Log from 2008-07-21:
--- Day changed Mon Jul 21 2008
00:00 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962C0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Over and out."]
00:03 -!- Liza is now known as Liza_
00:06 -!- Liza_ is now known as Liza
00:10 -!- Liza [n=flashyy@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Verlassend"]
00:10 -!- flashyy [n=flashyy@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
00:11 -!- flashyy is now known as Liza
00:11 -!- Liza [n=flashyy@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Client Quit]
00:12 -!- flashyy [n=flashyy@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
00:14 -!- flashyy [n=flashyy@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Client Quit]
00:15 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
00:23 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has joined #armagetron
00:24 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has quit []
00:32 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:38 -!- eggcozy [n=Adam@r6z99.net.upc.cz] has joined #armagetron
00:38 <Monkey_arma> hi egg
00:39 -!- ivantis_away is now known as ivantis
00:39 * ivantis is back!
00:44 <ivantis> hey someone, did it say that i quit (no route to host) or something? i was doing some network maintenance a little bit ago, i tried to make it quik
00:44 <ivantis> #tea
00:44 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “cafe” at the moment, sorry.
00:44 <ivantis> #toast
00:44 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (0/8):
00:47 <ct|kyle> oi ivantis
00:54 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870288.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
00:58 <ivantis> what?
00:58 <ivantis> hey kyle
01:12 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:14 <ct|kyle> ivantis: aa_voodoo did most of the spawn_zone stuff
01:15 <Lizmatic> #Lizmatic
01:15 <armabot> Liz <3's Sav
01:15 <ct|kyle> #echo liz <3's $RandomNick
01:16 <armabot> liz <3's Stewah
01:16 <Flex> !!
01:16 <Lizmatic> lol
01:16 <Lizmatic> damn! secrets out
01:17 <ct|kyle> Flex: ever figure out how to get the code to work with luke-jr's crappy server :D
01:17 <Flex> nope, i gave up
01:17 <Flex> luke-jr is gay
01:18 <ct|kyle> luke-jr is an asshat
01:18 <Flex> he wants me to pay for him to fix his server!
01:18 <Flex> lol
01:18 <luke-jr> ct|kyle is gay
01:18 <luke-jr> Flex: it's not broken
01:18 <luke-jr> file_get_contents gets the contents of a file, it doesn't download a link
01:18 <Flex> it's a quick enable thing
01:18 <Flex> lazy
01:18 <Flex> enable it.. all happy
01:19 <Flex> then i can stalk Lizmatic
01:19 <Lizmatic> pff like you already odn
01:19 <Lizmatic> t
01:19 <Lizmatic> :p
01:19 <Lizmatic> dont*
01:19 <Flex> lol
01:19 <Flex> damn, how'd you know
01:20 <Lizmatic> a little birdy told me
01:20 <ct|kyle> Flex: you'd never give up on stalking Lizmatic
01:21 <Flex> lol
01:21 <Flex> how do you know? :p
01:21 <ct|kyle> a little owl told me
01:21 <Flex> i bet she likes it when i stalk her..
01:22 <ct|kyle> ya girls like stalkers they just don't wanna admit it :D
01:22 <Flex> yeah
01:23 <Lizmatic> yes we also like it when you rape us
01:23 <Lizmatic> and tie us down and kill us
01:23 <Lizmatic> :p
01:23 <ct|kyle> cool i'll try that one tomorrow
01:23 <Lizmatic> lool
01:23 <ct|kyle> :D
01:24 <ct|kyle> if i'm not here after tomorrow i got a ride in that vehicle with the flashing lights and loud music
01:25 <Flex> luke-jr!!! enable it so i can make it easier to stalk Lizmatic!!!!
01:27 <ct|kyle> #alias add stalkliz "fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Lizmatic"
01:27 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
01:27 <ct|kyle> #stalkliz
01:27 <armabot> ct|kyle: ? Lizmatic has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 3 hours 27 minutes ago.
01:27 <ct|kyle> there you fo Flex
01:27 <ct|kyle> go*
01:27 <Flex> #stalkliz
01:27 <armabot> Flex: ? Lizmatic has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 3 hours 27 minutes ago.
01:28 <Flex> #alias add Flex "fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Flex"
01:28 <armabot> Flex: The operation succeeded.
01:28 <Flex> #Flex
01:28 <armabot> Flex: Flex has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 3 hours 28 minutes ago.
01:28 <Flex> lol
01:29 <Lizmatic> lmao
01:29 <ct|kyle> #alias add flex "[fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Flex] and [fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Lizmatic]"
01:29 <armabot> ct|kyle: Error: Commands may not be the result of nesting.
01:30 <ct|kyle> #alias add flex "[fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Flex ] and [fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Lizmatic ]"
01:30 <armabot> ct|kyle: Error: Commands may not be the result of nesting.
01:30 <ct|kyle> #alias add flexy "[flex] and [stalkliz]"
01:30 <armabot> ct|kyle: Error: Commands may not be the result of nesting.
01:31 <ct|kyle> #alias add flex "echo [fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Flex ] and [fetch http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/serverlist/lastseen.php?player=Lizmatic ]"
01:31 <armabot> ct|kyle: The operation succeeded.
01:31 <ct|kyle> #flex
01:31 <armabot> Flex seems to be on Wild West =Team Sumo= right now. and ? Lizmatic has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 3 hours 31 minutes ago.
01:31 <ct|kyle> :D
01:39 -!- eggcozy [n=Adam@r6z99.net.upc.cz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:47 <ivantis> #toast
01:47 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (8/8): .dEm<~ntc, Airman, ivantis (ivantis@forums), Mad Vulcan, Player 1 (tonybbb@forums), System ofa Down, {PHC}Wrecka!, »GrÅn Tµr¡$mº»
01:49 <ivantis> #toast
01:49 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “space-lab” at the moment, sorry.
01:49 <ivantis> #toast
01:49 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “space-lab” at the moment, sorry.
01:50 <ivantis> #toast
01:50 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “space-lab” at the moment, sorry.
01:51 -!- ivantis is now known as ivantis_away
02:04 <ivantis_away> #toast
02:04 <armabot> ivantis_away: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (3/8): nc~tidbit, System ofa Down, »GrÅn Tµr¡$mº»
02:13 <ivantis_away> #toast
02:13 <armabot> ivantis_away: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (3/8): .d3m~>lm8o (tonybbb@forums), AirSplinky, System ofa Down
02:29 -!- ivantis_away [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
02:32 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has left #armagetron []
02:37 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
02:37 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
02:38 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-24-30-129-44.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:52 <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/Ratchet/Paralyzed/Ninjah-1.0.1.aamap.xml: Resource by Ratchet
03:12 -!- ivantis [i=3ff5a627@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3d1a050ae1dd35c4] has joined #armagetron
03:15 -!- ivantis [i=3ff5a627@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3d1a050ae1dd35c4] has quit [Client Quit]
03:15 <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/Ratchet/Paralyzed/Ninjah-1.0.1t.aamap.xml: Resource by Ratchet
03:49 <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/Ratchet/Paralyzed/Ninjah-F.aamap.xml: Resource by Ratchet
03:56 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has quit []
04:12 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has quit ["To hell with you."]
04:25 <epsy> onoz they changed launchpad again :X
04:39 <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/Ratchet/Paralyzed/Ninjah-Fi.aamap.xml: Resource by Ratchet
05:41 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [".. but he will be back!"]
05:42 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p57BB70D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
06:06 -!- Pathetique [n=Pathetiq@adsl-99-180-104-64.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit []
06:12 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
07:13 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@123.110-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
07:26 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@123.110-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
07:38 -!- MrBougs [n=MrBougo@50.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
07:42 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@123.110-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
07:55 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@123.110-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:06 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870288.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
08:28 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@50.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
08:28 <armabot> armagetronad: * resources/Ratchet/Paralyzed/CTF-1.aamap.xml: Resource by Ratchet
08:29 -!- Bougo is now known as MrBougo
08:37 <z-man> Great, now I feel really bad :(
08:37 <z-man> The blackbirds I complained about yesterday?
08:37 <z-man> They lost two of their young that day.
08:41 <MrBougo> eh
08:42 <MrBougo> did they do anything bad to you?
08:42 <MrBougo> blackbirds are awesome
08:44 <z-man> Well, they woke me up at 6 AM with their screaming.
08:44 <MrBougo> ew
08:44 <MrBougo> not *that* awesome I guess
08:46 -!- MrBougs [n=MrBougo@50.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:48 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-68-92-151-50.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:54 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:54 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
09:13 -!- Traveler4 [n=traveler@adsl-163-233-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
09:20 -!- Traveler4 [n=traveler@adsl-163-233-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit ["Java user signed off"]
09:37 <z-man> ooooh, stupid birds
09:37 <z-man> now the last remaining young fell into a cellar.
09:38 <z-man> We had to break in to rescue him.
09:49 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
10:01 -!- Traveler44 [n=fn-javac@adsl-163-233-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
10:01 -!- Traveler44 [n=fn-javac@adsl-163-233-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit [Client Quit]
10:14 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit []
10:15 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@23.212.201-77.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #armagetron
10:15 -!- Traveler47 [n=fn-javac@adsl-163-233-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #armagetron
10:19 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
10:36 -!- mib_7x86fg [i=4aa3e91d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-a0bc35510aa79332] has joined #armagetron
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10:48 -!- mib_owmb49 [i=4aa3e91d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/session] has joined #armagetron
10:48 <mib_owmb49> (:
10:50 -!- mib_owmb49 [i=4aa3e91d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9425e76d9591cddf] has quit [Client Quit]
10:59 -!- Traveler47 [n=fn-javac@adsl-163-233-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit ["Java user signed off"]
11:04 -!- xfroggyGuest [i=4aa3e91d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0a15b1604b95471c] has joined #armagetron
11:04 -!- xfroggyGuest [i=4aa3e91d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0a15b1604b95471c] has quit [Client Quit]
11:14 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit []
11:19 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
11:24 -!- man[afk] is now known as Aides
11:31 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit []
11:58 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
12:06 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p50870288.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
12:12 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
12:25 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l06.thp.uni-koeln.de] has joined #armagetron
12:33 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-049-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
12:34 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@unaffiliated/monkeyarma] has joined #armagetron
12:45 -!- joda_bot1 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
12:45 -!- joda_bot is now known as Guest91889
12:49 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
12:51 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
13:03 -!- Guest91889 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-049-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:13 -!- joda_bot1 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
13:14 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
13:30 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
13:31 <epsy> z-man-work, is there any kind of convention on what nDescriptor to choose for a desired'thing' ?
13:39 -!- akira_arma [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
13:49 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit []
13:52 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
13:54 <epsy> slt
14:08 <z-man-work> epsy: there once were some notes in a makefile, but essentially, try to make the numbers close to what's in the code vicinity.
14:13 <epsy> and if the seat is already taken?
14:15 <epsy> hm, i see a place that would make a little sense
14:16 <epsy> but i guess someone thought there would be something going to fit in there, and let it empty
14:16 <epsy> 201 <http://wiki.armagetronad.net/index.php?title=List_of_nDescriptors>
14:33 <eddiefantastic> #later tell Durka maybe it is the php version. That one seems to be complaining about the xml. Are you sure that is correct?
14:33 <armabot> eddiefantastic: The operation succeeded.
