Searching from 2020-12-01 00:00:00 to 2020-12-01 23:59:59.999999.
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[2020-12-01 07:08:50] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap] r1196 Add undocumented teleport parameters in SPAWN_ZONE and make ...
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[2020-12-01 08:39:11] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap] r1197 Set initial spawnpoint to null when team is first created......
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[2020-12-01 16:58:03] <Lucifer_arma> ok. got my new keyboard and need to do some typing to try it out.
[2020-12-01 16:58:25] <Lucifer_arma> It has the right layout for me to play arma
[2020-12-01 17:09:44] <Lucifer_arma> Ok, yay. First impressions of my fancy new keyboard and mouse are that this is the combination I've been wanting all my life. :)
[2020-12-01 17:10:20] <Lucifer_arma> I'll get some writing done and then decide, but for now, this is looking pretty good
[2020-12-01 21:28:49] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[2020-12-03 09:19:22] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap] r1198 Use GetID in ZONE_CREATED
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[2020-12-10 16:14:17] <Z-Man> gggg
[2020-12-10 16:14:25] <Z-Man> Lucifer_arma: your fancy new keyboard isn't a small form (no keypad) with both bluetooth and USB functionality by any chance? I'd be looking for a good one with that functionality. Only got one with not so great keys. And a big one by Dell we got for work which is fine, but big and Bluetooth syncing is hit and miss. And an even older one that's USB only and has some weird rubbery surface that gets grimy and is impossible to clean. And a
[2020-12-10 16:14:25] <Z-Man> bluetooth only one that disconnects every ten minutes.
[2020-12-10 16:14:54] <Z-Man> On second though, I probably should have tested whether that last one still works in some different window.
[2020-12-10 16:18:16] <Z-Man> (In case you're wondering, the Nintendo Switch only supports USB keyboards even though it has Bluetooth. One of those baffling Nintendo decisions.)
[2020-12-10 17:55:14] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: alas, no. I've had terrible luck with bluetooth keyboards, so I've been sticking to usb ones. This is also a full-size keyboard with keypad and all, and it's laid out like the old-school ones, for the most part. So all the keys are where my muscle memory expects them to be.
[2020-12-10 17:56:25] <Lucifer_arma> but so far every bluetooth keyboard I've had has either been difficult/impossible to pair (which defeats the purpose), or will pair but frequently get stuck on a letter. So every few words I'd have a llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllletter get out of control
[2020-12-10 17:56:40] <Lucifer_arma> and since that hangup happens with any key, backspacing over to correct it was also disastrous
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[2020-12-11 14:40:15] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2020-12-11 14:41:29] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
[2020-12-11 14:41:29] -!- Topic set by guru3 on 2015-04-22 20:50:50 UTC
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[2020-12-11 14:41:33] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2006-11-26 06:42:45 UTC
[2020-12-11 20:43:50] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc 2.5 + 6*4.2
[2020-12-11 20:43:50] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 27.7
[2020-12-11 20:44:20] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc (2.5 + 6*4.2) * 6
[2020-12-11 20:44:21] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 166.2
[2020-12-11 20:52:53] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc 2.5*6 + .5*4.2**2
[2020-12-11 20:52:54] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 23.82
[2020-12-11 20:53:05] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc 2.5*6 + .5*4.2*36
[2020-12-11 20:53:05] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 90.6
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[2020-12-12 13:11:55] <Z-Man> Ooooh backspace or navigation or undo not working precisely as they should is the most infuriating malfunction
[2020-12-12 13:12:30] <Z-Man> I remember that on the Terminal on the Mac, the wrong keypress used to insert three characters, and you then had to backspace thrice
[2020-12-12 13:13:16] <Z-Man> Visual Studio makes it so that if you press POS1 once, you go to the beginning of the text on a line, pressing it twice goes to the beginning of the line
[2020-12-12 13:14:32] <Z-Man> The code editor on Fuze for the Switch goes to the BEGINNING OF YOUR CODE when you press POS1 twice. You always only have one code file. I do that quite often.
