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Log from 2007-03-17:
--- Day changed Sat Mar 17 2007
00:09 <xfroggy> damn it, US Gov is spying on everyone O.o (They must be after Durka)
00:10 <ghableska> heh
00:14 <Van-hayes> so where are were we going to hide those bombs again?
00:15 <ghableska> what bombs?
00:16 <xfroggy> ghableska, shh!
00:16 <ghableska> the ones that spidey is putting into that car?
00:17  * xfroggy loves TNT
00:18 <Van-hayes> ya those ones, the car that he is going to drive into that place
00:20 <spidey> ..........
00:21 <xfroggy> mental note* kill spidey, he knows too much.
00:21 <ghableska> #kill spidey
00:21 <armabot> spidey will die on Sun Feb  1 13:19:00 2009 due to being stabbed in the eye by ToddBot.
00:21 <ghableska> :o
00:21 <spidey> ..........
00:21 <spidey> ..........
00:21 <spidey> ..........
00:21 <spidey> ..........
00:21 <xfroggy> ;)
00:22 <ghableska> #kill luke-jr
00:22 <armabot> luke-jr will die on Mon Nov 10 13:01:58 2003 due to being stabbed in the eye by MaZuffeR.
00:22 <ghableska> happy?
00:22 <xfroggy> yup
00:22 <xfroggy> he still breathing though...
00:22 <ghableska> spidey or luke-jr? o_O
00:22 <xfroggy> spidey ^^
00:27 <ghableska> Van-hayes
00:27 <ghableska> come to fortress cafe :D
00:27 <Van-hayes> #serverifo cafe
00:28 <Van-hayes> #serverinfo cafe
00:28 <armabot> Van-hayes: Fortress Café: Players (13/32): -:lf^Switch, 0551 [suck], 2020, blackdesert, featherfcuk, G5, GotArmaLessons?, Lackadaisical, Legionnaire, madmax, MaZuffeR, °¯AshitakA, °°oixel
00:28 <Van-hayes> sure
00:36 -!- Arma135 [n=4569a801@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
00:36 <Arma135> hello
00:36 -!- Arma135 [n=4569a801@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
00:36 -!- AlphaGamerBoi [n=4569a801@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
00:37 <AlphaGamerBoi> what am i doing
00:37 -!- AlphaGamerBoi [n=4569a801@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
00:39 <ghableska> o_O
00:42  * GodTodd wonders when that gay misspelling took hold. :/
00:47 <Van-hayes> what gay mispelling?
00:48 <GodTodd> boi
00:49 -!- j0h4nn3s [n=j@i577BBF91.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
01:03 -!- wejp_ [n=j@i577B8299.versanet.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:05 -!- CT|P4 [i=P4@ebh215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
01:05 <CT|P4> hi
01:05 -!- CT|P4 is now known as P4
01:06 <P4> !seen joda*
01:06 <ToddBot> P4: I haven't seen anyone matching joda*.
01:06 <P4> !seen joda_bot
01:06 <ToddBot> P4: I have not seen joda_bot.
01:08 <P4> hmm... do you have any other !seen bot or can you tell me when dod you see joda_bot kast time? ^^
01:08 <Van-hayes> #seen joda
01:08 <armabot> Van-hayes: I have not seen joda.
01:08 <P4> oh yes ;D
01:08 <P4> i mean #seen ;P
01:09 <P4> #seen joda_bot
01:09 <armabot> P4: joda_bot was last seen in #armagetron 1 day, 11 hours, 25 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <joda_bot> hi CT|P4
01:09 <P4> lol ;P so he doesnt use irc ;P
01:15 <luke-jr> hi P4
01:15 <luke-jr> saw you working on maps a lot earlier
01:16 <luke-jr> [19:00:40] <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/P4/fortress/fortress-0.1.10.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
01:20 <Van-hayes> !nhl
01:20 <ToddBot> Van-hayes: Los Angeles 3 vs. Chicago 4* (NHL) || Phoenix 1 vs. San Jose 5* (NHL) || Vancouver 3* vs. St. Louis 2 (NHL) || Edmonton 1 vs. Minnesota 2* (NHL) || Calgary 2 vs. Dallas 4* (NHL) || New Jersey 3* vs. Carolina 2 (NHL) || Ottawa 5* vs. N.Y. Islanders 2 (NHL) || Buffalo 5* vs. Florida 3 (NHL) || Washington 3 vs. Boston 4* (NHL) || Atlanta 2 vs. Philadelphia 3* (NHL) || (4 more messages)
01:33 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has left #Armagetron []
01:57 <P4> !help
01:57 <ToddBot> P4: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
01:57 <P4> #help
01:57 <armabot> P4: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
01:57 <P4> am... is it the same soft? ;P
01:59 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has quit ["leaving"]
02:00 <Van-hayes> !help list
02:00 <ToddBot> Van-hayes: (list [--private] [<plugin>]) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --private is given, lists the private plugins.
02:00 <Van-hayes> !list
02:00 <ToddBot> Van-hayes: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Babelfish, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, CyborgName, Dict, Dunno, Filter, Freenode, Games, Geekquote, Google, Herald, Insult, Internet, Later, Limiter, Linux, Markov, Math, Memo, Misc, Network, News, NickCapture, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Protector, Python, Quote, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, (1 more message)
02:03 <Van-hayes> !list alias
02:03 <ToddBot> Van-hayes: add, blah, cbbnews, cfbnews, g, kill, lock, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, sportsnews, tourney, unlock, wtf, and wtf?
02:04 <Van-hayes> !cbbnews
02:04 <ToddBot> Van-hayes: VCU exposes Duke's fall from the top || Rebels sting Jackets, snap 16-year skid || Judge || Vols win record-setting shootout vs. LBSU || Doyel || Memphis overcomes No. 15 seed North Texas || Virginia claims first tourney win since 1995
02:04 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving."]
02:05 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit ["Leaving.."]
02:13 <P4> #help channelstats
02:13 <armabot> P4: (channelstats [<channel>]) -- Returns the statistics for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself.
02:13 <P4> channelstats
02:13 <P4> #channelstats
02:13 <armabot> P4: On #armagetron there have been 408145 messages, containing 15069270 characters, 2673230 words, 24833 smileys, and 12082 frowns; 11133 of those messages were ACTIONs.  There have been 13559 joins, 1477 parts, 11686 quits, 200 kicks, 576 mode changes, and 35 topic changes.
02:13 <P4> !cyborgname P4
02:13 <ToddBot> P4: Error: The "CyborgName" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "P4" in it.  Try "list CyborgName" to see the commands in the "CyborgName" plugin.
02:14 <P4> #list cyborgname
02:14 <armabot> P4: cyborg
02:14 <P4> #cyborg P4
02:14 <armabot> P4: Names must have at least 2 letters. Please enter another name.
02:14 <P4> #cyborg CTP4
02:14 <armabot> P4: C.T.P.: Cybernetic Troubleshooting Person
02:14 <P4> #cyborg wrtlprnft
02:14 <armabot> P4: W.R.T.L.P.R.N.F.T.: Wireless Robotic Technician Limited to Potential Repair, Nullification and Forbidden Troubleshooting
02:15 <P4> lol
02:15 -!- DDL89 [n=DDL89@209-6-215-221.c3-0.lex-ubr2.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #armagetron
02:15 <DDL89> hey
02:15 <P4> yo
02:15 <DDL89> how do i change my name?
02:16 <DDL89> im levi btw
02:16 <P4> by typing PLAYER_1 newname in console
02:16 <DDL89> in this?
02:16 <Van-hayes>  /nick name
02:16 <P4> or by editing config file
02:16 <P4> am... in arma or in ircnet?
02:16 <DDL89> irc
02:16 <P4> hehe
02:16 <DDL89> afe
02:16 <P4> yea /nick newname
02:16 <DDL89> ho
02:16 <DDL89> not working
02:16 <P4> you can also try /msg nickserv help
02:17 -!- P4 is now known as CT|P4
02:17 -!- CT|P4 is now known as P4
02:17 <P4> works for me
02:17 <P4>  /nick newnick
02:17 <DDL89> Register Levi
02:17 <P4> nick Levi
02:17 <P4> Levi Nickname is already in use.
02:18 -!- DDL89 is now known as CA
02:18 <P4> you cant use this nickname (Levi)
02:18 <P4> it's registered and used
02:18 -!- CA is now known as CA_LEVI
02:18 <P4> try CA|Levi or sth like that ^^
02:18 <CA_LEVI> ok
02:18 <P4> hehe
02:18 <CA_LEVI> manta here?
02:18 <P4> #seen manta
02:18 <armabot> P4: manta was last seen in #armagetron 4 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours, and 48 seconds ago: <Manta> any idea how to go about locking a teams colors?
02:19 <CA_LEVI> ok
02:19 <CA_LEVI> tell him i was here
02:19 -!- CA_LEVI [n=DDL89@209-6-215-221.c3-0.lex-ubr2.sbo-lex.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Client Quit]
02:19 <P4> try /msg memoserv help
02:19 <P4> eh... ;P
02:25 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
02:33 <Van-hayes> #weather saint john
02:33 <armabot> Van-hayes: Temperature: 19°F / -7°C | Humidity: 86% | Pressure: 30.46in / 1031hPa | Conditions: Light Snow | Wind Direction: NE | Wind Speed: 15mph / 24km/h | Updated: 10:00 PM ADT; Tonight - Cloudy. Snow at times heavy beginning early this evening. Snow mixed with ice pellets overnight. Snow and ice pellet amount 10 to 15 cm. Blowing snow. Wind northeast 30 km/h gusting to 50. Low minus 6 with (2 more messages)
02:33 <Van-hayes> #more
02:33 <Van-hayes> #more
02:33 <armabot> Van-hayes: temperature rising to minus 2 by morning.; Saturday - Ice pellets changing to freezing rain in the morning then to rain late in the morning. Ice pellet amount 2 cm. Rainfall amount 5 to 10 mm. Fog patches late in the day. Wind northeast 30 km/h becoming southeast 40 gusting to 60 late in the morning. High 9. Saturday night..rain at times heavy. Amount 30 to 40 mm. Wind southeast 30 km/h (1 more message)
02:33 <armabot> Van-hayes: gusting to 60 becoming southwest 30 gusting to 50 overnight. Low plus 3.; Sunday - Cloudy with 70 percent chance of flurries. Windy. High zero.;
02:37 <ghableska> #weather 50266
02:37 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 37.9°F (8:36 PM CDT on March 16, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 48%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Windchill: 32.0°F. Pressure: 29.32 in 992.8 hPa. 
02:45 <P4> #weather gliwice
02:45 <armabot> P4: The current temperature in Katowice, Poland is 39.2°F (2:30 AM CET on March 17, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 35.6°F. Windchill: 35.6°F. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa. 
02:46  * P4 goes to sleep
02:46 <ghableska> 'night
02:46 <P4> nighty-night
02:46 -!- P4 is now known as P4|away
03:10 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
03:10 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: No online players.
