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Log from 2008-08-16:
--- Day changed Sat Aug 16 2008
00:00 <ivantis> @replace epsy is a noob
00:00 <teabot> ivantis: Error: The command "replace" is available in the Alias and Topic plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "replace".
00:00 <ivantis> @alias replace epsy is a noob
00:00 <teabot> ivantis: noob
00:00 <ivantis> ???
00:00 <ivantis> odd
00:00 <epsy> Roflcopter xD
00:00 <ivantis> @alias replace j9543
00:00 <teabot> ivantis: j9543
00:00 <ivantis> @alias replace epsy
00:00 <teabot> ivantis: noob
00:01 <ivantis> @alias replace noob
00:01 <teabot> ivantis: noob
00:01 <ivantis> wtf?
00:01 <epsy> Roflcopter xD
00:01 <ivantis> something wrong with
00:01 <epsy> @alias replace 1234
00:01 <teabot> epsy: 1234
00:01 <ivantis> @alias replace noob is a noob
00:01 <epsy> @alias replace hoop
00:01 <teabot> ivantis: epsy
00:01 <teabot> epsy: hoop
00:02 <ivantis> @alias replace you are an noob
00:02 <teabot> ivantis: you
00:02 <ivantis> ??
00:02 <ivantis> @alias replace fdskfj949jfklsd
00:02 <teabot> ivantis: fdskfj949jfklsd
00:02 <epsy> <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1
00:02 <ivantis> @alias replace fdskfj949jfklsd hfdsj jfksld 894j
00:02 <teabot> ivantis: fdskfj949jfklsd
00:02 <ivantis> oh yeah
00:02 <epsy> now i have to remember you what you typed
00:02 <epsy> pfft.
00:03 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1%20@2%20@3%20@4%20@5%20@6%20@7%20@8%20@9%20@10
00:03 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
00:03 <epsy> geez
00:03 <epsy> look
00:03 <ivantis> @alias replace fdskfj949jfklsd hfdsj jfksld 894j
00:03 <teabot> ivantis: fdskfj949jfklsd jfksld 894j
00:03 <epsy> @help lastseen
00:03 <teabot> epsy: (lastseen <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch [format concat http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player= [format join + $*]]".
00:03 <ivantis> @alias replace epsy is a noob
00:03 <teabot> ivantis: epsy a epsy
00:04 <ivantis> ???
00:04 <ivantis> oh
00:04 <ivantis> ok
00:04 <epsy> @unload Topic
00:04 <teabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
00:04 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl= [format join + $*]]
00:04 <teabot> ivantis: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
00:05 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch [form concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl= [format join + $*]]
00:05 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
00:05 <ivantis> @alias replace fdskfj949jfklsd hfdsj jfksld 894j
00:05 <teabot> ivantis: Error: '[form concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl= fdskfj949jfklsd hfdsj jfksld 894j]' is not a valid url.
00:05 <epsy> @alias add replace fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl= [format join + $*]]
00:05 <teabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
00:05 <epsy> @alias add replace "fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl= [format join + $*]]"
00:05 <teabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
00:05 <ivantis> @alias replace fdskfj949jfklsd hfdsj jfksld 894j
00:05 <teabot> ivantis: fdskfj949jfklsd hfdsj jfksld 894j
00:05 <ivantis> @alias replace epsy is a noob
00:05 <teabot> ivantis: epsy is a epsy
00:05 <ivantis> see?
00:05 <ivantis> it works
00:05 <ivantis> now
00:05 <epsy> i still dont understand how to use your script
00:06 <ivantis> uh
00:06 <epsy> ..in an EFFICIENT way
00:06 <iva<ivantis> @sd space-lab
01:09 <ivantis> today?
01:09 <teabot> ivantis: timed out
01:09 <ivantis> what? timed out?
01:09 <ivantis> @sd space-lab
01:09 <teabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (0/8):
01:10 <ivantis> @sd space-lab
01:10 <teabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (1/8): ivantis
01:10 <ivantis> i guess what i get for running a high latency server
01:10 <ivantis> only hosted on a home DSL connection
01:10 <ct|kyle> ya
01:11 <ivantis> man, playing at my server feels all weird, i think Pathetiqe messed with the settings
01:12 <ct|kyle> you let pathetique touch your server
01:12 <ivantis> i didnt want him to touch it, he raped it
01:12 <ct|kyle> you let pathetique rape you
01:13 <ivantis> no
01:13 <ivantis> and that doesnt make sense
01:13 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["gone! quit! exit! etc."]
