Log from 2019-01-01:
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[17:30:17] <Z-Man> ct|kyle: the sdl2 branch is already merged. The two -ct branches give conflicts on merge with 0.4-armagetronad-work I don't feel confident resolving right now, maybe you want to update them to current 0.4-armagetronad-work first?
[17:30:41] <Z-Man> The other two are being processed and looking good, I'll post the links when they're done.
[17:31:45] <Z-Man> -ct-ladderlog looks doable for me, I'll just have to investigate the source of each side of the conflicts. They're not too many.
[17:32:48] <Z-Man> But -ct has 97 in a screen full of text files, I'm not daring to look at the details.
[17:35:30] <Z-Man> Ah, here's the first one: lp:~z-man/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-v2sty-unified
[17:37:37] <Z-Man> All the v2sty code is in the one merge commit, of course with full history, just not visible in the web UI.
[17:38:13] <Z-Man> And the other one: lp:~z-man/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-delaycmd-unified
[17:42:18] <Z-Man> That one wasn't really worth the full transformation :)
[17:43:06] <Z-Man> I should probably check whether I can do anything for the cmake and fortress-ai branches.
[17:47:37] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r30 Missed that edit.... || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r29 Try ~z-man's -unified module as canonical source of already ... || [0.4-armagetronad-delaycmd-unified] r3080 Merge from lp:~armagetronad-ct/armagetronad/0.4-delaycmd || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r28 Added repair_hack*.sh that can be used to lift branches base... || [0.4-armagetronad-v2sty-unified] r3080 Mer
[18:22:55] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: thanks, what do I need to do to be able to merge it then? that was part of the issue I had bzr kept giving me errors when I tried to merge them
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Log from 2019-01-02:
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[12:35:33] <Z-Man> ct|kyle: Dunno, I only get merge conflict errors. You edit the marked files, remove the <<<<< ===== >>>>> markers (deciding each time which version of the code to keep, or maybe write new code, whatever is required), then call 'bzr resolve <filename>'
[12:36:45] <Z-Man> But I'm going to try something else, it should be possible to just move the branches over at the state of 0.4 they're at. The merge then can happen on the new branch or in the git import and isn't going to be harder.
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[16:42:04] <ct|kyle> what command are you running to do the merge
[16:42:23] <ct|kyle> I think I may not have the correct branch
[16:42:34] <Z-Man> that could be
[16:43:12] <Z-Man> I use 'bzr merge bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-work/'
[16:43:22] <Z-Man> while in the hack branch.
[16:43:40] <Z-Man> Or the other way round, I make a local branch of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-work/
[16:43:49] <ct|kyle> that's it, I was using bzr merge lp:armagetronad/0.4
[16:44:17] <Z-Man> Ah, yeah.
[16:44:34] <Z-Man> My partial transfer plan is going poorly, but I haven't given up yet.
[16:45:19] <ct|kyle> I should be able to resolve the conflicts, when I have a little more time to do that
[16:46:08] <ct|kyle> hopefully they work, I am for some reason having trouble running the code
[16:50:04] <Z-Man> Maybe trouble with a new compiler version that was fixed on 0.4-work in the meantime?
[17:22:52] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad-ct-unified] r2489 Merge from lp:~armagetronad-ct/armagetronad/armagetronad-ct || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r31 Support for merging from hack branches that are not up to da...
[17:23:05] <Z-Man> Partial transfer seems to have worked: lp:~z-man/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-ct-unified
[17:23:49] <Z-Man> That one should be merge compatible with lp:armagetronad.
[17:26:33] <Z-Man> 'bzr missing' tells me it's 642 revisions behind lp:armagetronad, 'bzr log -r ancestor lp:armagetronad' looks like the last common revision of the original branch and 0.4-armagetronad-work. Seems fine.
[17:28:50] <Z-Man> The other problem child is there, too: lp:~z-man/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-ct-ladderlog-unified
[17:53:00] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r34 Forgot to save...... || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r33 Enabling all hack branches.... || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r32 Enabling push of result to lp.... || [0.4-armagetronad-ct-ladderlog-unified] r2426 Merge from lp:~armagetronad-ct/armagetronad/armagetronad-ct-...
[18:49:06] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: not sure, make run gave me a seg fault
[18:49:23] <ct|kyle> I've not had that much time to look into it though
[18:49:52] <ct|kyle> I'm trying to revive ct's old forums :)
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Log from 2019-01-03:
[00:36:07] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets)
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[00:53:20] <Armanelgtron> while rookie is proclaiming he's worked with "every dev" to make a "ten step plan" ...
