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Log from 2007-07-15:
--- Day changed Sun Jul 15 2007
00:03  * digitx is away (bye)
00:06 <Durka> #lastseen tank
00:06 <armabot> Durka: TanK.ProG has last been seen on Server.iZm 25 minutes ago.
00:09 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@wsip-70-184-216-189.om.om.cox.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
00:41 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["leaving"]
00:54 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871EEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
00:58 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-81-28-7.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
01:04 -!- dhm [n=elliotps@cpe-069-134-240-033.nc.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:17 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["leaving"]
01:19 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has joined #armagetron
01:33 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034248209.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
01:35 -!- fireWASP [n=4106b97d@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
01:35 -!- fireWASP [n=4106b97d@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
01:36 -!- fireWASP [n=4106b97d@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
01:36 -!- fireWASP [n=4106b97d@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
02:13 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871EEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
02:30 -!- saxman [n=saxman@c-76-97-211-171.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
02:30 <saxman> hey
02:32 -!- saxman [n=saxman@c-76-97-211-171.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit]
03:40 <Lucifer_arma> weeee
03:56 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-181-44.sn1.eutelia.it] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
04:01 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034248209.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
04:22 <Lucifer_arma> building the kernel now... ;)
05:24 -!- apparition [n=appariti@c-69-241-233-134.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
05:28 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-181-44.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #armagetron
05:37 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:39 <apparition> toot toot
05:40  * GodTodd sprays air freshener.
05:48 -!- apparition [n=appariti@c-69-241-233-134.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
06:12 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-110-24-9.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
06:24 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-181-44.sn1.eutelia.it] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
06:37 <Lucifer_arma> damn, kernel build failed
06:41 <Lucifer_arma> man, I've spent so much time at night playing freeciv at my table in the yard that whenever I sit here with my computer, I think I have to play freeciv
06:45 <luke-jr|work> I'm about to empty all our bank accounts
06:46 <Lucifer_arma> can't convert money to shields, you know
06:47 <luke-jr|work> O.o
06:47 <Lucifer_arma> your comment wasn't a response to mine?
06:47 <luke-jr|work> not really
06:47 <luke-jr|work> is lack of ventilation in bathrooms a big problem?
06:48 <Lucifer_arma> yes
06:48 <luke-jr|work> like, enough to cancel moving in even though we have 2 carloads here?
06:48 <Lucifer_arma> why?
06:48 <Lucifer_arma> probably not, it's pretty much a guarantee the bathroom passed code when it was built
06:49 <Lucifer_arma> but if it doesn't pass code, you should be able to get a building inspector to look at it
06:49 <luke-jr|work> I mean from a strictly technical standpoint
06:49 <luke-jr|work> we're renting
06:49 <Lucifer_arma> and if the premises are unlivable, the lease is null and void
06:49 <luke-jr|work> is it?
06:49 <Lucifer_arma> yep
06:49 <Lucifer_arma> afaik, it's illegal to rent out a place that doesn't pass code :)
06:49 <luke-jr|work> we haven't signed it yet ;)
06:50 <Lucifer_arma> if you haven't signed it yet, then you can leave any time
06:50 <luke-jr|work> but do we want to?
06:50 <Lucifer_arma> why?  what's the problem?
06:50 <luke-jr|work> nothing major yet I guess
06:50 <Lucifer_arma> is it just the bathroom not having good ventilation?
06:50 <luke-jr|work> unless ventilation is major
06:50 <luke-jr|work> the window won't open in there either :(
06:50 <Lucifer_arma> most bathrooms have poor ventilation...
06:50 <Lucifer_arma> fix the window :)
06:50 <Lucifer_arma> isn't there a fan?
06:50 <luke-jr|work> nope
06:51 <luke-jr|work> no openings but the door and window
06:51 <Lucifer_arma> that wouldn't pass code around here
06:51 <luke-jr|work> and sink
06:51 <Lucifer_arma> no telling in the hick town you're in :)
06:51 <luke-jr|work> I don't care about code
06:51 <Lucifer_arma> is it fresh smells that are the problem?  you know, the smells you make?
06:51 <luke-jr|work> just that it doesn't cause problems
06:51 <luke-jr|work> the smells my wife makes, in this case
06:51 <luke-jr|work> I'm more worried about showers tho
06:51 <Lucifer_arma> mold
06:52 <luke-jr|work> nowhere for steam to escape
06:52 <Lucifer_arma> it'll condense on the walls, don't worry :)
06:52 <Lucifer_arma> then evaporate, eventually
06:52 <Lucifer_arma> put that on my list of questions to ask my sister, what does happen to the steam in the bathroom?
06:53 <Lucifer_arma> you know, since most bathrooms are so poorly ventilated
06:53 <luke-jr|work> most have a fan, IIRC
06:53 <Lucifer_arma> in our house, we leave the doors open after people take showers
06:53 <Lucifer_arma> ours do, and the fans ventilate to the outside
06:53 <Lucifer_arma> but I've lived in houses that had fans that didn't ventilate, meaning the steam was trapped
06:54 <Lucifer_arma> you should just ask the landlord if he'll reimburse you for replacing the window, or find some other way to disperse the smell
06:54 <luke-jr|work> would leaving the window open a crack all the time be horrible on A/C?
06:55 <Lucifer_arma> maybe, maybe not
06:55 <Lucifer_arma> see, most people close all the doors and windows and then crank the AC
06:55 <luke-jr|work> I know
06:55 <luke-jr|work> that's why I'm asking ;p
06:55 <Lucifer_arma> this practice is itself horrible on the system because it makes the blower work waaaaay harder than it needs to
06:56 <luke-jr|work> the biggest problem atm, I think, is that rent is 50% of income
06:56 <Lucifer_arma> you can actually cut your ac bill a tad by cracking a few strategic windows, letting the blower work to capacity, and establishing real air flow in the rooms
06:56 <Lucifer_arma> eeek, you're 25% over budget on that ;)
06:56 <luke-jr|work> yeah
06:56 <Lucifer_arma> why does linux take so long to build?
06:56 <luke-jr|work> and utilities maxed at $400 combined the past year
06:57 <luke-jr|work> it doesn't for me
06:57 <Lucifer_arma> it almost takes as long as pyqt4
06:57 <luke-jr|work> financially, this was the worst house we were considering :(
06:57 <Lucifer_arma> why'd you pick it?
06:57 <luke-jr|work> are you building modules for every device in existence?
06:57 <Lucifer_arma> pretty much, yeah
06:57 <Lucifer_arma> it's supposed to be a generic kernel
06:57 <luke-jr|work> the one closest to church, they decided to sell instead of rent
06:58 <luke-jr|work> the one further away, it was only $100 less and near a bad area
06:58 <Lucifer_arma> too many atheists?
06:58 <luke-jr|work> crime rate, in particular
06:58 <luke-jr|work> too many atheists everywhere
06:59 <luke-jr|work> the only thing that worries me about this area is the wifi APs and noisy cars
06:59 <luke-jr|work> 2 of the 5 APs have cusses in their ESSIDs
06:59 <Lucifer_arma> heh
06:59 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTro@adsl-75-57-81-244.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Armagetron
06:59 <luke-jr|work>  *     Found "linksys-bitch" at 00:18:F8:FF:1C:86 (managed)
06:59 <luke-jr|work>  *     Found "linksys_SES_48842" at 00:18:F8:DC:8C:89 (managed, encrypted)
06:59 <luke-jr|work>  *     Found "B's Network" at 00:13:10:6C:1F:1F (managed, encrypted)
06:59 <luke-jr|work>  *     Found "linksys" at 00:16:B6:3C:46:DF (managed)
06:59 <luke-jr|work>  *     Found "get the fuck off" at 00:18:F8:3F:3B:14 (managed, encrypted)
06:59 <Lucifer_arma> the only one near me has an unreadable essid, and it's encrypted
07:00 <Lucifer_arma> besides mine, of course
07:00 <Lucifer_arma> the linksys-bitch one is a default, when it boots up and finds one in the area already named linksys....
