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Log from 2007-07-29:
--- Day changed Sun Jul 29 2007
00:11 <epsy> #last --with .er/
00:11 <armabot> epsy: [14:11:06] <epsy> http://stats.break.er/
00:11 <epsy> http://stats.break.er/
00:11 <epsy> http://stats.break.er/
00:11 <epsy> http://stats.break.er/
00:12 <digitx> 404
00:12 <epsy> that's not a 404 ffs
00:13 <epsy> a 404 can happen only if there's a server
00:13 <epsy> and there's none
00:14 <digitx> 404
00:16 <digitx> bb
00:16  * digitx is away (bye)
00:16 <epsy> idiot x)
00:17 -!- Stempo [n=cc5e9502@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
00:17 <Stempo> whoooooooa
00:18 <Stempo> #lastseen hands
00:18 <armabot> Stempo: timed out
00:18 <epsy> O_o
00:18 <Stempo> epsy the pepsi!
00:18 <Stempo> xD
00:18 <epsy> =)
00:18 <epsy> hay genki
00:19 <Stempo> haye epsy
00:19 <Stempo> xD
00:19 <epsy> 0_o
00:19 <Stempo> o.O
00:19 <Stempo> whatcha doin?
00:19 <Stempo> mane I would have to do like 500 lines
00:19 <Stempo> man*
00:20 <Stempo> that would take forever and 5 years
00:20 <Stempo> and Luci might kick me before then
00:20 <Stempo> or somebody would
00:20 <Stempo> guru3 hi!
00:20 <Lucifer_arma> so tempting
00:20 <Stempo> O.O
00:21 <Stempo> I swear I won't I promise, don't kill me >.<
00:21 <epsy> #kill Stempo
00:21 <armabot> Stempo will die on 08:03 PM, July 06, 2007 GMT due to being stabbed in the eye by epsy
00:21 <epsy> O_o
00:21 <Stempo> dude I'm dead already?
00:21 <epsy> i will do that ?
00:21 <Stempo> lol
00:21 <Stempo> meanie!!
00:21 <epsy> never!
00:21 <Stempo> I'll come back to haunt you!
00:21 <epsy> i would need to travel long
00:21 <Stempo> yeah
00:21 <Stempo> just to stab me in the eye
00:22 <Stempo> I like my eyes
00:22 <Stempo> can't you do it in the back
00:22 <Stempo> ?
00:22 <epsy> in the back of your eyes ?
00:22 <Stempo> no my back
00:22 <Stempo> wait
00:22 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-97-12.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:22 <Stempo> I like my back
00:22 <Stempo> how about the foot?
00:23 <epsy> the back of your foot ?
00:23 <Stempo> yeah
00:23 <Stempo> that works
00:23 <Stempo> #kill epsy
00:23 <armabot> epsy will die on 08:03 PM, July 06, 2007 GMT due to being stabbed in the eye by Stempo
00:23 <epsy> ah..i heard of that
00:23 <epsy> O_o
00:23 <Stempo> hehe
00:23 <Stempo> I mean
00:23 <Stempo> umm
00:23 <epsy> Ø_o
00:23 <Stempo> #slap epsy
00:23 <armabot> tronner slaps epsy.
00:23 <epsy> ouch
00:23 <Stempo> lol
00:24 <Stempo> tronner did it
00:24 <epsy> #stone
00:24 <armabot> 2 fat hash joints for z-man and epsy, here you are guys, enjoy morocco stuff.
00:24 <Stempo> :O
00:24 <Stempo> z-man?!?!
00:24 <Stempo> that's totally not fair
00:24 <epsy> haha
00:24 <Stempo> -.-
00:24 <Stempo> >.>
00:24 <epsy> i'm dead anyways
00:24 <Stempo> <.<
00:24 <Stempo> same here
00:24 <epsy> jeez, you too ?
00:24 <Stempo> we stabbed each other in the eye
00:25 <epsy> Ø_ø
00:25 <Stempo> and died at the same time
00:25 <epsy> shit then
00:25 <epsy> we're in hell ?
00:25 <Stempo> like 3 weeks ago
00:25 <Stempo> yeah look it's Luci!
00:25 <Stempo> xD
00:25 <epsy> ah
00:25 <epsy> true
00:25 <Stempo> wonder if he has a cool tail...
00:25 <epsy> but the devil does sleep in his bed ?
00:25 <Stempo> dunno
00:26  * epsy wonders when was the last time Lucifer_arma was on the grid
00:26  * Stempo doesn't wonder uhh
00:26 <epsy> o_O
00:26 <Stempo> I forgot
00:26 <|Sticky|> hay genk
00:27 <Stempo> oi Stick
00:27 <Stempo> long time no see
00:27 <|Sticky|> heh yeah
00:27 <epsy> |Sticky|, got in hell too ?
00:27 <Stempo> lol
00:27 <|Sticky|> hell?
00:27 <Stempo> musta been an exception, stick is a goody
00:27 <epsy> aah shame
00:27 <epsy> #kill |Sticky|
00:27 <armabot> |Sticky| will die on 08:03 PM, July 06, 2007 GMT due to being stabbed in the eye by epsy
00:28 <epsy> here you are
00:28 <|Sticky|> oh ok hai
00:28 <Stempo> jeez epsy
00:28 <Stempo> stabbing everyone 3 weeks ago
00:29 <epsy> Ø_ø
00:29 <Stempo> I only stabbed you in one eye!
