Log from 2007-03-02:
--- Day changed Fri Mar 02 2007
00:00 <_Sticky_> kate is generaly good as an editor
00:01 <_Sticky_> has an entry for "common lisp"
00:03 <madmax|pt> well, I'd prefer vim :P
00:04 <_Sticky_> hmm is this a functional language? looks like one
00:04 <madmax|pt> the thing is, there's some editors that integrate an interpreter and editor in a ... good way
00:04 <madmax|pt> yes
00:04 <luke-jr_work> wrtlprnft: fits perfectly?
00:05 <_Sticky_> oh dear..I did some sml...functional languages are great when you get them, until then you spend hours screaming "WHY!!! THIS IS SO POINTLESS"
00:05 <madmax|pt> indeed
00:05 <luke-jr_work> lol
00:09 <madmax|pt> heh, Lisp Works seems ok
00:10 <_Sticky_> someones written a plugin for eclipse for lisp...and eclipse generaly kicks ass
00:11 <madmax|pt> auto-complete or whatever-they-call-it?
00:11 <_Sticky_> for java yes lisp duno
00:11 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr_work: currently testing something
00:13 <_Sticky_> madmax|pt: It provides a repl, project manager, an outline of your code for simple navigation, code editor, syntax highlighting, auto-indetation, parenthesis matching, auto-completion, and more.
00:13 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-0-117.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
00:13 <DrJoeTron> Mike Nelson is a goon now :D
00:14 <madmax|pt> well, I didnt have a 'really big' project yet
00:14 <madmax|pt> for the ones I did, vim and ctags were ok :P
00:18 <DrJoeTron> this is soo cool
00:18 <_Sticky_> what is??
00:18 <DrJoeTron> Mike nelson is an SA forum member now
00:19 <DrJoeTron> from Mystery Science Theatre 3000
00:19 <_Sticky_> ???
00:19 <DrJoeTron> http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2355908
00:21 <_Sticky_> im sure i would revere this guy if i had any clue who he was
00:21 <DrJoeTron> aww you have never seen or heard of MST3k?
00:21 <_Sticky_> nope
00:22 <DrJoeTron> its pretty much a guy and a bunch of robots watching B movies and making fun of them
00:22 <_Sticky_> america??
00:22 <DrJoeTron> yup
00:22 <_Sticky_> ahh
00:22 <_Sticky_> dont think we got it in uk yet
00:22 <DrJoeTron> i doubt you ever will any time soon
00:22 <DrJoeTron> its an old tv show
00:22 <_Sticky_> heh
00:24 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034152156.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["I quit"]
00:24 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr_work: http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/lukesite.html
00:24 <wrtlprnft> the only thing I could come up with
00:24 <wrtlprnft> but it works in all browsers I tested and others will fall back to a constant height gracefully
00:24 <wrtlprnft> AND you get a minimum height for the field
00:24 <wrtlprnft> and a maximum
00:25 <luke-jr_work> what's wrong with just adding rows?
00:25 <luke-jr_work> and display:block
00:25 <wrtlprnft> it doesn't fill the entire height of the browser window :P
00:26 <luke-jr_work> oh, yours works in Opera?
00:26 <wrtlprnft> yeah, of course
00:26 <wrtlprnft> note that if firefox did what you wanted with that percentage stuff it's probably nonstandard
00:26 <luke-jr_work> nope
00:26 <luke-jr_work> Konqueror did
00:27 <wrtlprnft> did what?
00:27 <luke-jr_work> % correctly
00:27 <wrtlprnft> correctly
00:28 <wrtlprnft> if you didn't specify a height on #editor it's supposed to ignore it as it makes no sense
00:28 <wrtlprnft> anyways
00:28 <wrtlprnft> #night
00:28 <armabot> Good night wrtlprnft!
00:31 <luke-jr_work> anyhow, I refuse to use Javascript for something appearance
00:34 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving."]
00:37 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034152156.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
00:43 <madmax|pt> is the server up Vanhayes ? o_O
00:43 <Vanhayes> yup
00:43 <Vanhayes> 1 on 1 sumo bistro
00:43 <madmax|pt> nvm
00:43 <Vanhayes> #serverinfo bistro
00:43 <armabot> Vanhayes: 1v1 Sumo Bistro: Players (1/4): Vanhayes
00:44 -!- wejp_ [n=j@i577B97CB.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
00:48 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034152156.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["I quit"]
00:51 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508722AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
00:54 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
00:59 -!- j0h4nn3s [n=j@i577BA28D.versanet.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:05 <mkzelda> http://www.break.com/index/drunk_squirrel_climbs_tree.html
01:09 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-132-242.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
01:10 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-132-242.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Client Quit]
01:17 <madmax|pt> what were the other results from bistro? :D
01:21 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@c-76-19-206-67.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
01:25 <madmax|pt> #serverinfo bistro
01:25 <armabot> madmax|pt: 1v1 Sumo Bistro: Players (2/4): Lackadaisical, Vanhayes
01:26 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034152156.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
01:29 <spidey> #g 175,000 MB in GB
01:30 <armabot> spidey: 175,000 megabytes = 170.898438 gigabytes
01:32 <luke-jr_work> O.o
01:32 <spidey> ?
01:33 <luke-jr_work> #g 170,000,000,000 bytes in GB
01:33 <armabot> luke-jr_work: 170,000,000,000 bytes = 158.324838 gigabytes
01:33 <luke-jr_work> see how much HD makers rip you off?
01:33 <luke-jr_work> #g 170 GB - 158.324838 GB
01:33 <armabot> luke-jr_work: (170 gigabytes) - (158.324838 gigabytes) = 11.675162 gigabytes
01:33 <spidey> they don't really rip you off
01:33 <luke-jr_work> That's 11.65 GB they advertise more than they include!
01:33 <spidey> the partition tables are huge
01:33 <luke-jr_work> erm, no
01:33 <spidey> i partitioned my 120gb drive
01:34 <luke-jr_work> #g 120,000,000,000 bytes in GB
01:34 <armabot> luke-jr_work: 120,000,000,000 bytes = 111.758709 gigabytes
01:34 <luke-jr_work> it really only has 111.75 GB
01:34 <spidey> it made a it made a 19.9gb and a 80gb drive
01:34 <luke-jr_work> #g 120 GB - 111.75 GB
01:34 <armabot> luke-jr_work: (120 gigabytes) - (111.75 gigabytes) = 8.25 gigabytes
01:34 <spidey> partition*
01:34 <luke-jr_work> 8.25 GB you get ripped off
01:34 <spidey> wow
01:34 <spidey> i can install 1 game on 8.25gb
01:34 <luke-jr_work> btw, partition tables are 512 bytes
01:34 <luke-jr_work> IIRC
01:35 <luke-jr_work> they're certainly under 1 MB
01:35 <spidey> #g 19.9+ 80
01:35 <armabot> spidey: 19.9 + 80 = 99.9
01:35 <spidey> so my drive dropped from 111gb to 99.9gb
01:35 <spidey> just from making 2 partitions
01:35 <luke-jr_work> crappy filesystem
01:35 <luke-jr_work> no, partitions don't use space
01:35 <spidey> index tables do
01:35 <luke-jr_work> that's filesystem
01:35 <spidey> that use space
01:40 <luke-jr_work> made a 1.1 GB file
01:40 <luke-jr_work> 976 MB free space with ext3 defaults
01:42 <luke-jr_work> 913 MB total with -i 1024
01:42 <luke-jr_work> (ext3)
01:45 <luke-jr_work> a full 1.1 GB total with -i 65536
01:45 <luke-jr_work> 16,704 limit # of files tho
01:49 <luke-jr_work> 1.1 GB total with reiserfs defaults!
01:49 <madmax|pt> Vanhayes: are you playing in the next ladle?
01:49 <Vanhayes> i might be ya
01:50 <Vanhayes> durka asked me a while ago, and I said i probly would if I wasnt busy
01:50 <luke-jr_work> -b 512 reiserfs won't mount :o
01:50 <luke-jr_work> nor will -b 8192
01:50 <luke-jr_work> O.o
01:51 <luke-jr_work> conclusion: ext3 defaults suck?
01:53 <luke-jr_work> I've used more than half of my root partition with 888,715 files
01:53 <madmax|pt> well, if you want to play for TM, lots of slots are open...
01:55 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:55 <luke-jr_work> so 60 files per MB would be plenty
01:58 <luke-jr_work> 16KB/file avg
02:00 <luke-jr_work> 1016 MB total with that
02:00 <luke-jr_work> 40 MB saved per GB
02:01 <luke-jr_work> which means I could gain 9.75 GB if I reformat my desktop HD :o
02:06 <Lackadaisical> madmax|pt: i made the table you requested: http://www.kingsofthegrid.net/table.php
02:11 <madmax|pt> ah, saw the reply notification email first than here
02:11 <madmax|pt> thanks :D
02:31 -!- luke-jr_work [n=luke-jr@adsl-76-194-177-181.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:53 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit ["Yes. he really did."]
03:12 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@212-139-167-22.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
03:26 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034152156.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
03:47 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-043-055.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
03:47 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-043-055.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #armagetron []
03:53 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
03:58 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
03:58 <ghableska> GAH.
03:58 <ghableska> internet is finally back D:
03:58 <ghableska> #weather 50266
03:58 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 25.3°F (9:01 PM CST on March 01, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 21.2°F. Windchill: 12.2°F. Pressure: 28.26 in 956.9 hPa (Rising). Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 PM CST Friday...
03:58 <xfroggy> #roulette
03:58 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
03:58 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
03:59 <ghableska> heh
03:59 <xfroggy> it gets my blood pumping XD
04:00 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o Lucifer_arma] by ChanServ
04:00 -!- xfroggy was kicked from #armagetron by Lucifer_arma [BANG! You've been shot!]
04:00 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o Lucifer_arma] by Lucifer_arma
04:01 * Lucifer_arma reloads and spins the chambers.
04:01 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
04:01 <xfroggy> hey !
04:01 * ghableska hopes school is cancelled tomorrow as well
04:02 <xfroggy> I got pwned =\
04:02 <Lucifer_arma> I couldn't resist, sorry.
04:02 <ghableska> :)
04:03 <xfroggy> O.o
04:03 * xfroggy didn't even roll Oo
04:04 <xfroggy> #roulette
04:04 <armabot> xfroggy: *click*
04:04 <xfroggy> -.-
04:04 <ghableska> #roulette
04:04 <armabot> ghableska: *click*
04:04 * xfroggy looks around
04:04 <xfroggy> #roulette
04:04 <armabot> xfroggy: *click*
04:05 <ghableska> #roulette spin
04:05 <armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
04:05 <ghableska> #roulette
04:05 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
04:05 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
04:05 <ghableska> aw
04:05 <DrJoeTron> mike nelson is so cool :3
04:05 <ghableska> ?
04:05 <DrJoeTron> mst3k?
04:07 <Lucifer_arma> DrJoeTron: *click*
04:11 <DrJoeTron> #roulette
04:11 <armabot> DrJoeTron: *click*
04:16 <ghableska> #weather 50266
04:16 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 25.2°F (9:16 PM CST on March 01, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 21.2°F. Windchill: 8.6°F. Pressure: 28.26 in 956.9 hPa (Rising). Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 PM CST Friday...
04:33 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
04:34 <Lucifer_arma> #weather 78717
04:34 <armabot> Lucifer_arma: The current temperature in Meadows of Brushy Creek, Austin, Texas is 55.0°F (9:35 PM CST on March 01, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 35%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Pressure: 29.77 in 1008.0 hPa (Rising).
04:35 <Lucifer_arma> brrr
04:35 <ghableska> ...
04:44 <ghableska> yay
04:44 * ghableska has no school tomorrow
04:51 <luke-jr_> ...
04:51 <luke-jr_> can you make dry gas?
04:51 <ghableska> ?
05:15 <spidey> luke-jr_, gunpowder!
05:15 <spidey> :D
05:18 <Lucifer_arma> of course you can make a dry gas
05:18 <Lucifer_arma> it would be a gas without water in it
05:18 <Lucifer_arma> nothing says "all gases must have water in them"
05:18 <luke-jr_> I don't think it is
05:18 <Lucifer_arma> then define what you mean by 'dry'
05:18 <luke-jr_> I don't know wtf it is
05:18 <luke-jr_> it's called "dry gas" and heet
05:18 <Lucifer_arma> heet?
05:19 <Lucifer_arma> ummm, get a textbook from someone who can write?
05:19 <luke-jr_> Heet is a product of dry gas
05:19 <luke-jr_> http://www.no-leak.com/heet/products.htm
05:20 <Lucifer_arma> so "gas" here is gasoline?
05:20 <luke-jr_> I guess
05:21 <Lucifer_arma> gasoline is an unstable compound, which is why we can combust it :)
05:21 <Lucifer_arma> because it's unstable, it will mix with oxygen in the atmosphere, and that stuff is in your fuel tank too
05:21 <Lucifer_arma> so when it sits in your tank, it will decay, essentially, and mix with the atmosphere around it
05:21 <Lucifer_arma> one of the products of that reaction is H2O
05:22 <Lucifer_arma> so water accumulates in your gas tank, essentially
05:22 <Lucifer_arma> in really cold environments, that obviously freezes, and if there's enough, it can clog and even burst fuel lines. Very nasty, because water expands when it freezes
05:22 <Lucifer_arma> so basically what this is is a chemical that will break up the water
05:23 <Lucifer_arma> the best stuff will break up the water into elements that will recombine with the gasoline
05:23 <Lucifer_arma> rather, break it up and facilitate recombining with the gasoline (since you can only break water up into hydrogen and oxygen no matter what you use)
05:24 <Lucifer_arma> most of this stuff (don't know about these guys in particular) just break it into inert materials that are relatively harmless and will get caught by the fuel filter
05:24 <Lucifer_arma> so it is still about "drying" gasoline :)
05:26 <Lucifer_arma> would you like to know more?
05:26 <luke-jr_> if I can make it
05:26 <Lucifer_arma> I don't see why not, but you'll need to know more chemistry than I know right now
05:27 <Lucifer_arma> also, making a gasoline treatment is potentially very polluting
05:27 <Lucifer_arma> I'd recommend just buying it, it's not terribly expensive
05:27 <luke-jr_> yeah, how?
05:28 <luke-jr_> chicken and egg
05:28 <Lucifer_arma> ummm, go down to your local convenience store/grocery store/autoparts store, pick it up off the shelf, take it to the counter, give them your credit card...
05:28 <Lucifer_arma> cheapest at the autoparts stores, and widest selection
05:28 <luke-jr_> that's a long walk
05:29 <Lucifer_arma> fuel lines are frozen right now?
05:29 <luke-jr_> not frozen maybe
05:29 <luke-jr_> but won't start
05:29 <Lucifer_arma> will the engine turn over?
05:29 <luke-jr_> ...