[00:53:45] <Armanelgtron> to "bring tron back"
[01:04:44] <Z-Man> Ten steps? Ridiculous. We need three:
[01:04:52] <Z-Man> 1. Make life less miserable for developers
[01:05:01] <Z-Man> 2. Make life less miserable for players
[01:05:38] <Z-Man> 3. ???? PROFIT
[01:06:09] <Z-Man> And now I messed it up :) Should have gone with the spanish inquisition or something.
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[14:27:49] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r35 Added script to treat our unmerged branches.
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[18:58:51] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad-fortress_ai-unified-raw] r2692 Merge from lp:~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/trunk-armagetro...
[19:59:02] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r22 added local test case
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Log from 2019-01-04:
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[12:32:39] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad-fortress_ai-unified-raw] r2692 Merge from lp:~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/trunk-armagetro... || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r37 Disabling cmake branch, does not work :(... || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r36 Renamed target branch, we need to postprocess it....
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[15:12:26] <Z-Man> ct|kyle: I had to delete the last two branches again (the ct ones), they turned out to be divergent when imported into git. I need to take more care creating them.
[15:33:26] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r24 git co -> git checkout, not everyone has that alias.... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r23 removed --dry-run training wheels
[16:03:33] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r22 added local test case
[16:51:52] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: thanks for letting me know, I might get some time to see if ican merge them this weekend
[18:05:26] <Z-Man> GAAAA, that explains a lot. 'bzr revno -r ancestor:<other branch>' doesn't work properly.
[18:20:35] <Z-Man> Correction: It does work properly. But there's inteed a common revision on trunk-fortress_ai and 0.4-armagetronad that's not yet on the revision I'd like revno-r ancestor to report.
[18:21:14] <Z-Man> Lesson: Do not daggy-merge individual bugfixes into feature branches.
[18:21:54] <Z-Man> Meta-Lesson: Do not apply things you just heard about willy-nilly just because they sound cool and clever.
[18:22:18] <Z-Man> Nah, not learning that one.
[18:27:28] <Z-Man> That explains why it was next to impossible to merge the fortress_ai branch.
[18:27:49] <Z-Man> And also why all the clever transfer stuff I tried yesterday did not work at all.
[19:33:18] <ct|kyle> interesting
[19:34:37] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r39 With the new cleanup, the old branch name is fine.... || [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r38 Cleaner repair process....
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Log from 2019-01-05:
[00:17:44] *** Joins: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets)
[05:36:58] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r40 Starting final export earilier....
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[11:08:14] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-unification-scripts] r41 Activating push to lp. Results look good, history in bzr is...
[14:36:47] <Z-Man> ct|kyle: corrected branches uploaded, they merge in git (with conflicts) and bzr, history matches as best as it can.
[14:36:55] <Z-Man> lp:~z-man/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-ct-ladderlog-unified
[14:37:02] <Z-Man> lp:~z-man/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-ct-unified
[14:39:54] <Z-Man> The fortress AI branch is now also moved to the new 0.4 branches without -work,
[14:39:54] <Z-Man> lp:~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-fortress_ai
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Log from 2019-01-06:
[06:35:28] <Z-Man> WOO found an old local copy to trunk-cmake.
[06:36:53] <Z-Man> Good thing that my strategy for setting up a new pc always is to stuff everything from the old one into an "old/<pcname>" directory and forgetting about it.
[07:12:05] <Z-Man> lp:~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-cmake
[07:12:38] <Z-Man> ^ rescued cmake branch, theoretically merge-compatible with 0.4-armagetronad.
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[17:29:27] <Armanelgtron> is there a command which lets you spawn teams without the teammates spawning next to one another? like in other spawnpoints?
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Log from 2019-01-07:
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[00:46:12] <luke-jr> Armanelgtron: I think maps might be able to do that?
[00:46:25] <luke-jr> Z-Man: btw, cmake sucks :P
[07:25:34] <ct|kyle> Armanelgtron: subspawn points, see https://pastebin.com/etdTuBRf
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[13:00:56] <Z-Man> luke-jr: Of course it does. To quote from https://youtu.be/sBP17HQAQjk?t=202 : "Every build system is terrible".
[13:02:32] <Z-Man> That's just a basic invariant. You can't get a build system that's simple, flexible, supports all the actions needed on all OSes AND deals with all of the stupid corner cases.
[13:03:59] <luke-jr> autotools works fairly decent
[13:05:05] <Z-Man> On Linux, yes. OSX, it's decent, I suppose. Windows? Nah.
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[14:27:17] <Z-Man> https://github.com/ArmagetronAd now also exists.
