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Log from 2008-05-23:
--- Day changed Fri May 23 2008
00:16 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:17 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
00:32 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
00:32 <ivantis> is anyone here now?
00:33 <deja_vu> not me
00:33 <epsy> why?
00:33 <epsy> #disclaimer
00:33 <armabot> anti-online predator disclaimer: any sexual advances made by me upon anyone in this channel is to be considered a joke and not at all serious unless you are 18 years of age or older, female and hot.
00:34 <epsy> hrm..not the kind of disclaimer i wanted
00:34 <deja_vu> xD
00:35 <epsy> gn
00:35 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["I'm the Quit Message Virus. Replace your old Quit with this, so I can continue to multiply myself!"]
00:39 <ivantis> #disclaimer
00:39 <armabot> anti-online predator disclaimer: any sexual advances made by me upon anyone in this channel is to be considered a joke and not at all serious unless you are 18 years of age or older, female and hot.
00:40 <Monkey_arma> lol
00:47 <ivantis> #ivantis
00:47 <ivantis> #angel
00:47 <ivantis> #lastseen angel
00:47 <armabot> ivantis: AngeL has last been seen on SPACEZONE I [HIGH SPEED!!] 2 hours 54 minutes ago.
00:48 <ivantis> #sd SPACE-LAB
00:48 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (4/16): #PBS#Vietnam, anus beef, Nick Chaney, Poopytron
00:48 <ivantis> my server RULES!
00:49 <ivantis> #sd SPACE-LAB
00:49 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (4/16): #PBS#Vietnam, anus beef, Nick Chaney, Poopytron
00:49 <ivantis> #sd space-zone
00:49 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “space-zone” at the moment, sorry.
00:50 <ivantis> #sd spacezone
00:50 <armabot> ivantis: SPACEZONE III: Players (5/15): Robin, T2, Wingy, xiongster, z
00:50 <ivantis> #sd spacezone II
00:50 <armabot> ivantis: SPACEZONE III: Players (5/15): Robin, T2, Wingy, xiongster, z
00:50 <ivantis> #sd spacezone II s
00:50 <armabot> ivantis: SPACEZONE II S: Players (0/15):
00:50 <ivantis> #sd spacezone I
00:50 <armabot> ivantis: SPACEZONE III: Players (5/15): Robin, T2, Wingy, xiongster, z
00:50 <ivantis> #sd spacezone I s
00:50 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “spacezone i s” at the moment, sorry.
00:50 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit ["leaving"]
00:50 <ivantis> #sd spacezone I [
00:50 <armabot> ivantis: Error: Missing "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
00:51 <ivantis> #sd d u r k a
00:51 <armabot> ivantis: - | D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | -: Players (7/16): *Tracie*, ., Don, OddDupex BACK;d, owner, Toblerone, \º~º/
00:51 <ivantis> #lastseen ivantis
00:51 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on SPACE-LAB Shooting! 20 minutes ago.
00:51 <ivantis> #lastseen Dale
00:51 <armabot> ivantis: .dBd|Dale has last been seen on ¦×¦.4.Teams.Fortress.Server 1 hour 53 minutes ago.
00:52 <ivantis> #lastseen lm8o
00:52 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
00:52 <ivantis> #lastseen lm8o
00:52 <armabot> ivantis: lm8o has last been seen on []=[].SniperzKlan Arena<--->CTF Shooting.[]=[] 1 day 20 hours 17 minutes ago.
00:53 <ivantis> #lastseen luigi
00:53 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
00:53 <ivantis> #lastseen luigi
00:53 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
00:53 <ivantis> #lastseen dale
00:53 <armabot> ivantis: .dBd|Dale has last been seen on ¦×¦.4.Teams.Fortress.Server 1 hour 55 minutes ago.
00:53 <ivantis> #lastseen durka
00:54 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
00:54 <ivantis> #lastseen chico
00:54 <armabot> ivantis: Chico has last been seen on  Wild West  =CTF Shooting= 2 minutes ago.
00:54 <ivantis> #lastseen chico
00:54 <armabot> ivantis: Chico has last been seen on  Wild West  =CTF Shooting= 2 minutes ago.