05:29 <luke-jr_> wtf does that mean?
05:29 <Lucifer_arma> it means, when you turn the key, do you hear the noise of the engine doing something, or do you hear "click"
05:29 <luke-jr_> yes
05:29 <GodTodd> does it go "rumm rumm rumm" or "click click click"?
05:30 <Lucifer_arma> and the noise should be periodic
05:30 <Lucifer_arma> does it sound like, say, a sewing machine?
05:30 <luke-jr_> maybe
05:30 <Lucifer_arma> does it sound definitely different than the last time you started it?
05:30 <Lucifer_arma> or does it just sound like an engine in cold weather trying to start?
05:30 <luke-jr_> like when I turn the key to start it
05:31 <Lucifer_arma> what kind of car is it?
05:31 <luke-jr_> 1997 Pontiac Bonneville SE
05:31 <Lucifer_arma> 4 cylinder? 6?
05:31 <luke-jr_> no clue
05:31 <Lucifer_arma> automatic/manual?
05:31 <luke-jr_> auto
05:32 <Lucifer_arma> and you're sure you're not actually out of gas?
05:33 <luke-jr_> I added a gallon
05:33 <Lucifer_arma> do you still have some of the gas left in the gas can?
05:34 <luke-jr_> a tiny bit
05:34 <luke-jr_> maybe
05:34 <Lucifer_arma> ok, first try this, assuming you didn't break a timing chain or something, i.e. trying to prime the engine
05:35 <Lucifer_arma> put the accelerator all the way down to the floor, and turn the key to start for 5 seconds
05:35 <Lucifer_arma> then stop, take your foot off the gas pedal, and turn the key again for 5 seconds
05:35 <luke-jr_> ALL the way??
05:35 <Lucifer_arma> it's fuel-injected, so pumping the gas pedal is useless. We want to put the ECM in wide-open-throttle mode, where it just dumps as much gas as it can
05:36 <Lucifer_arma> yes, all the way. Like they always tell you not to do.
05:36 <luke-jr_> O.o
05:36 <luke-jr_> I already tried most of the way, if that matters
05:36 <Lucifer_arma> (owner's manuals say don't do it, but it doesn't break anything, just floods the engine, which is what we want right now)
05:36 <Lucifer_arma> it does matter
05:36 <luke-jr_> ok, should I try it now then?
05:36 <Lucifer_arma> we need it to do wide-open-throttle, which requires the throttle open all the way. It's a special mode
05:36 <Lucifer_arma> sure. Do you hav ea battery charger?
05:37 <luke-jr_> nope
05:37 <luke-jr_> unless AA counts
05:37 <Lucifer_arma> ok, try it, be be miserly with whatever juice is left in the battery :)
05:39 <luke-jr_> it made a popping noise twice
05:41 <Lucifer_arma> that's promising, it'll probably start if you keep doing it
05:41 <luke-jr_> hm
05:41 <Lucifer_arma> it's just really freaking cold right now, which makes everything it normally does take longer
05:42 <luke-jr_> more than 10 seconds longer??
05:42 * GodTodd hated starting his old cars in winter in NE.
05:42 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, in extreme cold weather, some cars just won't start at all. Run fine when it's 20 degrees, but drop it down and they won't start
05:42 <Lucifer_arma> my car took about a minute during the ice storm we had, but it's old and tired
05:43 <luke-jr_> the problem started when it was above freezing
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> hmmm, so it may not be about the cold, then, is what you're telling me?
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> tell me how it's been behaving. :)
05:43 <luke-jr_> not if the problems you're talking about is below 20 only
05:43 <luke-jr_> well, took it to Jiffy lube and they changed the oil and transmission fluid
05:43 <Lucifer_arma> it depends on the car. Most cars take alittle longer to start starting as high as 45 degrees
05:44 <luke-jr_> a few days later, we were leaving the apt complex and I noticed it wasn't accelerating
05:44 <luke-jr_> so I turned around
05:44 <luke-jr_> and it died as we got into the parking space
05:44 <luke-jr_> then just made cranking noises when I tried after that
05:44 <Lucifer_arma> was the engine accelerating and the car wasn't, or was the engine just not going above say 1k rpm or so?
05:44 <luke-jr_> didn't notice that
05:45 <Lucifer_arma> how many miles are on the transmission and how often has it been serviced?
05:45 <luke-jr_> no clue
05:45 <luke-jr_> :)
05:45 <luke-jr_> serviced when it gives us problems mainly
05:45 <luke-jr_> so every few months
05:46 <Lucifer_arma> ahhh, oops?
05:46 <Lucifer_arma> did you buy the car new, by any chance?
05:46 <luke-jr_> no
05:46 <Lucifer_arma> how many miles were on it when you got it, do you remember?
05:46 <luke-jr_> I don't
05:46 <luke-jr_> 215,000 or so now, supposedly
05:46 * GodTodd hangs his head at the knowledge that he is about 300 miles overdue on his oil change.
05:47 <luke-jr_> my transmission fluid was black XD
05:47 <GodTodd> er....*oops*?
05:47 <GodTodd> heh
05:47 <Lucifer_arma> the thing about automatic transmissions is that without regular service, they will get bad. But if you go a loooong period without service, then change the fluid, they tend to break immediately
05:47 <luke-jr_> crap
05:47 <Lucifer_arma> it's a little unusual, but not rare, for the breakage to have the symptoms you have described
05:47 <luke-jr_> so I can blame Jiffy Lube?
05:47 <GodTodd> they didn't make you not service the tranny...
05:48 <Lucifer_arma> no, you blame the person who decided to service it. :) Jiffy Lube should have given a disclaimer, though. Anyway, we should consider other problems because it *is* a 10yo car
05:48 <Lucifer_arma> normally the hardcore transmission problems show symptoms way before like slippage and the like
05:48 * GodTodd has a 98 subaru that runs great ;)
05:48 <GodTodd> heh
05:48 <Lucifer_arma> mostly slippage
05:48 <luke-jr_> I think we got it in 2002 or 2003
05:48 * Lucifer_arma has an 86 celica that runs great ;)
05:49 <spidey> we have a 87 toyota camrey
05:49 <spidey> i think
05:49 <GodTodd> i miss my voyager tho
05:49 <spidey> it's got over 250k miles O.o
05:49 <luke-jr_> so should I keep trying to start it with the gas pedal, or just give up till we find some way to get Heet?
05:49 <Lucifer_arma> I'm going to suggest that you get a taxi if you're going somewhere tonight, maybe pick up a $500 beater or a rental car and send it to the shop
05:49 <Lucifer_arma> Heet isn't going to help you, it's a preventative measure
05:49 <luke-jr_> :/
05:50 <Lucifer_arma> you can try again with the gas pedal like I suggested, but it may not help. If it were just about the cold, then it would help, but there's something else going on.
05:50 <luke-jr_> probably cheaper to get a new used car than to repair it...
05:50 <Lucifer_arma> lemme think some. :)
05:50 <Lucifer_arma> well, if it's the transmission, get a new used car. It's never worth fixing an automatic transmission (unless it's still under warranty, anyway)
05:51 <Lucifer_arma> if it's not the transmission, hell, maybe a tuneup will fix it :)
05:51 <luke-jr_> wasn't a tuneup what jiffy lube did?
05:51 <luke-jr_> or somethign else
05:51 <spidey> lol
05:51 <GodTodd> no...that was a fluid change
05:51 <spidey> lmao
05:51 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, that was a fluid change
05:52 <Lucifer_arma> tuneup is changing spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap & rotor (if needed, and if possible), adjust ignition timing (if possible)
05:52 <luke-jr_> that's all? :/
05:52 <Lucifer_arma> then inspect a whole bunch of shit
05:52 * luke-jr_ isn't sure they didn't do that?
05:52 * GodTodd is actually debating tuning the subaru.
05:52 * Lucifer_arma does his tuneups on the fly
05:52 <GodTodd> were they pulling crap out from under the hood?
05:52 <Lucifer_arma> I've done so many spark plug changes in random parking lots because I put it off....
05:52 <luke-jr_> GodTodd: no idea
05:52 <Lucifer_arma> Jiffy Lube doesn't do tuneups
05:53 <GodTodd> didn't think so
05:53 <Lucifer_arma> or at least, if they do, it's a very new thing
05:53 * Lucifer_arma used to work at Jiffy Lube
05:53 <luke-jr_> how much does a tuneup cost?
05:53 <GodTodd> i thought that was the one you worked at :)
05:53 <Lucifer_arma> ranges from $50->$200 or more, depending on who does it, how much they do, etc.
05:53 <luke-jr_> :|
05:53 <Lucifer_arma> they can be really cheap if you do them yourself
05:53 <luke-jr_> and Jiffy Lube told me I'd be good to drive to Omaha and back in a month
05:54 <Lucifer_arma> ok, next question, is there a light on that says "Check engine" or a cute little engine graphic or anything like that?
05:54 <luke-jr_> it'd probably blow up if i tried :/
05:54 <luke-jr_> yep
05:54 <GodTodd> used to cost me parts and a six pack before i learneded how to do 'em ;)
05:54 <luke-jr_> I mentioned it at Jiffy Lube, actually
05:54 <luke-jr_> and they just turned it off --;;
05:54 <Lucifer_arma> even though I used to work there, Jiffy Lube doesn't hire mechanics. They get the same people that flip hamburgers and pump them up with training to change fluids.
05:54 <Lucifer_arma> ahhh, they're covering up valuable information!
05:54 <Lucifer_arma> Now, if I can DCC my GM computer code reader, we'll be set!
05:55 <luke-jr_> yeah
05:55 <luke-jr_> I might have seen the code, but I don't remember it anymore :(
05:55 <luke-jr_> think it started w/ A
05:55 <Lucifer_arma> you have to plug something into a special plug that's under the steering wheel to get the engine light to flash.
05:55 <luke-jr_> I know
05:55 <luke-jr_> I googled that when it died
05:56 <Lucifer_arma> Or, it may (if youre lucky) be new enough to use one of the OBD systems, in which case you can build an adapter and install some software for your PalmOS (tm) machine
05:56 <luke-jr_> unfortunately, GM's is VP or something like that which is expensive to get an adapter for
05:56 <Lucifer_arma> my 97 Camry doesn't have that stuff
05:56 <luke-jr_> as opposed to the serial port ones
05:56 <Lucifer_arma> OBD didn't get implemented until really REALLY close to 2000, and a 98 car should still work with my cheapo GM code reader
05:56 <Lucifer_arma> which is just a jumper, really
05:57 <luke-jr_> cheapo GM code reader??
05:57 <Lucifer_arma> I'm not going to be able to give you a quickie fixie over irc for this, sorry
05:57 * luke-jr_ was seeing $100
05:57 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, older GM cars, before OBD anyway, had a different way to get the codes
05:57 <Lucifer_arma> OBD just standardized all the different proprietary code readers. I have a special GM one my dad gave me, but I used to just use jumpers
05:58 <Lucifer_arma> used to be able to jumper any car at will to get the computer codes out of it, it was awesome :)
05:58 <Lucifer_arma> so anyway, if you have to go somewhere, get a taxi, pick up a cheap beater, or get a rental car. Send this one in and pay the $50 diagnostic fee, then decide what to do.
05:58 <luke-jr_> so should I keep trying to start it with the gas pedal, or just give up till we find some way to get Heet?
05:59 <GodTodd> neither?
05:59 <luke-jr_> :p
05:59 <Lucifer_arma> you can keep trying to start it if it makes you feel better, and you might get lucky and get it started and driving.
05:59 <Lucifer_arma> just remember you're going to have to get it started whenever you're leaving your destination to come back home...
05:59 <GodTodd> key word *lucky* :P
05:59 <luke-jr_> so just give up period? XD
05:59 * luke-jr_ was planning to just leave it running
05:59 * GodTodd saw that coming ;)
06:00 <luke-jr_> tho I'd need to fill up for that... :/
06:00 <Lucifer_arma> depends on where you have to go. If you're just running to the store or something for a little bit, and you can get it started, then knock yourself out
06:00 <GodTodd> and you can't fill up and run it :P
06:00 <luke-jr_> yeah :/
06:00 <Lucifer_arma> if you're going to work, get a taxi. :) Or call a coworker or something.
06:00 <luke-jr_> taxi is expensive
06:00 <luke-jr_> coworker's been giving me rides since Tue
06:00 <luke-jr_> it died Sat
06:01 <Lucifer_arma> oh man, why didn't you say something before?
06:01 <luke-jr_> shrug
06:01 * Lucifer_arma <--- used to train so-called ASE certified pricks
06:01 <luke-jr_> so I'd give up 3 days ago instead of now? :p
06:02 <Lucifer_arma> hey, they say '96 model vehicles are OBD compliant, that's neat
06:02 <luke-jr_> it's more urgent now cuz library books are overdue and out of milk and stuff
06:02 <Lucifer_arma> http://freediag.sourceforge.net/OBD_knowledge.html
06:04 <luke-jr_> SAE-J1850 VPW
06:04 <Lucifer_arma> someday I'm going to get an adapter
06:05 <luke-jr_> BTW, I called Geico Emergency Roadside Assistance to try to get them to deliver some dry gas
06:05 <luke-jr_> earlier
06:05 <luke-jr_> they said that it's not covered -.-
06:05 <luke-jr_> and I mentioned oil
06:05 <luke-jr_> and they said that's not covered either
06:05 <luke-jr_> yet there it is on my policy docs
06:05 <luke-jr_> wtf
06:06 <Lucifer_arma> ask them to tow it, is that covered? If it is, tow it to a garage, but get the tow-truck driver to stop by the grocery store and your house first :)
06:06 * luke-jr_ wonders if he should drop it since it's more or less useless
06:06 <luke-jr_> yes
06:06 <luke-jr_> think he'd do that?
06:07 <Lucifer_arma> probably not, but if you give hiim a good enough tip...
06:07 <Lucifer_arma> otoh, it might be cheaper to get a taxi than to bribe the wrecker
06:07 <luke-jr_> haha
06:07 <luke-jr_> $30 for taxi
06:08 <Lucifer_arma> too bad you're not towing the other way, because it's always easy to get the driver to stop by when he's taking you home
06:08 <luke-jr_> hm
06:08 * luke-jr_ wonders if he could get them to tow it both ways as seperate incidents if the heet doesn't work
06:08 <luke-jr_> eg, use the tow as a taxi
06:08 <Lucifer_arma> nope
06:08 <luke-jr_> :\
06:09 <Lucifer_arma> I'm sure if you look in your coverage you'll see something like "only to a garage" or something like that
06:09 <luke-jr_> they offer to tow it to walmart!
06:09 <Lucifer_arma> walmart's got a service center
06:09 <luke-jr_> not this one
06:09 <Lucifer_arma> really?
