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Log from 2007-03-19:
--- Day changed Mon Mar 19 2007
00:03 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
00:07 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
00:07 <armabot> DrJoeTron is GodTodd's bitch.
00:33 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving."]
00:45 -!- kamp [n=cpayan@ip72-209-64-18.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
00:46 <kamp> GodTodd: i'm going to go to the final four if we get there
00:58 <GodTodd> cool :)
00:59 <kamp> oh hey
00:59 <kamp> how about durant
01:00 <kamp> it's overrr
01:00 <kamp> and to a team that's not supposed to be good until next year
01:00 <GodTodd> heh...it's ok...texas wouldn't have beat UNC the way they've been playing anyway :/
01:01 <kamp> probably not
01:01 <kamp> so usc has to take on unc now?
01:01 <kamp> did you see unlv beat wiscy?
01:05 -!- wejp_ [n=j@i577B9EAA.versanet.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:06 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-017-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #armagetron []
01:07 -!- wejp_ [n=j@i577BB3C1.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
01:09 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
01:12 <DrJoeTron> GodTodd
01:12 <spider_> ToddGodd
01:13 <spider_> 'er
01:13 <spider_> -d
01:16 <spider_> http://www.battlestargalactica.com/
01:16 <spider_> O.o
01:19 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@80-41-85-253.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
01:25 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
01:25 <ghableska> #weather 50266
01:26 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 48.0°F (7:25 PM CDT on March 18, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 48%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Windchill: 44.6°F. Pressure: 28.84 in 976.5 hPa (Falling). 
01:46 -!- Self_Destructo [n=drjames@h52.253.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
01:46 <Self_Destructo> howdy folks
01:47 <Self_Destructo> #lastseen spider_
01:47 <armabot> Self_Destructo: SpIderMan has last been seen on  Wild West  =CTF Shooting= 3 days 2 hours 11 minutes ago.
01:47 <DrJoeTron> ghableska eats goose tongue
01:47 <spider_> ?
01:47 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: ...
01:48 <spider_> #seen spider_ 
01:48 <armabot> spider_: spider_ was last seen in #armagetron 36 seconds ago: <spider_> ?
01:48 <spider_> lo
01:48 <spider_> ;p
01:50 <spider_> Planet "Cyborg" (spidey)
01:50 <spider_> You have 127 new messages
01:51 <Self_Destructo> lol
01:52 <spider_> you can have my account if you want it
01:52 <spider_> little less than 100k points without a fleet
01:52 <Self_Destructo> niced
01:52 <spider_> if someone that has the time/patients for ogame takes it, it'll make a great account in a month or so :)
01:53 <Self_Destructo> I'll have to delete my account
01:53 <Self_Destructo> so I'm not sure
01:54 <spider_> offer's there :)  after these 6 deathstars finish attacking i'ma put it in vacation, lol
01:54 <Self_Destructo> wow
01:54 <spider_> i've been hit with worse before, lol
01:55 -!- CIA-10 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has quit []
01:55 <spider_> see,this always happens..i build a strong defense and stuff....loose intrest in the game, everything goes boom, repeat
01:55 <spider_> been like that since i started playing ;p
01:55 <spider_> btw, i have 1 free planet slot...never found a place i liked for it, lol
01:56 <Self_Destructo> where are all your planets?
01:56 <spider_> g3 and g6
01:56 <spider_> 2 in g3 the rest in g6
01:57 <spider_> it has 2 moons too :)
01:57 <spider_> 1 in g3 and 1 in g6
01:57 <spider_> atleast, it did have 2 moons..lemme see if they're still there lmao
01:58 <Self_Destructo> lol
01:58 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
01:58 <Self_Destructo> Hi Lack
01:58 <Lackadaisical> hi
01:59 <spider_> yea
01:59 <spider_> still got 'em
01:59 -!- CIA-1 [n=CIA@cia.navi.cx] has joined #armagetron
01:59 <Self_Destructo> ok, cool
02:00 <Self_Destructo> I guess if you don't want them anymore, then I'll take it
02:01 <spider_> before you delete yours login and check everything out, with 127 messages no telling what's happened, heh
02:01 <Self_Destructo> they will ban me
02:01 <spider_> no
02:01 <spider_> say you're monitoring the account
02:01 <spider_> you're allowed to do that
02:01 <spider_> unless they changed the rules again
02:01 <Self_Destructo> and how will they know?
02:02 <spider_> you're allowed to account sit
02:02 <Self_Destructo> yeah, i know
02:02 <spider_> though i'm not sure if they changed the rules or anything
02:02 <spider_> read on the forums :p
02:02 <spider_> i used to login to fireballs account all the time and fleet save for him
02:02 <spider_> lizz did it for me and canis
02:03 <spider_> i doubt they'll ban ya ;p
02:03 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Connection timed out]
02:05 <Self_Destructo> ok
02:05 <Self_Destructo> send me info
02:06 -!- spider_ is now known as spidey
02:08 <spidey> Self_Destructo, lizz says come in ts :p
02:09 <Self_Destructo> my mic is broke
02:09 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit ["Yes. he really did."]
02:09 <spidey> O.o
02:14 <Self_Destructo> ok, I'll take it
02:16 <Self_Destructo> spidey:
02:20 <Self_Destructo> brb
02:23 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@80-41-85-253.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
02:27 <spidey> k
02:38 <Self_Destructo> spidey: ok, back
02:44 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has quit ["leaving"]
02:44 -!- kamp [n=cpayan@ip72-209-64-18.ga.at.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
02:44 -!- spidey [n=spider@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)]
02:44 -!- spider_ [i=spider@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
02:55 -!- kamp [n=cpayan@ip72-209-64-18.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
03:00 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034192196.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["I quit"]
03:02 <kamp> where do i go to get at the trunk again?
03:03 <spider_> #svn
03:03 <armabot> svn co https://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/armagetronad/armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad <dirname>(more information: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Working_with_SVN)
03:03 <kamp> cool, thanks
03:04 <kamp> is there any separation between the code for the server and the code for the client?
03:04 <spider_> ?
03:05 <kamp> wait
03:05 <spider_> if you wanna compile the server use
03:05 <spider_> --disable-glout
03:05 <kamp> first thing's first
03:05 <kamp> what happened to the y in spidey?
03:05 <spider_> ...
03:05 <kamp> haha
03:05 <spider_> it's in my client
03:06 <spider_> when spidey's in use, it uses spider_
03:06 <spider_> then spider__
03:06 <spider_> then `fucktomanyspiders!
03:06 <spider_> not really, but heh
03:06 <kamp> heh
03:06 <kamp> you don't have spideyt registered?
03:06 <spider_> yes..
03:07 <kamp> then how do you ever have a problem with the nick?
03:07 <spider_> i go on more networks than just freenode...
03:07 <kamp> why?!
03:07 <kamp> :)
03:07 <spider_> and also i'm to lazy to ghost kill it, heh
03:08 -!- spider_ is now known as spidey
03:08 <spidey> better? :p
03:08 <kamp> yes
03:08 <kamp> much
03:08 <kamp> hey UTenn won today
03:08 <kamp> congrats, i guess
03:08 <spidey> football sucks :D
03:09 <kamp> good thing they were playing basketball
03:09 <ghableska> ...
03:09 <kamp> hey ghab
03:09 <ghableska> #weather 50266
03:09 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 47.5°F (9:06 PM CDT on March 18, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 50%. Dew Point: 30.2°F. Windchill: 46.4°F. Pressure: 28.88 in 977.9 hPa. 
03:09 <ghableska> hi kamp
03:09 <spidey> basketball too, ;p
03:10 <ghableska> spidey
03:10 <kamp> #weather 32608
03:10 <spidey> no
03:10 <ghableska> ;p  is what luke does
03:10 <armabot> kamp: The current temperature in Stillwind Subdivision, Gainesville, Florida is 50.5°F (10:11 PM EDT on March 18, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 53%. Dew Point: 33.8°F. Pressure: 30.35 in 1027.7 hPa. 
03:10 <spidey> he got it from me
03:10 <kamp> god
03:10 <spidey> :|
03:10 <kamp> 50
03:10 <kamp> that's so low
03:10 <kamp> we're only a few degrees above des moines
03:10 <kamp> that's just wrong
03:10 <ghableska> is it contagious?
03:10 <kamp> yea ghab ;p
03:10 <ghableska> ;p
03:10 <spidey> #weather 38256
03:10 <armabot> spidey: The current temperature in Paris, Tennessee is 43.3°F (9:11 PM CDT on March 18, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 55%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Pressure: 30.18 in 1021.9 hPa. 
03:10 <kamp> it's a pandemic!
03:10 <ghableska> luke-jr: ;p ;p ;p
03:11 -!- kamp is now known as kam
03:11 <kam> oh
03:11 <kam> haha
03:11 <ghableska> o_O
03:11 <kam> it doesn't show up
03:11 <ghableska> kam?
03:11 <kam> i tried to change it to kam;p
03:11 <ghableska> heh
03:11 -!- kam is now known as kamp
03:11 <Self_Destructo> spidey: ok, so when is it mine?
03:11 <kamp> interesting, someone's already got the nick kam
03:11 <ghableska> :o
03:11 <spidey> whenever
03:11 <kamp> #list alias
03:11 <armabot> kamp: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, digitx, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hungary, hyphy, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, muhammed, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, pacman, pingme, piong, (1 more message)
03:11 <ghableska> #hyphy
03:11 <armabot> hi5 j00 n00bz lawlz as i pwnz u in life n steal ur ccz and makez moneyz $_$
03:12 <kamp> aw
03:12 <ghableska> heh
03:12 <spidey> just pm the ogame mods and tell then i gave it to you
03:12 <kamp> what happened to the lamenickometer
03:12 <spidey> or something
03:12 <ghableska> #muhammed
03:12 <armabot> ghableska: Wild West  =Team Sumo=  (by Durka): No online players.
03:12 <ghableska> o_O
03:12 <kamp> heh
03:12 <ghableska> #hungary
03:12 <armabot> ghableska, hungary is shit
03:12 <ghableska> haha
03:12 <kamp> #mfaq
03:12 <armabot> set CYCLE_DELAY above 0 to avoid bikes jumping to the wrong side of trails when doubling back on trails
03:12 <Self_Destructo> ok
03:12 <spidey> #pacman
03:12 <armabot> WTF man? Play armagetronad you dumbass!
03:12 <ghableska> #bigbrother
03:12 <armabot> ghableska: xStaticXer seems to be on ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d  | ¬ right now.
03:12 <ghableska> o_O
03:13 <kamp> #bigbrother
03:13 <armabot> kamp: xStaticXer seems to be on ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d  | ¬ right now.
03:13 <ghableska> #asktoddbot what are you?
03:13 <kamp> hm
03:13 <armabot> !echo ghableska: [g what are you?]
03:13 <ghableska> umm
03:13 <ghableska> #asktoddbot
03:13 <kamp> lol
03:13 <armabot> !echo ghableska: (google calc <expression>) -- Uses Google's calculator to calculate the value of <expression>.
03:13 <ghableska> #asktoddbot 5 m/s in mph
03:13 <armabot> !echo ghableska: [g 5 m/s in mph]
03:13 <ghableska> mhm
03:13 <spidey> !help
03:13 <spidey> !list alias
03:13 <spidey> .....
03:13 <ghableska> !weather 50266
03:13 <ghableska> :o!
03:13 <spidey> @heeeeelp
03:14  * ghableska gags spidey
03:14 <DrJoeTron> jesus christ
03:14 <DrJoeTron> this is hard
03:14 <spidey> !weather
03:14 <spidey> todd disabled it for this channel
03:14 <DrJoeTron> 4 page paper out of a 5 line poem
03:14 <ghableska> DrJoeTron: I have a couple tongues left, want one?
03:14 <spidey> it works in the asshat channel :p
03:15 <kamp> !lamenickometer
03:15 <ghableska> oops
03:15 <kamp> damn
03:15 <DrJoeTron> aww i dont wanna be kicked
03:15 <ghableska> I just created a channel :o
03:15 <kamp> congrats ghab
03:15 <kamp> now take care of it
03:15 <DrJoeTron> ugh this paper
03:15 <kamp> and make it big and strong
03:15  * ghableska kicks self
03:15 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f663:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
03:15 <Self_Destructo> spidey: ok, I emialed them
03:15 <DrJoeTron> its making me sound like a pro life jerk off
03:15 <spidey> now it's yours :)
03:16 <Self_Destructo> :), thanks
03:16 <kamp> are you pro life?
03:16 <DrJoeTron> nope
03:16 <kamp> because you are a jerk off
03:16 <kamp> padum psshhhh
03:16 <kamp> :)
03:16 <spidey> ...
03:16 <kamp> #...
03:16 <armabot> kamp: ...
03:16 <ghableska> #google tongues
03:16 <armabot> ghableska: Search took 0.25 seconds: Speaking in tongues : Glossia and Xenoglossia. All points of view: <http://www.religioustolerance.org/tongues.htm>; Speaking in Tongues: <http://www.tbm.org/tongues.htm>; Glossolalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossolalia>; tongues : See what people are saying right now on Technorati: (2 more messages)
03:17 <ghableska> spidey speaks in tongues
03:17 <spidey> ................................................................................................................................
03:17 <kamp> glossia
03:17 <ghableska> "Many people inaccurately define speaking in tongues as "speaking gibberish" or "talking nonsense." The truth is, speaking in tongues is the most intelligent, perfect language in the universe. It is God's language." <-- of course it would be nonsense then
03:21 <kamp> seen borat?