00:29 <Stempo> tronner slapped you but that doesn't count as two eyes
00:30 <epsy> ah
00:30 <epsy> Ø_o
00:30 <Stempo> smarty
00:30 <Stempo> ouch, big eye
00:30 <Stempo> xD
00:30 <|Sticky|> hmm is there any afl this weekend?
00:30 <epsy> i'm ston'd that's why
00:30 <Stempo> ummm
00:30 <epsy> zman too
00:30 <Stempo> yeah?
00:30 <Stempo> I dunno
00:30 <epsy> yes there is
00:30 <epsy> #afl
00:30 <armabot> epsy: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers
00:30 <Stempo> yeah there is
00:30 <Stempo> xD
00:30 -!- P4|away is now known as P4
00:30 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087376F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
00:30 <Stempo> P4!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:30 <epsy> lol!
00:31 <Stempo> !!!! - for emphasis
00:31 <epsy> |Sticky|, you're against UT1
00:31 <P4> hi Stempo
00:31 <epsy> let them win
00:31 <epsy> they didn't got any win since the start of afl xD
00:31 <Stempo> :s
00:31 <epsy> :s
00:32 <Stempo> aren't they like team Madataafilaebfaf or something
00:33 <Stempo> ...
00:33 <epsy> matadao core
00:33 <Stempo> yead
00:33 <Stempo> that's what I said
00:33 <Stempo> duh
00:33 <Stempo> jeez epsy
00:33 <epsy> they are still named UT1 everywhere
00:33 <Stempo> xD
00:34 <epsy> and no one wants to edit these fucking tables
00:34 <Stempo> I would
00:34 <Stempo> if i could
00:34 <Stempo> but I can't
00:34 <epsy> (i'm also the only guy who takes time on the score table)
00:34 <Stempo> so I won't
00:34 <Stempo> xD
00:34 <epsy> it's so fucking complicated
00:34 <Stempo> I spent like an hour on rules for the ITWC that durka hardly even used lol
00:34 <Stempo> ah well
00:35 <Stempo> sok eps
00:35 <Stempo> bah!
00:35 <Stempo> my english!
00:35 <Stempo> it's ok epsy*
00:35 <epsy> ?
00:36 <Stempo> don't be said about the boringness/complicatedness of the wiki
00:36 <epsy> jeez i feel UK wont come tomorrow
00:36 <Stempo> all is well
00:36 <Stempo> :s
00:36 <Stempo> for?
00:36 <Stempo> ITWC?
00:36 <epsy> DDL toilets
00:36 <Stempo> yaya
00:36 <Stempo> anywho
00:36 <Stempo> must spam more later
00:36 <Stempo> I g2g
00:37 <epsy> eheh
00:37 <Stempo> later peeps
00:37 <Stempo> see you epsy the pepsi
00:37 -!- Stempo [n=cc5e9502@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC"]
00:38 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [No route to host]
00:42 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["Read error: 113 (No route to host)"]
00:45 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
01:27 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034198000.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
01:50 <Vanhayes> #seen ghableska
01:50 <armabot> Vanhayes: ghableska was last seen in #armagetron 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 44 seconds ago: <ghableska> #tea
01:55 <spidey_> #seen Vanhayes
01:55 <armabot> spidey_: Vanhayes was last seen in #armagetron 5 minutes and 29 seconds ago: <Vanhayes> #seen ghableska
01:56 <spidey_> liar
01:56 <Vanhayes> #seen spidey
01:56 <armabot> Vanhayes: spidey was last seen in #armagetron 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <spidey> soemthing
01:56 <Vanhayes> nice spelling :)
01:56 <spidey_> lol
01:56 <spidey_> it lies
01:56 <spidey_> i said something about a hour ago
01:57 <Vanhayes> as spidey or spidey_ ?
01:57 <spidey_> i was talking to joe
01:57 <spidey_> o
01:57 -!- spidey_ is now known as spidey
01:57 <Vanhayes> #seen Vanhayes_
01:57 <armabot> Vanhayes: Vanhayes_ was last seen in #armagetron 3 weeks, 0 days, 17 hours, 49 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <Vanhayes_> tooooo derunk
01:57 <Vanhayes> ha
01:57 <spidey> #seen mcspiddle
01:57 <armabot> spidey: I have not seen mcspiddle.
01:57 <spidey> #seen mcspiddles
01:57 <armabot> spidey: mcspiddles was last seen in #armagetron 15 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, 58 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: * McSpiddles has returned from sleep! :o, i was gone for 11hrs 30mins 2secs
01:58 <spidey> :p
01:58 <Vanhayes> #seen Vanhayes__
01:58 <armabot> Vanhayes: Vanhayes__ was last seen in #armagetron 1 year, 0 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 19 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <Vanhayes__> er
01:58 <spidey> ...
01:58 <Vanhayes> wow, long time
01:58 <spidey> you've used that name since then
01:58 <spidey> you was timing out alot
01:58 <spidey> remembeR?
01:58 <spidey> maybe the bot wasn't here :p
01:58 <Vanhayes> didnt say anything with it though
01:58 <spidey> doesn't count!