14:52 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has joined #armagetron
14:55 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
15:05 -!- Pathetique [n=Pathetiq@adsl-99-180-104-64.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #armagetron
15:08 -!- eggcozy [n=Adam@] has joined #armagetron
15:19 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
15:24 -!- Netsplit simmons.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tramshed, luke-jr
15:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: tramshed
15:29 -!- luke-jr [n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d] has joined #armagetron
15:33 -!- Liza [n=Liza@p5B25C7B5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
15:57 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has left #armagetron []
16:04 -!- DurkaGuest [i=4cad7a1e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bcd1f31fe9ca4ac8] has joined #armagetron
16:04 <DurkaGuest> hmm
16:05 -!- DurkaGuest [i=4cad7a1e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bcd1f31fe9ca4ac8] has quit [Client Quit]
16:05 <Monkey_arma> oO
16:07 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
16:09 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has joined #armagetron
16:11 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
16:16 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@] has joined #armagetron
16:22 <ivantis> aa_voodoo
16:23 <ivantis> ct~voodoo?
16:23 <epsy> yes
16:24 <ivantis> aa_voodoo: hey, im playing around with sty+ct, and i want to know how to make a moving zone on a map
16:24 <ivantis> i already did it through console with SPAWN_ZONE
16:25 <eddiefantastic> ivantis: that is the only way
16:25 <ivantis> aww
16:25 <eddiefantastic> it's designed with scripting in mind
16:26 <eddiefantastic> the script spawns the zone, then controls it
16:26 <ivantis> great
16:26 <eddiefantastic> ivantis: http://crazy-tronners.com/wiki/index.php/Running_a_Server
16:27 <ivantis> yeah, i read that
16:27 <ivantis> i think
16:27 <Pathetique> I was wondering about that, too.
16:28 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit []
16:28 <Pathetique> I tried doing the whole SPAWN_ZONE L -100 -100 -50 -50 0 0 50 50 100 100 [and then the rest of the arguments] Z...
16:28 <Pathetique> And at one point it looked like it was moving.
16:28 <ivantis> oh, i didnt read that
16:28 <ivantis> sweet
16:28 <eddiefantastic> oh, you want to spawn a moving zone?
16:28 <Pathetique> yeth
16:28 <Pathetique> lol
16:29 <ivantis> Pathetique
16:29 <ivantis> go to my server
16:29 <Pathetique> k
16:29 <epsy> where do i put the z coordinate?
16:29 <eddiefantastic> I thought you wanted to add a movinving zone to the map file
16:29 <ivantis> ill show you how
16:29 <epsy> that can be done i think
16:29 <Pathetique> Z != coordinate
16:29 <eddiefantastic> http://crazy-tronners.com/map.php?map=deathzone_defence&prefix=ed%2Fwildfort&postfix=0.0.1.aamap.xml&mapname=Fortress
16:30 <Pathetique> It looks to me that's where it tells the server you want it to move.
16:30 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
16:30 <eddiefantastic> all ctwf moving zone settings can be found on this page
16:30 <epsy> Pathetique, that was a joke ll
16:30 <Pathetique> :P
16:30 <ivantis> Pathetique: go to my server now
16:30 <Pathetique> yeh
16:30 <ivantis> ill show you
16:31 <Pathetique> so uh
16:31 <Pathetique> Your server
16:31 <Pathetique> It does not appear to be on the master list
16:31 <Pathetique> cause armabot has nofuckingclue where you are
16:31 <Pathetique> LOL!
16:31 <epsy> lulz!
16:31 <Pathetique> oh, that's how you specify if you want it to not disappear after someone hitting it
16:31 <Pathetique> you use false
16:32 * Pathetique was using a "0" for that value
16:32 <epsy> when you >> a 0 to a bool, it gets transformed to false
16:32 <Pathetique> oic
16:32 <epsy> 0 should work as well
16:32 <eddiefantastic> no that specifys if it bounces or not
16:32 <Pathetique> oic
16:32 <Pathetique> Spawned Deathzones always disappear, then, right?
16:33 <eddiefantastic> there's a setting for vanishing on hit
16:33 <epsy> sounds like it's based on the pig's "shot zones"
16:33 <epsy> :P
16:34 <eddiefantastic> epsy: yep
16:34 <eddiefantastic> SHOT_KILL_VANISH 0 #so the deathzones don't collapse if someone dies on them
16:35 <Pathetique> oic
16:35 <Pathetique> kewl
16:38 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-68-92-151-50.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #armagetron
16:52 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-026-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
16:52 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@50.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
16:55 <eddiefantastic> what's happening in Flowersumoland? http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/svgtest.php
16:57 <ivantis> #toast
16:57 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (6/8): .dBd|Pathetique (Pathetique@forums), ivantis (ivantis@forums), Monkey, pako, tånn¥, [cy] mudkip
16:57 <eddiefantastic> £5 on Dude
16:57 <Pathetique> lol
16:58 <epsy> haha
16:58 <epsy> pwned, nobody
16:58 <eddiefantastic> aw
16:59 <epsy> laaag
16:59 <Pathetique> The SVG test thing is cool
16:59 <Pathetique> But uhm
16:59 <Pathetique> Eddie, your SVGout stuff
16:59 <Pathetique> when I tried compiling
16:59 <Pathetique> essentially, my shipment of fail arrived at my computer.
17:00 <eddiefantastic> ah, blame aa_voodoo
17:00 <Pathetique> Voodoo uses linux?
17:01 <eddiefantastic> he codes on osx I think
17:01 <aa_voodoo> on osx or ubuntu, depending on my mood ;)
17:01 -!- Stewah [n=Stewah@cpe-24-30-130-132.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
17:01 <Pathetique> which did you code that one on?
17:01 <eddiefantastic> emmy ftw!
17:02 <aa_voodoo> ubuntu 8.04
17:02 <Pathetique> lolthat'swhy
17:02 <eddiefantastic> woohoo
17:02 <Pathetique> It has srs xcode issues
17:02 <Pathetique> and I have no idea what to do, so I just commented all references of SVG in my source
17:02 <epsy> maybe it's just files that arent in the xcode project file
17:03 <aa_voodoo> yes, there's no xcode support actually ...
17:03 <Pathetique> lol
17:03 <aa_voodoo> I did not even test it, I never run dedicated server on osx
17:03 <Pathetique> I do :)
17:03 <Pathetique> SVG output isn't an essential
17:04 <aa_voodoo> I think you should include the 2 files for svg and it should be fine no ?
17:04 <Pathetique> um
17:06 <Pathetique> Iunno.
17:06 <Pathetique> I don't remember the exact errors that I got...lemme see.
17:06 <Monkey_arma> whenever i see "dude" i hear the song "dude looks like a lady"
17:07 <Pathetique> lol
17:07 <aa_voodoo> I've just check the xcode project, you need to include gSvgOutput.* for sure.
17:09 <Monkey_arma> flower power is so laggy
17:09 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@50.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Connection timed out]
17:12 <Pathetique> I see.
17:12 <Pathetique> lol
17:12 <Pathetique> Hmm...Very interesting.
17:13 <Pathetique> brb
17:19 -!- aa_voodoo [n=aa_voodo@APuteaux-153-1-32-51.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #armagetron []
17:22 <ivantis> hey eddiefantastic
17:22 <ivantis> did you make the Styball server thing?
17:23 <ivantis> or another CT?
17:28 <Lizmatic> #stalkliz
17:28 <armabot> Lizmatic: ? Lizmatic has last been seen on [ omGroup.de ][ Team Sumo Server ][ #2 ] 1 hour 24 minutes ago.
17:29 <Pathetique> I think it was a collaborative effort, ivantis.
17:33 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@222.224-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
17:36 -!- z-man-work [n=moos@l06.thp.uni-koeln.de] has quit ["Argh, they're coming!"]
17:36 <Lizmatic> #stalkliz
17:36 <armabot> Lizmatic: ? Lizmatic seems to be on Wild West =Sumo= right now.
17:36 <Pathetique> I was thinking, it would be nice to have an alternative authentication system where instead of having different levels, have different groups that you could assign people to that would have different restrictions than other groups, the important part being that the way of identifying the group would not be a number.
17:39 <ivantis> #stalk ivantis
17:39 <Pathetique> no
17:39 <armabot> ivantis seems to be on SPACE-LAB Shooting! right now. | ivantis is 4752nd with a rating of 1446-1552 (from 1447-1551) | #stalk ivantis
17:45 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@50.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:45 <ivantis> #toast
17:45 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (4/8): AMJS, ivantis (ivantis@forums), nomensteven, [cy] mudkip
17:53 -!- Aides is now known as man[afk]
17:54 -!- eggcozy [n=Adam@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
17:54 <Pathetique> Epsy, what do you think of my idea?
17:55 <epsy> the way unix does it?
17:55 <Pathetique> Each ACCESS_LEVEL setting would essentially be a whitelist.
17:55 <Pathetique> Iunno, you tell me...I'm just starting to get decent exposure to *nix operating systems.
17:55 <Pathetique> lol
17:55 <epsy> that would be quite data intensive
17:56 <epsy> there's like 700+ commands
17:56 <Pathetique> o.o
17:56 <Pathetique> srsly?
17:56 <epsy> say, you have 20 admins
17:56 <ivantis> for what? i dont get it
17:56 <Pathetique> scroll up
17:56 <epsy> 20 × 700 = 14 000
17:56 <ivantis> still dont see it
17:56 <epsy> 14k of booleans
17:57 <ivantis> great
17:57 <Pathetique> Nonono.
17:57 <Pathetique> Not a command for each admin.
17:57 <ivantis> i dont get it
17:58 <epsy> ok, three groups of admins.. 700 × 3
17:58 <Pathetique> You know how the list of authorities that a server can authenticate with is definable by the admin of the server?
17:58 <epsy> you want to give everyone from a given autority the same rights, all at once?
17:59 <ivantis> is it like you can give command rights to individual admins?
17:59 <Pathetique> You could probably use a text file, with each command having its own line, followed by a colon, followed by the list of groups that you want to give access to each command, separated by commas.
17:59 <Pathetique> Say you want groups a, b, and c to have access to lets say, ARENA_AXIS
17:59 <ivantis> yes
17:59 <Pathetique> You'd type ACCESS_LEVEL ARENA_AXIS a, b, c
17:59 <ivantis> Pathetique: i had that same idea a while ago
17:59 <epsy> hm, not a very good choice :P
18:00 <Pathetique> While groups a, b, and c would have access to it, groups d and e wouldn't.
18:00 <epsy> Pathetique, give me a practical case where that would be useful
18:00 <Pathetique> It would make having different types of authenticated users easier without having to think through the hierarchy to organize it.
18:00 <Pathetique> Hmm...
18:01 <ivantis> epsy: why that is usefull,
18:01 <ivantis> i would use it
18:01 <Pathetique> ivantis, shhhhhh
18:02 <ivantis> yeah, ssh not telnet
18:02 <Pathetique> Say you want to assign someone or several people a special group of their own, because you have them appointed as your Event Coordinators for your server, the people who essentially gets events like clan wars going.
18:03 <ivantis> oh yeah
18:03 <Pathetique> The problem I have with the current hierarchy-based scheme is that I don't like assigning numerical values to groups of people...
18:04 <Pathetique> And while an Event Coordinator may not be as important as a moderator, they would have access to more commands than a moderator, and that allows for the possibility of taking flak for giving the Event Coordinator more access rights than someone who is a Moderator.
18:04 <Pathetique> So if I were going to have that, it would have to be something like
18:04 <epsy> the only problem is that you can't have group A that shouldn't have access to command Y but only to command Z, and a group B that has access to command Y but not Z
18:04 <ivantis> ?