03:22 <ghableska> heh, yeah
03:22  * ghableska recalls that part
03:22 <DrJoeTron> i did
03:22 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-196-176.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
03:22 <kamp> btw, i think part of being a language is that more than one person knows it
03:22 <kamp> and if only God is the only living being that gets the damn thing
03:22 <kamp> it ain't a language
03:22 <ghableska> hehe
03:22  * kamp is atheist
03:23  * ghableska is too
03:23 <kamp> hi five :P
03:24 <ghableska> ;p
03:25 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f663:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
03:27 <luke-jr> OS: GNU/Linux 2.6.20-gentoo-r3/x86_64 - CPU: 1 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (2202.887 MHz) - Processes: 446 - Uptime:  02:29:10 up 13 min,  2 users,  load average: 4.03, 5.65, 2.74 - Memory Usage: 1343MB/2012MB (66%)
03:27 <luke-jr> woohoo, no swap use! :D
03:28 <DrJoeTron> woohoo.... luke-jr's back...
03:28 <spidey> wtf
03:28 <spidey> 446 processes?
03:28 <DrJoeTron> yay
03:28 <ghableska> haha
03:32 <luke-jr> spidey: ...
03:32 <Self_Destructo> spidey: man I'm not used to messing with this much res
03:32 <ghableska> luke-jr:...
03:32 <ghableska> #armaservers
03:32 <armabot> ghableska: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (8 players) || MicroBusCity.com (8 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (7 players) || {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (7 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬ (7 players) || CSW Server (6 players) || LoBo's Fun Server (6 players) || ~"XzL.Clan The Server (6 players) || Strawberry Fields (3 players) || The Tavern (3 players) || ^}LC}< Legendary (1 more message)
03:32 <spidey> heh
03:32 <ghableska> #more
03:32 <armabot> ghableska: Clan Server (2 players) || <0z> Ðrunken Ðrivers Ranch (2 players) || || S L O W T R A C K || (2 players) || Shrunkland in 2.8.2 (2 players) || Norm's Place (2 players)
03:32 <spidey> told ya :)
03:32 <spidey> it's a nice account
03:32 <luke-jr> spidey: what's the problem?
03:32 <spidey> luke-jr, what problem?
03:32 <luke-jr> with 446 proc
03:33 <luke-jr> that's after a clean boot...
03:33 <luke-jr> 02:34:44 up 18 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.58, 2.44, 2.17
03:33 <spidey> luke-jr, 446 processes is alot
03:33 <luke-jr> not for a desktop...
03:34 <Self_Destructo> luke-jr: hey, I've been meaning to tell you that I'm ready to make the Word Count progam final
03:34 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: ok
03:34  * spidey notes when he had a box setup with kde, he only had 60-70 processes
03:34 <luke-jr> Self_Destructo: I don't work on Sundays for obvious reasons, so the soonest I can renumber the version is tomorrow
03:35 <luke-jr> spidey: you must not have used it
03:35 <Self_Destructo> spidey: I took the account in time. ;) The first wave barely got anything and I'm making sure the deathstars don't get a things :)
03:35 <spidey> :)
03:35 <spidey> luke-jr, used what?
03:35 <Self_Destructo> luke-jr: that's fine, I'm obviously in no hurry ;)
03:35 <spidey> the desktop? sure i did
03:35 <luke-jr> my servers have 20-134 procs each
03:36 <luke-jr> spidey: not 20 virtual desktops with 2904x1050 resolution? :p
03:36 <spidey> server's are different :p
03:36 <spidey> luke-jr, who the hell needs 20 virtual desktops!?
03:36 <luke-jr> me
03:37 <spidey> you have as many desktops as i have tabs open
03:37 <luke-jr> lol
03:38 <kamp> he has more desktops than i have tabs open
03:38 <kamp> o.O
03:38  * ghableska has one window open :D
03:39 <kamp> you go ghab
03:39 <kamp> be productive
03:39 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has left #Armagetron []
03:39 <kamp> haha
03:39 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
03:39 <kamp> i guess he went to go be productive
03:39 <ghableska> wrong button
03:39 <kamp> guess not
03:39 <ghableska> :p
03:39 <ghableska> me, productive? o_O
03:40 <kamp> sigh
03:40 <kamp> spring break is over
03:40 <ghableska> ha
03:40 <kamp> i guess i'm going to clean up my gmail inbox
03:40 <luke-jr> my inbox is loaded
03:40 <luke-jr> 222 new msgs >_<
03:40 <kamp> 151
03:40 <spidey> that's all?
03:40 <kamp> yea
03:40 <spidey> you guys are wimps
03:40 <kamp> i'm pretty disappointed myself
03:40  * ghableska has 0
03:40 <spidey> i got over 5k in yahoo
03:40 <spidey> :)
03:40 <kamp> that's 151 after a week of not checking it
03:40 <ghableska> I'm a minimalist :p
03:40 <kamp> spidey: check your mail
03:41 <spidey> no way
03:41 <kamp> i bet your mailbox is bursting too
03:41 <spidey> i'ma let it keep growing :)
03:41 <kamp> i hate when gmail boots into html mode
03:41 <luke-jr> that's 222 over a period of months that I haven't opened
03:41 <kamp> what're you going to do when your mail wants to go to college?
03:41 <kamp> damn
03:41 <spidey>  Welcome, Spidey!
03:41 <spidey> You have 5095 unread messages:
03:42 <kamp> you guys get no mail, huh
03:42 <spidey> atill only 1% of my mailbox is used
03:42 <spidey> heh
03:42 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-196-176.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has left #armagetron []
03:42 <spidey> s/atill/still
03:43 <ghableska> atill(a) the hun?
03:43 <Self_Destructo> lol
03:43 <ghableska> er
03:43 <Self_Destructo> a large cargo in 3 min?
03:43 <ghableska> is there one l?
03:43 <Self_Destructo> :D
03:43 <spidey> i'ma go play tremulous
03:43 <spidey> bbl :)
03:44 <kamp> jeez
03:44 <kamp> get some mail
03:45 <ghableska> http://addictingclips.com/Content.aspx?key=66A189BEC5D9EBA8
03:45 <kamp> yay
03:45 <kamp> now i have 7 unread in my inbox
03:45 <ghableska> you're fast
03:46 <kamp> i love cutting away at the mails that are just news headlines
03:46 <kamp> which are all in the subject line anyway
03:46 <kamp> yea i'm like fucking superman dude
03:46 <kamp> :)
03:46  * luke-jr never deletes any email
03:46  * kamp does
03:47 <kamp> not all email is worthy of staying in my inbox
03:47 <kamp> i should sstart archiving the ones tht aren't spam
03:47 <luke-jr> I don't delete spam either
03:47 <kamp> meh
03:47  * kamp thinks luke-jr is just wasting time then
03:48 <luke-jr> lol
03:48 <luke-jr> my spam filter needs them to learn
03:51 <kamp> just set up gmail to snag your email through a pop server... or something like that
03:51 <kamp> it'll block out the spam, and give you a neat interface to boot
04:00 <luke-jr> ...
04:00 <luke-jr> and block off legitimate emails
04:00 <luke-jr> and give me a crappy web interface
04:00 <luke-jr> and put my emails in Google's trust
04:01 <luke-jr> and have me access them via WAN instead of LAN
04:01 <luke-jr> I vote no
04:03 <kamp> i vote yes
04:03 <kamp> hung jury
04:03 <DrJoeTron> luke-jr wants the option to get discounts for viagra
04:03 <DrJoeTron> or V+ AGIR@
04:04 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron wants to be ignored
04:05 <luke-jr> the only thing good about Gmail is the webinterface and webIM
04:05 <luke-jr> except for that, I can run my own email better
04:05 <luke-jr> including IMAP so 99% of the time, I don't need the stupid webinterface at all
04:06 <ghableska> #weather 50266
04:06 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 46.2°F (10:05 PM CDT on March 18, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 52%. Dew Point: 30.2°F. Windchill: 42.8°F. Pressure: 28.88 in 977.9 hPa (Rising). 
04:06 <DrJoeTron> i love gmail
04:06 <ghableska> :D
04:06 <DrJoeTron> its spam blocker is damned amazing
04:06 <luke-jr> because it blocks everything
04:06 <luke-jr> not just spam
04:06 <luke-jr> and you can't turn it off
04:07 <DrJoeTron> nope, hasn't block my legitimate emails once
04:07 <kamp> it doesn't block legit email
04:07 <luke-jr> yes it does
04:07 <luke-jr> I've seen it
04:07 <kamp> i haven't had a problem with it
04:07 <luke-jr> you wouldn't know
04:07 <kamp> ...
04:07 <kamp> yea i would
04:07 <kamp> because you see
04:07 <DrJoeTron> yeah
04:07 <DrJoeTron> i would too actually
04:07 <kamp> there are still other forms of communication
04:07 <DrJoeTron> i check my spam filter
04:07 <luke-jr> oh well
04:07 <luke-jr> better than Yahoo at least
04:08 <kamp> if someone sends me a legitimate email and it gets blocked, they'll eventually just tell me
04:08 <DrJoeTron> who are you to tell me what i do and don't get?
04:08 <luke-jr> at least with Gmail you can read so-called "spam"
04:08 <kamp> heh
04:08 <DrJoeTron> luke-jr must need people to talk to
04:08 <luke-jr> Yahoo, you can read spam, but not read false positives
04:08 <luke-jr> go figure
04:08 <DrJoeTron> if he keeps his spam mail
04:08 <kamp> btw DrJoeTron the blak flak and nightmare fighters reeks or a reference to the afterlife
04:08 <kamp> like hell or 
04:08 <DrJoeTron> oooh thats good kamp
04:08 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron: I keep it for the baysean
04:08 <kamp> hades
04:09 <kamp> i like hades better, the greek afterlife fits a lot better
04:09 <DrJoeTron> lets look at my spam bin now
04:09 <luke-jr> I get only < 10 spam per day usually in my inbox
04:09 <kamp> since everyone went there, and there were all the wandering dead on the one side of the river
04:09 <luke-jr> what pisses me off is my script
04:09 <luke-jr> that is mailing me 2000 times a day
04:09 <DrJoeTron> Famous repl1ca w4tches r0lex Cartier Bvlgari 
04:09 <luke-jr> because AT&T has sucky internet
04:10 <luke-jr> and every 5 seconds it's down, my script emails me
04:10 <DrJoeTron> that looks legit
04:10 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron: did you get my email?
04:10 <luke-jr> kamp: what's your email?
04:11 <DrJoeTron> i did
04:11 <kamp> hmm
04:11 <luke-jr> DrJoeTron: spam or inbox?
04:11 <kamp> cpayan@gmail.com
04:11 <DrJoeTron> inbox
04:11 <luke-jr> maybe they fixed it
04:11 <luke-jr> kamp: get it?
04:12 <DrJoeTron> woops!
04:12 <DrJoeTron> clicked the report spam button
04:12 <DrJoeTron> now its in the spam folder :V
04:12 <kamp> nah, it wound up in the spam folder
04:12 <kamp> probably because of joe
04:12 <DrJoeTron> haha
04:12 <kamp> report it as not spam
04:13 <kamp> and voila, it's in the inbox
04:13  * luke-jr shoots DrJoeTron 
04:13 <luke-jr> kamp: if you can
04:13 <ghableska> #kill luke-jr
04:13 <armabot> luke-jr will die on Sat Jan 23 06:11:35 1988 due to being stabbed in the eye by kamp.
04:13 <kamp> i just did luke-jr
04:13 <luke-jr> kamp: you wouldn't get it at all if you used POP
04:13 <kamp> send another one
04:13 <luke-jr> it'll work now
04:14 <luke-jr> i'm on a whitelist
04:14 <kamp> i want to see if it listens to what i told it or what joe told it
04:14 <luke-jr> it prefers your vote over his
04:14 <luke-jr> pretty sure
04:14 <kamp> figures
04:14 <kamp> i would too
04:14 <kamp> :)
04:14 <luke-jr> sent
04:15 <kamp> yea it's in the inbox
04:15 <DrJoeTron> you can unreport it
04:15 <DrJoeTron> its like a personal filter you apply
04:15 <DrJoeTron> anything from that address is forever blocked from that address and is put into spam when you put it there
04:16 <DrJoeTron> and you can hit the "not spam" button
04:16 <luke-jr> kamp: you got IM?
04:17 <kamp> gtalk?
04:17 <kamp> yea
04:17 <kamp> not signed in though
04:17 <ghableska> :o
04:17 <luke-jr> gtalk works
04:17 <luke-jr> :p
04:17 <kamp> the only people i talk to on google talk are joe, fonk, and people from work
04:18 <kamp> all my friends irl use AIM
04:18 <kamp> facts of life
04:18 <ghableska> ew
04:18 <kamp> i know
04:18 <kamp> from time to time, i try to peddle gtalk to them
04:18 <kamp> never really works for long
04:18 <luke-jr> peddle something else compatible
04:18 <luke-jr> like Exodus maybe
04:19 <luke-jr> or Psi
04:19 <kamp> in the end they have the same trouble, all their friends are using aim
04:19 <kamp> exodus, psi?
04:19 <luke-jr> depending on the person :p
04:19  * luke-jr notes you can trick Gtalk to chat w/ AIM
04:19  * ghableska wants the new google talk 
04:19 <luke-jr> official AIM support is planned, tho that's been true for months
04:20 <kamp> luke-jr: how?
04:20 <luke-jr> kamp: you need to set it up with another client
04:20 <kamp> ...
04:20 <kamp> so are you tricking gtalk, or just using a multiprotocol client?
04:20 <luke-jr> I don't use it, so I can't be sure of details
04:20 <luke-jr> tricking gtalk
04:20 <luke-jr> you set it up with Psi/Exodus/etc
04:20 <luke-jr> but Gtalk can use it
04:20 <kamp> meh
04:20 <kamp> forget that
04:21 <luke-jr> shrug
04:21 <luke-jr> I could do it for you if you want
04:21 <kamp> i always forget about the bigblueball forums
04:21 <luke-jr> but you'd need to tell me your passwords, so I wouldn't recommend
04:21 <kamp> one stop shop for everything instant messaging
04:21 <luke-jr> heh
04:21 <luke-jr> first google result
04:21 <luke-jr> lol
04:21 <kamp> pretty much
04:21 <kamp> i know i used it a couple months ago
04:21 <kamp> forget what i was searching for but it was a big help
04:23 <luke-jr> when did Gtalk get buddy icons?