[2020-12-12 13:16:54] <Z-Man> And yeah, the regular wired USB keyboard I of course also have is my favorite. I use it both for work and fun/personal work, using a USB/HDMI switcher thing to connect it to the work/personal computer without replugging.
[2020-12-12 13:18:16] <Z-Man> It's just a two port switcher. And I don't need the HDMI switching any more, my monitors all have competent auto-input select now. I probably should just get a simple usb only switcher.
[2020-12-12 13:22:10] <Z-Man> ALSO, one thing I know: The next game I play won't be a game with four letters made by a Spanish team about grief where you get shouted at by a bird a lot in stage 2. Yes, the stage named "Anger", why do you ask?
[2020-12-12 13:33:38] <Z-Man> The first one was "Gris", which, to be fair, advertised those things. Well, not specifically the bird. So that was fine. The other game was Rime, which did not have it on the tin. But it was the better game IMHO, JUST MAYBE DON'T play the two back to back.
[2020-12-12 13:45:34] <Z-Man> Not sure how well either of them really manages to get across the grief thing. Gris does depression quite well, it's an underwater stage with a big black scary eel thing trying to swallow you up, if I remember the order correctly. But that's about it.
[2020-12-12 18:12:12] <Lucifer_arma> I've at least committed to wireless usb. My laptop monitor project is all about ultimately putting the cpu and all computer stuff into the monitor so that there is only one cable from the wall to the computer, and no other cables!
[2020-12-12 18:13:10] <Lucifer_arma> I actually considered buying a Raspberry 400 instead, but then I did the math and realized I'd need three cables in all: two power cables, one each for the computer and the monitor, and then an hdmi cable to the monitor
[2020-12-12 18:14:58] <Lucifer_arma> ultimately ultimately, the monitor will be a good quality touchscreen with a good quality onscreen keyboard that'll allow me to not even bother with a mouse very often, and only need the wireless keyboard when I'm doing serious typing work
[2020-12-12 18:15:57] <Lucifer_arma> and the reason for all this is because I haven't found a tablet that a: does all of this and runs desktop apps well, b: is big enough to be of use while writing/coding, and c: I can actually afford to buy
[2020-12-12 18:16:26] <Lucifer_arma> I'd argue that the tablet I want doesn't even exist, but usually when I do that, someone shows up with a link to what I want, but I can't afford it :)
[2020-12-12 18:16:39] <Lucifer_arma> (not yet, anyway)
[2020-12-12 18:17:19] <Lucifer_arma> so now I'm back to work on the RV. I owe a friend of mine $300, and I had intended to get that money for her by fixing my little scooter and selling it (which was always the plan when I got this one)
[2020-12-12 18:18:01] <Lucifer_arma> but now I want to pull the motor out of it and use it to build a generator. It's a 50cc water-cooled honda engine, and if I use car alternators for my electricity, I should be able to squeeze out 4000w from this contraption
[2020-12-12 18:18:30] <Lucifer_arma> after all, a 4000w AC motor goes into the 50cc class scooter in the electric scooters
[2020-12-12 18:19:07] <Lucifer_arma> and it means I'll be putting 14V from the generator directly onto my DC power rail, where I already have one solar panel, and I obviously intend to get a lot more than one solar panel
[2020-12-12 18:19:39] <Lucifer_arma> so now I have to look at the other stuff I have that I need to get rid of to move into this RV and get it sold and hope it makes enough money to pay back my friend :)
[2020-12-12 18:23:27] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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[2020-12-12 18:24:39] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
[2020-12-12 18:24:39] -!- Topic set by guru3 on 2015-04-22 20:50:50 UTC
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[2020-12-13 06:48:04] <Z-Man> A reason for generator engines to have a larger replacement is that at the same power, they can run with less rotations per second, less explosions per second and therefore less noise, or at least less annoying noise. But you really have to check the power rating of the engine to know what it can deliver, this one (air cooled) only gets to 1.6 kW: and you have to account
[2020-12-13 06:48:05] <Z-Man> for losses, of course.
