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Log from 2008-12-24:
--- Day changed Wed Dec 24 2008
00:01 <Your_mom_arma> twg players [Lucifer guru3 K-Yo anyone else]: ping
00:02 <Your_mom_arma> missed z-man
00:02 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, ?
00:03 <Your_mom_arma> why are we voting you again?
00:03 <Your_mom_arma> off^
00:03 <K-Yo> what?
00:03 <K-Yo> voting me what?
00:04 <Your_mom_arma> (voting you off twg) besides your I'm a worm I'm a worm get rid of me post?
00:04 <K-Yo> i'm not a worm
00:04 <K-Yo> I never said that
00:04 <K-Yo> :P
00:04 <K-Yo> that's just temptation
00:05 <epsy> worms mm
00:05 <Your_mom_arma> tasty?
00:05 <K-Yo> if I were a worm... would I have posted crap like that?
00:06 <Your_mom_arma> honestly that post was very neutral
00:06 <K-Yo> heh
00:06 <K-Yo> thx
00:06 <Lucifer> Your_mom_arma: pong
00:06 <epsy> a worm, like this ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCtMppottOs
00:06 <Your_mom_arma> why are you and freako voting off K-Yo
00:07  * K-Yo slaps Lucifer and freako and z-man 
00:08 <epsy> that's one crazyass worm isnt it :D
00:08 <Your_mom_arma> was there even a worm in that video? I only scanned through it :(
00:08 <Lucifer> at this point I'm just trying to avoid getting voted off
00:08 <epsy> Your_mom_arma, don't scan it, watch it :P
00:09 <Your_mom_arma> but what was your reason for voting for k-yo?
00:10 <K-Yo> epsy, no, that kind: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=UynHW12S3k4
00:10 <Lucifer> all other targets only had one vote, and the day was ending, so I randomly picked someone to die that wasn't me
00:10 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc232133.static.is.airbites.ro] has joined #armagetron
00:11 <K-Yo> .apropos random
00:11 <tronner> K-Yo: Dict random, MoobotFactoids random, randomserver, and randomteam
00:11 <Lucifer> see, z-man's right, we've gotta get organized quickly
00:11 <Lucifer> the worms are already organized, which is the main reason they have such an advantage over us
00:11 <Your_mom_arma> epsy: all I saw was a guy running from something I didn't see
00:11 <K-Yo> .randomteam k-yo,z-man,lucifer,freako
00:11 <tronner> K-Yo: Team 1: z-man, Team 2: k-yo, Team 3: lucifer, Team 4: freako,
00:11 <K-Yo> heh, it's not me!
00:11 <Lucifer> so if you and k-yo can agree on someone (besides z-man, he looks distinctly unworm-like right now), we can all go vote for him/her together
00:11 <epsy> ya see it at the end
00:11 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, you see it at the very end
00:12 <K-Yo> Lucifer, do worms know other worms?
00:12 <Ady-Lucifer> K-Yo, whats this worm talk for?
00:12 <K-Yo> Ady-Lucifer, TWG
00:12 <Lucifer> K-Yo: yes, they all know each other
00:12 <K-Yo> see forums
00:13 <K-Yo> Lucifer, then I'll vote for z-man, and the next votes goes to you
00:13 <K-Yo> vote*
00:13 <Lucifer> we've gotta try to stay alive without hanging the virus scanner and hope we each get scanned
00:13 <Your_mom_arma> I think luci and freako look like worms the most
00:13 <K-Yo> if I was right
00:13 <Lucifer> I think z-man is looking pretty innocent right now
00:13 <K-Yo> worms know how to hide, and look like a normal program!
00:14 <Ady-Lucifer> what forums?
00:14 <Lucifer> main problem, I don't see how his post sows dissent among us normal programs
00:14 -!- z-man [n=manuel@bl5-21-229.dsl.telepac.pt] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:14 <epsy> :D
00:14 <Your_mom_arma> Ady-Lucifer: The forums
00:14 <Ady-Lucifer> theforums.armaforums.getronad.tron.net?
00:15 <Ady-Lucifer> K-Yo, hand me the link pls :(
00:15 <Lucifer> http://forums.armagetronad.net/
00:15 <K-Yo> Ady-Lucifer, 2 secs
00:15 <Ady-Lucifer> time over
00:15 <Ady-Lucifer> ah shit, found it
00:15 <K-Yo> http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?p=201467&sid=f5f7f5fca77acc42f089a692039a6cf1#201467
00:15 <Your_mom_arma> he should have said hot second or minute, those can last forever
00:16 <K-Yo> hmmm
00:16 <K-Yo> why don't the worm write in red and the programs in blue?
00:16 <K-Yo> it'll be easier!
00:17 <Your_mom_arma> anyone else think corn and sage are no longer participating in the game?
00:17 <Lucifer> well, then, Ady-Lucifer (hi there!) must be a worm
00:17 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, I dunno
00:17 <Lucifer> heh, hope one of them's not the virus scanner
00:17 <Lucifer> another thing is, I don't think Durka picked players randomly at all
00:17 <Your_mom_arma> same
00:18 <Ady-Lucifer> hi Lucifer !! (i'm actually very lost with this your worm talk)
00:18 <Lucifer> Ady-Lucifer: heh, I have my irc client set to highlight all lines in red that contain "luci"
00:18 <Lucifer> Your_mom_arma: so, to complete my thought...
00:18 <Your_mom_arma> I think the triumvirate is a worm
00:18 <Lucifer> I suspect Durka stacked the teams in favor of the normal programs
00:19 <K-Yo> well they can't be ONE worm
00:19 <epsy> haha
00:19 <Lucifer> which, imho, puts me and z-man both as normal programs
00:19 <Your_mom_arma> a three headed worm mind you
00:19 <epsy> K-Yo, one BIG worm?
00:19 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac9eb17.bb.sky.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
00:19 <K-Yo> epsy, well, I dunno how big they are, but probably a big worm...
00:20 <Your_mom_arma> so wait are we talking literal worms physical worms computer worms, now im lost
00:20 <epsy> well, if you see worms this size O_O
00:20 <Lucifer> well, I know I'm not a worm, so with that reasoning, I'd be inclined to believe none of the triumvirate are worms
00:21 <epsy> umm, how do I rightclick without a mouse?
00:21 <Your_mom_arma> luci if one thing seems obvious to me its that you and z-man are likely on the same team
00:21 <Lucifer> press the button between alt and ctrl
00:21 <epsy> oh wait
00:21 <epsy> wordaround
00:21 <K-Yo> Lucifer, are you in the triumwirate?