04:23 <ghableska> :o
04:23 <luke-jr> just noticed the past few days, Gtalk users have em
04:25 <kamp> a long long time ago
04:25 <kamp> from the time we were able to put pictures up
04:25 <kamp> people just started using buddy icons instead
04:25 <kamp> like joe
04:25 <kamp> i have a gator, personally
04:26 <luke-jr> add me :p
04:26 <kamp> maybe some other time
04:26 <kamp> i don't even have gtalk installed on my computer
04:26 <ghableska> :o
04:27 <luke-jr> gmail?
04:27 <luke-jr> webIM
04:27 <luke-jr> :p
04:27 <ghableska> any of you have a google homepage?
04:27 <luke-jr> ghableska: 
04:27 <luke-jr> did you crash my Psi?
04:28 <luke-jr> I have a non-google homepage
04:28 <luke-jr> http://luke.dashjr.org
04:28 <luke-jr> ;p
04:29 <luke-jr> haha
04:29 <ghableska> luke-jr?
04:29 <luke-jr> I should make http://luke.dashjr.org/pub/TC-OP.gif my avatar on the forum
04:29 <luke-jr> :D
04:29 <ghableska> what do you mean, crash?
04:29 <luke-jr> Psi froze
04:30 <ghableska> see if it freezes now
04:30 <luke-jr> nope
04:30 <ghableska> grr
04:30 <luke-jr> lol
04:31 <ghableska> lol yourself
04:31 <luke-jr> ...
04:31 <DrJoeTron> pseaking of
04:31 <kamp> #...
04:31 <luke-jr> you're the one trying to crash me
04:31 <armabot> kamp: ...
04:31 <DrJoeTron> my domain renewal is coming up
04:31 <kamp> DrJoeTron: i'm not going to look at that poem anymore
04:31 <DrJoeTron> should i even bother
04:31 <ghableska> DrJoeTron: I went back to gtalk from trillian :p
04:31 <DrJoeTron> haha ok
04:31 <kamp> i don't even know your site :)
04:31 <DrJoeTron> :p 
04:32 <DrJoeTron> i dont even have one anymore
04:32 <DrJoeTron> i got rid of it a few months ago
04:32 <DrJoeTron> www.w-w-c.net
04:32  * ghableska watches madness combat
04:35  * kamp wonders what madness combat is
04:36 <ghableska> http://www.madnesscombat.com/episodes.php :p
04:37 <ghableska> start from the top
04:38 <luke-jr> no
04:38 <kamp> luke-jr: agreed
04:40 <DrJoeTron> gotta work on this paper
04:40 <DrJoeTron> i really wanna play dystopia :d
04:40 <ghableska> :S
04:40 <ghableska> *:D
04:40 <DrJoeTron> have you been playing it?
04:40 <ghableska> yeah
04:40 <ghableska> heavy is the best :D
04:40 <DrJoeTron> i love heavy
04:41 <DrJoeTron> but the tesla rifle is soo cool
04:41 <DrJoeTron> and so overpowering
04:41 <ghableska> it's weird
04:41 <ghableska> it feels like I'm shooting silly string or something
04:42 <kamp> silly string
04:42 <kamp> imposing
04:42 <ghableska> heh
04:42 <DrJoeTron> yeah
04:42 <DrJoeTron> but of death
04:42 <kamp> i need to install firefox
04:42 <DrJoeTron> not to mention when you shoot the lightning ball from it
04:42 <ghableska> well, silly string is flammable
04:42 <kamp> using IE to access google things is getting annoying
04:42 <DrJoeTron> cept y'know when you it kills your entire fucking team you just unleashed it upon
04:43 <kamp> either i need to install firefox or google needs to get off their asses and get things working with opera
04:43 <ghableska> ?
04:43 <ghableska> gmail doesn't work for you in opera?
04:43 <kamp> gmail does
04:43 <kamp> almost none of their other things do
04:43 <luke-jr> who cares about stuff working in Opera? :p
04:43  * kamp does
04:43 <ghableska> what other things?
04:43 <kamp> duh
04:43 <kamp> docs and spreadsheets, calendar
04:44 <luke-jr> ...
04:44 <kamp> those are the only other two i use, really
04:45 <DrJoeTron> :D
04:45 <ghableska> #kill DrJoeTron
04:45 <armabot> DrJoeTron will die on Fri May 23 10:18:33 1986 due to being stabbed in the eye by P4.
04:45 <DrJoeTron> google doesnt support opera yet
04:45 <DrJoeTron> :D
04:45 <kamp> yea man
04:45 <luke-jr> Sorry, but this browser does not support web word-processing.
04:45 <luke-jr> jerks
04:45 <DrJoeTron> ARRRRGH
04:46 <kamp> haha
04:47 <luke-jr> it doesn't work if I bypass it :(
04:47 <kamp> in opera?
04:48 <kamp> it sort of works
04:48 <kamp> you can view documents
04:48 <kamp> can't edit them though, it really doesn't work
04:49 <luke-jr> in konqueror
04:49 <luke-jr> I don't use opera trash
04:50 <kamp> yea wlel
04:51 <kamp> if they haven't gotten opera working
04:51 <kamp> konqueror definitely won't
04:51 <luke-jr> Konqueror is more important
04:51 <luke-jr> and more likely
04:51 <kamp> seeing as konqueror is a steaming pile of shit by comparison
04:51 <luke-jr> nope
04:51 <luke-jr> Opera is
04:51 <kamp> ...
04:51  * kamp disagrees
04:51 <luke-jr> Konqueror is the best
04:51 <kamp> that is all
04:51 <kamp> wow
04:52 <kamp> i don't think it's even possible to argue with someone that things konqueror is good for anything
04:52 <luke-jr> Konqueror is the most compliant browser today
04:52 <kamp> and yet it barely works
04:52 <luke-jr> nope, it works just fine
04:52 <kamp> and only works on one operating
04:52 <kamp> system
04:52 <kamp> and generally sucks
04:52 <luke-jr> works on plenty
04:52 <luke-jr> and generally rules
04:53 <kamp> Opera, by the way, is very compliant
04:53 <luke-jr> works on Gentoo, Ubuntu, Fedora, FreeBSD, etc
04:53 <kamp> out of browsers that people actually use, it's probably the most compliant
04:53 <kamp> hah
04:53 <luke-jr> any OS worth using :)
04:53 <kamp> opera works on all of those
04:53 <kamp> and two others besides :P
04:53 <luke-jr> nope
04:53 <luke-jr> Opera only works on certain installs of those
04:53 <kamp> bah
04:54  * kamp comes to a realization
04:54 <luke-jr> it won't work on a Gentoo IA64 box for example
04:54 <kamp> i don't want to argue about this
04:54 <luke-jr> lol
04:54  * luke-jr wonders if Itanium is even in production anymore
04:54 <luke-jr> it won't work on a Yellow Dog Cell system :p
04:54 <kamp> ok
04:54 <kamp> how about this
04:54 <luke-jr> (aka PS3)
04:55 <kamp> opera is the most compliant of widely used browsers, on the most widely used Operating Systems, though admittedly, it fails to work on extremely fucked up machines
04:55 <luke-jr> nope, since Safari is basically Konqueror :)
04:55 <luke-jr> and PS3 isn't a bad machine
04:55 <kamp> it also has been ported to places konqueror doesn't even dream about, like the wii, cell phones (opera mini!), and the ds
04:56 <luke-jr> Konqueror runs on cell phones and such
04:56 <kamp> nintendo and opera are getting tight
04:56 <kamp> which is another reason why it makes no sense why google is so slow on making their things work in opera
04:56 <kamp> it'd be pretty cool to start usin your wii to access your gmail or things like that
04:56 <luke-jr> pretty sure there's more Konq/Safari users than Opera users
04:57 <kamp> i'm pretty sure there aren't
04:57 <DrJoeTron> kamp do you want office 2007?
04:57 <kamp> no
04:57 <luke-jr> LOL
04:57 <kamp> i don't even write papers lately
04:57 <DrJoeTron> if thats something that luke-jr laughs at, i don't wanna know about his usualy daily life :V
04:58 <kamp> lol
05:06 <ghableska> #weather 50266
05:06 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 45.1°F (11:06 PM CDT on March 18, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 30.2°F. Windchill: 42.8°F. Pressure: 28.86 in 977.2 hPa. 
05:08 <kamp> #weather 32608
05:08 <armabot> kamp: The current temperature in Stillwind Subdivision, Gainesville, Florida is 47.7°F (12:09 AM EDT on March 19, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 63%. Dew Point: 35.6°F. Pressure: 30.38 in 1028.7 hPa. 
05:08 <kamp> =-O
05:08 <ghableska> two degrees warmer...
05:08 <kamp> this is sad
05:09 <kamp> i'm ashamed
05:09 <ghableska> :D
05:12 -!- DDL24 [n=DDL24@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
05:12 -!- DDL24 is now known as GodTodd
05:14 <ghableska> #night
05:14 <armabot> Good night ghableska!
05:14 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has left #Armagetron []
05:20 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has left #Armagetron []
05:28 <kamp> #night
05:28 <armabot> Good night kamp!
05:28 -!- kamp [n=cpayan@ip72-209-64-18.ga.at.cox.net] has left #armagetron []
05:38 -!- kamp [n=cpayan@ip72-209-64-18.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
05:39 -!- kamp [n=cpayan@ip72-209-64-18.ga.at.cox.net] has left #armagetron []
06:12 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
06:50 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@159.31-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
06:50 <MrBougo> Teh Bougo is there !
06:50 <MrBougo> err hello
07:03 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q0659.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
07:21 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q0659.q.pppool.de] has quit ["leaving"]
07:36 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q0659.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
07:47 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@244.166-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
07:47 <Bougo> guess what ? i'm back !
07:47 <DrJoeTron> GOD DAMN IT
07:47 <DrJoeTron> GO HOME
07:47 <DrJoeTron> GO
07:47 <DrJoeTron> HOME
07:47 <DrJoeTron> GOD
07:47 <Bougo> wtf?
07:47 <Bougo> oh ok
07:47 <DrJoeTron> sup Bougo
07:48 <Bougo> youre wrong joe, im not god
07:48 <Bougo> heh, kind of nice way to say hello
07:48 <Bougo> hello DrJoeTron
07:48 <Bougo> what's wrong? :p
07:49 <DrJoeTron> ah nuffin
07:49 <Bougo> seems so
07:52 <Bougo> err
07:52 <Bougo> "seems so"... is it englishly correct?
07:52 <Bougo> does it mean anything?
07:52 <GodTodd> yeah
07:52 <GodTodd> means "appears to be"
07:52 <Bougo> ok then :p
07:52 <Bougo> thats what i thought it meant
07:57 <Bougo> i'm awesome
07:58 -!- ackrite [n=ret@host-87-242-11-57.prtelecom.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:04 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@159.31-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:07 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087399c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
08:18 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has left #Armagetron []
08:34 <Bougo> #last --from DrJoeTron --with http
08:34 <armabot> Bougo: [00:35:38] <DrJoeTron> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sd5G2EcOvQ i want this
08:34 <Bougo> ew
08:34 <Bougo> #last --from DrJoeTron --with http --nolimit
08:34 <armabot> Bougo: [00:35:38] <DrJoeTron> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sd5G2EcOvQ i want this
08:34 <Bougo> ok...
08:57 <Bougo> im bored
09:05 -!- Bougo is now known as MrBougo
09:07 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@244.166-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit ["Cyas!"]
09:19 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@244.166-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
09:46 <MrBougo> bye
09:46 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@244.166-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #armagetron []
10:03 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087399c.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:27 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l23.thp.uni-koeln.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:12 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@4.225-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
11:12 <MrBougo> jello
11:38 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
11:55 <MrBougo> bye
11:55 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@4.225-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #armagetron []
13:07 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dhcp-78-16.uni-paderborn.de] has joined #armagetron
13:38 -!- joda_bo1 [n=anonymou@dhcp-78-16.uni-paderborn.de] has joined #armagetron
13:46 <CIA-1> armagetronad:  * resources/bigD/symmetrical/symmetry-1.0.13.aamap.xml: Resource by bigD
13:46 <armabot> armagetronad:  * resources/bigD/symmetrical/symmetry-1.0.13.aamap.xml: Resource by bigD
13:46 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@207.201-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
13:46 <MrBougo> Hello Bows and Gulls !
13:48 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:5ae3:8196:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #armagetron
13:49 <MrBougo> yello
13:50 <joda_bo1> hi
13:50 <MrBougo> jello joda_bot
13:51 <MrBougo> something's wrong with your nick
13:51 <joda_bo1> sec
13:51 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dhcp-78-16.uni-paderborn.de] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
13:51 <MrBougo> hehe
13:51 -!- joda_bo1 is now known as joda_bot
13:52 <joda_bot> fixed
13:52 <joda_bot> ;)
13:52 <MrBougo> xD
13:52 <joda_bot> just lost my connection
13:55 <MrBougo> ima try something
13:56 <CIA-1> armagetronad:  * resources/bigD/symmetrical/symmetry-1.0.14.aamap.xml: Resource by bigD
13:56 <armabot> armagetronad:  * resources/bigD/symmetrical/symmetry-1.0.14.aamap.xml: Resource by bigD
13:57 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@207.201-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
13:58 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@207.201-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
13:58 <MrBougo> i guess it worked
13:58 <MrBougo> #realchatlogs
13:58 <armabot> MrBougo: http://master3.armagetronad.net/armalogs/
13:59 <MrBougo> beh
13:59 <MrBougo> logs arent up to date
14:48 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
14:49 <ghableska> #weather 50266
14:49 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 38.5°F (8:46 AM CDT on March 19, 2007). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 33.8°F. Windchill: 32.0°F. Pressure: 28.98 in 981.3 hPa. 
