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Log from 2019-11-10: [06:19:52] <Z-Man> Dunno, on some cars, the handbrake thing is dong-shaped. [06:20:27] <Z-Man> My wife can't take placebos. She always reads the packaging carefully and then gets all of the possible side effects. [06:21:01] <Z-Man> s/placebos/homeopathics/, if you like, that's what the packaging says anyway. [07:42:53] <Lucifer_arma> I hope she never goes on webmd then [07:46:14] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets) [18:16:35] <guru3> could someone try to login with their @forums? [19:16:14] <Armanelgtron> @guru3 yeah, appears to be working [19:30:03] <Armanelgtron> @guru3 btw, does the phpbb theme at https://code.launchpad.net/~armagetronad-web/armagetronad/themes work? [19:30:15] <Armanelgtron> I should probably set up a test phpbb installation somewhere and play with it [19:36:58] <Lucifer_arma> Armanelgtron: I haven't done much with the phpbb theme, but it needs a lot of work to be updated to work with newer phpbbs [19:37:23] <Armanelgtron> ah [21:42:22] *** Z-Man is now known as Guest84245 [21:42:22] *** Joins: zmanuel (~Z-Man@p5B326E93.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [21:42:22] *** Quits: Guest84245 (~Z-Man@p4FE3EF6F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (cherryh.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))) [21:42:22] *** zmanuel is now known as Z-Man [22:13:04] <Lucifer_arma> Armanelgtron: actually, I'm remembering having the phpbb theme working, but I needed guru3 to upgrade the forums [22:13:27] <Armanelgtron> oh well I just pushed some fixes [22:16:08] <Armanelgtron> for some resaon I thought it was only that unified theme [22:16:13] <Armanelgtron> but it's actually all the themes [22:16:27] <Armanelgtron> including the one the forums used [22:25:43] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [themes] r49 Work on lackarma2 compatibility with phpBB 3.2 [22:53:09] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets)View entire month