00:21 <epsy> work
00:21 <Lucifer> heh, if we are, we dont' know it ( Your_mom_arma (hi there!) )
00:21 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, agreed
00:21 <Lucifer> K-Yo: yes
00:21 <K-Yo> then I totally agree
00:21 <K-Yo> let's take zman down first
00:22 <K-Yo> or luci if u think zman is innocent
00:22 <epsy> Lucifer, my menu key is already bound to .. menu
00:22 <Lucifer> heh, right now I think z-man is innocent, and I'm hoping it's not just becuase of my natural bias
00:22 <Your_mom_arma> freako looks like a worm for his last second popular vote
00:22 <epsy> brb
00:22 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["uʍop-ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ sǝop ǝuo ʍoɥ ƃuıɹǝpuoʍ ǝq ʎɐɯ noʎ.. it's pretty simple: JUST WRITE UPSIDE-DOWN!"]
00:23 <Lucifer> we can all take down freako instead, I'm happy to vote for him
00:23 <K-Yo> loool
00:23 <K-Yo> Lucifer, stop trying to get our attention away from zman
00:23 <K-Yo> you're overprotecting him!
00:23 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAgEtROn
00:24 <Lucifer> it's the first round, I've always overprotected somebody in the first round ;)
00:24 <K-Yo> my experience being empty, I can't tell :P
00:24 <Lucifer> heh, once it was Your_mom, and he turned out to be a worm
00:24 <K-Yo> heh
00:24 <K-Yo> so, you protect worms?
00:25 <K-Yo> hmmm
00:25 <Lucifer> in that game, I was the firewall, iirc
00:25 <epsy> yeah, don't kill worms, just prevent them from eating you
00:25 <K-Yo> heh, it ends in 30 minute sright?
00:26 <Lucifer> I'm disappointed fonkay isn't playing, because she, me, and Your_mom_arma (hi there!) manage to team up
00:26 <epsy> no, it kills you in one second
00:26 <Your_mom_arma> honestly this game is like the scene with the iocane powder in princess bride
00:26 <Lucifer> but if you guys will hang in for one round and not vote z-man, I'll vote with the two of you
00:26 <Lucifer> and hope the worms don't eat either of you
00:26 <K-Yo> Lucifer, okay
00:26 <K-Yo> Lucifer, I don't vote z-man, I'll vote you x
00:26 <K-Yo> D
00:27 <Your_mom_arma> uneasy alliances
00:27 <Lucifer> Your_mom_arma: I always think of that scene when somebody puts up a kick poll against me
00:27 <Lucifer> so, shall we take out freako?  I agree with Your_mom_arma (hi there!) that he looks awfully suspicious
00:28 <Your_mom_arma> don't listen to me if I'm wrong I'll feel silly when we lose
00:28 <K-Yo> " he looks awfully suspicious" <- o_O
00:28 <Lucifer> I always suspect bandwagon voters
00:29 <Lucifer> that looks like a worm tactic to me, jump on the bandwagon to get someone you *know* isn't a worm
00:29 <Lucifer> I also believe that the early voters that spread their votes around are likely to be regular programs
00:29 <Lucifer> which clears both K-yo and Your_mom_arma (hi there!)
00:29 <Lucifer> and the whole triumvirate ;)
00:29 <Your_mom_arma> so you've made similar conclusions
00:30 <K-Yo> Lucifer, well, early voters are more like no-life or geeks, no?
00:30 <Lucifer> maybe sage and the other guy are letting freako test the waters
00:30 <K-Yo> and corn
00:30 <K-Yo> ?
00:30 <Lucifer> K-Yo: that's a spurious conclusion, I've had my kids for christmas since Friday and have been very busy, and z-man's in Lisbon right now with inconsistent internet
00:31 <Lucifer> yeah, corn is the other one ;)
00:31 <Lucifer> even in the game where Your_mom_arma (hi there!) was a worm, he waited until real late the first day to vote and was a bandwagon voter ;)
00:32 <K-Yo> hmmm
00:32 <K-Yo> these are bad worms, not used to play TWG :P
00:32 <Your_mom_arma> I was ready to vote earlier, but mazuffer got himself into a sticky situation and planning had to be made
00:32 <K-Yo> If only I were a worm...
00:32 <luke-jr> TWG game active in #Anime every day
00:33 <K-Yo> luke-jr, every day may be too much...
00:33 <epsy> spam detected
00:33 <K-Yo> epsy, xD
00:33 <Your_mom_arma> ie right now K-Yo or freako are in mazuffers spot
00:33 <luke-jr> K-Yo: so watch for a little
00:33 <luke-jr> we finish each game in 5-10 min
00:33 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, maz's spot? what spot?
00:33 <Lucifer> bandwagon was about to take out mazuffer
00:33 <Your_mom_arma> the sticky situation where other worms may show up and save you
00:34 <epsy> K-Yo, scroll a little down in your list :P
00:34 <K-Yo> my list
00:34 <K-Yo> wow wow
00:34 <Your_mom_arma> if we move to kill freako and z-man is killed then k-yo is a worm
00:34 <K-Yo> I feel like having 15 converstaions at one time here
00:35 <epsy> in other words, you didn't see my PM
00:35 <Lucifer> Your_mom_arma: that is true
00:35 <Lucifer> or you're a worm, heh
00:35 <K-Yo> epsy, my list of servers is horizontal...
00:35 <K-Yo> xD
00:35 <Lucifer> same is true if I get killed, either one of you gets suspicion then
00:35 <epsy> scroll right then
00:35 <epsy> (& that suxx btw)
00:36 <K-Yo> Lucifer, I agree
00:36 <Your_mom_arma> sneaky post K-Yo
00:37 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, that's how the game becomes fun ;)
00:38 <Lucifer> I wish people would post vote tallies without listing how many votes were retracted
00:38 <Lucifer> or at least separated the retractions
00:38 <luke-jr> ♡ automated TWG
00:38 <Lucifer> hmmm, I have to go in a few minutes
00:39 <Lucifer> the day should be ending any minute now, right?
00:39 <luke-jr> yes
00:39 <luke-jr> after rosalina votes
00:39 <luke-jr> yay
00:39 <luke-jr> [17:39:27] <ImoutoBot> You lynch Shloosh, and it turns out Shloosh was a yandere!
00:40 <Your_mom_arma> next game we should add armabot as a player making random decision(with smart powers if he gets them{ie not vote against worms if he is one; contact a player if he's the scanner etc})
00:41 <Your_mom_arma> luci you did see K-Yo vote against you?