18:05 <Pathetique> 0 owner, 1 administrator, 2 event coordinator, 3 moderator, et cetera.
18:05 <ivantis> yeah
18:05 <epsy> i would be putting event coord_ors under mods :p
18:05 <Pathetique> But then moderators would have access to things like TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS and TEAMS_MAX/MIN, which is somethign that I wouldn't want.
18:07 <Pathetique> Which is where the whole group thing comes into play.
18:07 <Pathetique> Because you could customize the access rights of each individual group and not have to worry about having to deal with the hierarchy of things.
18:07 <Pathetique> Kind of like user groups on a forum.
18:07 <epsy> someone who has to organize a match doesnt have to use TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS and TEAMS_MAX/MIN
18:08 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:08 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
18:09 <Pathetique> If the capacity settings for your server isn't enough, they wouldn't be able to change MAX_CLIENTS and TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS and TEAMS_MAX/_MIN, and would have to get an administrator or someone who has the rights to those settings to change them for them.
18:09 <Pathetique> Its those times where things start to get chaotic and disorganized.
18:10 <epsy> tell your match organizers to include a file with these settings set to a high value
18:11 <ivantis> anyone talking to me: use ivantis: text
18:11 <Pathetique> The purpose of CASACL, my arch-nemisis.
18:11 <epsy> and put a CASACL at the beginning of that file
18:11 <epsy> yes
18:12 <Pathetique> Has the bug where if you do /admin CASACL to check the usage causing the server to freak out trying to check the access level of nothing and end up kicking and banning everyone for trying to send multiple queries in single messages been fixed?
18:12 <Pathetique> When you type it in a second time, into the console (because you won't be able to get back in), it unbans everyone and then shuts down.
18:13 <Pathetique> Its really quite funny, once you get over the initial shock of "OMGWTF IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?"
18:15 <epsy> update armagetron, lol
18:15 <Pathetique> Ever since I had that experience, I've been like "fuckthatshit" with the whole CASACL thing.
18:15 <epsy> my admins [used to] use it all the time (trough includes ofc) and i never had any problem
18:16 <Pathetique> As long as it had parameters to operate on its fine.
18:16 <Pathetique> But if you do /admin CASACL by itself like you would with /admin CYCLE_RUBBER_ to see different possible commands/to see the usage of the commands, it does that bug.
18:18 <epsy> i see
18:21 <epsy> ah, an exception that's not caught at the right place :)
18:22 <Pathetique> But uhm, I think after I do the other things that I have started, I'll try enabling my idea, perhaps dependent on something like GLOBAL_ID 2. :)
18:24 <Pathetique> Indeed.
18:24 <Pathetique> :)
18:26 <wrtlprnft> epsy: i have absolutely no idea what's going on with my server. If I boot it in qemu it complains about invalid instructions in ld.so, and no matter how often i recompile glibc or what kernel I use it won't boot
18:26 <Pathetique> :x hardware problem of some sort?
18:27 <epsy> hi
18:27 <epsy> and, what's the thing that's running at armagetron.at ?
18:27 <epsy> there's still a machine to reply to my login tries
18:29 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962956.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
18:29 <Pathetique> wrtlprnft: just out of curiosity, wtf caused this: http://wrtlprnft.ath.cx/arma/screenshot_37.png
18:30 <epsy> damn my lazyness, try wont work without {}
18:31 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
18:33 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
18:33 -!- K-Yo [n=Olivier-@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
18:33 <epsy> wrtlprnft?
18:34 <K-Yo> no, i'm K-Yo
18:35 <epsy> K-Yo, yes, i'm effectively not talking to you :)
18:35 <K-Yo> :'(
18:35 <Pathetique> LOL!
18:35 <wrtlprnft> Pathetique: There was a bug that caused the lagometer to be scaled with the cycles
18:36 <Pathetique> oic
18:36 <K-Yo> oh wrtlprnft is alive o_O
18:36 <epsy> there we really see cycle shadows
18:36 <wrtlprnft> hehe
18:36 <Pathetique> That's a bit of an amusing bug; reminded me of the cheat codes that would cause heads on characters in a game to become huuuuge
18:37 <epsy> or the sun to become a teletobbies head
18:37 <Pathetique> lol
18:37 <Pathetique> teletubbies*
18:37 <Pathetique> :P
18:37 <epsy> i think in fance it's written with a o
18:38 <epsy> france*
18:38 <Pathetique> lol
18:38 <Pathetique> That would make sense, then.
18:38 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962956.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:38 <Pathetique> :)
18:38 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962956.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
18:39 <epsy> er, did some merging happen on 0.2.8 ?
18:39 <Pathetique> btw, epsy, if there are 700+ commands, how come there is only 475 occurrances of SettingItem in the source?
18:39 <Pathetique> :S
18:40 <epsy> then i over-estimated it haha
18:40 <Pathetique> lol
18:40 <epsy> er
18:40 <epsy> wait no
18:40 <epsy> you forgot tConfItems, and many other stuff
18:40 <Pathetique> ic.
18:41 <Pathetique> To save for future frustration, as well as a personal learning project, I'm making a GUI for the dedicated server, and so I'm writing down all the variables in a text file
18:41 <epsy> each confg item? huh
18:41 <Pathetique> yeh
18:42 <Pathetique> <-- crazy, no?
18:42 <epsy> more like terribly inefficient
18:43 <Pathetique> :P
18:43 <epsy> did you try armagetronad --doc ?
18:43 <Pathetique> no, didn't think of that.
18:43 <epsy> Pathetique, committed a fix
18:43 <Pathetique> yaey
18:43 <Pathetique> To launchpad?
18:43 <epsy> yes, on bzr
18:43 <Pathetique> wewt
18:43 <epsy> not sure if bazaarmagetron is still alive
18:44 <epsy> wrtlprnft, <epsy> and, what's the thing that's running at armagetron.at ?
18:44 <epsy> <epsy> there's still a machine to reply to my login tries
18:47 <Pathetique> good tip on the armagetronad --doc, except, it doesn't tell me the variables that each of the values are assigned to.
18:47 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962956.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:47 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962956.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
18:47 <epsy> can't you write a script that would parse trought all the code to find that?
18:48 <epsy> sounds more efficient
18:48 <Pathetique> yes, that certainly would be more efficient
18:48 <Pathetique> :S
18:48 <Pathetique> <-- noob
18:48 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508723A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
18:49 <wrtlprnft> epsy: yeah, that's the stupid rescue system
18:49 <epsy> oh lol
18:54 <epsy> z-man, bazaarmagetron didn't do anything since now one month
18:58 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8504 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. language/english_base.txt src/engine/ePlayer.cpp): /admin catches tAbortLoadings, preventing the game from ending as soon as someone would say /admin casacl without arguments
18:59 <epsy> not my day
19:00 <armabot> armagetronad: bazaarmagetron * r8505 /armagetronad/branches/0.2.8/armagetronad/ (. src/engine/ePlayer.cpp): er, disable that
19:00 <Pathetique> lol
19:01 <epsy> er
19:01 <Pathetique> skates?
19:01 <epsy> it still jumped over revisions 857 to 864
19:10 <Pathetique> tis odd
19:11 <Pathetique> What's the version number of the current release? Like, not, but the Feature Watch version number...:S
19:11 <Pathetique> Its 13, right?
19:25 <z-man> epsy: but it can't be missing revisions, that would confuse the hell out of it.
19:26 <epsy> well, look
19:26 <epsy> http://cia.vc/stats/author/bazaarmagetron vs https://code.launchpad.net/~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.2.8-armagetronad-work
19:27 <epsy> Pathetique, probably
19:27 <Pathetique> I think so, because now that I think about it, whenever I've tried to use CYCLE_WIDTH with my server, I always get kicked because it says I need a newer version of tron.
19:28 <Pathetique> And CYCLE_WIDTH is feature version number 14...so...lol
19:28 <epsy> it writes down which versions are excluded on the log once you change something like that
19:28 <epsy> 14 is the first alpha
19:38 <Pathetique> cool
19:38 <Pathetique> ty
19:38 <Pathetique> :)
19:39 -!- man[afk] is now known as Aides
19:56 -!- Nan1 [n=Owner@ip72-220-88-157.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #armagetron
19:56 <Pathetique> #hello nano
19:56 <armabot> Hello Pathetique nano :) Quote #23: "<spidey> you wanna fuck Luke-Jr ?" (added by Vanhayes at 01:40 AM, October 15, 2006)
19:56 <Pathetique> damn..
19:56 <Nan1> .... o.O
19:56 <Pathetique> oh well.
19:56 <Pathetique> LOL!
19:56 <Nan1> #aka Nano
19:56 <armabot> Nan1: ¿12890 slowbro .|own| nightbeast nanobeast the_hero .!vnv!hemoglobn .dbd|nightbeast excessive_ping paper_airplane nano switchback little_suicide .dbd|noobsaibot2 constrict pwnish dark_mind .dbd|nano.rev .dbd|dark_mind the_team player_a playerkiller aeon2 a-off pwncakes+syrup nano! o_'_nano arrow supernano mower .indices ~the_sex_reflex .dbd|pwncakes .dbd|pwnsauce .dbd|nanosauce love</3 (1 more message)
19:56 <Pathetique> more
19:56 <Nan1> lololol
19:56 <Pathetique> type more, nano
19:56 <Nan1> more
19:56 <Pathetique> armabot, more
19:56 <armabot> Pathetique: Error: You haven't asked me a command; perhaps you want to see someone else's more. To do so, call this command with that person's nick.
19:56 <Nan1> lol @ all my aliases tho
19:57 <Pathetique> type that.
19:57 <Nan1> armabot, more
19:57 <armabot> Nan1: .dbd|fale omgimao_' omgimaquail!o_' omgimaquail!_' knoppix .dbd|quail_)'_o lobster_wizardo [charm_noodle] ofear
19:57 <Nan1> lololol
19:57 <Pathetique> Isn't this wonderful?
19:57 <Nan1> Super lol at Nano aliases
19:57 <Nan1> #aka pathetique
19:57 <armabot> Nan1: ¿23493 pathetique
19:57 <Pathetique> I've got nothing.
19:57 <Pathetique> lol
19:57 <Nan1> o.O
19:57 <Pathetique> Usually I change names before entering.
19:57 <Nan1> why?
19:58 <Pathetique> Before entering a server*
19:58 <Nan1> #aka .dBd|Pathetique
19:58 <armabot> Nan1: ¿29962 noob_shazbot .dbd|pathetique 0:Pathetique@forums
19:58 <Nan1> :o
19:58 <Pathetique> YAY!@noob_shazbot
19:58 <Nan1> #aka Endless
19:58 <armabot> Nan1: ¿28412 beta_sperm gamma_rays cosmic endless useless endlessless
19:58 <Pathetique> I meant to do that earlier.
19:58 <Nan1> o.O
19:58 <Nan1> beta sperm?
19:58 <Nan1> wth
19:58 <Pathetique> #aka beta sperm
19:58 <armabot> Pathetique: ¿28412 beta_sperm gamma_rays cosmic endless useless endlessless
19:58 <Nan1> #ls endless
19:58 <Pathetique> lol
19:58 <armabot> Nan1: Endless has last been seen on Wild West =Team Sumo= 13 hours 36 minutes ago.
19:58 <Nan1> #aka .dBd|endless
19:58 <armabot> Nan1: I don't know anything about '.dbd|endless'!
