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Log from 2008-08-07:
--- Day changed Thu Aug 07 2008
00:02 <apparition> you know where vermont street is?
00:02 <ivantis> yeah
00:02 <ivantis> i live here
00:02 <apparition> haha
00:02 <apparition> yeah
00:02 <ivantis> anyway, what?
00:02 <apparition> well there are streets in my city i don't know, but i'm here for school, so whatever
00:02 <epsy> apparition lives in your bed, ivantis, face it
00:02 <apparition> just sayin, that's where i stayed.
00:02 <ivantis> oh
00:03 <apparition> epsy, i live in your bed
00:03 <apparition> stop foolin
00:03 <epsy> ZOMG!
00:03 <apparition> but i have to get goin, homies
00:03 <apparition> peace
00:03 <epsy> damn i forgot to hide the teddybear!!
00:04 <epsy> bb
00:04 -!- apparition [i=4ce214a6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-338e3fb0f0a7f6f1] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
00:09 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@d66-183-111-69.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #armagetron
00:13 <ivantis> #ls ivantis
00:13 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on  Wild West  =Capture The Flag=  ~Multi~Mode~ 2 minutes ago.
00:14 <ivantis> #alias add where lastseen $2
00:14 <armabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
00:14 <ivantis> #where is ivantis
00:14 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on  Wild West  =Capture The Flag=  ~Multi~Mode~ 4 minutes ago.
00:23 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@] has quit []
00:40 <ct|kyle> xfroggy: :D
00:41 <ct|kyle> .stalk xfroggy
00:41 <ct|kyle> #stalk xfroggy
00:41 <armabot>   xfroggy has last been seen on  Wild West  =Sumo= 5 minutes ago. | xfroggy is 14824th with a rating of 1247-1423 (from 1247-1422) | I see someone likes to play the Devil
00:42 <ivantis> #stalk ivantis
00:42 <xfroggy> rating system blows
00:42 <armabot> ivantis has last been seen on  Wild West  =Capture The Flag=  ~Multi~Mode~ 31 minutes ago. | ivantis is 4842nd with a rating of 1446-1552 (from 1447-1551) | #stalk ivantis
00:42 <ivantis> kmnes
00:42 <ct|kyle> xfroggy: rating system blows just like luke-jr
00:42 <ivantis> fjklsdjfklsd09909093kjcnnnnadf
00:42 <xfroggy> :D
01:02 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["To hell with you."]
01:02 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
01:10 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["To hell with you."]
01:13 -!- Lizmatic [n=liiz_@ip56583146.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:23 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087292E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
01:41 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@d66-183-111-69.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
02:01 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-24-30-130-132.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:14 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-24-30-129-44.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
02:33 -!- Lizmaticc [n=liiz_@ip56583146.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #armagetron
02:34 -!- Lizmaticc is now known as Lizmatic
02:55 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has quit []
03:02 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
03:03 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
03:07 <epsy> #rating |x|epsy
03:07 <armabot> epsy: |x|epsy is 2566th with a rating of 1505-1534 (from 1510-1529)
03:07 <epsy> beats xfroggy.
03:08 <epsy> FUCK its not possible..over 15000 players?
03:08 <epsy> sheesh
03:24 <ivantis> hey
03:24 <ivantis> did it say i left?
03:24 <ivantis> #ping
03:24 <armabot> pong
03:24 <ivantis> i had to restart my router
03:34 <ct|kyle> ivantis: you left
03:35 <ivantis> no i didnt
03:36 <ct|kyle> you said you were leaving for good in fact :P
03:37 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
03:41 <luke-jr> xfroggy: not the rating system's fault that you suck
03:41 <luke-jr> ivantis: Lawrence, KS eh? That's driving distance… ;)
03:42 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: take some bombs
03:42 <ct|kyle> WMD's incase you miss like god :D
03:44 <luke-jr> bombs miss?
03:44 <luke-jr> I can just strap them to me and hug him while it blows up
03:45 <luke-jr> wouldn't you prefer that?
03:48 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: that is the best idea you have ever had
03:49 <ct|kyle> but the only problem is then we don't have a luke-jr to harass
03:49 <luke-jr> aww, so true
03:49 <luke-jr> I guess I'd better call it off then.
03:49 <luke-jr> oh well.
03:50 <ct|kyle> i think we can mange w/o you though
03:50 <ct|kyle> wee can harass epsy instead
03:51 <luke-jr> epsy: where⁇
03:51 <epsy> hm?
03:51 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: nm, i found a reason to live'
03:51 <luke-jr> epsy: WHERE
03:51 <epsy> where?
03:51 <luke-jr> [20:50:26] <epsy> OMG RAYTRACED ARMAGETRONAD! <---- where⁇⁇
03:52 <epsy> dreamz
03:52 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: is that to harass epsy?
03:52 <epsy> no, google
03:52 <ct|kyle> but luke-jr if you die sooner you get closer to god quicker
03:52 <luke-jr> f u ct|kyle
03:55  * Lucifer harasses epsy
03:55 <Lucifer> I got close to God one time
03:55  * epsy is being harassed by Lucifer
03:55 <Lucifer> he told me I smelled bad, so I slapped him
03:55 <epsy> OMG HERETIC
03:55 <ct|kyle> Lucifer: did the slap kill him?
03:56 <Lucifer> no, but it made him fart Jupiter
03:56 <Lucifer> then he pushed out some turds and they went into orbit around jupiter
03:56 <ct|kyle> a fart is just a turd asking for it's rightaway
03:57 <Lucifer> I prefer the farts to come after the turds, so the turds will come out with some velocity
03:57 <ct|kyle> bob and tom :D
03:57 <ct|kyle> LOL
03:57 <ct|kyle> how about you ivantis
03:57 <epsy> « me? »
03:57 <ct|kyle> #zomg
03:58 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25FDF8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Verlassend"]
03:58 <epsy> #zomg RAYTRACED ARMAGETRONAD!
03:58 <Lucifer> it would be awesome to have armagetronad produce an input file for , er, that oss raytracer, for every frame
03:59 <epsy> it would be awesome if we had dynamic lightning already :D
03:59 <ct|kyle> #alais add zomg alias add zomg @1
03:59 <Lucifer> povray, that's it
03:59 <ct|kyle> #alias add zomg alias add zomg @1
03:59 <Lucifer> #alias add zomb $randomUser: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
03:59 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
03:59 <armabot> Lucifer: The operation succeeded.