[2020-12-13 09:17:51] -!- Armanelgtron changed nick to Armanelgtron
[2020-12-13 17:17:49] <Lucifer_arma> right, sorta. Generator engines run at either 1600 or 3200 rpms, depending on the alternator.
[2020-12-13 17:39:36] <Lucifer_arma> actual fuel usage is based on electrical load, so when you turn something on, rpm's drop a tad and the governor opens the throttle to increase fuel input and stabilize at the stated rpm's
[2020-12-13 17:40:31] <Lucifer_arma> engine speed is determined by the alternator, of course, because the alternator determines what frequency is needed to output the 50/60hz signal you need (60 in the US)
[2020-12-13 17:42:25] <Lucifer_arma> a lot of the noise comes from the fact that they tend to be air-cooled, which means thinner walls all around, less vibration damping and more noise, not to mention the noise coming from inside the combustion chambers themselves
[2020-12-13 17:42:41] <Lucifer_arma> an air cooled engine can be pretty quiet, though, like the 150cc engine on my scooter
[2020-12-13 17:43:15] <Lucifer_arma> so, anyway, by going with a car alternator, the frequency of the alternator doesn't matter, so the engine only has to turn according to actual load. It can sit at 1000rpms under no/small load, or it can increase as needed
[2020-12-13 17:44:01] <Lucifer_arma> the other advantage to the alternator is that it outputs a rectified and regulated 14V (spec, actual amount varies from 13.5-14.5, and you're expected to replace anything outside of that range)
[2020-12-13 17:44:22] <Lucifer_arma> the regulator also limits the current, which gives the advantage of simply looking at an alternator to see its max current output
[2020-12-13 17:44:54] <Lucifer_arma> so under all circumstances, a car alternator puts out a certain minimum voltage, and the only variance on engine speed is current available.
[2020-12-13 17:45:10] <Lucifer_arma> and of course there are losses there
[2020-12-13 17:45:34] <Lucifer_arma> so, with a scooter engine, I also get the CVT, which provides mechanical advantage over the load by varying gear ratio
[2020-12-13 17:46:12] <Lucifer_arma> a water cooled engine has thicker walls and also a bunch of water in it to damp vibrations, making most of the noise from the engine coming out the exhaust. I'll be adding pulley/belt noise to the mix by stringing up the alternators to it.
[2020-12-13 17:46:32] <Lucifer_arma> all of that noise is easily managed by insulating the compartment, however. This is bolt-on extra stuff I was referring to.
[2020-12-13 17:46:56] <Lucifer_arma> so honestly, for performance, I should expect at least 3kw out of a 50cc scooter engine of useful energy
[2020-12-13 17:47:36] <Lucifer_arma> the next biggest problem is cooling, however. A water-cooled scooter engine just bolts the radiator right onto the engine itself and assumes that it's operating in a partially enclosed space, not a heavily sound-insulated compartment
[2020-12-13 17:48:07] <Lucifer_arma> so I'll have to add an external fan to ensure enough air circulation for cooling, which will add to basic electrical costs in operating the engine, subtracting from usable energy
[2020-12-13 17:48:25] <Lucifer_arma> then I'll use a power inverter to turn the DC power into AC power to run the air conditioning/microwave/etc.
[2020-12-13 18:32:04] <Lucifer_arma> I'll also have to do something to quiet the air intakes, both for cooling and for the engine itself. I'll have to add an electronic governor that'll open the throttle when more current is drawn.
[2020-12-13 18:32:41] <Lucifer_arma> And I have to build all the mounting hardware and stuff. The engine I'm looking at already has an electric fuel pump, but it sits under the gas tank. I'll have to see if it'll self-prime sitting over the gas tank, and if not, replace it with something that will.
[2020-12-13 18:39:28] <Lucifer_arma> so why go this route in the first place?