07:00 <luke-jr|work> needless to say, we don't have internet here yet :p
07:00 <luke-jr|work> really??
07:01 <Lucifer_arma> nah, I'm just fucking with you (badly)
07:01 <luke-jr|work> figures
07:01 <Lucifer_arma> (badly as in "not doing a very good job of it")
07:01 <Lucifer_arma> watching every driver ever written for linux get built as a module
07:01 <luke-jr|work> except zd1211?
07:02 <Lucifer_arma> beats me, I didn't look too closely at it, just made sure there weren't any unmarked drivers
07:02 <luke-jr|work> and madwifi
07:02 <Lucifer_arma> then considered not building the isa drivers
07:02 <luke-jr|work> they're not in mainline
07:03 <Lucifer_arma> ok, every driver ever written for linux that's in the kernel I downloaded
07:03 <luke-jr|work> ;)
07:03 <luke-jr|work> shall I refute that claim too? :p
07:03 <Lucifer_arma> after this, theoretically I'll have a working LFS
07:03 <Lucifer_arma> still needs some minor configuration that's machine-specific, though
07:03 <luke-jr|work> LFS is high maintenance
07:04 <luke-jr|work> it makes Gentoo look good :p
07:04 <Lucifer_arma> heh, that's not the point.  :)  The point was to write a python program that can build an operating system
07:04 <Lucifer_arma> so I haven't proved the program works until I delete the sandbox I built and build a new one
07:04 <luke-jr|work> um
07:04 <luke-jr|work> that's called emerge ;p
07:04 <Lucifer_arma> no, it's called the Operating System Construction Kit :)
07:05 <Lucifer_arma> (in an older computer game tradition)
07:05 <luke-jr|work> ok
07:05 <Lucifer_arma> what's infiniband?
07:05 <Lucifer_arma> oh good, it's on input drivers now
07:06 <Lucifer_arma> I could spend my time waiting by documenting what I did, I suppose
07:07 <DrJoeTron> is Lucifer_arma haxing the gibson
07:07 <Lucifer_arma> of course
07:07 <Lucifer_arma> man, this is for my car
07:08 <Lucifer_arma> next task is to spend some time cleaning up code, documenting what I did, adding any missing obvious features, and then starting in on the actual car os
07:08 <Lucifer_arma> I'm considering splitting up this system into an LFS partition and a regular partition, so I can get acquainted with how the LFS system itself works
07:09 <Lucifer_arma> probably won't, but I'm considering it :)
07:09 <Lucifer_arma> (regular partition would get Kubuntu)
07:15 <Lucifer_arma> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/introduction/position.html
08:06 -!- Lucifer_arma [n=satan@adsl-68-91-193-82.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:09 -!- Lucifer_arma [n=satan@adsl-68-91-193-82.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
09:20 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508728EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
09:22 <Lucifer_arma> I want a function in os.path that lets me get the last x path arguments, not just the last one
09:22 <Lucifer_arma> path components, I mean
09:44 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
09:45 <epsy> hi
09:46 <guru3> 'lo
09:46 <epsy> hay guru3
09:48 <guru3> Just spent forever recompiling the kernel.
09:48 <epsy> on your laptop?
09:49 <guru3> Desktop.
09:49 <epsy> (the one which runs...errr ... everything ?)
09:49 <epsy> ah
09:49 <epsy> dam
09:49 <epsy> someone just woke me up
09:51 <guru3> On the bright side now, my desktop's hard drive is reading about 12 times faster than before.
09:52 <epsy> wow
09:52 <guru3> I no longer expect it to randomly lock up so much.
09:52 <epsy> (ow old is your laptop ?)
09:52 <epsy> *how
09:52 <epsy> stupid replace mode :}
09:52 <guru3> my laptop? it's about 7 months old now
09:53 <guru3> my desktop here is about 3 years old
09:53 <guru3> my previous laptop was 6 years old when i got the new one
09:53 <epsy> and the distro on the laptop ?
09:53 <epsy> d'uh
09:53 <guru3> gentoo
09:53 <guru3> (old one)
09:53 <guru3> new laptop has os x
09:53 <epsy> heh
09:54 <epsy> and everything runs on your macbook or... ?
09:54 <guru3> i'm using my desktop
09:56 <Lucifer_arma> man, I just spent awhile trying to get my os-builder to build the kernel
09:56 <epsy> lol!
09:56 <Lucifer_arma> wound up finding the bug was that I inserted a value to a list in a function that took the list as an argument, then tried to use the modified list afterwards
09:57 <guru3> ---
09:57 <guru3> -_-
09:57 <Lucifer_arma> now I'm having it rebuild the whole thing from scratch to see if it works that way
09:57 <Lucifer_arma> it's on the second binutils pass
10:15 <epsy> #sd sessions
10:15 <armabot> epsy: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “sessions” at the moment, sorry.
10:52 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@91.111.70-86.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
10:58 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.5.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
11:50 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
12:02 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.5.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
12:23 -!- tronner [n=CT@eay16.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
12:23 -!- tronner [n=CT@ebi206.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
12:23 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508728EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
12:28 -!- tronner [n=CT@ebi206.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
12:28 -!- tronner [n=CT@ebi206.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
12:51 <kidanger> .serverinfo Nano Duel
13:06 <madmax> wrtlprnft: could you modify bistro's single player mode to something more durable?
13:30 <epsy> ?
13:31 <epsy> #armaservers
13:31 <armabot> epsy: This data is 39 seconds old; ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | ¬/xff9900 (7/16), Tigers Network Classic Play (5/16), {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (4/6), Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (4/14), SPACEZONE III (4/15), Wild West  =Wild Fortress= (3/12), Sly'sServeR (3/16), -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}High Rubber < (2/12), .: Eclipse'd.EC|d - N.A. Division Arma Clan :. (2/16), Norm's Place (1 more message)
13:31 <epsy> #tea
13:32 <armabot> epsy: Fortress Café: No online players.
13:32 <epsy> #sd bistro
13:32 <armabot> epsy: 1v1 Sumo Bistro: No online players.
13:32 <epsy> Butschaka!
13:32 <epsy> what went wrong today ? why there anre only noobs online
13:33 <epsy> *-n
13:33 <epsy> #lastseen madmax
13:33 <armabot> epsy: madmax has last been seen on Fortress Café 56 minutes ago.
13:34 <epsy> #afl
13:34 <armabot> AFL: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League ••• Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar ••• Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers ••• Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
13:36 <madmax> #bigbrother
13:36 <armabot> madmax: 2.73 Kelvin seems to be on Norm's Place right now.
13:36 <epsy> #alias add afl echo $who:  http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |¦| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |¦| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |¦| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |¦| Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
13:36 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
13:37 <epsy> #alias add afl echo $who:  http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
13:37 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
13:37 <epsy> bette rso
13:37 <epsy> *better so
13:38 <epsy> #afl
13:38 <armabot> epsy: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
13:38 <epsy> #lastseen rain
13:38 <armabot> epsy: Brainless seems to be on ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | ¬/xff9900 right now.
13:39 <epsy> .........
13:39 <madmax> #lastseen -f ˚˚rain
13:39 <armabot> madmax: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
13:39 <madmax> ooh
13:39 <epsy> #lastseen °¯rain
13:39 <armabot> epsy: °¯rain has last been seen on Fortress Café 2 days 0 hours 27 minutes ago.