01:13 <ivantis> let someone rape you?
01:13 -!- apparition [i=4ce207a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-a794833cfb0b1648] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
01:14 <ct|kyle> come on you don't think people have sex and then they get pissed at the other person and press charges of rape
01:15 -!- madav [n=madav@dsl51B6BEC7.pool.t-online.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:15 <ivantis> no
01:19 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has left #armagetron []
01:22 -!- cusco [i=cusco@client-82-3-244-132.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
01:24 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit ["goodbye!"]
01:24 <Lucifer> poor kid
01:25 <Lucifer> he has so much to learn, and so much ego preventing him from doing it
01:30 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
01:30 <ivantis> ever been on us.scoutinglink.com or whatever that server is? it sucks
01:31 <ivantis> there was like 8 people on the entire server
01:32 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit [Client Quit]
01:32 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
01:34 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has quit []
01:34 <Lucifer> ah, I see
01:35 <Lucifer> South Central US is a euphemism for "Texas and surrounding territories"
01:41 <Lucifer> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4543728.ece  <--- Peace in our time?
01:47 <teabot> Announcement from my owner (epsy): #neverball nbcommits
01:49 <StickyNoob> #tea
01:49 <epsy> StickyNoob, didn't you know? cafe is down
01:50 <StickyNoob> clearly i have been paying alot of attention
01:50 <epsy> also, armabot is down, too
01:53  * epsy bitchslaps teabot 
02:49 <ivantis> @list
02:49 <teabot> ivantis: Alias, ChannelRelay, Factoids, Filter, Format, Games, Google, Herald, Internet, Later, Misc, Nickometer, Quote, RSS, String, Time, User, Utilities, and Web
02:49 <ivantis> @list herald
02:49 <teabot> ivantis: add, change, default, get, and remove
02:50 <ivantis> @herald default
02:50 <teabot> ivantis: I do not have a default herald set for #armagetron.
02:50 <ivantis> what is a Herald?
02:50 <ivantis> @help herald
02:50 <teabot> ivantis: Error: There is no command "herald".
02:50 <epsy> @plugin help herald
02:50 <teabot> epsy: That plugin is loaded, but has no plugin help.
02:50 <ivantis> @help herald default
02:50 <teabot> ivantis: (herald default [<channel>] [--remove|<msg>]) -- If <msg> is given, sets the default herald to <msg>. A <msg> of "" will remove the default herald. If <msg> is not given, returns the current default herald. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
02:50 <epsy> welcome message
02:50 <ivantis> o
02:51 <ivantis> @heralid add
02:51 <ivantis> @herald add
02:51 <teabot> ivantis: (herald add [<channel>] <user|nick> <msg>) -- Sets the herald message for <user> (or the user <nick|hostmask> is currently identified or recognized as) to <msg>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
02:51 <epsy> @config channel #armagetron supybot.plugins.Herald.heralding 0
02:51 <teabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
02:51 <ivantis> @herald add ivantis Hello
02:51 <teabot> ivantis: Error: I can't find ivantis in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
02:52 <ivantis> lame
02:52 <ivantis> 99302
02:53 <ivantis> @replace love hate i love you so much
02:53 <teabot> ivantis: i hate you so much
02:57 <ivantis> you know what classes i have this semester?
02:57 <ivantis> Science 8
02:57 <ivantis> Computer Applications
02:57 <ivantis> Band
02:58 <ivantis> Intro to Work/Family
02:58 <ivantis> Geometry
02:58 <ivantis> English 8
02:59 <ivantis> Social Studies
02:59 <ivantis> P.E.
02:59 <ivantis> (barf)
02:59 <ivantis> @list alias
02:59 <teabot> ivantis: action, add, armaservers, calc the number of seconds durka can stay online on irc, cctld, formaturlforalias, lastseen, lock, ls, lukejrwork, man, moar, onlineplayers, onlineservers, remove, replace, rot1, sd, serverdetails, serverscores, si, ss, tea, unlock, what, and wtf
03:00 <ivantis> @formaturlforalias
03:00 <teabot> ivantis: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
03:00 <ivantis> ????
03:00 <ivantis> @help formaturlforalias
03:00 <teabot> ivantis: (formaturlforalias <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo \[format join "" [replace "argshere" " \[format join + \$*\] " $1]\]".