01:59 <Vanhayes> you have to say something for the bot to register you
02:01 <spidey>  Minimum = 38ms, Maximum = 40ms, Average = 39ms
02:02 <spidey> er
02:02 <spidey> (4:44:31 PM) spidey: xD
02:02 <spidey> (4:44:35 PM) hellbent_hacker: dude
02:02 <spidey> (4:44:40 PM) hellbent_hacker: if i ever see snow again
02:02 <spidey> (4:44:43 PM) hellbent_hacker: ima make a snow vagina
02:02 <spidey> (4:44:45 PM) hellbent_hacker: and sex it
02:02 <spidey> (4:44:57 PM) spidey: just....wow
02:03 <Vanhayes> uh, wow... that  just not right
02:03 <spidey> lol
02:04  * spidey goes to watch xfiles
02:04  * spidey has all 9 seasons :D
02:28 <noob7> is there any way of finding modified clients?
02:29 <noob7> (as a server admin going thru logs etc)
02:29 <|Sticky|> people cheating
02:29 <|Sticky|> ?
02:30 <noob7> not cheating .. any kind of modified client
02:30 <noob7> not really right?
02:31 <noob7> I cant think up a way of cheating anyways...
02:31 <noob7> I was just being asked that question
02:50 <noob7> #lastseen valium
02:50 <armabot> noob7: prinz|valium has last been seen on ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | ¬ 1 minute ago.
03:32 -!- |Sticky| [n=|Sticky|@] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
05:01 <spidey> http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/538585
05:01 <spidey> wonder if anyone should tell him that windows xp uses the old boot.ini if it detects it on another dirve/partition, and that when he formated the wrong drive he wiped the boot.ini ?
05:04 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
05:54 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034198000.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
07:53 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-205-183.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
08:08 -!- tramshed [n=blah@] has joined #armagetron
08:10 <tramshed> harhar
08:10 <tramshed> been a long time
08:22 <MrBougo> hiho
08:22 <MrBougo> ive never seen you here :)
08:23 <MrBougo> maybe on tron
08:23 <MrBougo> i can't remember
08:27 <tramshed> heh, been a few years
08:27 <MrBougo> oh ok then :p
08:28 <MrBougo> i've been tronninh for only 1 year and 5 months
08:29 <MrBougo> -h+g
08:29 <MrBougo> s/inh/ing
08:56 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087274B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:13 <MrBougo> hiho
09:46 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-5-29.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
09:48 <MrBougo> cya joe
10:03 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-226-74.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
10:09 -!- MrBougs [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-226-45.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
10:14 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Armagetron
10:20 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-205-183.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:26 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-226-74.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:30 <MrBougs> WW sumo needs a fix :p
10:30 <MrBougs> cycle sound something
10:30 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-5-29.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
10:31 <DrJoeTron> spidey ping
10:31 -!- MrBougs is now known as MrBougo
10:31 <MrBougo> DrJoeTron ping
10:34 <DrJoeTron> sup
10:35 <DrJoeTron> i really want to buy track mania united
10:38 -!- tramshed [n=blah@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:46 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["Leaving"]
10:52 <MrBougo> :(
10:52 <MrBougo> tmn isnt enough?
10:53 <MrBougo> i guess i should ping you
10:53 <MrBougo> DrJoeTron
10:53 <DrJoeTron> yo
10:53 <DrJoeTron> not anymore
10:53 <DrJoeTron> it looks alot of fun
10:53 <DrJoeTron> and the whole no starforce if you get it through steam
10:53 <MrBougo> what's funnier in united?
10:54 <MrBougo> err i mean better
10:55 <DrJoeTron> more cares more tracks it looks graphically better
10:55 <DrJoeTron> cars
10:55 <DrJoeTron> its $30
10:56 <MrBougo> oh
10:57 <DrJoeTron> think i should buy it?
11:01 <DrJoeTron> MrBougo eh? eh?
11:02 <MrBougo> yup?
11:02 <MrBougo> dunno
11:02 <MrBougo> ask yahoo answers
11:02 <DrJoeTron> ew
11:10 <DrJoeTron> purchased
11:31 <MrBougo> ew
11:47 <MrBougo> welcome to your spam
11:47 <MrBougo> lesson
11:47 <MrBougo> lesson
11:47 <MrBougo> lesson
11:47 <MrBougo> bye...
11:47 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-226-45.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit []
12:10 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
12:12 <epsy> hi
12:27 <wrtlprnft> hi e^ψ
12:28 -!- CT|P4 [i=p4z@unaffiliated/p4] has joined #armagetron
12:28 -!- P4 [i=p4z@unaffiliated/p4] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
12:28 -!- CT|P4 is now known as P4
12:28 -!- tronner [n=CT@edf39.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
12:28 -!- tronner [n=CT@ecf129.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
13:03 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087274B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
13:10 -!- |Sticky| [n=|Sticky|@] has joined #armagetron
13:57 -!- patrikf [n=patrik@] has joined #armagetron
14:06 <DrJoeTron> oh god
14:06 <DrJoeTron> why didnt i buy this sooner
14:09 <|Sticky|> buy what?