06:09 <luke-jr_> I think
06:09 <luke-jr_> maybe it does, in the back or something
06:09 * Lucifer_arma can't remember seeing a walmart without a service center
06:10 <luke-jr_> I'll just need to eat the library fine :/
06:10 <luke-jr_> stupid no-grace-period bs
06:10 <luke-jr_> :p
06:12 <luke-jr_> I need to deposit my paycheck from last week too :/
06:13 <Lucifer_arma> hey, $83 isn't bad for a connector
06:14 <Lucifer_arma> at least, if you know what you're doing with it. ;)
06:14 * Lucifer_arma notes that most hand tools sell for $50->$150, if they're any good.
06:14 <luke-jr_> they do?
06:14 <luke-jr_> pretty sure my wire trimmers were only like $5
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> that's because they were probably cheap junker trimmers
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> do they say "made in taiwan" on them?
06:15 <luke-jr_> trimmers are trimmers
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> heh
06:15 <luke-jr_> yep
06:15 <luke-jr_> how'd you guess
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> my wife and I looked at this "really nice" toolset at Harbor Freight. She said "Those pliers are relaly nice"
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> then she pointed at them, and touched them, and they broke.
06:15 <Lucifer_arma> so we left there and never went back.
06:16 <Lucifer_arma> the best tools around are made in the US, which doesn't mean that all tools made in the US are good
06:16 <GodTodd> my father in law only gets them from sears
06:16 <Lucifer_arma> I've got a mix of MacTools and Craftsman, with some miscellanous snap-on tools in there
06:16 <luke-jr_> you're right
06:16 <luke-jr_> these suck
06:16 <luke-jr_> they try to have size adjustments
06:16 * luke-jr_ just opened it
06:17 <luke-jr_> wtf do I need size adjustments for?
06:17 * Lucifer_arma doesn't know, he uses his swiss army knife to cut wires
06:17 <Lucifer_arma> speaking of whiches, the very best tool ever made is made in Switzerland :)
06:17 <luke-jr_> I can't use a knife, but I grew up using the same thing that just didn't have a stop-point
06:18 <luke-jr_> btw, radio shack solder irons suck
06:19 <Lucifer_arma> yes, they do. I don't do much soldering though, so I just have a pretty cheap one, don't even remember where I got it
06:20 <Lucifer_arma> I use my wire clippers solely to cut guitar strings
06:20 <luke-jr_> I don't either
06:20 <luke-jr_> but it's kinda ridiculous that it burns itself
06:20 <Lucifer_arma> one of the autoparts stores has a brand of tools that's actually gotten good in recent years, but I seem to have forgotten who it is
06:21 <luke-jr_> hm
06:21 <Lucifer_arma> all's I know is, the only time I've ever bandaged my knuckles over tools made in the US was with that shitty Mac ratchet I bought
06:21 <Lucifer_arma> but I've bandaged my knuckles plenty of times over taiwan tools
06:24 <Lucifer_arma> I want to say it's NAPA that's got pretty good tools now
06:24 * Lucifer_arma should just go look, he's got some of them
06:26 <Lucifer_arma> hey, today's Texan Independence Day!
06:26 <Lucifer_arma> er, tomorrow, I mean
06:29 <luke-jr_> Texas is independent of the US now?
06:34 <Lucifer_arma> Texas, however, was the only seceding Mexican state to retain its independence. <--- wtf? Did they even read what they wrote?
06:34 <Lucifer_arma> Texas didn't "retain its independence", it handed it over to the US
06:34 <luke-jr_> immediately?
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> no, but it wasn't independent for terribly long
06:35 <Lucifer_arma> about 10 years is all
06:40 -!- GodTodd_ [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
06:48 <luke-jr_> http://xkcd.com/c225.html
06:54 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:56 -!- GodTodd_ [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit ["Shit, fuck, Satan, death, sex, drugs, rape."]
06:57 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
07:04 <Lucifer_arma> dude, that comic is totally emo, why did you link it here?
07:07 * GodTodd thinks Lucifer_arma answered his own question...
07:07 <GodTodd> ;)
07:07 <Lucifer_arma> now I'm stuck trying to find a non-emo episode in it :(
07:08 <GodTodd> haha
07:10 * GodTodd is stuck coding a magic square program. :/
07:11 <Lucifer_arma> http://xkcd.com/c91.html
07:11 <Lucifer_arma> found one
07:15 <GodTodd> meh
07:16 <GodTodd> #weather 75023
07:16 <armabot> GodTodd: The current temperature in Custer & Pleasant Valley, Plano, Texas is 42.6°F (12:20 AM CST on March 02, 2007). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 28.4°F. Pressure: 29.80 in 1009.0 hPa.
07:16 * GodTodd shivers.
07:21 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@90.200-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #Armagetron
07:21 <Bougo> yello!
07:21 <Bougo> (07:25:11) armabot: Sent 10 hours and 38 minutes ago: <epsy> a CIA bot has come Oo :/
07:21 <Bougo> (07:25:12) armabot: Sent 10 hours and 38 minutes ago: <wrtlprnft> fixed, thanks.
07:21 <Bougo> why did i get those messages? xD
07:21 <GodTodd> #help m
07:21 <armabot> GodTodd: (m <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "message $*".
07:21 <GodTodd> ;)
07:21 <Bougo> oh ok :p
07:22 <Bougo> so there's message, and also tell
07:22 <Bougo> what's the difference?
07:22 <GodTodd> #help tell
07:22 <armabot> GodTodd: (tell <nick> <text>) -- Tells the <nick> whatever <text> is. Use nested commands to your benefit here.
07:22 <Bougo> er no i mean later*
07:23 <GodTodd> i think it's a matter of private/not private
07:23 <GodTodd> dunno for sure tho
07:23 <Bougo> err no, nevermind
07:23 <Bougo> ima tell myself to try
07:23 <Bougo> #tell Bougo bleh
07:23 <Bougo> yep, it's private
07:23 <Bougo> but message too
07:24 <GodTodd> #help later
07:24 <armabot> GodTodd: Error: There is no command "later".
07:24 <GodTodd> heh
07:25 <Bougo> err no it's a group
07:25 <Bougo> nevermind :p
07:25 <GodTodd> well...one's an alias and one's not :D
07:25 <Bougo> oh yea
07:25 <Bougo> message is an alias for tell o.O
07:26 <Bougo> #message bougo test
07:26 <armabot> Bougo: The operation succeeded.
07:27 <Bougo> err #later tell is different from #tell
07:27 <Bougo> ew!
07:28 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508722AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
07:28 <Bougo> yello
07:31 <Lucifer_arma> message is an alias for later tell
07:32 <Bougo> yup, i just said it :)
07:33 <Bougo> byebye
07:33 <Bougo> school time
07:33 <Bougo> cyas
07:33 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@90.200-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit ["Leaving."]
08:02 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:03 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
08:12 <Lucifer_arma> anybody up for some fortress?
08:14 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-132-242.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
08:16 -!- SuPeRTaRD [i=blah@adsl-71-145-132-242.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has left #armagetron []
08:23 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@212-139-167-22.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
08:41 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
08:41 <epsy> hi
08:42 <_Sticky_> hay
09:04 <_Sticky_> #serverinfo
09:04 <armabot> _Sticky_: Usage: #serverdetails [-v] {name}
09:12 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@212-139-167-22.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
09:13 <DrJoeTron> #ping
09:13 <armabot> pong
09:13 <DrJoeTron> whadup armabot
09:15 <spidey> wow
09:15 <spidey> how lame
09:16 <spidey> there's a teamspeak exploit out
09:16 <spidey> a few actually
09:16 <DrJoeTron> oh yeah?
09:16 <DrJoeTron> what do they have to say?
09:16 <spidey> this guy came into a server me and anjori where in
09:16 <spidey> anjori was talking but i wasn't
09:16 <spidey> somehow he made anjoris client freeze
09:17 <spidey> he was able to ghost himself..like be invisible
09:17 <DrJoeTron> haha
09:17 <spidey> but you could still hear him
09:17 <DrJoeTron> thats pretty neat
09:17 <spidey> no
09:17 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@c-76-19-206-67.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []
09:17 <spidey> it's gay
09:18 <spidey> if i wanted my client to freeze, i'd cause it to crash myself
09:20 <z-man> #lastseen fear
09:20 <armabot> z-man: Fearless has last been seen on Strawberry Fields 0 days 7 hours 17 minutes ago.
09:22 <spidey> #night
09:22 <armabot> Good night spidey!
09:27 <z-man> #lastseen <fear
09:27 <DrJoeTron> man my sleep cycle is out of whack
09:28 <armabot> z-man: timed out
09:43 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:08 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-76-215-0-117.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has left #Armagetron []
10:12 <Lucifer_arma> are you the real spidey?
10:15 <spidey> are you the real Lucifer_arma
10:15 <Lucifer_arma> heh
10:15 <spidey> i was going to sleep
10:15 <spidey> then anjori and lizz woke me up on teamspeak
10:15 <Lucifer_arma> man, the trunk, I don't know what's up. Maybe it's something about my configuration, but get 3-4 players and my fps falls below 10 :(
10:15 <Lucifer_arma> oh yeah, ant = anjori, I keep forgetting
10:15 * spidey forgot to turn the volume down
10:16 <Lucifer_arma> hey
10:16 <spidey> you should try tremulous
10:16 <Lucifer_arma> we should all pick some word, and choose names that are part of it
10:16 <Lucifer_arma> like:
10:16 <spidey> it's a nice game
10:16 <spidey> open source to
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> __th_rf_____
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> then someone else would be:
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> mo__e_____er
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> and someone else would be:
10:17 <spidey> lol
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> ______fu____
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> etc
10:17 <Lucifer_arma> what's tremulous about?
10:18 <spidey> there's 2 teams
10:18 <spidey> humans and aliens
10:18 <Lucifer_arma> wait, fps?
10:18 <spidey> yea
10:18 <spidey> well
10:18 <spidey> it's a combo
10:18 <spidey> fps and rts
10:18 * Lucifer_arma suspects he knows which game you're talking about
10:20 <Lucifer_arma> no, it's not the game I thought it was
10:20 <spidey> heh
10:20 <Lucifer_arma> and I'm not terribly interested. I don't play fps, sorry
10:20 <spidey> it's a fun game :P
10:20 <spidey> i like dretchs :D
10:20 <spidey> you jump at people and bite them
10:20 <spidey> o.O
10:20 <spidey> they look like spiders , he
10:20 <spidey> heh*
10:20 <Lucifer_arma> lemme see if I can dig up the game I thought it was, because that one looks like a fun game
10:22 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508722AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
10:22 <spidey> ok
10:22 <spidey> really going to bed this time
10:22 <spidey> and muting teamspeak >.<
10:22 <spidey> #night
10:22 <armabot> Good night spidey!
10:23 <Lucifer_arma> http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net/
10:27 <Lucifer_arma> man. Everybody left while I was building 0.3.0 :(
11:28 <wrtlprnft> #later tell *bougo* #later tell sends a message to the user the next time (s)he is seen (ie says something in here). #tell immediately sends the message, and fails if the user isn't online. #message and #m are aliases to #later tell, I think.
11:28 <armabot> wrtlprnft: The operation succeeded.
12:20 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1c62.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
13:24 <epsy> #time
13:24 <armabot> epsy: 01:39 PM, March 02, 2007
14:06 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q1c62.q.pppool.de] has quit ["leaving"]
14:43 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
15:05 <ghableska> #morning
15:05 <armabot> Good Morning ghableska Random Fortune: Q: How do you stop an elephant from charging? || A: Take away his credit cards.
15:07 -!- Stempo [n=47dcae9a@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
15:08 <Stempo> http://durka.freehostia.com/viewtopic.php?t=476&highlight=
15:08 <Stempo> scroll down a bit...
15:08 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
15:10 <madmax|pt> lol
15:11 <madmax|pt> good thinking
15:11 <digitx> #time
15:11 <armabot> digitx: 03:26 PM, March 02, 2007
15:11 <ghableska> #weather 50266
15:11 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 24.6°F (8:12 AM CST on March 02, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 17.6°F. Windchill: 12.2°F. Pressure: 28.36 in 960.3 hPa. Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 PM CST this afternoon...
15:11 <Stempo> was that towards me max?
15:11 <digitx> #kill ghableska
15:11 <armabot> ghableska will die on Sun Aug 29 13:45:54 1999 due to being stabbed in the eye by wrtlprnft.
15:11 <ghableska> ...
15:11 <ghableska> #kill digitx
15:11 <armabot> digitx will die on Sun Jan 14 21:38:31 1996 due to being stabbed in the eye by MaZuffeR.
15:11 <digitx> XD
15:11 <madmax|pt> yes
15:12 <Stempo> nice
15:12 <Stempo> thankies
15:12 <digitx> #list
15:12 <armabot> digitx: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Herald, Insult, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
15:12 <digitx> juj
15:12 <digitx> D
15:13 <madmax|pt> #markov
15:13 <madmax|pt> #help markov
15:13 <armabot> madmax|pt: (markov [<channel>] [word1 [word2]]) -- Returns a randomly-generated Markov Chain generated sentence from the data kept on <channel> (which is only necessary if not sent in the channel itself). If word1 and word2 are specified, they will be used to start the Markov chain.
15:13 * spidey yawns
15:13 <ghableska> o_O
15:13 * ghableska pokes spidey
15:13 <madmax|pt> O_o
15:13 * spidey stabs ghableska in the eye
15:13 <ghableska> #wikipedia Markov
15:14 <armabot> ghableska: Search took 0.28 seconds: Markov chain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain>; Andrey Markov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrey_Markov>; Hidden Markov model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Markov_model>; Markov process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (2 more messages)
15:14 <spidey> #markov #armagetron ghableska sucks
15:14 <ghableska> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain <-- huh?
15:14 <spidey> #markov ghableska sucks
15:14 <ghableska> brb
15:14 <spidey> #markov ghableska
15:15 <madmax|pt> ah, probability theory
15:15 <digitx> #ping
15:15 <armabot> pong
15:15 <madmax|pt> i'll probably learn about Markov then
15:15 <spidey> #markov
15:15 <spidey> wtf's it do?
15:15 <digitx> #markov armagetron bla bla2
15:15 <armabot> digitx: (markov [<channel>] [word1 [word2]]) -- Returns a randomly-generated Markov Chain generated sentence from the data kept on <channel> (which is only necessary if not sent in the channel itself). If word1 and word2 are specified, they will be used to start the Markov chain.
15:15 <digitx> #markov #armagetron bla bla2
15:15 <spidey> #list freshmeat
15:15 <armabot> spidey: freshmeat
15:16 <spidey> #freshmeat
15:16 <armabot> spidey: (freshmeat <project name>) -- Returns Freshmeat data about a given project.