[2020-12-13 18:40:13] <Lucifer_arma> solar panels output DC power, and charge controllers can be had that output 12V specifically. I'm working on adding solar power to the RV, and I already have 100W of capacity (maximum, I haven't measured what it's actually outputting right now)
[2020-12-13 18:41:07] <Lucifer_arma> as I add solar panels and batteries, I decrease any generator draw overall, and I can add wind as well (not to be used while driving, of course).
[2020-12-13 18:41:42] <Lucifer_arma> the solar panels + battery need to power at minimum the fridge, furnace, water pump, and anything I personally need to plug in (laptop, cell phone, tablet, etc), and interior lights
[2020-12-13 18:42:19] <Lucifer_arma> during the hot texas summer, though, the air conditioners will run 24/7 and I'll need enough capacity to manage that, which is why I can't go without a generator at all
[2020-12-13 18:43:10] <Lucifer_arma> so, with enough power converters, I can make it so that shore power comes in as the AC signal provided and convert it to DC to put on the same power rail, so even if I park it in an RV park, I can still use solar + wind, reducing my overall use of power off the grid
[2020-12-13 18:44:06] <Lucifer_arma> if I do it right, I can also use the generator to reduce any grid dependency I have, so it behooves me to use a quality engine with low emissions that I can bolt on a catalytic converter if needed to further reduce emissions
[2020-12-13 18:44:33] <Lucifer_arma> when driving the RV, it'll be a gas hog, because that's how they are. But when parked and just living in it, I can be quite green and have a very low carbon footprint
[2020-12-13 18:45:26] <Lucifer_arma> also, my youngest turns 18 this summer, and after that, income is the only thing that could anchor me to a specific geographic location, meaning I could head north to reduce AC usage
[2020-12-13 18:45:45] <Lucifer_arma> it's an open debate whether that reduces carbon footprint, considering the gas needed to make the drive in the first place
[2020-12-13 18:47:04] <Lucifer_arma> so yeah, now I need to pay my friend back with different money than I was expecting from selling the 50cc scooter because this is definitely the way to go :)
[2020-12-13 18:57:29] <Lucifer_arma> so the next question is: what's the minimum that has to be done before I can live in it?
[2020-12-13 18:58:32] <Lucifer_arma> Fridge + furnace + lighting + stuff I use + water pump, all powered 24/7 (some of these things obviously don't run 24/7). Then the propane system needs to be overhauled, which I can do for a small amount of money
[2020-12-13 18:59:04] <Lucifer_arma> I can weld the propane tank, so any leaks there can be repaired. I have a gauge to replace on it, the regulator, and then I need to go through the pipes to make sure there are no leaks there.
[2020-12-13 18:59:22] <Lucifer_arma> replace leaking pipes + add appropriate sealant to leaking fittings
[2020-12-13 18:59:56] <Lucifer_arma> so I just need adapters to hook up an air compressor so I can put the system under pressure to look for leaks, and overpressurize it (compared to propane pressure) to cause anything that's already borderline to go ahead and leak so I can fix it now
[2020-12-13 19:01:51] <Lucifer_arma> in the long term I'll be looking at water recycling and stuff to reduce the number of trips I have to make just to maintain systems, and if I can crack the sewage recycling problem, that would be an awesome achievement
[2020-12-13 19:02:39] <Lucifer_arma> best solution right now is a composting toilet, which converts shit from harmful sewage to fertilizer that's safe to throw in the dumpster
[2020-12-13 19:03:32] <Lucifer_arma> so I've been studying up on septic systems to see if it might be possible to create a biome that uses up all the incoming shit + toilet paper while also allowing to recycle the water
[2020-12-13 19:03:48] <Lucifer_arma> you know, a problem that lots of great minds have been working on for decades already
[2020-12-13 19:06:19] <Lucifer_arma> so anyway, while working on the generator, I'm also working on getting the fridge powered up where it's sitting and seeing if it'll run 24/7 on one panel and the few lead acid batteries that are in there
[2020-12-13 19:07:03] <Lucifer_arma> I want the minimum power requirements to be satisfied by solar + batteries
[2020-12-13 21:28:41] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[2020-12-14 01:08:53] <Lucifer_arma> Ha.