00:41 <Lucifer> yes
00:41 <Your_mom_arma> making it 3 3
00:41 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, yeah, then put this feature on all the others bots: tronner, teabot, ivantis2 ivantis3, ivantis4, ivantis5, ..., ivantis99999, and make them play together xD
00:41 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, I announced it;)
00:41 <Lucifer> er, maybe not then
00:42 <Lucifer> I don't see k-yo having voted for me
00:42 <Your_mom_arma> he edited his last post
00:43 <Your_mom_arma> so no new posts are shown from the main page
00:43 <Lucifer> oh, K-Yo (hi there!) don't do that
00:43 <Lucifer> only edit your posts to retract a vote
00:43 <Lucifer> actually, I don't know if it's against the rules or not
00:44 <Lucifer> Your_mom_arma: your call then, after this conversation, K-yo votes for me, I'm not changing my vote now
00:44 <Your_mom_arma> its sneaky
00:44 <K-Yo> Lucifer, ?
00:44 <K-Yo> Lucifer, I can't live else
00:44 <K-Yo> plus I tihnk ur a worm
00:44 <K-Yo> so...
00:44 <Lucifer> one of the votes for me is Your_mom
00:44 <Your_mom_arma> honestly I have no idea, lets see if how the other 2 post
00:45 <Lucifer> if he switches his vote, I'll only have 2 votes, and you'll hopefully have 4 :)
00:45 -!- lis [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
00:46 <K-Yo> me? hopefully? then you're a worm if u like killing nice programs!
00:46 <Your_mom_arma> honestly, this is playing out quite simillarly to the first game, at least in my mind
00:47 <K-Yo> and what happened? (this IS my first game :P)
00:47 <Lucifer> yeah, and we killed the virus scanner on the first night in the first game
00:47 <Lucifer> too bad the firewall can't protect against lynching, heh
00:49 <Your_mom_arma> now we play the waiting game
00:49 <K-Yo> heh
00:49 <K-Yo> what happens on a tie?
00:49 <Lucifer> vote off, or random pick, durka's decision
00:50 <Your_mom_arma> it will likely end up in tanks hands to pick if like I assume corn and sage aren't playing
00:51 <Your_mom_arma> if they're both regular programs the whole game is pretty much void
00:51 <K-Yo> tanks hands to pick??? wtf? and if he's a worm, he'd chose the one of us that is nto a worm (if there is one)
00:52 <Your_mom_arma> well, ed too and the non voters
00:52 <Your_mom_arma> but ed is lying low right now so I'm more interested in how tank votes
00:52 <Your_mom_arma> oddly
00:52 -!- Lizmatic [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit [Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)]
00:53 <Lucifer> yeah, you know, all three of us are looking wormish together
00:53 <Lucifer> maybe it would be better for me to distance myself from you two, since you're obviously acting together
00:54 <K-Yo> you mean the triumvirate? or you, Your_mom_arma and me
00:54 <Lucifer> me, you, and Your_mom_arma (hi there!)
00:55 <Lucifer> well, I've gotta go now, hopefully I'll still be alive when I get back :)
00:55 <K-Yo> hi thre!
00:55 <ct|kyle> we all know you are the worm Lucifer
00:55  * Lucifer has to go see if he can get a really cheap DVD-ROM
00:55 <ct|kyle> :P
00:55 <K-Yo> ct|kyle, agreed
00:55 <K-Yo> Lucifer, hf ;)
00:55 <Lucifer> hf?
00:56 <ct|kyle> goto a computer recycler :P
00:56 <Lucifer> I have what looks like a very early generation dvd-rom already, why go to a recycler for another one just like this one?
00:56 <ct|kyle> hf = have fun
00:56 <ct|kyle> you wanted a cheep one
00:57 <Lucifer> has to be fairly new, too, heh
00:57 <Lucifer> because I've got some new dvds that won't play in this old dvd rom
00:57 <ct|kyle> heh
00:57 <Lucifer> is there a way to find out if a particular dvd is encrypted?
00:57 <K-Yo> Lucifer, have fun :P
00:58 <ct|kyle> probably a + or -  read error
00:58 <Lucifer> it says it is, nvm :)
01:00 <Your_mom_arma> durka sure missed the end day at least twice
01:00 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has quit []
01:01 <luke-jr> Your_mom_arma: TWG in #anime
01:01 <K-Yo> votes are over
01:01 <Your_mom_arma> watch K-Yo or Lucifer be the only worms with sage and corn being inactive worms
01:01 <K-Yo> Your_mom_arma, what? never
01:01 <luke-jr> too late
01:02 <Lucifer> durka's always late
01:03 <Your_mom_arma> afk
01:03 <Lucifer> I'm gone, too, taking my kids to the store
01:08 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["Quitte"]
01:18 <guru3> well
01:18 <guru3> twg is well confusing
01:19 <guru3> i see no reason to vote for anyone at the moment
01:19 <guru3> simply not enough posting has gone on in the thread
01:19 <ct|kyle> worm^^
01:19 <luke-jr> ..
01:19 <luke-jr> need more players.
01:20 <guru3> it'll have to wait until the next day
01:21 <Your_mom_arma> </afk>
01:21 <epsy> No DTD found!
01:21 <guru3> fail!
01:21 <Your_mom_arma> !
01:22 <luke-jr> guru3: want to play a quick game?]
01:22 <guru3> i'm about to go to sleep
01:22 <guru3> it's
01:22 <luke-jr> o
01:22 <guru3> Wed Dec 24 01:22:12 CET 2008
01:22 <luke-jr> :/
01:22 <luke-jr> we have about 50 games of TWG in #anime per day
01:22 <guru3> lol
01:22 <luke-jr> yay bots
01:22 <epsy> yay ivantis
01:22 <epsy> i mean
01:22 <luke-jr> epsy: NO
01:22 <epsy> yay bots
01:22 <luke-jr> epsy: YOU FAIL
01:22 <epsy> typo, happens
01:22 <luke-jr> guru3: do we really need to ahve all 3 ivantis in here btw?
01:23 <guru3> no
01:23 <guru3> i thought i banned a few of them already
01:23 <luke-jr> XD
01:23 <guru3> they keep popping back up
01:23 <guru3> like roaches
01:23 <luke-jr> guru3: oh, and could we get ImoutoBot unbanned? >.>
01:23 <guru3> they come in pairs!
01:23 <Your_mom_arma> does durka know how to translate the timezone difference?