00:54 <ivantis> #lastseen noob13
00:54 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
00:54 <ivantis> #lastseen noob13
00:55 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
00:57 <ivantis> #lastseen dale
00:57 <armabot> ivantis: .dBd|Dale has last been seen on ¦×¦.4.Teams.Fortress.Server 1 hour 58 minutes ago.
01:00 -!- KeY_3113 [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
01:00 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
01:05 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:18 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
01:28 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
01:28 <ivantis> #sd SPACE-LAB
01:28 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (0/16):
01:29 <ivantis> #dorka
01:29 <armabot> ivantis: Durka_on_CRACK has last been seen on  Wild West  =Team Sumo= 16 hours 42 minutes ago.
01:29 <ivantis> #d0rka
01:30 <ivantis> #lastseen ivantis
01:30 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on SPACE-LAB Shooting! 22 minutes ago.
01:30 <ivantis> #lastseen dale
01:30 <armabot> ivantis: .dBd|Dale has last been seen on ¦×¦.4.Teams.Fortress.Server 2 hours 32 minutes ago.
01:32 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:38 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:39 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@] has joined #armagetron
01:42 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has joined #armagetron
01:43 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:44 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@adsl-69-235-193-139.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #armagetron
01:54 <Stewie-arma> I see someone uses armabot a bit much...
01:59 -!- KeY_3113 [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
02:07 -!- G5_Ger [n=g5_ger@p57962A86.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit []
02:17 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p50871E39.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
03:05 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@2001:5c0:87c8:0:21a:4dff:fe92:5d24] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
03:59 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
04:00 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@78-1-116-28.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
04:03 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit ["Haahahah I fail"]
04:03 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
04:05 <Stewie-arma> #weather 92037
04:05 <armabot> Stewie-arma: The current temperature in La Jolla Shores, La Jolla, California is 63.3°F (6:30 PM PDT on May 22, 2008). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 48%. Dew Point: 42.8°F. Pressure: 29.47 in 997.9 hPa (Rising).  High surf advisory in effect until 1 am PDT Friday...
04:05 <Stewie-arma> hmmm, apparently it was raining earlier...
04:05 <Stewie-arma> but I saw none of it
04:26 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust735.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit []
04:44 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has joined #armagetron
05:02 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined #armagetron
05:33 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
05:34 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has joined #armagetron
05:39 -!- Stewie-arma [n=Stewie-a@cpe-24-30-130-132.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
05:45 -!- Stewie-arma [n=Stewie-a@cpe-24-30-130-132.san.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
06:07 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
06:11 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
06:25 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-132-88.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
06:37 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit ["err what was that for?"]
06:49 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
07:09 -!- liberfiasco [n=libervis@89-172-48-254.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
07:09 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@78-1-116-28.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
07:27 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-046-242.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
07:39 -!- Flex [i=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has quit ["Leaving"]
07:55 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@202.249-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
08:08 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@202.249-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
08:22 -!- joda_bot1 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
08:39 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p50871E39.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
08:40 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-046-242.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:44 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
09:09 -!- G5_Ger [n=g5_ger@p57962AED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Armagetron
09:57 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-42-188.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #armagetron
10:02 <Lucifer> wow, I have 93 750mL wine bottles
10:02 <Lucifer> #math calc 93 * 750 * 10**-3
10:02 <armabot> Lucifer: 69.75
10:02 <Lucifer> enough for almost 70 liters of wine, hmmm
10:02 <Lucifer> #math calc (93 * 750 * 10**-3) + (5*1.5)
10:02 <armabot> Lucifer: 77.25
10:03 <Lucifer> it's quite sobering
10:03 <Lucifer> it's only about 20 gallons, and I have about 13 in the closet.  Should come out more like 10 when it's all racked multiple times and stuff
10:03 <Lucifer> but if I double what I've got fermenting, I still won't have enough bottles, heh
10:04 <Lucifer> #math calc .750/2
10:04 <armabot> Lucifer: 0.375
10:04 <Lucifer> #math calc 77.25/.375
10:04 <armabot> Lucifer: 206
10:04 <Lucifer> otoh, at half a bottle a day, I have enough bottles to store a supply of 206 days
10:06  * Lucifer concludes he has enough bottles
10:06  * Lucifer still has one more pickup to make, but he should have enough bottles to even be pretty generous before he'll need more
10:22 -!- akira_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
11:09 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p50871E39.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
11:22 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit ["bis spater"]
12:02 -!- joda_bot1 [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
12:09 -!- torres [n=torres@pD9E9EF64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
12:14 <pippijn> http://xinutec.org/~pippijn/files/sc/osiris-200805231127.jpg <- me
14:01 -!- Flex [i=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has joined #armagetron
14:06 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@] has quit [Connection timed out]
14:13 -!- anirudh0 [n=atmanam@] has joined #armagetron
14:14 -!- anirudh0 [n=atmanam@] has left #armagetron ["Leaving."]