13:40 <epsy> http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/playerstats2.htm ;P
13:41 <madmax> well that's cheating
13:41 <epsy> haha
13:42 <epsy> #lastseen ¦Ö¦Qico
13:42 <armabot> epsy: ¦Ö¦Qico has last been seen on  Wild West  =Sumo= 0 days 18 hours 26 minutes ago.
13:42 <wrtlprnft> what's cheating?
13:43 <epsy> #lastseen Gromit
13:43 <armabot> epsy: Gromit has last been seen on Norm's Place 0 days 1 hours 39 minutes ago.
13:43 <epsy> « 1 hours » ?
13:44 <wrtlprnft> gee, come on
13:44 <epsy> ^^
13:44 <epsy> «  0 days » ?
13:45 <epsy> =D
13:45  * wrtlprnft hates the english language
13:46 <epsy>  /exec enlightenment_remote -use-composite-set 0
13:46 <epsy> ups
13:46 <madmax> #lastseen -f mad max
13:47 <wrtlprnft> #lastseen Gromit
13:47 <armabot> madmax: timed out
13:47 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Gromit has last been seen on Norm's Place 1 hour 42 minutes ago.
13:47 <wrtlprnft> happy?
13:47 <epsy> yea :p
13:47 <epsy> #lastseen °¯rain
13:47 <armabot> epsy: °¯rain has last been seen on Fortress Café 48 hours 35 minutes ago.
13:47 <wrtlprnft> wtf
13:48  * epsy is a bugger
13:48 <wrtlprnft> that shouldn't happen
13:48 <epsy> haha the 5 minutes fix
13:48 <wrtlprnft> d'uh
13:48 <wrtlprnft> there's NOT 3600 minutes in a day!
13:48 <epsy> bah...i'm getting worse things sometimes
13:49 <wrtlprnft> #lastseen °¯rain
13:49 <armabot> wrtlprnft: °¯rain has last been seen on Fortress Café 2 days 0 hours 37 minutes ago.
13:49 <epsy> like a string which isn't a string for instance
13:49 <wrtlprnft> if you mention the “0 hours” i'll…
13:49 <epsy> eh
13:49 <madmax> hey, there's 0 hours there
13:50 <madmax> :-)
13:50 -!- mode/#armagetron [+v madmax] by ChanServ
13:50 <wrtlprnft> …voice you
13:50  * epsy notes you can't devoice yourself
13:50 <epsy> however
13:50 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has left #armagetron []
13:50 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
13:50 <epsy> /cycle roxx
13:50 <wrtlprnft> madmax has now got the “plus sign of stupidity” :D
13:51 <+madmax> crap.
13:51 <wrtlprnft> but I think this piece of code is suboptimal and more than just hacky.
13:51 <+madmax> you should mode +m while you're at it. stupidity would prove valuable
13:52 <wrtlprnft> pfft
13:53 <+madmax> should I cycle and destupify?
13:53 <epsy> if ($hours (whatever for modulo) 24 != 0)) echo pint_hours(); ?
13:53 <epsy> *print
13:53 <wrtlprnft> http://pastebin.ca/620308
13:53 <wrtlprnft> MUCH more stupid.
13:53 <epsy> ...
13:53 <wrtlprnft> don't kill me, it was 2AM when i first wrote this piece of code
13:54 -!- mode/#armagetron [-v madmax] by ChanServ
13:54 -!- mode/#armagetron [+v wrtlprnft] by ChanServ
13:54  * wrtlprnft ← stupid
13:54 <epsy> Hell yeha!
13:54 <madmax> that's fair. looking at that code :D
13:54 <epsy> (one more typo)
13:55 <madmax> seems like an obfuscated C contest
13:55 <epsy> true lol
13:55 <+wrtlprnft> no, that's copy&paste programming at its best
13:55 <epsy> lol
13:55 <+wrtlprnft> first i wrote the thing that only outputs the minutes
13:56 <epsy> why don't you print days, hours, minutes separately ?
13:56 <+wrtlprnft> then i decided it would be nice to have hours, so i copy and pasted it and added an if
13:56 <epsy> hmm lol
13:56 <+wrtlprnft> the same happened with the days
13:56 <+wrtlprnft> epsy: that would be too boring
13:56 <epsy> ah ?
13:57 <+wrtlprnft> also, looking at it again, it might happen that it outputs “60 minutes” or “24 hours”
13:57 <+wrtlprnft> it should be ≥, not >
13:59 <+wrtlprnft> take it as an example on how not to write good code
13:59  * epsy is looking at his fucking tournament board/playerstats idea
13:59  * epsy keeps dreaming
14:00  * epsy is looking for a c++ correct xmpp lib Oo
14:01 <+wrtlprnft> http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=c%2B%2B+correct+xmpp+lib&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
14:01 <+wrtlprnft> :D
14:03 <epsy> let me through lol
14:03 <epsy> wrong windows arr
14:04 <epsy> Lucifer_arma, omg !!!!!111 ut2 seems lacking players :/
14:06 <epsy> C++ XFire Library
14:06 <epsy> intresting
14:06 <epsy> http://www.ohloh.net/projects/5314
14:07 <epsy> http://www.ohloh.net/projects/6566 <-- Excellent.
14:10 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508728EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
14:12  * epsy is looking at gloox's features
14:18 -!- Legio [n=Legionna@] has joined #armagetron
14:18 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
14:18 <epsy> hay there
14:18 <Legio> slt
14:18 <epsy> =)
14:18 <Lacrymosa> hi
14:18 <Legio> you will play on ct training sessions =)
14:18 <Legio> "home server"
14:19 <Legio> ciao Lacrymosa
14:19 <Lacrymosa> cioa Legio
14:19 <Lacrymosa> cerr, ciao
14:19  * Lacrymosa sucks at speaking italian
14:19 <epsy> eh
14:19 <epsy> gonzi ?
14:20  * Legio sucks at speaking italian 
14:20 <Legio> GONZAP!?!?!?
14:20 <Legio> where??
14:20 <epsy> idk
14:20 <Legio> gonzap <3
14:20 <epsy> asking
14:20 <Legio> flash <3
14:20 <Legio> epsy <3
14:20 <epsy> =)
14:20 <Legio> ~_X_~ <3
14:23 <Legio> Lacrymosa, who are you?
14:23 <Lacrymosa> Luzifer
14:23  * epsy bookmarks http://www.ohloh.net/
14:23 <epsy> aa
14:23 <epsy> didn't you have another nick on irc ?
14:24 <Lacrymosa> yes
14:24 <Legio> aaa, respect to you
14:26 <epsy> http://www.ohloh.net/projects;search?q=armagetron&x=0&y=0 <-- boo
14:29 <Legio> #nick ZZ 109
14:29 <armabot> Legio: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
14:29 <epsy> #lastseen -f ZZ 109
14:29 <epsy> ;)
14:30 <armabot> epsy: timed out
14:30 <epsy> ^^
14:30 <epsy> #lastseen 109
14:30 <armabot> epsy: Micks 109 has last been seen on ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | ¬/xff9900 3 days 22 hours 18 minutes ago.
14:30 <epsy> #lastseen ZZ 109
14:30 <armabot> epsy: zz 109 has last been seen on Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress 6 days 23 hours 31 minutes ago.
14:30 <epsy> Oo
14:31 <Lacrymosa> #tea
14:31 <armabot> Lacrymosa: Fortress Café: No online players.