03:59 <Lucifer> er, oops
03:59 <Lucifer> #zomb
04:00 <ct|kyle> #ZOMG
04:00 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:00 <epsy> Lucifer, echo
04:00 <Lucifer> haha
04:00 <Lucifer> #alias add zomg echo $randomUser: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:00 <epsy> lol
04:00 <armabot> Lucifer: The operation succeeded.
04:00 <Lucifer> #zomg
04:00 <armabot> $randomUser: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:00 <Lucifer> er
04:00 <Lucifer> #alias add zomg echo $nick: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:00 <armabot> Lucifer: The operation succeeded.
04:00 <Lucifer> #zomg
04:00 <armabot> Lucifer: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:00 <ct|kyle> #alias add zomg alias add zomg alias add zomg @1
04:00 <epsy> * $randomUser :Erroneous Nickname
04:00 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:00 <Lucifer> there :)
04:00 <ct|kyle> #zomg hi
04:00 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:00 <Lucifer> yeah, it's $randomNick, isn't it?
04:00 <ct|kyle> #zomg oi
04:01 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:01 <ct|kyle> #zomg stfu
04:01 <ct|kyle> #alias add randomNick $randomNick
04:01 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:01 <epsy> #alias add zomg alias add zomg zomg
04:01 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:01 <epsy> #zomg
04:01 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:01 <epsy> #zomg
04:01 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:02 <epsy> #zomg
04:02 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:02 <epsy> Zomg!
04:02 <ct|kyle> #alias add zomg echo [randomNick]: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:02 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:02 <ct|kyle> #zomg
04:02 <armabot> [P4] : SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:02 <epsy> #zomg
04:02 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:02 <ct|kyle> #zomg
04:02 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:02 <ct|kyle> wtf
04:03  * epsy laughs :D
04:03 <ct|kyle> #alias add zomg echo [randomNick]: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:03 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:03 <epsy> #zomg
04:03 <ct|kyle> #zomg
04:03 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:03 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
04:03 <ct|kyle> :D
04:03 <ct|kyle> #zomg
04:03 <armabot> [epsy] : SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:03 <ct|kyle> #zomg
04:03 <armabot> [fonkay] : SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:03 <epsy> #zomg
04:03 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <epsy> #zomg
04:04 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <epsy> #alias add test123 test123
04:04 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:04 <epsy> #test123
04:04 <epsy> #ping
04:04 <armabot> pong
04:04 <epsy> :(
04:05 <ct|kyle> #poing
04:05 <armabot> piong
04:05 <epsy> #zomg
04:05 <armabot> [g5vc] : SHUT THE FUCK UP!
04:05 <epsy> #zomg
04:05 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:05 <epsy> #zomg
04:05 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:05 <epsy> #zomg Destroy jesus.
04:05 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:05 <epsy> #zomg
04:05 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:05 <epsy> #zomg Destroy jesus.
04:05 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:06 <epsy> #zomg
04:06 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:06 <epsy> OMG IT DUZNT WURK
04:06 <epsy> #zomg Destroy jesus.
04:06 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:06 <epsy> #help zomg
04:06 <armabot> epsy: (zomg <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "zomg $*".
04:06 <epsy> #help zomg
04:06 <armabot> epsy: (zomg <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "alias add zomg zomg".
04:06 <epsy> #help zomg
04:06 <armabot> epsy: (zomg <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "alias add zomg zomg".
04:06 <epsy> #zomg
04:06 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:07 <epsy> guess i'd better sleep
04:07 <luke-jr> f u
04:07 <epsy> #zomg
04:07 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:07 <luke-jr> #help
04:07 <luke-jr> #list
04:07 <armabot> luke-jr: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
04:07 <epsy> #echo $who The operation phailed. ONOZ!
04:07 <armabot> luke-jr: Admin, Alias, Babelfish, CIA, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, CyborgName, Dict, Format, Freshmeat, Games, Google, Insult, Karma, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Misc, News, Nickometer, Owner, Plugin, Praise, Python, Quote, RSS, Seen, Services, Sourceforge, Time, User, Utilities, Weather, and Web
04:07 <armabot> epsy The operation phailed. ONOZ!
04:07 <luke-jr> #listUtilities
04:07 <luke-jr> #list Utilities
04:07 <armabot> luke-jr: apply, echo, ignore, last, shuffle, and success
04:08 <epsy> #apply
04:08 <armabot> epsy: (apply <command> <text>) -- Tokenizes <text> and calls <command> with the resulting arguments.
04:08 <luke-jr> #list Misc
04:08 <armabot> luke-jr: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
04:08 <epsy> #success
04:08 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
04:08 <luke-jr> #sed
04:08 <epsy> :D
04:08 <luke-jr> #list alias
04:08 <armabot> luke-jr: monologue, roulette, #lags, #noob, /me, 42, aawiki, action, add, afl, aka, armabot, armaconfig, armaservers, armasettings, arrow, babel, bak, ball, bigbrother, bigos, bing, blah, botsnack, bounce, brb, bug, bye, bzr, cafe, cat, cfg, cfg2, chainfight, chatlog, check, cheers, cinf, cink, commands, cookie, crashme, crazylate, ctwf, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, ddl, del, devhelp, (4 more messages)
04:09 <luke-jr> #more
04:09 <luke-jr> #more
04:09 <luke-jr> #more
04:09 <armabot> luke-jr: dicht, die, die, digg, digitx, ding, disclaimer, dns, do, dofinger, dog, dong, donkey, doping, dorka, eds, eliza, epicfail, eroulette, f, fail, fastfood, fight, finc, fink, flashyy, fofo, fortune, fuck!, g, gcalc, gfight, go, godtodd, going, goodbye, goodnight, grep, grep2, hd, hack, hell, hello, hey, hoop, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, ivantis, jesus, joke, kill, (3 more messages)
04:09 <luke-jr> #more
04:09 <epsy> ##noob
04:09 <armabot> luke-jr: killsomeone, kinc, kinf, king, kyle, kyo, laddle10, lags, lastseen, lastseenf, lastseen flexsmum, legit, lies, lock, log, log, logs, ls, luke, lukejr, lukejrwork, lukejrworks, m, mail, man, mcalc, mfaq, ming, monologue, morning, move, mrbougo, murder, n00b, nano, new, night, no, noob, null, onlineplayers, onlineservers, pacman, path, path2, peek, phail, pingme, pingy, piong, plzpwn, (2 more messages)
04:09 <armabot> luke-jr: poing, pong, praise, pwn, q, quot, r, raaaaaaape, randomnick, rape, rating, rating2, rating2test, real, realchatlogs, remove, res, resources, ring, rou, roulette, roulette, roulete, roulotte, rules, r‭oulette, sd, sd v spacelab, send, serv, serverdetails, serverinfo, servers, serverscores, si, sillybot, sing, skill, slap, smoke, snap, spam, speed, ss, stalk, stfu, stone, sty, svn, t, (1 more message)
04:09 <armabot> luke-jr: tea, team, test, test123, testing, tg, thank, the, thing, toast, trunkbuilds, tst4, tst5, tstservers, ty, uname, unlock, ur, vanhayes, w, wanna, wannafight?, wc, weather, where, where are the noobs ?, whoareyou, whoisp4, wikipedia, wikipediamonkey, wild, wing, wisdom, wp, wrtlprnft, wut, ww, x, xd, yay, ying, ys, zomg, zomb, zomg, and ‭
04:09 <epsy> naa, still not enuff
04:09 <luke-jr> #alias get
04:09 <epsy> #sd -v spacelab
04:09 <armabot> omg someone tell ivantis to stfu
04:09 <luke-jr> #alias get tea
04:10 <epsy> #sd -v space-lab
04:10 <armabot> omg someone tell ivantis to stfu
04:10 <epsy> #help team
04:10 <armabot> epsy: (team <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "serverinfo team sumo".