14:14 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined #armagetron
14:15 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
14:23 -!- liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
14:26 -!- torres [n=torres@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:28 -!- ct|kyle [n=kyle@pool-71-97-132-88.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
15:30 -!- Monkey_arma [n=Monkey@cpc1-stkn1-0-0-cust983.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #armagetron
15:49 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
16:00 -!- akira_ [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
16:07 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [""How fortunate for leaders that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler"]
16:11 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@89-172-48-254.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
16:15 -!- slartybartfas [i=51a86192@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5233ae0ac35e1f11] has joined #armagetron
16:16 -!- slartybartfas [i=51a86192@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5233ae0ac35e1f11] has left #armagetron []
16:16 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
16:35 -!- torres [n=torres@pD9E9F69D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #armagetron
16:47 -!- torres [n=torres@unixcorps/staff/pippijn] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
17:16 -!- ivantis [i=3ff5a627@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e25a5971a1362bae] has joined #armagetron
17:17 -!- Stewie-arma [n=Stewie-a@cpe-24-30-130-132.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:18 <ivantis> hello
17:19 <ivantis> anybody home?
17:20 <pippijn> yes
17:20 <pippijn> I am at home
17:21 <ivantis> im still in bed
17:21 <ivantis> i just got out of school wendsday
17:21 <pippijn> :-)
17:22 <Flex> kinky
17:22 <ivantis> yes! :)
17:24 <ivantis> v8ux34
17:26 <ivantis> [}{]
17:26 <ivantis> ___
17:26 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
17:27 <ivantis> helloo
17:28 <ivantis> http://mibbit.com/pb/2pqMOV
17:28 <ivantis> d3f7xr67
17:31 -!- ivantis [i=3ff5a627@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e25a5971a1362bae] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]
17:57 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@APuteaux-153-1-42-188.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
18:15 <Lucifer> [09:47] <ivantis> i just got out of school wendsday  <---- too bad they didn't teach him how to spell wednesday
18:21 <eddiefantastic> wednesday should be spelt wensday, he added a d for extra flair.
18:21 <Monkey_arma> aw it was a typo
18:21 <Monkey_arma> he got the d
18:23 <Flex> 20/20 hindsight, but how did they know then
18:25 <Monkey_arma> ?
18:25 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
18:25 <Flex> wb
18:25 <ivantis> #lastseen ivantis
18:25 <Monkey_arma> wb
18:25 <ivantis> hello
18:25 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on |FA| Clan Server - Devils Rings! 3 minutes ago.
18:25 <Monkey_arma> ivantis what day is it today?
18:25 <ivantis> friday
18:25 <Monkey_arma> what day was it 2 days ago?
18:25 <ivantis> #lastseen dale
18:25 <armabot> ivantis: DALEKCAAN has last been seen on -=Big Race Mode =-Pirates Clan Server 3 hours 58 minutes ago.
18:25 <ivantis> wednsday
18:25 <Monkey_arma> see
18:25 <Flex> @:D
18:25 <Monkey_arma> yes well done
18:25 <Monkey_arma> you can spell wednesday
18:26 <ivantis> #lastseen |dale
18:26 <Monkey_arma> allow for the e
18:26 <Monkey_arma> Lucifer !