[2020-12-14 01:09:04] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: no matter how kind you are, German children are always kinder.
[2020-12-14 01:16:59] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Read error: No route to host)
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[2020-12-14 16:18:33] <Z-Man> GRRRRRRRRRRRROAN
[2020-12-14 20:20:13] <Lucifer_arma> Z-Man: ?
[2020-12-14 20:20:28] <Lucifer_arma> oh, haha :)
[2020-12-14 20:27:39] <Lucifer_arma> I've stumbled across an entire branch of heavily experimental psychological/biological research indicating that eating yogurt might cure depression
[2020-12-14 20:27:44] <Lucifer_arma> I am exaggerating a bit
[2020-12-14 20:28:06] <Lucifer_arma> but now I'm adding yogurt to my diet as a go-to snack in place of ice cream
[2020-12-14 21:23:01] --> zmanuel has joined the channel
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[2020-12-15 16:29:35] <Z-Man> That sounds like a good idea idependently of any effects on the psyche :) But yeah, it's well documented by now that our digestive tract, espectially the bacteria that inhabit it, have an effect on the brain. It's just not exactly clear yet what does what.
[2020-12-15 16:33:48] <Z-Man> My personal go-to solution for any psychotic episodes is to go for a run. That was especially important this fall. I can't tell exactly what was wong in my head. Might have been plain depression or autism spectrum meltdown. Or just cabin fever.
[2020-12-15 16:36:53] <Z-Man> These days, I try to not let it come that far by pretending I'm cycling home from work almost every day :) Bonus: I can choose the direction and the ones that don't go towards my workplace start out much nicer so I'm in the green for much longer than on the regular commute.
[2020-12-15 18:23:35] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap] r1199 As a workaround for crashes when attepmting to spawn somethi...
[2020-12-15 19:43:36] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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[2020-12-15 22:10:16] -!- Lucifer_arma_ changed nick to Lucifer_arma
[2020-12-15 22:32:09] <Lucifer_arma> well, for me, I'm in the worst place you can be with depression. I'm not suicidal, and if I were, I could go to a hospital for immediate treatment :)
[2020-12-15 22:33:56] <Lucifer_arma> otherwise, I'm in that "stay put, do nothing" stage that's in pretty deep. I'm in a good mood, though, so it's not like I'm suffering or anything
[2020-12-15 22:34:14] <Lucifer_arma> so how do I get out and do the other stuff? That's the conundrum.
[2020-12-15 22:35:00] <Lucifer_arma> so, long story short (and I really mean i'm leaving a lot of shit out), I was sitting here doing nothing and reading the news and saw an article about newly published research discussing the link between brain and gut
[2020-12-15 22:36:02] <Lucifer_arma> specifically, they had managed to link some lactobacilli species to depression and other mood disorders. Or rather, the *lack* of some lactobacilli species. So, curious, because I'm lactose intolerant, which is caused by a lack of lactobacilli in the gut, I dug deeper
[2020-12-15 22:36:47] <Lucifer_arma> this new research still doesn't establish in which direction the causal relationship flows, but it did cite previous research where a fecal transplant from a depressed mouse into a healthy mouse led to the healthy mouse becoming depressed
[2020-12-15 22:37:14] <Lucifer_arma> so I asked myself where I could find lactobacilli, since this indicates that there may be a link between depression and lactose intolerance
[2020-12-15 22:37:28] <Lucifer_arma> and 'lo and behold, I found it in greek yogurt specifically.