03:10 <ghableska> #armaservers
03:10 <armabot> ghableska: {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (10 players) || LoBo's Fun Server (8 players) || Norm's Place (8 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬/xff9900 (8 players) || MicroBusCity.com (7 players) || Server.iZm (6 players) || Strawberry Fields (6 players) || Wild West =CTF Shooting= (6 players) || G-Land (A Swamplords server) (6 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (5 players) || || (1 more message)
03:10 <ghableska> #more
03:10 <armabot> ghableska: S L O W T R A C K || (4 players) || Shrunkland in 2.8.2 (4 players) || Chab lairs (3 players) || Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (3 players) || Stormcrow's Tower (3 players)
03:10 <ghableska> #serverdetails capture the flag
03:10 <armabot> ghableska: Wild West  =Capture The Flag=: Players (5/10): AC, Gumby, KrazyKow, Reeve, trace();
03:57 <Van-hayes> #weather saint john
03:57 <armabot> Van-hayes: Temperature: 19°F / -7°C | Humidity: 86% | Pressure: 30.44in / 1031hPa | Conditions: Light Snow | Wind Direction: East | Wind Speed: 13mph / 20km/h | Updated: 11:00 PM ADT; Tonight - Cloudy. Snow at times heavy beginning early this evening. Snow mixed with ice pellets overnight. Snow and ice pellet amount 10 to 15 cm. Blowing snow. Wind northeast 30 km/h gusting to 50. Low minus 6 with (2 more messages)
03:57 <Van-hayes> #weather e5n5c5
03:57 <ghableska> #weather 50266
03:57 <armabot> Van-hayes: The current temperature in Encino, CA is 83.0°F. Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 24%. Wind: W at 5 mph (8 km/h).
03:57 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 35.8°F (9:55 PM CDT on March 16, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 56%. Dew Point: 21.2°F. Windchill: 32.0°F. Pressure: 29.31 in 992.4 hPa (Falling). 
03:57 <Van-hayes> #weather e5n 5c5
03:57 <armabot> Van-hayes: The current temperature in Hampton High School, Hampton, New Brunswick is 19.6°F (11:58 PM ADT on March 16, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 89%. Dew Point: 17.6°F. Windchill: 14.0°F. Pressure: 30.18 in 1021.9 hPa. 
03:58 <ghableska> heh
04:14 <ghableska> #lastseen Vanhayes
04:14 <armabot> ghableska: Vanhayes has last been seen on Fortress Café 0 days 2 hours 10 minutes ago.
04:20 -!- ToddBot` [n=supybot@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
04:20 -!- GodTodd_ [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
04:21 <ghableska> hi, GodTodd_
04:25 -!- ToddBot` [n=supybot@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
04:26 -!- ToddBot` [n=supybot@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
04:28 -!- ToddBot [n=supybot@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
04:28 -!- ToddBot` is now known as ToddBot
04:37 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
04:37 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
05:06 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
05:11 -!- Van-hayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034195024.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["I quit"]
05:22 <spidey> luke-jr, why does the logs on the ca server  keep saying this -> WTF no services!
05:22 <luke-jr> good question
05:25 <luke-jr> hm
05:26 <luke-jr> fixed, i think
05:27 <luke-jr> services: allowing 16 clients <-- what its supposed to say
06:38 <spidey> lol
06:38 -!- Stempo [n=446e00b4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
06:40 -!- Stempo [n=446e00b4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
06:45 <luke-jr> spidey: works now?
06:45 <spidey> luke-jr, dunno
06:45 <luke-jr> yes
06:47 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:47 -!- GodTodd_ [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit ["Shit, fuck, Satan, death, sex, drugs, rape."]
07:03 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
07:03 <armabot> DrJoeTron is GodTodd's bitch.
07:21 <GodTodd> !ncaatourney
07:21 <ToddBot> GodTodd: Arkansas 60 vs. Southern Cal 77* (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || S. Illinois 61* vs. Holy Cross 51 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || Florida 112* vs. Jackson St. 69 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || Kentucky 67* vs. Villanova 58 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || N.C. State 69* vs. Marist 62 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || Texas 79* vs. New Mexico St. 67 (14 more messages)
07:22 <luke-jr> !alias remove ncaatöurney
07:22 <ToddBot> luke-jr: Error: There is no such alias.
07:23 <GodTodd> ?
07:27 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:10 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@212.1.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
08:18 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-225-131.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
08:18 <MrBougo> hello!
08:21 <kidanger> hello
08:37 <MrBougo> #last --from spidey
08:37 <armabot> MrBougo: [06:56:51] <spidey> luke-jr, dunno
08:37 <MrBougo> #last --from wrtlprnft
08:37 <spidey> ?
08:37 <armabot> MrBougo: [00:17:20] <wrtlprnft> #night
08:37 <MrBougo> hello spidey :p
08:37 <spidey> hi
08:37 <MrBougo> i thought you were sleeping
08:37 <spidey> na
08:40 <MrBougo> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/02/18/0458213  rofl
08:53 <MrBougo> ima trem
08:53 <MrBougo> ulous
09:21 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:22 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
09:28 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
10:09 <MrBougo> brb
10:09 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-225-131.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #armagetron []
10:22 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
11:39 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
11:40 <epsy> hi
11:40 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
11:49 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@212.1.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:49 -!- DIGITX [n=DIGITX@] has joined #ARMAGETRON
11:50 <DIGITX> HOÍ
11:50 <DIGITX> ;-)
11:50 <DIGITX> CU
11:50 -!- DIGITX [n=DIGITX@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:52 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has joined #armagetron
11:52 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
12:23 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Armagetron
12:25 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has joined #armagetron
12:32 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
12:49 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
13:09 <P4|away> hi again... is it normal SVN error? Error * PROPFIND request failed on '/svnroot/armagetronad/armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad' PROPFIND of '/svnroot/armagetronad/armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad': could not  connect to server (https://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net:9443)
13:09 <P4|away> awww... g2g now ;*
13:10 <P4|away> i'll be in touch later
13:57 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
14:08 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
14:15 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f663:0:20e:9bff:fe5a:426a] has joined #armagetron
14:28 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f663:0:20e:9bff:fe5a:426a] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
14:28 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
14:57 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
15:04 -!- spidey [n=spider@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:04 -!- spider_ [n=spider@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
15:33 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit ["Leaving"]
15:47 <epsy> luke-jr, are your servers VPS or fully dedicated ?
15:49 <epsy> #herald add luke-jr ...
15:49 <armabot> epsy: Error: I can't find luke-jr in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
15:49 <epsy> armabot, ...
15:49 <armabot> epsy: ...
15:50 <epsy> #herald add #armagetron luke-jr ...
15:50 <armabot> epsy: Error: I can't find luke-jr in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
15:50  * epsy slaps armabot 
15:51 <epsy> #herald add #armagetron luke-jr  ...
15:51 <armabot> epsy: Error: I can't find luke-jr in my user database. If you didn't give a user name, then I might not know what your user is, and you'll need to identify before this command might work.
15:51 <epsy> pffft
16:02 <madmax|pt> #weather lisbon
16:02 <armabot> madmax|pt: Temperature: 70°F / 21°C | Humidity: 40% | Pressure: 30.27in / 1025hPa | Conditions: Partly Cloudy | Wind Direction: ENE | Wind Speed: 12mph / 18km/h | Updated: 2:30 PM WET; Clear. High:68 ° F. / 20 ° C.; Clear. Low:51 ° F. / 11 ° C.; Clear. High:66 ° F. / 19 ° C.; Clear. Low:48 ° F. / 9 ° C.; Scattered Clouds. High:60 ° F. / 16 ° C.; Scattered Clouds. Low:44 ° F. / 7 ° C.;
16:28 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
16:29 <ghableska> #weather 50266
16:29 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 29.3°F (10:25 AM CDT on March 17, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 83%. Dew Point: 24.8°F. Pressure: 29.27 in 991.1 hPa. 
16:29 <ghableska> ...
16:33 <ghableska> #armaservers
16:33 <armabot> ghableska: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
16:43 <madmax|pt> how many days per year you have snow?
16:44 <ghableska> snowfall? or just snow on the ground?
16:44 <madmax|pt> on the ground
16:45 <ghableska> maybe 50? I'm not sure
16:45 <ghableska> we've been having really weird weather recently
16:45 <ghableska> it was 80 a few days ago
16:46 <madmax|pt> #g 80 f in c
16:46 <armabot> madmax|pt: 80 degrees Fahrenheit = 26.6666667 degrees Celsius
16:49 <epsy> luke-jr, ...
16:49 <ghableska> luke-jr, ...
16:49 <ghableska> madmax|pt: it was nice to see fortress cafe so crowded yesterday, it hasn't been like that for a while
16:52 <Lackadaisical> it only really happens in the weekends
16:52 <madmax|pt> and crowded with good players
16:54 <madmax|pt> That's an excuse to start to play more often ghableska :P
16:54 <ghableska> :p
16:54 <ghableska> I always play when the cafe is crowded ;)
16:55 <Lackadaisical> does wrtl keep a log of cafe? maybe we can use it to make a ct-kind of ladder but with only the matches where more than, say, 14 people play
16:55  * ghableska made a video recording of one of the matches
16:57 <Lackadaisical> how big is it?
16:57 <ghableska> 70 mb
16:58 <ghableska> it's on YouTube :p
16:58 <Lackadaisical> where?
16:58 <madmax|pt> where ?
16:58 <ghableska> http://youtube.com/watch?v=JdtfVKaNRho
16:58 <ghableska> it shows me playing most of the time, so it's not that interesting ;)
17:01 <madmax|pt> what did you use to record it?
17:01 <ghableska> fraps
17:02 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034192196.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
17:03 <madmax|pt> btw, do you know what 2020 uses?
17:03 <madmax|pt> hi Van
17:04 <MaZuffeR> i wonder if the videos would look better if you used a colored floor
17:04 <ghableska> hi Vanhayes
17:04 <Vanhayes> hey
17:04 <ghableska> madmax|pt:, no I don't
17:05 <ghableska> I know he has a mac, and fraps is windows-only
17:06 <madmax|pt> Yes, that's why I'm interested :)
17:06  * madmax|pt searches the forum
17:07 <ghableska> heh
17:07 <Lackadaisical> wow there are actually quite some videos of armagetron on youtube
17:07 <ghableska> yeah :)
17:12 <Lackadaisical>  qbrain2   (3 months ago)
17:12 <Lackadaisical> "yep, thats true... and if you can master the double bind thing, you will see that you inmediate are one above-average player, because all skills and tricks are based on the double bind technique. "
17:12 <Lackadaisical> meh
17:12 <ghableska> -_-
17:13 <ghableska> it's sort of the opposite :p
17:13 <madmax|pt> o_O
17:14 <madmax|pt> perhaps he mistakes double bind with 180 or something
17:15 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508741F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
17:15 <Lackadaisical> all skills and tricks are based on making 180's?
17:15 <madmax|pt> well, no
17:15 <Vanhayes> thats basically saying all skills and tricks are based on turning around
17:16 <madmax|pt> heh indeed
17:18 <madmax|pt> what else can you do with double binding besides doing 180's of cycle_delay units?
17:18 <Vanhayes> which is kind of basic, i mean thats like say all skills and tricks for a fps is based on shooting
17:18 <ghableska> heh
17:21 <Lackadaisical> ghableska: did you register fraps?
17:21 <ghableska> yeah
17:22 <ghableska> madmax|pt: did you find out what 2020 used?
17:25 <Lackadaisical> brb
17:25 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit ["Yes. he really did."]
17:25 <madmax|pt> he mentioned ishowu in the forum once
17:26 <madmax|pt> I was taking a look at it
17:26 <ghableska> ah
17:27 <P4|away> hi again
17:27 <P4|away> ^^
17:27 <ghableska> hi p4
17:27 <P4|away> i dont know if i can ask here about some vuln in arma
17:27 <P4|away> secunia reports one... and i'd liketo ask is it fixed yet?
17:28 <epsy> omg my transfert rate is now 2ko/second
17:28 <epsy> zomg
17:30 -!- CT|P4 [i=P4@ebr223.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
17:31 -!- CT|P4 is now known as P4
17:39 -!- P4|away [i=P4@ebh215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
17:42 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
18:00 <ghableska> #weather 50266
18:00 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 31.1°F (12:01 PM CDT on March 17, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 26.6°F. Pressure: 29.26 in 990.7 hPa. 
18:09 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
18:15 <ghableska> http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/games/action_adventure/armagetronadvanced.html <-- look at the "What's new in this version"
18:16 <ghableska> o_O
18:19 <luke-jr> haha
18:19 <luke-jr> isn't it reversed?
