Abstains: 1, Undecided: 3
04:23 <shortc|desk> !abstain
04:23 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted to abstain. Abstains: 2, Undecided: 2
04:23 <iceknife> !abstain
04:23 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted to abstain. Abstains: 3, Undecided: 1
04:23 <iceknife> !yandere help esper
04:23 <luke-jr> who's the esper?
04:23 <iceknife> !yandere help esper
04:23 <iceknife> what the heck is it.
04:23 <luke-jr> !yandere help esper
04:23 <shortc|desk> !yandere help esper
04:23 <iceknife> !yandere help civilian
04:23 <luke-jr> o
04:23 <luke-jr> Espers can inspect another player's role one time during a day of your choosing. Type "/msg YandereBot !spy <user>". Be careful of disguised roles like traps and tsunderes which will be misreported.
04:23 <shortc|desk> Same as top.
04:23 <shortc|desk> !yandere help top
04:24 <shortc|desk> luke-jr: Seems your theme code doesn't work quite right.
04:24 <luke-jr> shortc|desk: not sure if that bug is reported ;0
04:24 <luke-jr> https://bugs.launchpad.net/yandere
04:24 <moses_> luke-jr:
04:24 <moses_> make the day and night calls in bold
04:24 <luke-jr> …
04:24 <moses_> so i dont have to read
04:24 <moses_> to see it
04:24 <luke-jr> wtf is this bold bs
04:24 <luke-jr> ?
04:24 <luke-jr> IRC is not bold
04:25 <moses_> *yes it is*
04:25 <luke-jr> IRC is fixed-width for any sane client
04:25 <luke-jr> fixed-width has no bold
04:25 <moses_> * yes it is
04:25 <moses_> shit i forgot how to do it
04:25 <luke-jr> …
04:25 <BabyBug> This channel has +c. All text formatting is removed
04:25 <luke-jr> lol
04:25 <luke-jr> anyhow, iceknife is the yandere
04:26 <moses_> ah thats gay
04:26 <moses_> do you happen to know why BabyBug ?
04:26 <luke-jr> !vote iceknife
04:26 <YandereBot> luke-jr has voted for iceknife. iceknife: 1, Abstains: 3, Undecided: 0
04:26 <YandereBot> You abstain from lynching anyone.
04:26 <YandereBot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
04:26 <iceknife> I see bold in this channel BabyBug
04:26 <YandereBot> Night time falls. If you have a night role, type "/msg YandereBot <command>" or "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
04:26 <YandereBot> Current players: luke-jr, iceknife, moses_, and shortc|desk.
04:26 <BabyBug> because people who write in bold and colours all the time are annoying
04:28 <luke-jr> iceknife: hurry up and kill me
04:28 <iceknife> I'm trying..
04:28 <iceknife> I think there is another bug.
04:28 <iceknife> I've typed it like 6 times
04:28 <luke-jr> spy needs to spy then
04:28 <iceknife> it's telling me no such user
04:29 <shortc|desk> iceknife: Try using a \ instead of |
04:29 <YandereBot> The sun is rising. If you're a night role, you need to make your action now or type "/msg YandereBot !abstain".
04:30 <iceknife> \msg YanderBot !vote luke-jr
04:30 <iceknife> i'm typing /msg YanderBot !vote luke-jr
04:31 <YandereBot> Morning comes with the stench of death.
04:31 <YandereBot> luke-jr, a esper, has been slain by a thermal detonator.
04:31 <YandereBot> There is 1 yandere still at large.
04:31 <YandereBot> Current players: iceknife, moses_, and shortc|desk.
04:31 <iceknife> holy crap now you know it's me.. but dang..
04:31 <iceknife> kept typing the same thing over and over.
04:31 <iceknife> it finally just worked
04:32 <shortc|desk> hahaha...um...haha
04:32 <iceknife> !vote iceknife
04:32 <YandereBot> You can't vote for yourself.
04:32 <shortc|desk> Weird.
04:32 <iceknife> !vote moses_
04:32 <YandereBot> iceknife has voted for moses_. moses_: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 2
04:32 <shortc|desk> What exactly did you use for your msg when it didn't work?
04:32 <iceknife> ... /msg YandereBot !vote luke-jr
04:32 <moses_> um i spied shortc|desk
04:33 <moses_> i got no results...
04:33 <moses_> wtf?
04:33 <shortc|desk> luke-jr?
04:33 <shortc|desk> I'm not *that* much of an enigma...
04:33 <iceknife> I think this mod has some issues lol.