03:00 <epsy> #alias remove formaturlforalias
03:00 <epsy> epicfail
03:00 <ivantis> epsyicfail
03:01 <ivantis> ugh, you know what else? computer applications isnt what i thought
03:01 <ivantis> we get to learn how to do things in "Microsoft Word, Excell, and other Microsoft Office products"
03:01 <ivantis> at least the teachers kind of cool
03:02 <epsy> they teach you to use them, they teach you to stick with them, they stick you to them
03:02 <ivantis> no
03:02 <ivantis> not me
03:02 <StickyNoob> ivantis: how to use MS applications is a typical IT course
03:02 <ivantis> IT, what does that even stand for?
03:02 <StickyNoob> Information technology
03:02 <ivantis> @sd space-lab
03:02 <ivantis> oh
03:02 <teabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (0/8):
03:03 <ivantis> and why is that a typical IT course?
03:03 <ivantis> so that the population who hasnt learned to use them can become more used to MS's stupid ways
03:04 <StickyNoob> mainly since most IT courses are aimed at getting people by in the average day job. where spreadsheets and wordprocessing are the common tasks, and MS supply almost all those apps
03:04 <ivantis> or OpenOffice.org
03:04 <ivantis> is open office open source?
03:04 <StickyNoob> yes
03:04 <ivantis> wait duh, the reason for the "open" in it
03:05 <StickyNoob> but given MS probably give there product to schools for free why would the school use anything else
03:06 <ivantis> @replace "are+fantastic" "completely+suck" MS products are fantastic
03:06 <teabot> ivantis: MS products completely suck
03:06 <ivantis> teabot knows
03:09 <ivantis> @help replace
03:09 <teabot> ivantis: (replace <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1&with=$2&text= [format join + $*]]".
03:09 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=@1&with=@2&text= [format join + $*]]
03:09 <teabot> ivantis: Error: Can't mix $* and optional args (@1, etc.)
03:09 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=@1&with=@2&text= [format join + @*]]
03:09 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
03:09 <ivantis> @replace
03:09 <teabot> ivantis: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
03:10 <ivantis> dammit
03:10 <ivantis> @replace dj djfiso jfds
03:10 <teabot> ivantis: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
03:10 <ivantis> wtf?
03:10 <ivantis> @replace dj djfiso jfds
03:10 <teabot> ivantis: Error: I tried to send you an empty message.
03:11 <ivantis> ???
03:11 <ivantis> grr
03:11 <ivantis> oh wait, i know
03:11 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1&with=$2&text= [format join + $*]]
03:11 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
03:11 <ivantis> @replace
03:11 <teabot> ivantis: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
03:11 <ivantis> @replace fjdk jfdskl fjdslk
03:11 <teabot> ivantis: fjdslk
03:11 <ivantis> @replace fjdk jfdskl fjdklk
03:11 <teabot> ivantis: jfdskllk
03:11 <ivantis> odd
03:12 <ivantis> @replace
03:12 <teabot> ivantis: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
03:12 <ivantis> why does it give error?
03:14 <Lucifer> because it hates you
03:14 <Lucifer> it's a sensible bot
03:14 <ivantis> @replace something something+else something something or nothing
03:14 <teabot> ivantis: something elseUsage: replace "<replace+this>" "<with+this>" <text to modify>
03:14 <ivantis> ??
03:14 <ivantis> thats odd
03:14 <Lucifer> it's not odd that something hates you
03:15 <ivantis> not that
03:15 <Lucifer> why isn't my wife home yet?
03:15 <ivantis> do you see anything noticably wrong with this?
03:15 <ivantis> if ($text == "") {
03:15 <ivantis> print "Usage: replace \"<replace+this>\" \"<with+this>\" <text to modify>";
03:15 <ivantis> }
03:15 <ivantis> (its in perl)
03:16 <ivantis> @replace something something+else something something or nothing
03:16 <teabot> ivantis: something else
03:16 <ivantis> @replace something something+else
03:16 <teabot> ivantis: Usage: replace "<replace+this>" "<with+this>" <text to modify>
03:16 <ivantis> ah good
03:16 <ivantis> instead of == in perl it should be eq
03:16 <ivantis> idk why, kind of stupid
03:18 <Lucifer> well yeah, if you're trying to feed a perl line to a python script, it won't work
03:19 <Lucifer> @version
03:19 <teabot> Lucifer: The current (running) version of this Supybot is 0.83.3.  The newest version available online is 0.83.3.
03:20 <GodTodd_> hrmm...is it worth it to get a pda?
03:20 -!- GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
03:21 <StickyNoob> GodTodd: what type of pda?
03:21 <GodTodd> heh...dunno...haven't even decided if it's worth it to get one. :)
03:21 <ivantis> pda
03:21 <ivantis> yeah, right
03:21 <StickyNoob> ive tried a few in the past and once the novelty has worn off they are fairly useless
03:21 <epsy> what would be your use of it?
