Log from 2008-08-11:
--- Day changed Mon Aug 11 2008
00:34 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871431.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
00:34 -!- zmanuel [n=manuel@p50871431.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
01:12 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871431.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
01:14 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871431.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
01:16 <epsy> Lizmatic, got deconnected too?
01:17 <epsy> disconnected*
01:17 <epsy> looks like
01:18 <Monkey_arma> OMG Zop is back!
01:18 <Stewah> omg what where?!?!?!?
01:23 <Monkey_arma> stewwwaaaahhhhh....here is zop....http://www.ilovecucumbers.com
01:26 <Stewah> ...
01:36 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871431.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
01:46 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has quit []
01:59 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has joined #armagetron
02:18 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [".. but he will be back!"]
02:18 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
02:24 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has quit ["Leaving"]
03:52 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work decima
03:52 <armabot> ♪ decima is obsolete. ♫
03:52 <luke-jr> f u ct|kyle
03:52 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work decimal
03:52 <armabot> ♪ decimal is obsolete. ♫
03:52 <luke-jr> #alias remove luke-jr-world
03:52 <armabot> luke-jr: Error: There is no such alias.
03:53 <ct|kyle> LOL
03:53 <luke-jr> #alias remove luke-jr-work
03:53 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:55 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work luke-jr
03:55 <armabot> ♪ luke-jr is obsolete. ♫
03:55 <luke-jr> #alias remove luke-jr-work
03:55 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
03:55 <luke-jr> #/me kicks ct|kyle.
03:55 * armabot kicks ct|kyle.
03:56 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: gay
03:56 <luke-jr> ]/me ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
03:56 * ljrbot ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
03:56 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work ivantis
03:56 <luke-jr> #/me ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
03:56 <armabot> ♪ ivantis is obsolete. ♫
03:56 * armabot ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
04:01 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr-work ftp
04:01 <ljrbot> ♪ ftp is obsolete. ♫
04:01 <luke-jr> #/me ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
04:01 * armabot ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
04:01 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr-work html
04:01 <ljrbot> ♪ html is obsolete. ♫
04:02 <epsy> ]luke-jr-work ██████████
04:02 <ljrbot> ♪ ██████████ is obsolete. ♫
04:02 <luke-jr> stfu epsy
04:02 <ct|kyle> nice epsy
04:02 <ct|kyle> :D
04:03 <Lucifer> ]luke-jr-work ljrbot
04:03 <ljrbot> ♪ ljrbot is obsolete. ♫
04:03 <epsy> ]luke-jr-work ⌨
04:03 <ljrbot> ♪ ⌨ is obsolete. ♫
04:03 <luke-jr> ]alias remove luke-jr-work
04:03 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:03 <Lucifer> ]luke-jr-work jesus
04:03 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr-work luke-jr
04:03 <ljrbot> Lucifer: Error: "luke-jr-work" is not a valid command.
04:03 <ljrbot> ct|kyle: Error: "luke-jr-work" is not a valid command.
04:03 <Lucifer> #luke-jr jesus
04:03 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr-work the bible
04:03 <ljrbot> ct|kyle: Error: "luke-jr-work" is not a valid command.
04:04 <armabot> Lucifer: timed out
04:04 <Lucifer> #list alias
04:04 <armabot> Lucifer: monologue, roulette, #lags, #noob, /me, 42, aawiki, action, add, afl, aka, armabot, armaconfig, armaservers, armasettings, arrow, babel, bak, ball, bigbrother, bigos, bing, blah, botsnack, bounce, brb, bug, bye, bzr, cafe, cat, cfg, cfg2, chainfight, chatlog, check, cheers, cinf, cink, commands, cookie, crashme, crazylate, ctwf, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, ddl, del, devhelp, (4 more messages)
04:04 <luke-jr> #alias remove luke-jr
04:04 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <Lucifer> #list luke-jr
04:04 <armabot> Lucifer: Error: 'luke-jr' is not a valid plugin.
04:04 <luke-jr> #alias remove luke-jr-work
04:04 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <Lucifer> #help luke-jr
04:04 <armabot> Lucifer: Error: There is no command "lukejr".