04:33 <iceknife> well this theme.
04:33 <luke-jr> moses_: look again
04:33 <moses_> oh nvm
04:33 <moses_> it comes over
04:33 <moses_> in notice
04:33 <moses_> thats gay
04:33 <luke-jr> Yandere has always used notice
04:33 <moses_> why doesnt i come over in this channel
04:33 <moses_> !yandere iceknife
04:33 <YandereBot> moses_ has voted for iceknife. moses_: 1, iceknife: 1, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 1
04:33 <moses_> its ice
04:34 <luke-jr> even 0.1 with ImoutoBot
04:34 <moses_> you look like a cib
04:34 <moses_> civ
04:34 <shortc|desk> moses_: It depends on your irc client.
04:34  * shortc|desk cheks.
04:34 <shortc|desk> Yup.
04:34 <shortc|desk> !vote iceknife
04:34 <YandereBot> shortc|desk has voted for iceknife. moses_: 1, iceknife: 2, Abstains: 0, Undecided: 0
04:34 <YandereBot> You lynch iceknife, and it turns out iceknife was a yandere!
04:34 <YandereBot> Congratulations! The last yandere has been defeated!
04:34 <YandereBot> Civilians: shortc|desk
04:34 <YandereBot> Espers: luke-jr
04:34 <YandereBot> Spies: moses_
04:34 <YandereBot> Yanderes: iceknife
04:34 -!- moses_ [i=4c140b63@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ee034809fd9ce341] has left #Armagetron []
04:35 <shortc|desk> I'm done for the night.
04:35 <shortc|desk> Catch you later.
04:35 <iceknife> see ya
05:24 -!- Raiono [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6e2ac80cd3ab02f0] has joined #armagetron
05:24 <Raiono> hai
05:43 -!- Raiono [i=62cbbe9a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6e2ac80cd3ab02f0] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
05:45 -!- Isum [n=isum@adsl-70-232-52-146.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
05:57 -!- agent7 [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
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06:01 <@armabot> armacommits: [0.3-armagetronad-sty] r804 Merge from trunk
06:19 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@052-128-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit []
07:05 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
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08:47 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087099B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:40 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
10:20 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@164.161-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8894 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. src/network/nServerInfo.cpp):
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: author: Manuel Moos
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: Stop responding to pings when TALK_TO_MASTER was never set and no LAN
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: broadcast server discovery queries came in. This should get servers
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: off the master list if you turn TALK_TO_MASTER to 0 and restart the
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: server. They'll linger on a bit on some users' lists, especially if
10:39 <@armabot> armagetronad: the server is on a LAN and queried from the LAN a lot, though.
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8895 /armagetronad/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad: Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8863 to 8894:
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad:  r8894 | bazaarmagetron | 2009-01-26 10:38:52 +0100 (Mon, 26 Jan 2009) | 7 lines
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad:  author: Manuel Moos
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad:  Stop responding to pings when TALK_TO_MASTER was never set and no LAN
11:12 <@armabot> armagetronad:  broadcast server discovery queries came in. This should get servers
11:17 <@armabot> armacommits: [trunk-armagetronad-work] r800 Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8863 to 8894:... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r830 Merging from trunk.... || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r999 Stop responding to pings when TALK_TO_MASTER was never set a...
11:31 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
11:32 <@armabot> armagetronad: guru3 * r8896 /www/mainsite/links.php: new clan site
11:35 <guru3> zmanuel: Lucifer: if possible check the dev section of the forum, i'm not quite sure wha to make of that
11:50 -!- z-manuel [n=manuel@p50871392.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
11:57 -!- z-manuel is now known as z-man
12:03 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
12:03 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["ø"]
12:11 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087099B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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12:32 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
12:51 <@armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8897 /armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad/ (. src/tools/tString.cpp src/tools/tString.h): Manuel Moos: Made string filters const correct.
12:52 <@armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8898 /armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad/ (. src/network/nServerInfo.cpp src/network/nServerInfo.h): Manuel Moos: Fixed server name string filter crash.
13:00 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
13:04 -!- lis [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
13:15 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:21 -!- iceknife [n=iceknife@65-255-132-101.static.fiber4.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
13:21 -!- PinkTomato1 [n=sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
13:24 <@armabot> armacommits: [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r831 Merging from trunk.... || [trunk-armagetronad-work] r802 Fixed server name string filter crash.... || [trunk-armagetronad-work] r801 Made string filters const correct....
13:24 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8899 /armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad/ (. src/thirdparty/scrap/): Added generated files to svn ignore list.
