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Searching from 2023-10-24 00:00:00 to 2023-10-24 23:59:59.999999.
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[2023-10-24 01:40:56] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 01:41:50] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 210 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 01:44:51] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 01:44:52] -!- zirconium.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 01:44:52] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2023-10-24 01:45:39] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 01:45:39] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2023-10-24 01:45:39] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2023-10-24 01:45:41] -!- weber.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 01:45:41] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2023-10-24 02:59:27] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 03:00:48] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 210 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 03:03:03] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 03:03:03] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2023-10-24 03:03:03] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2023-10-24 03:03:05] -!- reflection.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 03:03:05] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2023-10-24 03:03:06] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 03:03:06] -!- platinum.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 03:03:06] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2023-10-24 03:05:42] <-- Juest has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2023-10-24 03:06:06] --> Juest has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 07:18:12] --> JackSkellington has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 10:29:19] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 10:30:39] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 210 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 10:32:18] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 10:32:18] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2023-10-24 10:32:18] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2023-10-24 10:32:18] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Guest4480
[2023-10-24 10:32:18] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
[2023-10-24 10:32:20] -!- weber.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 10:32:20] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2023-10-24 10:32:35] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 10:32:36] -!- cadmium.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 10:32:36] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2023-10-24 10:33:00] <-- Guest4480 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[2023-10-24 11:45:09] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 11:47:36] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 11:49:41] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 11:49:41] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2023-10-24 11:49:41] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2023-10-24 11:49:42] -!- weber.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 11:49:42] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2023-10-24 11:50:12] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 11:50:13] -!- cadmium.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 11:50:13] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2023-10-24 14:03:47] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 14:05:07] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 14:08:46] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 14:08:47] -!- erbium.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 14:08:48] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2023-10-24 14:08:56] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 14:08:56] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2023-10-24 14:08:56] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2023-10-24 14:08:57] -!- reflection.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 14:08:57] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2023-10-24 14:16:08] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 14:20:19] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 270 seconds.)
[2023-10-24 14:20:42] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 14:20:42] -!- Topic for #armagetron is "Armagetron Advanced | http://www.armagetronad.org/ | Welcome to IRC"
[2023-10-24 14:20:42] -!- Topic set by ChanServ!services@services.oftc.net on 2022-12-21 00:36:08 UTC
[2023-10-24 14:20:44] -!- weber.oftc.net set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 14:20:44] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-04-20 19:56:37 UTC
[2023-10-24 14:21:35] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2023-10-24 14:21:36] -!- mercury.libera.chat set mode #armagetron +nt
[2023-10-24 14:21:36] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2021-05-20 17:23:14 UTC
[2023-10-24 15:33:06] <Lucifer_arma> In yet another "oh crap, I'm an idiot" moment, I finally got jobs to be instantiated on workers with the same init arguments they started with on the scheduler
[2023-10-24 15:33:06] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| In yet another "oh crap, I'm an idiot" moment, I finally got jobs to be instantiated on workers with the same init arguments they started with on the scheduler
[2023-10-24 17:52:24] <armagetronbridge> 13discord:Juesto| huh
[2023-10-24 17:52:24] <armagetron-bridge> 13discord:Juesto| huh
[2023-10-24 19:22:47] <Lucifer_arma> apparently I'm still two steps forward, one step back.  I wanted to work on the simulation today, but I recently broke the history retrieval and didn't notice.  So I had to fix that.
[2023-10-24 19:22:47] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| apparently I'm still two steps forward, one step back.  I wanted to work on the simulation today, but I recently broke the history retrieval and didn't notice.  So I had to fix that.
[2023-10-24 19:23:10] <Lucifer_arma> In doing so, I managed to make it download a bunch of new symbols that it hadn't been downloading before, so now I have to wait for the database to be brought up to date again
[2023-10-24 19:23:10] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| In doing so, I managed to make it download a bunch of new symbols that it hadn't been downloading before, so now I have to wait for the database to be brought up to date again
[2023-10-24 19:23:12] <Lucifer_arma> oops
[2023-10-24 19:23:13] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| oops
[2023-10-24 19:23:57] <Lucifer_arma> but at least I learned that this little project has grown big enough that I need the cluster for sure now.  It's no longer able to do all the work on one computer.  So that's a thing that happened.
[2023-10-24 19:23:57] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| but at least I learned that this little project has grown big enough that I need the cluster for sure now.  It's no longer able to do all the work on one computer.  So that's a thing that happened.
[2023-10-24 19:24:43] <Lucifer_arma> so I ordered a cluster case.  It should be here tomorrow.  So instead of worrying about the simulation tomorrow, I'll focus on getting that third worker online and putting all of them into their new case.
[2023-10-24 19:24:43] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| so I ordered a cluster case.  It should be here tomorrow.  So instead of worrying about the simulation tomorrow, I'll focus on getting that third worker online and putting all of them into their new case.
[2023-10-24 19:26:44] <Lucifer_arma> I'll look at adding this other technical indicator, which, combined with macd, should make it possible for me to do a better job picking stocks
[2023-10-24 19:26:44] <armagetronbridge> 10irc:Lucifer_arma| I'll look at adding this other technical indicator, which, combined with macd, should make it possible for me to do a better job picking stocks
[2023-10-24 19:38:43] <-- JackSkellington has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)

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