Log from 2007-12-10:
--- Day changed Mon Dec 10 2007
00:00 <Stewie-arma> oh noez 4 minutes till it closes
00:01 <luke-jr> it includes OO.o too!
00:02 <xfroggy> luke-jr, yea but it was avaiable till the end of last month per 1 household
00:03 <xfroggy> so general public could of got their hands on it for that limited period of time :D
00:03 <xfroggy> at least that's what they said on TV during their program lol
00:04 <luke-jr> I think you're required to have the owner be a kid
00:04 <Stewie-arma> rofl it is closed
00:04 <Stewie-arma> that person has to pay 302$ now
00:05 <xfroggy> jeez
00:06 <luke-jr> maybe I should do that
00:06 <luke-jr> I have a few antiques
00:06 <xfroggy> I bought a similar spec Thinkpad on ebay for 100$ shipped :S
00:06 <xfroggy> I'm guessing Dell is more expansive brand name :)
00:08 <Stewie-arma> http://cgi.ebay.com/Toshiba-Satellite-T1960CS-Laptop-Computer_W0QQitemZ290188036934QQihZ019QQcategoryZ140085QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
00:08 <Stewie-arma> windows 3.1
00:08 <xfroggy> hahaha 3.1 pwns
00:09 <Stewie-arma> 16 mp of ram
00:09 <Stewie-arma> lol
00:09 <Stewie-arma> mb**
00:09 <luke-jr> rofl
00:09 <Stewie-arma> fuckin epic man
00:10 <xfroggy> guys, I'm not asking for much, for whoever becomes a millionaire here, do me a favor and buy this little gadget for me :)))
00:10 <xfroggy> http://www.spylife.com/digital_interceptor.html
00:10 <xfroggy> I don't think I'll ever have that much $$$ for a gadget to waste ;_;
00:11 <xfroggy> *to waste on the gadget
00:11 <luke-jr> Note:We may sell the unit to you only if you representing a government or law enforcement agency or you are selling it to the Government or a Law Enforcement agency in your country.
00:11 <luke-jr> We will 100% verify it and also require a letter certifying that.
00:11 <xfroggy> :-D
00:11 <xfroggy> I'm pretty sure if you double the amount, they can skip the verification part
00:11 <luke-jr> lol
00:12 <xfroggy> gosh Its like love at first sight...
00:16 <Stewie-arma> xfroggy starting your own party van eh?
00:17 <xfroggy> yup :D
00:20 <luke-jr> #rating lavaraptor
00:20 <armabot> luke-jr: lavaraptor's current rating is 1341-1415 (from 1344-1419)
00:20 * luke-jr pokes armabot
00:24 -!- liberfiasco [n=libervis@78-1-118-42.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
00:24 <luke-jr> O.o
00:24 <luke-jr> why is there a
00:24 <luke-jr> #rating niner.bot
00:25 <armabot> luke-jr: niner.bot's current rating is 1280-1389 (from 1284-1400)
00:25 <luke-jr> #rating niner
00:25 <armabot> luke-jr: niner's current rating is 1532-1609 (from 1484-1569)
00:25 <luke-jr> bot < real
00:27 <Stewie-arma> bot > real < everything
00:28 -!- crazy-tronner [n=CT@aaef198.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Excess Flood]
00:28 -!- crazy-tronner [n=CT@aaef198.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
00:29 <luke-jr> …
00:29 <luke-jr> #rating luke-jr
00:29 <armabot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1333-1433
00:29 <luke-jr> crazy-tronner: O.o
00:29 <xfroggy> LOL
00:30 <xfroggy> <ct|kyle> .slap P4 1E2
00:30 <xfroggy> hahahahah XD
00:33 <tramshed> nay
00:34 <tramshed> my server doesnt have too much rubber
00:37 <luke-jr> ☺
00:37 <luke-jr> I played on a server with NO rubber yesterday
00:38 <luke-jr> was slightly annoying, but gave a nice feel for classic Arma
00:38 <luke-jr> where grinding was actually a skill
00:38 <tramshed> indeed
00:38 <tramshed> I had my server set like darn for a while
00:38 <tramshed> but no one played on it
00:38 <luke-jr> the hard part was that the server was also fairly laggy
00:38 <tramshed> they were like OMFG DEATH
00:38 <luke-jr> so I had to turn BEFORE I got close
00:38 <Self_Destructo> luke
00:38 <luke-jr> not just before I hit
00:39 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: #armalukechat
00:39 <luke-jr> plz
00:39 <Self_Destructo> luke-jr: the server had a constant ping of 1000+ earlier today. ;)
00:39 <Self_Destructo> it just might still
00:39 <Self_Destructo> swhy?
00:39 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [Success]
00:39 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: #armalukechat plz ☺
00:41 -!- liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
00:52 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
00:52 <ghableska> #weather 50266
00:52 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 15.1°F (5:52 PM CST on December 09, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 8.6°F. Windchill: 8.6°F. Pressure: 29.35 in 993.8 hPa (Falling).
00:52 <Self_Destructo> why don't it just stay cold up there?
00:52 <Self_Destructo> weather #72612
00:53 <Self_Destructo> ooppps
00:53 <Self_Destructo> #weather 72616
00:53 <luke-jr> #weather 68127
00:53 <armabot> Self_Destructo: The current temperature in Holiday Island, Holiday Island, Arkansas is 34.7°F (5:50 PM CST on December 09, 2007). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 91%. Dew Point: 32.0°F. Pressure: 30.29 in 1025.6 hPa (Steady). Freezing Rain Advisory in effect until 12 PM CST Monday...
00:53 <armabot> luke-jr: The current temperature in Omaha Millard, Nebraska is 19.4°F (5:30 PM CST on December 09, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 14.0°F. Windchill: 14.0°F. Pressure: 30.37 in 1028 hPa (Steady). Winter Storm Watch in effect from Monday evening through Tuesday morning...
00:53 <Self_Destructo> lol
00:53 <Self_Destructo> why don't it just be cold and wet everywhere?
00:55 <Gursikh> #weather 77381
00:55 <armabot> Gursikh: The current temperature in The Woodlands, Texas is 73.0°F (5:55 PM CST on December 09, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: 68.0°F. Pressure: 30.08 in 1018.5 hPa (Steady).
00:55 <Self_Destructo> lol, not down there
00:55 <Gursikh> Nice and warm here ^^^
00:56 <Self_Destructo> man we would die of ehat stroke as soon as we walked out the door, lol
00:56 <Self_Destructo> heat*
00:56 <Gursikh> It's actually kind of chilly for me
00:57 <Self_Destructo> i had to work out in it this week and when 40 degrees came along yesterday, it felt like a heat wave
01:03 <luke-jr> who run the master servers?