04:10 <epsy> #help tea
04:10 <luke-jr> #help tea
04:10 <armabot> epsy: (tea <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "serverinfo cafe".
04:10 <armabot> luke-jr: (tea <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "serverinfo cafe".
04:10 <epsy> #team
04:10 <armabot> epsy: [ omGroup.de ][ Team Sumo Server ][ #2 ]: Players (0/16):
04:10  * luke-jr ponders
04:10 <epsy> ZomGroup!
04:10 <luke-jr> #help serverinfo
04:10 <armabot> luke-jr: (serverinfo <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/serverdetails.php?name=@1+@2+@3+@4+@5+@6+@7+@8+@9".
04:10 <luke-jr> #serverinfo epsy
04:10 <armabot> luke-jr: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “epsy” at the moment, sorry.
04:10 <luke-jr> #poing
04:10 <armabot> piong
04:10 <epsy> #sd zomg!
04:10 <armabot> epsy: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “zomg!” at the moment, sorry.
04:10 <luke-jr> #ty
04:10 <armabot> You are welcome, luke-jr.
04:11 <epsy> #sd zomg
04:11 <armabot> epsy: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “zomg” at the moment, sorry.
04:11 <epsy> #sd tea
04:11 <armabot> epsy: Wild West  =Multi Team Fortress=  ~Multi~Mode~: Players (7/16): -=L$)Tobe, -=}I{=-, .Kit3, Hellion, inVert, ~N8_Dawg~, º1337º ASSASSIN
04:11 <luke-jr> #â
04:11 <epsy> #skill
04:11 <armabot> epsy: Jesus seems to be on {Delicious Desserts} High Rubber - NEW! right now.
04:11 <epsy> #help skill
04:11 <armabot> epsy: (skill <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "luke-jr echo luke-jr....skill... lmao... haha".
04:12 <luke-jr> #alias remove skill
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
04:12 <epsy> #wikipediamonkey
04:12 <armabot> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=________
04:12 <luke-jr> #for a in aliases [alias remove $a]
04:12 <epsy> ..lol
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr: Error: There is no such alias.
04:12 <epsy> #if
04:12 <epsy> #help if
04:12 <armabot> epsy: Error: There is no command "if".
04:12 <epsy> #help for
04:12 <armabot> epsy: Error: There is no command "for".
04:12 <GodTodd> #echo luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <luke-jr> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubislaw_and_Queens_Terrace_Gardens
04:12 <GodTodd> #echo luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <GodTodd> #echo luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <GodTodd> #echo luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr is a retard.
04:12 <armabot> luke-jr is a retard.
04:13 <epsy> #night
04:13 <armabot> Good night epsy!
04:13 <epsy> #q
04:13 <armabot> epsy: Quote #15: "You see a body ripped appart, blood splatter on the ceiling, gore all over. Tell me, would you really suspect that worm making a run for it toward the door at 5 cm per minute? No you would not! - philippeqc" (added by n54 at 08:09 PM, April 25, 2006)
04:13 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [".. but he will be back!"]
04:18 <ivantis> #q
04:18 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #1: "Was this compiled by our friend Sum Ting Wong? --WallyWallWhackr" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:37 AM, March 24, 2006)
04:18 <ivantis> #q
04:18 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #64: "[14:14] <luke-jr> and needless to say, don't abuse power" (added by GodTodd at 11:42 PM, December 04, 2007)
04:18 <ivantis> #q
04:18 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #6: "luci what exactly did you use robots for pleasure -- Armabot" (added by Lucifer_arma at 09:52 AM, March 27, 2006)
04:19 <ivantis> #q
04:19 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #73: "<Lucifer> if you don't want to nitpick, don't talk to luke-jr (hi there!)" (added by epsy at 12:52 AM, July 28, 2008)
04:19 <ivantis> #q
04:19 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #20: "ok luci, you'd know better on this one -- luke-jr" (added by wrtlprnft at 02:26 PM, August 24, 2006)
04:19 <ivantis> #q
04:19 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #42: "The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. - Ronald Reagen, in his address following the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger" (added by Lucifer_arma at 02:03 PM, January 02, 2007)
04:19 <ivantis> #q
04:19 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #37: "Out of the whole multitude of prudent men in the world, the great majority are so from timidity. --Clausewitz" (added by Lucifer_arma at 12:40 PM, December 09, 2006)
04:19 <ivantis> #q
04:19 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #4: "left vertical bar is brakes, right one is an early-90s roleplaying game made by White Wolf before they went all Magic: The Gathering happy -- armabot (markov)" (added by a user that is no longer registered at 06:24 AM, March 27, 2006)
04:20 <ivantis> #q
04:20 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #12: "'ebuild blah portage rocks emerge hotplug coldplig - armabot mashuffle'" (added by n54 at 05:44 PM, March 29, 2006)
04:20 <luke-jr> how does the future belong to the brave, when the brave die?
04:20 <ivantis> idk
04:20 <ivantis> luke-jr: do you ever actually play the game?
04:21 <luke-jr> no
04:21 <ivantis> lame
04:22 <luke-jr> ivantis: would you play if your children were kidnapped?