14:11 <DrJoeTron> trackmania united
14:11 <DrJoeTron> I've got my wiimote classic controller working on it
14:11 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-181-44.sn1.eutelia.it] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
14:53 -!- patrikf [n=patrik@] has quit []
14:57 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087274B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
15:02 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-5-29.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:20 -!- |Sticky| [n=|Sticky|@] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
16:00 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-5-29.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
16:07 <epsy> #afl
16:07 <armabot> epsy: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers
16:08 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.4.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
16:09 <DrJoeTron> spidey
16:18 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087274B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:22 -!- patrikf [n=patrik@] has joined #armagetron
16:27 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:39 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
16:44 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-194-47.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
16:44 <MrBougo> HI THERE
16:44 <MrBougo> oh whoops
16:45 <MrBougo> sorry for the caps lock
16:47 <wrtlprnft> err
16:47 <wrtlprnft> SHOUT
16:51  * digitx is away (bye)
16:55 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087274B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
17:03 <MrBougo> WRTLPRNFT
17:03 <MrBougo> ARE YOU OK?
17:19 -!- |Sticky| [n=|Sticky|@] has joined #armagetron
17:20 <digitx> lol
17:20 <MrBougo> #last --with should
17:20 <armabot> MrBougo: [16:51:56] <wrtlprnft> IT'S NO PROBLEM, SHOULD ALL YOU WANT!
17:33  * epsy is practising ddl toilets
17:52 <z-man> Heh. I wondered for a while why my VDR PC wouldn't boot from the Kubuntu disk for filesystem repairs...
17:52 <z-man> until I remembered the disk is a DVD :)
17:53 <Monkey_arma> good to know zman is in charge of arma ..   :\/
17:58 <Monkey_arma> actually, shouldnt a DVD be ok to boot from?
18:07 <z-man> Not in a CD-ROM drive :)
18:08  * wrtlprnft remembers the time when a rescue system would boot from a floppy
18:08  * digitx is away (bye)
18:08 <Monkey_arma> it still can wrtl....from 2 floppies...
18:09 -!- Cid06 [n=Cid@bar06-3-82-230-99-34.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
18:09 <Monkey_arma> hi sat
18:09 <Cid06> yo
18:10 <epsy> #lastseen 2020
18:10 <epsy> #lastseen enigma
18:10 <armabot> epsy: timed out
18:10 <epsy> #lastseen phantom
18:10  * wrtlprnft wants to see a floppy RAID in action
18:10 <armabot> epsy: timed out
18:10 <armabot> epsy: PhanTom has last been seen on Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress 5 hours 34 minutes ago.
18:10 <epsy> #lastseen pez
18:10 <armabot> epsy: MRLOPEZ(1)` has last been seen on ~"XzL.Clan The Server 10 hours 14 minutes ago.
18:11 <epsy> #lastseen bed
18:11 <armabot> epsy: Disturbed has last been seen on -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < 2 hours 40 minutes ago.
18:11 <epsy> #lastseen trx
18:11 <epsy> #lastseen splint
18:11 <armabot> epsy: TRX has last been seen on ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | ¬ 2 days 0 hours 45 minutes ago.
18:11 <armabot> epsy: Master Splinter has last been seen on Bugfarm Elimination Sumo 20 hours 34 minutes ago.
18:11 <P4> #channel ignore add epsy
18:11 <armabot> P4: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
18:11 <epsy> #lastseen dark master
18:11 <P4> :)
18:11 <Monkey_arma> :0
18:11 <epsy> we need uk players -.-
18:11 <armabot> epsy: timed out
18:11 <wrtlprnft> #channel ignore add epsy
18:11 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
18:11 <P4> :)
18:11  * epsy fucks UK team
18:11 <Monkey_arma> well im a uk person...but ddl.... :(
18:11 <epsy> UK NOOBS
18:11 <P4> UK subs :)
18:11 <|Sticky|> heh suppose bittorrent is kinda like internet raid
18:12 <Monkey_arma> thats too advanced mulitmedia for me
18:12 <Monkey_arma> i am just learning about bittorent now...to get me out of the dark ages
18:13 <P4> Cid06: long time no see :) you're the ex-CTer right? :)
18:14 <epsy> #lastseensadow dem0n
18:14 <epsy> #lastseen sadow dem0n
18:14 <epsy> #lastseen ltair
18:14 <armabot> epsy: timed out
18:14 <armabot> epsy: ¦A¦ltair has last been seen on Norm's Place 6 hours 34 minutes ago.
18:14 <epsy> #lastseen meta pi
18:14 <armabot> epsy: timed out
18:14 <P4> bah... i thought you're ignored :P
18:14 <epsy> man
18:14 <epsy> i'm searching players for uk
18:14 <epsy> but there's none
18:14 <P4> uk?
18:14 <epsy> this sucks ducks
18:15 <P4> united kingdom?
18:15 <|Sticky|> im in the uk
18:15 <epsy> it's again a forfeit in our favor
18:15 <P4> epsy: you know you can do it privately
18:15 <epsy> we won't be ever playing
18:15 <|Sticky|> infact most of X clan are from uk
18:18 <Monkey_arma> speed is back also sticky....
18:19 <|Sticky|> realy?
18:19 <|Sticky|> not sure if hes still in or not
18:20 <Cid06> yo P4
18:20 <Cid06> long time yeah
18:20 <Cid06> no i'm still CT
18:22 <Monkey_arma> speed is not in x clan...but he was on cafe yesterday after a long time away
18:23 <Monkey_arma> lol so sat still CT and playing against CT today :|
18:23 <Cid06> lol
18:24 <Cid06> Dimbiman is CT ... Sat has no clan
18:25 <Cid06> <sha we go training
18:25 -!- Cid06 [n=Cid@bar06-3-82-230-99-34.fbx.proxad.net] has left #armagetron ["Leaving"]
18:31 <wrtlprnft>   PID USER     PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
18:31 <wrtlprnft>  5560 supybot   18   0  257M  201M  1972 D  0.6 53.5 37h25:24 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/supybot armabot.conf
18:31 <wrtlprnft> this thing is really eating resources…
18:32 <MrBougo> lol
18:32 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit ["epsy sucks!"]