01:20 <tramshed> hey luke-jr what is my username?
01:20 <tramshed> or can it be anything?
01:20 <luke-jr> told you last night… :þ
01:21 <luke-jr> swampland_hate
01:21 <luke-jr> or smth
01:21 <tramshed> oh, ok
01:21 <tramshed> you said server name then, so I wasnt sure
01:22 <luke-jr> same thing
01:22 <tramshed> ack
01:22 <tramshed> no perl
01:22 <luke-jr> the server's username
01:22 <luke-jr> ew
01:22 <luke-jr> how can you run a system w/o perl?
01:22 <luke-jr> lol
01:22 <tramshed> I can get the guy to install it
01:22 <tramshed> well, he installed this system dead minimal
01:22 <tramshed> it didnt have bash for a while either
01:22 <luke-jr> wtf
01:22 <luke-jr> BSD?
01:22 <tramshed> yeah
01:25 <tramshed> oh, its in there
01:25 <tramshed> differnt path
01:25 <tramshed> hmm
01:25 <tramshed> I take it the script outputs nothing
01:27 <tramshed> ok, should be running
01:28 <tramshed> #weather 60606
01:28 <armabot> tramshed: The current temperature in Cabrini Green, Chicago, Illinois is 32.4°F (5:31 PM CST on December 09, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Windchill: 28.4°F. Pressure: 30.27 in 1024.9 hPa (Falling).
01:29 <luke-jr> tramshed: it will output warnings on occasion that can be ignored
01:29 <tramshed> lol
01:29 <luke-jr> #rating /dev/null
01:29 <armabot> luke-jr: /dev/null's current rating is 1113-1521 (from 1150-1850)
01:29 <luke-jr> not doing so good, eh? :þ
01:30 <tramshed> dont play on a lot of servers
01:30 <luke-jr> that's just from now :þ
01:30 <tramshed> oh, on my server half the time im on chatbot playing with things
01:30 <tramshed> so yeah, not on mine
01:31 <tramshed> mudpuddle or swampland 0.2.8 or swampland II im usually doing well on though
01:31 <luke-jr> lol
01:31 <luke-jr> get their admins to participate ☺
01:33 <tramshed> talk to cash
01:34 <luke-jr> he runs both?
01:35 <tramshed> I believe so, if not he knows who does
01:35 <luke-jr> heh
01:35 <luke-jr> well, I need to troubleshoot this arma bug first
01:35 <tramshed> he runs at least two fo them
01:36 <luke-jr> hopefully I won't find it's malice :x
01:37 <luke-jr> #rating greenmonster|gz
01:37 <armabot> luke-jr: greenmonster|gz's current rating is 1492-1567 (from 1465-1552)
01:47 <xfroggy> libervisco, cafe died? Oo
01:53 <libervisco> libervisco, what cafe?
01:53 <xfroggy> libervisco, i though u were rain :S
01:54 <xfroggy> wrong person :D
01:54 <luke-jr> lol
01:54 <luke-jr> xfroggy: did it?
01:54 <xfroggy> yea its down
01:55 <luke-jr> something's up
01:55 <luke-jr> guru3: wrtlprnft
01:55 <xfroggy> ping
01:55 <xfroggy> nothing :D
01:55 <luke-jr> oh, the entire system?
01:55 <xfroggy> 14 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 13001ms
01:55 <luke-jr> does it usually pong?
01:55 <xfroggy> i guess :S
01:55 <xfroggy> no idea lol
01:55 <luke-jr> x.x
01:55 <xfroggy> but its gone from master roster
01:55 <luke-jr> yeah
01:55 <luke-jr> I think one of the masters is broken
01:56 <luke-jr> and breaking servers
01:56 <luke-jr> it's affected at least 3 of the ones I host so far
01:56 <xfroggy> oh that blows
01:56 <luke-jr> trying to trace the problem atm
01:56 <luke-jr> seems to be related to master server comm
01:57 <xfroggy> :S
01:57 <luke-jr> tho the ones I host didn't seem to go down, just pinged over 1000
01:57 <luke-jr> might have disappeared from the list tho, not sure
01:57 <xfroggy> can u still enter them though?
01:58 <luke-jr> one of them, at least
01:58 <xfroggy> custom connect doesnt work for me with cafe
01:58 <luke-jr> since the affect is more or less a local DoS, it might have been killed by some automatic sysop thing
02:00 <xfroggy> that is way beyond my knowledge
02:01 <luke-jr> heh
02:01 <xfroggy> :)
02:08 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving."]
02:15 <luke-jr> cusco_: ping
02:15 <Stewie-arma> pioing
02:16 <luke-jr> you aint cusco_
02:16 <Stewie-arma> I know -.-
02:37 <DrJoeTron> #serverinfo Cage
02:37 <armabot> DrJoeTron: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “cage” at the moment, sorry.
02:37 <DrJoeTron> welp
02:38 <DrJoeTron> sounds like a server restart to me
02:53 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron: read the backscroll
03:03 <DrJoeTron> #serverinfo Cage
03:03 <armabot> DrJoeTron: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “cage” at the moment, sorry.
03:04 <DrJoeTron> hah it helps if i actually start the server app
03:04 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
03:05 <luke-jr> O.o
03:05 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron: so it was running, but not listed?
03:05 <DrJoeTron> over a period of time i lose connection to the master servers in general
03:05 <DrJoeTron> mainly because my modem flakes out
03:05 <DrJoeTron> but
03:05 <DrJoeTron> #serverinfo Cage
03:05 <armabot> DrJoeTron: The Lobster Cage: No online players.
03:05 <DrJoeTron> see
03:06 <DrJoeTron> and we're back
03:08 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron: not so sure about it being your modem this time
03:09 <luke-jr> the servers I host have been going wacky all day
03:09 <luke-jr> Fortress Cafe seems to be down too
03:09 <DrJoeTron> huh
03:30 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
03:31 <luke-jr> ]rating ghableska
03:31 <luke-jr> #rating ghableska
03:31 <armabot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'ghableska'!
03:32 <luke-jr> o
03:35 <DrJoeTron> ghableska PUT TELEPORT HERE
03:47 <P4> #serverinfo flower
03:47 <armabot> P4: Flower Power Sumo Assault: Players (1/16): CT×µ4
03:47 <P4> anyone coming? :)
03:50 <Stewie-arma> ]bible "Mark 3:31-35"
03:50 <Stewie-arma> aww
03:50 <Stewie-arma> lol
03:50 <Stewie-arma> I forgotted it
03:50 <Stewie-arma> was it ]bible search?