04:22 <luke-jr> no? kthx
04:23 <ivantis> your children were kidnapped?
04:23 <Lucifer> his children have been kidnapped again?
04:24 <Lucifer> #last --from luke-jr --nolimit
04:24 <armabot> Lucifer: [04:22:50] <luke-jr> no? kthx, [04:22:48] <luke-jr> ivantis: would you play if your children were kidnapped?, [04:21:04] <luke-jr> no, [04:20:09] <luke-jr> how does the future belong to the brave, when the brave die?, [04:12:52] <luke-jr> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubislaw_and_Queens_Terrace_Gardens, [04:12:21] <luke-jr> #for a in aliases [alias remove $a], [04:12:04] <luke-jr> #alias (24 more messages)
04:25 <ct|kyle> #last --from luke-jr --contains kidnapped --nolimit
04:25 <armabot> ct|kyle: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must (1 more message)
04:25 <ct|kyle> #last --from luke-jr --with kidnapped --nolimit
04:25 <armabot> ct|kyle: [04:22:48] <luke-jr> ivantis: would you play if your children were kidnapped?
04:26 <ct|kyle> Lucifer: much more efficient
04:26 <Lucifer> they're probably spending the night at the grandparents' house again
04:26 <Lucifer> just wait till they have their first sleepover with friends
04:26 <Lucifer> bet he calls cps
04:27 <ct|kyle> again?
04:27 <ct|kyle> Lucifer: bet he already did, probably got an amber alert out
04:29 <ivantis> luke-jr has kids?
04:30 <luke-jr> Lucifer: it's not "again"; this is the same kidnapping from April
04:30 <luke-jr> #last --from luke-jr
04:30 <armabot> luke-jr: [04:30:18] <luke-jr> Lucifer: it's not "again"; this is the same kidnapping from April
04:30 <ct|kyle> LOL
04:30 <Lucifer> they've still got them?  you haven't gotten your kids back since then?
04:31 <luke-jr> #echo Lucifer: Right.
04:31 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: why don't you just kidnap them back
04:31 <armabot> Lucifer: Right.
04:32 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: maybe god did not want you to have kids
04:33 <ct|kyle> i bet luke-jr ignored me
04:34 <Lucifer> he should have
04:34 <ct|kyle> ya
04:34 <Lucifer> you really shouldn't say shit like that in that sort of situation
04:34 <Lucifer> I seriously thought he'd gotten them back a few days later
04:34 <Lucifer> and that he just took the situation too seriously
04:34 <ct|kyle> i seriously never knew
04:35 <ivantis> neither did i
04:37 <Lucifer> luke-jr: did you call the cops yet?
04:37 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["To hell with you."]
04:38 <ct|kyle> now i understand why he is soo into god
04:39 <ivantis> but you dont understand that you should stfu right now
04:41 <ct|kyle> #echo luke-jr: you have me ct|kyle on silence right now right?
04:41 <armabot> luke-jr: you have me ct|kyle on silence right now right?
04:42 <ct|kyle> #echo luke-jr: if not i'm sorry for what i said
04:42 <armabot> luke-jr: if not i'm sorry for what i said
04:42 <ct|kyle> #echo luke-jr: err either way i am sorry :D
04:42 <armabot> luke-jr: err either way i am sorry :D
05:14 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
05:14 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@S01060018f8d266df.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #armagetron
05:54 -!- luke-jr_ [n=luke-jr@wsip-70-184-212-131.om.om.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
05:57 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-124.kitusa.com] has quit ["goodbye!"]
05:57 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@S01060018f8d266df.vc.shawcable.net] has quit ["Leaving..."]
05:57 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-124.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
05:58 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-124.kitusa.com] has quit [Client Quit]
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06:01 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@S01060018f8d266df.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #armagetron
06:07 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has quit [Connection timed out]
06:07 -!- luke-jr_ is now known as luke-jr
06:20 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@123-187-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has quit []
06:26 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@S01060018f8d266df.vc.shawcable.net] has quit ["Leaving..."]
06:27 -!- CuRbSidE [i=4b363529@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8e147549a3aca3cd] has joined #armagetron
06:27 <CuRbSidE> anyone here?
06:29 -!- CuRbSidE [i=4b363529@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8e147549a3aca3cd] has quit [Client Quit]
06:35 -!- ljrbot [n=supybot-@2002:18fc:16e6:0:1d:0:0:7034] has joined #armagetron
06:55 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@ip72-198-97-139.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
06:58 <ivantis> ]hi
06:58 <ivantis> ]ping
06:58 <ivantis> ]echo hi
06:59 <ivantis> ljrbot: echo hello
06:59 <ivantis> ljrbot: ping
06:59 <ivantis> ??
06:59 <ivantis> he must be asleep
07:00 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-213-12.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #armagetron
07:01 <luke-jr> ivantis is fail
07:02 <ivantis> why does ljrbot not respond?
07:02 <luke-jr> because I put you on his ignore list
07:02 <ivantis> #echo ]ping
07:02 <armabot> ivantis: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
07:02 <ivantis> #echo ljrbot: ping
07:02 <armabot> ljrbot: ping
07:02 <ljrbot> pong
07:16 <luke-jr> ]admin ignore add armabot
07:17 <ljrbot> luke-jr: The operation succeeded.
07:45 <Lucifer> ]ping
07:45 <ljrbot> pong
07:45 <Lucifer> #ping
07:45 <armabot> pong
07:45 <Lucifer> GodTodd: ping
07:45 <GodTodd> Lucifer, pong
07:46 <Lucifer> write any short stories yet?  ;)
07:46 <GodTodd> not yet
07:46 <GodTodd> been struggling to name  some characters for my novel
07:46 <GodTodd> heh
07:47 <Lucifer> well, I've got a suggestion that you might find useful.
07:47 <Lucifer> Using txt2tags formatting for my Captain Parsec story, and earlier I decided to rewrite several sections of the story
07:47 <Lucifer> rather than have to do it right away, I used txt2tags comments to note where and what to rewrite, so I can continue working on hooking up the rest of the story that's already there
07:48 <Lucifer> I thought having code-style comments available for writing would be useful, it just hasn't been yet
07:48 <Lucifer> there's supposed to be a way to render to rtf if you go through latex first, so you can delegate final submission formatting for the very end, and knock out a lot of it in the latex conversion
07:49 <luke-jr> GodTodd: ping
07:49 <Lucifer> http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/tex2rtf/
07:49 <GodTodd> hmmm
07:49 <luke-jr> GodTodd: PING
07:50 <GodTodd> i haven't even figured out how to get story formatting right in txt2tags....for preformatted stuff anyway
07:50 <Lucifer> preformatted stuff?  er, like what?
