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Log from 2017-09-24:
[01:55:26] <AmarokNelg> Z-Man: are there build instructions for linux portableapps somewhere?
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[04:42:50] <Z-Man> AmarokNelg: the scripts and stuff are in our much too convoluted build auxiliary branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.2.8-build-work/
[04:43:33] <Z-Man> check that one out next to an 'armagetronad' source directory and type 'make portable_client' a couple of times until it works. Twice should do it.
[04:44:19] <Z-Man> Of course, for 0.4, there's the different branch for it, just replace 0.2.8 with 0.4.
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