15:16 <spidey> #list alias
15:16 <armabot> spidey: add, armabot, armaconfig, bigbrother, bug, chatlog, check, dance, date, die, die, digg, do, eliza, f, fortune, g, gcalc, goodbye, hello, insight, ircstats, joke, kill, lastseen, legit, lock, log, log, luke, m, man, message, mfaq, morning, night, onlineplayers, onlineservers, piong, poing, praise, q, realchatlogs, remove, resources, rou, roulette, rules, serverdetails, serverinfo, svn, t, (1 more message)
15:16 <digitx> #list owner
15:16 <armabot> digitx: announce, defaultcapability, defaultplugin, disable, enable, flush, ircquote, load, log, quit, reload, rename, unload, unrename, and upkeep
15:16 <digitx> xD
15:16 <spidey> #rules
15:16 <armabot> A web variant of the english language in which letters are replaced with numbers and/or symbols that approximate letters. Though its use is considered cool in certain gaming or hacking communities, it's use here is frowned upon except in a strictly satirical sense. Talking like this was cool when you were 8 and used AOL. Figure it out.
15:17 <digitx> #list channel
15:17 <armabot> digitx: alert, ban add, ban list, ban remove, capability add, capability list, capability remove, capability set, capability setdefault, capability unset, cycle, dehalfop, deop, devoice, disable, enable, halfop, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, invite, kban, key, kick, limit, lobotomy add, lobotomy list, lobotomy remove, mode, moderate, nicks, op, unban, unmoderate, and voice
15:17 <digitx> #list admin
15:17 <armabot> digitx: capability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part
15:17 <digitx> #list utilities
15:17 <armabot> digitx: apply, echo, ignore, last, shuffle, and success
15:17 <digitx> #list misc
15:17 <armabot> digitx: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
15:17 <spidey> ..
15:17 <digitx> #version
15:17 <digitx> ?
15:18 <armabot> digitx: The current (running) version of this Supybot is 0.83.1+darcs. The newest version available online is 0.83.2.
15:18 <digitx> ja
15:18 <spidey> madmax|pt, make me breakfast
15:18 <madmax|pt> hmm, no
15:18 <spidey> y
15:19 <madmax|pt> "because" ?
15:19 <spidey> because why?
15:19 * madmax|pt pokes spidey
15:19 <spidey> wtf's with all the pokking!
15:20 <spidey> -k
15:20 * spidey kicks madmax|pt in the shin
15:20 <madmax|pt> aggressiveness is the way to go
15:20 <spidey> :(
15:20 <spidey> can't we all just be friends!
15:21 <madmax|pt> tell that to Bush
15:21 <spidey> fine
15:22 <spidey> what's his number
15:22 <spidey> o.O
15:22 <madmax|pt> I have his AOL, but he's offline
15:22 <spidey> ...
15:22 -!- Stempo [n=47dcae9a@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC (EOF)"]
15:22 <spidey> seriously? O.o
15:23 <spidey> brb
15:23 <spidey> i have to make my own breakfast since madmax|pt's lazy
15:25 <madmax|pt> hmmm... that's probably true once in a while
15:26 <madmax|pt> not now though. I really won't make you breakfast just because :P
15:32 * wrtlprnft finally stabs ghableska into his eyes
15:32 <wrtlprnft> 8 years late
15:33 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has quit ["brb"]
15:36 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has joined #armagetron
15:42 * ghableska throws a waffle at spidey
15:45 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["o_O"]
15:50 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
15:55 <spidey> ..
16:07 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
16:07 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has joined #armagetron
16:23 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@192.174-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #Armagetron
16:23 <Bougo> helloes
16:24 <madmax|pt> hi
16:24 <Bougo> hey wrtlprnft , do you read all the logs ??? O.o
16:24 <Bougo> xD
16:25 <spidey> if he reads all the logs he has to much time on his hands
16:25 <spidey> heh
16:26 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has joined #armagetron
16:26 <Bougo> CIA alert!
16:26 <digitx> XD
16:26 <digitx> lol
16:27 <Bougo> what are we supposed to do
16:27 <Bougo> say hello?
16:27 <Bougo> hello CIA
16:27 <Bougo> err
16:27 <Bougo> #hello CIA
16:27 <armabot> Hello Bougo :) Random Fortune: Q: How many Bell Labs Vice Presidents does it take to change a light bulb? || A: That's proprietary information. Answer available from AT on payment || of license fee (binary only).
16:27 <Bougo> oh it doesnt work
16:27 <digitx> xD
16:28 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@c-76-19-206-67.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
16:29 <digitx> cya cia
16:29 <digitx> XD
16:29 <Bougo> it didnt leave
16:30 <epsy> cuz we need to kick'em
16:30 <epsy> but armabot doesn't want :/
16:30 <Bougo> armabot cant
16:30 <Bougo> it isnt op :(
16:30 <digitx> armabot my gf
16:31 <Bougo> who can help us?
16:31 <Bougo> #eliza Are you digitx's girlfriend?
16:31 <armabot> Bougo: What do you think?
16:31 <digitx> XD
16:31 <Bougo> #eightball Are you digitx's girlfriend?
16:31 <armabot> Bougo: NO.
16:31 <Bougo> aha!
16:31 <digitx> LOL
16:31 -!- spidey [i=spider@unaffiliated/mcspiddles] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
16:31 <Bougo> #eliza Are you digitx's girlfriend?
16:31 <armabot> Bougo: What do you think?
16:31 <Bougo> err
16:31 <Bougo> #eightball Are you digitx's girlfriend?
16:31 <armabot> Bougo: No chance.
16:31 <Bougo> wrong command
16:32 <digitx> xD
16:35 <digitx> daaamn
16:35 <Bougo> muh?
16:35 <digitx> moo
16:35 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has left #armagetron []
16:35 <Bougo> you did it!
16:35 <digitx> daamn
16:35 <digitx> +a
16:35 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has joined #armagetron
16:35 <Bougo> muh?
16:35 <digitx> moo
16:35 <Bougo> moo
16:35 <Bougo> moo
16:35 <Bougo> moo
16:35 <digitx> xD
16:35 <Bougo> it doesnt work
16:35 <digitx> mooooo
16:35 <Bougo> muh?
16:35 <epsy> #roulete
16:35 <epsy> xD
16:35 <epsy> #roulette
16:35 <Bougo> #roulette
16:35 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
16:35 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
16:35 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
16:35 <epsy> :D
16:35 <Bougo> :(
16:35 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
16:35 <digitx> epsy roulette master XD
16:35 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has left #armagetron []
16:36 <Bougo> kick teh CIA
16:36 <Bougo> yee!
16:36 <digitx> xD
16:36 <digitx> lol
16:36 <Bougo> it doesnt come back
16:36 <Bougo> /Help
16:36 <Bougo> oops
16:36 <Bougo> i think ima install mIRC
16:36 <Bougo> or something
16:36 <Bougo> what client are you guys using?
16:37 <Bougo> ew i guess you're all linuxians
16:37 <guru3> irssi
16:37 <Bougo> ew, are you serious?
16:37 <Bougo> ive just checked wikipedia
16:38 <Bougo> command line IRC, funny
16:38 <guru3> yeah
16:38 <guru3> do a ctcp version
16:38 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has joined #armagetron
16:40 <digitx> damn
16:40 * wrtlprnft is using irssi as well
16:41 * epsy want to have a working IRC transport...
16:41 <epsy> *wants -.-
16:42 <epsy> digitx, i dont know how to do that
16:42 <ghableska> shoveling snow sucks
16:42 <ghableska> #weather 50266
16:42 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 25.0°F (9:41 AM CST on March 02, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 75%. Dew Point: 17.6°F. Windchill: 10.4°F. Pressure: 28.39 in 961.3 hPa. Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 PM CST this afternoon...
16:42 <Bougo> ew
16:42 <digitx> eps
16:43 <madmax|pt> is Iowa that bad?
16:43 <ghableska> sometimes
16:43 <Bougo> #weather Brussels
16:43 <armabot> Bougo: Temperature: 50°F / 10°C | Humidity: 47% | Pressure: 29.77in / 1008hPa | Conditions: Partly Cloudy | Wind Direction: West | Wind Speed: 10mph / 17km/h | Updated: 4:20 PM CET; Rain. High:50 ° F. / 10 ° C.; Rain. Low:42 ° F. / 6 ° C.; Chance of Rain. High:50 ° F. / 10 ° C.; Scattered Clouds. Low:41 ° F. / 5 ° C.; Partly Cloudy. High:51 ° F. / 11 ° C.; Partly Cloudy. Low:44 ° F. / 7 ° C.;
16:44 <digitx> eps look vnc
16:44 <digitx> D
16:44 <Bougo> vncD?
16:44 <digitx> vnc
16:44 <Bougo> whats's
16:44 <Bougo> err
16:44 <Bougo> what's vnc
16:44 <Bougo> questionmarkquestionmarkquestionmark
16:45 <digitx> VNC
16:45 <digitx> xD
16:45 <Bougo> #wikipedia VNC
16:45 <armabot> Bougo: Search took 0.15 seconds: Virtual Network Computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VNC>; Category: VNC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:VNC>; Chicken of the VNC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_of_the_VNC>; Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2006-05-02 TightVNC link on (2 more messages)
16:45 <Bougo> chicken of the virtual network computing
16:45 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@adsl-76-194-177-181.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
16:46 <Bougo> yelloo!
16:46 <Bougo> #luke
16:46 <armabot> STFU baka noob?? RTFM?? ur lame or smth.
16:46 <Bougo> huh?
16:47 <Bougo> #monologue
16:47 <armabot> Bougo: Your current monologue is at least 6 lines long.
16:47 <Bougo> EW!
16:47 <Bougo> brbr
16:47 <Bougo> err -r
16:48 <ghableska> #monologue
16:48 <armabot> ghableska: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
16:48 <ghableska> o_O
16:48 <Bougo> pwnt
16:48 <Bougo> #help monologue
16:48 <armabot> Bougo: (monologue [<channel>]) -- Returns the number of consecutive lines you've sent in <channel> without being interrupted by someone else (i.e. how long your current 'monologue' is). <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
16:49 <epsy> hoh
16:49 <digitx> eps
16:49 <digitx> vnc
16:49 <digitx> XD
16:49 <epsy> #monoloque
16:49 <ghableska> 1
16:49 <ghableska> 3
16:49 <ghableska> 4
16:49 <ghableska> 4
16:49 <ghableska> 6
16:49 <ghableska> 6
16:49 <ghableska> 6
16:49 <digitx> lol
16:49 <ghableska> #monologue
16:49 <armabot> ghableska: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
16:49 <Bougo> cant you count?
16:49 <ghableska> ...\
16:49 <epsy> #monologue
16:49 <Bougo> PWNT
16:49 <armabot> epsy: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
16:49 <epsy> ???
16:49 <epsy> no
16:49 <Bougo> #monologue
16:49 <armabot> Bougo: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
16:49 <Bougo> wtf?
16:49 <epsy> not possible :D
16:49 <ghableska> PWNT
16:49 <digitx> #monologue
16:49 <armabot> digitx: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
16:49 <Bougo> i guess you have to type longer messages
16:49 <digitx> oh eliza baby
16:49 <epsy> me ?
16:49 <digitx> XD
16:50 <digitx> #monologue epsy
16:50 <armabot> digitx: (monologue [<channel>]) -- Returns the number of consecutive lines you've sent in <channel> without being interrupted by someone else (i.e. how long your current 'monologue' is). <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
16:50 <digitx> XD
16:50 <digitx> #monologue #armagetron
16:50 <armabot> digitx: Your current monologue is at least 4 lines long.
16:50 <digitx> damn lol
16:50 <digitx> xD
16:50 <digitx> #monologue #armagetron
16:50 <armabot> digitx: Your current monologue is at least 7 lines long.
16:50 <digitx> -
16:50 <digitx> #monologue #armagetron
16:50 <armabot> digitx: Your current monologue is at least 9 lines long.
16:50 <digitx> cool
16:50 <digitx> :{
16:50 <wrtlprnft> asdf
16:50 <digitx> :P
16:50 <digitx> #monologue #armagetron
16:50 <armabot> digitx: Your current monologue is at least 2 lines long.
16:50 <digitx> LOL
16:50 <digitx> xD
16:50 <epsy> #monologue #armagetron
16:50 <armabot> epsy: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
16:50 <epsy> -.-
16:50 <digitx> --
16:50 <digitx> -
16:50 <digitx> -
16:50 <digitx> #monologue #armagetron
16:50 <armabot> digitx: Your current monologue is at least 4 lines long.
16:50 <wrtlprnft> 16:50 <armabot> Your current monologue is at least 0 lines long.
16:50 <digitx> LOPL
16:50 <wrtlprnft> private msg :P
16:51 <digitx> pythoonboot
16:51 <epsy> lol
16:51 <digitx> xD
16:51 <Bougo> In particle physics, a meson is a strongly interacting boson,
16:51 <Bougo> that is, it is a hadron with integral spin.
16:51 <Bougo> In the Standard Model, mesons are composite (non-elementary)
16:51 <Bougo> particles composed of an even number of quarks and antiquarks.
16:51 <Bougo> All known mesons are believed to consist of a quark-antiquark
16:51 <Bougo> pair — the so-called valence quarks — plus a "sea" of virtual
16:51 <Bougo> quark-antiquark pairs and virtual gluons.
16:51 <Bougo> Searches for exotic mesons that have different constituents are ongoing.
16:51 <Bougo> The valence quarks may exist in a superposition of flavor states;
16:51 <Bougo> for example, the neutral pion is neither an up-antiup pair nor a
16:51 <digitx> FLOOD
16:51 <digitx> XD
16:51 <Bougo> down-antidown pair, but an equal superposition of both.
16:51 <Bougo> #monologue
16:51 <digitx> KICK XD
16:51 <armabot> Bougo: Your current monologue is at least 2 lines long.
16:51 <digitx> xD
16:51 <Bougo> wtf
16:51 <digitx> epsy
16:51 <digitx> look .
16:52 <epsy> wrtlprnft, i tough you wasn't far from top monologuers
16:52 <epsy> digitx, ?
16:52 <wrtlprnft> Bougo: don't do that…
16:52 <digitx> epsy ?
16:52 <epsy> digitx, ?
16:52 <Bougo> ok wrtl, sorry
16:52 <digitx> epsy, ?
16:52 <wrtlprnft> spidey talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 880 times!
16:52 <wrtlprnft> Another lonely one was wrtlprnft, who managed to hit 650 times.
16:52 <wrtlprnft> np
16:52 <Bougo> yea, 11 lines of text is a bit too long
16:52 <digitx> epsy, look vnc
16:52 <epsy> grr wrtl did it to fix as of the first ime :P
16:52 <epsy> *did it tto me
16:52 <epsy> huh my typo isn't good now
16:53 <wrtlprnft> actually you're making quite interesting typos
16:53 <epsy> digitx, i got disconnected too
16:53 <wrtlprnft> interesting typos == good typos?