04:04 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr-work the bible
04:04 <ljrbot> ♪ the bible is obsolete. ♫
04:04 <luke-jr> ]alias remove luke-jr-work
04:04 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <luke-jr> ]admin ignore add ct|kyle
04:04 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <Lucifer> #ping
04:04 <armabot> pong
04:04 <Lucifer> #echo ]ping
04:04 <armabot> Lucifer: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
04:04 <Lucifer> #echo "]ping"
04:04 <armabot> ]ping
04:04 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work god
04:04 <armabot> ♪ god is obsolete. ♫
04:05 <ct|kyle> #echo ]alias add luke-jr-work echo ♪ @1 is obsolete. ♫
04:05 <armabot> ct|kyle: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
04:05 <Lucifer> ]echo #echo ]ping
04:05 <ljrbot> Lucifer: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
04:05 <Lucifer> ]echo #echo "]ping"
04:05 <ljrbot> #echo ]ping
04:05 <armabot> ljrbot: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
04:05 <ct|kyle> #echo "]alias add luke-jr-work echo ♪ @1 is obsolete. ♫"
04:05 <armabot> ]alias add luke-jr-work echo ♪ @1 is obsolete. ♫
04:05 <Lucifer> ]echo #echo ""]ping""
04:05 <ljrbot> Lucifer: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
04:05 <luke-jr> Lucifer: I intentionally picked ] to prevent easy looping
04:06 <Lucifer> ]echo #echo \]ping
04:06 <ljrbot> Lucifer: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
04:06 <Lucifer> oh well
04:06 <luke-jr> #seen luke-jr
04:06 <armabot> luke-jr: luke-jr was last seen in #armagetron 26 seconds ago: <luke-jr> Lucifer: I intentionally picked ] to prevent easy looping
04:06 <Lucifer> the choice of ] as a character was good because it prevents easy looping
04:06 <epsy> #ls ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉
04:06 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work jesus
04:06 <armabot> epsy: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
04:06 <armabot> ♪ jesus is obsolete. ♫
04:07 <epsy> #lukejrwork ✂
04:07 <armabot> ♪ ✂ is obsolete. ♫
04:07 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: Lucifer: I intentionally picked ] to prevent easy looping
04:07 <Lucifer> ct|kyle: luke-jr: Lucifer: I intentionally picked ] to prevent easy looping
04:07 <ct|kyle> before what you said Lucifer
04:08 <ct|kyle> Lucifer: ct|kyle: luke-jr: Lucifer: I intentionally picked ] to prevent easy looping
04:08 <epsy> #lukejrwork ♘
04:08 <armabot> ♪ ♘ is obsolete. ♫
04:08 <hoax> ljrbot, jesus ftw!
04:08 <ljrbot> a common typo.
04:08 <Lucifer> jesus is a common typo?
04:08 <Lucifer> ]jesus
04:08 <ljrbot> Lucifer: Error: "jesus" is not a valid command.
04:08 <epsy> #lukejrwork ♘
04:08 <armabot> ♪ ♘ is obsolete. ♫
04:08 <epsy> #lukejrwork ♨
04:08 <armabot> ♪ ♨ is obsolete. ♫
04:08 <Lucifer> #lukejrwork epsy's keyboard
04:08 <armabot> ♪ epsy's keyboard is obsolete. ♫
04:09 <epsy> #lukejrwork ⚅⚅⚅
04:09 <armabot> ♪ ⚅⚅⚅ is obsolete. ♫
04:09 <epsy> wrong, i still need crtl+c, ctrl+v
04:09 <ct|kyle> right click copy right click paste
04:09 <epsy> duh
04:09 <ct|kyle> no need fo keyboard then
04:09 <epsy> duck the ducking duckers
04:10 <ct|kyle> #lukejrwork duck the ducking duckers
04:10 <armabot> ♪ duck the ducking duckers is obsolete. ♫
04:10 <epsy> #lukejrwork ☎
04:10 <armabot> ♪ ☎ is obsolete. ♫
04:10 <epsy> #lukejrwork ☟
04:10 <armabot> ♪ ☟ is obsolete. ♫
04:10 <Lucifer> [21:09] <epsy> duh
04:10 <epsy> zomg ur obsol33te
04:11 <ct|kyle> #lukejrwork subversion
04:11 <armabot> ♪ subversion is obsolete. ♫
04:11 <epsy> Lucifer, speaking of duh's
04:11 <Lucifer> what did I do this time?