14:31 <Lacrymosa> #wild fortress
14:31 <armabot> Lacrymosa: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (8/14): -]0a|Deidara, 12ph, death of jesus, Gonzap, KtK, urg, ~*SP*~BlackFang, ¦Ö¦$µbzero
14:31 <Legio> wow nearly a week
14:32 <epsy> yeah
14:32 <epsy> #lastseen legio
14:32 <epsy> :p
14:32 <armabot> epsy: Legionnaire has last been seen on |FA| AFL Server 6 days 17 hours 39 minutes ago.
14:32 <Legio> =)
14:32 <Legio> its been a while
14:32 <epsy> Hell yeah!
14:32 <Legio> dont play much anymore
14:32 <epsy> Hell yeah!
14:32 <Legio> maybe once a week
14:33 <epsy> Hell yeah!
14:33 <epsy> x)
14:33 <Legio> %-))
14:33 <epsy> #armaservers
14:33 <armabot> epsy: This data is 12 seconds old; Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (8/14), Wild West  =Wild Fortress= (8/12), ¬| D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | ¬/xff9900 (7/16), .: Eclipse'd.EC|d - N.A. Division Arma Clan :. (5/16), G-Land (4/8), The YELLOW Submarine (3/16), Norm's Place (3/12), SPACEZONE III (2/15), DeathKNael (1/16), {Delicious Desserts} Custom Map (1/6)
14:33 <epsy> meeeeh
14:34 <Legio> epsy how do i change my nick?
14:34 <epsy> /nick new nick
14:34 <kidanger> #sd EC|d
14:34 <armabot> kidanger: .: Eclipse'd.EC|d - N.A. Division Arma Clan :.: Players (4/16): Beni, Green Machine, INVISIBLE HAND, Trinitron2
14:34 <Legio> *does not get on with tech * =)
14:34 -!- Legio is now known as new
14:34 <epsy> XD
14:34 <new> lolololol
14:35 <kidanger> lol
14:35 <new> oko how do i change it lol
14:35 <epsy> /nick new nick
14:35 <new> this will take a while
14:35 <kidanger>  /nick <your new nick>
14:35 <epsy> /nick LegioKicksAss
14:35 <new> xD
14:35 -!- new is now known as LegioKicksAss
14:35 <epsy> =)
14:35 <LegioKicksAss> xD
14:36 <LegioKicksAss> epsy tell your team that you will be playing on CT training sessions
14:36  * epsy thinks he's gonna play nex or smth
14:36 <epsy> kk
14:36 <LegioKicksAss> oioi
14:37 <epsy> #lastseen monkey
14:37 <armabot> epsy: Monkey D Ruffy has last been seen on Strawberry Fields 26 minutes ago.
14:37 -!- LegioKicksAss is now known as OooOooOo
14:37 <epsy> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
14:37 <epsy> #lastseen -f Monkey
14:37 <armabot> epsy: Monkey has last been seen on Fortress Café 2 hours 44 minutes ago.
14:37 <epsy> monkey is 5th on global player activity stats lol
14:37 <epsy> http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/playerstats2.htm
14:37  * OooOooOo must leave. i have to be vain, do my hair and go outside before it rains
14:38 <epsy> :O
14:38 <epsy> 5	Monkey aka :\/ Monkey aka ~ Monkey ~ aka monkey\ aka ~MOnKeY~ aka ~ Monkey *	207:53	17.7
14:38 <OooOooOo> his alius?
14:38 <epsy> cuu
14:38 <epsy> ?
14:38 -!- OooOooOo is now known as legio
14:39 <epsy> #list google
14:39 <armabot> epsy: cache, calc, fight, google, lucky, meta, phonebook, spell, and stats
14:39 <legio> salut, ciao
14:39 <epsy> #google 3409 / 60
14:39 <armabot> epsy: Search took 0.09 seconds: $ms = { '3049_32_001' => [ '3049', '32', 'Discharge Planning', '23 ...: <http://search.cpan.org/src/JKEENAN/Data-Presenter-1.02/source/reprocessible.txt>; id x y "top elevs" point_919 5649.125 2834 50 point_917 1512.5 ...: <http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/screaton/04spring/wobtopo.sp2>; EXP 0 /NET/VOLCANO/U02/NSDI/NSDIHOME/BROWSE/CHRISTIAN/WTLDSPT.E00 ...: (3 more messages)
14:40 -!- legio [n=Legionna@] has quit ["Leaving"]
14:40 <epsy> about 1 hour wow
14:41 <Lacrymosa> #lastseen newbie
14:41 <armabot> Lacrymosa: newbie has last been seen on .: Eclipse'd.EC|d - N.A. Division Arma Clan :. 16 hours 21 minutes ago.
14:42 <Lacrymosa> #roulette
14:42 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
14:42  * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
14:46 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
14:46 <Lacrymosa> #slap armabot
14:46 <armabot> luke-jr slaps armabot.
14:46 <epsy> Monkey_arma, we'ill play on ct training
14:47 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
14:50 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has quit ["leaving"]
15:18 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508728EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:23 -!- Fonkay [n=Fonkay@hlfxns0161w-142177025013.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
16:24 <madmax> hello
16:25 <Fonkay> allo
16:26 <Monkey_arma> helloo
16:27 <Fonkay> god damn irc is fucking up my gameplay
16:27 <Monkey_arma> my fingers are fucking up mine
16:28 <Fonkay> should be better now
16:48 <Fonkay> is anyone else playing?
16:49 <Monkey_arma> playing what?
16:49 <Fonkay> arma
16:49 <Monkey_arma> we just have been in cafe
16:49 <Monkey_arma> and ww
16:49 <Fonkay> hmm
16:50 <Monkey_arma> might go to cafe again
16:50 <Monkey_arma> #tea
16:50 <armabot> Monkey_arma: Fortress Café: Players (9/32): Cooper, Fusion, Gonzap, mescalin, ~*SP*~PsYkO, ~{GP}~Alien, ~{GP}~Spot, ¦×¥ FoFo, ¦×¥HoAX
16:50 <Fonkay> I only have 2 online games i like to play, and one of them I can't play on a mac
16:50 <Monkey_arma> yeah why not...
16:50 <Monkey_arma> what is the other?
16:50 <Fonkay> isketch... which i guess isn't much of a game
16:51 <Monkey_arma> i wont ask...sounds simple...
16:51 <Fonkay> but still. I can't play it on here cause you need adobe, or flash or something that i can't get
16:51 <Monkey_arma> well im going to cafe..so ....come too....
16:54 -!- |zion| [n=pinkpant@dslb-088-073-037-247.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
16:54 <|zion|> wakazau
16:54 <|zion|> hi all
16:54 <|zion|> here is the crowd ;P
16:54 <madmax> Fonkay: isketch.net?
16:54 <Fonkay> yea
16:54 <madmax> it's pretty good :D
16:54 <madmax> and you can play on the mac...
16:54 <Monkey_arma> lol what is it?
16:54 <madmax> at least I can here
16:55 <Fonkay> yea, I like playing.. but I can't get to work on here
16:55 <Fonkay> Where are you monkey
16:55 <Monkey_arma> im in nomanslannd
16:55 <Fonkay> :P
16:55 <Monkey_arma> the "master server list"
16:55 <Fonkay> good enough place i supposed
16:55 <Monkey_arma> well it beats ddl :0
16:55  * Monkey_arma didnt say that
16:56 <Fonkay> but yea, The adobe player that I need to play I can't find it for mac.. so either it doesn't exist.. or I'm clueless where to find it.
16:56 <madmax> I'm on a mac, and I can play
16:57 <|zion|> mad u know how to make the following sign with a may keyboard? ~
16:57 <|zion|> ~
16:57 <Fonkay> ~?