19:59 <Nan1> noob
19:59 <Pathetique> lulz
19:59 <Pathetique> uhm
19:59 <Nan1> #ls my mother
19:59 <Pathetique> timeout
19:59 <armabot> Nan1: timed out
19:59 <Pathetique> I bet
19:59 <Nan1> #aka Batman
19:59 <Pathetique> lol
19:59 <armabot> Nan1: ¿22381 batman bob_the_panda kool-aid x:pirate:x
19:59 <Pathetique> #ls snoopy
19:59 <armabot> Pathetique: Snoopy has last been seen on Wild West =CTF Shooting= 10 minutes ago.
19:59 <Nan1> no 'bruce wayne'?
19:59 <Pathetique> Surprisingly not.
19:59 <Nan1> #aka ox
19:59 <armabot> Nan1: ¿20577 obsidius_|hax la lay_height obsi_|_hax frwanks_&_beans apple_bobbin |sk|_stink |sk_stnkyfeet|/ |sk_stnkyfeet| |\/|asshole|\/| sonicgirl get_wacky camo_elite megatron yellow_13 daihatsu bent;y bently_go_vroom ir -'itron'- |live|_itron |sharkb sharkbait|itron crimtron ox nr3al 1osix own_mine_defend nr3 vi viral bmk|bob sudo_rm_-r
20:00 <Nan1> lol
20:00 <Nan1> Interesting variety
20:00 <Nan1> #aka player1
20:00 <armabot> Nan1: ¿1673 bubbles 9fps cheshirecat anonymous >:3 :( :'( player1 :[ "${**73r"
20:00 <Pathetique> lol
20:00 <Nan1> #aka Smooth
20:00 <armabot> Nan1: ¿4936 smooth ~|fw~_dema
20:00 <Nan1> o.o
20:01 <Pathetique> #aka xzl.smooth
20:01 <armabot> Pathetique: I don't know anything about 'xzl.smooth'!
20:01 <Pathetique> hmm
20:01 <Pathetique> what's the full tag?
20:01 <Nan1> #aka ~"xzl.smooth
20:01 <Nan1> ?
20:01 <Pathetique> yes
20:01 <armabot> Nan1: ¿23832 ~"xzl.accel ~"xzl.- mr.pink ~"xzl.smooth
20:01 <Pathetique> o.o
20:01 <Pathetique> wut
20:01 <Nan1> #aka gay
20:01 <armabot> Nan1: ¿25591 |y|punk |y|_infamos_2 gay <<y>>punk
20:02 <Nan1> hm
20:02 <Nan1> lol
20:02 <Nan1> #aka lolyermother
20:02 <armabot> Nan1: ¿27758 o|_|o jungle.panic color_r_1_o lolyermother .dbd|lullz
20:02 <Pathetique> LOL!
20:02 <Nan1> hehe
20:02 <Nan1> Thats me :D
20:02 <Pathetique> I figured. :)
20:02 <Nan1> Over how long of a period does this look?
20:02 <Nan1> #aka slowbro
20:02 <Pathetique> no idea
20:02 <armabot> Nan1: ¿12890 slowbro .|own| nightbeast nanobeast the_hero .!vnv!hemoglobn .dbd|nightbeast excessive_ping paper_airplane nano switchback little_suicide .dbd|noobsaibot2 constrict pwnish dark_mind .dbd|nano.rev .dbd|dark_mind the_team player_a playerkiller aeon2 a-off pwncakes+syrup nano! o_'_nano arrow supernano mower .indices ~the_sex_reflex .dbd|pwncakes .dbd|pwnsauce .dbd|nanosauce love</3 (1 more message)
20:02 <Pathetique> whoa
20:02 <Nan1> :O
20:02 <Nan1> hehe
20:02 <Nan1> armabot, more
20:02 <armabot> Nan1: .dbd|fale omgimao_' omgimaquail!o_' omgimaquail!_' knoppix .dbd|quail_)'_o lobster_wizardo [charm_noodle] ofear
20:03 <Nan1> I had even more under that
20:03 <Nan1> than under nano
20:03 <Nan1> #aka dbdnano
20:03 <armabot> Nan1: ¿27505 ~nano i_am_quail!'_o dbdnano britch_please quailfail quailfail_'|_o quailfail_|'_o kite_<|x|>_-__` .dbd|the_kite! .dbd|the_nano! pistolero!
20:03 <Nan1> #aka pistolero!
20:03 <armabot> Nan1: ¿27505 ~nano i_am_quail!'_o dbdnano britch_please quailfail quailfail_'|_o quailfail_|'_o kite_<|x|>_-__` .dbd|the_kite! .dbd|the_nano! pistolero!
20:03 <Nan1> #aka .dBd|Nano
20:03 <armabot> Nan1: ¿24387 .dbd|sirius .dbd|nano help_im_a_bum n-n-n-nano!
20:03 <Pathetique> lol
20:03 <Nan1> #aka osirius
20:03 <armabot> Nan1: ¿12990 coco |sk|elite_coco .` hemoglobin baal .dbd_|_dbd the_beta someone! onandbd bloodstain roffel_mow osirius gooaaaallld i_brake_4_porn walls?! |pwm| |dis||.| sirius-ori +1_lagger .dbd|lagzilla i_am_the_goat lockpickgoat mouskateer dyspepsia
20:03 <Nan1> .....wtf # elite coco
20:04 <Pathetique> lol
20:04 <Nan1> sk member impersonating?
20:04 <Nan1> or dumb luck?
20:04 <Pathetique> He probably used it as like Osirius
20:04 <Nan1> prolly
20:04 <Pathetique> #aka nubsauce
20:04 <armabot> Pathetique: I don't know anything about 'nubsauce'!
20:04 <Pathetique> LOL
20:04 <Nan1> #aka |n00b|nubsauce
20:04 <armabot> Nan1: ¿1225 |noob|nubsauce
20:04 <Pathetique> lol
20:04 <Nan1> #aka |noob|nubsauce
20:04 <Pathetique> like I said I have the habit of changing names before I come in.
20:04 <armabot> Nan1: ¿1225 |noob|nubsauce
20:04 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
20:05 <Nan1> How informative
20:05 <K-Yo> #aka ct_k-yo
20:05 <Nan1> #Thunder
20:05 <armabot> K-Yo: ¿10181 k-yo ct_k_yo >>wir<<arsch! asleepk >>opfa<< <<opfa>> |x|scorpion |x|blackeagle iloveu.exe omg_hi_i'm aok_/dev/null /\/\.|<.| /\/\.|< 0:K-Yo@forums o:o o_o2 ~*omega*~ 0:K-Yo@x 7fo ` ct_k-yo lumberjack $tar ~afk 0:K-Yo@ct
20:05 <Nan1> er
20:05 <Nan1> #aka Thunder
20:05 <armabot> Nan1: ¿13978 |is|thunder thunder =gb=_thunder thu xc|thunder ~xc~thunder
20:05 <Nan1> #aka .dBd|thunder
20:05 <Pathetique> LOL!
20:05 <armabot> Nan1: I don't know anything about '.dbd|thunder'!
20:05 <K-Yo> nice, i've been faked
20:05 <Nan1> o rly
20:05 <Nan1> H lo K Yo
20:05 <Pathetique> #aka thund3r
20:05 <armabot> Pathetique: ¿474 thund3r
20:05 <Pathetique> #aka .dbd|thund3r
20:05 <Nan1> oh yeah
20:05 <Nan1> duh
20:05 <armabot> Pathetique: ¿20196 .dbd|thund3r turqoise_bobin -=}idrthund3r .dbd|astro
20:06 <Pathetique> o.o
20:06 <Pathetique> LOL@ID
20:06 <Nan1> #aka th_nd3r
20:06 <armabot> Nan1: ¿22788 h_nd3r th_nd3r .dbdth_nd3r
20:06 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-143-186.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
20:06 <Nan1> #aka .dBdth_nd3r
20:06 <armabot> Nan1: ¿22788 h_nd3r th_nd3r .dbdth_nd3r
20:06 <Nan1> #aka .dBd|th_nd3r
20:06 <armabot> Nan1: ¿26806 .dbd|youdontkno .dbd|incognito .dbd|palaisanoo .dbd|palisanoob t9999h_nd3r .dbd|th_nd3r palaisanoob_<3
20:06 <Nan1> lol
20:06 <Nan1> #aka zoid
20:06 <armabot> Nan1: I don't know anything about 'zoid'!
20:07 <Nan1> o.O
20:07 <Nan1> for reals?
20:07 <Nan1> weird
20:07 <Pathetique> #aka .dbd|zoid
20:07 <armabot> Pathetique: ¿19536 lordzoidberg .dbd|zoid .dbd|bugz .dbd|shampoo .dbd|de-gasser .dbd|clam .dbd|jawz pocket_protecto .dbd|sloth .dbd|seasponge sea_cucumber .dbd|plankton .dbd|judge_judy neube dbdzoid
20:07 <Nan1> #aka .dBd|zoid
20:07 <Pathetique> pwnt
20:07 <Nan1> indeeed
20:07 <armabot> Nan1: ¿19536 lordzoidberg .dbd|zoid .dbd|bugz .dbd|shampoo .dbd|de-gasser .dbd|clam .dbd|jawz pocket_protecto .dbd|sloth .dbd|seasponge sea_cucumber .dbd|plankton .dbd|judge_judy neube dbdzoid
20:07 <Nan1> #aka zuni~>
20:07 <armabot> Nan1: ¿24905 stinky~> zuni~>
20:07 <Pathetique> nano: type #plzpwn
20:07 <Nan1> #plzpwn
20:07 <armabot> Please hack this host: ip72-220-88-157.sd.sd.cox.net *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?! *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
20:07 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:07 <Pathetique> LOL!
20:07 <Nan1> o.o;;;
20:07 <Pathetique> #roulette
20:08 <Nan1> Whoever programmed that
20:08 <armabot> Pathetique: *click*
20:08 <Nan1> has a sick sense of humor
20:08 <Pathetique> your turn
20:08 <Nan1> #yourmother
20:08 <Pathetique> no
20:08 <Pathetique> type #roulette
20:08 <Flex> #aka Flex
20:08 <armabot> Flex: ¿22380 |sexy|_flexy flex 0:Flex@x |x|_flex 0:flex@L_OP |x|_flew |dmx|_flex fle|x|
20:08 <Nan1> dmx?
20:08 <Nan1> lol
20:08 <Nan1> #ls flex
20:08 <Flex> Nan1?
20:08 <armabot> Nan1: Flex has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 1 minute ago.
20:08 <Nan1> lol :o
20:08 * Nan1 sends warm fuzzy feelings
20:08 <Nan1> dunno why it gave me Nan1
20:08 <K-Yo> #roulette
20:08 <K-Yo> #roulette
20:08 <armabot> K-Yo: *click*
20:09 <K-Yo> #roulette
20:09 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
20:09 <K-Yo> #roulette
20:09 <K-Yo> #roulette
20:09 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:09 <K-Yo> #roulette
20:09 <Pathetique> LOLSPAM
20:09 <armabot> K-Yo: *click*
20:09 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
20:09 <Nan1> Spamnoob
20:09 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:09 <Flex> #rating Flex
20:09 <armabot> K-Yo: *click*
20:09 <armabot> *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
20:09 <K-Yo> :)
20:09 * armabot reloads and spins the chambers.
20:09 <armabot> Flex: flex is 1037th with a rating of 1563-1591 (from 1568-1586)
20:09 <Nan1> #help
20:09 <armabot> Nan1: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
20:09 <Nan1> ....