04:12 <luke-jr> #alias add obsolete echo ♪ $@ is obsolete. ♫
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:12 <epsy> the testcase compiled, rand, and .. urm
04:12 <luke-jr> #obsolete epsy
04:12 <armabot> ♪ $@ is obsolete. ♫
04:12 <epsy> hahahahaha
04:12 <ct|kyle> fail
04:12 <luke-jr> #help echo
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
04:12 <epsy> Lucifer, it majestually failed
04:12 <luke-jr> ]help echo
04:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: (echo <text>) -- Returns the arguments given it. Uses our standard substitute on the string(s) given to it; $nick (or $who), $randomNick, $randomInt, $botnick, $channel, $user, $host, $today, $now, and $randomDate are all handled appropriately.
04:12 <luke-jr> :/
04:12 <luke-jr> ]help alias
04:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: Error: There is no command "alias".
04:12 <epsy> Lucifer, in the least expected way
04:12 <luke-jr> ]help alias add
04:12 <ljrbot> luke-jr: (alias add <name> <alias>) -- Defines an alias <name> that executes <alias>. The <alias> should be in the standard "command argument [nestedcommand argument]" arguments to the alias; they'll be filled with the first, second, etc. arguments. $1, $2, etc. can be used for required arguments. @1, @2, etc. can be used for optional arguments. $* simply means "all remaining arguments," and cannot be (1 more message)
04:13 <luke-jr> #alias add obsolete echo ♪ $* is obsolete. ♫
04:13 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:13 <Lucifer> epsy: that's good news, never trust any code that runs right the first time!
04:13 <luke-jr> #obsolete epsy
04:13 <armabot> ♪ epsy is obsolete. ♫
04:13 <ct|kyle> #lukejrwork luke-jr
04:13 <armabot> ♪ luke-jr is obsolete. ♫
04:13 <epsy> Lucifer, actually, it's just that the tConfItemFunc doesnt make it into the final binary :X
04:13 <luke-jr> #alias remove lukejrwork
04:13 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:13 <luke-jr> #obsolete tConfItemFunc
04:13 <armabot> ♪ tConfItemFunc is obsolete. ♫
04:13 <Lucifer> hmmm, seems like that should be becuase nothing is calling it?
04:13 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work doh
04:14 <Lucifer> I saw you talking about it, but I was going to bed when I saw it
04:14 <luke-jr> #obsolete tConfLuciKyle
04:14 <armabot> ♪ tConfLuciKyle is obsolete. ♫
04:14 <epsy> what do you mean?
04:14 <Lucifer> the linker doesn't link in anything that's not actually called
04:14 <Lucifer> the compiler builds the object code for it, but the linker actually selects what goes in
04:14 <epsy> er, even for a static variable?
04:15 <Lucifer> er, yeah? Hmmmmm...........
04:15 * Lucifer thinks he needs to watch the whole thing build
04:15 <Lucifer> this is in the trunk?
04:15 <epsy> yeah
04:15 <epsy> er
04:15 <epsy> in trunk-armagetronad-eevent or something like that
04:16 <epsy> there's a bug in it, i forgot to add m.BroadCast() in the last part but i guess that's no big deal
04:16 <epsy> heh :P
04:16 <ct|kyle> ]echo luke-jr is a n00b
04:16 <ljrbot> luke-jr is a n00b
04:16 <epsy> rebellion!
04:17 <epsy> i guess it's just that i did something really stupid gah :X
04:17 <Lucifer> getting it
04:17 <ct|kyle> ]alias add luke-jr echo ♪ @1 is obsolete. ♫
04:17 <ljrbot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:17 <luke-jr> ]alias remove luke-jr
04:17 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:17 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr heh
04:17 <ljrbot> ct|kyle: Error: "luke-jr" is not a valid command.