01:23 <epsy> Mr Mushroom Ivantis
01:23 <luke-jr> plz guru3
01:23 <epsy> luke-jr: can you play arma with it?
01:23 <guru3> i'll swap ivantis bots for imoutobot i guess
01:23 <guru3> which are his?
01:24 <epsy> um
01:24 <luke-jr> no idea about ivantis bot vs non-bot
01:24 <epsy> theres none
01:24 <luke-jr> they're all just as annoying
01:24 <epsy> ivantis3: ping
01:24 <ivantis3> pong
01:24 <luke-jr> epsy: you can play TWG with it
01:24 <epsy> holy shit
01:24 <luke-jr> ivantis3: help
01:24 <ivantis3> (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
01:24 <luke-jr> ivantis3: list
01:24 <ivantis3> Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Misc, Owner, and User
01:24 <epsy> shit it's a loggerbot
01:24 <luke-jr> that's one XD
01:24 <luke-jr> ivantis: ping
01:24 <epsy> luke-jr: ping
01:25 <epsy> we gotta try with everyone
01:25 <epsy> WHO'S THE TWO BOTS?
01:25 <luke-jr> Ady-Lucifer: ping
01:25 <Your_mom_arma> ivantis3 stop deforestation
01:25 <luke-jr> akira_arma: ping
01:25 <guru3> any other bots hidden in here?
01:25 <luke-jr> antric: ping
01:25 <epsy> The werebot game
01:25 <luke-jr> armabot: ping
01:25 <armabot> pong
01:25 <luke-jr> CruZ: ping
01:25 <luke-jr> armabot is a bot‼
01:25 <epsy> teabot: ping
01:25 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o guru3] by ChanServ
01:25 <teabot> pong
01:25 <epsy> FOUND ONE!
01:25 <luke-jr> XD
01:25 <Ady-Lucifer> luke-jr, PONG
01:25 <@guru3> well this is awkward
01:25 <luke-jr> hey, why is ljrbot not here anymore? :o
01:25 <Your_mom_arma> does finding the ones with bot in the name count for less or more points?
01:26 <@guru3> can't ban ivantis3 without banning ivantis
01:26 <@guru3> oops -_-
01:26 <epsy> more
01:26 -!- mode/#armagetron [+b *!*n=ivantis@2002:3ff5:9f4e:1234:20c:f1ff:fea6:*] by guru3
01:26 <luke-jr> guru3: ivantis's mistake?
01:26 <@guru3> i think so
01:26 <epsy> guru3, ivantis3 logs the channel, just in case..
01:26 -!- ivantis3 was kicked from #armagetron by guru3 [guru3]
01:26 <@guru3> epsy: i have channel logs too
01:26 <@guru3> going back to the founding of the channel
01:26 <akira_arma> omfg luke
01:26 <akira_arma> stop pinging me..
01:26 <@guru3> who owns teabot?
01:26 <epsy> BZR REVERT -R 1
01:26  * epsy *
01:27 <luke-jr> -b *!*=imoutobo@*.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net
01:27 <@guru3> what do you use teabot for?
01:27 <luke-jr> akira_arma: you say that like I did it more than once
01:27 <antric> luke-jr: pong
01:27 <@guru3> (and what do you plan to use imouto bot for, luke-jr?)
01:27 <luke-jr> guru3: TWG!
01:27 <Your_mom_arma> ok, finding your own bot definatly counts for less points, bot having the bot in the name must even it out
01:27 <epsy> what it does useful: rss reports of bugs, bzr commits, and also gives info about bugs
01:27 <@guru3> what does armabot currently do?
01:27 <epsy> commits on svn
01:27 <luke-jr> armabot announces Svn stuff
01:28 <@guru3> ok armabot and teabot are ok
01:28 <luke-jr> ljrbot does ratings
01:28 <luke-jr> not sure why he's MIA
01:28 <@guru3> ratings of what?
01:28 <luke-jr> Arma
01:28 <@guru3> stats?
01:28 <luke-jr> http://ratings.armagetronad.net
01:28 <@guru3> could you transfer that to imoutobot?
01:28 <Your_mom_arma> stats are easy to manipulate in this kind of game, why keep track?
01:29  * guru3 is itching it ban
01:29 <luke-jr> I don't own imoutobot
01:29 <@guru3> mrmmm
01:29 <@guru3> i don't like having it then
01:29 <epsy> grmpf, where's that google feeds thingy?
01:29 <luke-jr> aww
01:30 <luke-jr> guru3: so we need to keep going to #anime to play?
01:30 <@guru3> let's just keep it at armabot and teabot for now
01:30 <@guru3> luke-jr, i'm afraid so
01:30 <@guru3> however, it gives us the oppurtunity to meet new people
01:30 <@guru3> etc, etc
01:30 <luke-jr> XD
01:31 <@guru3> and when you're an otaku, that's a good thing
01:31 <@guru3> etc, etc
01:31 <luke-jr> but epsy and Your_mom_arma etc etc are scared of #Anime
01:31 <Your_mom_arma> because luke-jr is in there
01:31 <@guru3> 01:29:23 [freenode] -!-  channels : #webdevout #speedloli @#imoutobot +#anime
01:31 <@guru3> there are other locations in which imoutobot resides
01:31 <epsy> haha
01:31 <@guru3> i'm sure everyone here would be happy in, er, "#speedloli"
01:31 <luke-jr> guru3: not with significant number of TWG players
01:32 <luke-jr> #Speedloli is for teh loli game
01:32 <luke-jr> XD
01:32 <epsy> ohmahgahd
01:32 <@guru3> well maybe see about getting a twg module for teabot/armabot?
01:32 <epsy> stupid google crap
01:32 <Your_mom_arma> guru3 who are the worms, I have no idea?
01:32 <epsy> python meh
01:32 <luke-jr> guru3: I don't see it happening.
01:32 <@guru3> Your_mom_arma: i have no clue either, there's not enough evidence for... anything really
01:32 <luke-jr> I did port TWG to Armagetron tho
01:32 <epsy> where's babybug when you need her?
01:32 <luke-jr> but it gets spam-kicked
01:32 <luke-jr> ☹
01:33 <epsy> LOL
01:33 <@guru3> luke-jr, i'll think about it
01:33 <Your_mom_arma> where's durka to end the day...
01:33 <luke-jr> guru3: how do I disable spam protection?
01:33 <@guru3> what drives me nuts are bots that randomly appear and just flood the channel with things like bible quotes or the weather
01:33 <luke-jr> it seems impossible☹
01:33 <luke-jr> #weather 68127
01:33 <@guru3> the line repeat?