16:53 <digitx> jah
16:53 <digitx> k
16:53 <digitx> jaim.at :S
16:53 <digitx> hm
16:53 <epsy> i will slap the sysadmin of that server someday
16:54 * madmax|pt slaps POV-ray
16:54 <wrtlprnft> why?
16:54 <epsy> ah
16:54 <wrtlprnft> povray rocks :)
16:54 <epsy> connecting again :)
16:54 <digitx> na
16:54 <digitx> now good
16:54 <digitx> :D
16:55 <madmax|pt> I'm starting to learn something about it... thing is, I can't seem to render anything with the gui for Mac OS
16:56 <madmax|pt> must be some dumb thing
16:56 <epsy> wtf with conference.jabber.org...all russian Oo
16:56 -!- digitx is now known as damn
16:56 -!- damn is now known as dammmn
16:56 <epsy> #damn dammmn
16:56 <dammmn> XXD
16:58 <dammmn> paff
16:58 <epsy> ?
16:58 <dammmn> eps
16:58 <dammmn> look
16:58 <dammmn> xD
16:59 <Bougo> now we can write dammmn faster
16:59 <Bougo> d<tab>
16:59 <Bougo> thank you digitx
16:59 <dammmn> D
16:59 <dammmn> i know ..
16:59 <guru3> how fast can you type the alphabet?
16:59 <dammmn> Bougo,
16:59 <dammmn> guru3,
16:59 <dammmn> epsy,
16:59 <dammmn> :P
16:59 <dammmn> :D
17:00 <madmax|pt> there was a flash game with that right?
17:00 <Bougo> i is able write alphabet the minute one
17:00 <Bougo> a
17:00 <Bougo> b
17:00 <Bougo> d
17:00 <Bougo> ew shoot
17:01 <epsy> #damn dammmn
17:01 <armabot> Luke-jr damns dammmn in the hell for eternity.
17:01 <Bougo> #damn
17:01 <armabot> Bougo: (damn <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo Luke-jr damns $1 in the hell for eternity.".
17:01 <Bougo> ew
17:02 <Bougo> #damn Luke-jr damns Luke-jr damns Luke-jr in the hell for eternity. in the hell for eternity.
17:02 <Bougo> it doesnt work :(
17:02 <ghableska> heh
17:02 <epsy> #damn himself
17:03 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:03 <ghableska> #kill luke-jr
17:03 <armabot> luke-jr will die on Fri Feb 15 12:06:24 2008 due to being stabbed in the eye by mkzelda.
17:03 <ghableska> :D
17:03 <Bougo> huh
17:03 <dammmn> #kill ghableska
17:03 <armabot> ghableska will die on Mon Aug 1 19:56:32 1988 due to being stabbed in the eye by CIA-24.
17:03 <Bougo> #kill Bougo
17:03 <armabot> Bougo will die on Fri Sep 9 14:22:32 1983 due to being stabbed in the eye by wrtlprnft.
17:03 <Bougo> 1983?
17:03 <Bougo> jeeze
17:03 <ghableska> wrtlprnft can time travel
17:03 <dammmn> 2008 XD
17:03 <epsy> #damn himself
17:03 <armabot> Luke-jr damns himself in the hell for eternity.
17:03 <Bougo> it's in like -24 years
17:03 <epsy> haha
17:03 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:03 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:04 <Bougo> i have -24 years left!
17:04 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:04 <Bougo> epsy, ?
17:04 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:04 <madmax|pt> o_O
17:04 <dammmn> XD
17:04 <Bougo> #damn "epsy, ?"
17:04 <Bougo> ew
17:04 <dammmn> #kill epsy
17:04 <armabot> epsy will die on Thu Mar 30 11:06:07 1995 due to being stabbed in the eye by MaZuffeR.
17:04 <dammmn> XD
17:04 <Bougo> #echo echo
17:04 <armabot> echo
17:04 <dammmn> #echo damn
17:04 <armabot> damn
17:05 <Bougo> #echo #echo damn
17:05 <dammmn> #echo oh digitx baby XD
17:05 <armabot> #echo damn
17:05 <armabot> oh digitx baby XD
17:05 <Bougo> help echo
17:05 <Bougo> #help echo
17:05 <armabot> Bougo: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
17:05 <Bougo> echo $randomDate
17:05 <Bougo> #echo $randomDate
17:05 <armabot> Wed May 30 00:07:01 1990
17:05 <Bougo> heh, i was 3 deays old
17:05 <Bougo> days*
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $now
17:06 <armabot> Fri Mar 2 17:21:22 2007
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $who
17:06 <armabot> dammmn
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $user
17:06 <armabot> n=digitx
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $botnick
17:06 <armabot> armabot
17:06 <Bougo> #echu $user
17:06 <Bougo> #echo $user
17:06 <armabot> n=MrBougo
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $randomInt
17:06 <armabot> -919
17:06 <Bougo> echu,rite
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $randomInt
17:06 <armabot> -778
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $randomNick
17:06 <armabot> madmax|pt
17:06 <dammmn> #echo $randomNick
17:06 <armabot> guru3
17:06 <Bougo> #eval 1+1
17:07 <epsy> #damn dammmn
17:07 <armabot> madmax|pt damns dammmn.
17:07 <ghableska> ...
17:07 <epsy> #damn dammmn
17:07 <armabot> Lucifer_arma damns dammmn.
17:07 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["END OF LINE"]
17:07 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
17:07 <Bougo> huh
17:07 <epsy> #damn dammmn
17:07 <armabot> Bougo damns dammmn.
17:08 <Bougo> yup, I do
17:08 <dammmn> xD
17:08 <epsy> awww -.-
17:08 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@] has joined #Armagetron
17:08 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:08 <epsy> didn't saw i was ahead in history
17:08 <DrJoeTron> http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/animal-anomalies-mutations.php?page=1 They put mine up!
17:08 <DrJoeTron> holy fuck this is so cool
17:09 <Bougo> which is yours joe?
17:09 <Bougo> hello btw :p
17:09 <DrJoeTron> page 2
17:09 <DrJoeTron> the eagle giraffe
17:09 <DrJoeTron> Dr. Joetron :O
17:10 <Bougo> o yea nice xD
17:10 <guru3> mr jetski accident lover
17:11 <Bougo> ive seen some nice pictures like this on dA
17:11 <DrJoeTron> hahaha
17:11 <Bougo> is the comment true?
17:11 <DrJoeTron> nah
17:11 <ghableska> DrJoeTron: cs:s? :D
17:11 <Bougo> eww phew
17:11 <DrJoeTron> ghableska i have to leave for class in 10 minutes
17:11 <Bougo> ew :(
17:11 <DrJoeTron> nah
17:11 <ghableska> you still have to go to school? :P
17:11 <DrJoeTron> its only for an hour
17:11 <DrJoeTron> hmm
17:11 <DrJoeTron> i wonder
17:12 <DrJoeTron> i can't believe they put mine up!
17:12 <Bougo> lawlz
17:12 <Bougo> dont get mad
17:12 <DrJoeTron> this is so cool
17:12 <ghableska> put yours up as what?
17:12 <DrJoeTron> http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/animal-anomalies-mutations.php?page=2 2nd image
17:12 <Bougo> 1st step to fame!
17:13 <ghableska> your true love :)
17:13 <Bougo> come back for the secondin 30 years
17:13 <ghableska> todd, right?
17:13 <Bougo> second in*
17:13 <Bougo> jeeze that Gaim smileys are awful
17:16 -!- spider [i=spider@adsl-065-006-218-226.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
17:16 <Bougo> hellow
17:17 <spider> hi
17:17 -!- spider is now known as spidey
17:17 -!- epsy_ [n=epsy@] has joined #armagetron
17:17 <DrJoeTron> spidey http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/animal-anomalies-mutations.php?page=1 they put my picture up :D
17:17 <Bougo> wb
17:17 <Bougo> haha joe, you should set it as topic
17:17 <DrJoeTron> on the boards?
17:17 <Bougo> xD
17:18 <Bougo> on the channel
17:18 <DrJoeTron> haha yeah, if i want to get probated for shit posting
17:18 <DrJoeTron> oh
17:18 <Bougo> xD
17:18 <DrJoeTron> nah
17:18 <DrJoeTron> i like spamming
17:18 <Bougo> yee!
17:18 * epsy_ now uses a abber client here
17:18 <Bougo> abber?
17:18 <dammmn> XD
17:18 <dammmn> j
17:18 <dammmn> :P
17:18 <Bougo> does abber support the key between h and k?
17:18 <epsy_> #damn dammmn
17:19 <Bougo> why are there 2 epsies?
17:19 <Bougo> Are you the real "epsy"?
17:19 <Bougo> Speed for weaks!
17:19 <dammmn> damn
17:19 <dammmn> damn
17:19 <dammmn> damn
17:19 <Bougo> howdya do that
17:19 <Bougo> xD
17:20 <Bougo> 15muh
17:20 <dammmn> XD
17:20 <Bougo> oh...
17:20 <dammmn> XD
17:20 <Bougo> bleh
17:20 <dammmn> XD
17:20 <dammmn> XD
17:20 <dammmn> XD
17:20 <epsy_> #damn dammmn
17:20 <epsy> #damn dammmn
17:21 <epsy> gah who removed that ,
17:21 <epsy> ?$*
17:21 <Bougo> #damn
17:21 <epsy> *?
17:21 <spidey> luke did
17:21 <Bougo> #help damn
17:21 <armabot> Bougo: Error: There is no command "damn".
17:21 <Bougo> haha, Big Luke is watching you
17:21 <Bougo> #bigbrother
17:21 <armabot> Bougo: $_Trent_$ballin seems to be on ¬| D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬ right now.
17:21 <epsy> luke-jr, why not with random nick ?
17:22 <Bougo> oh i read random kick
17:22 <epsy_> luke-jr_,
17:22 <dammmn> epsy, ?
17:22 <dammmn> nah
17:24 <epsy_> #echo $who
17:24 <armabot> epsy_
17:24 <epsy_> damn
17:24 <Bougo> huh?
17:25 -!- epsy_ [n=epsy@] has left #armagetron []
17:25 <epsy> man it's annoying in a jabber clinet
17:25 <epsy> *client
17:26 <spidey> this is the laggiest install i've ever did
17:26 <spidey> grand theft auto san andreas :|
17:26 <dammmn> lol
17:26 <dammmn> XD
17:26 <dammmn> gta pf
17:26 <epsy> dammmn, remove your bot now ;)
17:26 <Bougo> bye all
17:26 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@192.174-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #Armagetron []
17:27 <ghableska> #kill dammmn
17:27 <armabot> dammmn will die on Mon Nov 18 07:41:21 1996 due to being stabbed in the eye by dammmn.
17:27 <dammmn> eps
17:27 <dammmn> lol
17:27 <ghableska> heh
17:27 <luke-jr> epsy: what makes it annoying to all clients??
17:27 <epsy> luke-jr, ???
17:27 <luke-jr> you said it's annoying in all clients
17:27 <epsy> IRC is not for a jabber client
17:28 <luke-jr> XMPP supersets IRC
17:28 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has left #armagetron []
17:28 <luke-jr> so a properly designed XMPP client could do IRC just fine via transports
17:28 <epsy> well i can get it k
17:28 <epsy> but it's annoying for me
17:29 <epsy> btw it's slow
17:30 -!- CIA-24 [i=cia@cia.navi.cx] has joined #armagetron
17:30 <dammmn> damn
17:30 <dammmn> xD
17:34 -!- digitx [n=digitx@] has joined #armagetron
17:35 <digitx> juj
17:35 <digitx> xD
17:37 <digitx> plz kick my ghost :/
17:37 <digitx> lol
17:37 <digitx> ?
17:37 <digitx> xD
17:37 -!- dammmn [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
17:41 <digitx> #gcalc 9999 + 999999
17:41 <armabot> digitx: 9,999 + 999,999 = 1,009,998
17:58 -!- digitx [n=digitx@] has left #armagetron []
18:30 <ghableska> #weather 50266
18:30 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 25.3°F (11:32 AM CST on March 02, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 75%. Dew Point: 17.6°F. Windchill: 12.2°F. Pressure: 28.43 in 962.6 hPa. Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 PM CST this afternoon...
18:32 -!- pavelo [n=pavelo@unimatrix0.ubyt.sdjls.uniba.sk] has joined #armagetron
18:34 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
19:09 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-237-245.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #Armagetron
19:09 <Bougo> jello
19:10 <DrJoeTron> FUCK
19:10 <Bougo> err...
19:10 <Bougo> nice way to say hello
19:10 <DrJoeTron> : /
19:10 <Bougo> :p
19:10 <Bougo> what's wrong, DrJoeTron
19:10 <DrJoeTron> steam fucked up
19:10 <DrJoeTron> ghableska get half life 2 already :o
19:10 <DrJoeTron> we gotta play dystopia
19:11 <DrJoeTron> which will then be replaced by FF
19:11 <DrJoeTron> which will then be replaced by TF2
19:11 <DrJoeTron> (Fortress Forever)
19:12 <Bougo> http://www.explosm.net/comics/818/ rofl
19:12 <xfroggy> #roulette
19:12 <armabot> xfroggy: *click*
19:12 <Bougo> #roulette
19:12 <armabot> Bougo: *click*
19:12 <DrJoeTron> that guy is on SA
19:12 <Bougo> yee!
19:12 <Bougo> SA?
19:12 <Bougo> which guy
19:12 <DrJoeTron> the author of that comic
19:13 <DrJoeTron> something awful
19:13 <DrJoeTron> his entire account is one giant advertisement
19:13 <Bougo> huh
19:13 <Bougo> is it?
19:13 <Bougo> lol
19:14 <DrJoeTron> i'm thinkin about chaning my avatar for SA
19:14 <DrJoeTron> but i don't wanna shell out 5 bucks
19:14 <DrJoeTron> changing*
19:14 <Bougo> do you have to pay? wtf!
19:14 <DrJoeTron> hell yeah
19:15 <DrJoeTron> 10 bucks to join the boards
19:15 <DrJoeTron> 15 for an avatar
19:15 <Bougo> omg, that's indeed something aweful
19:15 <DrJoeTron> 5****
19:15 <epsy> #eliza are you in love with CIA-24 ?
19:15 <armabot> epsy: What do you think?
19:15 <DrJoeTron> seems to be working for them
19:15 <Bougo> jeeze, wtf
19:15 <epsy> #eliza you love CIA-24, right ?
19:15 <armabot> epsy: What do you think?
19:15 <DrJoeTron> considering they have 91,000 members :)
19:15 <epsy> #eliza you love CIA-24.
19:15 <armabot> epsy: Does it bother you that me loves someone?