[2020-12-15 22:38:12] <Lucifer_arma> now, my gut biome hasn't been in good shape for awhile, and there's a chance I caused that condition where alcohol usage kills your gut biome
[2020-12-15 22:38:25] <Lucifer_arma> you'd think it would have recovered by now, and it probably has
[2020-12-15 22:38:55] <Lucifer_arma> so anyway, I had wanted to address gut health, but the probiotic industry is just as snake-oily as the supplement industry, especially since it's part of it
[2020-12-15 22:39:43] <Lucifer_arma> now, my doctor found, almost two years ago, that I *may* have an underactive thyroid. I still haven't gone back for the confirmation blood tests she wanted, because I focused on the addiction recovery stuff at first, then moved to depression, and this one fell off the radar
[2020-12-15 22:40:04] <Lucifer_arma> the problem, of course, is that an underactive thyroid would interact very strongly with depression
[2020-12-15 22:40:22] <Lucifer_arma> so now I'm looking to do literally anything that'll get me out of the house to get those blood tests
[2020-12-15 22:40:39] <Lucifer_arma> right now, that's eating yogurt and wishing I'd been slightly more alert earlier, when I could have gone :/
[2020-12-15 22:41:12] <Lucifer_arma> I will break the cycle, it's a question of "when", not "if"
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[2020-12-16 05:34:55] <Lucifer_arma> ]math calc 4000/14
[2020-12-16 05:34:56] <ljrbot> Lucifer_arma: 285.714285714
[2020-12-16 17:01:32] <Z-Man> "Funny" you mention that... Z-Wife also has both Lactose intolerance and depression, mild forms. She can eat some cheeses all right, and the depression is under control with very light medication we're currently sloooowly reducing.
[2020-12-16 17:08:58] <Z-Man> And jogurt. She can eat some of that. Apparently, cheese and jogurt bacteria break down lactose for themselves without producing acid in the process, which is what the 'bad' bacteria in your gut will do, or the bacteria that make milk sour.
[2020-12-16 17:28:31] <Z-Man> And you get some leftover lactase, so finishing a meal with a jogurt sounds like a plan. Now, I doubt live bacteria in jogurt are any good. They'd have to survive the stomach and then thrive in your gut, where they have to compete with the other bacteria better adapted to living in dark, airless digestive tracts, and they have to be left alone by the immune system.
[2020-12-16 21:04:12] <-- guru3_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[2020-12-17 04:04:25] <Lucifer_arma> Well, the process of making yogurt removes the lactose from the milk, so yogurt is a known safe snack for lactose intolerant people
[2020-12-17 04:04:51] <Lucifer_arma> I did some googling, and apparently some of the bacteria in yogurt can and will survive all the way into the intestinal tract
[2020-12-17 04:05:23] <Lucifer_arma> With probiotics in general, though, as long as you keep taking them, you'll have the bacteria in your gut. When you stop, it'll all get killed.
[2020-12-17 04:05:51] <Lucifer_arma> As you suggest, colonizing the gut is harder than just getting there.
[2020-12-17 04:06:50] <Lucifer_arma> Now, having eaten a good-sized helping of yogurt three days in a row, I already feel like I've gotten a deep colon cleanse, and there's no diarrhea (like you'd have with lactose intolerance)
[2020-12-17 04:07:34] <Lucifer_arma> I haven't been eating a lot otherwise, so I'm wondering how much of the overall mass is unprocessed yogurt vs old stuff that just hadn't made its way out
[2020-12-17 04:08:36] <Lucifer_arma> it's a surprisingly difficult question to answer, since my antidepressant has a side effect of constipation. With the removal of my gall bladder, I'm also no longer able to throttle up the enzyme used to digest fats (produced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder until needed)
[2020-12-17 04:09:22] <Lucifer_arma> but more importantly, overall I've been feeling a bit better. So even if it's just a placebo effect, it's worth continuing to do for now. It takes time for the body to adapt to significant diet changes, after all.