[14:50:42] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r28 activate sync to github... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r27 Correctly handle the case when the local branch does not yet...
[17:51:15] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r33 added delaycmd... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r32 fix typo... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r31 add common hack branches to sync_all... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r30 add sync scripts for hack and feature branches... || [armagetronad-gitbzr-scripts] r29 update comment...
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Log from 2019-01-08:
[05:17:10] <luke-jr> Windows still exists?
[05:24:07] <luke-jr> Z-Man: the git log shows me as <Unknown> -.-
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[15:55:45] <Z-Man> luke-jr: yeah, those are your svn commits. They don't have an email address associated with them. bzr commits show you as Luke Dashjr <luke+bzr@dashjr.org>.
[15:55:51] <Z-Man> The same happened with my commits.
[15:57:17] <Z-Man> bzr-git may have an option to add a user mapping file that would have gotten rid of that identity crisis, but this was too much work already and a user mapping would have increased the chances of sync errors later when the user mapping file changed/got lost or the mapping from bzr to git is not one to one.
[18:10:09] <luke-jr> hm, odd
[18:11:11] <luke-jr> GitHub has amazingly low commit counts. I guess almost everything was svn then?
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[22:16:46] <ct|kyle> luke-jr: I would suspect that you had a lot more in svn than bzr
[22:21:18] <ct|kyle> also for instance hack-v2sty is merged into the mainline so commit history is lost for that
[22:21:22] <luke-jr> ct|kyle: it's not just me (actually, GitHub lists me as #2)
[22:21:44] <ct|kyle> I have none in the master branch
[22:22:20] <ct|kyle> that's only showing trunk / master commits
[22:30:21] <ct|kyle> luke-jr: in my fork, I jsut added sty+ct as default branch https://github.com/kslane/armagetronad/graphs/contributors
Log from 2019-01-09:
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[18:32:26] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3087 merge *~ into .gitignore || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1492 Added emacs backup files to .gitignore... || [0.4-armagetronad] r3086 merge git versioning from 0.2.8 || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1491 add git as a version source...
[19:04:28] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3088 change git version prefix to z...
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[17:39:25] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1498 remove empty directory...
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[18:30:02] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3090 merge eVoter safety from 0.2.8 || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1499 safer vote item properties...
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[16:17:39] <Z-Man> oops, forked bombed myself.
[16:18:33] <Z-Man> well, not really, but a linear loop forking processes is bad enough :)
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[17:10:53] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1500 add eVoteItemServerControlled::Pending()...
[17:41:01] <ljrbot> New news from bzr: [0.4-armagetronad] r3091 merge from 0.2.8... || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1502 add translation update backups to ignore list || [0.2.8-armagetronad-work] r1501 changing expired vote notice...
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[17:31:42] <Z-Man> Neat, both github and gitlab support referencing issues in commit messages if you just paste in the full issue URI.
[19:41:13] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: ya it's prettty neat, you can also do #xxxx in github even on forked branches if you reference the issue number
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[16:06:55] <Z-Man> Yeah, but then GitHub and GitLab will both think we mean THEIR issue.
[16:08:08] <Z-Man> Granted, that could be easily solved by disabling the issue tracker on one of them, but right now, while we're getting the feel of things, I'd like to give both a bit of a try.
[16:45:34] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: I agree I think both have differnt pros / cons. Also a side note, I am working on the delay command thing (should not take too much time, just having a hard time finding the time) hopefully soon we can close that branch
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[16:32:40] <Armanelgtron> Z-Man: you still host armagetron tournament server? We could use an EU JTST server
[16:32:44] <Armanelgtron> servers*
[16:33:08] <Armanelgtron> tournament servers* bah, I think you get what I mean :P
[17:00:04] <Z-Man> Armanelgtron: I still have my server, yes.
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[16:47:45] <Armanelgtron> Z-Man: thank you
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[10:39:27] <Armanelgtron> is there a way to always show the scoreboard on vanilla
[10:40:39] <Armanelgtron> a setting that I'm not seeing
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[18:02:15] <Z-Man> Armanelgtron: No, I don't think so.
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Log from 2019-01-29:
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Log from 2019-01-30:
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Log from 2019-01-31:
[09:05:22] *** Quits: physkets (~physkets@unaffiliated/physkets) (Quit: physkets)
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DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.
• Website was created by nelg
• Design:
» Layout is loosely based on an old design by Durf.
» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
» Other icons: fontawesome

is a site that has tools, maps, and other various items. It orignally only existed as a server control panel, but I slowly began adding stuff such as a homepage and tools.