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Log from 2017-07-01:
[05:26:32] <Z-Man> Yeah, those old farts could still delay things.
[05:27:55] <Z-Man> But really, they only one ambiguous sentence about "protecting marriage" to go by.
[05:28:46] <Z-Man> And one, none of the new stuff prevents protection of hetero marriage
[05:30:55] <Z-Man> And secondly, it hinges on the definition of marriage. That just got changed with almost a 2/3rd majority required for changes to the Grundgesetz (constitution).
[15:01:17] <Z-Man> My phone ONLY gets better if I switch it to G2. My wife's phone does not even see the right network.
[15:02:31] <Z-Man> Err, with better, I meant any reception at all.
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[16:28:37] <wrtlprnft> I kind of like those old farts for their decisions regarding Vorratsdatenspeicherung and DNS blocking
[16:29:24] <wrtlprnft> Yeah, so next step: change the constitution :-D
[16:31:43] <wrtlprnft> Don't get me wrong, marriage for everyone should definitely be allowed, but passing legislation that ignores the constitution doesn't really help
[19:05:01] <luke-jr> Z-Man: courts don't decide reality
[19:05:18] <luke-jr> marriage is for procreation. people who can't procreate, can't marry.
[19:05:29] <luke-jr> (or rather, can't make the attempt)
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[19:51:09] <sinewav> luke-jr: You realize that there are many different definitions of marriage and that every society defines their own? Just making sure you understand that.
[19:56:34] <luke-jr> sinewav: the only one that matters is the natural law
[19:58:59] <sinewav> Again, that's an opinion you and a subset of the country hold. Every country defines it's values differently, collectively. Just reminding you.
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Log from 2017-07-02:
[03:11:40] *** AmarokNelg_ is now known as AmarokNelg
[06:07:31] <wrtlprnft> there are other reasons why married couples may not be able to procreate
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Log from 2017-07-03:
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[16:44:39] <Z-Man> Yeah, and nowhere in the existing laws is even the intention to procreate made a requirement for marriage. So nope, as far as lawyer laws are concerned, that can't be made a requirement all of a sudden.
[17:06:51] <Z-Man> Plus, same sex couples can help raise society's children. Not everyone has to bake their own.
[17:08:41] <Z-Man> (Not a typo, /me may have some misconceptions about where kids come from)
[17:34:17] <ct|kyle> Z-Man: so z-girl came from the oven?
[17:51:47] <Z-Man> I guess?
[17:51:58] <Z-Man> http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/win-win
[19:18:39] <sinewav> If procreation is a requirement for marriage, then what about sterile persons and women after menopause?
[19:19:15] <sinewav> I love SMBC.
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Log from 2017-07-04:
[01:28:38] <wrtlprnft> Ther is probably no such thing as a sterile person. What if a Miracle happens?
[04:02:50] <luke-jr> indeed, but more to the point: they can still make the attempt
[04:09:36] <wrtlprnft> To state the obvious: a gay couple can attempt various things that are just as likely to succeed as the things an 80-year old couple could do
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[19:18:51] <Lucifer_arma> I've had a vasectomy, so I guess that makes my second marriage invalid.  No wait, luke-jr will say that it's invalid because it's a second marriage.
[19:19:20] <Lucifer_arma> and yet, one of the reasons we got married was to provide a solid relationship and some financial stability for our kids
[19:19:33] <Lucifer_arma> so it's not like some issues that result from procreation weren't involved
[19:21:35] <Lucifer_arma> in other news, my boss dumped his boyfriend a couple of days ago
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[23:13:29] <ct|kyle> Lucifer_arma: still making Fries?

Log from 2017-07-05:
[00:41:54] <AmarokNelg> ct|kyle: capital letter fries?
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Log from 2017-07-06:
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Log from 2017-07-07:
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[22:47:32] <Lucifer_arma> AmarokNelg_: since we make them from scratch, yes, they get a capital letter
[22:48:03] <Lucifer_arma> ct|kyle: lots of drama at work, but I'm in for a promotion that I'm pretty much guaranteed to get, as long as I'm willing to work there.
[23:00:46] <ct|kyle> Lucifer_arma: what chain is it again?
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Log from 2017-07-08:
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Log from 2017-07-09:
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[20:42:44] <Lucifer_arma> ct|kyle: thought I answered already.  It's a local Austin chain that hasn't yet expanded outside of Austin called P. Terry's.
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Log from 2017-07-10:
[03:04:16] <AmarokNelg_> Lucifer_arma: he said "again" for a reason :P
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Log from 2017-07-11:
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Log from 2017-07-14:
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Log from 2017-07-15:
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DISCLAIMER: These logs of public chat may contain some content which may not be appropriate for all audiences. Use at your own risk.
Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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