07:50  * Lucifer may have stuff that can help
07:51 <luke-jr> GodTodd: you have failed mew
07:51 <luke-jr> me too
07:51 <GodTodd> well...my writing section of  my website is pretty borked looking
07:51 <GodTodd> you know...liike stuff that i haave formatted the way i want it annd i just wantt it dispplayed
07:53 <GodTodd> luke-jr, wtf you want?
07:53 <luke-jr> GodTodd: I wanted to say
07:53 <luke-jr> HI
07:53 <GodTodd> yep...didn't think it was anything useful
07:53 <Lucifer> I see the problem, I think
07:53 <Lucifer> and it means you're going to have to do some work on css to make it come out the way you want it
07:53 <luke-jr> GodTodd: ☹
07:54 <GodTodd> i've done css work
07:54 <Lucifer> you need to convert the .txt file to .t2t markup
07:54 <GodTodd> well...they're .doc does that matter?
07:54 <Lucifer> yeah, you want to make the paragraph indent handled through css, and use some macros to handle special unicode characters
07:55 <Lucifer> er, the dreamcatcher page just includes a .txt file that contains the chapters
07:55 <Lucifer> there are some ways you can simplify the conversion
07:55 <GodTodd> i might have done that as one of my "fix attempts" :)
07:55 <Lucifer> do a search and replace on the eol character and replace it with two eol characters
07:55 <Lucifer> do a search and replace on the spaces and replace it with nothing
07:56 <Lucifer> change the chapter lines to headings, whatever's appropriate
07:56 <Lucifer> then spend your time in the css file making the indentation work
07:56 <GodTodd> that's just as much work as just making it t2t
07:56 <GodTodd> :P
07:57 <Lucifer> finally, search and replace the unicode quotes and either replace them with a string that txt2tags can replace with unicode characters, or just "
07:57 <Lucifer> that *is* making it t2t
07:57 <Lucifer> the search and replace stuff knocks out most of the shit work, but you'll still need to go through hunting italics, underlines, and so forth
07:58 <Lucifer> I would recommend just using the ascii "" character instead of hte unicode ones, but that's a personal thing
07:58 <GodTodd> they need to have a markup set that just says "just display anything you see from here til the end mark"
07:58 <Lucifer> they do, but it'll come out funky, I promise, and nobody will read it
07:58 <Lucifer> in fact, that's what's happening
07:59 <Lucifer> the indentation indicates blockquote or pre, I forget which
07:59 <GodTodd> i know, because that's what i tried
07:59 <GodTodd> i mean...it needs to *just display* stuff...not mess with it at all
07:59 <GodTodd> heh
08:00 <Lucifer> the target is html!  "just display stuff" doesn't mean the same thing in html that it means in other places
08:00 <Lucifer> if you really want to simplify it, just link to the rtf file
08:00 <Lucifer> or odt or whatever it is
08:00 <GodTodd> yeah...that's what i think i'll end up doing
08:00 <Lucifer> otherwise, you're going to have to bite the bullet and either convert it to html by hand, or convert it to t2t
08:01 <Lucifer> now, if you wind up switching any of your writing to t2t for source, then you're golden :)
08:01 <GodTodd> heh
08:01 <Lucifer> just split it up by chapters or whatever makes sense and include them as you see fit
08:02 <GodTodd> yeah...i split them up by chapters now...makes editing easier on the printer
08:02 <Lucifer> that reminds me, I need to put t2t and latex on my flash drive
08:02 <Lucifer> yeah :)
08:02 <Lucifer> t2t makes it easy to reassemble them into a finished document, too ;)
08:02 <Lucifer> (since publishers that take electronic submissions want it all in one file)
08:02 <GodTodd> meh...i work of the finished doc and just paste each chapter into a separate file right now.
08:03 <Lucifer> that sounds like far more work than I'm willing to do, heh
08:03 <Lucifer> but then, I've been using txt2tags for awhile now and am pretty competent with it
08:03 <GodTodd> well...my organization is a work in progress
08:03 <Lucifer> but I wound up using oo.o again this semester because I didn't have t2t on my flash drive
08:04 <Lucifer> I need to get around to writing a preprocessor for txt2tags to handle bibliographies and crap
08:04 <GodTodd> heh
08:05 <GodTodd> that reminds me...i need to set up the website co on this machine
08:05 <Lucifer> eek, that reminds me, I need to move my server back to my desktop so I can shut down my server
08:05 <Lucifer> (as ironic as that sounds)
08:06 <Lucifer> I think I'm going to spend a few minutes working up my own sty file for latex and putting it in a permanently accessible location
08:10 <GodTodd> what's the svn url again?
08:12 <luke-jr> #svn
08:12 <armabot> svn co https://armagetronad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/armagetronad/armagetronad/trunk/armagetronad <dirname>(more information: http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php/Working_with_SVN)
08:13 <GodTodd> not that one dipshit
08:13 <luke-jr> #bzr
08:13 <luke-jr> #logs
08:13 <luke-jr> #quote get 1
08:13 <armabot> luke-jr: Quote #1: "Was this compiled by our friend Sum Ting Wong? --WallyWallWhackr" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:37 AM, March 24, 2006)
08:13 <GodTodd> #alias list
08:17 <GodTodd> heh...guess i'll log in after i remember my info....man it's been a while ;)
08:19 <Lucifer> er, /me doesn't remember
08:19 <Lucifer> duh
08:19 <Lucifer> https://svn.davefancella.com/
08:19 <Lucifer> er
08:19 <Lucifer> https://svn.davefancella.com/website
08:24 <GodTodd> hurka durka...i don't remember the pwd i used
08:24 <GodTodd> dammit
08:27 <Lucifer> well hang on, I can just give you a new one
08:27 <Lucifer> want me to do that?