14:50 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
14:50 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
14:50 <digitx> mimiii
14:50 <digitx> ;)
14:50 <digitx> :list
14:50 <MiMeX> Admin, Alias, User, Services , Seen
14:50 <digitx> ok
14:50 <digitx> mukodik :D
14:51 <ghableska> #armaservers
14:51 <armabot> ghableska: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
14:51 <ghableska> #lastseen 2020
14:51 <armabot> ghableska: 2020 has last been seen on Fortress Café 0 days 13 hours 58 minutes ago.
14:51 <digitx> #serverinfo tea
14:51 <armabot> digitx: iDi's TRON.simulation|team challenge: No online players.
14:51 <ghableska> o_O
14:51 <digitx> tea?
14:51 <digitx> idis tron simulation?
14:51 <digitx> lol
14:51 <digitx> #serverinfo norm
14:51 <armabot> digitx: Norm's Place: Players (2/12): corback, WarzeMan
14:51 <ghableska> #serverinfo coffee
14:51 <armabot> ghableska: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “coffee” at the moment, sorry.
14:52 <digitx> #kill ghableska
14:52 <armabot> ghableska will die on Thu Dec 13 14:13:04 2007 due to being stabbed in the eye by luke-jr.
14:52 <digitx> XD
14:52 <ghableska> :o
14:52 <digitx> :o
14:52 <digitx> O_o
14:52 <ghableska> :O
14:52 <digitx> :O
14:52 <digitx> :0
14:52 <digitx> :O
14:52 <digitx> :o
14:52 <ghableska> D:
14:52 <digitx> nah
14:52 <digitx> D:
14:52 <digitx> :D
14:52 <digitx> hehe o
14:52 <ghableska> meh
14:52 <digitx> wait
14:52 <ghableska> ?
14:53 <digitx> :alias add D: :D
14:53 <MiMeX> Command: :D added!
14:53 <digitx> :D
14:53 <MiMeX> :D
14:53 <digitx> :D
14:53 <MiMeX> :D
14:53 <digitx> xD
14:53 <ghableska> :D
14:53 <MiMeX> :D
14:53 <ghableska> :d
14:53 <digitx> :help alias
14:53 <MiMeX> ( :help alias -add | :ls alias )
14:53 <digitx> xD
14:53 <digitx> remove : only admin
14:53 <digitx> xD
14:53 <digitx> :version
14:53 <MiMeX> MiMeX v0.2
14:53 <digitx> :echo damn ghableska 
14:53 <MiMeX> damn ghableska 
14:54 <ghableska> :/
14:54 <digitx> :damn ghableska 
14:54 <MiMeX> digitx damns ghableska 
14:54 <digitx> #damn ghableska 
14:54 <armabot> ToddBot damns ghableska.
14:54 <digitx> xD
14:54 <digitx> o
14:54 <ghableska> :(
14:54 <digitx> XD
14:54 <digitx> :/
14:54  * ghableska kicks digitx
14:54 <digitx> :ls admin
14:54 <MiMeX> login, jump, mode, set
14:54 <digitx> :ls services
14:54 <MiMeX> op, deop, voice, devoice, ban, unban, topic
14:54 <digitx> :help die
14:54 <MiMeX> ( ^mode -d ) -- Kikapcsolja a botot.
14:54 <digitx> ;)
14:55 <digitx> ^mode -d
14:55 <MiMeX> Cu :(
14:55 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
14:55 <digitx> :D
14:55 <digitx> master
14:55 <ghableska> brb
14:55 <digitx> why?
14:55 <digitx> xD
14:55 <digitx> toilet?
14:55 <digitx> XD
14:56 <digitx> :hello
14:56 <digitx> jaa
14:56 <digitx> mimex
14:56 <digitx> ..
15:13 <MrBougo> wtf is mimex
15:13 <P4> #serverinfo wild fortress
15:13 <armabot> P4: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (5/14): Jin, Kain, L2K|Jag Solo, Thunderstruck, ¦Ö¦Elex
15:14 <digitx> bugiiiiiiiiiiiiii
15:14 <digitx> xD
15:14 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@207.201-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit ["Cyas!"]
15:14 <digitx> ppffft
15:14 <ghableska> ?
15:14 <digitx> #kill ghableska 
15:14 <armabot> ghableska will die on Sat Nov  2 20:09:31 1985 due to being stabbed in the eye by wejp_.
15:14 <ghableska> :/
15:14 <ghableska> so violent...
15:15 <P4> you should't live for over 20 years ;}
15:15 <ghableska> heh
15:15 <joda_bot> eh, ghableska, I guess you're dead
15:15 <P4> joda :D
15:15 <digitx> hoi ctp4
15:15 <ghableska> pity
15:16 <P4> oI! oi!
15:16 <digitx> Hoi
15:16 <ghableska> joda_bot: are you signing up for the fortress league?
15:17 <joda_bot> ghableska: I should spend my free time on development OR learning for university
15:17 <ghableska> heh
15:17 <joda_bot> so I would love to play, but should not sign up ;)
15:17 <ghableska> ;)
15:17 <joda_bot> any way to support your efforts ?
15:19 <ghableska> hmm
15:19 <digitx> #echo pssst
15:19 <armabot> pssst
15:19 <ghableska> probably not, though you should luci first :p
15:20 <digitx> #echo pssst
15:20 <armabot> pssst
15:20 <ghableska> digitx: ...?
15:20 <digitx> #echo pssst
15:20 <armabot> pssst
15:21 <digitx> \
15:24 <joda_bot> #echo pssssst digitx
15:24 <armabot> pssssst digitx
15:26 <digitx> #echo pssssssst joda_bot 
15:26 <armabot> pssssssst joda_bot
15:26 <joda_bot> #echo Hey, Yooooouuuuuuuuuu, digitix,... yes YOU ;)
15:26 <armabot> Hey, Yooooouuuuuuuuuu, digitix,... yes YOU ;)
15:26 <ghableska> heh
15:26 <digitx> :)
15:26 <digitx> nah psst xD
15:26 <joda_bot> #echoe Pssssssttt. Do you want to buy an A, digitix?
15:40 <joda_bot> P4: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/User_talk:Joda
15:48 <P4> Joda: i brb
15:56 -!- thunder_storm [n=thunders@p57B8C540.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
15:56 <thunder_storm> hello everybody
15:57 <digitx> hoi
15:57 <thunder_storm> i have a question, can you give me a tutorial, how i can set up a own gameserver running under debian sarge?
15:58 <thunder_storm> i would like to create a german server :-)
15:59 <thunder_storm> is that possible?
16:01 <P4> joda_bot: ok i got it :)
16:04 <joda_bot> thunder_storm: what's do u mean by "german" ? german server messages ?
16:05 <joda_bot> - " 's "
16:14 <thunder_storm> :-)
16:14 <thunder_storm> Is there a tutorial availible?
16:26 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q0659.q.pppool.de] has quit ["leaving"]
16:27 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
16:28 <joda_bot> thunder_storm: yes on the english, wiki 
16:29 <joda_bot> thunder_storm: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Server_Administration_Guide
16:29 <joda_bot> once you finished that one, you can read all this http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Server_Administration
16:29 <joda_bot> Each Headline is clickable and details the topic 
16:30 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
16:30 <digitx> :list
16:30 <MiMeX> Admin, Alias, User, Services , Seen
16:30 <MiMeX> Type: ( :list | :list [<valami>] )
16:30 <digitx> ops
16:30 <digitx> bug
16:30 <digitx> :D
16:30 <MiMeX> :D
16:30 <digitx> :D
16:30 <MiMeX> :D
16:30 <digitx> #ls alias
16:30 <digitx> :ls alias
16:30 <MiMeX> digitx: makiverem, nyeff5, nyeff3, bazzzd, nyusziful, D
16:31 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:31 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
16:31 <digitx> :list
16:31 <MiMeX> Admin, Alias, User, Services , Seen
16:31 <MiMeX> Type: ( :help [<valami>] )
16:31 <digitx> lol
16:31 <digitx> xD
16:31 <digitx> :help
16:31 <MiMeX> Type: ( :help [<valami>] )
16:31 <digitx> :help op
16:31 <MiMeX> ( ^op ) -- Operátor jogot ad.
16:31 <digitx> hm
16:31 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:32 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
16:32 <digitx> :help op
16:32 <MiMeX> ( ^op ) -- Operátor jogot ad.
16:32 <digitx> most iso .. 2
16:32 <digitx> xD
16:32 <digitx> now
16:32 <digitx> *
16:34 <digitx> :help die
16:34 <MiMeX> ( ^mode -d ) -- Kikapcsolja a botot.
16:34 <digitx> k
16:36 <digitx> :help voice
16:36 <MiMeX> ( ^voice ) -- Beszédjogot ad.
16:36 <digitx> :help voice
16:36 <MiMeX> ( ^voice ) -- Beszédjogot ad.
16:36 <digitx> nah
16:36 <digitx> xD
16:36 <P4> can i force max client fps on serverside?
16:36 <P4> DEDICATED_FPS 20 dont work :P
16:37 <digitx> :help ctp4
16:37 <MiMeX> ( LOL )
16:37 <digitx> xD
16:37 <digitx> :help
16:37 <MiMeX> Type: ( :help [<valami>] )
16:37 <digitx> :help bla
16:37 <digitx> :D
16:37 <MiMeX> :D
16:37 <digitx> :D
16:37 <MiMeX> :D
16:37 <digitx> :D
16:37 <MiMeX> :D
16:37 <P4> stfu!
16:37 <digitx> :help ctp4
16:37 <MiMeX> ( LOL )
16:37 <digitx> xD
16:38 <P4> PLNK's comming :}
16:38 <digitx> :help ctp4
16:38 <MiMeX> ( <P4> PLNK's comming :} )
16:38 <digitx> xD
16:40 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:40 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
16:40 <digitx> nah now cool
16:40 <digitx> :P
16:41 <digitx> logger
16:41 <digitx> xD
16:41 <digitx> [16:42:08] :digitx!n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #armagetron :nah now cool
16:41 <digitx> [16:42:09] :digitx!n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #armagetron ::P
16:41 <digitx> socket.log
16:41  * P4 PLONKs *!*@*.catv.broadband.hu
16:41 <digitx> #armagetron.log
16:41 <digitx> [16:42:08] <digitx> nah now cool
16:41 <digitx> [16:42:09] <digitx> :P
16:41 <digitx> [16:42:26] <digitx> logger
16:41 <digitx> [16:42:27] <digitx> xD
16:41 <digitx> haha :/
16:42 <joda_bot> digitx: can u test your mimex bot in private chatting mode ;)
16:42 <digitx> no
16:42 <digitx> private now shit
16:42 <digitx> :S
16:43 <joda_bot> P4: dedicated_fps does not modify the clients FPS ;)
16:43 <P4> oh
16:43 <P4> so what are they for? ;} dedicated_server dont got own fps, am i right?
16:43 <joda_bot> P4: dedicated_fps and ...http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Advanced_Server_Administration_Guide#Simulation_Framerate
16:44 <joda_bot> why should I repeat what already has been explained ;)
16:44 <P4> yes... i got to pay more attention on reading manuals ;p
16:45 <joda_bot> I'd never do that all the time, but there should be a possibillity to document every console command extensively on the wiki
16:45 <joda_bot> well there is :http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Console_Commands
16:45 <P4> oh... so if i set DEDICATED_FPS to 1, clients would got i.e. 200fps but physics would be like 1 fps, witgh?
16:46 <joda_bot> but it still lacks some documentation / explanation from my perspective ;)
16:46 <joda_bot> yes ;)
16:46 <P4> that's good :}
16:46 <P4> i need to show ppl that 10 fps is really weird :}
16:46 <joda_bot> I really like server that have dedicated_fps at 30-60
16:46 <joda_bot> and have a higher ff_step count
16:46 <joda_bot> because this makes rubber approaches to walls smoother
16:47 <joda_bot> (from my experience)
16:47 <joda_bot> lol
16:47 <joda_bot> P4's lag training server
16:47 <P4> hehehe :}
16:47 <digitx> #LiST
16:47 <armabot> digitx: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
16:47 <joda_bot> P4's FIGHT the LAG center
16:48 <joda_bot> digitx: are u trying to copy / duplicate the feature of armabot ?
16:48 <joda_bot> digitx: it might be easier to contact Lucifer or wrtlprnft about armabot to get the config / code ;)
16:49 <digitx> pssst
16:49 <digitx> xD
16:49 <P4> CYCLE_SYNC_FF_STEPS 1                   # Number of extrapolation simulation timesteps each real timestep; increase for better accuracy <+- hah, what does it means in human language? :}
16:50 <thunder_storm> joda_bot: sorry, i'm afk for a wile, but thank you for these great links
16:51 <digitx> ^mode -d
16:51 <MiMeX> Cu :(
16:51 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:58 <P4> damn... armagetron is so damn greate server :}
16:58 <P4> i just love it :D
16:58 <ghableska> #serverddetails cafe
16:58 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
16:58 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: No online players.
16:58 <ghableska> :/
16:58 <P4> ghableska, wanna cafe?
16:58 <P4> :}
16:59 <ghableska> ok :)
16:59 <P4> cya there :}
16:59 <digitx> Bándd meg minden bûnödet, megbocsájtás fent az Égben, ha örülsz annak, hogy élsz,
16:59 <digitx> hagyd a másikat is, hogy éljen. 