18:19 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:24 <digitx> armabot, ...
18:24 <armabot> digitx: ...
18:26 <P4> lol, nice "what's news" 
18:30 <digitx> Lag: 77.1 secons
18:30 <digitx> lol XD
18:42 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:47 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:57 <epsy> i'm starting to make CTF maps
18:57 <epsy> :D
18:57 <epsy> 1/ port of my old 4-teams CTF map: http://generalconsumption.org/armagetronad/map-preview/previews/epsy/grind-0.0.1.png
18:57 <epsy> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/armamaps/epsy/ctf/
18:58 <digitx> :))
19:08 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-193-125.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
19:08 <digitx> hej bugi
19:08 <MrBougo> digitx : :)
19:08 <epsy> salut
19:08 <MrBougo> plop eps
19:08 <MrBougo> #seen spidey
19:08 <armabot> MrBougo: spidey was last seen in #armagetron 10 hours, 31 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <spidey> na
19:09 <MrBougo> na
19:09 <MrBougo> #last --from spidey
19:09 <armabot> MrBougo: [08:49:26] <spidey> na
19:09 <MrBougo> #last --from spidey --nolimit
19:09 <armabot> MrBougo: [08:49:26] <spidey> na, [08:49:10] <spidey> hi, [08:49:02] <spidey> ?, [06:56:51] <spidey> luke-jr, dunno, [06:49:52] <spidey> lol, [05:34:00] <spidey> luke-jr, why does the logs on the ca server  keep saying this -> WTF no services!, [00:33:33] <spidey> .........., [00:33:32] <spidey> .........., [00:33:32] <spidey> .........., [00:33:32] <spidey> .........., [00:32:35] <spidey> (50 more messages)
19:09 <digitx> #last --from MrBougo
19:09 <armabot> digitx: [19:20:52] <MrBougo> #last --from spidey --nolimit
19:10 <MrBougo> xD
19:24 <digitx> xD
19:29 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Armagetron
19:31 <DrJoeTron> hang3r "D
19:31 <hang3r> hey
19:31 <epsy> hi
19:32 <digitx> hoi
19:32 <epsy> hang3r, who are you on the grid ?
19:33 <hang3r> hang, gnah or just hang3r
19:33 <epsy> on what kind of servers ?
19:33 <DrJoeTron> good ones
19:33 <DrJoeTron> :V
19:33 <epsy> heh
19:33 <epsy> DrJoeTron, on Lobster ?
19:34 <DrJoeTron> pft
19:34 <DrJoeTron> nah
19:34 <epsy> LOL
19:34 <DrJoeTron> that place sucks
19:34 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
19:34 <epsy> ...
19:34 <hang3r> smells like fish :( That's why im never there
19:35 <epsy> ok, what servers *are* you on ? :D
19:35 <MrBougo> rofl
19:35 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
19:35 <DrJoeTron> thanks freenode
19:35 <epsy> #echo Freenode said me to say you: "Thanks."
19:35 <armabot> Freenode said me to say you: Thanks.
19:35 <MrBougo> lol joe
19:36 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
19:36 <armabot> DrJoeTron is GodTodd's bitch.
19:36 <hang3r> servers I used to play on, swampland, shrunkland, breakfast in hell (cant remember what its called now, anyway its lucifers server)
19:36 <epsy> ok, just the servers i'm not playing on...hehe
19:36 <DrJoeTron> hell yeah
19:36 <DrJoeTron> im a hang3r cheerleader :V
19:38 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:46 <MrBougo> bbl
19:46 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-193-125.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #armagetron []
19:48 <epsy> eww nemo isn't here :/
19:48 <spider_> lol
19:48 -!- spider_ is now known as spidey
19:48 <epsy> There was an error creating your map preview.
19:48 <epsy> NoMethodError: undefined method `read' for "":String
19:49 <digitx> heh
19:50 <digitx> haliho
19:50 <digitx> vnc 
19:50 <digitx> brb :D
19:50 <epsy> what does "haliho" means ?
19:50 <epsy> lol
19:52 <epsy> !!|/-\|/-\|/-\|
19:52 <ToddBot> epsy: Error: "!|/-\|/-\|/-\|" is not a valid command.
19:52 <epsy> heh
19:52 <epsy> !!
19:52 <ToddBot> epsy: Error: "!" is not a valid command.
19:53 <epsy> !
19:53 <epsy> !help
19:53 <ToddBot> epsy: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
19:53 <epsy> !eliza why having two supybots i the channel ?
19:53 <ToddBot> epsy: Error: "eliza" is not a valid command.
19:53 <epsy> why having two supybots i the channel ?
19:53 <epsy> *in
20:02 <digitx> :D
20:02 <epsy> !list
20:02 <ToddBot> epsy: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Babelfish, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, CyborgName, Dict, Dunno, Filter, Freenode, Games, Geekquote, Google, Herald, Insult, Internet, Later, Limiter, Linux, Markov, Math, Memo, Misc, Network, News, NickCapture, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Protector, Python, Quote, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, Services, (1 more message)
20:03 <digitx> #list
20:03 <armabot> digitx: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
20:03  * epsy slaps armabot and ToddBot 
20:03 <digitx> xD
20:04 <epsy> damn cant get out of this damn error message
20:04 <digitx> damn
20:07 <epsy> ...
20:07 <luke-jr> #civ
20:07 <epsy> luke-jr, ...
20:08 <luke-jr> #echo $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnick $randomnickv
20:08 <armabot> cusco guru3 armabot ToddBot ToddBot P4 z-man-work epsy j0h4nn3s DrJoeTron DrJoeTron cusco spidey P4 Vanhayes yojimbo mkzelda MaZuffeR digitx armabot guru3 GodTodd digitx digitx DrJoeTron spidey $randomnickv
20:08 <luke-jr> CIV
20:08 <epsy> ...
20:08  * epsy slaps luke-jr 
20:08  * luke-jr silences epsy 
20:08 <hang3r> luke-jr, I'd play civ if i knew how to
20:08 <spidey> /ignore #armagetron luke-jr
20:08 <luke-jr> hang3r: so learn
20:08 <luke-jr> spidey: civ luser
20:09 <epsy> doesn't matter fr me, luke-jr 
20:09 <hang3r> luke-jr, I can't be bothered, trying to learn collada atm
20:09 <spidey> luke-jr, working on something , loser
20:09 <luke-jr> spidey: trem1
20:09 <luke-jr> !
20:09 <spidey> luke-jr, working on something , loser
20:09 <luke-jr> what is that, luser?
20:09 <spidey> control panel
20:09 <luke-jr> pointless
20:09 <spidey> which is almost complete
20:09 <spidey> so go away
20:10 <luke-jr> u
20:10 <spidey> you're the one bothering me :)
20:10 <luke-jr> nope
20:10 <luke-jr> ur the one refusing to play
20:10 <spidey> ...
20:10 <luke-jr> :D
20:10 <DrJoeTron>  /ignore luke-jr
20:10 <spidey> :)
20:12 <GodTodd> !kill luke-jr 
20:12 <ToddBot> luke-jr will die on Mon Nov 08 16:02:15 1993 due to being stabbed in the eye by madmax|pt.
20:12 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-218-72.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
20:13 <epsy> #kill luke-jr 
20:13 <armabot> luke-jr will die on Wed May  5 09:41:30 2004 due to being stabbed in the eye by ToddBot.
20:13 <MrBougo> #kill
20:13 <armabot> MrBougo: (kill <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $1 will die on $randomdate due to being stabbed in the eye by $randomNick.".
20:13 <epsy> lol even if he silenced me... xD
20:13 <MrBougo> ew
20:13 <epsy> #damn luke-jr 
20:13 <armabot> hang3r damns luke-jr.
20:14 <MrBougo> did he?
20:14 <DrJoeTron> i would
20:14 <hang3r> hanged
20:14 <spidey> lol
20:14 <DrJoeTron> # armabot
20:14 <armabot> DrJoeTron: _I_ don't know.
20:14 <MrBougo> wtf joe? :p
20:14 <DrJoeTron> you nbever do!
20:14 <DrJoeTron> FUCK
20:14 <MrBougo> # armabot
20:14 <armabot> MrBougo: No clue.
20:14 <DrJoeTron> AGGGG
20:14 <epsy> #echo luke-jr, are your servers VPS or fully dedicated ?
20:14 <armabot> luke-jr, are your servers VPS or fully dedicated ?
20:14 <MrBougo> wtf DrJoeTron
20:14 <GodTodd> wtf toddbot
20:14 <ToddBot> Please watch your language, GodTodd!
20:14 <MrBougo> lol GodTodd
20:15 <MrBougo> toddbot sux
20:15 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: "sux" is not a valid command.
20:15 <GodTodd> blah toddbot
20:15 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-92-224.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has left #Armagetron []
20:15 <ToddBot> I find you quite boring as well, GodTodd!
20:15 <MrBougo> err toddbot
20:15 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: "err" is not a valid command.
20:15 <MrBougo> !blah
20:15 <ToddBot> I find you quite boring as well, MrBougo!
20:15 <MrBougo> !help
20:15 <ToddBot> MrBougo: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
20:15 <MrBougo> !list alias
20:15 <ToddBot> MrBougo: add, blah, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, g, kill, lock, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, royalsnews, sportsnews, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, and wtf?
20:15 <MrBougo> toddbot wtf?
20:15 <ToddBot> Please watch your language, MrBougo!
20:16 <digitx> :D
20:16 <MrBougo> armabot seen wrtlprnft
20:16 <armabot> MrBougo: wrtlprnft was last seen in #armagetron 1 day, 20 hours, 10 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <wrtlprnft> #night
20:16 <MrBougo> whew, 44h
20:17 <epsy> #tea
20:17 <armabot> epsy: Fortress Café: No online players.
20:17 <epsy> ...
20:18 <epsy> #lastseen wrtl
20:18 <armabot> epsy: wrtlprnft |mbc| has last been seen on The Lobster Tub(TEST) 1 days 11 hours 47 minutes ago.
20:18 <MrBougo> #laststeen bougo
20:18 <MrBougo> #lastseen Mr. Bougo
20:18 <digitx> ha
20:18 <digitx> ops
20:18 <digitx> :D
20:18 <armabot> MrBougo: Mr. Bougo has last been seen on Fortress Café 3 days 0 hours 3 minutes ago.
20:19 <MrBougo> :(
20:19 <MrBougo> 3days
20:19 <digitx> ep ep hapciii
20:19 <digitx> xD
20:19 <MrBougo> exactly 3 days
20:19 <MrBougo> !!!
20:19 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.
20:19 <epsy> XD
20:19 <MrBougo> wtf GodTodd
20:19 <epsy> !! ToddBot is anoying !!
20:19 <ToddBot> epsy: Error: "!" is not a valid command.
20:19 <digitx> digitx@epsy game $ @epsy
20:19 <digitx> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/
20:19 <digitx> digitx@epsy game $
20:19 <digitx> XD
20:19 <madmax|pt> o_O
20:19 <epsy> uzzah ?
20:19 <MrBougo> you should change the ! to § or somethng
20:20 <epsy> no, change it to ¬
20:20 <epsy> haha ^^
20:20 <MrBougo> espsy :(
20:20 <epsy> 1 s, 1
20:20 <MrBougo> i cant read
20:20 <digitx> bugiiiiiiii
20:20 <digitx> espsy ? 
20:20 <digitx> XD
20:20 <digitx> lol
20:20 <MrBougo> digitiiiiiiii
20:20 <MrBougo> x
20:20 <digitx> xD
20:20 <digitx> hohi
20:20 <MrBougo> !
20:20 <digitx> !
20:20 <epsy> !!!
20:20 <ToddBot> epsy: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.