16:57 <|zion|> ye on a mac
16:57 <Fonkay> what plugin do you have max?
16:57 <|zion|> im on a pc and want to know which keystrokes i have to make to get that result on a mac
16:57 <Fonkay> I'm on a mac ~
16:57 <Fonkay> ~~~
16:57 <madmax> try here Fonkay http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=MacOSX
16:58 <madmax> |zion|: I have it has an accent... so it's direct
16:58 <madmax> german uses ~ ?
16:58 <Fonkay> how do I know which kind of mac i have?
16:58 <|zion|> k, fonkay, which keys do you press? on pc its a combination of ALT Gr + ~
16:58 <madmax> what's the model?
16:59 <Fonkay> on my pc it's shift and then the key above the tab, same as on a mac
16:59 <Fonkay> is it a qwerty?
16:59 <|zion|> kk, ty
16:59 <|zion|> a member of us is on a mac and wasnt able to make the ~|DS|~tag
16:59 <Fonkay> i dunno, it's newer
16:59 <Fonkay> It's not mine, it's my BF's so i know nothing about it
16:59 <madmax> macbook? imac?
17:00 <Fonkay> it's not a laptop
17:00 <Fonkay> it's a big white screen
17:00 <Fonkay> that's about all I know
17:00 <madmax> lol
17:01 <madmax> well, chances are that it's new and an intel imac
17:01 <Fonkay> Just got it last year.. It's got a remote, and uhh.. a camera thingy in it.
17:01 <|zion|> take a look at the bottom
17:01 <Fonkay> fuck.. i sound stupid wehn i talk about macs
17:01 <madmax> hm, try the intel version
17:01 <Fonkay> k
17:02 <madmax> but I think there's iMacs with remote with both powerpc and intel >.<
17:02 <madmax> you can open Terminal.app and execute "uname -v"
17:03 <|zion|> isnt there a sticker at the bottom of the notebook with model name?
17:03 <Fonkay> ok, now that's dl'd what do i do with it?
17:03 <Monkey_arma> is mac os x free (as in copyright)? what license? is it open source? ...just wondered :)
17:04 <madmax> i think parts of it are under an openbsd license
17:04 <madmax> Fonkay: If you are unsure whether your Macintosh is Intel-based or PowerPC-based, click on the Apple menu and select "About this Mac". The Processor field will mention Intel or PowerPC.
17:04 <madmax> better check it before installing :P
17:05 <Fonkay> where's the apple menu?
17:05 <madmax> top left corner
17:05 <Fonkay> intel core duo
17:05 <madmax> yeah intel version then
17:06 <Fonkay> ok, any idea how to get rid of the disk looking thing on the desktop?
17:06 <Fonkay> oh, nvm, i got it i think
17:07 <Fonkay> ok, well fuck..
17:07 <Fonkay> that didn't work
17:07 -!- hoop_tron [n=john@ip-181-44.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #armagetron
17:07 <Fonkay> it says that I still ned to dl the plugin..
17:07 <Fonkay> and it also says that i need to run it in rosetta something or other
17:08 <|zion|> hi hoop
17:08 <madmax> hmm, did you get the intel version? rosetta is to run powerpc applications under intel
17:08 <hoop_tron> hi
17:08 <Fonkay> yea i did
17:08 <madmax> did you quit and restarted the browser?
17:09 <Fonkay> Shockwave Player has not yet been ported to run natively on the new Intel-based Macintosh computers and currently only runs in Rosetta emulation mode. To install and use Shockwave Player on an Intel-based Macintosh, you will need to run the browser in Rosetta emulation mode. Follow the instructions below to launch your browser in Rosetta emulation mode.
17:09 <madmax> o_O
17:10 <madmax> didn't know there wasn't a native version
17:10 <madmax> well, about that I have no clue, I have a powerpc mac
17:11 <Fonkay> oh well, I'll just have to wait for my man to come home and fix it up, or just go without until my pc gets here
17:16 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@91.111.70-86.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
17:16 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@91.111.70-86.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
17:21 <Fonkay> fine
17:29 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-81-28-7.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
17:55 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@91.111.70-86.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:00 <Fonkay> where'd everyone go?
18:01 <Monkey_arma> we got  a friendly match
18:01 <Monkey_arma> some of us
18:01 <Monkey_arma> pre organised
18:02 <Fonkay> bah
18:03 <Fonkay> playing in shrunk anyways
18:04 <epsy> back
18:04 <epsy> Monkey_arma, can i still come ?
18:04 <epsy> where is it ?
18:05 <Monkey_arma> yes come now
18:05 <Monkey_arma> i messaged you
18:06 <Durka> Fonkay!
18:06 <Fonkay> me!!
18:08 <Durka> #kill Fonkay
18:08 <armabot> Fonkay will die on 08:03 PM, July 06, 2007 GMT due to being stabbed in the eye by Durka
18:08 <Durka> o_O
18:09 <Fonkay> #kill Durka the Bitch
18:09 <armabot> Durka the Bitch will die on 08:03 PM, July 06, 2007 GMT due to being stabbed in the eye by Fonkay
18:09 <Durka> :O
18:09  * Durka shakes fist
18:10 <Fonkay> it'll be a muder suicide
18:10 <Fonkay> murder even
18:13 <Fonkay> does it always kill the same way?
18:13 <Fonkay> #kill Monkey
18:13 <armabot> Monkey will die on 08:03 PM, July 06, 2007 GMT due to being stabbed in the eye by Fonkay
18:13 <Fonkay> yep
18:13 <Durka> it used to be different
18:14 <Durka> it would be a random time and a random person doing the killing
18:14 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
18:14 <Fonkay> oh, and then what?
18:15 <Durka> that's it
18:15 <Fonkay> but what happened to it?
18:18 <Durka> someone changed it
18:18 <Durka> #murder Fonkay
18:18 <Fonkay> and nothing
18:19 <Durka> #alias add murder echo "$1 will get murdered by $randomNick on $randomDate because $1 tried to kill one of DrJoeTron's Badmins"
18:19 <armabot> Durka: The operation succeeded.
18:19 <Durka> #murder Fonkay
18:19 <armabot> Fonkay will get murdered by GodTodd on Wed Jul  4 21:52:04 1990 because Fonkay tried to kill one of DrJoeTron's Badmins
18:20 <Fonkay> #murder Durka the bitch
18:20 <armabot> Durka the bitch will get murdered by Lucifer_bed on Thu Oct  9 20:31:40 2003 because Durka the bitch tried to kill one of DrJoeTron's Badmins
18:20 <Durka> :o
18:20 <Fonkay> muhaha
18:21 <Durka> #murder madmax
18:21 <armabot> madmax will get murdered by GodTodd on Sat Feb 12 22:40:56 1983 because madmax tried to kill one of DrJoeTron's Badmins
18:22 <Fonkay> #quote
18:22 <Fonkay> damn i forgt it
18:24 -!- sunnygirl [n=sunnygir@p508CFD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
18:24 <Durka> hi sunny
18:24 <sunnygirl> ziiiiiiiiiiiiion ;D
18:24 <sunnygirl> Hey Durka :)
18:24 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-81-28-7.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
18:28 -!- Fonkay [n=Fonkay@hlfxns0161w-142177025013.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
18:28 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
18:34 <epsy> sunnygirl, come in fortress test
18:34 <sunnygirl> in 5 min
18:36 <epsy> tell me when you come we need to unseal server
18:37 <epsy> highlight my name or i wont notice it btw
18:37 <sunnygirl> k now i will come
18:37 <epsy> now ?
18:37 <sunnygirl> now
18:37 <sunnygirl> unseal?