18:32 <MrBougo> heh
18:32 <wrtlprnft> i'll restart it
18:32 <MrBougo> oh
18:32 <MrBougo> isnt there some flush command
18:32 <wrtlprnft> that won't help
18:32 <wrtlprnft> it seems to be leaking
18:33 <MrBougo> ew
18:33 <wrtlprnft> it took over five minutes to quit, by the way
18:33 <MrBougo> wow
18:33 <wrtlprnft> INFO 2007-07-29T18:31:26 quit called by "wrtlprnft!n=wrtlprnf@".
18:33 <wrtlprnft> INFO 2007-07-29T18:35:08 Killing Irc objects.
18:33 <wrtlprnft> well, ok, 4 minutes
18:34 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
18:34 <wrtlprnft> still far too long
18:34 <wrtlprnft> #ping
18:34 <armabot> pong
18:38 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has joined #armagetron
18:38 <MrBougo> &ping
18:38 <MrBoto> pong
18:38 <MrBougo> mine is faster!
18:38 <MrBougo> yours is dumb!
18:38 -!- [newbie] [n=|Sticky|@] has joined #armagetron
18:38 <wrtlprnft> #ping
18:38 <MrBougo> lets start a kid war
18:38 <armabot> pong
18:38 <MrBougo> &ping
18:38 <MrBoto> pong
18:38 <MrBougo> YOU CHEATED
18:38 <MrBougo> CHEATER
18:38 <wrtlprnft> my bot is older
18:38 <MrBougo> CHEATER
18:38 <MrBougo> &ping
18:38 <MrBoto> pong
18:39 <MrBougo> whoops i didnt start it in daemon mod
18:39 <MrBougo> e
18:39 <MrBougo> wth
18:39 <MrBougo> &quit Blah
18:39 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has quit [Client Quit]
18:39 <MrBougo> heh
18:39 <MrBougo> #help quit
18:39 <armabot> MrBougo: (quit [<text>]) -- Exits the bot with the QUIT message <text>. If <text> is not given, the default quit message (supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) will be used. If there is no default quitMsg set, your nick will be used.
18:40 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has joined #armagetron
18:40 <MrBougo> now it's -d :)
18:40 <wrtlprnft> -dping
18:40 <MrBougo> ?
18:40 <wrtlprnft> :P
18:40 <MrBougo> ..
18:40 <MrBougo> are you stupid or...? :p
18:40 <wrtlprnft> ...
18:41 <MrBougo> i used the -d option
18:41 <MrBougo> to run it in daemon mode
18:41 <wrtlprnft> are you stupid or...? :pping
18:41 <wrtlprnft> i used the -d optionping
18:41 <MrBougo> but the command char is still &
18:41 <wrtlprnft> to run it in daemon modeping
18:41 <wrtlprnft> but the command char is still &ping
18:41 <MrBougo> wait guys i'm crap
18:42 <MrBougo> i aint
18:42 <MrBougo> fuck
18:42 <wrtlprnft> i agree -d
18:42 <MrBougo> :(
18:42 <MrBougo> you agree in daemon mode
18:42 <MrBougo> &echo whatever
18:42 <MrBoto> whatever
18:43 <MrBougo> &kick wrtlprnft
18:43 <MrBoto> MrBougo: Error: I need to be opped to kick someone.
18:43 <MrBougo> i know!
18:43 <MrBougo> but kick him anyways!
18:43 <MrBougo> i know!
18:43 <MrBougo> &kick wrtlprnft
18:43 <MrBoto> MrBougo: Error: I need to be opped to kick someone.
18:43 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o armabot] by ChanServ
18:43 <wrtlprnft> #kick MrBougo 
18:43 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [wrtlprnft]
18:43 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o armabot] by ChanServ
18:43 <MrBoto> watcha think
18:43 <epsy> eheh
18:43 <MrBoto> that im coming back?
18:43 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has quit [Client Quit]
18:43 <wrtlprnft> &later tell MrBougo SCNR
18:44 <wrtlprnft> #later tell MrBougo SCNR
18:44 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
18:44 <wrtlprnft> #tell MrBougo SCNR
18:49 -!- |Sticky| [n=|Sticky|@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:01 -!- [newbie] [n=|Sticky|@] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
19:18 -!- Cid06 [n=Cid@bar06-3-82-230-99-34.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
19:25 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-204-224.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
19:25 <MrBougo> im back
19:25 <MrBougo> :p
19:25 <MrBougo> wrtlprnft: SCNR?
19:26 <MrBougo> Sread Cthe Fnucking Rmanual?
19:28 <MrBougo> wrtlprnft:
19:28 <MrBougo> font wrtl hud
19:33 <wrtlprnft> Sorry Could Not Resist
19:33 <MrBougo> awwwww
19:33 <MrBougo> let me take my revenge!