20:20 <epsy> :D
20:21 <digitx> !ToddBot
20:21 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: "ToddBot" is not a valid command.
20:21 <digitx> !stupid
20:21 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: "stupid" is not a valid command.
20:21 <digitx> !guminõ
20:21 <digitx> xD
20:21 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: "guminõ" is not a valid command.
20:21 <MrBougo> wtf
20:21 <MrBougo> !!!
20:21 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.
20:21 <digitx> !amienn
20:21 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: "amienn" is not a valid command.
20:21 <digitx> ;)
20:21 <digitx> or who
20:21 <digitx> :D
20:21 <spidey> ...
20:21 <MrBougo> armabot : weather brussels
20:21 <MrBougo> so what
20:22 <epsy> digitx, you crétin, right ? xD
20:22 <digitx> jaa
20:22 <digitx> i know
20:22 <MrBougo> #weather brussels
20:22 <digitx> ..
20:22 <epsy> !crétin
20:22 <ToddBot> digitx is a crétin
20:22 <armabot> MrBougo: Temperature: 54°F / 12°C | Humidity: 72% | Pressure: 30.09in / 1019hPa | Conditions: Mostly Cloudy | Wind Direction: WSW | Wind Speed: 16mph / 26km/h | Updated: 7:50 PM CET; Chance of Rain. High:53 ° F. / 12 ° C.; Chance of Rain. Low:48 ° F. / 9 ° C.; Rain. High:50 ° F. / 10 ° C.; Chance of Snow. Low:35 ° F. / 2 ° C.; Chance of Rain. High:42 ° F. / 6 ° C.; Partly Cloudy. Low:32 ° F. / 0 (1 more message)
20:22 <digitx> haha epsy
20:22 <digitx> :D
20:22 <MrBougo> wrwhatin?
20:22 <MrBougo> oh, crétin
20:22 <digitx> !crétin
20:22 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: "crétin" is not a valid command.
20:22 <digitx> !crétin
20:22 <ToddBot> digitx is a crétin
20:23 <digitx> xD
20:23 <epsy> no, cr©tin
20:23 <digitx> loll
20:23 <digitx> xD
20:23 <MrBougo> #list alias
20:23 <armabot> MrBougo: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hyphy, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, pacman, pingme, piong, poing, praise, pwn, q, (1 more message)
20:23 <MrBougo> wtdf
20:23 <digitx> digg
20:23 <digitx> XD
20:23 <MrBougo> !list alias
20:23 <ToddBot> MrBougo: add, blah, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, crétin, g, kill, lock, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, royalsnews, sportsnews, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, and wtf?
20:23 <digitx> #digg
20:23 <MrBougo> !add
20:23 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: The command "add" is available in the Alias, Dunno, Herald, Memo, News, Praise, Quote, RSS, Scheduler, Success, Tail, Topic, and WordStats plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "add".
20:23 <armabot> digitx: PICTURE: Another New International Spider-Man 3 Poster || Social Bookmarking Sites Review || Become a digital video editing guru using Linux tools || New Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction trailer || History Of Humans (PIC) || Interview with Tony Arnold of VirtueDesktops || Finalized Halo 3 Box Art Images! || VIDEO: Top Bush Official Reveals White House Never Investigated Plame (4 more messages)
20:23 <MrBougo> !alias add
20:23 <ToddBot> MrBougo: (alias add <name> <alias>) -- Defines an alias <name> that executes <alias>. The <alias> should be in the standard "command argument [nestedcommand argument]" arguments to the alias; they'll be filled with the first, second, etc. arguments. $1, $2, etc. can be used for required arguments. @1, @2, etc. can be used for optional arguments. $* simply means "all remaining arguments," and cannot (1 more message)
20:24 <MrBougo> ToddBot more 
20:24 <ToddBot> MrBougo: be combined with optional arguments.
20:24 <digitx> xD
20:24 <digitx> google = gugli
20:24 <ToddBot> http://gugli.club.fr/
20:24 <digitx> u know ?
20:24 <digitx> XD
20:25 <hang3r> luke-jr, so you have a freeciv server running that i can join?
20:25 <digitx> wtf
20:25 <digitx> !wtf
20:25 <ToddBot> Please watch your language, digitx!
20:26 <digitx> !MrBougo
20:26 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: "MrBougo" is not a valid command.
20:26 <digitx> xD
20:27 <MrBougo> !alias add MrBougo Teh Bougs ROXX!
20:27 <ToddBot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
20:27 <MrBougo> !MrBougo
20:27 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: "Teh" is not a valid command.
20:27 <MrBougo> ...
20:27 <digitx> XDD
20:27 <MrBougo> !alias add MrBougo echo Teh Bougs ROXX!
20:27 <ToddBot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
20:27 <MrBougo> !MrBougo
20:27 <ToddBot> Teh Bougs ROXX!
20:27 <digitx> o bugi
20:27 <digitx> u master
20:27 <digitx> LOL
20:27 <MrBougo> xD
20:28 <epsy> why there is also a cia bot ?
20:28 <digitx> ciiaa bot
20:28 <epsy> pfft bots invasion
20:28 <digitx> :D
20:28 <digitx> XD
20:28 <digitx> u bot
20:28 <digitx> epsy
20:28 <digitx> u are bot
20:29 <epsy> Why do you say i are bot ?
20:29 <digitx> XD
20:29 <epsy> What do you think ?
20:29 <digitx> #amienn
20:29 <digitx> #emiann
20:29 <digitx> lol
20:30 <MrBougo> !remove MrBougo
20:30 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: The command "remove" is available in the Alias, Dunno, Herald, News, Praise, Quote, RSS, Scheduler, Success, Tail, Topic, and WordStats plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "remove".
20:30 <MrBougo> !alias remove MrBougo
20:30 <ToddBot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
20:30 <MrBougo> !list dunno
20:30 <ToddBot> MrBougo: add, change, get, remove, search, and stats
20:30 <epsy> !crétin
20:30 <ToddBot> digitx is a crétin
20:30 <digitx> :D
20:31  * epsy is gonna play tremulous (without luke-jr, heh)
20:31 <digitx> wait
20:31 <digitx> :D
20:31 <epsy> ...
20:31 <MrBougo> !help dunno add
20:31 <ToddBot> MrBougo: (dunno add [<channel>] <text>) -- Adds <text> to the dunno database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
20:31 <digitx> jaj 
20:32 <epsy> ToddBot, ...
20:32 <ToddBot> epsy: ...
20:32 <MrBougo> !help dunno
20:32 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: There is no command "dunno".
20:32 <MrBougo> !help dunno get
20:32 <ToddBot> MrBougo: (dunno get [<channel>] <id>) -- Gets the dunno with id <id> from the dunno database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
20:32 <MrBougo> whats dunno
20:37 <digitx> .
20:38 <GodTodd> !dunno
20:38 <ToddBot> GodTodd: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
20:38 <GodTodd> !ha
20:38 <ToddBot> GodTodd: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
20:39 <spidey> lol
20:39 <GodTodd> it's the "invalid command" statements
20:39 <MrBougo> yello spidey
20:39 <digitx> pythonnnnn
20:39 <digitx> !python
20:39 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
20:39 <spidey> hi
20:39 <spidey> !list
20:39 <ToddBot> spidey: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Babelfish, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, CyborgName, Dict, Dunno, Filter, Freenode, Games, Geekquote, Google, Herald, Insult, Internet, Later, Limiter, Linux, Markov, Math, Memo, Misc, Network, News, NickCapture, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Protector, Python, Quote, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, (1 more message)
20:39 <GodTodd> !geekquote
20:39 <ToddBot> GodTodd: Gigs| spammers need to get thier shit straight // Gigs| "horny mom getting it for the first time"
20:39 <spidey> !list alias
20:39 <ToddBot> spidey: ..., add, blah, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, crétin, epsy, g, kill, lock, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, royalsnews, sportsnews, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, and wtf?
20:39 <spidey> !wtf?
20:39 <ToddBot> Please watch your language, spidey!
20:39 <digitx> !epsy
20:39 <ToddBot> epsy is a geek
20:39 <digitx> XD
20:40 <digitx> !crétin
20:40 <ToddBot> digitx is a crétin
20:40 <spidey> !alias add luke echo "..."
20:40 <ToddBot> spidey: The operation succeeded.
20:40 <spidey> !luke
20:40 <ToddBot> ...
20:40 <spidey> :D
20:40 <digitx> xD
20:40 <digitx> !epsy
20:40 <ToddBot> digitx, epsy is a geek
20:41 <spidey> !ncaatourney
20:41 <ToddBot> spidey: Mississippi St. 101* vs. Bradley 72 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || Arkansas 60 vs. Southern Cal 77* (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || S. Illinois 61* vs. Holy Cross 51 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || Florida 112* vs. Jackson St. 69 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || Kentucky 67* vs. Villanova 58 (NCAA Men's Basketball Team Index) || N.C. State 69* vs. Marist 62 (13 more messages)
20:41 <spidey> !tourney
20:41 <ToddBot> spidey: Unable to download feed.
20:42 <MrBougo> stop adding aliases :p
20:42 <spidey> hey you know what
20:42 <digitx> !test
20:42 <ToddBot> digitx 17 $wtf?
20:42 <MrBougo> what?
20:43 <spidey> a supybot isn't a bad idea, i could use it to control the server's running on the dedicated server, maybe o.O
20:43 <digitx> !epsy
20:43 <ToddBot> digitx, epsy is a bot
20:43 <spidey> !help test
20:43 <ToddBot> spidey: Error: There is no command "test".
20:43 <spidey> ....
20:43 <digitx> !supybot
20:43 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
20:43 <spidey> !version
20:43 <ToddBot> spidey: The current (running) version of this Supybot is 0.83.1+darcs.  The newest version available online is 0.83.2.
20:44 <digitx> !spidey
20:44 <ToddBot> Please watch your language, digitx!
20:44 <digitx> XD
20:44 <spidey> ..
20:44 <digitx> damn
20:44 <spidey> !help spidey
20:44 <ToddBot> spidey: (spidey <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "wtf? $*".
20:44 <digitx> !spidey
20:44 <ToddBot> wtf?
20:44 -!- rambo [n=4c137dc1@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
20:45 <digitx> !lit alias
20:45 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
20:45 <digitx> !list alias
20:45 <ToddBot> digitx: ..., add, blah, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, crétin, epsy, g, kill, lock, luke, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, royalsnews, spidey, sportsnews, supybot, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, and wtf?
20:45 <digitx> !kill
20:45 <ToddBot> digitx: (kill <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $1 will die on $randomdate due to being stabbed in the eye by $randomnick.".
20:45 <digitx> !kill me
20:45 <ToddBot> me will die on Mon Jul 19 16:22:11 2004 due to being stabbed in the eye by hang3r.
20:45 <digitx> xD
20:45 <digitx> !spidey
20:45 <ToddBot> wtf?
20:45 -!- rambo [n=4c137dc1@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
20:46 <MrBougo> RAMBO, NOOOOOO :''''(
20:46 <digitx> !bougo
20:46 <ToddBot> bugiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
20:46 <MrBougo> heh
20:46 <digitx> nah stop me
20:46 <MrBougo> !remove bougo
20:46 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: The command "remove" is available in the Alias, Dunno, Herald, News, Praise, Quote, RSS, Scheduler, Success, Tail, Topic, and WordStats plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "remove".
20:46 <digitx> :D
20:46 <MrBougo> !alias remove bougo
20:46 <ToddBot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
20:46 <epsy> ...
20:46 <digitx> !epsy
20:46 <ToddBot> digitx, epsy is a bot
20:46 <MrBougo> GodTodd : you should remove the !add
20:47 <MrBougo> !unlock
20:47 <digitx> !add
20:47 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: The command "unlock" is available in the Alias and Topic plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "unlock".