18:38 <epsy> monkey seems to not accept
18:38 <sunnygirl> k then i dont come
18:39 -!- sunnygirl [n=sunnygir@p508CFD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
18:40 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
18:54 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
18:57 -!- sunnygirl [n=sunnygir@p508CFD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
19:08 <epsy> wb
19:11 <sunnygirl> ...
19:12 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
19:14 -!- madmax_ [n=madmax@89-180-223-20.net.novis.pt] has joined #armagetron
19:14 <madmax_> epsy: timed out
19:15 <madmax_> epsy: timed out, server locked
19:15 <madmax_> well its 4 on 4 heh
19:16 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
19:16 -!- madmax_ is now known as madmax
19:19 <epsy> madmax, come
19:23 <madmax> #m Vanhayes the match is later this time, 20:00 GMT, soooo don't know if you can come
19:23 <armabot> madmax: The operation succeeded.
19:24 <epsy> #gmtime
19:24 <armabot> epsy: 05:55 PM, July 15, 2007
19:24 <epsy> what the...
19:25 <madmax> "PM"
19:25 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
19:25 <madmax> 55 is bad though
19:25 <madmax> #help gmtime
19:25 <armabot> madmax: (gmtime [<format>]) -- Returns the current GMT time in <format> format, or, if <format> is not given, uses the configurable format for the current channel.
19:26 <epsy> madmax, i know about PM lol
19:26 <epsy> i was horting on :55
19:26 <epsy> *hurting
19:27 <madmax> Monkey_arma: yeah, I don't think I should play games on the fly and when I should be doing something else x_X
19:46 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit ["Leaving"]
19:46 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
19:49 -!- sunnygirl [n=sunnygir@p508CFD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
19:54 -!- Legio [n=Legionna@] has joined #armagetron
19:54 <Legio> P4 you there?
19:54 <epsy> where's p4 gone
19:55 <epsy> i think you should use ladle café
19:55 <epsy> except i don't know who is admin
19:56 <Legio> dw its all good
19:56 -!- Legio [n=Legionna@] has quit [Client Quit]
19:58 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-085-216-060-101.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #armagetron
19:59 -!- sunnygirl [n=sunnygir@p508CFD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
20:00 <madmax> #lastseen hoop
20:00 <armabot> madmax: hoop has last been seen on Fortress Café 8 minutes ago.
20:00 <Monkey_arma> sunny hello?
20:00 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508728EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
20:00 <hoop_tron> hereim
20:01 <Monkey_arma> hoop join afl and speak to pinky
20:01 <Monkey_arma> now
20:02 <sunnygirl> which server monkey...
20:02 <Monkey_arma> ct training
20:02 <Monkey_arma> and you were never out of the team>>>>
20:02 <Monkey_arma> did someone tell u that?
20:03 <epsy> #sd -v ladle café
20:03 <armabot> epsy: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “ladle café” at the moment, sorry.
20:03 <epsy> ah great
20:11 <madmax> #lastseen goody
20:11 <armabot> madmax: timed out
20:13 <hoop_tron> goody is out, wont play for days i believe
20:14 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-81-28-7.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
20:15 -!- saxman [n=saxman@c-76-97-211-171.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
20:15 <saxman> Hey...i need some help
20:15 -!- Durka is now known as Durka-mightnotma
20:16 -!- Durka-mightnotma is now known as Durka-WillBeLate
20:17 <saxman> How do i install a Movie Pack on linux
20:17 <saxman> And is it possible to put music in a room?
20:19 <madmax> you have to replace files in the resource dir I think
20:20 <madmax> file list: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Moviepacks
20:21 <madmax> er, I meant textures
20:21 <saxman> well...not exactly an expert...what do i go into?
20:21 <saxman> to change it
20:22 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
20:23 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Client Quit]
20:24 <madmax> check this http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Customizing_the_game#Unix.2FLinux
20:24 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
20:29 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
20:38 -!- sharpie05 [n=MattW@71-8-252-199.dhcp.hnvl.mo.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
20:38 <sharpie05> hi there
20:38 <sharpie05> i have a question about curved walls
20:38 <sharpie05> how do you enable them?
20:39 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
20:39 <madmax> you edit a xml map file or create one using a vector program (like inkscape) and then use a converter
20:40 <sharpie05> o rly? for the cycle trails?
20:40 <sharpie05> i wanna play on a square grid
20:40 <madmax> wait, aren't you talking about map's walls? :-)
20:40 <sharpie05> but i want to reduce the angle that the cyclesturn
20:41 -!- Durka-WillBeLate is now known as Durka
20:41 <madmax> ah
20:41 <sharpie05> no ;)
20:41 <sharpie05> any ideas?
20:41 <sharpie05> console command
20:41 <sharpie05> ?
20:42 <madmax> that's arena_axes I think
20:42 <sharpie05> lemme try
20:43 <sharpie05> THANK YOU SO MUCH
20:44 <madmax> err, np
20:44 <sharpie05> lol
20:44 <sharpie05> sorry
20:44 <sharpie05> its just gonna make the lan party more fun
20:45 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
20:47 <epsy> Monkey_arma, i'm opening
20:48 -!- Nixda056 [n=d9e6031d@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
20:48 -!- Nixda056 [n=d9e6031d@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
20:48 <epsy> go!
20:48 <epsy> Monkey_arma, Monkey_arma
20:48 <Monkey_arma> ty!
20:49 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit [Client Quit]
20:55 -!- moos [n=moos@l23.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
20:59 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l23.thp.uni-koeln.de] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:59 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
21:00 -!- Legit [n=48c9461e@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
21:00 <Legit> lol zman, need help back in?
21:07  * epsy now needs to screw out a password from a record
21:07 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has joined #armagetron
21:15 -!- Legit [n=48c9461e@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit ["CGI:IRC"]
21:15 -!- sharpie05 [n=MattW@71-8-252-199.dhcp.hnvl.mo.charter.com] has left #armagetron []
21:18 -!- Lacrymosa [n=Lacrymos@p5484E250.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
21:29 <epsy> #sd -v training
21:29 <armabot> epsy: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “training” at the moment, sorry.
21:29 <epsy> #sd -v sessions
21:29 <armabot> epsy: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “sessions” at the moment, sorry.
21:29 <epsy> excellent
21:29 <Monkey_arma> #sd -v TOURN
21:29 <armabot> Monkey_arma: Z-Man's AFL Fortress RESERVED FOR TOURNAMENT, KEEP OUT. ( running 0.2.8_alpha20070707 unix dedic, url: http://www.armagetronad.net, Description: “Fortress server dedicated to the various tournaments. Same gameplay settings as CVS Test when Spoon started. No restrictions on team balance, 9 players per team max.“, Players (3/32): hoop, pinky, ~|DS|~zion
21:29 <epsy> no, i quitted it
21:30 <Monkey_arma> :\
21:30 <epsy> i would think p4 had a restart script or smth
21:31 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-164-163-210.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
21:31 <epsy> #armaconfig bigbroth
21:31 <armabot> epsy: Sorry, no matches :S
21:31 <epsy> #armaconfig big_broth
21:31 <armabot> epsy: BIG_BROTHER: Did we already send the big brother information? (default: 0)
21:33 -!- apparition [n=appariti@c-69-241-233-134.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
21:34 <Monkey_arma> hi appa...* player
21:34 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:40 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
21:40 <apparition> hi monkey :)
21:41  * Monkey_arma played like one
21:52 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-110-24-9.om.om.cox.net] has quit [Success]
21:53 -!- sunnygirl [n=sunnygir@p508CFD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #armagetron []
21:54 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-110-24-9.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
22:01 <z-man> #seen zop
22:01 <armabot> z-man: I have not seen zop.