13:34 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8900 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (20 files in 20 dirs): Removing obsolete .cvsignore files. Finally :)
13:34 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8901 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/ (6 files in 6 dirs): More .cvsignores removed.
13:38 <z-man> Gee, svn file deletions are slow.
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r8902 /armagetronad/trunk/ (27 files in 27 dirs): (log message trimmed)
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad: Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8894 to 8901:
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad:  r8901 | z-man | 2009-01-26 13:34:18 +0100 (Mon, 26 Jan 2009) | 2 lines
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad:  More .cvsignores removed.
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
13:43 <@armabot> armagetronad:  r8900 | z-man | 2009-01-26 13:33:27 +0100 (Mon, 26 Jan 2009) | 2 lines
14:04 <Flex> luke-jr, here?
14:28 <@armabot> armacommits: [trunk-armagetronad-work] r804 Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8894 to 8901:... || [trunk-build_eclipse-work] r4 Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8894 to 8901:... || [trunk-build-work] r158 Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8894 to 8901:... || [trunk-winlibs-work] r29 Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 8894 to 8901:... || [0.2.8-winlibs-work] r4 More .cvsignores removed.... || [0.2.8-build_eclipse-work] r15 More 
14:44 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]"]
15:01 <wrtlprnft> woot, i'm a sty developer now!
15:04 <z-man> Yep, we all are :P)
15:06 <wrtlprnft> i guess you made a seperate team so we could have developers for sty, but not the main branches?
15:07 <wrtlprnft> this weird grammatically looking sentence
15:09 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
15:14 -!- lis is now known as Lizmatic
15:30 <wrtlprnft> oh, this is a 0.3 port of sty… interesting
15:30 <z-man> wrtlprnft: we have. There's the sty team, and armagetronad-dev is part of it.
15:30 <z-man> 'port' is the wrong word, it's just a plain merge right now.
15:30 <z-man> It still uses zones v1.
15:32 <wrtlprnft> yeah, that's what i meant
15:37 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
15:50 <luke-jr> Flex: ya
15:51 <Flex> i load sumo in your demo server
15:51 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: afaik, 0.3 sty is on the table for merging someday
15:51 <Flex> then it resets while playing
15:51 <luke-jr> Flex: wtf?
15:55 <Flex> resets the round
15:55 <Flex> not the server
15:55 <Flex> want to go see?
15:56 <luke-jr> can't atm
15:56 <Flex> what's the command to include sumo
15:56 <luke-jr> which demo server?
15:56 <Flex> i might have the wrong map
15:56 <Flex> UK
15:57 <Flex> which map do I include exactly?
15:57 <luke-jr> afaik there is no sumo example
15:57 <luke-jr> just team sumo
15:57 <Flex> oh
15:58 <Flex> what's the command for team sumo
15:58 <luke-jr> include examples/teamsumo.cfg
15:59 <Flex> could you add normal sumo
15:59 <luke-jr> Z-Man/fortress/sumo_4x4-0.1.1.aamap.xml(http://resource.armagetronad.net/resource/Anonymous/polygon/regular/square-1.0.1.aamap.xml)
15:59 <luke-jr> that is OBVIOUSLY broken
16:00 <Flex> yeah, couldn't load that
16:00 -!- YandereBot [n=Pharo@ip70-187-26-118.om.om.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
16:00 <luke-jr> Flex: ask the release manager, I don't do defaults
16:00 <luke-jr> you're free to upload your own config
16:01 <Flex> urm.. who's the release manager
16:01 <luke-jr> z-man:
16:02 <luke-jr> Flex: crap like that long MAP_FILE I pasted there is OF COURSE never going to work
16:02 <luke-jr> and might even prevent people from ever playing real sumo if they go to the server with it
16:02 <Flex> no i tried, INLCUDE bla bla
16:02 <luke-jr> depending on if we delete it
16:02 <Flex> directing to 4x4 sumo
16:03 <Flex> examples/cvs_test/sumo_complete.cfg
16:03 <z-man> What's with the defaults?
16:03 <Flex> anyway, z-man which sumo should i use..
16:03 <luke-jr> z-man: Flex wants a sumo example
16:04 <Flex> yes, but also luke-jr don't see anywhere to upload own config..
16:04 <Flex> oh nm
16:04 <luke-jr> …
16:05 <z-man> Well, examples/cvs/sumo_complete.cfg
16:05 <z-man> and yes, it's broken :)
16:08 <Flex> any idea which example to use then?
16:09 <z-man> Use sumo_complete and remove the explicit download URI?