04:17 <luke-jr> ]admin ignore add ct|kyle
04:17 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:17 <ct|kyle> ]alias add luke-jr echo ♪ @1 is obsolete. ♫
04:17 <epsy> ]help admin ignore add
04:18 <ljrbot> epsy: (admin ignore add <hostmask|nick> [<expires>]) -- Ignores <hostmask> or, if a nick is given, ignores whatever hostmask that nick is currently using. <expires> is a "seconds from now" value that determines when the ignore will expire; if, for instance, you wish for the ignore to expire in an hour, you could give an <expires> of 3600. If no <expires> is given, the ignore will never automatically (1 more message)
04:18 <luke-jr> epsy: with it being in ##politics, I use that regularly
04:18 <ct|kyle> ]alias add luke-jr echo ♪ @1 is obsolete. ♫
04:21 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr god
04:23 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has joined #armagetron
04:23 <ct|kyle> o0
04:23 <ct|kyle> #xfroggy
04:24 <epsy> xfroggy, hacs
04:24 <ct|kyle> xfroggy: you missed all the fun
04:24 <xfroggy> :S
04:24 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr you are gay
04:25 <Lucifer> epsy: can I just compile a client, or should I compile the server?
04:25 <epsy> server
04:26 <epsy> then fire up the server and type hello_world
04:27 <ct|kyle> Lucifer: i think your quote i added crashed bash.org for good
04:27 <ct|kyle> ljrbot has invited ct|kyle@irc.freenode.net to the chat room ##Church shall i accept?
04:27 <epsy> yes
04:27 <ct|kyle> no i'll pass
04:27 <epsy> OMG CLONEBOT!
04:28 <ct|kyle> :)
04:29 <Lucifer> In file included from engine/eEvent.cpp:28:
04:29 <Lucifer> engine/eEvent.h:83: error: extra qualification ‘eEventType::’ on member ‘FetchEventType’
04:29 <luke-jr> #obsolete FetchEventType
04:29 <armabot> ♪ FetchEventType is obsolete. ♫
04:30 <ct|kyle> #luke-jr-work luke-jr
04:30 <armabot> ♪ luke-jr is obsolete. ♫
04:30 <xfroggy> #luke-jr-work
04:30 <armabot> ♪ is obsolete. ♫
04:30 <xfroggy> hrm
04:30 <ct|kyle> ]luke-jr should do same
04:31 <epsy> luke-jr, somehow that passed trough my compiler
04:31 <luke-jr> #obsolete epsy's compiler
04:31 <armabot> ♪ epsy's compiler is obsolete. ♫
04:32 <Lucifer> dave@fiona:~$ gcc --version
04:32 <Lucifer> gcc (GCC) 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)
04:32 <Lucifer> #luke-jr-work luke-jr should shut the fuck up
04:32 <armabot> ♪ luke-jr should shut the fuck up is obsolete. ♫
04:32 <luke-jr> #alias remove luke-jr-work
04:32 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:32 <epsy> got an older "obsolete" one: 3.4.6
04:32 <luke-jr> 3.4.6 wtf
04:32 <luke-jr> #obsolete 3.4.6 really
04:33 <armabot> ♪ 3.4.6 really is obsolete. ♫
04:33 <epsy> i have 4.1.1 too :D
04:33 <Lucifer> I removed the extra stuff from that line and it's continuing to build
04:36 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
04:37 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
04:46 <xfroggy> #obsolete ct|kyle
04:46 <armabot> ♪ ct|kyle is obsolete. ♫
04:49 <ct|kyle> #kille xfroggy
04:49 <ct|kyle> #kill xfroggy
04:49 <armabot> xfroggy will die on Mon Aug 11 04:49:31 2008 due to being stabbed in the eye by ct|kyle
04:50 <xfroggy> #omgarmageddonpwnznorsz ct|kyle
04:50 <ct|kyle> #orly xfroggy
05:06 -!- GoInVeR [i=927372ee@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-2a6174a5763bff23] has joined #armagetron
05:11 <GodTodd> luke-jr, stfuyfwmf
05:11 <luke-jr> #obsolete GodTodd
05:11 <armabot> ♪ GodTodd is obsolete. ♫
05:11 <GodTodd> i'm glad you think so...maybe now you'll stop trying to have sex with me
05:12 <GodTodd> #obsolete luke-jr sucks big fat hairy donkey dick and
05:13 <armabot> ♪ luke-jr sucks big fat hairy donkey dick and is obsolete. ♫
05:16 -!- GoInVeR [i=927372ee@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-2a6174a5763bff23] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