03:51 <xfroggy> lol haha
04:04 <luke-jr> Stewie-arma: it was restricted to #jesus and #armalukechat
04:06 -!- laspace [n=laspace@c-71-202-113-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit []
04:07 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
04:08 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-38-124.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
04:09 -!- laspace [n=laspace@adsl-71-146-92-167.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
04:48 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
05:01 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
05:25 <luke-jr> #rating lgcy|spider
05:25 <armabot> luke-jr: lgcy|spider's current rating is 1123-1542 (from 1150-1850)
05:25 <luke-jr> spidey: that you?
05:26 <GodTodd> no more biblebot, eh?
05:26 <GodTodd> heh
05:29 <luke-jr> GodTodd: he's in #jesus
05:29 <luke-jr> got rating ported to armabot
05:29 <GodTodd> your bot is?
05:29 <luke-jr> yes
05:30 <GodTodd> good
05:47 <Stewie-arma> #jesus
05:47 <armabot> Stewie-arma: (jesus <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo Jesus thinks $1 is a jerk.".
05:47 <Stewie-arma> lol
05:47 <Stewie-arma> haha
06:16 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
06:16 -!- laspace [n=laspace@adsl-71-146-92-167.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
06:17 -!- laspace [n=laspace@adsl-71-146-92-167.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
06:20 -!- laspace [n=laspace@adsl-71-146-92-167.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Client Quit]
06:21 -!- laspace [n=laspace@adsl-71-146-92-167.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
06:21 -!- Durka_ [n=Durka@cpe-76-167-178-153.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
06:22 <Stewie-arma> oh hai
06:22 <Durka_> wrtlprnft: PING
06:22 <Durka_> wrtlprnft: I made a server stats page for Cafe
06:22 <Durka_> it's vary nice
06:22 <Durka_> hi stewie
06:22 <Stewie-arma> herro
06:22 <Durka_> brb
06:23 <Stewie-arma> kk
06:25 <luke-jr> Durka_:
06:25 <luke-jr> IM
06:26 <Durka_> k
06:28 <Stewie-arma> brb
06:32 <luke-jr> #rating luke-jr
06:32 <armabot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1333-1433
06:33 -!- spidey [n=spidey@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:33 <luke-jr> #rating s!x
06:33 <armabot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 's!x'!
06:34 <luke-jr> hm
06:34 <luke-jr> #rating +S!x
06:34 <armabot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about '+s!x'!
06:36 <Durka_> lol
06:39 <Stewie-arma> back
06:40 <luke-jr> #rating Durka
06:40 <armabot> luke-jr: I don't know anything about 'durka'!
06:40 <Stewie-arma> yeah durka doesn't exist
06:41 -!- Durka_ [n=Durka@cpe-76-167-178-153.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
06:41 <Stewie-arma> told you
06:45 <luke-jr> lol
06:59 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-1-97.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["Man fuck y'all"]
07:03 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
07:16 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@246.200-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
07:27 <Stewie-arma> aww DrJoeTron hates us...
07:27 <MrBougo> :(
07:27 <MrBougo> #quote get 12
07:27 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #12: "'ebuild blah portage rocks emerge hotplug coldplig - armabot mashuffle'" (added by n54 at 05:44 PM, March 29, 2006)
07:28 <MrBougo> :o
07:28 <Stewie-arma> wtf?
07:28 <MrBougo> #quote get 11
07:28 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: There is no Quote with id #11 in my database for #armagetron.
07:28 <MrBougo> #quote get 10
07:28 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: There is no Quote with id #10 in my database for #armagetron.
07:28 <MrBougo> pff
07:28 <Stewie-arma> rofl
07:28 <MrBougo> #quote get 12
07:28 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #12: "'ebuild blah portage rocks emerge hotplug coldplig - armabot mashuffle'" (added by n54 at 05:44 PM, March 29, 2006)
07:28 <Stewie-arma> #quote get 1
07:28 <armabot> Stewie-arma: Quote #1: "Was this compiled by our friend Sum Ting Wong? --WallyWallWhackr" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:37 AM, March 24, 2006)
07:28 <MrBougo> #quote get 13
07:28 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #13: "<hang3r> How many microbuscity's does it take to change a light bulb?" (added by hang3r at 07:41 AM, March 31, 2006)
07:28 <MrBougo> #quote get 14
07:28 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #14: "On a full moon, Christopher Walken transform in a wereworm. Not as dangerous as a werewolf, but twice as cunning. - philippeqc" (added by n54 at 07:58 PM, April 25, 2006)
07:29 <MrBougo> #quote get 48
07:29 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #48: "i'm a woindwos user --MrBougo" (added by Lucifer_arma at 09:12 AM, June 24, 2007)
07:29 <MrBougo> i'm in it :o
07:29 <Stewie-arma> rofl
07:29 <Stewie-arma> I'm not
07:29 <MrBougo> #list quote
07:29 <armabot> MrBougo: add, change, get, random, remove, search, and stats
07:29 <MrBougo> #quote search luke
07:29 <armabot> MrBougo: 10 found: #20: "ok luci, you'd know better on this one -- luke-jr", #21: "<Luke-Jr_work__> btw, pedophile is good", #23: "<spidey> you wanna fuck Luke-Jr ?", #26: "<Lucifer_arma> I want fundamentalism just so I...", #45: "better an idiot that can admit it than a luke-...", #58: "luke, your so cute when you think you are right...", #59: "-Kick- You have been kicked from channel...", #60: (1 more message)
07:30 <MrBougo> #quote get 58
07:30 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #58: "luke, your so cute when you think you are right about some crazy position. - philippeqc2" (added by GodTodd at 03:34 AM, August 13, 2007)
07:30 <MrBougo> haha
07:30 <MrBougo> #quote get 59
07:30 <armabot> MrBougo: Quote #59: "-Kick- You have been kicked from channel #armagetron by luke-jr (sorry)." (added by Lucifer_arma at 05:33 AM, September 17, 2007)
07:30 <MrBougo> :o
07:30 <MrBougo> bye
07:30 <Stewie-arma> luke-jr made a funny
07:30 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@246.200-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #armagetron ["Wish me good luck for my math exam"]
08:05 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:10 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
08:11 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
08:12 <spidey_> #quote
08:12 <spidey_> #ping
08:12 <armabot> pong
08:13 <spidey_> #quote get 32
08:13 <armabot> spidey_: Quote #32: "i2020> sure you can... who told you that, little lukie wookie" (added by spidey at 07:34 PM, November 05, 2006)
08:20 -!- Stewie-arma [n=Stewie-a@cpe-72-130-168-7.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
09:09 <tramshed> http://mirror.servut.us/kuvat/motivation/mimes.jpg
09:09 <luke-jr> wtf?