20:09 <K-Yo> #rating ct_k-yo
20:09 <Nan1> #commands
20:09 <Flex> Monkey_arma
20:09 <armabot> K-Yo: ct_k-yo is 1011th with a rating of 1564-1595 (from 1569-1590)
20:09 <Flex> you here?
20:09 <K-Yo> yahoo
20:09 <Pathetique> #alias add commands list alias
20:09 <armabot> Pathetique: The operation succeeded.
20:09 <K-Yo> Flex: in ur face :D
20:09 <Pathetique> #commands
20:09 <armabot> Pathetique: monologue, roulette, #lags, #noob, /me, 42, aawiki, action, add, afl, aka, armabot, armaconfig, armaservers, armasettings, arrow, babel, ball, bigbrother, bigos, bing, blah, botsnack, bounce, bug, bye, bzr, cafe, cat, cfg, cfg2, chainfight, chatlog, check, cheers, cinf, cink, commands, cookie, crazylate, ctwf, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, ddl, del, devhelp, dicht, die, die, (4 more messages)
20:09 <Flex> it's bullshit K-Yo
20:09 <Pathetique> there you go, nano.
20:09 <akira_arma> #noob
20:09 <Nan1> o.o
20:09 <K-Yo> Flex: nowai
20:09 <Nan1> lol
20:09 <Pathetique> type #commands
20:10 <Nan1> what did you do
20:10 <Nan1> lol
20:10 <Flex> Monkey_arma, here?
20:10 <armabot> akira_arma: timed out
20:10 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
20:10 <Nan1> aliased a different command as #commands?
20:10 <akira_arma> #noob Flex
20:10 <Pathetique> mhm
20:10 <armabot> akira_arma: noob_saibot has last been seen on .dBd|Death By Distraction (Hex Sumo) 1 day 11 hours 26 minutes ago.
20:10 <Pathetique> Just do it.
20:10 <K-Yo> #help commaned
20:10 <armabot> K-Yo: Error: There is no command "commaned".
20:10 <akira_arma> :O
20:10 <Nan1> lol
20:10 <Pathetique> noob
20:10 <K-Yo> #help commands
20:10 <Nan1> typing fail
20:10 <Pathetique> nOOB
20:10 <armabot> K-Yo: (commands <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "list alias".
20:10 <Pathetique> so yes, nano, type #commands to see all the commands
20:10 <Nan1> #help cink
20:10 <armabot> Nan1: (cink <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "math calc $1 + 273.15".
20:11 <Nan1> o.o
20:11 <Nan1> #cink
20:11 <armabot> Nan1: (cink <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "math calc $1 + 273.15".
20:11 <Nan1> #ctwf
20:11 <armabot> Nan1: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (14/14): *M* Mosh Man, 808 STATE, <V>TØtM, ><>IKill_-=-_+, aok yoshy, Bora Surmeli, Jay6742319, Kick Me, nerdo, twilightNoir, zz 109, ¦¤¦JøRg£.ßøt æþ, °1337°Alpha, °°° ³dot °°°
20:11 <Nan1> hmph
20:11 <Pathetique> #cink 3.1415926535
20:11 <Nan1> Someone has predisposition for ctwf
20:11 <armabot> Pathetique: 276.291592654
20:11 <Pathetique> $1 is generally a term for a variable.
20:11 <Pathetique> #shuffle $1 is generally a term for a variable.
20:11 <armabot> Pathetique: is generally for variable. $1 term a a
20:11 <Nan1> armabot, more
20:11 <armabot> Nan1: Error: That's all, there is no more.
20:12 <Nan1> #commands
20:12 <Nan1> Answer me, noob
20:12 <Nan1> #commands
20:12 <Pathetique> LOL!
20:12 <Nan1> ....
20:12 <K-Yo> ask again!
20:12 <Pathetique> someone removed my alias. x.x
20:12 <Nan1> #aka nano
20:12 <armabot> Nan1: ¿12890 slowbro .|own| nightbeast nanobeast the_hero .!vnv!hemoglobn .dbd|nightbeast excessive_ping paper_airplane nano switchback little_suicide .dbd|noobsaibot2 constrict pwnish dark_mind .dbd|nano.rev .dbd|dark_mind the_team player_a playerkiller aeon2 a-off pwncakes+syrup nano! o_'_nano arrow supernano mower .indices ~the_sex_reflex .dbd|pwncakes .dbd|pwnsauce .dbd|nanosauce love</3 (1 more message)
20:12 <Nan1> lol
20:12 <K-Yo> ask again!
20:12 <Nan1> .....
20:12 <Nan1> #commands
20:12 <Pathetique> kyo
20:12 <armabot> Nan1 : you're a noooob!
20:12 <Pathetique> you suck.
20:12 <K-Yo> :)
20:12 <Nan1> :|
20:12 <Pathetique> #alias add commands list alias
20:12 <armabot> Pathetique: The operation succeeded.
20:12 <Nan1> #commands
20:12 <armabot> Nan1: monologue, roulette, #lags, #noob, /me, 42, aawiki, action, add, afl, aka, armabot, armaconfig, armaservers, armasettings, arrow, babel, ball, bigbrother, bigos, bing, blah, botsnack, bounce, bug, bye, bzr, cafe, cat, cfg, cfg2, chainfight, chatlog, check, cheers, cinf, cink, commands, cookie, crazylate, ctwf, dance, date, davestupidwebsite"rss, ddl, del, devhelp, dicht, die, die, digg, (4 more messages)
20:13 <Nan1> armabot, more
20:13 <armabot> Nan1: digitx, ding, disclaimer, dns, do, dofinger, dog, dong, donkey, doping, dorka, eliza, epicfail, epsy, eroulette, f, fail, fastfood, fight, finc, fink, flashyy, flex, flex's, flex'sepitaph, fofo, fortune, fuck!, g, gcalc, gfight, go, godtodd, going, goodbye, grep, grep2, hd, hack, hell, hello, hey, hoop, hungary, hyphy, impregnate, insight, ircstats, ivantis, jesus, joke, kill, killsomeone, (3 more messages)
20:13 <Nan1> armabot, more
20:13 <armabot> Nan1: kinc, kinf, king, kyle, laddle10, lags, lastseen, lastseenf, lastseen flexsmum, legit, lies, lizmatic, lock, log, log, ls, luke, lukejr, lukejrwork, lukejrworks, m, mail, man, mcalc, mfaq, ming, monologue, morning, move, mrbougo, murder, n00b, nano, new, night, no, noob, null, onlineplayers, onlineservers, p4, pacman, path, path2, peek, pingme, pingy, piong, plzpwn, poing, pong, praise, (2 more messages)
20:13 <Nan1> armabot, more
20:13 <armabot> Nan1: pwn, q, quot, r, raaaaaaape, rape, rating, rating2, rating2test, real, realchatlogs, remove, res, resources, ring, rou, roulette, roulette, roulete, rules, roulette, sd, send, serv, serverdetails, serverinfo, servers, serverscores, si, sing, skill, slap, smoke, spam, speed, ss, stalk, stalkliz, stfu, stone, sty, svn, t, tea, team, test, testing, tg, thank, the, thing, toast, tst4, tst5, (1 more message)
20:13 <Nan1> armabot, more
20:13 <armabot> Nan1: tstservers, ty, uname, unlock, ur, vanhayes, w, wanna, wannafight?, wc, weather, where, whereis4p, whereisp4, where are the noobs ?, whoareyou, whoisp4, wikipedia, wikipediamonkey, wild, wing, wisdom, wp, wrtlprnft, wut, ww, x, xd, yay, ying, ys, and â€
20:13 <Nan1> lol@ command spam
20:13 <Pathetique> #ping
20:13 <armabot> pong
20:13 <Pathetique> :)
20:13 <epsy> lulzlulz
20:13 <Flex> #flex'sepitaph
20:13 <armabot> There was a brave soldier named flex, who played tron in a fine clan called 'x', , in the end they just used him for sex
20:13 <Flex> lmao
20:14 <Nan1> #ivantis
20:14 <armabot> Nan1: ivantis has last been seen on SPACE-LAB Shooting! 2 hours 19 minutes ago.
20:14 <Nan1> lol
20:14 <Nan1> #kill
20:14 <Flex> who fucking added that..
20:14 <Nan1> #die
20:14 <Nan1> I wonder?
20:14 <armabot> Nan1: (kill <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $1 will die on $now due to being stabbed in the eye by $who".
20:14 <K-Yo> Flex: lol
20:14 <Pathetique> #chainfight
20:14 <armabot> Pathetique: (chainfight <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $who slaps $randomNick, who kicks $randomNick, who punches $randomNick, who bites $randomNick, who slaps $1 for $who.".
20:14 <K-Yo> #wherethefuckiskyo
20:14 <ivantis> Nan1: yes?
20:14 <K-Yo> #kyo
20:14 <Nan1> I wasnt talking to you
20:14 <Pathetique> #chainfight nan1
20:14 <armabot> Pathetique slaps samsoffes, who kicks ivantis, who punches samsoffes, who bites P4, who slaps nan1 for Pathetique.
20:14 <Flex> #flex's
20:14 <Nan1> #ivantis
20:14 <armabot> Nan1: ivantis has last been seen on SPACE-LAB Shooting! 2 hours 20 minutes ago.
20:14 <K-Yo> #flex
20:14 <armabot> Flex has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 7 minutes ago. and ? Lizmatic has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 8 minutes ago.
20:15 <K-Yo> #help kyo
20:15 <armabot> K-Yo: Error: There is no command "kyo".
20:15 <Nan1> How do I rename myself
20:15 <Pathetique> /nick LOLOLOL!
20:15 <K-Yo> #alias add kyo echo $who: yeah he's gorgeous
20:15 <Pathetique> that's how
20:15 <armabot> K-Yo: The operation succeeded.
20:15 -!- Nan1 is now known as dBd|nano
20:16 <dBd|nano> hm wont let me be 'Nano"
20:16 <Flex> it's already taken
20:16 <dBd|nano> Now to add a sound for people talkin bout me behind my back
20:16 <dBd|nano> probably by me
20:16 <dBd|nano> lol
20:17 <K-Yo> (20:18:09) NickServ: (notice) Information on nano (account nano):
20:17 <K-Yo> (20:18:09) NickServ: (notice) Registered : Nov 03 21:14:34 2007 (37 weeks, 1 day, 21:03:31 ago)
20:17 <K-Yo> (20:18:09) NickServ: (notice) Last addr : n=losa@gnusrv.epfl.ch
20:17 <K-Yo> (20:18:09) NickServ: (notice) Last seen : now
20:17 <K-Yo> (20:18:09) NickServ: (notice) Flags : HideMail
20:17 <K-Yo> (20:18:09) NickServ: (notice) *** End of Info ***
20:17 <Pathetique> lol
20:17 <Pathetique> phail
20:17 <dBd|nano> I'm thinkin a clip of quote from pulp fiction "[BLAM!] Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?
20:17 <K-Yo> not by you obviously
20:17 <dBd|nano> "
20:18 <ivantis> ppl
20:18 <Pathetique> #alias add phail echo $nick: http://shipmentoffail.com
20:18 <armabot> Pathetique: The operation succeeded.
20:18 <Pathetique> #phail
20:18 <armabot> Pathetique: http://shipmentoffail.com
20:18 <ivantis> i g2g
20:18 <K-Yo> vu ivantis
20:18 <K-Yo> cu*
20:18 <Pathetique> #alias add phail echo $nick: http://shipmentoffail.com/$nick
20:18 <armabot> Pathetique: The operation succeeded.