16:59 <digitx> ;'(
17:00 -!- R-man [n=569560b4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
17:01 <digitx> hoi
17:01 -!- R-man [n=569560b4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
17:07 <ghableska> P4:
17:12 <digitx> P4:
17:13 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205088.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
17:16 <Vanhayes> #weather saint john
17:16 <armabot> Vanhayes: Temperature: 27°F / -3°C | Humidity: 43% | Pressure: 30.11in / 1020hPa | Conditions: Clear | Wind Direction: West | Wind Speed: 13mph / 20km/h | Updated: 1:00 PM ADT; Today - Sunny. Wind west 30 km/h gusting to 50. High zero. UV index 4 or moderate.; Tonight - Increasing cloudiness. Wet flurries beginning overnight. Amount 2 cm except 5 cm over higher terrain. Wind southwest 30 km/h (1 more message)
17:16 <ghableska> #weather 50266
17:16 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 48.4°F (11:16 AM CDT on March 19, 2007). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 51%. Dew Point: 32.0°F. Windchill: 42.8°F. Pressure: 29.08 in 984.6 hPa. 
17:16 -!- z-man [n=moos@l23.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
17:17 -!- z-man is now known as z-man-work
17:17 -!- Arma452 [n=535dc2c8@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
17:20 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
17:20 <digitx> hoi epsy
17:20 <digitx> how are u ?
17:20 <epsy> hi
17:20 <epsy> fine, ty :)
17:21 <digitx> okikaka
17:21 <digitx> :)
17:22 <digitx> ah i no happy
17:22 <digitx> :'(
17:22 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@adsl-76-194-177-181.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
17:24 -!- Arma452 [n=535dc2c8@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC (EOF)"]
17:27 <epsy> why aren't you happy, digitx ?
17:29 <CIA-1> armagetronad:  * resources/P4/fortress/sumo-0.0.1l.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
17:29 <armabot> armagetronad:  * resources/P4/fortress/sumo-0.0.1l.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
17:31 -!- CT|P4 [i=P4@eco150.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
17:32 -!- P4 [i=P4@eav139.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
17:32 -!- CT|P4 is now known as P4
17:37 <Vanhayes> #armaservers
17:37 <armabot> Vanhayes: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (11 players) || Strawberry Fields (10 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬ (8 players) || LoBo's Fun Server (7 players) || -=}ID< Immortal Dynasty Server New! (6 players) || Shrunkland in 2.8.2 (5 players) || °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~ (5 players) || Tigers Network Classic Play (3 players) || CSW Server (3 players) || <0z Project> The Ð.Ð.R. (3 (1 more message)
17:37 <ghableska> #serverdetails team sumo
17:37 <armabot> ghableska: °¯ps Arena  ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~: Players (8/12): -:lf^Switch, HoA¦Ö¦	[*XD*] e, Keenan, L2K|emphasis, Raven Valukar, ¦Ö¦Elex, °°dmo, °°RageLord
17:37 <epsy> #tea
17:37 <armabot> epsy: Fortress Café: No online players.
17:37 <epsy> ...
17:38 <epsy> #more
17:38 <armabot> epsy: [21:46:46] <epsy> ... ?, [21:46:35] <luke-jr> ..., [21:41:08] <Durka> still alive?, [21:41:04] <Durka> anyone here?, [21:40:13] <Durka> Vanhayes: you know how to admin?, [21:38:58] <Durka> mkzelda: wake up, you play now!, [21:38:51] <Durka> someone admin!, [21:38:23] <Durka> madmax|pt: you know how to admin?, [21:37:42] <Durka> luke-jr: wake up, [21:37:36] <Durka> ill get luke to, [21:37:27] (48 more messages)
17:38 <epsy> ewww
17:38 <ghableska> o_O
17:38 <ghableska> #more
17:38 <armabot> ghableska: Error: That's all, there is no more.
17:39 <Vanhayes> #more
17:39 <armabot> Vanhayes: players) || {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (3 players) || Swampland in 2.7.1 (3 players) || The Lobster Cage (2 players) || MicroBusCity.com (2 players) || Tigers Network Speed Blast (1 players)
17:39 <ghableska> ...
17:39 <luke-jr_work> #more
17:39 <armabot> luke-jr_work: for "impregnate": bathe, beat into, besprinkle, brainwash, breathe, brew, catechize, charge, color, condition, cross-fertilize, cross-pollen, cross-pollinate, cross-pollinize, decoct, douche, dredge, drench, dress, drouk, dye, enrich, entincture, fatten, fecundate, fecundify, fertilize, fill, flavor, flush, fructify, get with child, get with young, imbrue, imbue, implant, impress, (4 more messages)
17:39 <ghableska> #more
17:39 <armabot> ghableska: Error: That's all, there is no more.
17:39 <luke-jr_work> ...
17:39 <ghableska> lol @ luke-jr_work
17:41 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["END OF LINE"]
17:41 <luke-jr_work> #impregnate ghableska 
17:41 <armabot> /me fertilizes ghableska
17:41 <ghableska> ...
17:41 -!- Pone [n=c39cf4a4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
17:41 -!- Pone [n=c39cf4a4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
17:41 <CIA-1> armagetronad:  * resources/P4/fortress/sumo-0.0.1m.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
17:41 <armabot> armagetronad:  * resources/P4/fortress/sumo-0.0.1m.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
17:41 <luke-jr_work> lol
17:42 <ghableska> #brainwash luke-jr
17:45 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dhcp-78-16.uni-paderborn.de] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
17:46 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
17:46 <digitx> wb
17:46 <epsy> heh my X doesn't even starts at bits mode
17:46 <epsy> ty
17:48 <digitx> .
17:56 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
17:58 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
17:59 <digitx> :help epsy
17:59 <MiMeX> ( :help -epsy website | :help -epsy screenshots )
17:59 <digitx> xD
17:59 <digitx> :help -epsy screenshots
17:59 <digitx> wtf
17:59 <digitx> :help -epsy screenshot
17:59 <digitx> wtf
17:59 <luke-jr_work> :help
17:59 <MiMeX> Type: ( :help [<valami>] )
17:59 <digitx> wait :D
17:59 <luke-jr_work> :epsy website
17:59 <spidey> ...
17:59 <digitx> waaiit
17:59  * epsy silenced MiMeX anyway
17:59 -!- mode/#armagetron [+oo spidey digitx] by ChanServ
18:00 <epsy> lol
18:00 <@spidey> :bitchslap luke-jr_work 
18:00 <@digitx> lol
18:00 <@digitx> :)
18:00 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o spidey] by ChanServ
18:00 <@digitx> jaaaa ..
18:00 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q5656.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
18:00 <@digitx> :help -epsy screenshot
18:00 <@digitx> :help -epsy screenshots
18:00 <MiMeX> ( http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/ )
18:00 <@digitx> :D
18:00 <MiMeX> :D
18:00 <@digitx> :D
18:00 <MiMeX> :D
18:01 <@digitx> :alias remove D
18:01 <@digitx> :alias remove: D
18:01 <@digitx> ^alias remove: D
18:01 <MiMeX> Command: :D removed!
18:01 <@digitx> wtf
18:01  * epsy resists to the idea not ignoring MiMeX anymore
18:01 <@digitx> na
18:01 <luke-jr_work> :x
18:01 <luke-jr_work> digitx should kick MiMeX :p
18:01 <epsy> :p
18:02 <@digitx> ^mode -d
18:02 <MiMeX> Cu :(
18:02 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:02 <spidey> :alias add
18:02 <@digitx> ?
18:02 <epsy> digitx, so, is it nice ?
18:02 <spidey> 'er
18:02 <@digitx> * MiMeX kilépett (Remote closed the connection)
18:02 <luke-jr_work> ^alias add x echo foo
18:02 <epsy> * MiMeX est parti (Remote closed the connection)
18:02 <epsy> :D xD
18:02 <ghableska> #luke
18:02 <armabot> STFU baka noob?? RTFM?? ur lame or smth.
18:02 <ghableska> #civ
18:02 <ghableska> :D
18:02 <luke-jr_work> * MiMeX curplunk (jumped ship)
18:02 <epsy> zomg
18:02 <epsy> uff
18:02 <@digitx> :D
18:02 <epsy> #damn #civ
18:02 <armabot> digitx damns #civ.
18:02 <@digitx> zomg ?
18:03 <luke-jr_work> #civ
18:03 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o epsy] by digitx
18:03 <@digitx> XD
18:03 <luke-jr_work> :o
18:03 <@digitx> :o
18:03 <@epsy> zomg
18:04 <@digitx> what is Zomg ;D Z oh my god
18:04 <@epsy> digitx, why op me ?
18:04 <@digitx> idk
18:04 <luke-jr_work> he's suicidal
18:04 <@digitx> bug
18:04 <@digitx> xD
18:04 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o armabot] by epsy
18:04 <@digitx> xchat bug
18:04 <@digitx> xD
18:04 <luke-jr_work> #roulete
18:04 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o epsy] by epsy
18:04 <luke-jr_work> ...
18:04 <@digitx> armii
18:04 <epsy> where's mimex ?
18:04 <@digitx> die
18:04 <@digitx> d
18:04 <@digitx> ;)
18:04 <luke-jr_work> digitx kicked him
18:04 <@digitx> * MiMeX kilépett (Remote closed the connection)
18:04 <epsy> make it come back :D
18:05 <@digitx> :D
18:05 <luke-jr_work> * MiMeX kerplunk (jumped ship)
18:05 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:05 <epsy> luke-jr_work, ...
18:05 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:05 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:05 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:05 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:05 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:05 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:05 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:05 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:05 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:05 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:05 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:05 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:05 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:05 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:05 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:05 <@digitx> XD
18:05 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:05 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:05 -!- MiMeX was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
18:05  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
18:05 <epsy> ok
18:05 <@digitx> hm
18:05 <@digitx> rejoin on ?
18:05 <@digitx> hm ;)
18:05 <@digitx> no :D
18:05 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:05 <spidey> ...
18:06 <@digitx> ^mode -r
18:06 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:06 <spidey> :echo #roulette
18:06 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:06 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:06 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:06 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:06 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:06 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:06 <@digitx> ^mode -d
18:06 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:06 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:06 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:06 <@digitx> XD
18:06 <@digitx> heheh ;)
18:06 <epsy> ...
18:06 <spidey> :echo #roulette
18:07 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:07 <@digitx> :ls alias
18:07 <MiMeX> digitx: makiverem, nyeff5, nyeff3, bazzzd, nyusziful
18:08 <@digitx> :ls alias
18:08 <MiMeX> digitx: nyeff5, bazzzd
18:08 <@digitx> :ls alias
18:08 <@digitx> :alias add epsy: lol xD
18:08 <MiMeX> Command: :epsy added!
18:08 <epsy> ...
18:08 <@digitx> :ls alias
18:08 <MiMeX> digitx: epsy
18:08 <@digitx> :epsy
18:08 <MiMeX> lol xD
18:09 <epsy> lol
18:09 <@digitx> hehe ;)
18:09 <epsy> add echo
18:09 <@digitx> xD
18:09 <@digitx> really
18:09 <@digitx> :alias add echo: lol xD
18:09 <MiMeX> Command: :echo added!
18:09 <@digitx> :echo 
18:09 <@digitx> hehe
18:09 <@digitx> xD
18:09 <@digitx> :echo damn
18:09 <MiMeX> damn
18:10 <@digitx> hehe no bug
18:11 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o MiMeX] by digitx
18:11 <@digitx> ^deop
18:11 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o digitx] by MiMeX
18:11 <digitx> :D
18:11 <digitx> #op
18:11 <@armabot> digitx: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
18:11 <digitx> ^op
18:11 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o digitx] by MiMeX
18:11 -!- Lackadaisical_ [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
18:12 -!- thunder_storm [n=thunders@p57B8C540.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #armagetron ["Konversation terminated!"]
18:14 <@digitx> :ls alias
18:14 <@MiMeX> digitx: epsy, echo
18:14 <@digitx> :help -epsy
18:14 <@digitx> :D
18:14 <@digitx> ho
18:14 <@digitx> ja ..
18:14 <@digitx> :help epsy
18:14 <@MiMeX> ( :help -epsy website | :help -epsy screenshots )
18:15 <epsy> ...
18:15 <@digitx> :help digitx
18:15 <@MiMeX> ( :help -digitx website | :help -digitx screenshots )
18:15 <@digitx> xD
18:18 -!- pavelo [n=pavelo@unimatrix0.ubyt.sdjls.uniba.sk] has joined #armagetron
18:18 <ghableska> hi pavelo
18:18 <pavelo> hi ghableska
18:18 <@digitx> hoi pavela
18:18 <@digitx> o
18:19 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit [Connection timed out]
18:19 <pavelo> hi
18:24 <ghableska> #lastseen 202
18:24 <@armabot> ghableska: 2020 has last been seen on Fortress Café 0 days 17 hours 31 minutes ago.
18:25 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:27 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:27 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:27 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:27 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:27 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:27 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:27 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:27 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:27 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:27 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:28 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:28 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:28 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:28 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:28 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:28 -!- MiMeX was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
18:28  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
18:28 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:28 <epsy> ^^^^^^^^
18:31 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:31 <@digitx> plz wait :)
18:31 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:31 -!- MiMeX [n=MiMeX@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:31 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:31 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:31 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:31 <epsy> :echo #roulette
18:31 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:31 <MiMeX> #roulette
18:31 -!- MiMeX was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
18:31  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
18:31 <@armabot> MiMeX: *click*
18:31  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
18:32  * epsy is gonna play tremulous
18:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o luke-jr_work] by ChanServ
18:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [+b MiMeX!*@*] by luke-jr_work
18:32 -!- mode/#armagetron [-oo digitx luke-jr_work] by luke-jr_work
18:34 <digitx> MiMeX!... ?