19:15 <Bougo> i wonder how many money they get /month
19:15 <epsy> xD
19:15 <DrJoeTron> not enough
19:16 <Bougo> joe, we should make a site like this xD
19:16 <DrJoeTron> haha
19:16 <DrJoeTron> the 10 bucks is a good way to keep retards from joining
19:16 <Bougo> haha, im watching the boards
19:16 <Bougo> love the notice "13 users banned today."
19:16 <ghableska> DrJoeTron: cs:S? :p
19:16 <DrJoeTron> they get banned for being retards
19:16 <Bougo> well, it looks that they are some retards, though
19:16 <Bougo> xD
19:16 <DrJoeTron> yeah
19:17 <DrJoeTron> like, trolling, aol speak, that stuff isn't allowed there
19:17 <ghableska> AOL speak?
19:17 <DrJoeTron> LOL OMG ROFL
19:17 <epsy> xD
19:17 <DrJoeTron> aol speak
19:17 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["o_O"]
19:17 <Bougo> you killed him
19:17 <DrJoeTron> i must've
19:17 <Bougo> xD
19:17 <DrJoeTron> you wont...you won't tell anyone will you?
19:18 <Bougo> why would i?
19:18 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-216-182-238.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
19:18 <Bougo> wb
19:18 <ghableska> whoops
19:18 <DrJoeTron> i get alot of cute benefits from the site too
19:18 <ghableska> like?
19:18 <Bougo> lets try again
19:18 <Bougo> LOL OMG ROFL
19:18 <ghableska> heh
19:18 <Bougo> oh it doesnt work anymore
19:18 <ghableska> ROFLMAO.
19:18 <Bougo> EW i got pwned
19:18 <ghableska> ;p
19:18 <Bougo> ROFLMFAO?
19:18 <ghableska> *shrugs*
19:18 <Bougo> :D
19:19 <DrJoeTron> usually in terms of discounts on web hosting, and links to download games before they're released
19:19 <DrJoeTron> dystopia a shining example
19:19 <ghableska> can't you get the links without being registered in the first place?
19:19 <DrJoeTron> sure you can get them, half of them wont work though :o
19:19 <DrJoeTron> because you have to be logged in
19:20 <DrJoeTron> plus the private stuff is psoted in the members only area
19:21 <ghableska> ah
19:21 <ghableska> joe,
19:22 <ghableska> what can I use to play back demos?
19:22 <DrJoeTron> back demos?
19:22 <ghableska> *playback demos
19:22 <ghableska> you know, demos that you record
19:22 <DrJoeTron> playback demos?
19:22 <DrJoeTron> OH
19:22 <ghableska> and then want to view again
19:22 <DrJoeTron> no idea man
19:23 <DrJoeTron> google should know
19:23 <DrJoeTron> or ask 2020
19:23 <Bougo> haha
19:23 <ghableska> umm, I'm not talking about arma :P
19:23 <Bougo> back demos xD
19:23 <DrJoeTron> if you can muster up the strength to actually talk to him :/
19:23 <ghableska> hahaha
19:23 <DrJoeTron> i know i can't
19:23 <ghableska> brb, lunch.
19:23 <Bougo> oh i thought 2020 was a telephone number
19:23 <Bougo> enjoy it, ghab
19:34 <epsy> wrtlprnft, wrtlprnft wrtlprnft
19:34 <epsy> cmon on ur server
19:34 <Bougo> ok
19:34 <epsy> wrtlprnft, there is 2 assholes on your server
19:34 <Bougo> #serverinf wrtl
19:35 <Bougo> #serverinfo wrtl
19:35 <armabot> Bougo: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “wrtl” at the moment, sorry.
19:35 <epsy> and it seems the votes of these 2 players put the poll rejected
19:35 <Bougo> err
19:35 <Bougo> what's his servN
19:35 <Bougo> ?*
19:35 <pavelo> Bougo: fortress cafe
19:35 <Bougo> oh is it wrtl's?
19:35 <Bougo> nice serv wrtlprnft :)
19:35 <pavelo> yeah, someone should really ban them
19:36 <Bougo> oh yea there are two assholes indeed
19:36 <Bougo> pavelo and epsy >:DD
19:36 <Bougo> j/k :)
19:36 <ghableska> #serverdetails ess caf
19:36 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (10/32): blue, cockvomit4urmom, dick in ur mom, IL, kk~epsy, Mr. Bougo, pavelo, ~luAp~, °¯AshitakA, °°qain
19:36 <ghableska> ah
19:36 <Bougo> the two mom guys
19:36 <epsy> wrtlprnft, wrtlprnft wrtlprnft wrtlprnft
19:37 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q3a75.q.pppool.de] has joined #armagetron
19:37 <epsy> wrtlprnft, k all kicked
19:37 <epsy> but ban them plz
19:39 <madmax|pt> indeed pavelo
19:42 <Bougo> bye
19:42 <Bougo> i'll be back in 0.5 hour or so
19:42 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-237-245.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #Armagetron []
19:54 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
19:54 <digitx> #seen epsy
19:54 <armabot> digitx: epsy was last seen in #armagetron 16 minutes and 45 seconds ago: <epsy> but ban them plz
19:54 <digitx> xD
19:55 <xfroggy> #roulette
19:55 <armabot> xfroggy: *click*
19:55 <xfroggy> =\
19:55 <digitx> klikk
20:09 <wrtlprnft> epsy: o_O
20:09 <wrtlprnft> what did they do?
20:09 <digitx> -
20:09 <epsy> wrtlprnft, assholing...
20:09 <ghableska> http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/thesimpsonsmovie/trailer3_large.html <- haha
20:10 <xfroggy> is it out yet?
20:10 <epsy> wrtlprnft, look in your logs
20:10 <ghableska> xfroggy: no...
20:10 <wrtlprnft> names?
20:10 <epsy> they have some specials names
20:10 <digitx> #roulette
20:10 <armabot> digitx: *click*
20:10 <epsy> search for polls
20:10 <epsy> in their names there was
20:10 <epsy> mom
20:10 <epsy> suck
20:10 <epsy> ect
20:10 <wrtlprnft> [3] New poll: "Kick Turncoat[Aust]". Enter the main menu vote on it.
20:10 <digitx> :)
20:10 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:10 <ghableska> no, not him
20:10 <digitx> where?
20:11 <epsy> no
20:11 <epsy> not him
20:11 <epsy> search
20:11 <wrtlprnft> [8] Poll "Kick dick in ur mom" submitted by blue.
20:11 <epsy> the last before him
20:11 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:11 <epsy> yep
20:12 <wrtlprnft> and the other one?
20:13 <wrtlprnft> if it wasn't the same guy
20:13 <ghableska> iirc, didn't the other one leave before s/he got polled?
20:13 <epsy> no wasn't same client, at least
20:13 <epsy> yeah he did leved a bit after the other got kicked
20:13 <epsy> but he got polled trough
20:14 <wrtlprnft> [3] Received login from via socket *.*.*.*:4539.
20:14 <wrtlprnft> [5] Received login from via socket *.*.*.*:4539.
20:14 <wrtlprnft> [3] dick in ur mom plays for Team blue.
20:14 <wrtlprnft> [5] cockvomit4urmom plays for Team blue.
20:14 <wrtlprnft> i guess they are the same
20:14 <epsy> i suppose
20:15 <epsy> but they hadn't same client number
20:15 <wrtlprnft> doesn't matter
20:15 <epsy> but looking on ip
20:15 <wrtlprnft> you can have multiple clients on the same IP
20:15 <epsy> i know
20:16 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205251.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
20:16 <wrtlprnft> #g 2 weeks in minutes
20:16 <armabot> wrtlprnft: 2 weeks = 20,160 minutes
20:16 <digitx> :)
20:16 <ghableska> hi Vanhayes
20:17 <Vanhayes> hey ghab
20:17 <xfroggy> thats alot of minutes O.o
20:17 <epsy> ;) wrtl
20:17 <Vanhayes> wrtlprnft: who are you banning?
20:17 <epsy> <wrtlprnft> [3] dick in ur mom plays for Team blue.
20:17 <epsy> <wrtlprnft> [5] cockvomit4urmom plays for Team blue.
20:18 <Vanhayes> ah
20:18 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-237-245.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #Armagetron
20:18 <Bougo> hellows
20:18 <digitx> hey
20:18 <digitx> XD
20:18 <xfroggy> mr bougo XD
20:18 <digitx> XD
20:18 <Bougo> ???
20:18 -!- Bougo is now known as MrBougo
20:19 <ghableska> wb MrBougo
20:19 <MrBougo> :)
20:20 <wrtlprnft> 2080276 [7] Players from IP are banned for 20160 minutes. Reason: put your dick to /dev/null.
20:21 <MrBougo> wtf rofl
20:21 <MrBougo> you rock xD
20:21 <xfroggy> lmfao!
20:22 <epsy> xD
20:23 <ghableska> heh
20:23 <ghableska> #realchatlogs
20:23 <armabot> ghableska: http://master3.armagetronad.net/armalogs/
20:23 <ghableska> hmm
20:23 <ghableska> still not working. ;/
20:23 <wrtlprnft> o_O
20:24 <ghableska> O_o
20:25 <digitx> bougo
20:25 <digitx> cheater
20:25 <digitx> XDD
20:25 <digitx> lol
20:25 <MrBougo> did i cheat?
20:25 <MrBougo> wtf?
20:25 <digitx> :D
20:27 <wrtlprnft> actually they do work
20:27 <wrtlprnft> the naming is just messed up for some reason
20:27 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@adsl-76-194-177-181.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:27 <ghableska> o_O
20:28 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:4cc2:b1b1:0:20d:60ff:fe77:7d85] has joined #armagetron
20:28 <MrBougo> wb
20:29 <wrtlprnft> ghableska: fixed
20:29 <ghableska> yay!
20:29 * wrtlprnft spelt “Jan” as “Jun”
20:30 <ghableska> heh
20:30 <digitx> ghableska, tron ?
20:30 <digitx> fortress caffe ?
20:30 <wrtlprnft> which lead it to think June was the first month of the year and that Jan didn't exist
20:30 <DrJoeTron> don
20:30 <DrJoeTron> don't do it ghableska
20:30 <ghableska> #serverdetails ess caf
20:30 <armabot> ghableska: Fortress Café: Players (6/32): #²³ ¦Ö¦Sticky, kk~epsy, Pillow Case 57, ~*sNo*~, ©¡¦Þ Mr. Bougo, °°@shitakA
20:30 <ghableska> in a bit
20:30 <ghableska> DrJoeTron: why not?
20:31 <DrJoeTron> i ono
20:31 <DrJoeTron> i said so?
20:31 <ghableska> ...
20:32 <DrJoeTron> i wasnt expecting you to QUESTION ME ARGH
20:32 <ghableska> lol
20:37 <MrBougo> #serverdetails ess caf
20:37 <armabot> MrBougo: Fortress Café: Players (4/32): Mr. Bougo, Pillow Case 57, ¦×¥ Sticky, °¯AshitakA
20:37 <ghableska> #armaservers
20:37 <MrBougo> #serverdetails ess caf
20:37 <armabot> ghableska: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (11 players) || °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~ (10 players) || {Delicious Desserts} Team Weekend - Custom Map (9 players) || Norm's Place (8 players) || ¬ | D u r k a D u r k a L a n d | ¬ (7 players) || Strawberry Fields (6 players) || ~*SpeederS*~ Server (5 players) || Chico's Brake Boost Styball (5 players) || Wild West =Capture The Flag= (5 players) || (1 more message)
20:37 <armabot> MrBougo: Fortress Café: Players (4/32): Mr. Bougo, Pillow Case 57, ¦×¥ Sticky, °¯AshitakA
20:37 <MrBougo> #playerinfo Mr. Bougo
20:38 <MrBougo> oh
20:38 <MrBougo> n/m
20:38 <ghableska> #serverdetails styball
20:38 <armabot> ghableska: Chico's Brake Boost Styball: Players (7/8): <{TRC}Andrew, Gonzap, julian, Luke, mañn, OogerMunky, soska
20:38 <Vanhayes> #lastseen MrBougo
20:38 <MrBougo> helloes Van :p
20:38 <digitx> o
20:38 <digitx> Van itt magyar?
20:38 <Vanhayes> hey
20:38 <Vanhayes> uh
20:38 <ghableska> o_O
20:38 <Vanhayes> no clue what that means
20:39 <MrBougo> #list babelfish
20:39 <armabot> MrBougo: babelize, language list, language random, and translate
20:39 <armabot> Vanhayes: timed out
20:39 <MrBougo> translate hungarian english Van itt magyar?
20:39 <MrBougo> #translate hungarian english Van itt magyar?
20:39 <Vanhayes> #t german to englishVan itt magyar
20:39 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: "'hungarian'" is not a valid language. Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:39 <armabot> Vanhayes: Error: "'englishvan'" is not a valid language. Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:39 <Vanhayes> #t german to english Van itt magyar
20:39 <MrBougo> rofl englishvan
20:39 <armabot> Vanhayes: Van CCIT magyar
20:39 <MrBougo> haha
20:39 <ghableska> o_O
20:39 <digitx> no german
20:39 <digitx> hungarian
20:39 <digitx> :)
20:39 <MrBougo> #language list
20:39 <armabot> MrBougo: Portuguese, German, Spanish, Chinese_Traditional, Japanese, French, Greek, Dutch, English, Russian, Korean, Chinese_Simple, and Italian
20:39 <MrBougo> ew
20:39 <Vanhayes> #t Hungarian to english Van itt magyar
20:40 <armabot> Vanhayes: Error: "'hungarian'" is not a valid language. Valid languages include Chinese_simple, Chinese_traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
20:40 <Vanhayes> damn
20:40 <digitx> :P
20:40 <Vanhayes> #t english to japanese Hello
20:40 <armabot> Vanhayes: '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
20:40 <Vanhayes> heh
20:40 <digitx> XD
20:40 <digitx> #t english to korean Hello
20:40 <armabot> digitx: '\x00\x00\x00\x00'
20:40 <digitx> ho
20:41 <digitx> #t english to french Hello
20:41 <armabot> digitx: Bonjour
20:41 <digitx> bonjour
20:41 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@212-139-167-22.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
20:41 <MrBougo> yep, its right
20:41 <MrBougo> Bonjour Sticky
20:41 <_Sticky_> yo
20:41 <MrBougo> xD
20:41 <MrBougo> #help lastseen
20:41 <armabot> MrBougo: (lastseen <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=@1+@2+@3+@4+@5+@6+@7+@8+@9".
20:43 <epsy> MrBougo, ah oui t'es belge ... ;D
20:43 <MrBougo> indeed
20:43 <digitx> im cretin
20:43 <digitx> xD
20:43 <MrBougo> et toi? o.O
20:44 <MrBougo> sure you are
20:44 <epsy> de paris
20:44 <digitx> hehe
20:44 <MrBougo> ah bon
20:44 <MrBougo> possible
20:44 <MrBougo> je le savais surement
20:44 <MrBougo> ew
20:44 <epsy> :P
20:44 <MrBougo> #monologue
20:44 <armabot> MrBougo: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
20:44 <MrBougo> bah, it doesnt work
20:44 <MrBougo> test?