03:21 <ivantis> *snort*
03:22 <StickyNoob> thought about an asus EEEEEEEEEEE
03:22 <epsy> lol
03:22  * ivantis does a george costanza snort to getting a pda
03:22 <GodTodd> well...i was thinking mostly for reading ebooks and stuff
03:22 <ivantis> get one of those book things meant for that
03:22 <ivantis> i saw one at borders
03:22 <ivantis> its really lightweight, and cool looking
03:22 <GodTodd> can you get one for under a hundred?
03:22 <epsy> ah, so yeah, you would need a pretty large screen
03:23 <GodTodd> :)
03:23 <epsy> a pda ? uhh doubt that
03:23 <StickyNoob> EEEEEEEEEE
03:23 <GodTodd> yeah, you can get a pda for under that
03:23 <GodTodd> ebook readers are still too new to be down in price
03:23 <GodTodd> plus no backlight on e-ink
03:24 <epsy> no backlight = better for the eyes
03:24 <GodTodd> no backlight means you need another light source tho
03:24 <ivantis> that is not better on the eyes
03:24 <ivantis> well, in the dark
03:24 <StickyNoob> most ebook readers are also bound to a few suppliers
03:24 <epsy> now i dunno how to light these things properly
03:25 <GodTodd> StickyNoob, yep due to newness
03:25 <ivantis> its like this: i have a game-boy advance (not SP, the long looking kind), which has no backlight, which is an issue
03:25 <ivantis> get a back light
03:25 <GodTodd> and you bring in the whole DRM thing
03:25 <StickyNoob> yeah
03:25 <StickyNoob> i wouldnt recomend a pda tho
03:25 <ivantis> why doesnt xchat allow multiple servers?
03:26 <StickyNoob> you may have visions of youre self sitting on busses/trains reading loads but in reality you get bored of having about 3 words per line
03:26 -ivantis:#armagetron- You have new mail, type /server mail new
03:26 -ivantis:#armagetron- to read it
03:27 <ivantis> did anyone see that?
03:27 <StickyNoob> yes
03:27 <ivantis> good
03:27 <mkzelda> http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm27/i_s2_nismo/1218685300987.gif
03:27 <ivantis> i need to try that at like #noobs or something
03:31 <epsy> good idea
03:31 <epsy> 'lo mkzelda
03:31 <ivantis> join #freenode
03:32 <ivantis> im servserv
03:50 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [".. but he will be back!"]
03:50 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
03:51 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:57 -!- teabot [i=xclan@fiji.dreamhost.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
03:57 -!- teabot [i=xclan@fiji.dreamhost.com] has joined #armagetron
04:19 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
04:21 <Lucifer> GodTodd: don't listen to Noob-boy, pda's are well worth it
04:28 <GodTodd> what kind do you have?
04:28 <GodTodd> you have one, right?
04:30 <ivantis> @help replace
04:30 <teabot> ivantis: (replace <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1&with=$2&text=$*".
04:35 <ivantis> @replace something else this is something else
04:35 <teabot> ivantis: this
04:35 <ivantis> ???
04:39 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1&with=$2&text=[format join + $*]]
04:39 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
04:40 <ivantis> @replace something else this is something else
04:40 <ivantis> today?
04:40 <ivantis> @replace
04:40 <teabot> ivantis: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
04:40 <teabot> ivantis: this
04:40 <ivantis> @replace something else this is something else
04:40 <teabot> ivantis: this
04:41 <ivantis> dangit
04:41 <ivantis> why did it used to work and now doesnt?
04:42 <ivantis> @sd -v tron
04:42 <teabot> ivantis: Crazy Tronners Wild Catfight 2 ( running 0.2.8_alpha20080807 unix dedicated, url: http://crazy-tronners.com, Description: “All settings at default values.“, Players (0/4):
04:42 <ivantis> @sd -v adventures
04:42 <teabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “adventures” at the moment, sorry.
04:42 <ivantis> @sd -v adven
04:42 <teabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “adven” at the moment, sorry.
04:54 -!- ferr [n=ferr@catv-5062ecb6.catv.broadband.hu] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
05:25 <GodTodd> Lucifer, you have a pda, right?
05:26 <ivantis> no
05:26 <ivantis> dont listen to Noob-man, pda's arent worth it
05:41 <Lucifer> GodTodd: yes, and right now I'm sharing it with my daughter
05:41 <Lucifer> I'm finally weaning her from the pretty-girl type books that 9 year old girls like to read
05:42 <ivantis> Lucifer: do you think that being able to shoot a zombie zone would be a cool thing?