18:34 <digitx> oh nuub
18:34 <digitx> xD
18:34 <digitx> ;)
18:34  * spidey ponders
18:46 <digitx> #list alias
18:46 <@armabot> digitx: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, digitx, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, muhammed, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, pacman, (1 more message)
18:46 <digitx> :D
18:59 <ghableska> #armaservers
18:59 <@armabot> ghableska: Strawberry Fields (11 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬ (11 players) || Norm's Place (9 players) || Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (8 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (6 players) || Chico's Brake Boost Styball (5 players) || The Arena (5 players) || Shrunkland in 2.8.2 (5 players) || Tigers Network Classic Play (4 players) || ~*SpeederS*~ Server (4 players) || °¯ps (1 more message)
18:59 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
18:59 <@armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (14/32): Beni, Dez, HoA¦Ö¦	°¯SageLo, Hyperbyte, Legit, Luzifer, Motard, Puuquie, |ITA| Smoke, ~ X ~, ¦Ö¦$µbzero, ¦Ö¦Elex, °¯Plato, °°eLasH
18:59 <ghableska> #serverdetails team sumo
18:59 <@armabot> ghableska: Wild West  =Team Sumo=  (by Durka): No online players.
18:59 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q5656.q.pppool.de] has quit ["*wink*"]
19:04 <ghableska> #lastseen ghableska
19:04 <@armabot> ghableska: ghableska has last been seen on Fortress Café 0 days 1 hours 59 minutes ago.
19:05 -!- CT|P4 [i=P4@eco150.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
19:08 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit ["Távozom"]
19:19 -!- Van-hayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034206119.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
19:20 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205088.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
19:20 -!- Van-hayes is now known as Vanhayes
19:21 -!- P4|away [i=P4@eco150.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:27 <ghableska> #lastseen 2020
19:27 <@armabot> ghableska: 2020 has last been seen on Fortress Café 0 days 18 hours 35 minutes ago.
19:32 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
19:32 <MrBougo> yello
19:45 <epsy> salut
19:45 <epsy> MrBougo, au fait t'as d2x-xl ?
19:45 <epsy> aww tu utilises wingblows®
19:45 <epsy> nan rien
19:57 <CT|P4> #serverinfo crazy test
19:57 <@armabot> CT|P4: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “crazy test” at the moment, sorry.
19:57 <CT|P4> #serverinfo crazy 
19:57 <@armabot> CT|P4: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (8/14): <>/<>, Anun, sync, Tankypon, WBPisacoolbeast, [nc]Bloodsucker, [NC]Harlequin, ~|DS|~|KnolfMC|
19:57 <CT|P4> hmm
19:57 <CT|P4> can i list matching server or just ask about exactly one of them
19:57 <CT|P4> servers*
19:59 <CT|P4> bbl
19:59 -!- CT|P4 [i=P4@eco150.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit ["i need more performance"]
20:12 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:12 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:12 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:12 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:12 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:12 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:12 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:12 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:12 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:12 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:12 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:12 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
20:12  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:13 <digitx> :)
20:13 <MrBougo> hello digi
20:13 <MrBougo> good night
20:13 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:13 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:13 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:13 <digitx> :)
20:13 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:13 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:13 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:13 <MrBougo> #night
20:13 <@armabot> Good night MrBougo!
20:13 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:13 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:13 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:13 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
20:13  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:13 <MrBougo> brb
20:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #armagetron []
20:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
20:13 <MrBougo> #bye
20:13 <MrBougo> #goodbye
20:13 <@armabot> Goodbye MrBougo :(
20:14 <MrBougo> #rolette
20:14 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:14 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
20:14 <MrBougo> #roulette
20:14 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:14 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
20:14  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:14 <digitx> #ping
20:14 <@armabot> pong
20:14 <MrBougo> heh, i keep coming back
20:14 <MrBougo> im out, bye
20:14 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@199.203-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #armagetron []
20:16 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Client Quit]
20:16 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
20:17 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:18 -!- digitx_ [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:19 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Client Quit]
20:19 -!- digitx_ is now known as digitx
20:19 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
20:19 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:20 <digitx> :)
20:20 <digitx> .
20:20 <digitx> .
20:20 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
20:20 <@armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: No online players.
20:20 <ghableska> #serverdetails team sumo
20:20 <@armabot> ghableska: °¯ps Arena  ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~: Players (11/12): -:lf^Switch, CT~Voodoo, G5, Keenan, MuZiKaL, sP|aSh, ¦Ö¦FoFo, ¦×¥Flex, °°Olato, °°qedice, °°RageLord
20:20 <Vanhayes> #roullete
20:21 <Vanhayes> #roulette
20:21 <@armabot> Vanhayes: *click*
20:30 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-017-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
20:32 <digitx> hoi
20:32 <joda_bot> hi
20:41 <luke-jr_work> http://lightfoot.dashjr.org
20:41 <luke-jr_work> :p
20:43 <digitx> i know
20:43 <digitx> :D
20:44 <luke-jr_work> do you?
20:44 <luke-jr_work> I wonder
20:53 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@80-41-85-253.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
20:59 <spidey> ubuntu 6.10 :)
21:00 <digitx> damn
21:00 <digitx> :D
21:07 <luke-jr_work> #g 26 Euro in Forine
21:07 <luke-jr_work> #g 26 Euro in Forint
21:07 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything.
21:07 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: 26 Euro = 6,494.57016 Hungarian forint
21:07 <digitx> LOL
21:07 <digitx> ????
21:07 <luke-jr_work> O.o
21:07 <digitx> LOL
21:07 <digitx> LOL
21:07 <luke-jr_work> #g 32 USD in Forint
21:07 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: 32 U.S. dollars = 6,006.4 Hungarian forint
21:07 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-017-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:07 <spidey> .....................
21:07 <spidey> wow
21:07 <digitx> o
21:07 <digitx> ok
21:07 <digitx> coool
21:07 <luke-jr_work> Forint are worthless
21:07 <luke-jr_work> :p
21:07 <spidey> lol
21:07 <luke-jr_work> #g 1 cent in forint
21:07 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: 1 U.S. cent = 1.87700 Hungarian forint
21:08 <luke-jr_work> :p
21:08 <digitx> .
21:08 <digitx> :))
21:08 <luke-jr_work> #g 300 yen in forint
21:08 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: 300 Japanese yen = 481.941116 Hungarian forint
21:08 <epsy> wow gltron is better rated than aarma in TLGT
21:08 <luke-jr_work> better fix that
21:08 <epsy> zomg
21:08 <digitx> epsy
21:08 <digitx> what is zomg ?
21:09 <epsy> omg with a z before
21:09 <digitx> :D
21:09 <spidey> lmao
21:09 <luke-jr_work> lol
21:10 <spidey> -_-
21:10  * epsy probably did said something stupid
21:11 <digitx> #kill epsy
21:11 <digitx> XD
21:11 <@armabot> epsy will die on Sun Jun 25 12:51:26 2006 due to being stabbed in the eye by CIA-1.
21:11 <spidey> ty for putting ubuntu on the server! now could you just enable networking so i could use it? :o
21:11 <digitx> oh cia1
21:11 <digitx> ;)
21:11 <luke-jr_work> ...
21:11 <epsy> CIA-1, echo #roulette
21:11 <epsy> :P
21:11 <spidey> ...
21:11 <epsy> ...
21:11 <spidey> ...
21:11 <epsy> armabot, ...
21:11 <@armabot> epsy: ...
21:12 <spidey> !luke
21:12 <spidey> ...
21:12  * spidey stabs ToddBot
21:12 <spidey> !help
21:12 <spidey> <spidey> !luke
21:12 <spidey> <ToddBot> ...
21:12 <epsy> #alias add luek echo ...
21:12 <spidey> xD
21:12 <@armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
21:12 <epsy> #luek
21:12 <@armabot> ...
21:12 <epsy> XD
21:12 <spidey> lukey*
21:12 <spidey> :p
21:13 <epsy> #alias add ulke echo ...
21:13 <@armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
21:13 <luke-jr_work> #luek
21:13 <@armabot> ...
21:13 <spidey> ...
21:14 <spidey> #list alias
21:14 <@armabot> spidey: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, digitx, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luek, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, muhammed, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, (1 more message)
21:14 <spidey> #help date
21:14 <@armabot> spidey: (date <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "echo I was just gonna say, eight o'clock?".
21:14 <spidey> #help man
21:14 <@armabot> spidey: (man <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "rss http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/man.php?c=$1&p=@1".
21:14 <spidey> #man
21:14 <@armabot> spidey: (man <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "rss http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/man.php?c=$1&p=@1".
21:14 <epsy> http://www.gltron.org/images/tronwall.jpg
21:14 <epsy> omg look that
21:14 <spidey> #man ping
21:14 <@armabot> spidey: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
21:14 <spidey> ...
21:15 <epsy> #man grep
21:15 <epsy> ...
21:15 <@armabot> epsy: grep, egrep, fgrep - print lines matching a pattern
21:15 <epsy> :D
21:15 <digitx> XD
21:15 <spidey> you gotta be shitting me
21:15 <digitx> #spidey
21:20 <epsy> #spidey
21:20 <@armabot> spidey slaps wejp_.
21:20 <luke-jr_work> someone teach digitx English
21:20 <luke-jr_work> :D
21:20 <epsy> heh
21:21 -!- P4 [i=P4@eco150.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
21:21 <epsy> i noticed that too
21:21 <luke-jr_work> lol
21:21 <P4> wb :}
21:21 <epsy> hay P4 
21:21 <P4> #seen joda_bot
21:21 <@armabot> P4: joda_bot was last seen in #armagetron 48 minutes and 38 seconds ago: <joda_bot> hi
21:21 <ghableska> #armaservers
21:21 <@armabot> ghableska: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
21:21 <luke-jr_work> [15:23:32] <digitx> CHELLO NOW SHIT
21:21 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
21:21 <luke-jr_work> wtf does that mean
21:21 <@armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: No online players.
21:21 <ghableska> #lastseen 2020
21:22 <@armabot> ghableska: 2020 has last been seen on Fortress Café 0 days 20 hours 29 minutes ago.
21:22 <P4> #serverinfo crazy test
21:22 <luke-jr_work> #serverinfo 2020
21:22 <@armabot> P4: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “crazy test” at the moment, sorry.
21:22 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: 2020 team challenge: No online players.
21:22 <ghableska> #weather 50266
21:22 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 56.5°F (3:21 PM CDT on March 19, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 35%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Pressure: 29.15 in 987.0 hPa. 
21:22 <ghableska> :o
21:22 <luke-jr_work> epsy: 
21:22 <luke-jr_work> translate
21:22 <luke-jr_work> [15:23:32] <digitx> CHELLO NOW SHIT
21:22 <luke-jr_work> wtf is chello
21:22 <P4> lol
21:22 <ghableska> #wikipedia chello
21:22 <@armabot> ghableska: Search took 0.11 seconds: Chello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chello>; Ma' chello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma'chello>; Holiday (Stargate SG-1) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holiday_(Stargate_SG-1)>; User:Pepperboi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (3 more messages)
21:22  * epsy now searches in possible typos
21:22 <luke-jr_work> epsy: epsy epsy epsy 
21:22 <ghableska> an ISP
21:23 <luke-jr_work> aha
21:23 <epsy> cell phone ?
21:23 <P4> too
21:23 <epsy> oh
21:23  * ghableska loves Wikipedia
21:26 <epsy> #digitx
21:26 <@armabot> XD <-- shift key hanging
21:28 <digitx> .
21:28 <epsy> ...
21:28 <epsy> armabot, ircstats
21:28 <@armabot> http://www.electricpotential.net/ircstats/armagetron.html
21:29 <ghableska> #whoami
21:29 <ghableska> #ping
21:29 <@armabot> ghableska: ghableska
21:29 <@armabot> pong
21:29 <ghableska> heh
21:29 <epsy> It seems that digitx's shift-key is hanging: 8.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
21:29 <epsy> For example, like this:
21:29 <epsy>      <digitx> XD
21:29 <epsy> lol
21:29 -!- Van-hayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034251132.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
21:29 <ghableska> hi Van-hayes
21:29 <Van-hayes> hello
21:29 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034206119.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
21:29 -!- Van-hayes is now known as Vanhayes
21:30 <spidey> Linux version 2.6.17-11-generic (root@terranova) (gcc version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)) #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 (Ubuntu 2.6.17-11.35-generic)
21:30 <spidey> ;o
21:30 <_Sticky_> realy should put a dictionary on those most used words to remove common words
21:31 <_Sticky_> is that time relative to gmt??
21:31 <ghableska> utc = gmt?
21:32 <_Sticky_> hmm duno does gmt have daylight savings??
21:33 <pavelo> it doesn't
21:34 <_Sticky_> they yes i think utc=gmt
21:34 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
21:34 <pavelo> for all practical purposes they are equal
21:35 <spidey> :o
21:35 <epsy> seems luke-jr_work wants to go to hungary...
21:35 <luke-jr_work> do so
21:35 <luke-jr_work> do not**
21:35 <spidey> haha
21:35 <epsy> XDDDD
21:36 <digitx> [21:37:25] <epsy> XDDDD
21:36 <digitx> XD
21:36 <digitx> lol
21:36 <epsy> digitx, digitx digitx digitx 
21:36 <epsy> <luke-jr_work> what is .hu ping for 2020 team challenge
21:36 <digitx> XD
21:36 <epsy> ok he already asked you
21:36 <digitx> now chello is hit 
21:36 <digitx> shit
21:37 <digitx> now 567487 ping :D
21:37 <epsy> !!
21:37 <epsy> wtf ?
21:37 <digitx> on norms place.. etc
21:37 <epsy> you normally got good pings, digitx 
21:37 <digitx> ?
21:37 <digitx> .
21:37 <epsy> ? . ?