08:27 <GodTodd> yeah...probably best
08:35 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p5087292E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
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09:44 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-70-88.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
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12:00 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-69-150-56-7.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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12:40 -!- Ted001 [n=Ted001@89-180-179-226.net.novis.pt] has joined #armagetron
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13:31 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
13:48 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
13:56 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-70-88.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
14:52 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has joined #armagetron
14:58 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
15:49 <ct|kyle> #ubuntu
15:50 <ct|kyle> #alias add ubuntu sudo apt-get install build-essential automake subversion libboost-dev libxml2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev ftgl-dev libglew-dev bison pkg-config
15:50 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
16:05 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-70-88.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
16:08 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-213-12.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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16:21 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-70-88.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
16:32 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25C3DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
16:48 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25C3DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Verlassend"]
16:55 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
17:01 -!- emphasis [n=rolf@123-187-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #armagetron
17:03 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-24-30-129-44.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
17:13 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-24-30-130-132.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
17:22 -!- apparition [i=4ce214a6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-059c8b9297ccd93b] has joined #armagetron
17:24 -!- apparition [i=4ce214a6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-059c8b9297ccd93b] has quit [Client Quit]
17:31 <ivantis> #ubuntu
17:32 <ivantis> #help ubuntu
17:32 <armabot> ivantis: (ubuntu <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "sudo apt-get install build-essential automake subversion libboost-dev libxml2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev ftgl-dev libglew-dev bison pkg-config".
17:32 <ivantis> #alias add ubuntu echo sudo apt-get install build-essential automake subversion libboost-dev libxml2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev ftgl-dev libglew-dev bison pkg-config
17:32 <armabot> ivantis: The operation succeeded.
17:32 <ivantis> #ubuntu
17:32 <armabot> sudo apt-get install build-essential automake subversion libboost-dev libxml2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev ftgl-dev libglew-dev bison pkg-config
17:33 <ivantis> ct|kyle: what is the point of this alias?
17:33 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-70-88.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
17:34 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
17:37 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l06.thp.uni-koeln.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
17:40 <ivantis> #echo ljrbot: ping
17:40 <armabot> ljrbot: ping
17:40 <ivantis> aw
17:51 <ivantis> #quote get 74
17:51 <armabot> ivantis: Quote #74: "Pathetique: I find it funny how ivantis can write C++ but has no clue how to actually write it." (added by ct|kyle at 09:07 PM, July 28, 2008)
18:03 -!- apparition [i=4ce214a6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-30879e6015dcbeb1] has joined #armagetron
18:06 -!- apparition [i=4ce214a6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-30879e6015dcbeb1] has quit [Client Quit]
18:16 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has joined #armagetron
18:40 -!- Flex [n=Flex@unaffiliated/flex] has joined #armagetron
19:13 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962567.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
19:32 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@d66-183-111-69.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #armagetron
19:37 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
19:47 -!- gregeh [n=gregeh@d66-183-111-69.bchsia.telus.net] has quit ["Leaving..."]
20:05 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25C3DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
20:28 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-69-150-56-7.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
20:28 <wrtlprnft> epsy: that's really weird now. the server appears to randomly shut down
20:30 <epsy> that was my deduction, too :)
20:30 <epsy> good evening
20:30 <wrtlprnft> hi
20:30 <wrtlprnft> this sucks.
20:31 <wrtlprnft> it should be rebooting now
20:31 <epsy> did you check logs last time?
20:31 <Lucifer> randomly shuts down?  Are they running RedHat?
20:32 <wrtlprnft> close
20:32 <wrtlprnft> i'll check them this time
20:33 <wrtlprnft> now it's running
20:33 <wrtlprnft> connect while it's working x_X
20:33 <epsy> must remove the fingerprint
20:34 <Lucifer> wear gloves next time
20:35 <epsy> :)
21:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-213-12.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit []
21:23 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50872990.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
21:24 <Lucifer> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,399403,00.html
21:24 <Lucifer> 26 cheerleaders squeezed into an elevator rated at 3000 pounds
21:24 <Lucifer> #math calc 3000/26
21:24 <armabot> Lucifer: 115.384615385
21:24 <Lucifer> so the average girl in that elevator weighed 115
21:25 <ivantis> that is crazy
21:25 <Lucifer> yeah, what are they eating?  LIke, a slice of bread a day?
21:25 <xfroggy> more likea  leaf of cabbage
21:26 <ivantis> that is rediculous, and its on fox
21:26 <ivantis> baloney
21:26 <epsy> mankind is ridiculous..
21:26 <Lucifer> they were at UT, almost certainly texas girls
21:26 <ivantis> you mean womankind
21:26 <epsy> i mean..cheerleaders..
21:26 <Lucifer> not ridiculous at all if you know any texans
21:27 <ivantis> "Move, woman" --Frank Costanza
21:27  * epsy merly knows some guy going under the name of dave :)
21:27 <Lucifer> dave: where you at?
21:27 <Lucifer> oh wait, dave's not here
21:27 <ivantis> where you aat?
21:28 <epsy> satan killed dave!
21:28 <Lucifer> holy shit!  let's get him!
21:28 <ivantis> with new boost mobile service range, you can be anywhere
21:28 <ivantis> where you aat?
21:28 <epsy> where do you at&t?
21:28 <ivantis> have you guys seen that Aqua teen hunger force? boost mobile
21:29 <ivantis> no? well you suck
21:29 <ivantis> ./dsf=_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
21:29  * ivantis has to go now
21:29 <ivantis> #bye
21:29 <armabot> Goodbye ivantis :(
21:29 <ivantis> btw, why am i on ljrbot's ignore list?
21:30 <ivantis> ]ping
21:30 <ivantis> ljrbot: ping
21:30 <Lucifer> because you're a smeghead?
21:30 <epsy> why would you be on it?
21:30 <ivantis> try ]ping epsy
21:30 <luke-jr> epsy: he was using his bot to loop it
21:30 <Lucifer> ]ping epsy
21:30 <ljrbot> pong
21:30 <Lucifer> #echo ]ping
21:30 <armabot> Lucifer: Error: Spurious "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
21:31 <ivantis> what? i am not my bot, so only ivanbot should be on the list
21:31 <Lucifer> #echo "]ping"
21:31 <armabot> ]ping
21:31 <ivantis> #echo "]ping"
21:31 <armabot> ]ping
21:31 <ivantis> ownd
21:31 <ivantis> armabot is on the list too
21:31 <ivantis> laterZ
21:31 <Lucifer> maybe folks are tired of watching you trying to seduce a robot in an irc channel
21:31 <epsy> maybe because he extended the silence mask to all your possible IPs so you dont just rename your bot?