16:09 <z-man> Or override MAP_FILE after you include it?
16:11 <luke-jr> Flex: it's possible your long MAP_FILE line earlier may have broken the demo's ability to do sumo until it resets
16:11 <Flex> what long MAP_FILE, i didn't do it!
16:11 <Flex> well, actually i tried it just after you said
16:12 <Flex> unless you mean it's really broken now, just kept restarting the round.
16:14 <Flex> earler
16:24 <Flex> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Sumo
16:31 <luke-jr> z-man: want to play with a VPS?
16:32 <z-man> Do I look perverted? :)
16:33 <z-man> (I've already had several to play with, so unless yours is special, no thanks)
16:36 <luke-jr> low-ping for US, in theory
16:37 <@armabot> armacommits: [0.3-armagetronad-sty] r805 Empty backmerge of change merged to the trunk. Confusing, hu... || [0.3-armagetronad-sty] gRealColor now is merely a tyedef for rColor....
16:37 <z-man> A server on Iceland or Greenland may be nice.
16:37 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has quit ["Leaving."]
16:37 <luke-jr> O.o
16:37 <luke-jr> on Greenland?
16:37 <luke-jr> wtf?
16:37 <z-man> For equal pings :)
16:38 <z-man> Equally bad for everyone.
16:38 <z-man> Australia would be even better, of course.
16:38 <z-man> Or the Moon.
16:38 <ct|kyle> too bad Lucifer gave up on sending tron to the moon :P
16:40 <luke-jr> z-man: I only rent VPS in US for now
16:42 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
16:43 -!- PinkTomato [n=Sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
17:14 <luke-jr> z-man: any idea what the map file for sumo Should Be?
17:15 <z-man> For regular sumo, the included 4x4 map.
17:16 <luke-jr> …
17:16 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@052-128-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
17:16 <luke-jr> included how?
17:17 <z-man> In all current distributions?
17:17 <z-man> The one you quoted, just with the URI removed?
17:20 <z-man> Z-Man/fortress/sumo_4x4-0.1.1.aamap.xml ?
17:21 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAgEtROn
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17:39  * epsy claps hands at PinkTomato 
17:39 <z-man> zen?
17:39 <epsy> Editor's summary: Created an open team
17:40 <epsy> anyway, who won the 2nd place? :)
17:43 <PinkTomato> epsy: :)
17:43 <PinkTomato> Ct|emmy and K-yo
17:43 <PinkTomato> mainly because everyone started to leave
17:44 <epsy> explains it
17:44 <epsy> :)
17:45 <PinkTomato> :), they won one match, then sebol&newbie left, lizmatic&babybug halfway through the 2nd match
17:45 <BabyBug> 3rd match*
17:45 <epsy> well, I guess I can forget posting about it then
17:52 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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18:49 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit [Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)]
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19:06 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
19:33 -!- AshitakA [n=AshitakA@pD9E013E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
19:42 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
19:46 <@armabot> armacommits: [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r834 typedef'd google::protobuf::Message to nProtoBuf. /me was ge... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r833 Added infrastructure to let protocol buffers write their stu... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r832 Merged from trunk.... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] gRealColor now is merely a tyedef for rColor....
19:51 -!- PinkTomato [n=Sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has quit ["Leaving."]
20:03 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac9ebda.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
20:05 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871392.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
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20:42 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has quit [Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)]
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20:52 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #armagetron
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21:14 -!- arrow [n=euclid@adsl-dyn18.78-99-38.t-com.sk] has joined #armagetron
21:14 <Lizmatic> epsy, can you change x server back to normal again?
21:15 <epsy> did already
21:16 <epsy> unless you checked right now
21:16 <epsy> @sd ¦×¦
21:16 <teabot> epsy: ¦×¦.Team.Sumo.Server: Players (0/18):
21:16  * epsy slaps Lizmatic 
21:19 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has joined #armagetron
21:26 -!- dlh [n=dlh@c-75-69-147-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
21:34  * Lizmatic cries
21:35  * BabyBug slaps Lizmatic again for being mean! :@
21:36  * ct|kyle pokes Lizmatic
21:36  * Lizmatic slits wrists
21:37 <BabyBug> see Lizmatic...total disregard to feelings! xD
21:41 <epsy> ]\sndspeed
21:41 <epsy> "sndspeed" is:"0" default:"0"
21:41 <ljrbot> epsy: Error: "\sndspeed" is not a valid command.
