Searching from 2025-01-11 00:00:00 to 2025-01-11 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.79 seconds
[2025-01-11 05:10:46] --> delinquent has joined the channel
[2025-01-11 05:10:53] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2025-01-11 05:34:54] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| are you running a compositor?
[2025-01-11 05:34:55] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| are you running a compositor?
[2025-01-11 05:35:11] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| tron dislikes compositors and vsync. Disable both when playing.
[2025-01-11 05:35:12] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| tron dislikes compositors and vsync. Disable both when playing.
[2025-01-11 10:13:33] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| not sure about vsync, that one seems to change depending on the system I'm on, try both on or off here and see what feels better (one is always screwed up hard for me)
[2025-01-11 10:13:33] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:ninjapotato1080| not sure about vsync, that one seems to change depending on the system I'm on, try both on or off here and see what feels better (one is always screwed up hard for me)
[2025-01-11 10:21:05] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| Been looking for a decent neo-noir thing to watch lately. Found something to scratch that itch:
[2025-01-11 10:21:05] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| Been looking for a decent neo-noir thing to watch lately. Found something to scratch that itch:
[2025-01-11 10:21:34] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| the Bosch spinoff seems to be taking a while to hit s3 so this is a rather decent filler
[2025-01-11 10:21:34] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| the Bosch spinoff seems to be taking a while to hit s3 so this is a rather decent filler
[2025-01-11 10:51:19] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| yeah i'm using picom
[2025-01-11 10:51:20] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| yeah i'm using picom
[2025-01-11 10:55:21] --> Sauss-Ente has joined the channel
[2025-01-11 11:03:36] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| bear in mind, `--unredir-if-possible` is unreliable. You might need to pkill it and start it again on exiting armagetron
[2025-01-11 11:03:36] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| bear in mind, `--unredir-if-possible` is unreliable. You might need to pkill it and start it again on exiting armagetron
[2025-01-11 11:10:24] <-- Sauss-Ente has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[2025-01-11 11:30:58] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| oof
[2025-01-11 11:30:58] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| oof
[2025-01-11 11:31:17] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| well i've played it with rhythmbox's notifications disabled with not issue
[2025-01-11 11:31:17] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| well i've played it with rhythmbox's notifications disabled with not issue
[2025-01-11 11:31:47] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| i would need to disable notifications completely for a guarantee. or try without picom for a while.
[2025-01-11 11:31:47] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| i would need to disable notifications completely for a guarantee. or try without picom for a while.
[2025-01-11 12:11:28] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| surely your notifications will just appear with some artifacting? That's what winamp's do
[2025-01-11 12:11:28] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| surely your notifications will just appear with some artifacting? That's what winamp's do
[2025-01-11 12:18:03] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| the notification is what bricked everything last time
[2025-01-11 12:18:03] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| the notification is what bricked everything last time
[2025-01-11 12:18:20] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| it was running fine until the next track started playing and the notification popped up telling me what was playing.
[2025-01-11 12:18:20] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| it was running fine until the next track started playing and the notification popped up telling me what was playing.
[2025-01-11 12:19:04] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| That's why I suggested the compositor. Notifications usually float over other windows, which is usually left to the compositor to manage without rendering a borde around the notification itself
[2025-01-11 12:19:04] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| That's why I suggested the compositor. Notifications usually float over other windows, which is usually left to the compositor to manage without rendering a borde around the notification itself
[2025-01-11 12:19:50] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| you might even notice an improvement in armagetron's frame latency and dropped frame count with the compositor killed
[2025-01-11 12:19:50] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| you might even notice an improvement in armagetron's frame latency and dropped frame count with the compositor killed
[2025-01-11 12:58:08] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:.dualboot| i could probably modify the shortcut so that it kills the compositor and then executes the game and then after the game closes it starts the compositor again
[2025-01-11 12:58:09] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:.dualboot| i could probably modify the shortcut so that it kills the compositor and then executes the game and then after the game closes it starts the compositor again
[2025-01-11 15:01:44] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2025-01-11 15:21:33] <Lucifer_arma> woo-hoo. This is my fourth day out of rehab. Still sober. Got fired yesterday
