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Log from 2017-09-08: [00:04:36] <AmarokNelg> I dont think your master server 4 is working properly Lucifer_arma [06:00:08] *** Quits: Lucifer_arma (~quassel@cpe-66-68-59-243.austin.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:02:18] *** Joins: Lucifer_arma (~quassel@cpe-66-68-59-243.austin.res.rr.com) [07:22:27] *** Joins: ct|kyle (~kyle@ [10:24:09] *** Joins: G5 (~g5@p2003006A6A187F0045901331041F85A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [11:20:08] *** Quits: danar (~danar@botters/staff/adran) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:26:28] *** Joins: danar (~danar@botters/staff/adran) [14:51:42] *** Joins: dom96_ (~dom96@mail.nim-lang.org) [14:55:36] *** Quits: dom96 (~dom96@unaffiliated/dom96) (Quit: Bye.) [14:55:45] *** dom96_ is now known as dom96 [14:55:46] *** Quits: dom96 (~dom96@mail.nim-lang.org) (Changing host) [14:55:46] *** Joins: dom96 (~dom96@unaffiliated/dom96) [17:02:38] *** Quits: G5 (~g5@p2003006A6A187F0045901331041F85A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) () [21:19:56] *** Joins: Z-Man- (~Z-Man@p4FE3E5EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [21:19:56] *** Quits: Z-Man (~Z-Man@p5B3266E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (card.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))) [21:19:56] *** Z-Man- is now known as Z-Man [22:52:49] *** Quits: ct|kyle (~kyle@ (Remote host closed the connection)View entire month