21:31 <Lucifer> really, get a girlfriend
21:31 <luke-jr> ☺
21:32 <Lucifer> http://money.cnn.com/2008/08/07/news/economy/ethanol/?postversion=2008080714  <--- this is the battle of the self-interests
21:32 <epsy> ivantis, hint: don't try the way PunK does
21:32 <Lucifer> er, special interests
21:32 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@] has joined #armagetron
21:34 <Lucifer> said Perry. "Any government mandate that artificially props-up a single industry to the detriment of millions of Americans is bad public policy."  <--- he's right, but has done the same shit himself
21:34  * Lucifer wants a new governor
21:35 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: if you don't know already: centos is crap.
21:35 <Lucifer> wrtlprnft: I did not know that, but I've seen it in demand in job listings
21:35 <Lucifer> is that what your server that's randomly crashing is running?
21:35 <luke-jr> lol
21:36 <armabot> fts_feedback: Concord - rain || rain - re-visit scoring system || Concord - that sucked
21:37 <luke-jr> return (struct { int; int; }){1, 2}; <-- ugly
21:37 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: yeah
21:37 <wrtlprnft> now it is, after the gentoo install broke down and i still can't get it to run
21:37 <Lucifer> ubuntu server edition is pretty nice :)
21:38 <wrtlprnft> the interesting thing is that init segfaults in ld.so when i try to boot it, but if i use another distro and chroot into the gentoo install everything works fine
21:38 <Lucifer> hmmmm, that is interesting
21:39 <Lucifer> ld.so isn't loaded as a kernel module, is it?
21:39 <Lucifer> should be linked directly to the executables...
21:39 <wrtlprnft> err, not segfault
21:39 <wrtlprnft> trap, invalid instruction
21:40 <wrtlprnft> ld.so belongs to glibc, and therefore even init=/bin/echo crashes
21:40 <Lucifer> heh, that's even more interesting
21:40 <Lucifer> recompile glibc for 386 and see if it boots then?  ;)
21:41 <Lucifer> or, use the gentoo kernel and see if the problem goes away then
21:41 <Lucifer> at the moment init is run, the kernel's the *only* thing in memory
21:41 <Lucifer> until init runs a bit, of course
21:41 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
21:42 <Lucifer> I noticed someone commenting a few days ago that gentoo is getting crappier, or something to that effect
21:42 <Lucifer> I wanted to throw on the pile that I think all linux distributions are trending to crap :/
21:42 <Lucifer> gentoo's just finally getting on the bandwagon ;)
21:42  * ivantis is baaack
21:44 <luke-jr> Lucifer: Gentoo's been getting crappier for years now
21:44 <ivantis> then use an old version of gentoo
21:45 <ivantis> i thought that about Mac, instead of moving on to X, for a while i still used 9 and 8
21:45 <ivantis> and 7
21:45 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: apparently init does run a bit
21:45 <StickyNoob> why do you think linux is getting crapier?
21:45 <wrtlprnft> and i did try the gentoo kernel, didn't help :-(
21:46 <wrtlprnft> note that all the error messages i'm getting come from running inside qemu, because i don't get any feedback if i boot for real
21:46 <Lucifer> ah right, so it could actually be a red herring.  Absolutely certain qemu is emulating the same instruction set the server has?
21:46 <luke-jr> ivantis: are you retarded or just an idiot?
21:46 <luke-jr> ivantis: there is no such thing as an old version of Gentoo
21:47 <StickyNoob> luke-jr: you could just not update it for ages
21:47 <Lucifer> StickyNoob: not linux in general, linux distributions in particular
21:47 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: did grub upgrade without using grub-install afterward?
21:47 <luke-jr> StickyNoob: not really
21:47 <ivantis> yeah, what Sticky just said
21:47 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: another interesting thing, I tried installing a new gentoo on another partition. When i used the 2007.x image it worked fine, but a new 2008.0 image gave me the error, too
21:47 <luke-jr> StickyNoob: that'd be like runnign Windows 95
21:47 <Lucifer> linux and the free software world in general continue moving forward and making wonderful software
21:47 <Lucifer> wrtlprnft: that's telling you something, eh?
21:47  * Lucifer wonders what
21:47 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr: i've run grub-install for zillions of times
21:48 <Lucifer> did they do something simple like switch from 586 to 686 optimizations?
21:48 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: after grub was upgraded recently?
21:48 <Lucifer> StickyNoob: basically, even individual linux distribution communities have become so factionalized that every release is just a compromise among factions
21:49 <epsy> wrtlprnft, talking about crap it sshut down again
21:49 <Lucifer> the early versions all had clear development plans, visions, and so forth
21:49 <wrtlprnft> i dunno. but the same grub booted 2007.1 just fine
21:49 <wrtlprnft> epsy: i'll reboot it in ten minutes
21:49 <epsy> did you actually check logs?
21:49 <Lucifer> the gentoo image is a core system, right?  kernel, gcc, init, etc?
21:50 <wrtlprnft> i've got a process that keeps writing the current date into a file, i wanna see if it shut down completely or just the network
21:50 <StickyNoob> i do think there are far too many distros
21:50 <wrtlprnft> epsy: i did, nothing
21:50 <wrtlprnft> some innocent message, then nothing, then the boot stuff
21:50 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: it's called a stage 3
21:50 <Lucifer> er, that's not the issue, I don't think.  I mean, we could use some better interoperability among the distributions, that's for sure
21:50 <epsy> as if power was cut?
21:51 <wrtlprnft> w/o the kernel
21:51 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: the problem is when the system's installed grub mismatches with the bootloader's grub
21:51 <wrtlprnft> but as i said, it can't really be the kernel, my old kernels stopped running, too
21:51 <Lucifer> but hell, go read through ubuntu forums, or gentoo, or any other forums and watch people arguing over what's in the distribution
21:51 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: so if emerge autoupgrades grub, and you don't run grub-install, it will break
21:51 <ct|kyle> ivantis: to know waht you need to get to build tron on ubuntu
21:51 <wrtlprnft> epsy: yeah
21:51 <Lucifer> wrtlprnft: if init is getting past just starting, there's plenty of other possibilities
21:51 <ivantis> ct|kyle: ah
21:51 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr: as i said, i've run grub-install *lots* of times since it stopped booting
21:52 <Lucifer> but after my few somewhat cheeky suggestions, you're in distribution-specific ground on a problem I've never seen :/
21:52 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: you didn't say since then; ok
21:52 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: as i said, if i use /bin/echo as init it traps es well
21:52 <luke-jr> where does it stop?
21:52 <luke-jr> the boot process
21:52 <Lucifer> the sign that I'm getting is that somewhere you have a library that's compiled for a subtly different arch than you're running
21:53 <Lucifer> and I could be trying to send you down a blind alley :/
21:53 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr: init doesn't ever really run
21:53 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: do you have a static busybox?