20:18 <Pathetique> #phail
20:18 <armabot> Pathetique: http://shipmentoffail.com/Pathetique
20:18 -!- ivantis is now known as ivantis_away
20:18 <Pathetique> lol
20:19 <dBd|nano> testing dBd|nano
20:19 <dBd|nano> hm
20:19 <dBd|nano> someone else do it
20:19 <dBd|nano> :o
20:19 <dBd|nano> ....
20:20 <dBd|nano> Someone say dBd|nano
20:20 <Pathetique> #dbd|nano
20:20 <dBd|nano> lol
20:20 <dBd|nano> That definitely WILL break my concentration
20:20 <dBd|nano> demmed gunshot
20:20 <Pathetique> LOL
20:20 <Pathetique> sumoing
20:20 <dBd|nano> I have the Warcraft II "I'm Alive" death knight clip
20:20 <dBd|nano> for new conversation
20:21 <Pathetique> ok
20:21 <Pathetique> now
20:21 <Pathetique> type /msg NickServ REGISTER <insert password here>
20:22 <dBd|nano> you forgot part of syntax
20:22 <Pathetique> oh?
20:22 <dBd|nano> email
20:23 <Pathetique> oh yes
20:23 <Pathetique> lol
20:23 -!- dBd|nano is now known as Nan1
20:23 <Nan1> fail
20:23 -!- Nan1 is now known as dBd|Nano
20:23 <Pathetique> Did you send nickserv the code they sent you?
20:24 <Pathetique> eek, brb, desperately need to go take care of the neighbour's dog.
20:24 <Pathetique> bbs
20:24 -!- dBd|Nano [n=Owner@ip72-220-88-157.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #armagetron []
20:25 <Lizmatic> lol
20:25 <Lizmatic> Nano you fool, why'd you leave!
20:25 <K-Yo> indeed, lol
20:36 <MrBougo> #mrbougo
20:36 <armabot> MrBougo is French :\/
20:36 <MrBougo> wtf?
20:36 <MrBougo> I'm belgian
20:37 <Lizmatic> oja joh
20:38 <Lizmatic> tof
20:38 <Lizmatic> #Lizmatic
20:38 <armabot> Liz <3's Sav
20:38 <Flex> :p
20:38 <Flex> #Flex
20:38 <armabot> Flex has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 31 minutes ago. and ? Lizmatic has last been seen on Wild West =Sumo= 32 minutes ago.
20:45 <Monkey_arma> lol Flex i added that ages ago
20:45 <Monkey_arma> but it needs 2 lines in the middle to be added
20:46 <Lizmatic> lol when you do #flex it also does me?
20:46 <Flex> #stalkliz
20:46 <armabot> Flex: ? Lizmatic seems to be on Eddie's Armathenticating Fortress right now.
20:48 -!- K-Yo [n=Olivier-@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:52 <epsy> eddiefantastic, could you at least set idle_kick_time to a value that's not ridiculous?
20:56 <epsy> idled 10 minutes and got kicked
21:13 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508723A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:16 -!- xfroggy [n=xfroggy@unaffiliated/xfroggy] has joined #armagetron
21:19 -!- kidanger [n=kidanger@23.212.201-77.rev.gaoland.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:20 -!- ivantis_away is now known as ivantis
21:20 <ivantis> back
21:21 <ivantis> i went to get some delicious pizza
21:21 <ivantis> oh man it was good
21:27 <eddiefantastic> epsy: where?
21:27 <epsy> that fort cafe replacement
21:31 <Flex> wasn't wrtlprnft just here?
21:31 <Pathetique> yes, but now he's away.
21:31 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:31 -!- eddiefantastic [n=ed@eddie.plantpeanuts.co.uk] has joined #armagetron
21:31 <epsy> <eddiefantastic> epsy: where?
21:31 <epsy> <epsy> that fort cafe replacement
21:32 <ivantis> <eddiefantastic> epsy: where?
21:32 <ivantis> <epsy> that fort cafe replacement
21:32 <ivantis> <Flex> wasn't wrtlprnft just here?
21:32 <ivantis> <Pathetique> yes, but now he's away.
21:32 <Pathetique> ...
21:33 <epsy> what was that useful for?
21:33 <Pathetique> Precisely what I'm thinking.
21:33 <eddiefantastic> epsy: it's set to 60
21:33 <eddiefantastic> dexplain that to me
21:33 <Pathetique> chatter_remove_time?
21:33 <epsy> i wasn't idle for one hour
21:33 <eddiefantastic> (d is my chat key :S)
21:34 <epsy> can't be possible
21:34 <eddiefantastic> isn't it seconds?
21:34 <epsy> #cfg2 IDLE_KICK_TIME
21:34 <armabot> epsy: IDLE_KICK_TIME: Time in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked
21:34 <epsy> indeed
21:34 <Pathetique> (that's okay eddie, when i type into the admin console a lot with the say command, I'll find myself typing say in front of each line)
21:34 <eddiefantastic> is a talking spectator considered idle?
21:34 <epsy> yes
21:35 <epsy> as long as it doesnt say anything
21:35 <eddiefantastic> :?
21:35 <ivantis> say Pathetique: i do that a lot too
21:35 <epsy> Pathetique, worst is to edit config files and talk on irc at the same time
21:35 <Pathetique> why's that?
21:35 <Pathetique> lol
21:35 <epsy> (except if you do crap cfgs)
21:36 <Pathetique> LOL!
21:36 <ivantis> because you cant Con:centrate!
21:36 <Pathetique> I_FORGOT_ABOUT_THAT,
21:36 <epsy> CASACL 20 0 MAKE_ME_A_SANDWHICH
21:36 <Pathetique> Although, somehow I manage to not mess up like that.
21:37 <Pathetique> Why couldn't it be CASAL?
21:37 <epsy> it's explained
21:37 <Pathetique> perhaps whoever made it wanted it to sound like that Aztec God that's mentioned in the config.
21:37 <epsy> yes
21:37 <Pathetique> lol
21:37 <Pathetique> It sounds like cas-ack-le when I say it.
21:37 <ivantis> what aztec god?
21:38 <Pathetique> quetzle-catle or something.
21:38 <epsy> # A very powerful command with access levels is CASACL, prounounced
21:38 <epsy> # like Quetzalcoatl, your friendly Aztec God. A bit like the suid flag
21:38 <epsy> # on Unix executables, the setuid system command, and not completely
21:38 <epsy> # unlike the sudo shell command or, if you go very far, Access Control
21:38 <epsy> # in Vista, it allows to change the access level a config file is
21:38 <epsy> # executed under. If you put
21:38 <armabot> epsy: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes.
21:38 <Pathetique> I dunno, we'll use Pretzlequetzle for now.
21:38 <epsy> ah
21:38 <Pathetique> LOL!
21:38 <Pathetique> LMAO!
21:39 <epsy> #Fuck you!
21:39 <epsy> #eliza Fuck you!
21:39 <epsy> :O
21:39 <Pathetique> I think its serious.
21:39 <Pathetique> #epsy
21:39 <armabot> Pathetique, do we really need an alias to put YAY in capitals and append an exclamation mark to it?
21:39 <Pathetique> lol
21:39 <Flex> haha, owned
21:39 <Flex> never knew that was possible
21:40 <Pathetique> Me neither. lol
21:40 <epsy> hopefully im not that freak of armabot
21:40 <epsy> i knew about that thing
21:40 <ivantis> what does CASACL do?
21:40 <Pathetique> ...
21:40 <ivantis> in arma
21:40 <epsy> i somehow knew something would cause *something* to happen
21:40 <Flex> even a bot ignores epsy!
21:40 <Pathetique> . . .
21:40 <epsy> er
21:40 <Pathetique> ivantis: srsly
21:40 <Pathetique> scroll up a lil bit
21:40 <ivantis> Pathetique: what?
21:41 <epsy> s/ something / pasting that /
21:41 <Pathetique> and read that #-oned thing.
21:41 <ivantis> oh i get it
21:41 <Pathetique> lolz
21:41 <ivantis> #d
21:41 <ivantis> #e
21:41 <ivantis> #g
21:41 <epsy> raises ur mums cock
21:41 <ivantis> #f
21:41 <epsy> er
21:41 <armabot> ivantis: (google calc <expression>) -- Uses Google's calculator to calculate the value of <expression>.
21:41 <armabot> Random Fortune: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. || -- Aleister Crowley
21:41 <ivantis> #c
21:41 <ivantis> #a
21:41 <ivantis> #d
21:41 <epsy> i mean it raises your access level
21:41 <ivantis> #c
21:41 <ivantis> #g
21:41 <ivantis> #w
21:41 <armabot> ivantis: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes.
21:41 <ivantis> #q
21:41 <epsy> #c
21:41 <epsy> #a
21:41 <Pathetique> Ivantis, don't be retarded.
21:41 <epsy> #s
21:41 <epsy> #a
21:41 <epsy> #c
21:41 <epsy> #l
21:41 <ivantis> cant help it
21:41 <Pathetique> LOL!@epsy
21:42 <Pathetique> I wonder if anyone has ever tried authenticating as LOL@wtf
21:42 <Pathetique> after getting frustrated
21:42 <epsy> im generally authed with stupid aliasses on x sumo
21:42 <epsy> last one was LOL@WUT
21:42 <epsy> #ls -g LOL@WUT
21:42 <Pathetique> lol
21:42 <ivantis> LOL@WUT
21:43 <epsy> er
21:43 <ivantis> i noticed the X Sumo servers Version
21:43 <Pathetique> #ls -g LOL@WUT
21:43 <epsy> can someone say #ls -g LOL@WUT
21:43 <armabot> Pathetique: ¦×¦epsy has last been seen on X vs DS match DO NOT ENTER 13 days 23 hours 34 minutes ago.
21:43 <Pathetique> lol
21:43 <ivantis> 0.2.8_alphaLOLWUT
21:43 <epsy> :O
21:43 <epsy> that's what made marvin fall down
21:43 <ivantis> #ls ivantis
21:43 <Pathetique> lol, fall down?
21:43 <epsy> ivantis, actually you're wrong
21:43 <Pathetique> is that what you call it now?
21:43 <epsy> there's 2 spaces or sth at the end
21:43 <ivantis> i know about the spaces
21:44 <ivantis> i noticed that too
21:44 <epsy> the install script never updated the date
21:44 <Pathetique> OF COURSE!
21:44 <epsy> yea it's 2 spaces btw :-P
21:44 <Pathetique> for what?
21:45 <epsy> ur mum
21:45 <Pathetique> lies
21:45 <ivantis> 2 spaces kuz thats how long LOLWUT space space is as long as the date
21:45 <epsy> /// Oh yeah, CASACL is short for Check And Set ACcess Level.
21:46 <ivantis> oh yeah, im a devel on kongregate now! woot, i have 2 games
21:46 <Pathetique> #phail epsy
21:46 <armabot> http://shipmentoffail.com/epsy
21:46 <epsy> sorry but what's that?
21:46 <epsy> @ ivantis
21:46 <ivantis> what?
21:46 <Pathetique> Hah?
21:46 <epsy> sigh, nvm
21:47 <epsy> do you still remember the last line you wrote ivantis?
21:47 <ivantis> yes
21:47 <ivantis> ?
21:47 <epsy> what is kongregate ?