19:34 -!- P4 is now known as CT|P4
19:34 <MrBougo> hudwrtlfont
19:34 <wrtlprnft> well, you're missing a bot
19:34 <epsy> wrtl+alt+del
19:36 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has joined #armagetron
19:36 <MrBougo> not anymore wrtlprnft
19:36 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o MrBoto] by ChanServ
19:36 -!- mode/#armagetron [+v MrBougo] by MrBoto
19:36 <+MrBougo> HAHA OWNED
19:36 <+MrBougo> now i'm superior to you
19:37 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o MrBoto] by ChanServ
19:37 <+MrBougo> i see you from above wrtlprnft
19:37 <wrtlprnft> oh no!
19:37 <+MrBougo> you look so tiny
19:37  * wrtlprnft falls to his knees
19:37 <+MrBougo> dont
19:37 <+MrBougo> you're low enough
19:38 <+MrBougo> man its fucking high here
19:38 <wrtlprnft> :D
19:38 <+MrBougo> you need to be a chanop to remove your own voice
19:38 <+MrBougo> wtf
19:38 <+MrBougo> :p
19:38 <wrtlprnft> :P
19:38 <+MrBougo> now that was no real revenge
19:39 <wrtlprnft> indeed
19:39  * wrtlprnft already had his /join command ready
19:39 <+MrBougo> :p
19:39 <+MrBougo> can i have a 2nd revenge?
19:39 <wrtlprnft> meh
19:40 -!- mode/#armagetron [+v MrBoto] by ChanServ
19:40 <+MrBougo> let there be CHAOS!
19:40 <+MrBougo> wait
19:40 <+MrBougo> that was voice
19:40 <+MrBougo> ...
19:40 <wrtlprnft> :D
19:40 <+MrBougo> :'(
19:41 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o MrBoto] by ChanServ
19:41 <wrtlprnft> but don't do anything stupid
19:41 <+MrBougo> but at least i can talk with mode +m
19:41 <+MrBougo> you can trust me
19:41 <+MrBougo> let there be CHAOS!
19:41 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by MrBoto [MrBougo]
19:41 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-204-224.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
19:41 <MrBougo> now that was actually stupid
19:42 <wrtlprnft> err… yeah, indeed
19:42 <MrBougo> but not stupid in that way
19:42 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by MrBoto [Dont come back, coward]
19:42 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-204-224.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
19:42 <MrBougo> meh
19:42 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by MrBoto [Gtfo]
19:42 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-204-224.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
19:42 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by MrBoto [...]
19:42 -!- wrtlprnft was kicked from #armagetron by MrBoto [MrBougo]
--- Log closed Sun Jul 29 19:42:48 2007
--- Log opened Sun Jul 29 19:42:55 2007
19:42 -!- wrtlprnft [n=wrtlprnf@] has joined #armagetron
19:42 -!- Irssi: #armagetron: Total of 26 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 1 voices, 25 normal]
19:42 -!- Irssi: Join to #armagetron was synced in 0 secs
19:42 <MrBougo> watcha think, wrtl
19:43 <MrBougo> i didnt forget my revenge heh :p
19:43 <wrtlprnft> :P
19:43 <MrBougo> that was just a distraction
19:43 <wrtlprnft> after kicking yourself a couple of times
19:43 <MrBougo> and it took some time for you to come back
19:43 -!- Rico [n=irc4u@user-514f831f.l1.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
19:43 <MrBougo> teehee
19:43 <wrtlprnft> yeah, because i deoped MrBoto first
19:43 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.4.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:43 <Rico> hi
19:43 <MrBougo> hiho
19:43 -!- MrBoto [i=mrbougo@moruroa.phoenix-network.org] has quit ["MrBougo"]
19:44 <MrBougo> stupid quit message
19:44 <MrBougo> i mean
19:44 <MrBougo> it's stupid as a quit message
19:44 <MrBougo> bbl
19:44 <MrBougo> bbiab
19:44 <Rico> cu
19:44 <MrBougo> simpsons on tv
19:44 <MrBougo> -s
19:44 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-204-224.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit []
19:46 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.129.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
19:47 <Monkey_arma> hi
19:47 <Rico> morning
19:47 <Rico> :\/
19:47 <Monkey_arma> we play in crazy tronners afl
19:47 <Rico> hm
19:47 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-5-29.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
19:47 <Monkey_arma> you in fa yes?
19:48 <Rico> idk what server we play in, meant to be in FA but noones there and MC have been using a euro server in the previous games
19:48 <Monkey_arma> i just changed my window manager to see if i get more fps
19:48 <Rico> CT training i think
19:48 <Monkey_arma> ok i better find my team
19:48 <Rico> ct are there already
19:48 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-82-49.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
19:49 -!- |zion| [n=pinkpant@dslb-088-073-141-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
19:49 <|zion|> hi all
19:49 <|zion|> hoop here?
19:49 <|zion|> gnaa gnaa gnaa
19:51 <Rico> no sign of anyone from MC#
19:51 <Monkey_arma> lol zion
19:51 <Rico> zion youre in MC right?
19:53 <|zion|> mc?
19:53 <|zion|> ye
19:53 <|zion|> matado core
19:53 <Rico> yeah
19:53 <|zion|> ;)
19:53 <Rico> x plays you
19:53 <Rico> can you find youre team, were waiting
19:53 <|zion|> woOt
19:53 <|zion|> wOot
19:53 <Rico> fa afl server
19:53 <|zion|> dont like to tell it all here again...