[2020-12-17 04:10:34] <Lucifer_arma> I'm considering cutting my antidepressant in half again, since it also has a side effect that makes me really tired. When I was taking 3 of them, I was basically narcoleptic, but not depressed. So I cut it down to two, and have been doing better, but still a lot of lethargy
[2020-12-17 04:12:13] <Lucifer_arma> but unlike your wife, I started in a pretty deep depression that was fueling substance abuse and being in turn fueled by the substance abuse, so where I'm at right now still represents quite an improvement overall
[2020-12-17 04:12:35] <Lucifer_arma> it's just that depression isn't something you just wake up from, it's often a long-term thing
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[2020-12-20 02:16:03] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap] r1200 Fix CHATTERS_LIST and GET_CURRENT_MAP...
[2020-12-20 13:18:19] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [] r1360 Do not upload alphas and betas to launchpad... || [] r1359 Really test whether appimage can run || [0.4-armagetronad] r3189 Work around old tools... || [0.4-armagetronad] r3188 Merge branch 'asciiwolf-trunk-patch-61957' into 'trunk'... || [0.4-armagetronad] Add OARS to appstream metadata || [0.4-armagetronad] r3187 Remove call to nonexisting function || [0.4
[2020-12-20 13:48:24] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [] r1361 Partial rollback: keep LP uploads for betas...
[2020-12-20 14:18:30] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r36 Stop syncing build module; it's outdated and sync broke...
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[2020-12-20 20:49:57] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [] r1366 Determine release year in CI_INFO...
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[2020-12-21 01:43:04] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
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[2020-12-21 08:22:18] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3191 Remove KGN reference from comment
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[2020-12-21 16:54:13] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3192 Merge from legacy_0.2.9 || [0.4-armagetronad] Make directory for desktop file || [0.4-armagetronad] Merge from legacy_0.2.9
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[2020-12-23 11:34:18] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
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[2020-12-23 13:11:28] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
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[2020-12-24 07:40:05] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1682 Merge from legacy_0.2.8.3 || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1681 Merge: Fix flatpak issues... || [] r1368 Merge from release_0.2.8.3 || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] Name icon in appdir like the desktop file demands || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] Simplify libpng check... || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] Give icons the right name || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] Use relative pat
[2020-12-24 11:10:51] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3193 Merge from legacy_0.2.9 || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1683 Remove fixlinks...
[2020-12-24 11:40:58] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3194 Post-merge fixes
[2020-12-24 12:11:04] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3195 Add support for XDG_CACHE_HOME, move resource cache there
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[2020-12-25 13:16:45] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1684 Add injected by flatpak built to .gitignore...
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[2020-12-26 05:20:07] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1686 Fix windows build...
[2020-12-26 16:22:40] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1687 Merge: Flatpack definition update... || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] Add failed attempt to build flatpak in docker || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] Add update of flatpak build definitions...
[2020-12-26 16:52:42] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1688 Add stricter definitions for HACKS and WIP series
[2020-12-26 19:53:35] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap] r1201 SPAWN_SOCCER: be more specific about zone type in events
[2020-12-26 21:08:33] --> Z-Man- has joined the channel
[2020-12-26 21:08:33] -!- Z-Man changed nick to Guest16435
[2020-12-26 21:08:33] <-- Guest16435 has quit (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
[2020-12-26 21:08:33] -!- Z-Man- changed nick to Z-Man
[2020-12-26 21:14:42] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2020-12-26 21:14:53] --> zmanuel has joined the channel
[2020-12-26 21:14:53] -!- zmanuel changed nick to Z-Man
Searching from 2020-12-27 00:00:00 to 2020-12-27 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.45 seconds
[2020-12-27 09:56:33] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1689 Combine two installs into one
[2020-12-27 12:41:48] --> Armanelgtron_ has joined the channel
[2020-12-27 12:41:48] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
[2020-12-27 12:41:48] -!- Topic set by guru3 on 2015-04-22 20:50:50 UTC
[2020-12-27 12:41:48] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (Disconnected by services)
[2020-12-27 12:41:53] -!- set mode #armagetron +cnrt
[2020-12-27 12:41:53] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2006-11-26 06:42:45 UTC
[2020-12-27 12:44:46] <-- luke-jr has quit (Quit: ZNC -
[2020-12-27 12:47:41] --> luke-jr has joined the channel
[2020-12-27 13:32:34] <-- luke-jr has quit (Quit: ZNC -
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[2020-12-27 17:43:47] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2020-12-27 17:43:59] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
[2020-12-27 21:07:01] --> zmanuel has joined the channel
[2020-12-27 21:07:02] -!- Z-Man changed nick to Guest9761
[2020-12-27 21:07:02] <-- Guest9761 has quit (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
[2020-12-27 21:07:02] -!- zmanuel changed nick to Z-Man
Searching from 2020-12-28 00:00:00 to 2020-12-28 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.44 seconds
[2020-12-28 13:44:26] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[2020-12-28 13:49:02] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
[2020-12-28 19:03:38] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1690 flatpak branch names always match zi names; append _ci...