20:44 <MrBougo> #monologue
20:44 <armabot> MrBougo: Your current monologue is at least 4 lines long.
20:44 <epsy> #monologue #armagetron
20:44 <armabot> epsy: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
20:44 <epsy> nah
20:44 <MrBougo> oh, ok
20:44 <epsy> this isn't possible
20:44 <MrBougo> current monologue
20:44 <epsy> no
20:44 <epsy> shut up
20:44 <MrBougo> not last one
20:44 <MrBougo> i wont
20:44 <MrBougo> :D
20:44 <epsy> xD
20:44 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr: your DNS sucks, it's slow.
20:44 <wrtlprnft> really slow.
20:45 <ghableska> #monologue
20:45 <armabot> ghableska: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
20:45 <epsy> lol
20:45 <epsy> lol
20:45 <epsy> :P
20:45 <epsy> #monologue #armagetron
20:45 <armabot> epsy: Your current monologue is at least 4 lines long.
20:45 <epsy> ah
20:45 <digitx> XD
20:45 <MrBougo> haha, is it?
20:45 <epsy> :P
20:45 <epsy> lol
20:45 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:4cc2:b1b1:0:20d:60ff:fe77:7d85] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
20:45 <epsy> :P
20:45 <epsy> lol
20:45 <MrBougo> rofl
20:45 <MrBougo> roflmao
20:45 <epsy> grr
20:45 <wrtlprnft> lol
20:45 <epsy> #roulete
20:45 <MrBougo> pwnd, wrtlprnft
20:45 <epsy> wrtlpwnd :D
20:45 <ghableska> wrtlpwnd :P
20:45 <ghableska> er
20:45 <ghableska> gah
20:45 <epsy> XD
20:45 <epsy> ghableska too
20:46 <MrBougo> gahbelsahk
20:46 <digitx> xD
20:46 <MrBougo> oops
20:46 <MrBougo> -h
20:46 <ghableska> ?
20:46 <digitx> ghableska
20:46 <MrBougo> you said "gah"
20:46 <epsy> #roulette
20:46 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
20:46 <MrBougo> i completed it
20:46 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:46 <CIA-24> armagetronad: * resources/wrtlprnft/fortress/zig_zag-1.aamap.xml: Resource by wrtlprnft
20:46 <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/wrtlprnft/fortress/zig_zag-1.aamap.xml: Resource by wrtlprnft
20:46 <wrtlprnft> great.
20:46 <digitx> cia
20:46 <digitx> XD
20:46 <wrtlprnft> http://beta.armagetronad.net/resource-browser/resource/wrtlprnft/fortress/zig_zag-1.aamap.xml
20:46 * wrtlprnft wonders if this will work well
20:47 <MrBougo> what was this, wrtl?
20:47 <epsy> gah
20:47 <wrtlprnft> what was what?
20:47 <epsy> horrible map
20:47 <MrBougo> what happened with the cia bot
20:47 <MrBougo> #rou
20:47 <armabot> MrBougo: Quit cheating!
20:47 <MrBougo> huh?
20:47 <wrtlprnft> I just tested inkscape 0.45's new features
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roureltte
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #rourette
20:47 <epsy> wrtlprnft, i already feel my fps
20:47 <MrBougo> rofl
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:47 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:47 <epsy> #roulete
20:47 <wrtlprnft> epsy: it's not that bad
20:47 <armabot> epsy: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:48 <MrBougo> wrtlprnft, you told me to stop spamming :p
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> epsy: *click*
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> epsy: *click*
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> epsy: *click*
20:48 <wrtlprnft> MrBougo: i was just testing it
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> epsy: *click*
20:48 <epsy> hehe
20:48 <epsy> hehe
20:48 <MrBougo> xD j/k
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> epsy: *click*
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
20:48 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:48 <xfroggy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> xfroggy: *click*
20:48 <MrBougo> #rouletté
20:48 <epsy> long one ;)
20:48 <MrBougo> #roulétte
20:48 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o wrtlprnft] by ChanServ
20:48 <digitx> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> digitx: *click*
20:48 <xfroggy> #roulette
20:48 <armabot> xfroggy: *click*
20:48 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o wrtlprnft] by ChanServ
20:48 <wrtlprnft> oops
20:48 <epsy> #roulete
20:48 <MrBougo> ew! hes gonna kick
20:48 <@armabot> epsy: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:48 -!- mode/#armagetron [+o armabot] by ChanServ
20:48 <xfroggy> lmao
20:48 <digitx> #roulette
20:48 -!- digitx was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:48 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:48 <MrBougo> :D
20:48 <Vanhayes> bbiab
20:48 <wrtlprnft> that's what i wanted to do
20:48 <epsy> lol
20:48 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205251.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["I quit"]
20:48 <epsy> #roulette
20:48 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:48 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:49 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:49 <MrBougo> im an irc nub
20:49 <xfroggy> hmm
20:49 <digitx> #roulette
20:49 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:49 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <digitx> hehe
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <digitx> XD
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <xfroggy> #roulette
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 -!- xfroggy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:49 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <xfroggy> XD
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:49 <MrBougo> wrtl, i know the irc bases, but i wonder how you just op'd armabot without being op yourself
20:49 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <digitx> hehe lol
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <wrtlprnft> MrBougo: chanserv
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> epsy: *click*
20:49 <MrBougo> stop this!
20:49 <epsy> #roulette
20:49 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:49 <digitx> #roulette
20:49 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:49 <digitx> #roulette
20:49 <digitx> #roulette
20:49 <digitx> #roulette
20:49 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:49 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:49 <ghableska> "School Menu Change
20:49 <ghableska> Monday's school menu will be Double Stuffed Pizza rather than Hot Pockets due the schools being closed on Friday, March 2nd."
20:49 <wrtlprnft> the same way I use to op myself
20:49 <ghableska> WTF
20:49 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:49 <epsy> >.<
20:49 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:49 <xfroggy> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:49 -!- xfroggy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:49 <MrBougo> WTF ghab indeed
20:49 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:49 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
20:49 <digitx> hehehehehehe
20:49 <digitx> im luckyy
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:49 <digitx> xD
20:49 <xfroggy> XD
20:49 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:49 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:49 <ghableska> #roulette spin
20:49 <@armabot> *SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
20:50 <epsy> wrtlprnft, take op and say #roulete
20:50 <digitx> #roulette
20:50 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:50 <digitx> #roulette
20:50 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:50 <digitx> #roulette
20:50 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:50 <digitx> #roulette
20:50 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:50 <digitx> #roulette
20:50 -!- digitx was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:50 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:50 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
20:50 <epsy> :D
20:50 <digitx> xD
20:50 <wrtlprnft> #echo [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette]
20:50 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click* wrtlprnft: *click* wrtlprnft: *click* wrtlprnft: *click* wrtlprnft: *click*
20:50 <MrBougo> wrtlprnft, i know its something with chanserv, but how?
20:50 <MrBougo> rofl
20:50 <wrtlprnft> /msg chanserv op #armagetron armabot
20:50 <digitx> XD
20:50 <MrBougo> but you werent op
20:50 <xfroggy> hmm
20:50 <digitx> damn
20:50 <digitx> /
20:50 <MrBougo> oh you were identified
20:51 <epsy> wrtlprnft, take op and say #roulete
20:51 <MrBougo> ok right
20:51 <epsy> with 1 t
20:51 <wrtlprnft> MrBougo: chanserv knows I'm authorize people in this #
20:51 <MrBougo> yep right
20:51 <MrBougo> #echo roulette
20:51 <digitx> na
20:51 <@armabot> roulette
20:51 <MrBougo> ew
20:51 <epsy> wrtlprnft, ...
20:51 <MrBougo> #echo [roulette]
20:51 <@armabot> *click*
20:51 <MrBougo> i dont get it
20:51 <MrBougo> xD
20:51 <epsy> #echo [roulette]
20:51 <@armabot> *click*
20:51 <epsy> #echo [roulette]
20:51 <@armabot> *click*
20:51 <epsy> #echo [roulette]
20:51 <ghableska> #rouulette
20:51 <@armabot> *click*
20:51 <epsy> #echo [roulette]
20:51 <@armabot> *click*
20:51 <epsy> #echo [roulette]
20:51 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:52 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:52 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:52 <MrBougo> rofl
20:52 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: epsy is not in #armagetron.
20:52 <ghableska> heh
20:52 <xfroggy> lmao
20:52 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:52 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:52 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:52 <MrBougo> wtf roflmao
20:52 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:52 <ghableska> #roulete
20:52 <@armabot> ghableska: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:52 <epsy> dang xD
20:52 <MrBougo> so roulete kicks epsy
20:52 <epsy> no
20:52 <MrBougo> help roulete
20:52 <ghableska> #echo roulete
20:52 <@armabot> roulete
20:52 <MrBougo> #help roulete
20:52 <@armabot> MrBougo: (roulete <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "KICK $who".
20:52 <MrBougo> haha
20:52 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:52 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:52 <MrBougo> i dont get it
20:52 <xfroggy> #echo [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette]
20:52 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:52 <@armabot> *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
20:52 <epsy> btw it's buggy and kick randomly
20:53 <xfroggy> Oo
20:53 <MrBougo> why does epsy get kicked
20:53 <_Sticky_> #blackjack
20:53 <_Sticky_> heh
20:53 <MrBougo> try again
20:53 <xfroggy> cuz he didnt get kicked last time
20:53 <MrBougo> xD
20:53 <xfroggy> XD
20:53 <wrtlprnft> because epsy wants to kick me
20:53 <wrtlprnft> armabot knows that
20:53 <epsy> lol
20:53 <MrBougo> haha
20:53 <xfroggy> #echo [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette] [roulette]
20:53 <@armabot> *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
20:53 <xfroggy> -.-
20:53 <_Sticky_> #roulette
20:53 -!- _Sticky_ was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
20:53 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@212-139-167-22.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #armagetron
20:53 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:53 <ghableska> #weather 50266
20:53 <@armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in West Des Moines, Iowa is 25.5°F (1:57 PM CST on March 02, 2007). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: 19.4°F. Windchill: 14.0°F. Pressure: 28.47 in 964.0 hPa. Blizzard Warning in effect until 6 am CST Saturday...
20:53 <MrBougo> #help echo
20:53 <@armabot> MrBougo: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
20:53 <wrtlprnft> #roulette
20:53 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: *click*
20:54 <MrBougo> #echo $who
20:54 <@armabot> MrBougo
20:54 <_Sticky_> #roulette
20:54 <digitx> #roulette
20:54 <@armabot> _Sticky_: *click*
20:54 <@armabot> digitx: *click*
20:54 <epsy> #pacman
20:54 <@armabot> WTF man? Play armagetronad you dumbass!
20:54 <ghableska> haha
20:54 <epsy> heh
20:54 <digitx> #epsy
20:54 <ghableska> #gltron
20:54 <wrtlprnft> < · · ·
20:54 <digitx> #kill epsy
20:54 <_Sticky_> #E.T.
20:54 <@armabot> epsy will die on Sat May 30 16:58:55 1987 due to being stabbed in the eye by wrtlprnft.
20:54 <digitx> XD
20:54 <epsy> gand wrtlprnft
20:54 <epsy> *dang
20:54 <_Sticky_> E.T...best game ever
20:54 <epsy> LOL
20:54 <epsy> what is E.T ?
20:55 <digitx> ET
20:55 <MrBougo> i dont get why #roulete kicks epsy and not the real $who
20:55 <digitx> i know
20:55 <digitx> XD
20:55 <digitx> ufo
20:55 <digitx> xD
20:55 <MrBougo> wrtl, try €cho $who ?
20:55 <MrBougo> #echo*
20:55 <_Sticky_> heh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.T._(video_game) the game so bad they buried it in the desert
20:55 <wrtlprnft> echo $who
20:55 <wrtlprnft> #echo $who
20:55 <@armabot> epsy
20:55 <MrBougo> wtf's wrong
20:55 <MrBougo> rofl
20:56 <epsy> wrtlprnft, try roulete again
20:56 <MrBougo> it'll kcik you
20:56 <epsy> no
20:56 <epsy> *i hope*
20:56 <MrBougo> yep
20:56 <wrtlprnft> #echo $who
20:56 <@armabot> WHO? YEAH, WHO *exactly* do you mean?
20:56 <epsy> XD
20:56 <MrBougo> rofl
20:57 <epsy> wrtlprnft, try roulete again
20:57 <MrBougo> kick WHO? YEAH, WHO *exactly* do you mean?
20:57 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:57 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: $randomNick is not in #armagetron.
20:57 <MrBougo> is epsy also mod?
20:57 <MrBougo> haha
20:57 <epsy> gah
20:57 <MrBougo> pwned
20:57 <epsy> no i'm not op
20:58 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:58 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [wrtlprnft]
20:58 <MrBougo> but you have some bot stuff
20:58 <MrBougo> haha
20:58 <MrBougo> #help roulete
20:58 <@armabot> MrBougo: (roulete <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "KICK $randomNick".
20:58 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:58 <wrtlprnft> #help roulete
20:58 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: (roulete <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "KICK someone".
20:58 <epsy> * Vous avez été expulsé de #armagetron par armabot (wrtlprnft)
20:58 <MrBougo> but only ops can roulete :(
20:58 <epsy> yeah
20:58 <epsy> XD
20:58 <xfroggy> #roulete
20:58 <@armabot> xfroggy: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:58 <xfroggy> Oo
20:58 <epsy> btw you can cheat the admins so xD
20:58 <wrtlprnft> #help roulete
20:58 <@armabot> wrtlprnft: (roulete <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "KICK [echo $randomNick]".
20:58 <digitx> <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:58 <digitx> * armabot kirúgta epsy-t innen: #armagetron (wrtlprnft)
20:58 <digitx> LOL
20:59 <wrtlprnft> #roulete
20:59 -!- epsy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [wrtlprnft]
20:59 <MrBougo> wtf
20:59 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:59 <MrBougo> xD
20:59 <digitx> lol
20:59 <epsy> lol
20:59 <MrBougo> #roulete
20:59 <@armabot> MrBougo: Error: You don't have the #armagetron,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:59 <epsy> echo $randomnick
20:59 <epsy> #echo $randomnick
20:59 <@armabot> deja_vu
20:59 <epsy> #echo $randomNick
20:59 <@armabot> wejp_
20:59 <epsy> #echo $randomNick
20:59 <@armabot> deja_vu
20:59 <epsy> #echo $randomNick
20:59 <@armabot> wejp_
20:59 <epsy> xD
20:59 <MrBougo> epsy, you are bot admin, arent you?