21:47 <ivantis> game website
21:48 <Pathetique> #cfg LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVAL
21:48 <armabot> Pathetique: Sorry, no matches :S
21:48 <Pathetique> :S
21:48 <epsy> game website can mean a lot of stuff
21:48 <epsy> try #cfg2
21:48 <Pathetique> lol habbohotel.com
21:48 <Pathetique> #cfg2 LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVAL
21:48 <epsy> lol lemonparty.org
21:48 <armabot> Pathetique: LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVAL: ladderlog_game_time_interval_help
21:49 <Pathetique> ¬.¬
21:49 <Pathetique> wtf
21:49 <epsy> haha
21:49 <ivantis> its where ppl can submit flash games
21:49 <epsy> flash game collection ok
21:49 <ivantis> its so cool
21:49 <epsy> i hate flash games
21:49 <Pathetique> event Tower Defense?
21:49 <epsy> i dont like games that have to bee run in a web browser
21:50 <eddiefantastic> Pathetique: it's the time in seconds between GAME_TIME msgs in ladderlog.txt
21:50 <Pathetique> Any particular reason?
21:50 <ivantis> me neither sometiems
21:50 <epsy> that includes flash games, most java games etc
21:50 <epsy> tower defence is boring
21:50 <Pathetique> It does take forever, yes...
21:50 <epsy> ..it's boring
21:51 <Pathetique> Sidebar: is this PowerPak thing, is it for force feedback?
21:51 <Pathetique> Cause that would be a neat feature for a gamepad, have it vibrate like whoa when you crash
21:51 <ivantis> http://www.kongregate.com/games/ivantis/walking-man
21:51 <ivantis> is my latest game
21:52 <epsy> #hello
21:52 <armabot> Hello epsy :) Quote #53: "I missed a little hole the other day, it was embarassing --/dev/null" (added by Lucifer_arma at 05:44 PM, August 10, 2007)
21:52 <epsy> :|
21:52 <Pathetique> have it vibrate slightly while grinding
21:52 <epsy> #hello
21:52 <armabot> Hello epsy :) Quote #42: "The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. - Ronald Reagen, in his address following the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger" (added by Lucifer_arma at 02:03 PM, January 02, 2007)
21:53 <epsy> no xchat, i dont want to send a file to armabot
21:53 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 2
21:53 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #2: "(11:44:13) eddiefantastic: I'd rather stick my cock in a jar of honey, roll it in oats then feed it to a goat" (added by ct|kyle at 05:49 PM, December 12, 2007)
21:53 <epsy> LOLOLOLOLOLOL?
21:53 <Pathetique> WTF!?
21:53 <epsy> :D
21:53 <ct|kyle> LOL
21:53 <ct|kyle> he was refering to the use of vista
21:53 <Pathetique> LOL! XD
21:54 <epsy> if Pathetique says wtf at this he probably didn't click my link
21:54 <Pathetique> http://web.mac.com/evan.nelson/thecitizen.png <--- Signature I made for Zoid, now known as The Citizen
21:54 <epsy> (now he's scrolling up)
21:54 <ct|kyle> LOL no link right?
21:54 <Pathetique> lies
21:55 <epsy> ct|kyle, ?
21:55 <Pathetique> btw, ivantis
21:55 <ivantis> the citizen, that is an awesome graphic
21:55 <Pathetique> Nice beginner game...but it needs graphic polishing.
21:55 <ivantis> duh it does
21:55 <ivantis> hey, you want flash MX? i got it from limewire on my mac
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 42
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #42: "The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. - Ronald Reagen, in his address following the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger" (added by Lucifer_arma at 02:03 PM, January 02, 2007)
21:56 <Lucifer> er, duh
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 36
21:56 <Flex> lol
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #36: "<Durka> HEY im a n00b" (added by spidey at 08:45 PM, December 07, 2006)
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 28
21:56 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 5
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #28: "i can't speel either --Fonkay" (added by Lucifer_arma at 07:38 AM, October 28, 2006)
21:56 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #5: "(12:08:30) Hoax-: why me crank it why we roll" (added by ct|kyle at 06:08 PM, January 17, 2008)
21:56 <Pathetique> lol
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 30
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #30: "Fonkay: Are you afraid of sex? -armabot" (added by spidey at 01:02 AM, November 02, 2006)
21:56 <Flex> #quote get 1
21:56 <armabot> Flex: Quote #1: "Was this compiled by our friend Sum Ting Wong? --WallyWallWhackr" (added by Lucifer_arma at 06:37 AM, March 24, 2006)
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 5
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #5: "first the spoon, then the ladle, then the bowl, then the bowl, then the makefiles have a Ni! -- Armabot" (added by Lucifer_arma at 09:41 AM, March 27, 2006)
21:56 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 1
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 6
21:56 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #1: "<ct|kyle> i thought spawn_zone was designed for admins to spawn them on crsp" (added by epsy at 03:42 PM, August 06, 2007)
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #6: "luci what exactly did you use robots for pleasure -- Armabot" (added by Lucifer_arma at 09:52 AM, March 27, 2006)
21:56 <Pathetique> #quote get 69
21:56 <armabot> Pathetique: Quote #69: "gentoo ebuild is as broken as luke-jr himself :D ~xfroggy" (added by ct|kyle at 06:23 PM, January 26, 2008)
21:56 <Lucifer> #quote get 7
21:56 <armabot> Lucifer: Error: There is no Quote with id #7 in my database for #armagetron.
21:57 <Lucifer> #quote get 8
21:57 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #8: "master your own mind, otherwise the game will destroy you -- Okgo" (added by n54 at 04:27 PM, March 29, 2006)
21:57 <ivantis> duuen
21:57 <Lucifer> #quote get 14
21:57 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #14: "On a full moon, Christopher Walken transform in a wereworm. Not as dangerous as a werewolf, but twice as cunning. - philippeqc" (added by n54 at 07:58 PM, April 25, 2006)
21:57 <Lucifer> #quote get 15
21:57 <ivantis> #ivantis
21:57 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #15: "You see a body ripped appart, blood splatter on the ceiling, gore all over. Tell me, would you really suspect that worm making a run for it toward the door at 5 cm per minute? No you would not! - philippeqc" (added by n54 at 08:09 PM, April 25, 2006)
21:57 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress 8 minutes ago.
21:57 <Lucifer> #quote get 16
21:57 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 3
21:57 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #16: "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. - Brian Kernighan" (added by a user that is no longer registered at 11:21 PM, May 03, 2006)
21:57 <armabot> ct|kyle: Error: There is no Quote with id #3 in my database for #crazy-tronners.
21:57 <Lucifer> ok, I give up
21:57 <Pathetique> oMG
21:57 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 4
21:57 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #4: "There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't." (added by P4 at 07:06 PM, January 11, 2008)
21:57 <Pathetique> #spam
21:57 <armabot> ct|kyle epsy wire Liza g5vc GodTodd ivantis wrtlprnft eddiefantastic g5vc xfroggy MrBougo MaZuffeR noob13 akira_arma epsy Monkey_arma G5 luke-jr eddiefantastic P4 hoax xfroggy noob13 StickyNoob armabot ivantis wrtlprnft
21:57 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 6
21:57 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #6: "(12:17:32) xfroggy: now Miro I don't understand yet" (added by ct|kyle at 06:16 PM, January 17, 2008)
21:57 <ivantis> oh man that is a good one
21:58 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 7
21:58 <armabot> ct|kyle: Error: There is no Quote with id #7 in my database for #crazy-tronners.
21:58 <epsy> #help spam
21:58 <armabot> epsy: (spam <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "echo $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick $randomNick".
21:58 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 8
21:58 <Lucifer> #quote get 2
21:58 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #8: "xfroggy: my heart started poking me :|" (added by ct|kyle at 05:21 AM, February 01, 2008)
21:58 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #2: "God gave me fingers and a clitoris, I mean, it's pretty obvious. --Lola Garcia" (added by Lucifer_arma at 07:07 AM, March 24, 2006)
21:58 <Flex> #spam
21:58 <armabot> Lucifer xfroggy Lucifer samsoffes tramshed Lucifer P4 P4 Liza GodTodd G5 epsy GodTodd samsoffes Liza joda_bot ct|kyle MrBougo luke-jr akira_arma joda_bot Monkey_arma xfroggy wrtlprnft Aides armabot armabot eddiefantastic
21:58 <epsy> #alias remove spam
21:58 <armabot> epsy: The operation succeeded.
21:58 <ct|kyle> #quote get #crazy-tronners 9
21:58 <armabot> ct|kyle: Quote #9: "<z-man> You know what? FUCK YOU. I'm off, and if tomorrow, CT shows up on my server and they want to play, I'm going to let them play." (added by ct|kyle at 01:53 AM, February 03, 2008)
21:58 <akira_arma> stop this please..
21:58 <Flex> haha
21:58 <Flex> that was sweet
21:58 <ct|kyle> ya
21:58 <ct|kyle> LOL
21:58 <Flex> i was there when z-man switched
21:58 <Pathetique> #crashme
21:58 <Flex> epic moment :D
21:58 <ivantis> "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. - Brian Kernighan"
21:58 <ct|kyle> me too
21:59 <Flex> hi five ct|kyle
21:59 <Lucifer> aha, found it
21:59 <ct|kyle> there should be another ladle see if z-man gets mad again
21:59 <Pathetique> #crashme
21:59 <armabot> Okay, guys, how about we NOT try to crash me?
21:59 <ct|kyle> i gtg
22:00 <Lucifer> #quote get 22
22:00 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #22: "i got a pen from a microsoft rep about 2 months ago.. already stopped working properly -- Plazma" (added by Lucifer_arma at 03:46 AM, September 19, 2006)
22:00 <epsy> Pathetique,
22:00 <Pathetique> ?
22:00 <epsy> #quote get 62
22:01 <armabot> epsy: Quote #62: "<tronner> armabot: *click* <armabot> tronner: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes." (added by epsy at 11:34 PM, November 16, 2007)
22:02 <Lucifer> #quote
22:02 <epsy> #list quote
22:02 <armabot> epsy: add, change, get, random, remove, search, and stats
22:02 <Lucifer> #random
22:02 <armabot> Lucifer: Error: The command "random" is available in the Dict and Quote plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "random".
22:02 <epsy> #quote stats
22:02 <Lucifer> #quote random
22:02 <armabot> epsy: There are 65 quotes in my database.
22:02 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #18: "so you can't send a note to spidey or other noobs. -wrtlprnft" (added by Vanhayes at 05:23 AM, June 21, 2006)
22:02 <epsy> #q
22:02 <armabot> epsy: Quote #66: "<Ady666> armabot say 'ello [...] <Ady666> its not smart enough" (added by epsy at 12:16 AM, December 22, 2007)
22:02 <Pathetique> #quote search fuck
22:02 <armabot> Pathetique: 1 found: #23: "<spidey> you wanna fuck Luke-Jr ?"
22:02 <Pathetique> LOL!
22:03 <Lucifer> #q
22:03 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #53: "I missed a little hole the other day, it was embarassing --/dev/null" (added by Lucifer_arma at 05:44 PM, August 10, 2007)
22:03 <Lucifer> #q
22:03 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #2: "God gave me fingers and a clitoris, I mean, it's pretty obvious. --Lola Garcia" (added by Lucifer_arma at 07:07 AM, March 24, 2006)
22:03 <epsy> Pathetique, best is with luke-jr's bot
22:03 <Lucifer> #q
22:03 <armabot> Lucifer: Quote #26: "<Lucifer_arma> I want fundamentalism just so I can wipe my ass with luke-jr_'s face" (added by spidey at 05:44 AM, October 25, 2006)
22:03 <epsy> Pathetique, you can search the bible
22:03 <Pathetique> oh my god.