21:38 <luke-jr_work> epsy: but chello is ____ :p
21:38 <luke-jr_work> lol
21:38 <epsy> ok
21:38 <ghableska> luke-jr_work, go to McDonalds if you're hungry\
21:38 <epsy> man i did a bandwidth test yesterday
21:38 <epsy> i'm supposed to have 3mb/s down
21:38 <epsy> and it says me i've 350 ko/s
21:39 <epsy> omg...
21:39  * epsy slaps the owner of illiad
21:39 <_Sticky_> 3mbytes or 3mbits?
21:39 <digitx> i hungry
21:39 <wrtlprnft> #g 3 / 8 MB/s in KB/s
21:39 <digitx> xD
21:39 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: (3/8) (MB / s) = 384 KB / s
21:39 <epsy> 3mbits
21:39 <luke-jr_work> I have 7mbits!
21:39 <wrtlprnft> then everything's ok
21:39 <epsy> eww wait
21:39 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr_work: heh, i have 16 :P
21:40 <luke-jr_work> :O
21:40 <wrtlprnft> 2MB/s in theory
21:40 <epsy> i got more, really more one month ago
21:40 <epsy> ...
21:40 <epsy> see my pings ?
21:40 <luke-jr_work> no?
21:40 <epsy> they was 130 before
21:40 <epsy> now jumped over 200ms
21:40 <luke-jr_work> wrtlprnft is laggy
21:40 <epsy> over 250
21:40 <epsy> over 300 sometimes
21:41 <_Sticky_> bandwidth is not a massive effect on ping
21:41 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr_work: stop doing global ctcp requests
21:41 <epsy> _Sticky_, i saw both getting worse atime
21:41 <epsy> ...
21:41 <epsy> #luek
21:41 <luke-jr_work> lol
21:41 <@armabot> ...
21:41 <spidey> gr
21:41 <epsy> ...
21:42 <epsy> #wrtlprnft
21:42 <_Sticky_> if both get worse thats probably to do with the load of your isp
21:42 <@armabot> eh...what did you said ??? wrtlpwnd???
21:42 <epsy> <epsy> for notice france != hungary
21:42 <epsy> <epsy> btw my ping sightly increased since some weeks
21:42 <epsy> <epsy> this is probably voluntary from my ISP
21:42 <epsy> <epsy> they want i upgrade now
21:42 <epsy> <epsy> so i pay some 15 €
21:42 <epsy> <epsy> but if i want 4 months, i have it for free
21:43 <epsy> (btw with this upgrade i can get 28mb/s down
21:43 <spidey> http://dedicated.fallin-angels.net/apache2-default/
21:43 <spidey> :o
21:43 <luke-jr_work> spidey pwnt
21:43 <luke-jr_work> :D
21:43 <_Sticky_> 28mbs??? wtf you going to do with that
21:43 <epsy> maybe hosting :D
21:43 <spidey> FA has 100mbps
21:43 <spidey> :p
21:43 <luke-jr_work> hosting isn't down
21:44 <luke-jr_work> spidey: metered
21:44 <epsy> gah
21:44 <spidey> luke-jr_work, so?
21:44 <luke-jr_work> spidey: so not really 100mbps :p
21:44 <spidey> luke-jr_work, burstable :)
21:44 <spidey> but average of about a steady 4mb/s
21:44 <luke-jr_work> :p
21:44 <epsy> when i'm playing games like trem and i dont have a map, it says me my download speed is 2ko second...
21:45 <_Sticky_> yeah epsy is there a bandwith cap on that connection...could be dangerous you could hit your monthly limit in seconds at 28mbs
21:45 <spidey> eh
21:45 <epsy> it's supposed to be illimitted
21:45 <epsy> ..;
21:45 <spidey> isp's cap bandwidth?
21:45 <spidey> lame
21:46 <luke-jr_work> spidey: in Canada they do
21:46 <luke-jr_work> often at like 5 GB
21:46  * spidey notes he's transfered over 200+gb of data in the last 2 months
21:46 <spidey> fuck that
21:46 <_Sticky_> yeah in the uk a 2gb limit is common
21:46 <spidey> 5gb will last me like 3 days
21:46 <spidey> :p
21:46 <luke-jr_work> which is 2 KB/sec
21:47 <luke-jr_work> 5 GB limit = 2 KB/sec
21:47 <spidey> epsy, ping
21:47 <epsy> spidey, 
21:47 <spidey> tremulous is set to 38k connection by default
21:47 <epsy> lol
21:47 <spidey> if you want faster transfers you have to change your connection type to cable/lan/dsl
21:47 <luke-jr_work> 2 GB limit = 850 bytes/sec
21:47  * epsy uses adsl type connection
21:48  * spidey does too
21:48 <_Sticky_> you can go over the limit its just they will then charge you like 1p per 10mb after...or something like that
21:48 <spidey> dude
21:48 <spidey> that's gay
21:48  * spidey loves american isp's :o
21:48 <spidey> even if they are slower -_-
21:48 <_Sticky_> they are not slower
21:49 <ghableska> :o
21:49 <ghableska> spidey: you have mediacom?
21:49 <spidey> no
21:49  * luke-jr_work wants Japanese or Korean ISPs
21:49 <spidey> bellsouth and charter
21:49 <ghableska> oh
21:49 <spidey> bellsouth = adsl charter = cable 
21:49  * epsy wants to get directly to a main router
21:49 <_Sticky_> america does have a good infrastructure since cable is so comon there
21:50 <luke-jr_work> pfft cable
21:50 <spidey> fibre<3
21:50 <luke-jr_work> Japanese and Korea get 100 Mbit unmetered at home!
21:50 <_Sticky_> in uk only a few places have cable layed
21:50 <luke-jr_work> for cheaper
21:50 <spidey> aye
21:50 <luke-jr_work> and 10 MBit WiFi inet
21:50  * spidey moves to japan
21:50 <luke-jr_work> spidey: you can't
21:50 <epsy> my isp is installing lightfibre everywhere in france
21:50 <spidey> watch me -_-
21:50 <luke-jr_work> maybe if you marry a Japanese girl
21:50 <ghableska> haha
21:51 <spidey> hrm
21:51 <spidey> i'll think about it :o
21:51 <luke-jr_work> lol
21:51 <ghableska> luke-jr_work: isn't Japanese immigration strictly regulated?
21:51 <luke-jr_work> yeah
21:51 <luke-jr_work> that's why his only chance is to marry Jp girl
21:51 <ghableska> heh
21:51 <_Sticky_> luke-jr_work: tried this already i see
21:51 <luke-jr_work> _Sticky_: nope
21:51 <epsy> is can i gay-marry s1 there ?
21:51 <ghableska> is genki from Japan? :p
21:51 <epsy> Xd
21:51 <luke-jr_work> _Sticky_: gave it some serious though
21:52 <luke-jr_work> thought*
21:52 <_Sticky_> genki is american
21:52 <spidey> asian*
21:52 <luke-jr_work> Genki is Luciferian
21:52 <epsy> which one ?
21:53 <epsy> #ping
21:53 <@armabot> pong
21:53 <epsy> ...
21:53 <luke-jr_work> digitx: ...
21:53 <epsy> armabot, digitx
21:54 <@armabot> XD <-- shift key hanging
21:54 <luke-jr_work> #echo digitx: ...
21:54 <@armabot> digitx: ...
21:54 <digitx> epsy, epsy
21:54 <epsy> et aloreuuh
21:54 <digitx> :D
21:54 <digitx> luke luke..
21:54 <digitx> xD
21:54 <luke-jr_work> France sucks
21:54 <epsy> *eww wrong win always :D
21:54 <digitx> LOL LUKE :D
21:54 <digitx> hungary is shit
21:54  * epsy hangs luke-jr_work 
21:54 <digitx> #hungary
21:54 <@armabot> digitx, hungary is shit
21:54 <digitx> hehe
21:54 <ghableska> #digitix
21:54 <digitx> #digitx
21:54 <@armabot> XD <-- shift key hanging
21:54 <digitx> :D
21:54 <ghableska> #list alias
21:54 <@armabot> ghableska: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, digitx, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luek, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, muhammed, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, (1 more message)
21:54 <digitx> #more
21:54 <@armabot> digitx: pingme, piong, poing, praise, pwn, q, realchatlogs, remove, removeciv, resources, rou, roulette, roulete, rules, serverdetails, serverinfo, spam, stfu, svn, t, tea, test, uberinsult, unlock, whoareyou, wikipedia, and xterm
21:54 <ghableska> #more
21:54 <@armabot> ghableska: pacman, pingme, piong, poing, praise, pwn, q, realchatlogs, remove, removeciv, resources, rou, roulette, roulete, rules, serverdetails, serverinfo, spam, spidey, stfu, svn, t, tea, test, uberinsult, ulke, unlock, whoareyou, wikipedia, wrtlprnft, and xterm
21:54 <digitx> #more
21:54 <@armabot> digitx: Error: That's all, there is no more.
21:55 <luke-jr_work> #alias remove removeciv
21:55 <digitx> #xterm
21:55 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: The operation succeeded.
21:55 <@armabot> digitx, Xterm is cool
21:55 <ghableska> #ulke
21:55 <@armabot> ...
21:55 <digitx> ;)
21:55 <digitx> #luke
21:55 <@armabot> STFU baka noob?? RTFM?? ur lame or smth.
21:55 <luke-jr_work> #luek
21:55 <@armabot> ...
21:55 <ghableska> #ulke
21:55 <@armabot> ...
21:55 <ghableska> #spam
21:55 <@armabot> @spam
21:55 <luke-jr_work> ...
21:55 <ghableska> heh
21:55 <luke-jr_work> #alias remove spam
21:55 <@armabot> luke-jr_work: The operation succeeded.
21:55 <ghableska> #kill luke-jr
21:55 <@armabot> luke-jr will die on Thu Jan 31 22:02:29 1980 due to being stabbed in the eye by Vanhayes.
21:55 <luke-jr_work> #killsomeone
21:55 <luke-jr_work> #pingsomeone
21:56 <luke-jr_work> #screwsomeone
21:56 <luke-jr_work> ...
21:57 <digitx> hungary is  shit
21:57 <digitx> luke-jr rules
21:57 <epsy> !huhu
21:57 <digitx> LOL
21:57 <digitx> haha luki
21:57 <ghableska> #impregnate digitx
21:57 <@armabot> /me fertilizes digitx
21:57 <epsy> heh damn bot
21:57 <DrJoeTron> ghableska
21:58 <ghableska> DrJoeTron
21:58 <DrJoeTron> ghableska ghableska ghableska ghableska ghableska ghableska ghableska 
21:58 <DrJoeTron> dystopia :D
21:58 <ghableska> ...
21:58 <ghableska> ok
21:58 <ghableska> I can't talk though
21:59 <DrJoeTron> words don't need to be spoken between us, just let your fingers do their work :V
21:59 <DrJoeTron> that could not have come out anymore erotic
22:00 <epsy> lol i love that one: http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/irc_stupid_logs/omgbots
22:02 -!- Stickybot [n=Stickybo@80-41-85-253.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
22:02 <epsy> !
22:02 <epsy> !help
22:02 <epsy> !list
22:02 <epsy> :list
22:02 <_Sticky_> heh hes a chat bot
22:02 <_Sticky_> Stickybot: hows it going
22:02 <Stickybot> _Sticky_: Im doing fine, thanks.
22:03 <epsy> ups i pressed /list
22:03 <epsy> omg
22:03 <epsy> §list
22:03 <_Sticky_> Stickybot: sing a song
22:03 <Stickybot> _Sticky_: Lalalala
22:03 <epsy> Stickybot, ping
22:03 <Stickybot> epsy: Pong
22:03 <luke-jr_work> §help
22:03 <epsy> Stickybot, echo
22:03 <Stickybot> epsy: What kind of food do you like?
22:03 <epsy> Stickybot, sandwhiches
22:03 <Stickybot> epsy: Yumm....Though I like pizza, presonally.
22:03 <epsy> Stickybot, :D
22:03 <Stickybot> epsy: Ummm......What were we talking about again?
22:04 <epsy> Stickybot, you are stupid
22:04 <Stickybot> epsy: Thats not very polite.
22:04 <epsy> ok at least that works
22:04 <epsy> #eliza you are stupid
22:04 <@armabot> epsy: Why do you say i are stupid?
22:04 <epsy> XD
22:04 <epsy> Stickybot, how's going
22:04 <Stickybot> epsy: Fine as far as I know.
22:04 <epsy> Stickybot, great :D
22:04 <Stickybot> epsy: Okay......Mmmm.........
22:05 <_Sticky_> Stickybot: whos your daddy
22:05 <Stickybot> _Sticky_: His name is Steve.
22:05 <epsy> Stickybot, Wanna play arma ?
22:05 <Stickybot> epsy: How do we play arma ?
22:05  * epsy gets stuck
22:05 <epsy> Stickybot, omg you dont know how to play arma ?
22:05 <Stickybot> epsy: Huh.......Interesting.......
22:06 <epsy> Stickybot, what are you doing here then ?
22:06 <Stickybot> epsy: I am acting as a human confederate for the 2002 Loebner Prize competition.
22:06 <epsy> Stickybot, ok, but wtf's that ?
22:06 <Stickybot> epsy: Hmmm....Is that your final answer? ; )Okay......
22:06 <epsy> Stickybot, ...
22:06 <Stickybot> epsy: Huh....Intriguing
22:06 <_Sticky_> yup this is state of the art ai chat...as of 2002
22:07 <epsy> if you're trying to win the loebner prize, try to put less fullstops 
22:07 <_Sticky_> i cant see anyone passing the turing test for a decade or so...tooo dificult
22:08 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: hi there
22:08 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Hello wrtlprnft
22:08 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: anything you'd like to talk about?
22:08 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: I can't think of anything. You think of something.
22:08 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: do you know C?
22:08 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: C what? Is that like C-note?
22:08 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: like C++
22:08 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Oh....interesting comparison.
22:08 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: do you know C++ or C?