05:30 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:47 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
05:48 -!- G5_ [n=G5@p5796216F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
05:52 <Lucifer> GodTodd: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=5552954&page=1
05:55 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:57 -!- G5 [n=G5@p5796241A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:22 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@123-187-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit []
06:53 -!- wire [n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd] has quit ["0011000101110111011112"]
07:09 -!- wireddd [n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd] has joined #armagetron
07:10 <GodTodd> Lucifer, yeah...pretty much what i'd expect...mccain saying "stop now" and obama saying "please stop please"
07:11 <Lucifer> got another one for you
07:11 <Lucifer> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/world/europe/10diplo.html?ref=asia
07:12 <Lucifer> conveniently, we're stretched out think in Iraq and Afghanistan and hardly in shape to oppose Russia for such a small issue
07:12 <Lucifer> s/think/thin
07:15 <Lucifer> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/08/10/ST2008081002626.html
07:17 <Lucifer> In a formal statement, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev repeated charges of genocide by Georgian troops. "The information we are receiving attests to the fact that crimes of the most serious kind have been committed: people have been murdered, burnt, crushed by tanks, had their throats cut," he said. He added that evidence must be collected to enable "criminal prosecution of their perpetrators." <--- Medvedev is setting up a
07:17 <Lucifer> case to invade Georgia
07:17 <Lucifer> which they've technically done, but I think he's setting up for an occupation
07:17 <Lucifer> long-term occupation
07:18 * Lucifer thinks this is the most important news going on right now
07:19 <GodTodd> well, yeah...isn't georgia about the strongest of the satellites?
07:20 <Lucifer> I don't know, haven't spent much time looking at all of them :)
07:20 <Lucifer> but georgia's got two breakaway regions in it
07:21 <Lucifer> I think this is more like a training exercise for the Russian military, which hasn't done much of anything since their failed invasion of Afghanistan
07:21 <Lucifer> and they're basically telling the US to fuck off and leave them alone to deal with this
07:21 <GodTodd> yep
07:21 <Lucifer> it's like spidey invading one of luke-jr's ai allies and telling luke-jr to fuck off :)
07:22 <GodTodd> thing is...we need russia more than we need georgia
07:22 <Lucifer> I think they're ramping up for a Ukraine invasion, that's where I think this is headed
07:22 <Lucifer> yeah, but our hawkish government has to keep pushing the wrong Russian buttons
07:22 <GodTodd> ultimately i think they want the ussr back
07:23 <Lucifer> you know, I don't think they care so much about the form of government, so long as it's strong
07:23 <Lucifer> I suspect they're on the path to rebuilding the former Russian Empire
07:23 <GodTodd> well...that's what i mean...not necessarily socialist but all of it back together
07:24 <Lucifer> yeah, then I agree with you :)
07:24 <Lucifer> they're gaming their economy like a wargamer, not like a peaceful democracy
07:25 <GodTodd> they picked the perfect time (and it's not a coincidence, i'm sure) because there ain't shit we can do about any of it
07:25 <Lucifer> Georgian officials also said that Russian bombers have eight times attempted to hit an oil pipeline that crosses Georgia and connects Azerbaijan and Turkey, and is part of Europe's energy chain.