01:33 <luke-jr> guru3: ?
01:33 <armabot> luke-jr: The current temperature in 78th Ave. & Seymour, Ralston, Nebraska is 20.8°F (6:30 PM CST on December 23, 2008). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 69%. Dew Point: 12.2°F. Windchill: 12.2°F. Pressure: 29.73 in 1006.7 hPa (Falling).
01:33 <Your_mom_arma> guru3: you can't end the day on a tie vote can you?
01:34 <@guru3> well what spam protection
01:34 <luke-jr> guru3: it breaks TWG
01:34 <@guru3> Your_mom_arma: sure you can, you roll a die
01:34 <luke-jr> cuz TWG sends /msg to lots of ppl
01:34 <@guru3> luke-jr: there are two types of spam protection in armagetron
01:34 <luke-jr> with role info and stuff
01:34 <epsy> AAH it was blogsearch :<
01:34 <@guru3> one is protection against sending the same message a lot of times in a row
01:35 <luke-jr> guru3: i just want to turn it all off
01:35 <@guru3> and then there's spam protection based on message frequency
01:35 <@guru3> i think the many times in a row spam protection is hard coded
01:35 <@guru3> at least it was at the time i wrote it
01:35 <luke-jr> or ideally, make an exception for teh game
01:35 <luke-jr> o
01:35 <@guru3> i did this a while ago
01:35  * luke-jr ponders making an auth level for spam-exempt
01:35 <luke-jr> but then again, I don't think wrtlprnft's client supports auth
01:35 <luke-jr> crap
01:35 <@guru3> look for the variable lastSaid
01:36 <epsy> it does, that's why it was done
01:36 <luke-jr> epsy: :O
01:36 <@guru3> looks like some clever person came around and cleaned up what i originally wrote
01:36 <epsy> http://www.google.com/blogsearch?as_q=&num=10&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&ctz=-60&c2coff=1&as_epq=&as_eq=&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=a&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=23&as_maxm=12&as_maxy=2008&lr=lang_en&safe=active&q=armagetron+OR+armagetronad&scoring=d
01:36 <@guru3> but it still looks hard coded
01:36 <ct|kyle> .weather 46814
01:36 <epsy> wonder if that's any useful
01:37 <epsy> what thing?
01:37 <tronner> ct|kyle: The current temperature in Tanbark, Fort Wayne, Indiana is 30.4°F (7:36 PM EST on December 23, 2008). Conditions: Light Freezing Drizzle. Humidity: 92%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Windchill: 23.0°F. Pressure: 30.08 in 1018.5 hPa (Falling).  Winter Weather Advisory in effect until 7 am EST Wednesday...
01:37 <Your_mom_arma> wrtlprnft: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=18878
01:37 <epsy> delay between two messages?
01:37 <luke-jr> epsy: where is auth in wrtlprnft's client?
01:37 <@guru3> whoa a bot!
01:37 <@guru3> who owns tronner and why is it here and what does it do?
01:37 <epsy> you just made me thing of that other guy
01:37 <epsy> "wow dog!"
01:37 <Your_mom_arma> #weather 46814
01:37 <armabot> Your_mom_arma: The current temperature in Tanbark, Fort Wayne, Indiana is 30.4°F (7:37 PM EST on December 23, 2008). Conditions: Light Freezing Drizzle. Humidity: 92%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Windchill: 24.8°F. Pressure: 30.08 in 1018.5 hPa (Falling).  Winter Weather Advisory in effect until 7 am EST Wednesday...
01:37 <epsy> it seems to give weather info
01:37 <@guru3> tronner: help
01:37 <tronner> guru3: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
01:38 <@guru3> ct|kyle: ?
01:38 <Your_mom_arma> tronner: list
01:38 <tronner> Your_mom_arma: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Ctcp, CyborgName, Dict, Filter, Format, Freenode, Games, Herald, Insult, Internet, Karma, Lart, Later, Math, Misc, MoobotFactoids, Network, Nickometer, Owner, P4, Plugin, Praise, QGoogle, RSS, Reply, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Status, Stock, String, StringEncode, Supybot, Tail, Time, Todo, Topic, Unix, User, Utilities, (1 more message)
01:38 <epsy> soupybot could use of a better help :<
01:38 <luke-jr> P4:
01:38 <ct|kyle> P4: owns it, it usuals displays server information when wrtls stuff goes down
01:38 <@guru3> i should fix the online browser :/
01:38 <epsy> indeed
01:38 <@guru3> do something that won't use every proc id on the system and hard crash the server
01:39 <@guru3> (that's why it got taken down btw)
01:39 <luke-jr> guru3: wrtlprnft has a ncie one
01:39 <@guru3> maybe i'll get around to it this holiday
01:39 <epsy> guru3, is it okay to have this feed announced here: http://www.google.com/blogsearch?as_q=&num=10&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&ctz=-60&c2coff=1&as_epq=&as_eq=&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=a&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=23&as_maxm=12&as_maxy=2008&lr=lang_en&safe=active&q=armagetron+OR+armagetronad&scoring=d
01:39 <epsy> dates are spare
01:40 <@guru3> could it be in english?
01:40 <epsy> well, it is in english
01:40 <@guru3> (or is that just me with it in french?)
01:40 <epsy> oh
01:40 <epsy> http://www.google.com/blogsearch?as_q=&num=10&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&ctz=-60&c2coff=1&as_epq=&as_eq=&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=a&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=23&as_maxm=12&as_maxy=2008&lr=lang_en&safe=active&q=armagetron+OR+armagetronad&scoring=d
01:40 <epsy> the UI was in english, damn google
01:41 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc232133.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
01:41 <@guru3> that looks ok to add
01:41 <epsy> righty righty
01:41 <@guru3> ct|kyle: could you please get p4 to msg me about tronner sometime tomorrow?
01:41 <epsy> let's hope it doesn't spam first fetch
01:41 <epsy> guru3, .later tell?
01:42 <ct|kyle> guru3: we can remove tronner if you want, we put it in back when armabot was down for a week or so, it also has somewhat of a more up to date setting list too
01:42 <P4> guru3 ?
01:42 <@guru3> ah you are here
01:42 <@guru3> why i tabbed your name it didn't show
01:42 <P4> yes, i use to be here :þ
01:42 <@guru3> right-o
01:42 <@guru3> as kyle just suggested, would you mind only having tronner in here when armabot is down?