05:42 <ivantis> AshitakA has asked me to embark on this journey to do that
05:42 <ivantis> (doesnt look so hard)
05:43 <Lucifer> ivantis: no, I think that would suck
05:43 <ivantis> might be fun
05:43 <ivantis> maybe
05:44 <ivantis> but how should it set who the zombie should chase?
05:44 <ivantis> the person who killed them last? or a chat command like /zombie_chase <name>
05:44 <ivantis> idk
05:46 <GodTodd> Lucifer, you find it useful for school then?
05:47 -!- G5_ [n=G5@p57962317.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
05:56 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962415.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
05:56 <Lucifer> GodTodd: yes
05:56 <Lucifer> I have a general problem where I don't check my calendar often enough anyway, and mine is an older palm pda, so the handwriting on it is pretty sucky
05:57 <Lucifer> even so, I've found the damn thing pretty convenient on many occasions and would recommend it whole-heartedly
05:57 <GodTodd> k
05:57 <GodTodd> karen agrees
05:57 <Lucifer> obviously you'll want to favor one for which you can program
05:57 <Lucifer> which pretty much means linux-based :)
05:57 <Lucifer> if I were going to buy a new one today, I'd buy one that supports qtopia
05:59 <Lucifer> ivantis: fire it in a straight line, and the first cycle it sees within a certain radius will be the one it chases
05:59 <ivantis> uh
05:59 <ivantis> too complicated
05:59 <Lucifer> what?  are you crazy?  that's the simplest possible implementation!
05:59 <ivantis> idea: it just follows you, you need to drag it into people
05:59 <ivantis> simplest?
06:00 <ivantis> uh
06:00 <ivantis> no
06:00 <Lucifer> well, it's slightly more complicated than having it just chase the closest cycle to you at the moment it's fired
06:00 <Lucifer> dude, you don't have any idea what you're talking about :)
06:00 <ivantis> how would it detect that?
06:00 <Lucifer> simple algebra, use the distance formula
06:00 <ivantis> this is all in gWinZone.cpp
06:00 <ivantis> which does not include a lot with arena
06:00 <Lucifer> every timestep that it doesn't have a target, iterate through all cycles and get the distance
06:01 <ivantis> yes, i thought that too
06:01 <ivantis> but
06:01 <ivantis> too hard
06:01 <Lucifer> if that's too hard for you, then you need to give up programming right now
06:01 <ivantis> actually not that hard now that i think about it
06:01 <Lucifer> seriously
06:01 <ivantis> actually not that hard now that i think about it**
06:01 <Lucifer> distance is just the pythagorean theorem that most people learn in the 6th grade
06:02 <ivantis> pythagorean theorem in sixth grade? here were not sposta learn that till eighth grade
06:02 <ivantis> but i learned last year because i was in the advanced math class
06:02 <ivantis> now i have to be in geometry, while others in my grade are in algebra 1
06:03 <Lucifer> well, I was in Texas for the sixth grade, and this was before the TExas education system went down the shitpot
06:03 <Lucifer> anyway, you're going to need some trig to make the zombie follow the cycle, so having it acquire a target is cake by comparison
06:03 <Lucifer> not that following the cycle is all that hard either.... ;)
06:04 <ivantis> anyway, does gWinZone.cpp have a good brain already about where cycles are?
06:04 <Lucifer> you might be able to escape doing trig if you just require the zone to make 90 degree turns like the cycles
06:04 <Lucifer> beats me, I've never looked at it
06:04 <Lucifer> my work has been in other areas
06:04 <ivantis> well, its the first file i goofed around with
06:05 <ivantis> and I dont want anything to do with the network programming
06:05 <ivantis> ka-barf
06:06 <Lucifer> you shouldn't have to touch the network, and you can probably do all your work within that file as long as teh zombie acquires its target automatically
06:06 <Lucifer> but you'll probably need to read the gCycle.h file for that interface, and some of its parent headers
06:06 <ivantis> yes i know
06:07 <ivantis> yeah, for the shot creation part i just added zombie creation part, but i just compiled and it said "yada was not declared in scope" so i need to edit the .h
06:07 <Lucifer> it might be fun to have a zombie that goes out a distance, then goes after the nearest cycle
06:07 <ivantis> yeah
06:07 <Lucifer> so if the nearest cycle is the one who fired it, he's screwed
06:07 <ivantis> yes! like a heat seaking missile
06:07 <Lucifer> that would be pretty easy to implement
06:07 <ivantis> and shots cant kill their owners
06:07 <Lucifer> no, I mean it can kill the owner :)
06:07 <ivantis> unless i remove the unless line...