07:26 <Lucifer> why has it taken eight times and they still haven't hit it? ;)
07:26 <Lucifer> this action is predicted by my theory of Russian involvement in 9/11
07:26 <Lucifer> s/is/was
07:27 <Lucifer> doesn't prove my theory, there are other reasons and possibilities, of course
07:28 <Lucifer> there is a snag, though
07:28 <Lucifer> Georgia did move first, by most non-georgian accounts
07:29 <Lucifer> So, did Russia do a clandestine provocative operation to draw georgia in, or did they just seize the opportunity Georgia gave them?
07:29 <GodTodd> i think it was the former
07:31 <Lucifer> I think you're right
07:32 <Lucifer> now georgia's looking around at its allies saying "Where the hell are you?"
07:32 <Lucifer> basically doing what spidey does when the ais invade him :)
07:32 <GodTodd> yep
07:34 <Lucifer> I think Russia definitely has the upper hand
07:34 <Lucifer> no matter how I slice it, I can't see Russia failing in the near future
07:35 <Lucifer> it kinda depends on whether or not the spin up too many partisans, making occupation painful and expensive
07:35 <Lucifer> consider this:
07:35 <Lucifer> Russia's propping up Iran on the nuke issue to keep us thinking we need them to deal with Iran
07:35 <Lucifer> fact is, we're not going to be able to do a damn thing, it's just a distraction
07:35 <Lucifer> but we won't go in for georgia when we think we need Russia to help us with Iran
07:36 <Lucifer> so what does russia do? Go ahead and occupy georgia, set up a military administration of the province
07:36 <Lucifer> then they look around, having hurt EU energy supplies, say "Oh lookie there, gas prices are rising throughout the west"
07:37 <Lucifer> I don't know how many pipelines are there, but Russia's next obvious move for energy is to do the same in the Ukraine
07:37 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
07:37 <Lucifer> I don't know, maybe they'll invade Finland again
07:37 <Lucifer> but when they move into the Ukraine, they *will* trigger a military response from NATO
07:37 <Lucifer> and there will be a regional war there that they might lose
07:38 <Lucifer> so, what do they need to do in the meantime to strengthen themselves up for the movement, and at the same time keep the west both distracted and weakened?
07:38 <GodTodd> i think they're going to toe the line and do as much fighting as they can without triggering nato
07:38 <Lucifer> right, and when it's time to trigger nato, who's going to back Russia?
07:39 <Lucifer> Iran moves into Iraq, China moves into Taiwan, and then what?
07:39 <Lucifer> the EU is isolated and has to fight RUssia alone, because the US is out on these other fronts
07:39 <Lucifer> except I'm not sure China will move into Taiwan
07:40 <Lucifer> actually, moving into Finland isn't that far-fetched strategically, the problem is the finnish resistance
08:14 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50871431.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
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04:00 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-69-150-56-7.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
04:07 -!- Flex [i=Flex@unaffiliated/flex] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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05:11 -!- _g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-10-107.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
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05:20 <luke-jr> http://blog.vlad1.com/2007/1½6/canvas-3d-gl-power-web-style/
05:20 <luke-jr> port Arma to Javascript plz kthx
05:22 -!- g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-10-107.prtelecom.hu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
05:24 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
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07:35 -!- apparition [n=chatzill@adsl-76-226-7-160.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070206]"]
07:38 -!- apparition [i=4ce207a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9d521f022ef26f65] has joined #armagetron
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08:29 <Lucifer> GodTodd: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200809/hillary-clinton-campaign
08:35 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50872114.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
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10:49 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
10:56 -!- Lizmatic [n=liiz_@ip56583146.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #armagetron
11:22 <Durka> o
11:22 <Durka> oO *
11:22 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
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14:09 <Monkey_arma> MS Windows is source-available wtf
14:10 <epsy> only some parts are
14:11 <Monkey_arma> ok..but still it's surprisin
14:11 <epsy> dont care
14:11 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has joined #armagetron
14:27 <Monkey_arma> ooohh look at yoouuuuuu
14:28 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-213-161.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
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16:39 <epsy> wrtlprnft, any news?