09:09 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870764.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:09 <luke-jr> #rating /dev/null
09:09 <armabot> luke-jr: /dev/null's current rating is 1113-1521
09:09 <luke-jr> z-man: how's your master server been?
09:10 <luke-jr> #rating luke-jr
09:10 <z-man> it seems to be running, why?
09:10 <armabot> luke-jr: luke-jr's current rating is 1333-1433
09:11 <luke-jr> z-man: one of them was screwy yesterday
09:11 <luke-jr> z-man: we seem to have a bug in the server that causes it to eat CPU constantly when idle under certain conditions
09:12 <luke-jr> affected servers I host at least 5 times yesterday spanning two machines, and allegedly Fortress Cafe was seen down
09:12 <z-man> Odd, all idle loops I'm aware of use usleep-delays while they wait.
09:12 <luke-jr> seems to have stopped as of 3 hours or so ago
09:13 <luke-jr> hm
09:13 <luke-jr> they seemed to be sitting in the while loop located at gGame line 1895
09:16 <z-man> [0] Address of server master1.armagetronad.net:4533 determined to be *.*.*.*:4533
09:16 <z-man> that's an odd line I found in the server logs of my AFL server yesterday.
09:16 <luke-jr> odd how? O.o
09:17 <luke-jr> ohh
09:17 <luke-jr> weird
09:45 <z-man> And that while loop calls slelect() with a one second timeout, so without masses network activity, I see no way of it eating CPU.
09:53 <luke-jr> z-man: I know select() was always returning immediately
09:53 <luke-jr> it could be failing to read the waiting socket
09:55 <z-man> Hmm, could be. Do you know whether they were more sockets active than the control and input socket?
09:57 <luke-jr> IIRC, there were 2 total
09:57 <luke-jr> being put into the select var
09:57 <luke-jr> which gdb insisted did not exist
09:59 <luke-jr> should there be only one?
10:05 <z-man> no, two are the minimum for a server. a control socket for communciation with the master server, and a listening socket for client connections.
10:06 <luke-jr> master server is kept open at all times?
10:06 <luke-jr> hm
10:06 <z-man> Yeah, I'm not actually sure what the control socket is supposed to do, it's one of the quake legacies.
10:07 <luke-jr> lol
10:07 <luke-jr> great
10:07 <luke-jr> if you don't know, nobody does :þ
10:07 <luke-jr> could it be a DoS?
10:07 <luke-jr> actually, no
10:07 <z-man> Unlikelt.
10:07 <z-man> y
10:07 <luke-jr> there wasn't much network activity
10:08 <luke-jr> I recall tcpdumping
10:08 <luke-jr> but
10:08 <luke-jr> there was a point where the UDP receive buffer was sitting full, so no UDP worked (not even DNS)
10:08 <luke-jr> and it stuck like that for quite some time
10:08 <luke-jr> and that was the last time i saw the problem on that server
10:08 <luke-jr> before that*
10:09 <luke-jr> so it's definately network tied IMO
10:09 <z-man> Yep. Theory: it's incoming data at the ominous control socket that makes Select() return immediately, but nobody bothers to read it.
10:10 <luke-jr> aha
10:10 <luke-jr> so if a master server sent an unexpected packet, it might trigger?
10:10 <luke-jr> can we test this?
10:10 <luke-jr> I have a demo server to try it on ☺
10:11 <luke-jr> I imagine a netcat on your end should trigger, right?
10:12 <z-man> Yep, but I'd rather use a local server for a first test :)
10:12 <luke-jr> ok
10:12 <luke-jr> works for me
10:14 <z-man> Yep, server went to 100% CPU load.
10:14 <luke-jr> aha
10:14 <luke-jr> so then the question becomes how it should be fixed
10:15 <luke-jr> do we read and discard the data, I presume?
10:15 <luke-jr> actually, it also raises the question of how the packet got sent
10:15 <z-man> Possibly, but I guess I should find out what the control socket is actually used for, and eliminate it if it is not used at all.
10:16 <z-man> Could have been a delayed answer from a master server if the control socket is used for communications with them.
10:16 <luke-jr> hm
10:17 <luke-jr> better question:
10:17 <z-man> Ah, yes, that would be it. The control socket is indeed used for all communication where the server takes the role of a client, and that's the communication with the master server.
10:17 <luke-jr> why would the control socket have 256 KB waiting on it? :þ
10:18 <z-man> A very busy master server? :)
10:18 <luke-jr> why would it send 256 KB⁇
10:19 <z-man> beats me.
10:20 <luke-jr> hrm
10:20 <luke-jr> DoS potential
10:20 <luke-jr> I sent a single packet to my demo server
10:20 <luke-jr> it doesn't need to be from a master's IP
10:21 <z-man> Yes, but nobody else knows the port the control socket is bound to.
10:21 <luke-jr> if the port range is 10000 wide like it looks like, shouldn't be easy to guess tho
10:21 <luke-jr> on the other hand… :/
10:22 * luke-jr wonders how fast one can send 10000 packets
10:22 <luke-jr> heck, a UDP portscan tool
10:23 <luke-jr> looks liek it's 32k range tho
10:23 <luke-jr> should take time
10:24 <luke-jr> maybe not
10:29 <z-man> You still have access to the development staff only section on the forum?
10:30 <z-man> Obviously, you have :)
10:30 <z-man> I'll move the further discussion there.
10:34 <luke-jr> good idea
10:36 <z-man> Ah, wait, no need. The problem only exists in svn, no official release is affected, not even 0.3.0.
10:36 <z-man> does not yet use Select().
10:41 -!- ljrbot` [n=supybot@2002:440d:6de2:0:2b0:d0ff:fe49:6b31] has joined #armagetron
10:41 -!- luke-jr_ [n=luke-jr@ip68-13-109-226.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
10:41 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r7405 / (2 files in 2 dirs): Fixed 100% cpu usage of the server when data was incoming on the control socket at the wrong time (any time it is not talking to the master servers).
10:41 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
10:42 <luke-jr_> ignoring it?
10:45 <z-man> Now that you mention it, that probalby breaks the master server :)
10:45 <luke-jr_> O.o?
10:51 <z-man> yeah, the master server uses the control socket to ping the servers. Discard the data from it -> no contact to servers :)
10:52 <luke-jr_> eh
10:52 <luke-jr_> so if the master is pinging them… wouldn't that make them go bonkers ALL the time?
10:53 <z-man> the source socket on the master is the control socket, the destination socket on the pinged server is the regular receiving socket.
10:53 <z-man> But the answer to the ping comes back to the master's control socket, of course.
10:54 <luke-jr_> oh
10:54 <luke-jr_> so the master server uses that same loop
10:55 <z-man> a different loop of similar structure.