[2025-01-11 15:21:33] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| woo-hoo. This is my fourth day out of rehab. Still sober. Got fired yesterday
[2025-01-11 16:22:32] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:cabalcrow| any tips on how to practice to survive better in sumo? Specifically for staying in box
[2025-01-11 16:22:32] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:cabalcrow| any tips on how to practice to survive better in sumo? Specifically for staying in box
[2025-01-11 16:22:46] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:cabalcrow| I tend to lose a lot due to simple execution mistakes
[2025-01-11 16:22:47] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:cabalcrow| I tend to lose a lot due to simple execution mistakes
[2025-01-11 16:47:51] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:magi| Check out the Snake Survival server
[2025-01-11 16:47:51] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:magi| Check out the Snake Survival server
[2025-01-11 16:48:12] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:magi| It's sumo physics, your tail grows longer just like snake as you collect the zones, and you're in a small box
[2025-01-11 16:48:12] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:magi| It's sumo physics, your tail grows longer just like snake as you collect the zones, and you're in a small box
[2025-01-11 16:48:22] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:magi| Should help you learn to manage your space better
[2025-01-11 16:48:22] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:magi| Should help you learn to manage your space better
[2025-01-11 16:49:21] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:magi| Starting off, the easiest, most underutilized survival tactic is what's called kulting. You just triple bind back and forth in a space, usually in a box so people can't attack you, and just protect your tail
[2025-01-11 16:49:22] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:magi| Starting off, the easiest, most underutilized survival tactic is what's called kulting. You just triple bind back and forth in a space, usually in a box so people can't attack you, and just protect your tail
[2025-01-11 16:49:45] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:magi| If done right it's repeatable for a really long time and it's very easy to replicate each rotation
[2025-01-11 16:49:45] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:magi| If done right it's repeatable for a really long time and it's very easy to replicate each rotation
[2025-01-11 16:49:59] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:magi| :kult:
[2025-01-11 16:50:00] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:magi| :kult:
[2025-01-11 16:53:44] <armagetronbridge> 07discord:cabalcrow| thanks
[2025-01-11 16:53:44] <armagetron-bridge> 07discord:cabalcrow| thanks
[2025-01-11 17:32:01] <Lucifer_arma> the standard approach is to follow your tail. So lay out the box you can, double back and follow it back to your tail. After you get a feel for how long your tail is, you'll get pretty good at finding your tail right when it starts receding
[2025-01-11 17:32:01] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the standard approach is to follow your tail. So lay out the box you can, double back and follow it back to your tail. After you get a feel for how long your tail is, you'll get pretty good at finding your tail right when it starts receding
[2025-01-11 17:32:11] <Lucifer_arma> then follow it and protect it
[2025-01-11 17:32:11] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| then follow it and protect it
[2025-01-11 17:32:24] <Lucifer_arma> it's worth it to find an LMS server just to practice that basic move
[2025-01-11 17:32:24] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it's worth it to find an LMS server just to practice that basic move
[2025-01-11 18:42:40] <-- monr0e has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2025-01-11 18:42:40] <-- delinquent has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2025-01-11 20:33:11] --> kyle-ct has joined the channel
[2025-01-11 20:34:15] <kyle-ct> Glad to see you back Lucifer_arma, I forgot to join after a reboot ;)
[2025-01-11 20:34:15] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| Glad to see you back Lucifer_arma, I forgot to join after a reboot ;)
[2025-01-11 21:42:13] <Lucifer_arma> kyle-ct: I'm still hit and miss for being here. I'm out of rehab, but I also just got fired yesterday
[2025-01-11 21:42:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| kyle-ct: I'm still hit and miss for being here. I'm out of rehab, but I also just got fired yesterday
[2025-01-11 21:42:37] <Lucifer_arma> I've got plans, though. Turns out, I can probably rent a car and do rideshare Uber and not have to rely on UberEats, because, you know, I finally got my driver's license back
[2025-01-11 21:42:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I've got plans, though. Turns out, I can probably rent a car and do rideshare Uber and not have to rely on UberEats, because, you know, I finally got my driver's license back
[2025-01-11 21:43:42] <Lucifer_arma> there'll be more info in my next video, but basically this is like getting evicted: it's a shitty thing that happened *to* me, but it pushes me forward into a life I'd rather be living, so it's a blessing in disguise
[2025-01-11 21:43:42] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there'll be more info in my next video, but basically this is like getting evicted: it's a shitty thing that happened *to* me, but it pushes me forward into a life I'd rather be living, so it's a blessing in disguise
[2025-01-11 21:44:14] <Lucifer_arma> I'm no longer stuck in round rock, anchored to a job I didn't really enjoy. I'll be going into Austin where I have actual friends, and we'll see what happens then