20:47 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: The command "add" is available in the Alias, Dunno, Herald, Memo, News, Praise, Quote, RSS, Scheduler, Success, Tail, Topic, and WordStats plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "add".
20:47 <MrBougo> !alias unlock
20:47 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you\ think\ that you should have this capability,\ be sure\ that you are identified before\ trying again.\ The 'whoami' command can tell\ you if you're\ identified.
20:47 <digitx> :D
20:48 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@] has joined #armagetron
20:50 <MrBougo> yello
20:50 <MrBougo> : ima play tremulous
20:51 <spidey> what server?
20:55 -!- ackrite [n=ret@host-87-242-11-57.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:56 <digitx> hoi
20:56 <ackrite> hi
20:56 <digitx> !alias add ret echo na akkor test..
20:56 <ToddBot> digitx: The operation succeeded.
20:56 <digitx> !ret
20:56 <ToddBot> na akkor test..
20:56 <digitx> !help
20:56 <ToddBot> digitx: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
20:56 <digitx> !list
20:56 <ToddBot> digitx: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, AutoMode, Babelfish, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, CyborgName, Dict, Dunno, Filter, Freenode, Games, Geekquote, Google, Herald, Insult, Internet, Later, Limiter, Linux, Markov, Math, Memo, Misc, Network, News, NickCapture, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Protector, Python, Quote, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, (1 more message)
20:56 <digitx> !more 
20:56 <digitx> ?
20:56 <ToddBot> digitx: Services, Sourceforge, Status, String, Success, Supybot, Tail, Time, Topic, UrbanDict, User, Utilities, Weather, WordStats, and Zipinfo
20:57 <digitx> na akkor hasonlo
20:57 <digitx> ok ? :D
20:57 <ackrite> ilyesmi volt regi zeroba is csak kicsit benabban
20:57 <digitx> telleg?
20:57 <digitx> :D
20:57 <digitx> jaa
20:57 <digitx> azt az addot azt tudom
20:57 <digitx> es akkor ezeket lehet listelni
20:57 <digitx> pl list misc asszem
20:57 <digitx> !list misc
20:57 <ToddBot> digitx: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
20:58 <digitx> ?
20:58 <digitx> !help more
20:58 <ToddBot> digitx: (more [<nick>]) -- If the last command was truncated due to IRC message length limitations, returns the next chunk of the result of the last command. If <nick> is given, it takes the continuation of the last command from <nick> instead of the person sending this message.
20:58 <digitx> lal
20:58 <digitx> ok
20:58 <digitx> na akkor vagod ?
20:58 <GodTodd> #translate hungarian english azt az addot azt tudom
20:58 <armabot> GodTodd: Error: "'hungarian'" is not a valid language.  Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:58 <digitx> gyere digitx.homelinux.org:6667
20:58 <GodTodd> haha
20:58 <digitx> ok ?
20:59 <digitx> #x
20:59 -!- mkzelda_ [n=mkzelda@74-60-179-141.ral.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #armagetron
20:59 <ackrite> nyitottad a portot?
20:59 <ackrite> mert nem enged
20:59 <digitx> hm
20:59 <mkzelda_> hey, i have a problem on this machine, all non-stock maps fail to load
20:59 <mkzelda_> thought it was a file permission problem cause it wasnt saving maps
21:00 <mkzelda_> but even running as root, or changing permissions for regular users doesnt fix it
21:00 <mkzelda_> I get a CxTx is NULL error
21:01 <mkzelda_> any ideas?
21:03 <GodTodd> don't load non-stock maps?
21:04 <mkzelda_> ya fort and sumo work cause they're z-man included
21:04 <mkzelda_> im about to try a binary to see
21:10 <mkzelda_> maybe my xml is broken
21:10 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:17 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
21:17 <ghableska> #weather 50266
21:18 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 39.6°F (3:16 PM CDT on March 17, 2007). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 50%. Dew Point: 23.0°F. Windchill: 35.6°F. Pressure: 29.22 in 989.4 hPa. 
21:20 <ghableska> #armaservers
21:20 <armabot> ghableska: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (14 players) || °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~ (12 players) || Norm's Place (10 players) || Strawberry Fields (9 players) || {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (9 players) || ~"XzL.Clan The Server (8 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (8 players) || The Arena (6 players) || ^}LC}< Legendary Clan Server (6 players) || ¬{Durka Durka Land Clan War|¬ {wT} vs (1 more message)
21:22 <z-man> Bah, Neverwinter Nights is not a game :(
21:23 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:24 <z-man> What's the point of a CRPG if it offers recommended ways to level up?
21:24 <MrBougo> lol
21:24 <z-man> You just run around and point at things to kill them and get killed yourself occasionally.
21:24 <MrBougo> sounds funny
21:24 <MrBougo> funniest game of the century
21:25 <MrBougo> epsy : i hate you xD
21:25 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
21:25 <MrBougo> yello
21:25 <z-man> It could be if it actually forced me to read the manual. I want a CRPG to do that.
21:25 <ghableska> hi MrBougo
21:26 <z-man> I want to study different spells, different attack effects and find my own way.
21:26 <MrBougo> just study the law
21:26 <MrBougo> then buy a life
21:26 <MrBougo> :)
21:27 <z-man> I wouldn't mind if the fight system was interesting, but ADnD's spell preparation system forces me to run back to monsterless areas and rest every so often. Bah.
21:27 <MrBougo> xD
21:27 <madmax|pt> get the Elder Scrolls?
21:28 <madmax|pt> morrowind for instance
21:28 <z-man> I've got Morrowind waiting to be played, actually :)
21:28 <epsy> MrBougo, i bit you XD
21:28 <MrBougo> i know
21:28 <MrBougo> thats why i hate you
21:28 <ghableska> o_O
21:28 <epsy> all with that small dretchs
21:28 <MrBougo> lol ghab
21:28 <MrBougo> we were playing Tremulous
21:28 <ghableska> epsy: are you a vampire?
21:28 <MrBougo> epsy was an alien
21:28 <MrBougo> and he bit me
21:28 <epsy> then, just before the game ended i did evolved to a dragoon...stupid :P
21:28 <MrBougo> nothing +18 there
21:28 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
21:28 <ghableska> :p
21:29 <ghableska> hi digitx
21:29 <MrBougo> wb
21:29 <epsy> bb, eating
21:29 <MrBougo> okay
21:29 <epsy> *brb
21:29 <MrBougo> enjoy it
21:29 <epsy> :D
21:29 <MrBougo> >:DD
21:30 <MrBougo> #last --with >:DD --nolimit
21:30 <armabot> MrBougo: [21:40:59] <MrBougo> >:DD
21:30 <ghableska> ?
21:30 <MrBougo> #last --with >:D --nolimit
21:30 <armabot> MrBougo: [21:41:52] <MrBougo> #last --with >:DD --nolimit and [21:40:59] <MrBougo> >:DD
21:30 <MrBougo> bah
21:30 <digitx> hey ghableska 
21:30 <digitx> :)
21:30 <MrBougo> i'm unique
21:30 <digitx> !epsy
21:30 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:30 <ghableska> #monologue
21:30 <armabot> ghableska: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
21:31 <MrBougo> !list alias
21:31 <ToddBot> MrBougo: ..., add, blah, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, crétin, g, kill, lock, luke, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, ret, royalsnews, spidey, sportsnews, supybot, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, and wtf?
21:31 <MrBougo> !ret
21:31 <ToddBot> na akkor test..
21:31 <MrBougo> huh
21:31 <digitx> !epsy
21:31 <ghableska> !wtf
21:31 <ToddBot> digitx, epsy is a bot
21:31 <ToddBot> Please watch your language, ghableska!
21:31 <ghableska> !spidey
21:31 <ToddBot> wtf?
21:31 <digitx> XD
21:31 <ghableska> !spidey
21:31 <ToddBot> wtf?
21:31 <MrBougo> haha
21:31 <ghableska> o+O
21:31 <digitx> !epsy
21:31 <ToddBot> digitx, epsy is a bot
21:31 <digitx> XD
21:31 <ghableska> brb
21:31 <digitx> ok
21:32 <digitx> !brb
21:32 <ToddBot> okey babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
21:32 <digitx> xD
21:32 <digitx> omg
21:32 <MrBougo> !o+O
21:32 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:32 <digitx> hehe
21:32 <MrBougo> #o+O
21:32 <armabot> Did I see ghableska's face ???
21:33 <digitx> !list alias
21:33 <ToddBot> digitx: ..., add, blah, brb, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, crétin, epsy, g, kill, lock, luke, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, ret, royalsnews, spidey, sportsnews, supybot, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, and wtf?
21:33 <digitx> !ret
21:33 <ToddBot> na akkor test..
21:33 <MrBougo> !brb
21:33 <ToddBot> okey babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
21:33 <MrBougo> wtf
21:33 <digitx> XD
21:33 <MrBougo> !supybot
21:33 <digitx> !blah
21:33 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:33 <ToddBot> I find you quite boring as well, digitx!
21:33 <MrBougo> !help alias supybot
21:33 <ToddBot> MrBougo: (alias supybot <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "$who, supybot = python ircbot ;)".
21:33 <digitx> xD
21:33 <MrBougo> !alias supybot
21:33 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:33 <digitx> echo ?
21:34 <MrBougo> it doesnt work
21:34 <MrBougo> oh right
21:34 <digitx> !help alias
21:34 <ToddBot> digitx: Error: There is no command "alias".
21:34 <MrBougo> !alias add supybot echo $who, supybot = python ircbot ;)
21:34 <ToddBot> MrBougo: The operation succeeded.
21:34 <MrBougo> !supybot
21:34 <ToddBot> MrBougo, supybot = python ircbot ;)
21:34 <MrBougo> !royalsnews
21:34 <ToddBot> MrBougo: Grudzielanek eyeing Opening Day || Notes: Dotel ready to bring the heat || Royals unable to rally vs. Mariners || Royals likely to go with one lefty in 'pen || Notes: Berroa put on notice || Royals overcome Giants' power || Notes: Greinke makes strong bid || Glass encouraged by Royals' progress || New MLB caps sure to cause a stir || Greinke fans six in Royals' win || (2 more messages)
21:34 <digitx> <digitx> !alias add supybot $who, supybot = python ircbot ;)
21:34 <digitx> only -echo .. ;)
21:34 <digitx> :D
21:34 <MrBougo> lol
21:35 <MrBougo> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <digitx> !xterm
21:35 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <ToddBot> Xterm is cool
21:35 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo
21:35 <armabot> !echo #echo
21:35 <ToddBot> #echo
21:35 <armabot> ToddBot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
21:35 <ToddBot> armabot: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:35 <digitx> LOL
21:35 <MrBougo> rofl
21:35 <epsy> MrBougo, it was right in our base, eh ?
21:35 <epsy> haha ^^
21:35 <MrBougo> dunno
21:36 <MrBougo> i left the serv :p
21:36 <epsy> i saw
21:36 <luke-jr> hang3r: civ?
21:36 <MrBougo> !echo #echo
21:36 <ToddBot> #echo
21:36 <armabot> ToddBot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
21:36 <ToddBot> armabot: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:36 <digitx> !list alias
21:36 <ToddBot> digitx: ..., add, blah, brb, cbbnews, cfbnews, chiefsnews, crétin, epsy, g, huhu, kill, lock, luke, mlb, mlbnews, nbanews, ncaafb, ncaatourney, nfl, nflnews, nhl, nhlnews, remove, ret, royalsnews, spidey, sportsnews, supybot, tourney, unlock, wikipedia, wtf, wtf?, and xterm
21:36 <digitx> !xterm
21:36 <ToddBot> Xterm is cool
21:36  * epsy wonders why he didn't silenced luke-jr 
21:36 <digitx> !haha
21:36 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:36 <digitx> !huhu
21:36 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:37 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o luke-jr] by ChanServ
21:37 <MrBougo> !hehe
21:37 -!- ToddBot was kicked from #armagetron by luke-jr [User terminated!]