19:53 <Rico> we got our 5 already
19:54 <|zion|> i told monkey and hoop about my situation
19:54 <Rico> huh?
19:54 <|zion|> i wasnt able to speak to hoop whole day
19:54 <|zion|> i am the only one out of my team, i met today
19:54 <|zion|> Oo
19:54 <|zion|> and i cant play today!!
19:54 <Rico> damnit
19:54 <|zion|> ye, sry
19:54 <Rico> so we dont play?
19:55 <|zion|> received a phone call from a friedn of mine and he needs my help
19:55 <Rico> ok
19:55 <|zion|> i have to go in some mins...so im really really sorry about it
19:55 <|zion|> i saw slash today on bugfarm
19:55 <Rico> ok its n
19:55 <|zion|> he is also signed in for our team
19:56 <Rico> np
19:56 <|zion|> k
19:56 <|zion|> if he likes to play, i think it wont be a problem to let him play instead of me
19:56 <|zion|> but...i really dont know about the others
19:56 <|zion|> like i said...i didnt saw anyone of them today
19:57 <|zion|> cruz still has router problems and no stablke connection
19:57 <|zion|> thats all i know
19:57 <|zion|> rico...can u tell the others about it, plz?
19:57 <|zion|> i have to go
19:57 <Rico> ok
19:57 <|zion|> ty
19:57 <Rico> if i see any ill try
19:57 <|zion|> cya tomorow or maybe later this eve
19:57 <|zion|> kk
19:57 <Rico> cya
19:57 <|zion|> have fun
19:57 -!- |zion| [n=pinkpant@dslb-088-073-141-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit []
19:59 -!- Rico [n=irc4u@user-514f831f.l1.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit ["www.irc4u.com"]
20:01 -!- Cid06 [n=Cid@bar06-3-82-230-99-34.fbx.proxad.net] has left #armagetron ["Leaving"]
20:07 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.129.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
20:09 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-222-59.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
20:09 <MrBougo> hoi hoi
20:19 <MrBougo> can we spectate an afl match?
20:20 <MrBougo> wrtlprnft
20:20 <MrBougo> i guess you know
20:20 <MrBougo> i dont dare joining
20:21 <MrBougo> or epsy
20:25 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dfd126.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
20:31 <MrBougo> problem solved
20:31 <MrBougo> hey, are the recordings of the afl matches public?
20:31 <MrBougo> that would be nice
20:39 -!- CT|P4 is now known as P4
20:43 <wrtlprnft> MrBougo: if i am admin on a game i don't mind spectators, can't speak for others
20:44 -!- |Sticky| [n=|Sticky|@] has joined #armagetron
20:44 <epsy> MrBougo, they are
20:45 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.129.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
20:45 <MrBougo> ty eps and wrtl
20:49 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
20:51 <Monkey_arma> hi max...not been on game for a while...
20:53 <madmax> indeed
20:57 <Monkey_arma> max we having a match now
20:57 <Monkey_arma> kod, tards and x mixture
20:57 <madmax> I noticed
20:57 <madmax> I was trying to figure out a good nick to enter it
20:58 <Monkey_arma> how about "madmax" ...that usually strikes fear....
21:02 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.129.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:04 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.129.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
21:14 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
21:24 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.129.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:34 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
21:35 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:40 <MrBougo> night
21:40 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-222-59.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit []
21:55 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Excess Flood]
21:56 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
22:05  * digitx is away (bye)
22:05 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484F1D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
22:05 <Lacrymosa> epsy, are you there?
22:06 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
22:07 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484F1D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
22:08 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:18 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Excess Flood]
22:18 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
22:23 <epsy> armabot,
22:23 <epsy> ah
22:23 <epsy> true
22:24 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
22:26 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:31 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
22:32 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:32 <epsy> Lucifer_arma, Lucifer_arma
22:33 -!- patrikf [n=patrik@] has quit []
22:34 <epsy> Lucifer_arma, #afl
22:34 <epsy> ah
22:42 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
23:07 <epsy> wrtlprnft, in-line css ? o_o
23:17 <wrtlprnft> meh, it's the source code of http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/playerstats2.htm
23:17 <epsy> xD
23:17 <epsy> in-line css ? O_o
23:17  * epsy stfu
23:17 <wrtlprnft> 3 rules
23:17 <wrtlprnft> used on only one page
23:17 <epsy> well, excellent
23:18 <wrtlprnft> table, td, th { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; }
23:18 <wrtlprnft> th { background:#ccc; color:#000; }
23:18 <wrtlprnft> th, td { padding:0 .3em; }
23:18 <epsy> gVim, rite ?
23:19 <wrtlprnft> anyways, inline css is <span style="text-decoration:underline;">bla</span> in my book
23:19 <wrtlprnft> yeah
23:21 <wrtlprnft> i hope noone will be viewing this image on a CRT
23:21 <wrtlprnft> it'll look awful as it's sub pixel hinted
23:21 <epsy> heh
23:22 <epsy> i like my current gtk engine =)
23:22 <wrtlprnft> that vim is using gtk-engines-qt
23:22 <epsy> heh
23:23 <epsy> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/2007-07-29-232721.png
23:24 <epsy> f*cking messy
23:24 <wrtlprnft> f*cing slow
23:24 <wrtlprnft> 6KB/s
23:24 <epsy> xD
23:24 <epsy> highspeed download, eh ?