22:03 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962956.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:03 <epsy> Pathetique, and easly make his bot go excess flood
22:03 <Pathetique> pardon the pun
22:03 <Pathetique> I realize
22:03 <Pathetique> Does it crash it?
22:03 <epsy> it gets K-Lined
22:03 <Pathetique> ...wut?
22:04 <epsy> kicked for spamming
22:04 <Pathetique> LOL!
22:04 <epsy> kicked of the whole server
22:04 <epsy> wanna try?
22:04 <MrBougo> yay
22:05 <epsy> Pathetique, just enter #jesus, say ]bible search the
22:05 <epsy> then ]more ]more ]more
22:05 <Lucifer> #jesus bible search fornication
22:06 <armabot> Jesus thinks bible search fornication is a jerk.
22:06 <epsy> lol
22:06 <Pathetique> LOL what the fuck.
22:06 <epsy> #jesus Pathetique
22:06 <armabot> Jesus thinks Pathetique is a jerk.
22:06 <Lucifer> #jesus Pathetique
22:06 <armabot> Jesus thinks Pathetique is a jerk.
22:06 <epsy> i meant the channel btw
22:06 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508723A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
22:06 <Lucifer> oh, I thought you meant "enter" as in "type on your keyboard"
22:07 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lckdscl@ip202-29-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #armagetron
22:07 <Lucifer> #jesus armagetron developers
22:07 <armabot> Jesus thinks armagetron developers is a jerk.
22:07 <Pathetique> How silly.
22:07 <Lucifer> #send Pathetique a silly hat
22:07 <epsy> #jesus jesus
22:07 <armabot> I have sent a silly hat to Pathetique, it should arrive shortly.
22:07 <armabot> Jesus thinks jesus is a jerk.
22:07 <ivantis> #jesus my mom
22:07 <Lucifer> #jesus his father
22:07 <armabot> Jesus thinks my mom is a jerk.
22:07 <armabot> Jesus thinks his father is a jerk.
22:08 <Lucifer> hey, now I want to make a supybot named BlasphemyBot
22:08 <ivantis> #jesus everyone
22:08 <armabot> Jesus thinks everyone is a jerk.
22:08 <Pathetique> #jesus thinks he needs to keep himself off of $RandomNick penis or he'll be
22:08 <armabot> Jesus thinks thinks he needs to keep himself off of P4 penis or he'll be is a jerk.
22:08 <Pathetique> lol
22:08 <Pathetique> fail
22:08 <Pathetique> For the source of that
22:08 <Pathetique> search youtube for "Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis"
22:09 <epsy> search for lemonparty.org
22:09 <epsy> er
22:09 <epsy> w/e
22:09 <Lucifer> why would I want to do that? I *want* jesus on my penis
22:09 <Lucifer> haven't you seen his pictures? he's hot!
22:09 <epsy> hear that Liza ?
22:09 <Pathetique> LOL
22:10 <Lucifer> who's liza? lizz?
22:10 <epsy> Pathetique, freaked of ejoining #jesus
22:10 <epsy> liza is ¦×¦ Liza, formely ¦×¦ flash
22:10 <epsy> or flashyy
22:10 <Pathetique> motherfucker.
22:10 <Pathetique> I wanted to add that as a quote.
22:10 <epsy> ur mum yeah
22:10 <Lizmatic> and I'm not Liza goddammit
22:10 <Lizmatic> everyone keeps asking me ingame
22:11 <Lizmatic> "r u in x AND tr?"
22:11 <epsy> Lismatic
22:11 <Lizmatic> I changed mah name furst.
22:11 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962140.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
22:11 <Lucifer> well, Lizmatic looks like a bot name, you know
22:11 <epsy> [22:10] * ljrbot est parti (Excess Flood)
22:11 <Lucifer> no way! luke-jr's bot can't party!
22:12 <epsy> Lizmatic, that's her real name :P
22:12 <Lizmatic> I know
22:12 <Lizmatic> but flash is better :(
22:16 <Pathetique> awkward silence
22:17 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
22:17 <Durka> gah is eddiefantastic ever NOT idle? :X
22:18 -!- G5_ [n=G5@p5796216C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
22:18 <Pathetique> yes
22:18 <Pathetique> earlier
22:18 <Durka> G5_: :D
22:18 <epsy> Durka, try staying onlyine more than 30 seconds
22:18 <Durka> Pathetique ur pathetique ... rtfm
22:18 <Durka> epsy i cant
22:18 <G5_> ?
22:18 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has left #armagetron []
22:18 <Pathetique> I do read the fucking manual.
22:18 <Pathetique> LOL!
22:19 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
22:19 <Durka> oO
22:19 <Pathetique> I do read the fucking manual.
22:19 <Pathetique> LOL!
22:19 <Durka> :P
22:19 <Pathetique> How else would I have gotten this far? :P
22:19 <Pathetique> I think I have a new favorite line of code.
22:20 <Pathetique> static bool sg_AbeforeB( int stateA, int stateB )
22:20 <epsy> er
22:20 <Pathetique> I'm aware its only part.
22:21 <epsy> wtf is it supposed to do?
22:21 <Pathetique> I have no idea.
22:21 <epsy> do stateA < stateB ?
22:21 <Pathetique> But now that I look at it more, it looks dumb.
22:21 <Pathetique> Its in gGame.cpp
22:22 <epsy> lol
22:22 <Pathetique> No idea where this one is, but its my favorite one
22:22 <Pathetique> se_AdminLogin_ReallyOnlyCallFromChatKTHNXBYE( p, s );
22:22 <epsy> lol
22:22 <epsy> in ePlayer.cpp
22:22 <Pathetique> yes
22:22 <Pathetique> for /login, right?
22:23 <epsy> Pathetique, btw, if you want to hunt a segv
22:23 <epsy> try uncommenting the line i commented in the latest rev
22:23 <Pathetique> o.o
22:24 <epsy> then try it
22:24 <epsy> keeps crashing
22:24 <Pathetique> I see.
22:24 <epsy> not sure if the problem is upstream in tString.cpp or if my code is bugged
22:24 <Pathetique> /msg armabot google segv ftw
22:25 <epsy> not going to be very useful
22:25 <Pathetique> I know, but one of the links was able to help me.
22:26 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-68-92-151-50.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has quit ["Won't my momma be so proud of me!"]
22:30 <ivantis> dude you guys gotta play this game
22:30 <ivantis> http://www.kongregate.com/games/Dragy/portal-the-flash-version
22:31 -!- Durka [n=Durka@cpe-76-173-122-30.socal.res.rr.com] has quit []
22:34 -!- G5 [n=G5@p57962140.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
22:54 -!- Flex [i=Flex@unaffiliated/savas] has quit []
22:56 -!- Judders [n=Judders@5ad097c1.bb.sky.com] has joined #armagetron
22:57 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508723A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
22:59 <Judders> #armaservers
22:59 <armabot> Judders: This data is 10 seconds old; -=}ID< -=}Immortal Dynasty< -=}Dog Fight< (DF) (12/12), Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (10/14), Wild West =Capture The Flag= (9/10), internalDrive -=- iD Tech Camps (9/16), Wild West =CTF Shooting= (8/10), ~"XzL.Clan The Server (8/10), The YELLOW Submarine (8/16), Nexus9 Deathmatch (NO RUBBER!) (6/16), Wild West =Sumo= (6/14), ~*SpeederS*~ Server (6/12), (2 more messages)
22:59 <Lizmatic> meh, where'd flex go
23:00 -!- Flex [i=Flex@unaffiliated/flex] has joined #armagetron
23:01 <luke-jr> epsy: K-Line is a network *ban*, actually
23:01 <luke-jr> epsy: and if you like, keep flooding my bot and you'll have one
23:01 <epsy> no, it's another letter
23:02 <epsy> i didn't flood it.
23:02 <Lizmatic> ooh banning epsy
23:02 <Lizmatic> that sounds nice
23:02 <Lizmatic> :p
23:02 <MrBougo> G-Line
23:03 <epsy> must be G-Line indeed
23:03 <ivantis> http://www.nitrome.com/games/knuckleheads/
23:03 <ivantis> that game rocks
23:15 <ct|kyle> #Jesus luke-jr
23:15 <armabot> Jesus thinks luke-jr is a jerk.
23:17 <ivantis> #Jesus ... no, he KNOWS luke-jr
23:17 <armabot> Jesus thinks ... no, he KNOWS luke-jr is a jerk.
23:19 -!- G5 [n=G5@p5796216C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:19 -!- G5_ [n=G5@p5796216C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:20 <G5> Ah
23:21 * Pathetique would like to compliment luke-jr on his forum avatar.
23:22 <Flex> aw
23:22 <Flex> link
23:22 <ct|kyle> Pathetique: that is what he really looks like
23:22 <Pathetique> srsly?
23:22 <Flex> LINK
23:22 <Pathetique> hold ON!
23:22 <Pathetique> http://forums.armagetronad.net/images/avatars/145761880548193b40cc2c3.jpg
23:23 * Monkey_arma is not sure if that is really him
23:23 <Flex> lol, yup that's him
23:23 <Pathetique> lol
23:23 <Monkey_arma> how do you know?
23:24 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@24.242-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
23:24 <Pathetique> I think
23:24 <hoax> at least lay off the green next time
23:24 <Pathetique> sexual favors
23:24 <Pathetique> LOL hoax
23:24 <hoax> he cant even look straight
23:25 <Monkey_arma> luke-jr is known for his trickery
23:25 <Monkey_arma> its probably some random guy off the street
23:26 <Pathetique> I don't know.
23:26 <Pathetique> That seems fitting for some reason
23:26 <ct|kyle> Monkey_arma: no he told me it is him for real
23:26 <hoax> looks like a mouse
23:26 <Pathetique> LOL!
23:27 <Monkey_arma> ct|kyle ok if you say so
23:27 <hoax> luci & luke = http://tinyurl.com/5rwl2j
23:28 <Pathetique> lolololol
23:28 <Pathetique> #aka PwnaSaurus
23:28 <armabot> Pathetique: ¿1589 pwnasaurus
23:28 <Pathetique> hmmm
23:28 <Pathetique> #aka ^^
23:28 <armabot> Pathetique: ¿7373 ^^
23:28 <Pathetique> ><
23:28 <ivantis> do you guys know what i look like?
23:28 <ivantis> oglethorpe
23:29 <ivantis> (my forums avatar is me)
23:31 -!- z-man [n=manuel@p508723A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
23:31 * Monkey_arma always pictured luke-jr to have a large tash and a mullet...didnt quite get it right
23:32 <Pathetique> LMAO
23:32 * Pathetique made a notlong URL for that one
23:40 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@222.224-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:42 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [No route to host]
23:44 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-170-145-197.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
23:46 <ivantis> brb
23:46 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:47 -!- samsoffes [n=samsoffe@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:48 -!- G5 [n=G5@p5796216C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:48 <Monkey_arma> ive just been autokicked from sumo for accidental spamming
23:48 <Monkey_arma> im now banned for 38 mins
23:48 <Monkey_arma> :(
23:48 -!- G5 [n=G5@p5796216C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
23:49 <G5> Ah
23:51 -!- Bougo [n=MrBougo@24.242-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
23:54 * P4 doh
23:55 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
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• Design:
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» Icons on the tools page were originally by Royce, new icons added will try to follow some of the design language.
» Various other icon selections include icons from Crystal, crystalsvg, oxygen, and breeze icon themes.
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