22:01 <z-man> #seen Zop
22:01 <armabot> z-man: I have not seen Zop.
22:01 <z-man> #lastseen Zop
22:01 <armabot> z-man: Szopin seems to be on Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress right now.
22:05 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-81-28-7.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
22:08 -!- P4 [i=p4z@ebi206.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #armagetron
22:08 <epsy> P4, you can restart your server :}
22:09 <P4> Hi
22:09 <P4> sure, but why?
22:09 <P4> is it messed up?
22:09 <epsy> because we quitted it
22:09 <epsy> s:p
22:09 <P4> you mean afl?
22:09 <epsy> errr
22:09 <epsy> training sessions
22:09 <epsy> we didn't got the pass for CT afl ffs
22:10 <P4> Monkey_arma and legio got it
22:10 <epsy> they got the pass fir training sessions
22:11 <epsy> not for crazy tronners AFL
22:11 <epsy> so we had hard time getting a proper config x)
22:12 <P4> you should just /include afl in CT sessions... ;P
22:12 <P4> i told you :P
22:12 <epsy> not me
22:13 <epsy> 1i couln't know if you had the afl config
22:13 <P4> ok... sorry for inconvenience...
22:13 <epsy> 2/ there was base_respawn and other shit on
22:13 <epsy> lol
22:13 <epsy> np
22:13 -!- saxman [n=saxman@c-76-97-211-171.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
22:13  * epsy looks the future servers he'ill probably have to admin
22:14 <P4> luke can help you :)
22:14 <epsy>  	 Crazy Tronner's Battle Fortress 	 Crazy Tronner's Battle Fortress ?
22:14 <epsy> arf
22:14 <epsy> pasted 2 times
22:14 <epsy> what's this server ?
22:15 <epsy> kk you're in so i wont need to admin ^^^^^
22:15 <P4> it's CT battle server :P
22:15 <epsy> zman's neither =)
22:15 <P4> yea i was in my trip, pretty acid ;>
22:15 <epsy> we have a good home server admin really...
22:15 <epsy> i thank him thousand times
22:16 <epsy> lol P4 xD
22:17 <epsy> Monkey_arma, you declare the results ?
22:17 <P4> acid+skunk+vodka+speed = blow up your head... never ever...
22:18 <epsy> LOL!
22:18  * epsy just watched the record
22:19 <epsy> me and legi have kissed many times xD
22:21 <P4> btw... how to play .aarec?
22:21  * P4 is gonna take a bath... [AFK]
22:21 <epsy> $arma --playback record
22:22 <P4> ty
22:24 <P4> can i force fullscreen mode? :)
22:24 <P4> ok... BRB :P
22:24 <P4> i mena BBL :P
22:26 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-110-24-9.om.om.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:28 <epsy> P4, $arma --help
22:31 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-99-14-20.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
22:31 <epsy> wb
22:32 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034248209.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
22:34 <Vanhayes> #ping
22:34 <armabot> pong
22:35 <epsy> Hell yeah!
22:35 <epsy> #afl
22:35 <armabot> epsy: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
22:50 <epsy> Lucifer_arma, should i try to edit the score table myself or... ?
22:50 -!- |zion| [n=pinkpant@dslb-088-073-037-247.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit []
22:51 <epsy> uzzah
22:52 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-99-14-20.om.om.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:52 -!- luke-jr|work [n=luke-jr@ip68-99-14-20.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
22:54 <z-man> Dammit, how do I prevent KDE from making screenshots when I press printscreen?
22:54 <epsy> use enlightenment
22:54 <Monkey_arma> easy...use enlightenment
22:54 <Monkey_arma> LOL
22:54 <epsy> LOL!
22:54 <z-man> grmbl
22:54 <Monkey_arma> seriously...
22:54 <epsy> use enlightenment
22:54 <Monkey_arma> use enlightenment
22:54 <Monkey_arma> :)
22:54 <deja_vu> #weather karlsruhe
22:54 <armabot> deja_vu: Temperature: 73.9°F / 23.3°C | Humidity: 86% | Pressure: 29.91in / 1012.8hPa | Conditions: Clear | Wind Direction: North | Wind Speed: 0.0mph / 0.0km/h | Updated: 10:48 PM CEST; Chance of Rain. High:93 ° F. / 34 ° C.; Chance of Rain. Low:64 ° F. / 18 ° C.; Clear. High:93 ° F. / 34 ° C.; Scattered Clouds. Low:69 ° F. / 21 ° C.; Scattered Clouds. High:87 ° F. / 31 ° C.; Rain. Low:64 ° F. / (1 more message)
22:55 <epsy> that was
22:55 <epsy> Excellent.
22:55 <deja_vu> o_o
22:55 <Monkey_arma> o_O
22:55 <epsy> O_o
22:55 <madmax> o_o
22:56 <epsy> ø_ø
22:56 <madmax> Ø_Ø
22:56 <apparition> ?_?
22:57 <epsy> appa you broke it!
22:57 <apparition> heck yes i did.
22:57 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-81-28-7.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
22:57 <epsy> someone voice appa
22:57 <Durka> hi
22:58 <epsy> ih
22:58 <apparition> voice me?
22:58 <epsy> voice you
22:58 <apparition> voice me?
22:58 <epsy> voice you
22:59 <apparition> VOICE ME?
22:59 <apparition> what does that mean?
22:59 <epsy> that means
22:59 <epsy> /msg chanserv voice #armagetron apparition
23:00 <epsy> oo Durka's there
23:00 -!- epsy is now known as Druka
23:02  * apparition is now known as epsy
23:02 <Druka> /msg nickserv ghost epsy oooooooo
23:04  * Druka also notes the nicknames Druka and Druak are registred
23:07 <Durka> lol
23:08 <Druka> z-man, should i edit the score table ?
23:08 -!- Monkey_arma [n=None@189.17.108.fdial.global.net.uk] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:09 <Druka> do i count x vs oops as a win for x ?
23:09 <P4> #ln
23:09 <z-man> If you know how, then yes :)
23:09 <Druka> yea i presume
23:09 <Druka> lol
23:09 <P4> #plugin ln
23:09 <armabot> P4: Error: There is no command "ln".
23:09 <Druka> i'ill be getting hard times then xD
23:09 <P4> hi durak ^^
23:09 <z-man> Of course, if you tell me how it's done, that would work too.
23:09 <Druka> hay P4
23:10 <Druka> it's a fucking table
23:10 <Druka> (woa tables are hard to draw in such wikis)
23:10 <z-man> Yeah, but when I edit the page, I only get a reference, and I don't know how to get to the source :)
23:10 <Druka> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results_Table
23:10 <Druka> i'm editing it right now
23:11 <Druka> ah i have an user page
23:12  * Durka pokes Vanhayes 
23:12  * Vanhayes gets poked
23:12 <Druka> kk it has been done for ct vs sp
23:12 <Durka> who won?
23:12 <Durka> if CT won :o
23:13 <Druka> they did
23:13 <Druka> 100-80 and 100-50
23:13 <Vanhayes> confusing coversation there
23:13 <Druka> eh
23:13 <Durka> orly?
23:13 -!- apparition [n=appariti@c-69-241-233-134.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]
23:13  * Druka uses colors to distunguish different nicks
23:13 <Durka> z-man: You got a recording and/or screenshots? :P
23:13 <Druka> stopid appa
23:14 <z-man> I posted all I've got on the results page.
23:14 <Durka> mkay
23:14 <Durka> on the wiki?
23:14 <z-man> yes.