10:56 <luke-jr_> guess I assumed you were discarding it in a different place than yuo are
10:56 <z-man> Yep, I'm discarding it in the central place, in sn_Receive().
10:57 -!- ljrbot` [n=supybot@2002:440d:6de2:0:2b0:d0ff:fe49:6b31] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
10:57 <z-man> Which obviously isn't such a good idea.
10:57 <luke-jr_> ah
11:14 -!- spidey_ is now known as spidey
11:17 -!- luke-jr_ [n=luke-jr@ip68-13-109-226.om.om.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:19 -!- luke-jr_ [n=luke-jr@ip68-13-109-226.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
11:19 <spidey> one of FA's server log files is almost 1 million lines long
11:20 <spidey> it's 984,731
11:20 <spidey> =o
11:20 <spidey> which in return caused winscp to freeze
11:20 <spidey> and cause it to use 250mb of ram
11:28 <luke-jr_> …
11:28 <luke-jr_> should've hosted with me? :þ
11:32 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r7406 / (5 files in 3 dirs): More elaborate version of the last fix that does not break the master server.
11:33 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r7407 / (2 files in 2 dirs):
11:33 <luke-jr_> ☺
11:34 <luke-jr_> 7407
11:34 <luke-jr_> ?
11:34 <z-man> Don't ask me, ask svk.
11:34 <luke-jr_> ☹
11:34 <luke-jr_> I don't use svk
11:35 <z-man> I do, it is rather convenient at times.
11:35 <luke-jr_> so what was 7407?
11:35 <z-man> beats me, I'll look it up
11:36 <luke-jr_> O.o
11:40 <z-man> That's funny, svk split two changes I did in one commit into two commits.
11:40 -!- crazy-tronner [n=CT@aaef198.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:40 -!- P4|away is now known as P4
11:40 <luke-jr_> o.O
11:40 <luke-jr_> logical splits or?
11:41 * luke-jr_ ponders if it looks at file date time diffs
11:41 <z-man> not really. One of the split results was reverting the the change from 7400 to 7406.
11:42 <z-man> http://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/armagetronad/armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/network/nNetwork.cpp?r1=7400&r2=7405
11:42 <z-man> http://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/armagetronad/armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/network/nNetwork.cpp?r1=7406&r2=7407
11:42 <z-man> http://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/armagetronad/armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/src/network/nNetwork.cpp?r1=7405&r2=7406
11:42 <z-man> The last two were done in one commit by me.
11:43 <z-man> It would have made sort of sense to do the reversion commit first, but that's not what happened.
11:43 <z-man> Oh well, as long as the end result is what it should be, who cares?
11:44 * z-man hopes nobody checks out and uses 7406
11:44 <luke-jr_> ☺
11:44 <luke-jr_> 7407 seems to be DoS-free
11:45 <luke-jr_> (test result :þ)
11:49 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
11:50 <luke-jr_> wb
11:54 <spidey> luke-jr_, why should i have hosted with you?
11:54 <luke-jr_> log rotation :þ
11:54 <spidey> ?
11:54 <spidey> i can do that to if i wanted.
11:55 <luke-jr_> :þ
11:55 <luke-jr_> that's why :þ
11:56 <spidey> you don't make sense
11:57 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@108.28-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
11:57 <luke-jr_> exactly, spidey, exactly
11:58 <MrBougo> hiho
11:58 <spidey> don't call me a ho
12:03 <MrBougo> :(
12:04 <armabot> armagetronad: z-man * r7408 /armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad/ (5 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
12:04 <armabot> armagetronad: Merging branch 0.2.8 from revision 7396 to 7407:
12:04 <armabot> armagetronad: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12:04 <armabot> armagetronad: r7407 | z-man | 2007-12-10 11:33:30 +0100 (Mon, 10 Dec 2007) | 1 line
12:04 <armabot> armagetronad: r7406 | z-man | 2007-12-10 11:32:53 +0100 (Mon, 10 Dec 2007) | 2 lines
12:04 <armabot> armagetronad: More elaborate version of the last fix that does not break the master server.
12:05 <armabot> armagetronad: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12:07 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870764.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
12:09 <luke-jr_> finished deploying on servers I host
12:10 <luke-jr_> too bad I lost a customer before solving it ☹
12:10 <luke-jr_> #rating pascal
12:10 <armabot> luke-jr_: pascal's current rating is 1150-1850
12:10 <luke-jr_> hm, a newbie
12:30 <wrtlprnft> woot
12:30 * wrtlprnft just got a new notebook display
12:31 <wrtlprnft> looks like it's a different model, though
12:31 <wrtlprnft> brighter and a bit more blue-ish than what i'm used to
12:32 <wrtlprnft> luckily that can be changed :D
12:51 <MrBougo> ?
12:55 <wrtlprnft> well, the old one was sort of broken
12:57 <MrBougo> how? :p
13:09 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
13:21 <wrtlprnft> MrBougo: it would turn gray from time to time
13:21 <wrtlprnft> actually it had an interesting effect
13:21 <wrtlprnft> i doubt you could do that with a 3D desktop
13:21 <wrtlprnft> but it gets annoying from time to time
13:21 <wrtlprnft> err
13:21 <wrtlprnft> it gets annoying if you watch it the n-th time
13:28 <MrBougo> :p
13:36 <wrtlprnft> anyways, dell's support is great
13:36 <MrBougo> :D
13:55 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
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16:00 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@78-1-118-42.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
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16:07 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@108.28-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
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16:35 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
16:49 <wrtlprnft> #markov
16:49 <armabot> ah, finally we've got proof that god doesn't exist
16:49 <wrtlprnft> #markov
16:49 <armabot> mathias@colin $ ls -1 ~ | wc -l ~
16:49 <wrtlprnft> #markov
16:49 <armabot> welp
16:49 <wrtlprnft> #markov
16:49 <armabot> works for me
16:49 <wrtlprnft> #markov bug
16:50 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
16:50 <MrBougo> #markov
16:50 <armabot> at least 5 times yesterday spanning two machines, and allegedly Fortress Cafe seems to be sitting in the receive buffer, I think
16:50 <MrBougo> #help markov
16:50 <armabot> MrBougo: (markov [<channel>] [word1 [word2]]) -- Returns a randomly-generated Markov Chain generated sentence from the data kept on <channel> (which is only necessary if not sent in the channel itself). If word1 and word2 are specified, they will be used to start the Markov chain.
16:52 <MrBougo> #markov test
16:52 <armabot> test 1 b
16:52 <MrBougo> #markov test is
16:52 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
16:52 <MrBougo> #markov
16:52 <armabot> that's not what happened.