[2025-01-11 21:44:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'm no longer stuck in round rock, anchored to a job I didn't really enjoy. I'll be going into Austin where I have actual friends, and we'll see what happens then
[2025-01-11 21:44:19] <Lucifer_arma> I did just get paid, so I'm not broke yet
[2025-01-11 21:44:20] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I did just get paid, so I'm not broke yet
[2025-01-11 21:44:41] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, off to the store for sodas so I can shoot these two videos. It's all I can shoot right now while my voice hasn't fully returned
[2025-01-11 21:44:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| anyway, off to the store for sodas so I can shoot these two videos. It's all I can shoot right now while my voice hasn't fully returned
[2025-01-11 21:46:04] <kyle-ct> Darn that stinks about your job, but glad you are optimistic about what you can do, I'm still feeling stuck at my job
[2025-01-11 21:46:04] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| Darn that stinks about your job, but glad you are optimistic about what you can do, I'm still feeling stuck at my job
[2025-01-11 22:11:48] <Lucifer_arma> yeah, it does suck, and the thing I did that left my ass hanging out is also something that can be prosecuted :(
[2025-01-11 22:11:48] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| yeah, it does suck, and the thing I did that left my ass hanging out is also something that can be prosecuted :(
[2025-01-11 22:12:03] <Lucifer_arma> it was an honest mistake, that wouldn't have happened if I'd followed company policy
[2025-01-11 22:12:04] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it was an honest mistake, that wouldn't have happened if I'd followed company policy
[2025-01-11 22:12:26] <Lucifer_arma> I don't know if the cops are going to be interested in me, but I do know that a cop drove past me just now and didn't do anything
[2025-01-11 22:12:26] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I don't know if the cops are going to be interested in me, but I do know that a cop drove past me just now and didn't do anything
[2025-01-11 22:12:39] <Lucifer_arma> I do know the company filed a police report and I gave a statement already
[2025-01-11 22:12:39] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I do know the company filed a police report and I gave a statement already
[2025-01-11 22:13:14] <Lucifer_arma> the reason I still believe it's a shitty thing that happened *to* me is because I don't think the company cares about what I did, they're trying to punish me for something else
[2025-01-11 22:13:14] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| the reason I still believe it's a shitty thing that happened *to* me is because I don't think the company cares about what I did, they're trying to punish me for something else
[2025-01-11 22:13:30] <Lucifer_arma> it could be anything from union busting to me talking openly about their shitty pay policies
[2025-01-11 22:13:31] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it could be anything from union busting to me talking openly about their shitty pay policies
[2025-01-11 22:13:32] <kyle-ct> ah
[2025-01-11 22:13:32] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| ah
[2025-01-11 22:13:56] <Lucifer_arma> I wasn't trying to organize a union, but if there's enough chatter about unions that I don't know about, and they *know* I'd organize a union if there was interest, then I'd definitely be a target
[2025-01-11 22:13:56] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I wasn't trying to organize a union, but if there's enough chatter about unions that I don't know about, and they *know* I'd organize a union if there was interest, then I'd definitely be a target
[2025-01-11 22:14:02] <Lucifer_arma> and I basically handed them a weapon :/
[2025-01-11 22:14:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and I basically handed them a weapon :/
[2025-01-11 22:14:40] <Lucifer_arma> but it's fine, because I really had already decided to quit, I was just going to plan my departure a little more than what I actually got
[2025-01-11 22:14:40] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but it's fine, because I really had already decided to quit, I was just going to plan my departure a little more than what I actually got
[2025-01-11 22:15:02] <Lucifer_arma> but considering how many times I was [ ] this close to walking anyway, I mean, there's no reason for me to be angy about getting fired
[2025-01-11 22:15:02] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but considering how many times I was [ ] this close to walking anyway, I mean, there's no reason for me to be angy about getting fired
[2025-01-11 22:15:44] <Lucifer_arma> but hey, if you want to see it as all my fault and I was asking to get fired by doing the somewhat shady (but not illegal if allowed to finish) things I was doing, knock yourself out
[2025-01-11 22:15:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but hey, if you want to see it as all my fault and I was asking to get fired by doing the somewhat shady (but not illegal if allowed to finish) things I was doing, knock yourself out
[2025-01-11 22:16:23] <Lucifer_arma> it just doesn't matter, because what matters is that whatever I do next, I a) don't leave my ass hanging out like that again so this doesn't happen again, and b) move forward in my life
[2025-01-11 22:16:23] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it just doesn't matter, because what matters is that whatever I do next, I a) don't leave my ass hanging out like that again so this doesn't happen again, and b) move forward in my life
[2025-01-11 22:17:33] <Lucifer_arma> but yeah, I'm about 95% sure that there's more underneath, and that they're using this situation to try to get at me for something they couldn't legally go after me for
[2025-01-11 22:17:34] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but yeah, I'm about 95% sure that there's more underneath, and that they're using this situation to try to get at me for something they couldn't legally go after me for