23:25 <epsy> oh wait
23:25 <epsy> i start my torrent downloader
23:25 <wrtlprnft> almost done, anyways
23:25 <wrtlprnft> doesn't look bad, but i wouldn't use it :)
23:26 <epsy> heh, why ?
23:26 <wrtlprnft> blue
23:26 <wrtlprnft> i hate all this crap about everything needing to be in shades of blue
23:26 <epsy> there are other colors avalible for this engine
23:26 <wrtlprnft> just look at mircrosft.com or msoffice
23:26 <epsy> well, i presonally liked that blue
23:27 <wrtlprnft> it's your choice
23:27 <epsy> like or don't ... your choice
23:27 <wrtlprnft> anyways, i need qt themes as i want qt/kde and the occasional gtk apps to look the same
23:27 <epsy> baah
23:27 <epsy> my download speed sux too
23:27  * wrtlprnft curses gvim for being a gtk app and kvim for sucking
23:28 <epsy> haha
23:28 <epsy> i really don't care my apps being gtk, qt, etk or whatever
23:28 <epsy> *
23:28 <epsy> *(except for tcl*tk)
23:29  * wrtlprnft doesn't like the number of gtk apps he depends on
23:29 <wrtlprnft> gvim gimp inkscape
23:30  * luke-jr_work depends on 2 GTK apps at most
23:30 <wrtlprnft> 3 is 3 too many
23:30 <luke-jr_work> indeed
23:30 <luke-jr_work> in my case, Wireshark and GLabels
23:30 <epsy> i depend on....0 qt app ^_^
23:30 <wrtlprnft> opera ftw
23:30 <luke-jr_work> wrtlprnft: fyi, there is a GTK engine that uses the Qt drawing functions for GTK apps
23:30 <luke-jr_work> wrtlprnft: Konqueror ftw
23:30 <epsy> except opera for testing, rite
23:30 <wrtlprnft> 23:22 <wrtlprnft> that vim is using gtk-engines-qt
23:31 <luke-jr_work> there's a good reason to keep everything in shades of a single colour
23:31 <wrtlprnft> orange ftw
23:31 <luke-jr_work> it allows the end user to easily customize their colourset
23:31 <luke-jr_work> shades of blue easily translate into shades of orange, etc
23:32 <wrtlprnft> and i mean orange, not that sort of brown that looks like excrements
23:32 <epsy> :\/
23:33 <DrJoeTron> spidey
23:33 <epsy> wrtlprnft, http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine/themes.php
23:34 <epsy> my connection sucks right now
23:34 <spidey> ?
23:35 <epsy> stfu spidey
23:35 <luke-jr_work> ya spidey stfu
23:35 <luke-jr_work> :p
23:35 <epsy> >:D
23:35 <spidey> kiss my dick
23:35 <spidey> what DrJoeTron
23:35 <DrJoeTron> spidey trackmania united
23:35 <DrJoeTron> is so good
23:36 <spidey> you bought it?
23:36 <DrJoeTron> yes
23:36 <spidey> coming with a popular game server
23:36 <DrJoeTron> 30 bucks on steam, starforce free
23:36 <spidey> comes with alot of assholes
23:36 <spidey> >.>
23:36  * spidey has been modding the tremulous server allday
23:36 <spidey> it's that bad =/
23:37 <DrJoeTron> spidey serious business
23:37 <spidey> ?
23:37  * wrtlprnft is really away now. see you in a week
23:37 <DrJoeTron> you cant just lay the ban hammer down?
23:37 <spidey> i do
23:37 <spidey> that's the problem
23:38 <epsy> ah
23:38 <spidey> there's so many...
23:38 <epsy> cu
23:38 <spidey> i figured out how to get the server at the top of the list
23:38 <spidey> no matter how the list is sorted
23:38 <DrJoeTron> haxing?
23:38 <spidey> no
23:38 <epsy> lol
23:38 <spidey> i used a hex editor and put ctrl+A
23:39 <DrJoeTron> say you have quake wave files?
23:39 <spidey> in the server name
23:39 <spidey> uploaded it and bam :p
23:39 <spidey> the server's at the top of the list no matter how it's sorted :D
23:39 <spidey> no i don't
23:39 <DrJoeTron> go buy TMU
23:39 <spidey> tremulous uses its own
23:39 <spidey> i can't
23:39 <spidey> i owe luke $35, lizz $65
23:39 <spidey> :D
23:39 <spidey> btw
23:40 <spidey> luke i'm send you yours the 3rd-6th
23:42 <luke-jr_work> wtf is TMU?
23:42 <epsy> #cyborg tmu
23:42 <armabot> epsy: T.M.U.: Transforming Mechanical Unit
23:42 <spidey> trackmania united
23:43 <spidey> DrJoeTron, gimme 3 months, and i'll get it :p
23:43 <spidey> maybe longerthan that
23:43 <spidey> i need to buy a heatsink clamp, and a cooling system
23:43 <spidey> so i can overclock this amd :D
23:44 <spidey> rofl
23:45 <spidey> this guy's spending $108~ on a vps
23:46 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["leaving"]
23:46 <epsy> great...pidging crashed again
23:46 <epsy> seriousely it starts to p*mp me off
23:55 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dfd126.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:56 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:58 -!- Lucifer_bed [n=satan@ppp-67-67-219-75.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron

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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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