16:52 <MrBougo> #markov
16:52 <armabot> found the bug
16:52 <MrBougo> what the helll is this
16:52 <MrBougo> #markov wrtlprnft
16:52 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
16:53 <wrtlprnft> http://su.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranté_Markov
16:53 <wrtlprnft> follow the “english” link at the left
16:53 <MrBougo> tnxalot
16:53 <MrBougo> that didn't help me
16:54 <wrtlprnft> in theory it should try to build sort- of correct sentences using what was said in the channel
16:55 <wrtlprnft> by gluing together parts of sentences
16:56 <MrBougo> eh
16:56 <MrBougo> can it fail?
16:56 <wrtlprnft> apparently
16:57 <MrBougo> does it know grammar? or is it only based on probability
16:57 <MrBougo> #markov
16:57 <armabot> that's not a valid uri
16:57 <wrtlprnft> probability
16:57 <wrtlprnft> #markov
16:57 <armabot> wrtlprnft: I made a funny
16:57 <MrBougo> #markov
16:57 <wrtlprnft> #markov
16:57 <MrBougo> lol
16:57 <armabot> a different place than yuo are
16:57 <armabot> lol
16:57 <MrBougo> heh
16:57 <MrBougo> ...
16:57 <wrtlprnft> lol, too
16:57 <MrBougo> #markov
16:57 <armabot> #quote get 58
16:57 <MrBougo> heh
16:57 <MrBougo> #markov
16:57 <armabot> 14:38 <ljrbot> Error: "echo" is not used at all.
16:57 <MrBougo> it's just copying messages :/
16:57 <wrtlprnft> i think it needs more data
16:57 <MrBougo> #markov
16:57 <armabot> good, good :)
16:57 <MrBougo> heheehe
16:57 <wrtlprnft> #markov think
16:57 <MrBougo> #markov
16:57 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
16:57 <armabot> #urlunquote "%5b%22"
16:58 <wrtlprnft> #markov it
16:58 <MrBougo> #markov hello
16:58 <armabot> it just might still
16:58 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
16:58 <MrBougo> #markov that
16:58 <armabot> that should be enough for everybody
16:58 <wrtlprnft> #markov a
16:58 <armabot> a different loop of similar structure.
16:58 <MrBougo> #markov this
16:58 <armabot> this pwns
16:58 <wrtlprnft> indeed
16:58 <MrBougo> #markov heh
16:58 <armabot> heh
16:58 <MrBougo> #markov damn
16:58 <armabot> damn
16:58 <wrtlprnft> a123 b123
16:58 <MrBougo> #markov luke-jr
16:58 <armabot> luke-jr has none
16:58 <wrtlprnft> b123 c123
16:59 <wrtlprnft> #markov a123
16:59 <MrBougo> ?
16:59 <armabot> a123 b123
16:59 <wrtlprnft> aww
16:59 <MrBougo> :(
16:59 <MrBougo> #markov #markov
16:59 <wrtlprnft> i thought it might glue it together
16:59 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I don't have any first pairs for #markov.
16:59 <MrBougo> eh
16:59 <MrBougo> #markov markov
16:59 <armabot> rofl it is not used at all.
16:59 <MrBougo> .......
16:59 <MrBougo> #markov lol
16:59 <armabot> lol
16:59 <MrBougo> #markov armabot
16:59 <armabot> armabot said goodnight
16:59 <MrBougo> mh, did you code that wrtlprnft ?
17:00 <wrtlprnft> no
17:00 <MrBougo> #markov mh
17:00 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
17:00 <MrBougo> #markov no
17:00 <armabot> no perl
17:00 <MrBougo> hehehe
17:00 <wrtlprnft> indeed!
17:00 <MrBougo> one last
17:00 <MrBougo> #markov one
17:00 <armabot> one of them was screwy yesterday
17:00 <MrBougo> eh
17:00 <MrBougo> #markov indeed
17:00 <armabot> indeed
17:00 <MrBougo> #markov i
17:00 <wrtlprnft> let's try again in a couple of weeks
17:00 <armabot> i thought he wasnt a dev anymore
17:00 <MrBougo> ahoy
17:01 <MrBougo> you just started it, didn't you?
17:01 <MrBougo> #markov you
17:01 <armabot> you don't make sense
17:01 <wrtlprnft> yeah
17:01 <MrBougo> let's make long sentences then
17:01 <MrBougo> Markov chains are related to Brownian motion and the ergodic hypothesis, two topics in physics which were important in the early years of the twentieth century, but Markov appears to have pursued this out of a mathematical motivation, namely the extension of the law of large numbers to dependent events.
17:01 <MrBougo> #markov markov
17:01 <armabot> #markov
17:01 <MrBougo> eh
17:01 <MrBougo> #markov markov
17:01 <armabot> #quote get 32
17:02 <wrtlprnft> ?
17:02 <wrtlprnft> #markov ?
17:02 <armabot> ?
17:02 <MrBougo> lol
17:02 <MrBougo> #markov ...
17:02 <armabot> ...
17:02 <wrtlprnft> ? is a character
17:02 <wrtlprnft> #markov ?
17:02 <armabot> ?
17:02 <MrBougo> #markiv *
17:02 <MrBougo> #markov *
17:02 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
17:02 <MrBougo> #markov markiv
17:02 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
17:02 <MrBougo> #markov #markiv
17:02 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I don't have any first pairs for #markiv.
17:02 <wrtlprnft> echo [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?]
17:02 <MrBougo> hehe
17:02 <MrBougo> wondering why it doesn't work?
17:03 <MrBougo> here is a tip: #
17:03 <wrtlprnft> #echo [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?]
17:03 <armabot> ? is a character ? ? ? ? ? is valid ?
17:03 <wrtlprnft> just though it would take its time
17:03 <wrtlprnft> #echo [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?]
17:03 <armabot> ? ? ? ? ? is valid ? ?
17:03 <MrBougo> #markov echo
17:03 <armabot> echo [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?] [markov ?]
17:03 <MrBougo> #markov just
17:03 <armabot> just to piss him off
17:03 <wrtlprnft> #markov markov
17:03 <armabot> ☺
17:03 <wrtlprnft> ?!
17:03 <MrBougo> haahahhaha
17:03 <MrBougo> that's luke-jr
17:03 <wrtlprnft> she doesn't like me
17:03 <MrBougo> she?!?