21:37 -!- ToddBot [n=supybot@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
21:37 <MrBougo> ew luke
21:37 <digitx> :D
21:37 <digitx> !huhu
21:37 <ToddBot> #echo #echo #echo #echo
21:37 <armabot> #echo #echo #echo
21:37 <digitx> !hehe
21:37 <ToddBot> digitx: Yes? Is there something *valid* I could help you with?
21:37 <MrBougo> digi, that aint funny
21:37 <epsy> #echo epsy wonders why he didn't silenced luke-jr 
21:37 <armabot> epsy wonders why he didn't silenced luke-jr
21:37 <digitx> !huhu
21:37 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:37 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo
21:37 <ToddBot> #echo !echo
21:37 <armabot> !echo
21:37 <ToddBot> armabot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
21:37 <epsy> lol
21:37 <digitx> :D
21:37 <MrBougo> youre gonna get kicked, digi
21:37 <MrBougo> i think
21:37 <MrBougo> bah i dont know...
21:38 <@luke-jr> lol
21:38 <MrBougo> :(
21:38 <epsy> heh
21:38 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o luke-jr] by luke-jr
21:38 <MrBougo> wtf luke
21:38 <luke-jr> lol
21:38 <MrBougo> why are you requesting my VERSION 3 times?
21:38 <epsy> ekul ftw
21:38 <luke-jr> fun!
21:38 <digitx> !huhu 
21:38 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:38 <digitx> ?
21:38 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:38 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:38 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:38 <MrBougo> ew
21:38 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:38 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:39 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:39 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o luke-jr] by ChanServ
21:39 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:39 <digitx> sry
21:39 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:39 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:39 <ToddBot> #echo !echo #echo !echo
21:39 <armabot> !echo #echo !echo
21:39 <ToddBot> #echo !echo
21:39 <digitx> LOL
21:39 <armabot> !echo
21:39 <ToddBot> armabot: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
21:39 <MrBougo> its overe
21:39 <digitx> spammers
21:39 <MrBougo> over*
21:39 -!- mode/#armagetron [+b ToddBot!*@*] by luke-jr
21:39 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o luke-jr] by luke-jr
21:39 <epsy> lol
21:39 <MrBougo> as i said...
21:39 <digitx> mrbougo
21:39 <digitx> jaja
21:39 <MrBougo> you forgot to kick
21:39 <digitx> u master ..
21:39 <luke-jr> MrBougo: silencing works
21:39 <MrBougo> oh ok, +b silences?
21:39 <MrBougo> didnt know
21:39 <MrBougo> !test
21:39 <epsy> MrBougo, /ignore luke-jr 
21:39 <MrBougo> can he read us?
21:39 <digitx> !huhu
21:40 <epsy> MrBougo, he cant
21:40 <luke-jr> yes
21:40 <MrBougo> epsy, why would i ignore luke?
21:40 <digitx> !huhu
21:40 <digitx> !huhu
21:40 <digitx> !huhu
21:40 <epsy> he servers sux
21:40 <digitx> hehe ;)
21:40 <epsy> *his
21:40 <luke-jr> epsy talks nonsense :p
21:40 <MrBougo> bah, i dont mind
21:40 <MrBougo> lol digi
21:40 <epsy> armabot says luke-jr 's servers sux
21:40 <digitx> ?
21:40 <epsy> not me
21:40 <digitx> what lol ?
21:40 <luke-jr> liar
21:40 <epsy> #echo luke-jr 's servers sux
21:40 <armabot> luke-jr 's servers sux
21:40 <epsy> good armabot, good
21:40 <luke-jr> #echo epsy doesn't know what he's talking about
21:40 <armabot> epsy doesn't know what he's talking about
21:40 <epsy> hi armabot 
21:41 <luke-jr> #echo hi epsy 
21:41 <armabot> hi epsy
21:41 <epsy> how's going
21:41 <digitx> XD
21:41 <luke-jr> #echo good
21:41 <armabot> good
21:41 <MrBougo> hey, just unignore yourselves
21:41 <epsy> ah
21:41 <digitx> cool game
21:41 <digitx> ;)
21:41 <digitx> armabot a postás
21:41 <digitx> xD
21:41 <epsy> armabot, t spanish french postás
21:41 <armabot> epsy: postà s
21:41 <luke-jr> #echo wtf?
21:41 <armabot> wtf?
21:42 <epsy> ...
21:42 <epsy> armabot, t hungrarian french postás
21:42 <armabot> epsy: Error: "'hungrarian'" is not a valid language.  Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
21:42 <epsy> ...
21:42 <MrBougo> xD
21:42 <digitx> szotar.sztaki.hu
21:42 <luke-jr> #echo I am hungry tho
21:42 <digitx> :)
21:42 <armabot> I am hungry tho
21:42 <MrBougo> bots aint hungry
21:42 <luke-jr> #echo I am
21:42 <digitx> xD
21:42 <armabot> I am
21:42 <epsy> #echo !echo me not
21:42 <armabot> !echo me not
21:42 <epsy> :P
21:43 <digitx> amienn?
21:43 <digitx> XD
21:43 <digitx> u friend?
21:43 <epsy> #roulette
21:43 <armabot> epsy: *click*
21:43 <digitx> klikk
21:43 <epsy> !roulette
21:43 <luke-jr> #roulette
21:43 <armabot> luke-jr: *click*
21:43 <epsy> !roulette
21:43 <digitx> +o armabot
21:43 <digitx> xD
21:43 <epsy> #roulette
21:43 <armabot> epsy: *click*
21:43 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o armabot] by ChanServ
21:43 <digitx> #roulette
21:43 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
21:43 <MrBougo> bye all
21:43 <digitx> huh
21:43 <digitx> cu
21:43 <epsy> ah, now comes the real game :D
21:43 <epsy> #roulette
21:43 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:43 <digitx> #roulette
21:43 <MrBougo> #roulette
21:43  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:43 -!- MrBougo was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:43 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-218-72.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
21:43 <luke-jr> :D
21:43 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
21:43  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:43 <digitx> HEHEHE
21:43 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
21:43 <digitx> digitx: click :PPPP
21:43 <epsy> :D
21:43 <MrBougo> #roulette
21:43 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
21:43 <digitx> 2x
21:43 <digitx> #roulette
21:43 <MrBougo> #roulette
21:44 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
21:44 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
21:44 <digitx> #roulette
21:44 -!- digitx was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:44 <MrBougo> #roulette
21:44  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:44 <@armabot> MrBougo: *click*
21:44 <epsy> #roulette
21:44 <ghableska> #roulette
21:44 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
21:44 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
21:44 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:44 <MrBougo> 3 clicks
21:44 <epsy> #roulette
21:44 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:44 <MrBougo> 3 clicks
21:44  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:44 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
21:44 <ghableska> #roulette
21:44 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:44 <digitx> #roulette
21:44 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
21:44 <digitx> #roulette
21:44 -!- digitx was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:44  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:44 <ghableska> #roulette
21:44 <@armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:44 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
21:44 <MrBougo> #roulette spin
21:44 <digitx> #roulette
21:44 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
21:44 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o armabot] by ChanServ
21:44 <armabot> digitx: *click*
21:44 <MrBougo> #roulette spin
21:44 <armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
21:44 <ghableska> #roulette
21:44 <armabot> ghableska: *click*
21:44 <digitx> #roulette click
21:44 <armabot> digitx: (roulette [spin]) -- Fires the revolver. If the bullet was in the chamber, you're dead. Tell me to spin the chambers and I will.
21:44 <MrBougo> #roulette
21:44 <armabot> MrBougo: *click*
21:44 <MrBougo> lol spam
21:44 <digitx> #roulette cspin
21:44 <MrBougo> ok im out
21:44 <armabot> digitx: (roulette [spin]) -- Fires the revolver. If the bullet was in the chamber, you're dead. Tell me to spin the chambers and I will.
21:44 <digitx> #roulette spin
21:44 <MrBougo> bye all
21:44 <armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
21:44 <ghableska> cu
21:44 <digitx> CU bugiiii
21:44 <digitx> !brb
21:44 <MrBougo> #night
21:44 <digitx> jaa
21:44 <armabot> Good night MrBougo!
21:44 <digitx> ;)
21:44 <digitx> xD
21:44 <digitx> night
21:44 <ghableska> #armaservers
21:44 <armabot> ghableska: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (13 players) || ¬{Durka Durka Land Clan War|¬ {wT} vs .dBd| (13 players) || Strawberry Fields (11 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (10 players) || Norm's Place (10 players) || °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~ (10 players) || Wild West =CTF Shooting= (9 players) || ~"XzL.Clan The Server (8 players) || ~*SpeederS*~ Server (6 players) || Tigers Network (1 more message)
21:45 <digitx> #serverinfo norm
21:45 <armabot> digitx: Norm's Place: Players (8/12): (V)Mary, 2.73 Kelvin, Alpha, DrHouse, El Chingon, Supernoob, twee, |AST| legendary
21:45 <digitx> huhuuu
21:45 <MrBougo> HEY YOU, DID YOU JUST TYPE #seen ? >:D   ....    Ok.. I'm out... Night
21:45 <epsy> armabot,  roulette
21:45 <armabot> epsy: Error: The command "roulette" is available in the Alias and Games plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "roulette".
21:45 <digitx> #echo #roulette
21:45 <armabot> #roulette
21:45 <digitx> xD
21:45 <epsy> lol
21:45 <luke-jr> #help alias roulette
21:45 <armabot> luke-jr: Error: There is no command "alias roulette".
21:45 <epsy> armabot,  roulette
21:45 <armabot> epsy: *click*
21:45 <digitx> ooo i knowwwwwwwww
21:45 <digitx> -b toodbot
21:45 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-218-72.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #armagetron ["Spaghatta Carbanara"]
21:45 <digitx> +o toddbot
21:45 <epsy> k that dosn't work ^^
21:45 <digitx> #echo !roulette
21:45 <armabot> !roulette
21:45 <epsy> lol nice
21:46 <digitx> #echo !roulette #roulette !roulette
21:46 <armabot> !roulette #roulette !roulette
21:46 <epsy> !echo #roulette
21:46 <digitx> +b :)
21:46 <spidey> ..
21:46 <epsy> armabot, roulette
21:46 <armabot> epsy: *click*
21:46 <epsy> armabot, roulette
21:46 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
21:46  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:46 <epsy> armabot, roulette
21:46 <armabot> epsy: *click*
21:46 <epsy> armabot, roulette
21:46 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
21:46  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:46 <epsy> bff
21:46 <epsy> armabot, ...
21:46 <digitx> armabot, roulette
21:46 <armabot> epsy: ...
21:46 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
21:46  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:47 <epsy> #poing
21:47 <armabot> piong
21:47 <epsy> #piong
21:47 <armabot> poing
21:47 <epsy> :D
21:47 <digitx> #epsyy
21:47 <digitx> #epsyy
21:47 <armabot> epsy is a bot
21:47 <epsy> armabot, damn digitx
21:47 <armabot> guru3 damns digitx.
21:47 <epsy> ty
21:47 <digitx> :D
21:48 <guru3> damnit STOP FUCKING PINGING ME
21:48 <epsy> bofh, at least #epsyy doesn't get triggered by it
21:48 <guru3> it's always uselessly done in here
21:48 <epsy> armabot, pingflood
21:48 <epsy> ups **
21:49 <digitx> !pong
21:49 <digitx> !ping
21:49  * guru3 narrows his eyes
21:49 <spidey> 'morning guru3 ;p
21:49  * spidey points at luke-jr as the suspect :o
21:49 <guru3> ...