21:53 <wrtlprnft> i could make myself one
21:53 <luke-jr> USE=static emerge busybox
21:54 <luke-jr> then see if init=/bin/busybox works maybe
21:54 <Lucifer> maybe the problem is echo itself, heh
21:54 <Lucifer> and init is trying to run echo at some point and crashing?
21:54 <wrtlprnft> then the error message would be for echo, not for init
21:55  * luke-jr notes that /bin/echo is rarely used, since BASH has its own internal version
21:55 <wrtlprnft> maybe it's really just qemu and the real problem is something trivial
21:55 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: what CFLAGS?
21:55 <Lucifer> throw it in virtualbox?
21:55 <luke-jr> Lucifer: VirtualBox is based on qemu
21:56 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: also, grep of /var/log/emerge.log | tail -n 200
21:56 <Lucifer> reactos is the GNU of windows
21:56 <wrtlprnft> epsy: it really crashed, not just the network
21:56 <Lucifer> RMS should demand they rename their os to GNU/Windows
21:57 <wrtlprnft> luke-jr: won't help, i've done emerge -e world since it failed
21:57 <wrtlprnft> CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
21:59 <ivantis> here is a better command: CFLAGS="--ROFL --ZOMG --LOLERSKATES"
21:59 <epsy> that's not a command
21:59 <ivantis> your mom isnt either
21:59 <epsy> indeed
21:59 <wrtlprnft> Lucifer: lol
22:03 <Lucifer> I think I'm going to ride through the pain, it's gone down a lot overnight and is probably just some awkward move I made yesterday
22:03  * Lucifer goes out to adjust his saddle
22:04 <ivantis> http://www.kongregate.com/games/ArmorGames/shift-2
22:04 <ivantis> that game rocks
22:08 <luke-jr> wrtlprnft: dmesg say anything interesting?
22:08 <luke-jr> perhaps HD issues?
22:09 <wrtlprnft> but why does the rescue system boot, then?
22:09 <wrtlprnft> now i'm getting a grub hard disk error, though
22:10 <wrtlprnft> ah, no, that was my fault
22:10 <wrtlprnft> forgot that centos overwrote my mbr
22:14 <luke-jr> O.o
22:22 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50872990.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
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22:42 <ivantis> look
22:42 <ivantis> i got a high score: http://www.everybodypanic.org/viewhighscores.php?game=line_b_kb
22:58 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-69-150-56-7.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
23:02 <luke-jr> ivantis: the game must be too easy
23:03 <ct|kyle> ivantis: you edited the logs
23:04 <ivantis> yeah, right
23:04 <ivantis> dont be a fool
23:04 <ivantis> i just rule at that game
23:04 <ivantis> (or no one else plays it)
23:06 <ct|kyle> i second that one
23:18 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962567.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit []
23:31 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has joined #armagetron
23:33 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has left #armagetron ["Leaving"]
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23:42 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50872990.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
23:45 <epsy> who plays flash/java/python games anyway?
23:46 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25C3DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Verlassend"]
23:46 <ivantis> me
23:46 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25C3DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
23:46 <epsy> anybody else?
23:46 <epsy> ah, um no, hehe
23:46 <ivantis> everyone who isnt epsy
23:46 <ct|kyle> JAVA sucks
23:46 <ivantis> yes ma'am we know
23:46 <epsy> flash aint better
23:47 <ivantis> but i do like this SSH client, i use it at school: http://netspace.org/ssh/
23:47 <luke-jr> Flash < Java
23:47 <ivantis> you mean Flash >= Java
23:47 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: only in ways
23:47 <epsy> er no
23:47 <luke-jr> ivantis: no, Flash < Java
23:47 <ivantis> w/e
23:47 <epsy> at least java is available on more platforms
23:47 <luke-jr> Flash < *
23:47 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: flash>java in working
23:47 <epsy> and sun seems to be trying to open it
23:47 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: nope
23:48 <luke-jr> Flash < *
23:48 <luke-jr> heck, even that new M$ thing is probably better than Flash
23:48 <luke-jr> <.<
23:48 <epsy> lol
23:48 <ct|kyle> but in openess JAVA is greater
23:48 <epsy> and in workage too
23:48 <ct|kyle> what is that new MS thing
23:48 <epsy> in cpu usage..uhm
23:49 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: no idea, it's supposed to be like Flash
23:49 <ct|kyle> luke-jr: what won't M$ clone next (linux?)
23:49 <epsy> luke-jr, well, i doubt it even runs on OSX
23:49 <luke-jr> ct|kyle: M$ can't clone Linux
23:49 <luke-jr> Linux is a UNIX
23:49 <epsy> so adobe gets a point on that
23:49 <luke-jr> M$ has contracts forbidding them from having a UNIX
23:50 <epsy> only SCO can clone linux
23:50 <luke-jr> oh crap
23:50 <epsy> :D
23:50 <luke-jr> that's the real reason M$ paid SCO to sue over Linux
23:50 <luke-jr> they *want* SCO to go out of biz
23:50 <ivantis> SCO
23:50 <luke-jr> then the contract is void and they can make UNIX
23:50 <ivantis> man
23:50 <epsy> the releavation of teh truth :)
23:50 <ivantis> fcuk, that will suck
23:51 <ivantis> i support SCO then
23:51 <epsy> Microsoft Windows Linux edition ftw!
23:51 <epsy> or wait
23:51 <ivantis> that will stink
23:51 <epsy> Microsoft Windows Linux eHuman Edition ftw!
23:51 <luke-jr> lol
23:51 <epsy> discard that e
23:52 <epsy> ct|kyle, it's still down i see
23:52 <ct|kyle> ttp://www.theocrite.org/serious/?noobs=Adobe
23:52 <epsy> http://www.theocrite.org/serious/?noobs=Adobe
23:52 <ct|kyle> http://www.theocrite.org/serious/?noobs=Adobe
23:52 <epsy> LOL
23:54 <ct|kyle> http://www.theocrite.org/serious/?noobs=luke-jr
23:54 <ct|kyle> :D
23:54 <epsy> oh
23:55 <epsy> kills it
23:55 <ct|kyle> c10ud should put that on his hosting page
23:55 <luke-jr> http://www.theocrite.org/serious/?noobs=FSF
23:55 <epsy> does the FSF sell anything except teddybears?
23:58 -!- GodTodd_ [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron

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