21:42 <epsy> that wioll sure work :<
21:42 -!- tav_ [n=tav@] has joined #armagetron
21:48 -!- tav [n=tav@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:51 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871392.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
21:52 <@armabot> armacommits: [old-glancing] r748 Merge with trunk...
21:54 <dlh> Why armabot  append ... to that? That is the complete commit message.
21:54 <dlh> z-man: do you have this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/armagetronad/+bug/321628
21:54 <teabot> Launchpad bug 321628 in armagetronad "String entry in menus broken" [Undecided,New]
21:55 <z-man> I'll check on the bug, never pressed down in testing utf :/
21:55 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@164.161-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
21:55 <z-man> Nope, don't get it.
21:56 <dlh> hmm
21:57 <z-man> ugh, of course, I forgot to push something, need to merge
22:03 <z-man> ah, on the mac, the down key probably creates a unicode.
22:03 <z-man> The text menu entry logic is:
22:04 <z-man> if it's not a special key I'm interested in and if it's valid unicode >= 32, insert a character.
22:04 <wrtlprnft> dlh: it's not armabot's fault, the rss feed is that way… I think.
22:04 <z-man> plus, it did remove something from the message: a .
22:05 <wrtlprnft> screw crappy ... logic
22:05 <wrtlprnft> that's what's great about CIA… it makes shortened commit messages as useful as possible
22:07 <@armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8903 /armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Manuel Moos: Merging own work: gRealColor now is merely a tyedef for rColor.
22:08 -!- tav_ [n=tav@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:08 <dlh> ahh, the rss feed has <content type="html">
22:08 <epsy> heh
22:11 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
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22:16 <wrtlprnft> z-man: ah, thanks, when i was hacking away on cty+ct it always annoyed me that i had to cast between those two
22:18 <wrtlprnft> though, of course, gRealColor was four bytes less
22:23 -!- Genki1 [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
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22:25 -!- wireddd [n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd] has joined #armagetron
22:26 <dlh> z-man: but uMenu::HandleEvent is being called, but just delegating the event down to uMenuItemString::Event. For some reason it is ignoring the key down.
22:26 -!- Genki1 [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Client Quit]
22:26 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
22:29 <z-man> dlh: no, uMenuItemString must be catching it.
22:29 <z-man> I'll have some of the menu control keys get taken by uMenu itself.
22:29 <z-man> I mean, it doesn't really make sense for a menu item to act on up or down.
22:34 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["Quitte"]
22:42 <@armabot> lpbugs: [321628] String entry in menus broken
22:47 <@armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8904 /armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad/ (. src/ui/uMenu.cpp): Manuel Moos: Menu navigation keys are now always handled by the menu.
22:47 -!- Genki [n=Jenny@ip70-176-82-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)]
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22:55 <@armabot> armacommits: [old-glancing] r749 Merge with trunk... || [trunk-armagetronad-work] r806 Menu navigation keys are now always handled by the menu.... || [trunk-armagetronad-work] r805 Merging own work: gRealColor now is merely a tyedef for rCol... || [trunk-armagetronad-work] gRealColor now is merely a tyedef for rColor....
23:05 -!- BabyBug [n=BabyBug@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:11 -!- emmy_arma_ [n=peiaeman@pc240018.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:16 <akira_arma> #tea
23:16 <@armabot> akira_arma: The Server Pharm: The Fortress Bistro  Similar to Fortress Cafe...but more help is available!: Players (0/16):
23:26 -!- BabyBug [n=BabyBug@] has joined #armagetron
23:28 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
23:29 <z-man> dlh: bug should be fixed now. if not, please attach a recording.
23:30 -!- nsh22 [n=nsh22@bas3-barrie18-1177706508.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #armagetron
23:30 <nsh22> hey
23:34 -!- GodTodd_ [n=TheTruth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
23:34 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-173-74-72-105.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [No route to host]
23:38 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
23:51 <dlh> z-man: thanks. that fixed it
23:52 <Lizmatic> epsy I accidently kicked myself in x team and now I'm banned! :(
23:52 <z-man> good job :)
23:52 <Lizmatic> I know
23:53 <z-man> dlh: a pleasure. If there's anything else broken with input or other things that may have a remote chance of being linked to the utf8 transition, do tell.
23:54 <Lizmatic> OH FIX'D
23:58 <@armabot> armacommits: [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r838 Consistently calling the beasts ProtoBuf now.... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r837 Restructured stuff: protocol buffers are now directly stream... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r836 Implemented protobuf filler.... || [protocolbuffer-armagetronad-work] r835 Added protocol buffer filler....

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