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Searching from 2024-08-11 00:00:00 to 2024-08-11 23:59:59.999999.
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[2024-08-11 07:40:58] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-08-11 07:42:47] <armagetronbridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wouldn't call them *good*, but they do have a certain childish imagination quality to them, just wrapped up in a more adult setting. Legacy's visuals and soundtrack were incredible, even if the storyline was... less than stellar. They really are worth a watch, it's like having your inner kid come to the surface all over again
[2024-08-11 07:42:47] <armagetron-bridge> 08discord:delinquent| I wouldn't call them *good*, but they do have a certain childish imagination quality to them, just wrapped up in a more adult setting. Legacy's visuals and soundtrack were incredible, even if the storyline was... less than stellar. They really are worth a watch, it's like having your inner kid come to the surface all over again
[2024-08-11 07:47:26] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:Syn| dangerous levels of cynicism
[2024-08-11 07:47:27] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:Syn| dangerous levels of cynicism
[2024-08-11 07:47:46] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:Syn| tron 82 top 5 movie of all time
[2024-08-11 07:47:46] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:Syn| tron 82 top 5 movie of all time
[2024-08-11 07:48:01] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:Syn| tron legacy soundtrack top 2 of all time and it might not be 2
[2024-08-11 07:48:01] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:Syn| tron legacy soundtrack top 2 of all time and it might not be 2
[2024-08-11 07:48:20] <armagetronbridge> 06discord:Syn| if you’re playing this game and you haven’t seen em just know you’re in for a treat
[2024-08-11 07:48:20] <armagetron-bridge> 06discord:Syn| if you’re playing this game and you haven’t seen em just know you’re in for a treat
[2024-08-11 10:42:27] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| lel
[2024-08-11 10:42:27] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| lel
[2024-08-11 11:10:47] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| hmm ok i wont rush to see them just yet lol
[2024-08-11 11:10:48] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| hmm ok i wont rush to see them just yet lol
[2024-08-11 13:48:25] --> Sauss-Ente has joined the channel
[2024-08-11 14:15:46] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| surprisingly, armagetronad isn't in adelie nor alpine
[2024-08-11 14:15:47] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| surprisingly, armagetronad isn't in adelie nor alpine
[2024-08-11 14:16:35] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| however it's in void libux
[2024-08-11 14:16:35] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| however it's in void libux
[2024-08-11 14:16:40] <armagetronbridge> 05discord:juesto| linux*
[2024-08-11 14:16:40] <armagetron-bridge> 05discord:juesto| linux*
[2024-08-11 16:26:10] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| it will be in adelie by the time you have finished though
[2024-08-11 16:26:11] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| it will be in adelie by the time you have finished though
[2024-08-11 16:26:49] <armagetronbridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| how's that going btw?
[2024-08-11 16:26:49] <armagetron-bridge> 14discord:monkey_arma| how's that going btw?
[2024-08-11 17:23:07] <-- Sauss-Ente has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[2024-08-11 19:01:08] <-- monr0e has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

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