01:42 <@guru3> or teabot... or whichever bot it replaces
01:43 <P4> yes sure
01:43 <P4> .part
01:43 -!- tronner [i=p4@unaffiliated/tronner] has left #armagetron ["P4"]
01:43 <teabot> armablah: 12.08 club-ubuntu WAN party « a psychopath and a psychiatrist walk ... || Armagetron - Free Mac Games || Viewing Pleasure || Armagetron and earlier and Armagetron A || Fortress vs. Sumo « Play Fortress || Open Source Software || Tron for Peace || ARMAGETRON ADVANCED || Final challenge board is up! || Final rules and settings
01:43 <@guru3> thanks P4
01:43 <epsy> darn feedreader
01:43 <@guru3> epsy: that's useless -_-
01:43 <epsy> putting urls
01:45 <epsy> should be better
01:46 -!- Your_mom_arma [n=Your_mom@pool-70-106-117-120.pskn.east.verizon.net] has quit ["voting is pointless"]
01:49 <@guru3> i'm off to bed
01:49 <@guru3> good night
01:49 <epsy> good night
01:49 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o guru3] by guru3
02:01 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@cpe-70-113-115-39.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
02:09 -!- Ady-Lucifer [i=Admin@179.Red-83-36-132.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has quit [":)"]
02:15 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
02:16 <epsy> omg no its dorka
02:16 <Durka> z0mg
02:17 <Durka> yes its /me
02:25 <ct|kyle> it is the worm
02:32 <Durka> ok i need to randomly decide who dies between kyo and lucifer
02:33 <epsy> the worm dies
02:33 <Durka> LOL
02:34 <epsy> well, or just philip
02:34 <epsy> uhm
02:34 <luke-jr> omg
02:35 <luke-jr> does anyone understand FinishHandlePasswordRequest ?
02:35 <epsy> what's it do?
02:36 <luke-jr> hashes the password, salt, etc
02:37  * luke-jr blames epsy since he claimed wrtlprnft's client supported auth.
02:39  * ct|kyle blames luke-jr for believing
02:39 <epsy> well, it can't be a lie
02:45 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has quit [".: NoNameScript 4.22 :."]
02:46 <Durka> #help randservers
02:46 <armabot> Durka: Error: There is no command "randservers".
02:46 <Durka> asdfasdf
02:46 <ct|kyle> Durka: #crazy-tronners
02:49 <Durka> #alias add twg3random "fetch http://durkas.info/twg3/random.php?programs=@1+@2+@3+@4+@5+@6+@7+@8+@9"
02:49 <armabot> Durka: The operation succeeded.
02:49 <Durka> #twg3random luci,kyo
02:49 <armabot> Durka: 1st name of the 2 listed will be lynched, the other will be safe for Day One: luci,  kyo,
02:49 <Durka> *note, that was just a test
02:50 <ct|kyle> #twg3random luci,kyo
02:50 <armabot> ct|kyle: 1st name of the 2 listed will be lynched, the other will be safe for Day One: kyo,  luci,
02:50 <Durka> one more test
02:51 <Durka> i got rid of the space
02:51 <Durka> #twg3random kyle,durka
02:51 <armabot> Durka: 1st name of the 2 listed will be lynched, the other will be safe for Day One: durka, kyle,
02:51 <Durka> k
02:52 <Durka> ok kyle
02:52 <Durka> this is how it will work
02:52 <Durka> kyle, u type #roulette
02:52 <Durka> then i will paste the command
02:52 <Durka> then u type #roulette again
02:53 <Durka> go!
02:53 <ct|kyle> #roulette
02:53 <armabot> ct|kyle: *click*
02:53 <Durka> #twg3random K-Yo,Lucifer
02:53 <armabot> Durka: 1st name of the 2 listed will be lynched, the other will be safe for Day One: Lucifer, K-Yo,
02:53 <ct|kyle> #roulette
02:53 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
02:53  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
02:53 <Durka> ok
02:53 <Durka> thanks
02:54 <luke-jr> #serverinfo -v solofort
02:58 <luke-jr> #sd solofort
02:58 <luke-jr> .sd solofort
02:58 <luke-jr> ]sd solofort
02:58 <luke-jr> teabot: sd solofort
02:58 <teabot> luke-jr: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “solofort” at the moment, sorry.
02:58 <luke-jr> liar
02:58 <ct|kyle> #armaservers
03:09 -!- CruZ [n=cruzer@p57AF6121.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit []
03:13 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
03:23 <armabot> luke-jr: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “solofort” at the moment, sorry.
03:23 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:23 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
03:25 <luke-jr> armabot: are you effing kidding me?
03:26 <luke-jr> that was like 20 minutes +
03:34 <armabot> armagetronad: luke-jr * r8681 /private/wrtlprnft/serverinfo.php:
03:34 <armabot> armagetronad: some auth support (not working completely yet)
03:34 <armabot> armagetronad: ->do* to send messages by type func
03:40 <epsy> oh, THAT
03:54 <epsy> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_bTsdmjgvs&NR=1
03:54 <epsy> now that's a video..
03:55 <epsy> almost six minutes of jsut falling down..
03:57 <epsy> and no he doesn't even end up shooting a portal at another wall to see if there's really any fall damage
03:57 <epsy> and instead just types kill in console
03:57 <epsy> uhm yeah, audipreviewtube
03:57 <epsy> audio*
04:00 <epsy> uhm, good night
04:01 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit ["uʍop-ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ sǝop ǝuo ʍoɥ ƃuıɹǝpuoʍ ǝq ʎɐɯ noʎ.. it's pretty simple: JUST WRITE UPSIDE-DOWN!"]
04:13 <armabot> armagetronad: luke-jr * r8682 /private/wrtlprnft/serverinfo.php: successful login!
04:41 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@cpe-70-113-115-39.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
04:41 <Lucifer> heh, I finally got lynched
04:42 <luke-jr> lulz
04:42 <luke-jr> Lucifer: any idea how to give myself access on an auth server/
04:43 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: LOL
04:44 <ct|kyle> ACCESS_LEVEL luke-jr@forums 0
04:45 <Lucifer> ok, time to start buying rechargeable batteries now
04:45  * Lucifer got a new charger
04:45 <luke-jr> [0] Access level of user luke@dashjr.org changed to "Owner".
04:45 <luke-jr>⚀ luke-jr has been logged in as luke@dashjr.org at access level "Remote User".