[2025-01-11 22:18:39] <kyle-ct> ya, a lot of companies will do stuff like that, they used policies to fire my mom 2 years before she was going to retire
[2025-01-11 22:18:39] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| ya, a lot of companies will do stuff like that, they used policies to fire my mom 2 years before she was going to retire
[2025-01-11 22:19:07] <Lucifer_arma> and since I know my own ass isn't the only one hanging out, I'm also cutting contact with former coworkers, you know, just to do whatever I can to shield them
[2025-01-11 22:19:07] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and since I know my own ass isn't the only one hanging out, I'm also cutting contact with former coworkers, you know, just to do whatever I can to shield them
[2025-01-11 22:19:43] <Lucifer_arma> it could also be something as simple as wanting to fire me for taking FMLA leave and this was their opportunity. A *lot* of companies will do that and only grudgingly take you back because they're required to by law
[2025-01-11 22:19:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it could also be something as simple as wanting to fire me for taking FMLA leave and this was their opportunity. A *lot* of companies will do that and only grudgingly take you back because they're required to by law
[2025-01-11 22:20:25] <Lucifer_arma> like, if I hadn't gone to rehab, they may have just wanted me to fork over some cash and everything would be fine
[2025-01-11 22:20:25] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| like, if I hadn't gone to rehab, they may have just wanted me to fork over some cash and everything would be fine
[2025-01-11 22:20:57] <Lucifer_arma> anyway, not my problem anymore. I'm leaving round rock tomorrow, but I have to come back monday for a doctor's appointment. I'll try to secure a six month supply (or more) of my heart medications,
[2025-01-11 22:20:58] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| anyway, not my problem anymore. I'm leaving round rock tomorrow, but I have to come back monday for a doctor's appointment. I'll try to secure a six month supply (or more) of my heart medications,
[2025-01-11 22:21:21] <Lucifer_arma> see if I can get healthcare through the marketplace (some people I've been talking to have gotten it for free because they're unemployed), and see what else I can do
[2025-01-11 22:21:21] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| see if I can get healthcare through the marketplace (some people I've been talking to have gotten it for free because they're unemployed), and see what else I can do
[2025-01-11 22:22:05] <Lucifer_arma> there's a company in Austin that'll rent a car weekly to do rideshare, and they have one for $275/week. Other drivers I've talked to say I can make *that* money in a few hours, which means I could end up with more pay
[2025-01-11 22:22:05] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| there's a company in Austin that'll rent a car weekly to do rideshare, and they have one for $275/week. Other drivers I've talked to say I can make *that* money in a few hours, which means I could end up with more pay
[2025-01-11 22:22:37] <Lucifer_arma> and since I had the foresight to get my driver's license before all this shit happened, I can actually do this, which I couldn't do before, when I was doing UberEats and not making money, which is what drove me to get a regular job in the first place
[2025-01-11 22:22:37] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| and since I had the foresight to get my driver's license before all this shit happened, I can actually do this, which I couldn't do before, when I was doing UberEats and not making money, which is what drove me to get a regular job in the first place
[2025-01-11 22:23:14] <Lucifer_arma> so there is the possibility for me to do uber with a rental, work only 2-3 days a week, and really focus on my writing/youtube channel
[2025-01-11 22:23:15] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so there is the possibility for me to do uber with a rental, work only 2-3 days a week, and really focus on my writing/youtube channel
[2025-01-11 22:23:30] <kyle-ct> Rent a Tesla with FSD and you'll never have to actually drive :)
[2025-01-11 22:23:30] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| Rent a Tesla with FSD and you'll never have to actually drive :)
[2025-01-11 22:23:54] <Lucifer_arma> no, but I'll have to watch my car murder someone because FSD isn't very good yet
[2025-01-11 22:23:54] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| no, but I'll have to watch my car murder someone because FSD isn't very good yet
[2025-01-11 22:24:41] <Lucifer_arma> my favorite tesla joke is still about the Tesla on FSD at a robotics convention running over a robot, and someone called it the first robot on robot crime
[2025-01-11 22:24:41] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| my favorite tesla joke is still about the Tesla on FSD at a robotics convention running over a robot, and someone called it the first robot on robot crime
[2025-01-11 22:25:00] <kyle-ct> V13 is actually really good, I don't have it, AI3 vs AI4 car, but from what I've seen it's almost flawless
[2025-01-11 22:25:00] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| V13 is actually really good, I don't have it, AI3 vs AI4 car, but from what I've seen it's almost flawless
[2025-01-11 22:26:52] <Lucifer_arma> it would be amusing for me to do rideshare as a driver, but write instead and let the car do the work
[2025-01-11 22:26:52] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| it would be amusing for me to do rideshare as a driver, but write instead and let the car do the work
[2025-01-11 22:28:05] <kyle-ct> Things are trending that that will be possible this year with Tesla
[2025-01-11 22:28:05] <armagetronbridge> 07irc:kyle-ct| Things are trending that that will be possible this year with Tesla
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