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Searching from 2024-01-28 00:00:00 to 2024-01-28 23:59:59.999999.
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[2024-01-28 00:42:54] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:eezwp11| take it away and watch the violent crime rise i bet
[2024-01-28 00:42:55] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:eezwp11| take it away and watch the violent crime rise i bet
[2024-01-28 00:43:23] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:eezwp11| I'm also curious how many opt for that action out there
[2024-01-28 00:43:23] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:eezwp11| I'm also curious how many opt for that action out there
[2024-01-28 00:46:20] <armagetron-bridge> 03discord:eezwp11| actually i take that back. I'm willing to bet it's felons who are committing more felonious violent crime anyway, which would probably disqualify them from being able to participate in that lol
[2024-01-28 00:46:20] <armagetronbridge> 03discord:eezwp11| actually i take that back. I'm willing to bet it's felons who are committing more felonious violent crime anyway, which would probably disqualify them from being able to participate in that lol
[2024-01-28 09:38:57] --> delinquent has joined the channel
[2024-01-28 09:38:59] --> monr0e has joined the channel
[2024-01-28 16:17:18] --> Juesto has joined the channel
[2024-01-28 16:18:03] <-- Juest has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[2024-01-28 16:18:50] -!- Juesto changed nick to Juest
[2024-01-28 22:49:49] <Lucifer_arma> no, it's an old single combat law.  The reality is that if you want to lower violent crime, you have to make it much harder to commit.  Guns make it very easy to commit.  So, logically, remove as many guns as possible, and you'll see crime drop
[2024-01-28 22:49:49] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| no, it's an old single combat law.  The reality is that if you want to lower violent crime, you have to make it much harder to commit.  Guns make it very easy to commit.  So, logically, remove as many guns as possible, and you'll see crime drop

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