06:08 <Lucifer> so you have to shoot, then run away ;)
06:08 <ivantis> that would be sweet
06:08 <ivantis> ok
06:08 <ivantis> so this error means i just need to edit the .h right?
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp: In constructor ‘gZone::gZone(eGrid*, const eCoord&, bool)’:
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:325: error: ‘zonePlayer’ was not declared in this scope
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:328: error: ‘zonePos’ was not declared in this scope
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:331: error: ‘zoneOwner’ was not declared in this scope
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:334: error: ‘zoneTeam’ was not declared in this scope
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:336: error: ‘zoneColor’ was not declared in this scope
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:339: error: ‘setColorFlag’ was not declared in this scope
06:08 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:342: error: ‘Zone’ was not declared in this scope
06:09 <ivantis> tron/gWinZone.cpp:346: error: label ‘usage’ used but not defined
06:10 <ivantis> ? odd
06:10 <ivantis> why is setColorFlag in there?
06:10 <ivantis> hmm
06:10 <ivantis> oh well
06:16 <ivantis> ah yes!
06:16 <ivantis> i got past make
06:16 <ivantis> and that file, it better work
06:17 <ivantis> what?!?! dangit
06:17 <ivantis> it didnt work
06:18 <GodTodd> welcome to programming :)
06:18 <ivantis> yes
06:18 <ivantis> welcome me
06:27 <ivantis> sweet! almost done, only 3 more errors to take care of
06:27 <GodTodd> heh
06:28 <GodTodd> many times i've seen 3 errors taken care of and then 10 more pop up out of nowhere :)
06:28 <ivantis> yes
06:28 <ivantis> i sense that will happen
06:28 <ivantis> or it just wont work
06:29 <GodTodd> man...have i really been programming for 15 years?
06:29  * GodTodd feels old.
06:29 <ivantis> yes, i was right
06:29 <ivantis> 5 more errors did pop out of no where
06:29 <ivantis> how handy
06:29 <GodTodd> yep
06:29 <GodTodd> that's how she blows :)
06:30 <ivantis> Lucifer: in gWi
06:30 <ivantis> ...
06:30 <ivantis> nevermind
06:31 <ivantis> oh fuck!
06:31 <ivantis> i have been writing this to the entirely wrong place the whole time!!!!!!
06:32 <ivantis> this really is obviously not where shots are created
06:36 <ivantis> do any of you guys know the block of code in gWinZone.cpp that reacts to brake and makes a shot?
07:00 <ivantis> Lucifer: i dont mean to bug you, but youre good with code right? what kind of thing should i use so that (in armas C++) it will constantly check something?
07:01 <ivantis> something like while (1)?
07:10 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit ["my mac is now asleep"]
07:17 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@ip24-252-22-230.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
07:21 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
07:21 <luke-jr> I scared Lucifer away!
07:22 <ivantis> yeah you did
07:22  * luke-jr does the pwning dance
07:22  * ivantis wishes the weirdo doing the pwning dance would unban him from his bot (plz?)
07:23 <luke-jr> ivantis: you abuse him
07:23 <ivantis> you misuse him
07:23 <ivantis> @echo "]echo hi"
07:23 <teabot> ]echo hi
07:23 <ljrbot> hi
07:35 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
07:36 <luke-jr> ]admin ignore add teabot
07:36 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
07:36 <luke-jr> f u ljrbot
07:42 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
07:43 <GodTodd> heh luke-jr can't even get a bot to listen to him
07:44 <luke-jr> not just a bot, but MY OWN bot
07:44 <luke-jr> :(
07:45 <GodTodd> yep...kinda leaves you feeling as insignificant as you are, eh? :)
07:45 <luke-jr> moreso even!
07:48 <GodTodd> downright impotent :)
08:38 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50872593.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
08:56 -!- G5_ [n=G5@p57962317.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Over and out."]