20:59 <epsy> xD
20:59 <MrBougo> #echo $who
20:59 <epsy> no
20:59 <@armabot> MrBougo
20:59 <MrBougo> oh
20:59 <epsy> wrtlprnft is
21:00 <MrBougo> so who modified $who
21:00 <MrBougo> oh ok
21:00 <digitx> #echo $who
21:00 <@armabot> digitx
21:00 <MrBougo> yea right... xD
21:00 <digitx> #echo $who damn
21:00 <@armabot> digitx damn
21:00 <deja_vu> o.o
21:00 <xfroggy> #roulette
21:00 -!- xfroggy was kicked from #armagetron by armabot [BANG!]
21:00 <MrBougo> what's wrong with roulete then
21:00 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
21:00 <epsy> #damn digtix
21:00 <wrtlprnft> echo $randomNick
21:00 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has joined #armagetron
21:00 <wrtlprnft> #echo $randomNick
21:00 <@armabot> epsy
21:00 <MrBougo> xD
21:00 <MrBougo> #echo $randomnick
21:00 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma
21:00 <MrBougo> #echo $randomnick
21:00 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma
21:00 <MrBougo> #echo $randomnick
21:00 <@armabot> wrtlprnft
21:00 <wrtlprnft> #echo $randomNick
21:00 <@armabot> epsy
21:00 * deja_vu hits epsy with a green stick
21:00 <epsy> seems working no
21:00 <epsy> w
21:00 <xfroggy> #echo $randomNick
21:00 <@armabot> Lucifer_arma
21:00 <wrtlprnft> #echo $randomNick
21:00 <@armabot> epsy
21:00 <MrBougo> rofl wrtlprnft, somethings wrong with you
21:00 <MrBougo> try $randomDate
21:01 <epsy> gtg
21:01 <epsy> cya
21:01 <MrBougo> cya :(
21:01 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["END OF LINE"]
21:01 <wrtlprnft> #echo $randomDate
21:01 <@armabot> Sun Dec 14 12:38:01 1997
21:01 <xfroggy> lata =\
21:01 <MrBougo> try $who again?
21:01 <MrBougo> espy left now
21:01 <MrBougo> epsy
21:01 <digitx> whu ?
21:01 <digitx> y
21:01 <wrtlprnft> #echo $randomNick
21:01 <@armabot> epsy
21:01 <digitx> hm
21:01 <wrtlprnft> #echo $who
21:01 <@armabot> epsy
21:01 <MrBougo> what's wrong
21:01 <MrBougo> xD
21:01 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@Q3a75.q.pppool.de] has quit ["leaving"]
21:01 <wrtlprnft> it's so easy to trick you guys…
21:02 <MrBougo> seems so...
21:02 <wrtlprnft> color codes for the win!
21:02 <MrBougo> i really dont get it
21:02 <wrtlprnft> especially ^O
21:02 <MrBougo> ew
21:02 <MrBougo> i really dont get it xD
21:02 <MrBougo> what ddi you do?
21:02 <wrtlprnft> and the possibility to add/remove aliases using /msg
21:02 <MrBougo> i use damn
21:02 <MrBougo> err wtf
21:02 <MrBougo> typo
21:02 <MrBougo> i use gaim*
21:02 <wrtlprnft> /msg armabot alias add ec^Oho echo epsy
21:03 <wrtlprnft> #ec^Oho $who
21:03 <wrtlprnft> /msg armabot alias remove ec^Oho
21:03 <MrBougo> haha nice
21:03 <wrtlprnft> that's it
21:03 <MrBougo> you rock
21:03 <wrtlprnft> just that the ^O is usually invisible
21:03 <MrBougo> and with roulete?
21:03 <MrBougo> oh right, you were the only one using it
21:04 <wrtlprnft> no, there was a #rou^Olete as well
21:04 <MrBougo> oh ok
21:04 <MrBougo> tricked xD
21:04 <wrtlprnft> it was fun :D
21:04 <MrBougo> yupi!
21:05 <MrBougo> now the channel is dead xD
21:05 <MrBougo> are you the chan owner?
21:05 -!- mode/#armagetron [-o armabot] by ChanServ
21:05 <wrtlprnft> :s
21:05 <wrtlprnft> no
21:06 <wrtlprnft> guru 3 is
21:06 <MrBougo> oh
21:06 <MrBougo> i've never hard about him
21:06 <MrBougo> does he play tron?
21:06 <wrtlprnft> and I think I shouldn't op armabot too often
21:06 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205251.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
21:06 <wrtlprnft> sometimes
21:06 <wrtlprnft> wb Vanhayes
21:06 <Vanhayes> ty
21:06 <MrBougo> you're afraid of explots?
21:06 <MrBougo> exploits*
21:06 <Vanhayes> did a kotg match and too mch talking here, had to close it :)
21:07 <Vanhayes> much*
21:07 <MrBougo> xD
21:07 <MrBougo> kotg = long i guess
21:07 <MrBougo> err what else
21:07 <pavelo> who played/won ?
21:08 <MrBougo> #lastseen Vanhayes
21:08 <wrtlprnft> kings of the grid
21:08 <armabot> MrBougo: Vanhayes seems to be on 1v1 Sumo Bistro right now.
21:08 <wrtlprnft> do the settings work now?
21:08 <MrBougo> #severinfo Bist
21:08 <Vanhayes> http://www.kingsofthegrid.net/forum/index.php
21:08 -!- _Sticky_ [n=kvirc@212-139-167-22.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/"]
21:08 <Vanhayes> wrtlprnft: what do you mean?
21:09 <wrtlprnft> well, with the original settings the zone was too small
21:09 <Vanhayes> oh, ya the zone is regular size
21:10 <wrtlprnft> it blocks out clients <0.2.8 now, though
21:10 <Vanhayes> well most people who usually play sumo have probly upgraded by now
21:12 <Vanhayes> #serverdetails arena
21:12 <armabot> Vanhayes: °¯ps Arena ~~~ Team Sumo ~~~: Players (9/12): akira, Carlitos, CT¦Unreal, ewe-n-eye, GO, Pillow Case 57, ¦Ö¦$µbzero, ©$P T<, °°qedice
21:12 <digitx> Norms Place ?
21:12 <digitx> wrtlprnft, ?
21:13 <MrBougo> how the hell did i do that
21:13 <MrBougo> (21:15:06) digitx: wrtlprnft, ?
21:13 <MrBougo> wejp_ wrtlprnft
21:13 <MrBougo> (21:16:28) MrBougo: how the hell did i do that
21:14 <wrtlprnft> digitx?
21:14 <MrBougo> oh ok nevermind
21:14 <Vanhayes> MrBougo: do what?
21:14 <MrBougo> nothing
21:14 <MrBougo> i pressed w then tab
21:14 <Vanhayes> heh ok
21:14 <Vanhayes> ah, tab completion
21:14 <MrBougo> and there are two w* guys
21:14 <MrBougo> i should install some irc client
21:14 <MrBougo> no multi-protocol
21:15 <MrBougo> i dont really like Gaim
21:15 <wrtlprnft> I! R! S! S! I!
21:15 <[dlh]> “HACKED by OncuTeam www.oncuturk.org” → oh noes! someone hacked the wiki!!!!!11111 :/
21:15 <wrtlprnft> aaaaaah!
21:15 <wrtlprnft> nooooo!
21:16 <MrBougo> which wiki?
21:16 <MrBougo> :(
21:16 <wrtlprnft> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Team&rcid=17788
21:16 <digitx> wrtlprnft, go norms place ?
21:16 <wrtlprnft> some 1337 hacker skills they have
21:17 <MrBougo> omg howd they do that zomg wtf wtf wtf !!11one
21:17 <wrtlprnft> sue them!
21:17 <MrBougo> they didnt get what "hack" is
21:17 <MrBougo> thats vandalism, not hacking
21:18 <MrBougo> isnt it?
21:18 <MrBougo> did that article exist before?
21:18 <Vanhayes> ya
21:18 <Vanhayes> no they creted a new page I think
21:19 <MrBougo> xD
21:19 <Vanhayes> but anyone can do that, its just vandalism
21:19 <MrBougo> yep, right
21:19 <MrBougo> their team is awesome
21:19 <MrBougo> my 5 year old cousin should join them
21:19 <MrBougo> she has enough skills
21:19 <Vanhayes> heh
21:20 <Vanhayes> she is probably over qualified
21:20 <MrBougo> xD
21:20 <MrBougo> ew wait
21:20 <MrBougo> do i have a 5 year old cousin?
21:20 <Vanhayes> I have no idea
21:20 <MrBougo> me either
21:20 <MrBougo> i probly do
21:21 <MrBougo> i have some cousins in Guatemala, but i dont know their age
21:21 <MrBougo> ooh, Miranda IM supports IRC and is available on PortableApps
21:21 <MrBougo> i should try it out
21:24 <MrBougo> #monologue
21:24 <armabot> MrBougo: Your current monologue is at least 6 lines long.
21:25 <MrBougo> #dice 0d0
21:25 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: Dice can't have fewer than 3 sides.
21:25 <MrBougo> #dice 0d5
21:25 <armabot> MrBougo: Error: I tried to send you an empty message.
21:29 <MrBougo> this channel is oficially dead
21:30 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@] has joined #armagetron
21:30 <MrBougo> yee! someone!
21:30 <MrBougo> hel
21:30 <MrBougo> lo
21:31 <MrBougo> sorry, pressed enter....
21:36 <digitx> bugi
21:36 <digitx> go Norms Place ?
21:36 <MrBougo> byebye
21:36 <MrBougo> nah i hatre norms
21:36 <MrBougo> hate
21:36 <madmax|pt> nice 'hack' indeed
21:36 <MrBougo> and i gtg
21:36 <digitx> cu
21:37 <MrBougo> #echo [help echo]
21:37 <armabot> (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; MrBougo (or MrBougo), spidey, -639, armabot, #armagetron, n=MrBougo, ip-62-235-237-245.dsl.scarlet.be, 02 Mar 2007, Fri Mar 2 21:52:33 2007, and Sat May 1 17:28:59 2010 are all handled appropriately.
21:37 <MrBougo> xD
21:37 <MrBougo> #night
21:37 <armabot> Good night MrBougo!
21:37 <MrBougo> thank you armabot!
21:38 <MrBougo> cyas all
21:38 <MrBougo> good night
21:38 <MrBougo> or day or whatevah
21:38 <Vanhayes> bbiab
21:38 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205251.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["I quit"]
21:38 <MrBougo> cya xD
21:38 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-237-245.dsl.scarlet.be] has left #Armagetron []
21:39 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@c-76-19-206-67.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []
21:48 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50873C30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
21:51 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:52 <pavelo> lol, i just figured it out z-MAN is short from manuel, right ? lol
21:53 <wrtlprnft> :D
22:08 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50873C30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
22:15 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
22:17 -!- Vanhayes [i=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034205251.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
22:27 <madmax|pt> #armaservers
22:27 <armabot> madmax|pt: Error: Couldn't get RSS feed.
22:30 <Vanhayes> #serverinfo bistro
22:30 <armabot> Vanhayes: 1v1 Sumo Bistro: Players (2/4): CT~Voodoo, ¦Ö¦$µbzero
22:32 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@crlspr-] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:55 <digitx> -
22:59 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-92-193.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
23:05 <Vanhayes> wrtlprnft: when did you put a player cap on the teams in fort cafe?
23:18 <GodTodd> stupid eclipse
23:22 <pavelo> that would be the IDE not the astronomical event right ?
23:22 <GodTodd> correctomundo
23:23 <pavelo> i too dont like, but i dont know of an other way to debug java :/
23:23 <GodTodd> the process keeps using up more and more ram until it gets to around 100K then gets slow as crap
23:24 <GodTodd> yeah...i tried netbeans too but it seems to do the same thing
23:24 <GodTodd> :/
23:24 <GodTodd> and my instructor prefers we use eclipse anyway
23:26 <pavelo> i wouldnt use java at all if i didnt have to, but we are doing this "operating system" project this semester
23:26 <pavelo> and it's and java
23:26 <pavelo> OS and java, i cant believe it can be used in the same sentence
23:26 <GodTodd> heh
23:27 <Lucifer_arma> why not? Virtual machine needs an os too, you know
23:27 <GodTodd> well...around here the two big programming skills companies look for are java and .net
23:27 <Lucifer_arma> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Competition_Hub <--- feedback for that? lack and 2020 are at large right now
23:27 * Lucifer_arma is going to fencing class now
23:27 -!- Lucifer_arma is now known as Lucifer_fencing
23:27 <pavelo> well, but you cant write an operating system in an virtual amchine
23:28 <GodTodd> i'm wondering if after i take the two or three java courses i should go back and take the second and third c++ courses too
23:28 <GodTodd> hmmm
23:29 <GodTodd> i might
23:29 <GodTodd> heh
23:29 <digitx> -
23:29 <GodTodd> or i might just teach myself the stuff from c++ classes and beyond
23:30 * GodTodd thinks out loud.
23:34 * Vanhayes thinks inside his head, talks out loud
23:35 <GodTodd> i find it annoys others better my way ;)
23:41 -!- digitx [n=digitx@catv-56653766.catv.broadband.hu] has quit ["Connection reset by peer: Socket write error!"]
23:49 <wrtlprnft> Vanhayes: people requested it
23:49 <wrtlprnft> with more than 20 players it gets sort of unplayable anyways
23:51 <pavelo> we also tried to figure out how does the server decide which player gets to play from spectators
23:51 <pavelo> it seemed very undeterministic
23:51 <pavelo> do you know how
23:53 <Vanhayes> well all I know is that if some chooses "join team ..." and waits for an open spot for a few rounds, then someone comes in and picks create new team, they get in
23:53 <wrtlprnft> create new team is evaluated immediately, normal team wishes only at the end of the round
23:54 <pavelo> thats good to know
23:54 * Vanhayes always chooses create new team
23:54 <Vanhayes> gets you on the team first, plus makes it random
23:54 <wrtlprnft> :D
23:55 <wrtlprnft> the alternative would be an overall limit of 20 clients on the server, which isn't exactly more fair
23:55 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50873C30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
23:56 <Vanhayes> I think there were 25 at the height just now
23:57 <wrtlprnft> #serverinfo ess caf
23:57 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Fortress Café: Players (16/32): CT|play, CT~Voodoo, Dez, Go Team 6!!!, HAL 9000, Lackadaisical, madmax, Martysuckscock, MaZuffeR, pavelo, t.F|Plage, {wTf} C A N E S, ~*SP*~SATAN, ¦Ö¦Qico, °¯SageLord, °°@shitakA
View entire month
DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.
• Website was created by nelg
• Design:
» Layout is loosely based on an old design by Durf.
» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
» Other icons: fontawesome

is a site that has tools, maps, and other various items. It orignally only existed as a server control panel, but I slowly began adding stuff such as a homepage and tools.