[2020-12-28 19:33:46] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3197 Switch to modifying experimental_trunk_ci branch for flatpak... || [0.4-armagetronad] r3196 Merge from legacy_0.2.9
[2020-12-28 21:24:12] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2020-12-28 21:29:01] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
Searching from 2020-12-29 00:00:00 to 2020-12-29 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.44 seconds
[2020-12-29 10:43:07] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2020-12-29 10:43:17] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
[2020-12-29 12:07:16] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1692 Base _ci flatpak branch on curent non-ci branch || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1691 Add VERSION_SERIES containing our major version
[2020-12-29 13:07:27] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3199 Set version series to 0.4 || [0.4-armagetronad] r3198 Merge from legacy_0.2.9
[2020-12-29 18:44:12] <-- Lucifer_arma has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[2020-12-29 18:49:02] --> Lucifer_arma has joined the channel
[2020-12-29 21:23:27] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[2020-12-29 21:28:01] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
Searching from 2020-12-30 00:00:00 to 2020-12-30 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.46 seconds
[2020-12-30 02:46:27] <-- Armanelgtron_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[2020-12-30 13:49:15] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2020-12-30 13:49:15] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
[2020-12-30 13:49:15] -!- Topic set by guru3 on 2015-04-22 20:50:50 UTC
[2020-12-30 13:49:21] -!- set mode #armagetron +cnrt
[2020-12-30 13:49:21] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2006-11-26 06:42:45 UTC
[2020-12-30 16:24:11] <-- Armanelgtron has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[2020-12-30 16:24:30] --> Armanelgtron has joined the channel
[2020-12-30 16:24:30] -!- Topic for #armagetron is " | pastebin: | Tournaments: #armagetron.tourneys | Pickup a game: #armagetron.pickup"
[2020-12-30 16:24:30] -!- Topic set by guru3 on 2015-04-22 20:50:50 UTC
[2020-12-30 16:24:33] -!- set mode #armagetron +cnrt
[2020-12-30 16:24:33] -!- Channel #armagetron created on 2006-11-26 06:42:45 UTC
[2020-12-30 17:13:49] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1693 Use pre-supplied images from steam SDK repository...
[2020-12-30 21:22:23] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2020-12-30 21:27:02] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
Searching from 2020-12-31 00:00:00 to 2020-12-31 23:59:59.999999.
Query completed in 0.45 seconds
[2020-12-31 06:46:39] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1694 Steam: Do not pull in system library paths...
[2020-12-31 07:46:55] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3202 Use XDG data dir for log || [0.4-armagetronad] r3201 Merge from legacy_0.2.9 || [0.2.9-armagetronad-work] r1695 Add XDG_*_HOME variables to log
[2020-12-31 21:21:22] <-- Z-Man has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[2020-12-31 21:26:02] --> Z-Man has joined the channel
[2020-12-31 22:37:21] --> ct|kyle has joined the channel
DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.
• Website was created by nelg
• Design:
» Layout is loosely based on an old design by Durf.
» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
» Other icons: fontawesome

is a site that has tools, maps, and other various items. It orignally only existed as a server control panel, but I slowly began adding stuff such as a homepage and tools.