08:56 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit ["my mac is now asleep"]
08:57 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962317.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
09:04 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
09:07 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@252.162.201-77.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
09:21 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50872593.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
09:21 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50872593.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
10:01 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50872593.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
10:25 -!- Netsplit clarke.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: P4, ivantis, xfroggy, G5, teabot, ljrbot, z-man, guru3, GodTodd, kidanger,  (+10 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
10:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: MaZuffeR, G5, P4, eddiefantastic, noob13, kidanger, luke-jr, teabot, GodTodd, xfroggy (+9 more)
10:27 -!- Netsplit over, joins: ivantis
11:15 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc232133.static.is.airbites.ro] has joined #armagetron
11:23 -!- madav [n=madav@dsl51B6E964.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #armagetron
11:51 -!- teabot [i=xclan@fiji.dreamhost.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:52 -!- teabot [i=xclan@fiji.dreamhost.com] has joined #armagetron
12:10 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc232133.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]
13:01 -!- kidanger_ [n=kidanger@155.178.201-77.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
13:01 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has joined #armagetron
13:23 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@252.162.201-77.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:08 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
14:32 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@hlfxns0163w-142068130246.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
14:33 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@45.246-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
14:56 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has left #armagetron []
15:12 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
15:30 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087257A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
16:05 -!- Flex [i=Flex@unaffiliated/flex] has joined #armagetron
16:19 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
16:44 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
17:02 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
17:05 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@] has joined #armagetron
17:14 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit []
17:26 <ivantis> @sd -v space-lab
17:26 <teabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting! ( running 0.2.8_alpha20080719 unix dedicated, url: http://arma.ivantis.net, Description: “Some Lag, some Bugs, some Idiots.“, Players (0/8):
17:37 <guru3> :o
17:40 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@45.246-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
17:44 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@45.246-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
18:14 <Lucifer> I think I may have a cold
18:18 <K-Yo> then rest and have a big mug of hot milk with honey
18:18 <K-Yo> hmmmmmmmm
18:26 -!- kidanger_ [n=kidanger@155.178.201-77.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:26 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:42 <Lucifer> heh, I think it's because of our brand new air conditioner
19:00  * K-Yo heard of this air conditionner more than the olympics
19:07 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@hlfxns0163w-142068130246.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:08 -!- Rocky_Spirit [n=rocky@201009018104.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #armagetron
19:10 <Lucifer> my air conditioner has won 8 gold medals!
19:10 <epsy> zomg
19:12 <GodTodd> Lucifer, then don't turn the thermostat down to 50 :P
19:22 -!- Rocky_Spirit [n=rocky@201009018104.user.veloxzone.com.br] has quit ["Leaving"]
19:36 -!- K-Yo1 [n=K-Yo@lns-bzn-32-82-254-46-121.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
19:38 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
19:38 -!- K-Yo1 is now known as K-Yo
20:18 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
20:36 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
20:38 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc232133.static.is.airbites.ro] has joined #armagetron
20:38 -!- xfroggy_tr [i=4aa1d18e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-179623ef99fd9a6f] has joined #armagetron
20:49 -!- xfroggy_tr [i=4aa1d18e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-179623ef99fd9a6f] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
21:03 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087257A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:11 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has joined #armagetron
21:21 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
21:25 -!- madav [n=madav@dsl51B6E964.pool.t-online.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:35 -!- Program4 [i=program@cp601025-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #armagetron
21:36 <Program4> #aka stingray
21:36 <ivantis> Program4: armabot is down, use teabot with @
21:36 <ivantis> @aka stingray
21:36 <ivantis> @list alias
21:36 <teabot> ivantis: action, add, armaservers, calc the number of seconds durka can stay online on irc, cctld, formaturlforalias, lastseen, lock, ls, lukejrwork, man, moar, onlineplayers, onlineservers, remove, replace, rot1, sd, serverdetails, serverscores, si, ss, tea, unlock, what, and wtf
21:37 <ivantis> no aka on it i guess
21:37 <Program4> @aka stingray
21:37 <ivantis> use ljrbot with ]
21:37 <Program4> would suck then :/
21:37 <ivantis> try ]aka stingray
21:37 -!- Program4 is now known as Poseak
21:37 <Poseak> lol how many bots we got since armabot went down :/
21:37 <ivantis> 3
21:38 <Poseak> ]aka stingray
21:38 <ljrbot> Poseak: ¿10580 stingray
21:38 <ivantis> ivanbot (mine), ljrbot, teabot
21:38 <ivantis> g2g anyway
21:38 <Poseak> cya
21:39 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@233.179-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
21:43 -!- MrBougs [n=MrBougo@231.228-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
21:43 <epsy> ]aka Poseak
21:43 <ljrbot> epsy: I don't know anything about 'poseak'!
21:44 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@45.246-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
21:44 -!- MrBougs is now known as MrBougo
21:44 <epsy> @ip cp601025-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl
21:44 <epsy> @dns cp601025-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl
21:44 <teabot> epsy:
21:44 <ivantis> @dns space-lab.us
21:44 <teabot> ivantis:
21:45 <epsy> so, then you're telling me you're not freako :)
21:45 <ivantis> did anyone catch my hostname when in entered?