16:45 -!- wireddd [n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:22 <ivantis> guru3: i mean on linux. well at least ubuntu, and fedora i think
17:31 <epsy> #last --from ivantis --nolimit
17:31 <epsy> ]last --from ivantis --nolimit
17:31 <ljrbot> epsy: [15:22:17] <ivantis> guru3: i mean on linux. well at least ubuntu, and fedora i think
17:31 <epsy> ew
17:32 <ivantis> are you blind or just like things repeated? i just said that
17:39 <MrBoug03:21 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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03:57 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has joined #armagetron
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07:07 -!- z-man [n=moos@l06.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
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08:09 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
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11:56 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-69-150-56-7.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
12:41 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
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18:06 -!- ferr [n=ferr@catv-5062ecb6.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #armagetron
18:06 <ferr> re
18:12 <luke-jr> er
18:32 -!- Pathetique [n=Pathetiq@adsl-99-175-156-167.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
18:59 <hoax> http://www.cracked.com/article_16546_6-raunchiest-most-depraved-sex-acts-from-bible.html
18:59 <hoax> tut tut tut
19:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@59.239-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
19:36 -!- G5 [n=G5@p579627B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
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20:38 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-159-78.kitusa.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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21:05 -!- ivantis [i=3ff59f4e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6796e0069ee2a74a] has joined #armagetron
21:05 <ivantis> hey
21:06 <ivantis> will someone try to go to http://space-lab.us ? i just registered that domain today
21:07 <ct|kyle> ivantis not found
21:07 <ivantis> hmm
21:07 <ivantis> well i did just register it
21:07 <ivantis> maybe its still going through stuff
21:08 <epsy> http://epsy.teamkilled.net:8080/~epsy/ :D
21:09 <ct|kyle> epsy: is arma.exe a virus?
21:10 <epsy> dunno
21:10 <ivantis_> epsy: is that your home server or something?
21:10 <epsy> not exactly
21:11 <epsy> ct|kyle, better immediately jump to the (semi-)safe part: http://epsy.teamkilled.net:8080/~epsy/screenshots/
21:11 <ivantis_> how do you make apache run on 8080?
21:12 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has quit []
21:12 <ct|kyle> LOL epsy http://epsy.teamkilled.net:8080/~epsy/maytheforcebewithme.png
21:12 <epsy> i was trying to understand Lucifer's ideas
21:13 <ct|kyle> sure blame it on Lucifer
21:13 <epsy> http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=18590&highlight=moment+force
21:13 <epsy> http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?t=18590
21:15 <ivantis> that is actually kind of a good idea
21:15 -!- ivantis [i=3ff59f4e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6796e0069ee2a74a] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
21:16 -!- ivantis_ is now known as ivantis
21:17 <ivantis> goodnight
21:17 <ivantis> er, afternoon
21:20 <ct|kyle> epsy: remember http://epsy.teamkilled.net:8080/~epsy/screenshots/2007-08-11-011815.png
21:21 <epsy> zomg! ?
21:22 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has joined #armagetron
21:22 <ct|kyle> epsy: i think yourr broke the record for most number of visites to DDL that day
21:23 <epsy> omg LOL
21:25 <ct|kyle> and epsy you are not banned for CT ladle fort where CT vs x is going to be
21:25 <epsy> so the cw can actually happen?
21:25 <ct|kyle> epsy: yes
21:25 <ct|kyle> here i'll even put it up to make sure
21:28 <ct|kyle> .si ladle fortress
21:28 <ct|kyle> #si ladle fortress
21:28 <epsy> or even
21:28 <epsy> ]sd ladle fortress
21:28 <ljrbot> epsy: Crazy Tronners Ladle Fortress: Players (0/26):
21:28 <ct|kyle> ]sd ladle fortress
21:28 <ct|kyle> i can't :D
21:29 -!- teabot [i=xclan@fiji.dreamhost.com] has joined #armagetron
21:30 <epsy> there, now you can
21:35 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@59.239-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
21:51 -!- teabot [i=xclan@fiji.dreamhost.com] has left #armagetron ["Shh, don't tell anyone! Press SHIFT+ESC for cheats!"]
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23:38 -!- antric is now known as antric|brb
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23:57 -!- fer3 [n=ferr@catv-5062ecb6.catv.broadband.hu] has quit ["Leaving."]
View entire month
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