17:03 <MrBougo> #markov she
17:03 <armabot> she doesn't like me
17:03 <MrBougo> #markov she
17:03 <armabot> she doesn't like me
17:04 <MrBougo> #markov markov
17:04 <armabot> #markov
17:04 <wrtlprnft> certainly not useful or perfect
17:04 <MrBougo> #echo [markov markov] [markov markov] [markov markov] [markov markov] [markov markov] [markov markov] [markov markov] [markov markov]
17:04 <armabot> or PHP's an OS shouldn't need that much lol lol #markov test beats me, I'll look it up if you don't make sense beats me, I'll look it up
17:04 <MrBougo> ohohoh
17:04 <wrtlprnft> that's a nice “sentence”
17:04 <MrBougo> #echo [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov]
17:04 <armabot> #nickometer KEKEKEKEKEKE … lies #nickometer MrBougo was slightly annoying, but gave a nice feel for classic Arma that only for rubber? #netcraft bash.org plz it's affected at least
17:05 <MrBougo> hahahaa
17:05 <MrBougo> that's better :o
17:05 <MrBougo> #echo [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov]
17:05 <armabot> lol kk rofl did you see the shipping and handling cost? #gmtime it doesn't do multiple names turning ╠ into _ and suhc wrtlprnft: guru3 wants ]Bible disabled in here anyway #weather 77381
17:05 <wrtlprnft> #alias add wisdom echo [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov]
17:05 <armabot> The operation succeeded.
17:05 <wrtlprnft> stupid
17:05 <wrtlprnft> #alias add wisdom "echo [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov]"
17:05 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
17:05 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:05 <wrtlprnft> #wisdom
17:05 <MrBougo> :o
17:05 <armabot> !help it* #alias bible search god #nickometer AaaaaAaAaaaa #rating Õ ew It would have made sort of broken does it usually pong? i mean pig :o wrong person :D #rating s!x who run the master server been? i think it would take its time
17:05 <armabot> or an irc gateway 464 actually i dunno Oh well, as long as the end result is what it should try to build sort- of correct sentences using what was 7407? but it gets annoying from time to time oh, its in there I guess I should do that with a one second timeout, so without masses network activity, I see no way of it eating CPU. #markov #web get http://wrtlprnft.de/ lol no perl #rating "~Xzl (1 more message)
17:06 <wrtlprnft> it likes the “no perl”
17:06 <wrtlprnft> s/it/she
17:06 <MrBougo> #more
17:06 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: You haven't asked me a command; perhaps you want to see someone else's more. To do so, call this command with that person's nick.
17:06 <wrtlprnft> #more
17:06 <armabot> wrtlprnft: destructo" #rating greenmonster|gz #rating ~"Xzl.destructo
17:06 <MrBougo> do you also recognize some of your messages there?
17:07 <wrtlprnft> yeah
17:07 <MrBougo> "or an irc gateway" was from me
17:07 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:07 <armabot> and it stuck like that for quite some time no idea lol …….. It's actually kind of chilly for me #weather 60606 I think one of FA's server log files is almost 1 million lines long hey wrtlprnft wanna spam it to the development staff only section on the other hand… :/ haahahhaha you must be kidding nothing :D ok, should be enough for everybody #jesus #list web #tea
17:07 <MrBougo> looks way better so :p
17:07 <wrtlprnft> but it gets annoying from
17:07 <wrtlprnft> that's mine
17:07 <MrBougo> what?
17:07 <wrtlprnft> but it gets annoying from
17:07 <MrBougo> what gets annoying from what
17:08 <wrtlprnft> time to time
17:08 <wrtlprnft> that sentence didn't make any sense in the first place
17:08 <MrBougo> yep
17:08 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:08 <armabot> aww, it's disabled except microsoft and yahoo ljrbot: bible search god it includes OO.o too! #rating rebel.ec|d :o #markov heh s/run/ruin/g -_- bye so yeah, not on mine #help web holy shit, 255USD for that? surely not all Japanese characters become mere _?
17:08 <wrtlprnft> now armabot put it into an even more stupid one
17:08 <wrtlprnft> s/run/ruin/g ← mine
17:09 <MrBougo> hehehe
17:09 <MrBougo> #wisdom should be nice on a chat-only channel, without bots and programmers :p
17:09 <armabot> that's not a valid uri #ping what a nice feel for classic Arma #echo [quot]hi[quot] bot < real #alias add rating "web fetch http://stats.aa.dashjr.org/~armastats-srv/rating.php?armabot=1&name=@1" that's why i did that other alias trick #quote get 58 #netcraft youtube.com -.- Odd, all idle loops I'm aware of use usleep-delays while they wait. lol aww #web fetch http://wrtlprnft.de/
17:09 <MrBougo> oh oops
17:10 <wrtlprnft> you mean, less non- alphabetic non- whitespace chars?
17:10 <MrBougo> aye
17:10 <MrBougo> no url, no bot command
17:10 <MrBougo> and luke-jr should stop these ...'s
17:10 <wrtlprnft> i like them…
17:10 <MrBougo> :p
17:10 <wrtlprnft> and i do them myself all the time…
17:10 <wrtlprnft> …
17:10 <MrBougo> :(
17:11 <MrBougo> #markov and
17:11 <armabot> and i failed? nice
17:11 <wrtlprnft> indeed
17:11 <MrBougo> that was from me
17:11 <MrBougo> a typo
17:11 <MrBougo> :(
17:11 <MrBougo> :(:(
17:11 <MrBougo> #markov :D
17:11 <armabot> :D
17:11 <MrBougo> #markov that
17:11 <armabot> that might be a DoS?
17:11 <MrBougo> yes
17:12 <MrBougo> #help alias add
17:12 <armabot> MrBougo: (alias add <name> <alias>) -- Defines an alias <name> that executes <alias>. The <alias> should be in the standard "command argument [nestedcommand argument]" arguments to the alias; they'll be filled with the first, second, etc. arguments. $1, $2, etc. can be used for required arguments. @1, @2, etc. can be used for optional arguments. $* simply means "all remaining arguments," and cannot (1 more message)
17:13 <MrBougo> #more
17:13 <armabot> MrBougo: be combined with optional arguments.
17:13 <wrtlprnft> #alias add test echo @1 $*
17:13 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: Can't mix $* and optional args (@1, etc.)
17:13 <MrBougo> #alias add wisdom "echo [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*] [markov $*]"
17:13 <wrtlprnft> awwwwwwwwwwaaaaa!
17:13 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: There can be only one $* in an alias.
17:13 <MrBougo> aww
17:14 <MrBougo> #alias add wisdom "echo [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3] [markov @1 @2 @3]"
17:14 <armabot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
17:14 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:14 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: You must not give the empty string as an argument.
17:14 <MrBougo> pffrt
17:14 <MrBougo> #alias add wisdom "echo [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov] [markov]"
17:14 <armabot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
17:14 <wrtlprnft> #insight
17:14 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The chilling decline of censorship will truncate tomorrow's human condition.