21:45 <ivantis> @echo "]aka ivantis"
21:45 <teabot> ]aka ivantis
21:45 <ljrbot> teabot: ¿15643 ivantis
21:45 <ivantis> hmm
21:46 <ivantis> ]aka ivantis
21:46 <ivantis> dammit, he still hasnt unbanned me
21:46 <epsy> ]help aka
21:46 <ljrbot> epsy: (aka <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "web fetch [format concat http://ratings.armagetronad.net/aka.php?slashes=1&name=[urlquote @1]]".
21:47 <ivantis> @alias add aka web fetch [format concat http://ratings.armagetronad.net/aka.php?slashes=1&name=[urlquote @1]]
21:47 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
21:47 <epsy> heh
21:47 <ivantis> @aka ivantis
21:47 <teabot> ivantis: ¿11873 @1
21:47 <ivantis> ??
21:47 <ivantis> why is it different and echos another @1???
21:47 <epsy> @alias add aka "web fetch [format concat http://ratings.armagetronad.net/aka.php?slashes=1&name=[urlquote @1]]"
21:47 <ivantis> odd
21:47 <teabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
21:47 <ivantis> @aka ivantis
21:47 <epsy> @aka ivantis
21:47 <teabot> ivantis: ¿15643 ivantis
21:47 <teabot> epsy: ¿15643 ivantis
21:47 <ivantis> he loves me now
21:47 <epsy> @aka freako
21:47 <teabot> epsy: ¿21133 lolzor freako xo-i 0:freako@forums
21:48 <epsy> @aka what was it already
21:48 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@233.179-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
21:48 <teabot> epsy: I don't know anything about 'what_was_it_already'!
21:48 <ivantis> btw, replace doesnt work now
21:48 <epsy> @aka 0:Weezer@forums
21:48 <teabot> epsy: I don't know anything about '0:Weezer@forums'!
21:48 <ivantis> i did something wrong
21:48 <ivantis> @replace this that this is that
21:48 <teabot> ivantis: that
21:48 <epsy> @ls -g Weezer@forums
21:48 <teabot> epsy: I haven't seen anyone matching “Weezer@forums” yet, sorry.
21:48 <ivantis> it wont work anymore, epsy fix it
21:49 <epsy> @help replace
21:49 <teabot> epsy: (replace <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1&with=$2&text=$*".
21:49 <ivantis> no wonder
21:49 <epsy> you need to copy the thing from ls etc
21:49 <ivantis> but i dont know how to do that concat thing
21:49 <ivantis> ls etc???
21:49 <ivantis> @list etc
21:49 <teabot> ivantis: Error: 'etc' is not a valid plugin.
21:49 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@164.29-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
21:49 <ivantis> lame
21:50 <epsy> @help ls
21:50 <teabot> epsy: (ls <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "lastseen $*".
21:50 <epsy> @help lastseen
21:50 <teabot> epsy: (lastseen <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch [format concat http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player= [format join + $*]]".
21:50 <ivantis> oh i see
21:51 <ivantis> @alias add replace fetch [format concat http://www.space-lab.us/repl.pl?repl=$1&with=$2&text= [format join + $*]]
21:51 <teabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
21:51 <ivantis> @replace this that this is that
21:51 <teabot> ivantis: that
21:51 <ivantis> still wont work
21:51 <ivantis> well, g2g
21:52 <epsy> bb
21:53 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
21:54 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@231.228-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
22:24 <Poseak> ]aka stingray
22:24 <ljrbot> Poseak: ¿10580 stingray
22:26 <Poseak> @aka stingray
22:26 <teabot> Poseak: ¿10580 stingray
23:03 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p5087257A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
23:07 -!- fonkay [n=dreamboa@hlfxns0163w-142068213097.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
23:11 -!- Poseak [i=program@cp601025-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:20 -!- Flex [i=Flex@unaffiliated/flex] has quit []
23:21 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
23:29 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@164.29-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
23:32 -!- luke-jr is now known as luke-jr_
23:33 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:18fc:16e6:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
23:36 -!- luke-jr_ [n=luke-jr@ip24-252-22-230.om.om.cox.net] has quit ["leaving"]
23:53 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:18fc:16e6:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
23:54 -!- emmy_arma [n=peiaeman@pc232133.static.is.airbites.ro] has quit ["Leaving"]

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