04:45 <luke-jr> :/
04:47 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: so why doesn't it work? ☹
04:49 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: not sure, I've had the problem before though
04:50 <luke-jr> gah
04:50 <ct|kyle> 1 times and i just reordered my authentication's configuration list
04:50 <luke-jr> XD
04:52 <teabot> armablah: Mobile Trickz~: ~Open Source Software <http://mobile-trickz.blogspot.com/2008/11/open-source-software.html> || The Innovation Lover » GNU/Linux gamers, Cheers ! <http://www.sarathlakshman.info/2007/12/24/gnulinux-gamers-cheers/> || Wolfram’s Armagetron Bot « Play Fortress <http://playfortress.wordpress.com/2008/11/08/wolframs-armagetron-bot/> || Settings available for beta-test « Blog Archive « TST » Team Sumo ... <http://tst.armaget
04:52 <ct|kyle> stupid bot
04:53 <luke-jr> wtf
04:55 <teabot> armablah: Viewing Pleasure <http://the-desert-is-coming.blogspot.com/2008/12/viewing-pleasure.html> || Armagetron and earlier and Armagetron A <http://vulnerabilities.aspcode.net/7989/Armagetron+0+2+6+0+and+earlier+and+Armagetron+A.aspx> || Open Source Software <http://mobile-trickz.blogspot.com/2008/11/open-source-software.html> || ARMAGETRON ADVANCED <http://www.i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69701147> || Final challenge board is up! 
04:56 <ct|kyle> #m epsy why is teabot spamming large, pointless things
04:56 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:57 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:04 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]"]
05:15 -!- hang3r [n=nathan@ppp59-167-108-224.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #armagetron
05:20 -!- hang3r [n=nathan@ppp59-167-108-224.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
05:26 <luke-jr> yay
05:26 <luke-jr> hacked in ACCESS_LEVEL_SPAM ☺
05:26 <luke-jr> too bad 0.2.8 is frozen
05:37 -!- GodTodd__ [n=TheTruth@pool-96-226-124-149.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
05:39 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-96-226-124-149.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:50 -!- dlh [n=dlh@] has joined #armagetron
05:57 -!- ivantis2 [n=Android@m080e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
06:04 -!- ivantis2 [n=Android@m080e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit ["-a-"]
06:27 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@185-140-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit []
06:31 -!- ivantis2 [n=Android@m480e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
06:33 -!- ivantis2 [n=Android@m480e36d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Client Quit]
07:03 -!- lis [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]
07:09 -!- Stewah is now known as Yash
07:09 -!- Yash is now known as Stewah
07:55 -!- lis [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #armagetron
08:10 -!- hang3r [n=nathan@ppp59-167-108-224.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #armagetron
08:19 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #armagetron
08:42 <Lucifer> *phew*
08:42 <Lucifer> got all my christmas presents wrapped :)
08:50  * hang3r throws a shoe at lucifer
08:50  * Lucifer throws it back
08:51 <hang3r> Got any epic parties planned for Christmas and new year then lucifer?
08:51 <Lucifer> nah
08:52 <Lucifer> I've got my kids for christmas, and I hven't planned far enough ahead for new year's
08:53 <hang3r> Well I'm starting early, I have a small party going on atm, consists of me and my carton of beer :P err 3/4 carton now :(
08:54 <hang3r> Finished work till the 5th, haven't been wasted in a long time so plan on getting extra wasted
08:55 <hang3r> haven't tried KDE in years, wow it has improved so much
08:55 <hang3r> gnome ftl
08:59 <luke-jr> lol
09:00 -!- hang3r [n=nathan@ppp59-167-108-224.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
09:21 -!- hang3r [n=nathan@ppp59-167-108-224.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #armagetron
09:21 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@42.170-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
10:02 -!- dlh [n=dlh@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
10:29 -!- z-man [n=manuel@bl4-141-118.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #armagetron
10:37 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
11:28 -!- z-man [n=manuel@bl4-141-118.dsl.telepac.pt] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
12:57 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]"]
13:41 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAgEtROn
13:56 -!- Ady-Lucifer [i=Admin@192.Red-83-40-207.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #armagetron
14:01 -!- Ady-Lucifer [i=Admin@192.Red-83-40-207.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has quit [":)"]
14:18 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-147-102.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
14:39 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@42.170-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
14:46 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
15:27 -!- hang3r [n=nathan@ppp59-167-108-224.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:36 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@185-140-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
15:43 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
15:43 -!- epsy [n=epsy@unaffiliated/epsy] has joined #aRmAgEtROn
16:13 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac7565c.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
16:24 <K-Yo> #tea
16:24 <armabot> K-Yo: Fortress Café: Players (3/32): I'm no good, MrIce, ¦×¦ Black_hat
16:30 -!- G5 [n=G5@cl-506.dus-01.de.sixxs.net] has quit []
16:35 <K-Yo> .cters
16:55 -!- ivantis2 [n=Android@m4a0436d0.tmodns.net] has joined #armagetron
16:57 -!- Ady-Lucifer [i=Admin@192.Red-83-40-207.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #armagetron
16:59 -!- z-man [n=manuel@bl5-20-90.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #armagetron
17:01 -!- emphasis|zzzzz [n=rolf@185-140-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
17:12 -!- ivantis2 [n=Android@m4a0436d0.tmodns.net] has quit ["-a-"]
17:20 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@185-140-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
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17:38 -!- PinkTomato [n=sam@5ac7565c.bb.sky.com] has quit ["Leaving."]
17:55 -!- BabyBug [n=BabyBug@] has joined #armagetron
17:56 <epsy> ah, python lover
17:56 <BabyBug> \o
17:57 <BabyBug> has that bug been fixed yet? *growl*
17:57 <epsy> no, it's just that I had problems with python :S
17:58 <BabyBug> ...
17:58 <epsy> :D
17:58 <epsy> :)
17:59 <BabyBug> shoo
18:00 -!- lis [n=Lizmatic@78-27-12-206.dsl.alice.nl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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18:02 -!- hoop [n=john@ip-179-143.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #armagetron
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18:31 <wrtlprnft> epsy: updated and rebuilt, maybe that'll magically fix the problem
18:32 <wrtlprnft> #later tell *your*mom* cool!
18:32 <epsy> hrm, armabot is laggying :x
18:33 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr: just out of curiosity, what are you using my php client for?
18:33 <wrtlprnft> epsy: it's using more memory than this machine has… again.