23:14 <Druka> #afl
23:14 <armabot> Druka: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
23:14 <z-man> I'm missing parts of the second match of the Tards.
23:14 <Durka> which ^^
23:14 <Druka> #help afl
23:14 <armabot> Druka: (afl <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "echo $who: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: (1 more message)
23:14 <z-man> The results.
23:14 <Druka> i'm adding it
23:15 <Druka> #more
23:15 <armabot> Druka: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881".
23:15 <Durka> ooo
23:15 <Druka> #alias add echo $who: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results_Table&action=submit&continue |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: http:/
23:15 <Druka> /forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
23:15 <armabot> Druka: The operation succeeded.
23:16 <Druka> feck!
23:16 <Durka> lol
23:16 <Druka> ok we forget the forums entry no one cares anyway
23:16 <Druka> #alias add echo $who: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results_Table&action=submit&continue |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers
23:16 <armabot> Druka: The operation succeeded.
23:16 <z-man> Maybe you shouldn't put the EDIT link there?
23:16 <Druka> omg lol
23:17 <Druka> #alias add echo $who: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results_Table |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers
23:17 <armabot> Druka: The operation succeeded.
23:17 <Druka> hmm
23:17 <z-man> Without _Table?
23:17 <Druka> how ?
23:17 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034248209.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:18 <Durka> z-man: Who posted those screenshots? They look awful :o
23:18 <z-man> Grmbl, that was me :)
23:19 <z-man> The only way I get the graphics fluid on my laptop in 1600x1200 :)
23:19 <Druka> lol
23:20 <z-man> Anyway, http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results sounds like the better link to have in the list, don't you think?
23:20 <Druka> yeah
23:20 <Druka> but i look also often on the schedule
23:21 <z-man> I mean, insteat of http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results_Table
23:21 <z-man> The schedule is pretty important, yes :)
23:21 <Druka> oh
23:21 <Druka> it's my clipboard which goes crazy
23:22 <Druka> #alias add echo $who: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers
23:22 <armabot> Druka: The operation succeeded.
23:22 <z-man> #afl
23:22 <armabot> z-man: Error: The command "echo" is available in the Alias and Utilities plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "echo".
23:22 <Druka> how i do represent forfeits ?
23:22 <Druka>  0-×
23:22 <z-man> You mean, the oops problem?
23:22 <Druka> ?
23:22 <Druka> yeah
23:22 <Druka> 0-Ø ?
23:23 <z-man> I'd say 3-x
23:23 <Druka>  0-F ?
23:23 <z-man> so it's clear which of the teams won :)
23:23 <Druka> i would say 3-F then
23:23 <z-man> better.
23:23 <madmax> #echo
23:23 <armabot> madmax: Error: The command "echo" is available in the Alias and Utilities plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "echo".
23:24 <madmax> #list alias
23:24 <armabot> madmax: monologue, roulette, :o, add, afl, armabot, armaconfig, armaservers, armasettings, babel, ball, bigbrother, bounce, bug, bye, cat, cfg, chatlog, check, cinf, cink, crazylate, ctwf, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, ddl, delire, die, die, digg, digitx, ding, do, dog, dong, echo, eliza, eroulette, f, fastfood, finc, fink, fortune, g, gcalc, gfight, go, goodbye, hd, hell, hello, hey, (2 more messages)
23:24 <madmax> didn't you just 'kill' echo?
23:24 <Durka> Druka: just put F
23:24 <z-man> Yes.
23:24 <Durka> #echo [sd z-]
23:24 <armabot> Durka: Error: The command "echo" is available in the Alias and Utilities plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "echo".
23:24 <Druka> Durka, no we won't know which team has declared forfeit
23:24 <Druka> #help alais echo
23:24 <armabot> Druka: Error: There is no command "alais echo".
23:24 <Durka> are u kidding
23:24 <Durka> if you see a whole string of F F F F F F F F F next to oops...
23:25 <Druka> lol
23:25 <mkzelda> drama in oops land?
23:25 <Druka> idk :/
23:25 <mkzelda> oops quit?
23:26 <Druka> idk :/
23:27 <madmax> Druka: I suggest you fix #echo/#afl :P
23:27 <Druka> madmax, ?
23:27 <Druka> #echo hello
23:27 <armabot> Druka: Error: The command "echo" is available in the Alias and Utilities plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "echo".
23:27 <Druka> #alias remove echo
23:27 <armabot> Druka: The operation succeeded.
23:27 <Druka> #echo hello
23:27 <armabot> hello
23:27 <Druka> happy ?
23:27 <madmax> #afl
23:27 <armabot> madmax: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers |--| Forums: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=16881
23:27 <madmax> yep!
23:28 <madmax> :P
23:28 <Druka> #alias add afl echo $who: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=Armagetron_Fortress_League |--| Results: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results |--| Schedule: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Schedule |--| Calendar: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Calendar |--| Servers: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Servers
23:28 <armabot> Druka: The operation succeeded.
23:28 <Druka> -.-
23:28 <Druka> i'm always fucking fucked when it's about editing aliases like these
23:28 <Durka> Druka: http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8744/snapshot20070715143033sm6.png
23:28 <Durka> preview...should i save that?
23:29 <Druka> wait i've better
23:29 <Druka> ;D
23:29 <madmax> lots of 2-0
23:29 <Druka> anly that in fact
23:29 <Druka> *only
23:29 <mkzelda> u can put in ut2 vs tards :D
23:30 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034248209.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
23:31 <Druka> i have done it
23:31 <Druka> it's not committed that's all
23:32 <Durka> hi dooka
23:32 <mkzelda> hi
23:32 <mkzelda> recording:(2007-07-15 Tards vs UT2) link:(http://mkzelda.com/files/tardsvsut2.tbz2)  version:(0.3.0 build 7228)
23:32 <mkzelda> we saving those anywhere on wiki?
23:32  * Druka checks the win/losses count
23:33 -!- newb|e [i=admin@dew64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:35 <Druka> si it's done now
23:37 <Druka> Durka, you can admire my artwork talent here now: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results :P
23:39 <Durka> LOL!
23:39 <Druka> xD
23:39 <Druka> i'm sure i made i typo
23:43 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_94.png
23:43 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_96.png
23:44 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_90.png
23:44 <z-man> sick!
23:44 <Druka> yeah some are
23:45 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_88.png
23:45 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_84.png
23:46 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_82.png <-- tron font
23:46 <Druka> sux
23:47 <Druka> http://epsy.is-a-geek.org:4539/~epsy/screenshots/arma-team/screenshot_79.png <- jeez many :O
23:48 <madmax> sticking with the .2.8 version is getting old.
23:48 <Durka> I hate 0.3 :D
23:48 <Druka> Hell yeah!
23:48 <madmax> well, yes, old is good
23:49  * Druka uses some trunk revision
23:49 <mkzelda> Incredible! What Shining & Convulsing Feeling !
23:49 <madmax> that thing shows the opponents rubber?
23:49 <Druka> over the players ? sure
23:49 <Druka> rubber and brake
23:49 <madmax> hm, I think i've asked this already
23:49 <Druka> i love wrtlprnft's cockpit
23:50 <Durka> z-man: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/images/4/47/Afl_spring_07_Tards_vs_UT2_match1.png (nice ping)
23:50 <mkzelda> i noticed that
23:51 <Druka> LOL!
23:55 -!- madmax [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmax] has quit ["leaving"]
23:58 <Druka> http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=AFL_Spring_Results&diff=19507&oldid=19506 (nice commit)
23:59 <Durka> that was me
23:59 <Durka> :P
23:59 <Druka> you fucking noob >.<

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