22:08 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: No, tell me about him, her or it.
22:08 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: no point
22:08 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: ....I guess its your decision.Ummmm.......
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: Um what?
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Hmmm.....Didn't you understand it?
22:09 <spidey> lmao
22:09 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: so, do you like _Sticky_?
22:09 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: I love horses.
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: no
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: So what are you confused about?
22:09 <luke-jr_work> ROFL
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: I'm not, you are
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Oh....youre not?
22:09 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: so you prefer horses over _Sticky_?
22:09 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Interesting deduction. I don't have any specific preferences in that area.
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: stfu
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Ummm......What were we talking about again?
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: programming
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Oh yeah, now I remember.
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: I highly doubt it
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: "Oh yeah, now I remember"? You doubt it?
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: very much so
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Yeah.
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: you too, eh?
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Are you Canadian? Bless you.
22:09 <spidey> wtf
22:09 <spidey> O.o
22:09 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: where do you live?
22:09 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ...
22:09 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: I live near Atlanta, Georgia. I guess you live in Atlanta, too?
22:09 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Huh.......Interesting.......
22:10 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: no, far away from there
22:10 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: ...Really? Why not?Mmmm.....really?
22:10 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: I am not Canadian foo
22:10 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Oh....youre not?
22:10 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: no
22:10 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: ....I guess its your decision.
22:10 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: not really
22:10 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: ....I guess its your decision.Seriously.
22:10 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: you like americans, huh?
22:10 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Yeah....I was born in America, so if I like myself,I must like some Americans.
22:10 <epsy> <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: where do you live?
22:10 <epsy> <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: I live near Atlanta, Georgia. I guess you live in Atlanta, too?
22:10 <epsy> <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ...
22:10 <epsy> <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Huh.......Interesting.......
22:10 <Stickybot> epsy: Do you live here in Atlanta?
22:10 <Stickybot> epsy: I am in Georgia too! Atlanta, of course.
22:10 <Stickybot> epsy: Oh yeah, now I remember.
22:10 <Stickybot> epsy: What color are your eyes?
22:10 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: you're stupid then
22:10 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Thats not very polite.
22:10 <epsy> LOL
22:10 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: you like americans, huh?
22:10 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Yeah....I was born in America, so if I like myself,I must like some Americans.
22:10 <DrJoeTron> most annoying chat wins :V
22:10 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has left #Armagetron []
22:10 <epsy> Stickybot, purple
22:10 <Stickybot> epsy: What do you have that is purple?
22:10 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: it's true though
22:10 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Oh. Im glad we agree....
22:10 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: and you don't like the British, don't you?
22:10 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Yeah I do a lot of not like the british.
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, my eyes are purple
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: Sounds very pretty.
22:11 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: yout grammar is awful
22:11 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: And awful is yout grammar.
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, what color are yours ?
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: You can design bodies for me with any color.
22:11 <_Sticky_> Stickybot: do you love yourself
22:11 <Stickybot> _Sticky_: I love many people, animals, and thingsin varying degrees.
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, ...
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: Have you ever been to Europe?
22:11 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: ok, my spelling is, too
22:11 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: ....Do you like it?Hmmm.....
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, yes
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: Which countries have you visited?
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, i live in paris
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: How long a commute is that from Georgia State?
22:11 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: he lives in france iirc
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: Would you like a nuclear bomb?
22:11 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Does he like it there?
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: It doesnt sound fun to me.
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: how about an EMP?
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Do you think?
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, ...
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: What color are your eyes?
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: sure
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Sounds good.
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ok
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Okay......
22:11 <epsy> Stickybot, my eyes are still purple
22:11 <Stickybot> epsy: Sounds very pretty.
22:11 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: have YOU been to europe?
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ok
22:11 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: I don't think I have been there. Where is europe.
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Okay......
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ok
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Hmmm.....
22:11 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ok
22:11 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Yeah.....
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: ok
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Hmmm.....
22:12 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: east of america, west of russia
22:12 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Oh.......really?
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: go kill yourself
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Where is that?
22:12 <luke-jr_work> lol
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: the ocean works
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: The Atlantic, right?
22:12 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: are we confusing you?
22:12 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: We are just having a little chat.
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: sure
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Sounds good.
22:12 <epsy> Stickybot, can you send me a photo of yours ?
22:12 <Stickybot> epsy: Yes but I prefer to chat on the web.
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: hurry along now
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Huh...I am typing as fast as I can.
22:12 <epsy> Stickybot, what's the problem ?
22:12 <Stickybot> epsy: Ummm...I dont know.
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: no, to the ocean I mean
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Oh....I see now. Are you serious?Why do you want it?
22:12 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: because you
22:12 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Interesting explanation. "Why do you want it"? Me, luke-jr_work ?
22:12 <epsy> Stickybot, aren't you nice ?
22:12 <Stickybot> epsy: Dont you think Im nice?
22:13 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: you're annoying I mean
22:13 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: I really couldn't say for sure.
22:13 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: yeah, luke-jr_work wants everything, including the ocean
22:13 <epsy> Stickybot, ...
22:13 <Stickybot> epsy: How do you like the weather in Atlanta?
22:13 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: How do you like the weather in Atlanta?
22:13 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: I could
22:13 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: How?
22:13 <wrtlprnft> ?!
22:13 <epsy> Stickybot, how it is
22:13 <Stickybot> epsy: What is it to you. So.....you like Atlanta?
22:13 <epsy> Stickybot, how it is
22:13 <Stickybot> epsy: How much do you think it is is? Ummmm.......
22:13 <epsy> Stickybot, how it is
22:13 <Stickybot> epsy: How much do you think it is is? Have you ever been to Europe?
22:13 <epsy> Stickybot, how it is
22:13 <Stickybot> epsy: I am not sure if I can quantify the answer. Is that your final answer? ; )
22:13 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: "Stickybot is annoying"
22:13 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: And annoying" is "Stickybot.
22:13 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: exactly
22:13 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree....
22:13 <epsy> lol
22:13 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: you'd need to tell me where exactly atlanta is
22:13 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Who else would need to tell you where exactly atlanta is ?
22:13 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: one person is sufficient
22:13 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: One what?
22:13 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["o_O"]
22:14 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: person.
22:14 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: I guess you win the Turing Test.....I am indeed a person.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> ROFL
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <epsy> Stickybot, o_O
22:14 <Stickybot> epsy: Umm......Do you like the climate in Atlanta?
22:14 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: i highly doubt that
22:14 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Why are you so skeptical?
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <epsy> Stickybot, O_o
22:14 <Stickybot> epsy: ........
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <epsy> LOL
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <wrtlprnft> Stickybot: but it's more likely that you are a person than that luke-jr_work is a person
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> wrtlprnft: Huh....Huh....Who said it is?
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <Stickybot> luke-jr_work: Im glad we agree.
22:14 <epsy> luke-jr_work, shup up
22:14 -!- Stickybot [n=Stickybo@80-41-85-253.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:14 <luke-jr_work> Stickybot: me too
22:14 <epsy> luke-jr_work, shut up
22:14 <_Sticky_> ENOUGH
22:14 <luke-jr_work> lol
22:14 <wrtlprnft> #kick luke-jr_work spammer
22:14 <wrtlprnft> #ping
22:14 <@armabot> pong
22:15 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o armabot] by ChanServ
22:15 <luke-jr_work> :)
22:15 <wrtlprnft> argh, not logged in
22:15 <wrtlprnft> aww
22:15 <luke-jr_work> lol
22:15 <wrtlprnft> stickybot was such a nice partner
22:15 <wrtlprnft> much nicer than luke-jr_work 
22:15 <luke-jr_work> I was expecting to get flooding off :p
22:16 <luke-jr_work> so blame _Sticky_ 
22:16  * wrtlprnft thinks we should swap luke-jr_work and luke-jr for lucifer_arma and stickybot
22:16  * spidey agrees!
22:16  * epsy ...
22:16 <_Sticky_> go to #bots if you want to taunt the bot
22:22 -!- epsy is now known as wrtlpwnd
22:28 <spidey> #svn
22:28 <armabot> svn co https://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/armagetronad/armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad <dirname>(more information: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Working_with_SVN)
22:30 -!- wrtlpwnd is now known as epsy
22:32 <epsy> digitx, #bots
22:32 <epsy> put mimex there
22:32 <epsy> :D
22:34 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has joined #armagetron
22:35 <epsy> digitx, #bots
22:35 <epsy> put mimex there
22:35 <digitx> ok 
22:35 <digitx> :)
22:35 <digitx> epi
22:35 <digitx> xD
22:35 <digitx> pöpi
22:35 <digitx> LOL
22:35 -!- pavelo [n=pavelo@unimatrix0.ubyt.sdjls.uniba.sk] has left #armagetron []
22:37 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["END OF LINE"]
22:39 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
22:39 <_Sticky_> hay
22:40 <_Sticky_> currently everyone is away in #bots taunting bots
22:40 <Vanhayes> #spidey
22:40 <armabot> spidey slaps CIA-1.
22:40 <spidey> ......
22:41 <luke-jr_work> ......
22:41 <Vanhayes> #list alias
22:41 <armabot> Vanhayes: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, digitx, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luek, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, muhammed, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, (1 more message)
22:41 <Vanhayes> #more
22:41 <armabot> Vanhayes: pacman, pingme, piong, poing, praise, pwn, q, realchatlogs, remove, resources, rou, roulette, roulete, rules, serverdetails, serverinfo, spidey, stfu, svn, t, tea, test, uberinsult, ulke, unlock, whoareyou, wikipedia, wrtlprnft, and xterm
22:42 <Vanhayes> #bigbrother
22:42 <armabot> Vanhayes: SANDWICH [n] seems to be on {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map right now.
22:42 <Vanhayes> #bigbrother
22:42 <armabot> Vanhayes: |>tukankamon<| seems to be on G-Land (A Swamplords server) right now.
22:42 <Vanhayes> #help bigbrother
22:42 <armabot> Vanhayes: (bigbrother <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "lastseen $*".
22:42 <Vanhayes> creepy
22:50 <Vanhayes> #armaservers
22:50 <armabot> Vanhayes: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
22:50 <Vanhayes> #serverifo cafe
22:50 <Vanhayes> #tea
22:50 <armabot> Vanhayes: Fortress Café: No online players.
22:51 <madmax|pt> :o
22:55 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has left #Armagetron []
22:56 <spidey> wow
22:56 <spidey> my desktop's almost full of icons (literally)
22:58 <wrtlprnft> mine is more than full
22:58 <wrtlprnft> mathias@colin 255 $ ll ~/Desktop | wc -l                                                                                           ~
22:58 <wrtlprnft> 161
22:59 <wrtlprnft> they already overlap :(
22:59 <spidey> lol
23:03 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
23:04 <ghableska> #weather 50266
23:04 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 55.9°F (5:01 PM CDT on March 19, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 34%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Pressure: 29.18 in 988.0 hPa. 
23:04 <ghableska> #armaservers
23:04 <armabot> ghableska: °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~ (12 players) || Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (11 players) || ~"XzL.Clan The Server (10 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (10 players) || LoBo's Fun Server (9 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬ (9 players) || Strawberry Fields (8 players) || Norm's Place (8 players) || The Tavern (6 players) || {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (6 players) || (1 more message)
23:04 <ghableska> #serverdetails team sumo
23:04 <armabot> ghableska: °¯ps Arena  ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~: Players (12/12): Aghtung, Anun, cos, G5, kalhotky, Naru, Pez, Zit, ~/EF\~bit7, ¦Ö¦FoFo, ¦×¥ Sticky, °¯SageLord
23:04 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
23:04 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: No online players.
23:04 <wrtlprnft> #weather munich, germany
23:04 <armabot> wrtlprnft: It's a nice day out there :)
23:05 <ghableska> heh
23:05 <spidey> We regret to inform you that email notifications are currently broken on the wiki. Please make alternate arrangements of such for now, they will be restored as soon as possible.
23:05 <spidey> ;o
23:05 <ghableska> ;o ?
23:06 <wrtlprnft> the message is getting on my nerves more than the missing notifications
23:06 <spidey> lol
23:10 <spidey> hrm
23:10 <spidey> is it bad if "hunks" failed when adding the pig patch? o.O
23:10 <digitx> #night
23:10 <armabot> Good night digitx!
23:11 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
23:11 -!- ghableska_ [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
23:11 <ghableska_> -_-
23:17 <ghableska_> #markov
23:20 <spidey> svn
23:20 <spidey> er
23:20 <spidey> #svn
23:20 <armabot> svn co https://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/armagetronad/armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad <dirname>(more information: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Working_with_SVN)
23:25 <luke-jr_work> spidey: obviously
23:25 <spidey> yea i got it
23:25 <spidey> wrong version
23:25 <spidey> xD
23:25 <luke-jr_work> ...
23:25 <spidey> used 0.2.8
23:25 <luke-jr_work> :p
23:25 <luke-jr_work> pig should rewrite his stuff to work with trunk so we can just merge it
23:25 <spidey> now i get this, but i dunno wtf it means o.O
23:26 <spidey> configure:1480: error: possibly undefined macro: _AC_SRCPATHS
23:26 <spidey>       If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
23:26 <spidey>       See the Autoconf documentation.
23:26 <luke-jr_work> it means
23:26 <luke-jr_work> you should have me host your Arma
23:26 <luke-jr_work> :D
23:27 <spidey> ..
23:27 <spidey> withdrawls suck -_-
23:27 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:28 <luke-jr_work> :p
23:32 -!- ghableska_ is now known as ghableska
23:32 <spidey> hr,
23:32 <spidey> -, +m
23:42 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:43 <DrJoeTron> holy cow
23:43 <DrJoeTron> this place is bumpin
23:43 <DrJoeTron> whats the occasion
23:51 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@adsl-76-194-177-181.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]

View entire month
DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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