18:34  * epsy blames it on python
18:34 -!- Ady-Lucifer [i=Admin@192.Red-83-40-207.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has quit [":)"]
18:35  * BabyBug blames the coders
18:35 <wrtlprnft> that's not us
18:35  * ct|kyle blames epsy
18:35 <BabyBug> I'm not saying it's you =)
18:35 <wrtlprnft> gotta go, armabot's gonna restart in 30 min
18:35 <BabyBug> I just taking the blame off python
18:35 <BabyBug> i'm*
18:39 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
18:40 <ct|kyle> 7 minute lag LOL
18:41 <epsy> that's 420000 ms ping
18:41 -!- animuson [n=animuson@CM-204-193-195-245.omah.tconl.com] has left #armagetron []
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19:20 <PinkTomato> armabot is ill
19:20 <PinkTomato> :(
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19:40 <epsy> I heard armabot was a she
19:41 <epsy> ok sorry :x
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19:48 <epsy> guru3, I spotted an android
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20:02 <Lizmatic> armabot spam
20:02 <Lizmatic> ban him
20:02 <PinkTomato> armabot is better now
20:02 <PinkTomato> has not happened for 10 mins
20:08 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@] has joined #armagetron
20:16 <ct|kyle> #3ping
20:16 <ct|kyle> #ping
20:16 <armabot> pong
20:17 <ct|kyle> PinkTomato: you just gotta give her a little attention, then she id fine :P
20:17 <ct|kyle> is*
20:26 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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20:32 <PinkTomato> ;)
20:32 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
20:33 <epsy> [17:35] <wrtlprnft>: gotta go, armabot's gonna restart in 30 min
20:33 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
20:33 <epsy> it is, indeed
20:33 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
20:34 <PinkTomato> morning armabot ;)
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21:55 <ct|kyle> epsy: i think now it has rebooted for about 30 minutes :P
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22:03 <P4> .mode +b armabot*!*@*
22:03 <ivantis2> why?
22:03 <P4> 24Dec08 190838 * armabot (n=armabot@ Quit (Nick collision from services.) ¦¦¦ 24Dec08 220253 * armabot (n=armabot@ Quit (Nick collision from services.)
22:03 <P4> every 2 minutes
22:03 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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22:04 <ivantis2> #armabotsthebest
22:05 <P4> #servers
22:05 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
22:05 <ct|kyle> heh
22:05 <armabot`> P4: This data is 31 seconds old; Wild West  =Capture The Flag= (8/10), Wild West  =Capture The Flag=  ~Multi~Mode~ (8/10), -= Quantum Performance DF Server =-  [Hosted by Birdy] (7/16), {Delicious Desserts} Racing II (7/14), Wild West  =CTF Shooting= (7/10), The YELLOW Submarine (7/16), {Delicious Desserts} High Rubber (6/12), [] Cheers! [] The friendly server. (6/12), Crazy Tronners Wild (2 more messages)
22:05 <P4> teabot: list
22:05 <teabot> P4: Alias, Factoids, Filter, Format, Games, Google, Herald, Internet, Later, Math, Misc, Nickometer, Poll, QGoogle, Quote, RSS, String, Time, Topic, User, Utilities, and Web
22:05 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
22:05 <P4> teabot: list alias
22:05 <teabot> P4: monologue, /me, 8ball, aawikis, action, add, aka, armaservers, as, bop, bzr, c, calc the number of seconds durka can stay online on irc, caps, cctld, cupofteaplease, date, drantin, g, google, kickban, lastseen, linkafl, linkbrawl, linkfff, linkformat, linkladle, linkom, linktst, lock, logs, lp, ls, lukejrwork, man, moar, nb, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, r, rape, remove, replace, rot1, sd, (1 more message)
22:05 <P4> teabot more
22:05 <teabot> P4: serverdetails, serverscores, si, ss, sty, tea, test, tourneys, tstservers, unlock, vectron, what, wtf, and x
22:05 <P4> teabot cctld
22:05 <P4> lol
22:05 <teabot> P4: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
22:06 <P4> teabot title http://42.pl/u/wov
22:06 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
22:06 <teabot> P4: That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4096 bytes.
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22:08 <ct|kyle> armabot`: die :P
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22:11 <ct|kyle> going to be a long log today :P
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22:17 <Lizmatic> armabot, i don't think we should see eachother anymore
22:17 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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22:18 <epsy> ivantis's the deceived one
22:19 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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22:20 <BabyBug> armabot seems more obsessive over this channel than Flex is over you Lizmatic :o I Didn't think that was possible =P
22:21 <epsy> :O
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22:22 <Lizmatic> LOL!
22:22 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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22:22 <BabyBug> =D
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22:28  * BabyBug tickles epsy 
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22:28 <epsy> why me ?
22:29 -!- sinewav [n=sinewav@adsl-76-197-243-54.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
22:29 <BabyBug> You were the last guy to speak \o/
22:29 <epsy> someone remember me to unignore armabat
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22:30 <epsy> grr
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22:30 <BabyBug> what's happened to it? =\ Two instances running?
22:30 <epsy> possible
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23:02  * ct|kyle must have given the virus to armabot instead of BabyBug
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23:26 <epsy> guru3, spam: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?p=201493#201493
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23:27 <ct|kyle> why do they spam us with shoes so much
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23:27 <BabyBug> shoes!!
23:27 <epsy> racing?
23:28 <ct|kyle> ?
23:28 <BabyBug> fugly shoes ><
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23:28 <epsy> why do they put a space after http:// ?
23:28 <ct|kyle> they may look good on a fugly person like BabyBug then
23:29 <BabyBug> ...
23:29 <BabyBug> you have no idea what i look like =P
23:29 <epsy> indeed, we don't
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23:30 <ct|kyle> BabyBug: yes i do
23:31 <BabyBug> ct|kyle, no you don't
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23:31 <ct|kyle> BabyBug: I can see through the computer :P
23:31 <epsy> prove him wrong:
23:31 <epsy> prove him wrong!
23:31 <epsy> prove him wrong!
23:31 <BabyBug> liar
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23:31 <BabyBug> what colour hair do i have then ct|kyle?
23:31 <epsy> she's a blondie
23:32 <epsy> she said it herself
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23:32 <ct|kyle> BabyBug: from that far away the picture is quite scrabbled :P
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23:32 <BabyBug> epsy give you the answer and you still didn't get it right
23:32 <BabyBug> zeesh!
23:32 <BabyBug> and since when does a scrambled picture scramble up colours? =P
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23:33 <epsy> we're spacing up armabot's dance
23:34 <BabyBug> \o/
23:34 <ct|kyle> i hate blond, some people with brownish hair think theirs is blond, I don't get it
23:34 <BabyBug> blonde*
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Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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