21:50 <ghableska> heh
21:50 -!- mkzelda__ [n=mkzelda@74-60-179-141.ral.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #armagetron
21:50 <guru3> btw i still have no internet
21:50 <spidey> O.o
21:50 -!- Stempo [n=446e00b4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
21:50 <spidey> where'd it go?
21:50 <z-man> That poses a little riddle, doesn't it?
21:50 <Stempo> HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!!
21:50 <Stempo> riddle?
21:50 <Stempo> where?
21:50 <guru3> it was disabled
21:50 <Stempo> o
21:50 <guru3> i should say
21:50 <z-man> if guru3 has no internet, how come he can chat here?
21:50 <guru3> i have no internet in my room
21:50 <luke-jr> hang3r: .au!
21:51 <guru3> im in the computer lab
21:51 <spidey> z-man, school
21:51 <spidey> :p
21:51 <luke-jr> where is .hu anyway?
21:51 <luke-jr> ...
21:51 <luke-jr> Stempo: wasn't that yesterday?
21:51 <z-man> Real men don't need excuses to drink green beer.
21:51 <guru3> hahaha
21:51 <guru3> i just don't drink beer
21:51 <guru3> problem solved
21:51 <guru3> lucky for me tho
21:51 <digitx> luke?
21:51 <epsy> luke-jr, xchat :/
21:52 <digitx> ctcp ?
21:52 <digitx> xD
21:52 <guru3> i have green fungus growing on the nose pad rhingies of my glasses
21:52  * ghableska had that too
21:52  * spidey too
21:52 <luke-jr> O.o
21:52 <z-man> eeeewwwww.
21:52 <epsy> yeah, btw happy st patrick :D
21:52 <epsy> i'm irish :D
21:52 <guru3> because i don't have to worry about not wearing green :D
21:53 <luke-jr> epsy: .hu is Ireland?
21:53 <epsy> .hu is hungrarian
21:53 <digitx> Hungary
21:53 <ghableska> hungary?
21:53 <epsy> .ie is ireland
21:53 <digitx> hungary is shit
21:53 <luke-jr> eww, IE
21:53 <digitx> hungary is shit
21:53 <luke-jr> where is Hungary?
21:53 <epsy> yeah that isn't nice :(
21:53 <digitx> Europe
21:53 <digitx> Central
21:53 <luke-jr> o
21:53 <digitx> xD
21:53 <luke-jr> so like
21:53 <luke-jr> by Germany?
21:53 <digitx> germany?
21:53 <luke-jr> ...
21:53 <epsy> LOL
21:54 <digitx> XD
21:54 <z-man> a little bit to the east
21:54 <Vanhayes> there are irish people in hungary?
21:54 <z-man> and south
21:54 <luke-jr> lol
21:54 <epsy> Vanhayes, wtf
21:54 <guru3> are there hungry people in hungary?
21:54 <guru3> that's the real qyestin
21:54 <guru3> *question
21:54 <spidey> lol
21:54  * ghableska points to Turkey
21:54 <guru3> damn this english keyboard layout
21:54 <luke-jr> lol
21:54 <guru3> it keeps making me make typos
21:54 <guru3> cause i'm not used to it
21:54 <luke-jr> Hungary should eat Turkey :O
21:54 <guru3> esp. on the laptop
21:54 <digitx> #hungary
21:54 <armabot> digitx, hungary is shit
21:55 <epsy> heh
21:55 <luke-jr> lol
21:55 <Vanhayes> luke-jr: that was a really lame joke
21:55  * z-man is embarrassed not to know whether Germany shares a border with Hungary. Thinks not. Looks it up
21:55 <digitx> really
21:55 <digitx> Hungary is shit
21:55 <digitx> xD
21:55 <spidey> ....
21:55 <digitx> Hungary is shit
21:55 <epsy> armabot, hungary rocks !!
21:55 <armabot> epsy, hungary is shit
21:55  * luke-jr ponders +c
21:55 <epsy> lol
21:55 <digitx> :D
21:55 <luke-jr> so digitx lives in ____
21:56 <z-man> Phew. Guessed right. Austria is in between.
21:56 <luke-jr> who can guess?
21:56  * guru3 ponders with luke-jr 
21:56 <luke-jr> Austria is in Europe?
21:56 <spidey> ...
21:56 <Vanhayes> I guess it is hared to know who borders who in europe
21:56 <Vanhayes> harder*
21:56 <z-man> The one without al and kangaroos, yes.
21:56 <spidey> lmao
21:56 <digitx> psssssz
21:56 <digitx> psssst
21:56 <epsy> luke-jr, yes
21:56 <digitx> #hungary
21:56 <armabot> digitx, hungary is shit
21:56 <epsy> there is kangaroos in france
21:57 <digitx> :D
21:57  * ghableska goes to play fortress
21:57 <spidey> zoo's don't count
21:57 <digitx> #serverinfo norm
21:57 <armabot> digitx: Norm's Place: Players (11/12): (V)Mary, 0z*Shin, 2.73 Kelvin, Alpha, DrHouse, El Chingon, ICE BEAR, L2K|Jag Solo, tobiwan, twee, |AST| legendary
21:57 <digitx> 34kph
21:57 <digitx> wind speed :S
21:57 <epsy> armabot, tea
21:57 <armabot> epsy: Fortress Café: Players (6/32): G5, JJBean, Monkey, pavelo, Wild, ~/EF\~L.Sunrise
21:57 <digitx> tea
21:57 <Stempo> #serverinfo durkadurka
21:57 <digitx> xD
21:57 <armabot> Stempo: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “durkadurka” at the moment, sorry.
21:57 <epsy> ok
21:57 <Stempo> sgah
21:57 <digitx> #serverinfo durka
21:57 <armabot> digitx: ¬{Durka Durka Land Clan War|¬{wT} vs .dBd|: Players (10/16): $_TrEnT_$ Elico, -=§ømy~BeaSt!!!, Cutting Edge, name, ShåÏøv, {wT}$öµq lêlöð, {wT}Çû¦tåñf, {wT}Grguitar, {wT}KïllêQåÞßît, {wT}Legit
21:57 <digitx> lol
21:58 <Stempo> xD
21:58 <digitx> xD
21:58 <Stempo> whenever I do that is goes to WW sum by durka lol
21:58 <luke-jr> #serverinfo .server
21:58 <Vanhayes> #serverinfo cafe
21:58 <Stempo> sumo*
21:58 <armabot> luke-jr: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “.server” at the moment, sorry.
21:58 <armabot> Vanhayes: Fortress Café: Players (6/32): G5, JJBean, Monkey, pavelo, Wild, ~/EF\~L.Sunrise
21:58 <luke-jr> #serverinfo server.
21:58 <epsy> armabot, muhammed
21:58 <armabot> luke-jr: Server.iZm: Players (4/8): -=Sony~AMC, logger, ZC is Me, |AtLaS|
21:58 <armabot> epsy: ¬{Durka Durka Land Clan War|¬{wT} vs .dBd|: Players (10/16): $_TrEnT_$ Elico, -=§ømy~BeaSt!!!, Cutting Edge, name, ShåÏøv, {wT}$öµq lêlöð, {wT}Çû¦tåñf, {wT}Grguitar, {wT}KïllêQåÞßît, {wT}Legit
21:58 <luke-jr> #serverinfo delicious
21:58 <armabot> luke-jr: {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map: Players (10/16): (chili pepper), Bloody_Jin, CT×µmrêåk, greg1022, HI, Iona, Michael, OlDsKoOlBiA[g.], {C+J}fireblast, {C+J}halo3
21:58 -!- mkzelda_ [n=mkzelda@74-60-179-141.ral.clearwire-dns.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:58 <luke-jr> #serverinfo 2020
21:58 <z-man> iZm has a server?
21:58 <armabot> luke-jr: 2020 team challenge: No online players.
21:59 <luke-jr> z-man: as of a few days ago
21:59 <Vanhayes> luke-jr: one of yours?
21:59  * luke-jr ponders why 2020 always seems to be empty
21:59 <luke-jr> Vanhayes: yep
21:59 <luke-jr> pretty nice, by my video card can't handle it :(
21:59 <spidey> ew
21:59 <ghableska> luke-jr: are you hosting 2020's server?
21:59 <luke-jr> ghableska: he's the one in Europe
22:00 -!- Stempo [n=446e00b4@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC (EOF)"]
22:00 <luke-jr> iZm fills up fast :o
22:01 <spidey> ?
22:01 <luke-jr> maybe they'll upgrade so I stop losing money XD
22:01 <spidey> lmao
22:01 <spidey> btw
22:02 <z-man> OMG, suckiest server ever
22:03 <luke-jr> ...
22:03 <digitx> #serverinfo norm
22:03 <z-man> the izm one
22:03 <armabot> digitx: Norm's Place: Players (12/12): (V)Mary, 2.73 Kelvin, DrHouse, Godlike, Gromit, ICE BEAR, M¡MeX, snail, tobiwan, twee, you need help!, [nrx]
22:03 <digitx> MIMEX
22:03 <digitx> xD
22:03 <luke-jr> z-man: you get low fps?
22:03 <spidey> lol z-man
22:03 <z-man> nah, the settings suck, that's all.
22:03 <luke-jr> when I played there it was pretty decent
22:03 <luke-jr> maybe they changed stuff
22:03 <luke-jr> shrug
22:03 <madmax|pt> 2000 rubber?
22:03 <spidey> O.o
22:03 <z-man> 30
22:03 <luke-jr> LOL?
22:03 <luke-jr> 2000 would be insane XD
22:03 <z-man> and pretty good bakes
22:03 <z-man> brakes
22:03 <luke-jr> DD has 80
22:04 <luke-jr> but I go about speed 600 in DD too :p
22:04 <spidey> hm
22:04 <luke-jr> 623.1 is my record there, IIRC
22:05  * Vanhayes hasn't been outside a fortress/sum server in quite a while
22:05 <Vanhayes> sumo*
22:05  * luke-jr can't stand fortress/sumo anymore
22:05 <spidey> luke-jr, because you suck
22:05 <luke-jr> it's too boring -.-
22:05 <spidey> :p
22:05 <spidey> ...
22:05 <spidey> how is it boring?
22:05 <luke-jr> everyone does the same crap all the time
22:06 <spidey> and that is?
22:06 <luke-jr> ...
22:06 <luke-jr> attacking a single point
22:06 <luke-jr> duh
22:06 <spidey> well
22:06 <spidey> high rubber servers are boring
22:06 <luke-jr> not if they're high speed as well
22:06 <spidey> are too
22:06 <luke-jr> like DD
22:07 <z-man> high speed is pointless :) It just scales.
22:07 <luke-jr> not really
22:07 <z-man> high acceleration, now that's tolerable.
22:07 <luke-jr> well
22:07 <luke-jr> yeah, that's what I meant :p
22:07 <luke-jr> tho the default speed is also slightly higher
22:08 <luke-jr> when I get up to 600 speeds, 80 rubber is often the reason I die easily :p
22:10 -!- mkzelda__ [n=mkzelda@74-60-179-141.ral.clearwire-dns.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:12 <spidey> #g 33*5
22:12 <armabot> spidey: 33 * 5 = 165
22:12 <spidey> #g 54*2
22:12 <armabot> spidey: 54 * 2 = 108
22:12 <spidey> #g 108 + 165
22:12 <armabot> spidey: 108 + 165 = 273
22:13 <spidey> #g 273+50
22:13 <armabot> spidey: 273 + 50 = 323
22:13 <spidey> hm
22:14 <spidey> #g 677 / 33
22:14 <armabot> spidey: 677 / 33 = 20.5151515
22:15 <digitx> dzsíííííííí
22:15 <digitx> * CTCP TIME érkezett ettõl: P4
22:15 <digitx> * CTCP VERSION érkezett ettõl: P4
22:15 <digitx> * CTCP PING 1174166190 érkezett ettõl: P4
22:17 <ghableska> o_O
22:17 <spidey> luke-jr, stop
22:17 <digitx> xD
22:18 <luke-jr> spidey: not my fault if your IRC client makes a big deal over CTCP
22:18 <spidey> it's your fault when you know  my client does
22:18 <luke-jr> иносраные лохи
22:18 <spidey> so stop :)
22:18 <luke-jr> it wasn't directed specifically at you
22:18 <digitx> 
22:18 <digitx> <digitx> ?U
22:18 <digitx> <digitx> U
22:18 <digitx> <digitx> U
22:18 <digitx> <digitx> U
22:18 <digitx> <digitx> UUU
22:18 <digitx> ..