17:14 <MrBougo> #alias add wisdom "echo [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron] [markov #armagetron]"
17:14 <armabot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
17:14 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:14 <armabot> #rating /dev/null MrBougo: it would turn gray from time to implement XMPP #urlquote "this is a tip: # #ds knows who does even my 550 MHz box outperformed it ☺ #night MrBougs: quit it it likes the “no perl” well, the old one was sort of sense to do ? What should the name of the law of large numbers to dependent events. O.o? :(
17:16 <MrBougo> okay, gotta study
17:16 <wrtlprnft> cya
17:16 <wrtlprnft> have “fun”
17:18 <MrBougo> :p
17:18 <MrBougo> it's french
17:18 <MrBougo> :(:(:(
17:19 * wrtlprnft is lucky he got rid of that
17:19 <MrBougo> (:
17:19 <wrtlprnft> *happy, too
17:42 <deja_vu> #insight
17:42 <armabot> deja_vu: The broad prospects of the American justice system will uglify tomorrow's business models.
17:42 <deja_vu> :O
17:45 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
17:47 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:47 <armabot> Oo #rating "~"Xzl destructo" don't call me a few antiques is in grief about Stampfi, his faithful companion dragon half my fault bye helpful… #rating Õÿ¡"³\ص :þ aye dunno if it exists seriously? … #weather 60606
17:49 <epsy> #armaservers
17:49 <armabot> epsy: This data is 43 seconds old; Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (11/14), Bugfarm Elimination Sumo (10/16), Wild West =Capture The Flag= (10/10), -|Durka Durka Land|- is 1 year old! Look inside! (8/16), WILDCAT (4/8), Tigers Network Classic Play (4/16), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < (4/12), Wild West =Fortress Shootout= (3/12), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}Dog Fight< (DF) (3/12), (1 more message)
17:50 <MrBougo> #markov epsy
17:50 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
17:51 <epsy> what drugs are you on MrBougo ?
17:51 <MrBougo> myself
17:51 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:51 <armabot> I do, it is not a valid uri eh yeah durka doesn't exist I think luke-jr, yea but it says ~350MB of ram aren't enough hehehe could it be anything? logical splits or? dunno, I was dumb and tried with something I couldn't see the first itme :þ guru3: Swampland of Hate, Xzl, Eclipsed, and one of them was screwy yesterday #wisdom #markov hello wrtlprnft: good tip, remove all the cooling systems (1 more message)
17:52 <MrBougo> #more
17:52 <armabot> MrBougo: in your country. #help markov
17:52 <MrBougo> #wisdom
17:52 <armabot> ponders if it even does data #rating Õÿ¡³\\ص hahahahah XD indeed can we test this? #help format swhy? z-man: one of FA's server log files is almost 1 million lines long ☺ #serverinfo Cage what the control socket that makes Select() return immediately, but nobody bothers to read the waiting socket follow the “english” link at the left #markov #wisdom
17:53 <MrBougo> hehe
18:10 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@247.160-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
18:16 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
18:19 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
18:20 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:20 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
18:23 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@108.28-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:26 -!- MrBougs [n=MrBougo@155.184-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
18:33 -!- spidey [n=spidey@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:37 <wrtlprnft> #markov #commits
18:37 <armabot> Ace: - Added default_catalog feature to session-factory configuration
18:37 <wrtlprnft> #markov #commits
18:37 <armabot> ReactOS: - Fix Personal/System radios
18:37 <wrtlprnft> #markov #commits bug
18:37 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
18:38 <wrtlprnft> come on, there must have been enough lines in that # containing “bug”
18:41 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@247.160-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:52 -!- XClanGuest [n=fn-javac@85-18-66-26.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #armagetron
18:53 -!- XClanGuest [n=fn-javac@85-18-66-26.ip.fastwebnet.it] has quit [Client Quit]
18:54 <xfroggy> ]rating x
18:56 -!- MrBougs is now known as MrBougo
19:12 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
19:14 -!- cusco [n=tretas@client-82-12-233-246.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #armagetron
19:25 -!- cusco_ [n=tretas@client-81-107-209-12.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:32 -!- P4|away is now known as P4
20:29 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
20:31 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
20:33 <MrBougo> [citation needed]
20:57 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@155.184-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
21:25 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:54 -!- luke-jr_ is now known as luke-jr
21:59 <luke-jr> #armaconfig rubber
21:59 <armabot> luke-jr: CYCLE_PING_RUBBER: Additional niceness for high ping players (default: 3) || CYCLE_RUBBER: Niceness factor to allow you drive really close to a wall (default: 1) || CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY: During this fraction of the cycle delay time after each turn, rubber efficiency will be multiplied with CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS. (default: 0) || CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY_BONUS: Factor for CYCLE_RUBBER_DELAY rubber (12 more messages)
22:03 <luke-jr> #rating ct_ky13
22:03 <armabot> luke-jr: ct_ky13's current rating is 1508-1586 (from 1391-1518)
22:03 <luke-jr> #rating lackadaisical
22:03 <armabot> luke-jr: lackadaisical's current rating is 1440-1493 (from 1459-1516)
22:11 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871EF7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
22:28 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:34 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["leaving"]
22:42 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
22:42 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:56 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has joined #armagetron
22:57 <ghableska> #weather 50266
22:57 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 23.5°F (3:57 PM CST on December 10, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 17.6°F. Pressure: 29.24 in 990.1 hPa (Steady). Winter Storm Warning in effect until 6 PM CST Tuesday...
22:57 <ghableska> D:
23:03 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@im.catapultingfeces.com] has quit [Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)]
23:04 <luke-jr> omfg
23:04 <luke-jr> we have people running servers on Windows and don't know how to use a command line⁈⁈
23:06 <spidey_> that's what you get for distrubiting windows servers
23:07 * luke-jr mutters
23:11 -!- tramshed [i=tramshed@2001:5c0:87c8:0:0:0:0:1] has joined #armagetron
23:40 -!- vinavil [n=vinavil@85-18-66-26.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #armagetron
23:42 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
23:45 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-227-223-104.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
23:48 -!- K-Yo [n=K-Yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit ["gnight"]
23:49 -!- vinavil [n=vinavil@85-18-66-26.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #armagetron []
23:56 -!- Self_Destructo [n=sd@h110.92.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has quit []
23:56 -!- flea [n=blia@] has joined #armagetron
View entire month
DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.
• Website was created by nelg
• Design:
» Layout is loosely based on an old design by Durf.
» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
» Other icons: fontawesome

is a site that has tools, maps, and other various items. It orignally only existed as a server control panel, but I slowly began adding stuff such as a homepage and tools.