22:21 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving."]
22:21 <spidey> hm
22:22 <spidey> we can fit 20 more tron servers on the dedicated D:
22:22 <spidey> seeing as ctf only used .1% - .9% of the cpu, and about .6% of the memory, resources don't mean much
22:25 <Vanhayes> spidey: how many servers does FA have right now?
22:25 <spidey> lets see
22:25 <spidey> including the AFL server, we have 5 tron,  2 soldat, and 1 tremulous server
22:26 <Vanhayes> hmm tremulous..
22:26 <Vanhayes> anything new there?
22:26 <spidey> we have 5 tron servers because, what better way to make your clan members feel involved than to let them run there own server for a week? then cycle to the next member? :)
22:27 <spidey> Vanhayes, cheaters
22:27 <spidey> Vanhayes, people using aimbots, wires, and infinate health
22:27 <spidey> there was this one match i played, someone got through a wall that's supposed to kill you, built a human base, and won the match
22:28 <Vanhayes> ew
22:28 <spidey> because we couldn't kill them after he did that, his whole team became immune to dying ;/
22:28 <spidey> there's some good servers though, there's just the occasional `hacker` 
22:29 <spidey> that ruins it for everyone :(
22:29 <spidey> which reminds me, forgot to start the tremulous server xD
22:29 <Vanhayes> how many people are playing now?
22:29 <spidey> tremulous?
22:29 <spidey> alot
22:30 <digitx> .
22:30 <spidey> there's some servers with 30 people in them
22:30 <spidey> about 2 hours ago dretch storm had 43 in it
22:30 <spidey> heh
22:30 <Vanhayes> wow, last time I played it was hard to find 1 full server
22:31 <digitx> go oops
22:37 <spidey> Vanhayes, it's not anymore :)
22:37 <Vanhayes> spidey:  want to play?
22:37 <spidey> sure, just lemme finish updating the tremulous start script
22:38 <Vanhayes> hmm, I wonder if it is still on here
22:38 <spidey> weird :(
22:39 <spidey> nohup bash -c './tremded.x86 +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg >>trem.log' &   isn't logging to trem.log :(
22:39 <spidey> anyway Vanhayes pick a server ;p
22:39 <luke-jr> try & before >>
22:39 <luke-jr> so &>>
22:39 <Vanhayes> have to install it, wasnt on here
22:39 <luke-jr> me too
22:40 <spidey> luke-jr, it works on soldat/arma like that
22:40 <luke-jr> spidey: they probably use stdout
22:40 <spidey> o
22:40 <luke-jr> btw, there's (other) people on IRCMOO now if you want to try it :p
22:41 <spidey> will it still spam me?
22:41 <Vanhayes> IRCMOO is the devil
22:41 <Vanhayes> and not in a good way
22:41 <luke-jr> spidey: it won't send anything you don't ask for
22:41  * luke-jr ponders supressing location description on connect
22:41  * luke-jr also ponders putting it all on a single line
22:42 <spidey> well
22:42 <spidey> it logs to nohup.out, but still not trem.log
22:43 <luke-jr> O.o
22:43 <spidey> oh well, i'll use tail -n on it anyways
22:43 <luke-jr> oh
22:43 <luke-jr> that's obvious
22:43 <luke-jr> you're nohuping bash
22:43 <luke-jr> not trem
22:43 <Vanhayes> looks like the first time I got it was exactally 1 year ago
22:43 <luke-jr> and you're redirecting trem :p
22:43 <luke-jr> got what?
22:44 <Vanhayes> what game is the topic of this dicussion?
22:45 <luke-jr> how do  you "get" a game? :p
22:45 <GodTodd> monopoly?
22:45 <GodTodd> :D
22:45 <spidey> luke-jr, simple, download it
22:46 <luke-jr> it's compiling down
22:46 <luke-jr> now*
22:46 <ghableska> #weather 50266
22:46 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 40.8°F (4:45 PM CDT on March 17, 2007). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: 23.0°F. Pressure: 29.21 in 989.1 hPa (Falling). 
22:46 <Vanhayes> ghableska: play tremulous
22:47 -!- Vanhayes_opera [n=lamb--ch@stjhnbsu83w-156034192196.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
22:48 <ghableska> is it fun?
22:48 <ghableska> :p
22:48 <luke-jr> no
22:50 <Vanhayes> ghableska: ya, pretty original too
22:50  * ghableska ignores luke-jr
22:50 <ghableska> hmm
22:50 <ghableska> ok
22:50 <ghableska> I'll download it in a bit
22:51 <luke-jr> how can a fork be original? O.o
22:51 <Vanhayes> spidey: what server?
22:51 <spidey> Vanhayes, you pick
22:51 <luke-jr> I get to be teh alien!
22:51 <Vanhayes> luke-jr: ever hear of a spork?
22:51 <luke-jr> yes
22:53 <spidey> luke-jr, find a serveR?
22:53 <luke-jr> ?
22:53 <spidey> 'er
22:53 <luke-jr> I thought we were plying on FA?
22:53 <spidey> Vanhayes, find a server?
22:53 <spidey> luke-jr, doesn't matter to me :p
22:54 <spidey> you two vs me is fine :)
22:54 <Vanhayes> spidey: ya FA would be fine with me
22:54 <spidey> though, i get to be alien :D
22:54 <Vanhayes> ok
22:54 <spidey> ok, the server name's Fallin-Angels
22:54 <spidey> i tihnk o.O
22:55 <spidey> #g 5.6 % of 1 GB
22:55 <armabot> spidey: 5.6% of (1 gigabyte) = 57.34400 megabytes
22:55 <luke-jr> I wanna be aliens
22:55 <luke-jr> and crawl on walls :D
22:56 <luke-jr> Waiting for programs to finish...
22:56 <Vanhayes> can't find it
22:56 <luke-jr> ...
22:57 <spidey> "get new list"
22:57 <Vanhayes> anyway to make it not full screen?
22:57 <spidey> alt+enter
22:57 <spidey> but it still takes over your mouse
22:57 <spidey> heh
22:57 <luke-jr> how do you chat while playing? O.o
22:57 <luke-jr> in IRC, I mean
22:57 <luke-jr> it takes over my kb too
22:58 <spidey> well
22:58 <spidey> if you was on windows you could press the windows logo key
22:58 <spidey> luke-jr, Vanhayes make sure show empty is set to no
22:58 <spidey> then click get new list
22:58 <spidey> in the server browser list
22:58 <spidey> then list the server by players
22:59 <spidey> there should be 1 or 2 players, hayes just joined
22:59 <luke-jr> also note that Alt-Enter has toggled Fullscreen since windows 3.11
23:00 <Vanhayes> meh it was in the menu
23:00 <Vanhayes> I found the server
23:00 -!- Vanhayes_opera [n=lamb--ch@stjhnbsu83w-156034192196.nb.aliant.net] has left #armagetron []
23:02 <spidey> Vanhayes, join a team? :p
23:02 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]
23:04 <ghableska> spidey, Vanhayes: ping
23:04 <Vanhayes> ghableska: pong
23:04 <spidey> ?
23:04 <spidey> Vanhayes, why'd you leave? lol
23:04 <ghableska> downloaded and installed
23:04 <Vanhayes> spidey: its still loading :/
23:04 <spidey> said you timed out
23:04 <spidey> rejoin
23:05 <spidey> where'd you go ? O.o
23:05 <Vanhayes> ghableska: join fallen angels
23:11 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:11 -!- hang3r [n=hang3r@124-168-236-35.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Armagetron
23:21 <digitx> #list
23:21 <armabot> digitx: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
23:21 <digitx> #list Misc
23:21 <armabot> digitx: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
23:21 <digitx> #list CIA
23:21 <armabot> digitx: addhandler, describe, listhandlers, removehandler, and runhandler
23:23 <ghableska> #armaservers
23:23 <armabot> ghableska: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
23:23 <ghableska> #serverdetails cafe
23:23 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (9/32): CraigS, Ðûqkå, MaZuffeR, Monkey, smoke, {wT}KïllêQåÞßît, ~*!viper!*~, ~|DS|~|dvDosc|~, ¦×¥ $µazero
23:23 <epsy> ghableska, tea
23:23 <epsy> armabot, tea
23:23 <armabot> epsy: Fortress Café: Players (9/32): CraigS, Ðûqkå, MaZuffeR, Monkey, smoke, {wT}KïllêQåÞßît, ~*!viper!*~, ~|DS|~|dvDosc|~, ¦×¥ $µazero
23:23 <epsy> :D
23:24 <digitx> #help alias
23:24 <armabot> digitx: Error: There is no command "alias".
23:24 <digitx> #list alias
23:24 <armabot> digitx: ..., 1, add, armabot, armaconfig, asktoddbot, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, damn, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, die, die, digg, digitx, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, hungary, hyphy, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, killsomeone, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, muhammed, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, pacman, pingme, (1 more message)
23:24 <epsy> #pingme
23:24 <armabot> epsy: ping!
23:24 <epsy> :D
23:24 <epsy> #pong
23:27 <epsy> ok cya
23:27 <epsy> #damn luke-jr 
23:27 <armabot> hang3r damns luke-jr.
23:27 <epsy> roulette doesn't work anymore ?
23:27 <epsy> #damn luke-jr 
23:27 <armabot> GodTodd damns luke-jr.
23:27 <epsy> #damn luke-jr 
23:27 <armabot> ghableska damns luke-jr.
23:27 <ghableska> :o
23:27 <epsy> no...
23:27 <epsy> hmm
23:27 <epsy> :P
23:27 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["END OF LINE"]
23:28 <digitx> #alias
23:28 <digitx> #alias bla
23:30 <digitx> #list Admin
23:30 <armabot> digitx: capability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part
23:32 <digitx> #list misc
23:32 <armabot> digitx: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
23:33 <digitx> #list
23:33 <armabot> digitx: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
23:33 <digitx> #list plugin
23:33 <armabot> digitx: author, contributors, help, list, and plugin
23:33 <digitx> #list RSS
23:33 <armabot> digitx: add, announce, armaservers, armawiki, info, reddit, remove, and rss
23:34 <digitx> #list user
23:34 <armabot> digitx: capabilities, changename, hostmask, hostmask add, hostmask list, hostmask remove, identify, list, register, set password, set secure, stats, unidentify, unregister, username, and whoami
23:34 <digitx> #list Utilities
23:34 <armabot> digitx: apply, echo, ignore, last, shuffle, and success
23:38 <digitx> #list Web
23:38 <armabot> digitx: doctype, fetch, headers, netcraft, size, title, urlquote, and urlunquote
23:38 <digitx> #list Sourceforge
23:38 <armabot> digitx: bug, bugs, fight, patch, patches, rfe, rfes, stats, total, and tracker
23:41 <Vanhayes> ghableska: didnt like tremulous?
23:43 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit ["Távozom"]
23:46 <CIA-10> armagetronad:  * resources/P4/test/labirynt-0.0.7d.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
23:46 <armabot> armagetronad:  * resources/P4/test/labirynt-0.0.7d.aamap.xml: Resource by P4
23:50 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
23:58 <spidey> luke-jr, ?
23:58 <spidey> lol
23:59 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron

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Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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