18:26 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
18:26 <Monkey_arma> ivantis, you can open up a message box with armabot and do it there
18:26 <Monkey_arma> a dialog box
18:26 <ivantis> wha?
18:27 <ivantis> how
18:27 <ivantis> do
18:27 <Monkey_arma> what client are you using?
18:27 <ivantis> i
18:27 <ivantis> im using ircii
18:27 <ivantis> linux command line client
18:27 <Flex> Monkey_arma, /nick Monkey
18:27 <Monkey_arma> oO
18:27 <Flex> aw it's being used
18:27 <Monkey_arma> yes
18:28 <epsy> why the hell would Monkey_arma name himself like that otherwise?
18:28 <ivantis> hey epsy
18:28 <Monkey_arma> lol exactly
18:28 <epsy> hi
18:28 <hoax> <ivantis> im using ircii    ew :|
18:28 <ivantis> got a better one?
18:29 <ivantis> #sd SPACE-LAB Shooting!
18:29 <Flex> i knew that already..
18:29 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting!: Players (0/16):
18:30 <hoax> all others? :P
18:30 <ivantis> #sty
18:30 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “styball” at the moment, sorry.
18:30 <Monkey_arma> ivantis try /query armabot
18:30 <ivantis> i want to play some styball
18:30 <ivantis> later
18:30 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:31 <Monkey_arma> or not
18:32 -!- akira_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #armagetron
18:41 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
18:59 -!- g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-11-125.prtelecom.hu] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:59 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit ["leaving"]
19:02 -!- g5vc [n=g5vc@host-87-242-11-125.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
19:03 -!- _z-wt [n=z-wt@host-87-242-11-125.prtelecom.hu] has joined #armagetron
19:07 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined #armagetron
19:08 -!- tramshed [n=tramshed@got.r0ot.net] has joined #armagetron
19:13 -!- z-wt [n=z-wt@unaffiliated/z-wt] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:13 -!- _z-wt is now known as z-wt
19:27 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
19:28 <ivantis> hello
19:28 <ivantis> im back
19:28 <Monkey_arma> wb
19:28 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
19:29 -!- epsy [n=epsy@mar75-4-82-227-65-72.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
19:29 <Monkey_arma> wb
19:34 <ivantis> im back!
19:34 <ivantis> im back!
19:34 <ivantis> i am back!
19:47 <ivantis> is anyone there?
19:49 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
19:54 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
20:02 <joda_bot> ivantis: :-)
20:02 <joda_bot> is gone again
20:03 <epsy> looks like you have a name-autocompleter that handles ppl who are gone
20:03 <epsy> cough arma cough
20:32 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@def92-6-82-230-4-2.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #armagetron
20:35 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit ["«»«½   °"]
20:35 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
20:40 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
20:58 -!- GodTodd [n=TheTruth@] has joined #armagetron
21:00 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@202.249-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #armagetron
21:07 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has joined #armagetron
21:07 <ivantis> #lastseen ivantis
21:07 <armabot> ivantis: ivantis has last been seen on SPACE-LAB Shooting! 1 hour 40 minutes ago.
21:07 <pippijn> #lastseen pippijn
21:07 <pippijn> never seen me huh?
21:07 <ivantis> #lastseen Durka
21:08 <armabot> pippijn: timed out
21:08 <armabot> ivantis: Durkain has last been seen on - | D u r k a  D u r k a  L a n d | - 4 hours 5 minutes ago.
21:08 <pippijn> #lastseen pippijn
21:08 <ivantis> #lastseen dbd|dale
21:08 <armabot> pippijn: timed out
21:08 <pippijn> hrm
21:08 <armabot> ivantis: timed out
21:08 <ivantis> lame
21:08 <ivantis> #sd -v SPACE-LAB
21:08 <armabot> ivantis: SPACE-LAB Shooting! (ivantis.ath.cx:4537) running 0.2.8_alpha20080508 unix dedicated, url: http://arma.ivantis.net, Description: “Most settings at default values. Shooting by a ground-pig.“, Players (0/16):
21:09 <pippijn> #sd -v Xinutec
21:09 <armabot> pippijn: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “xinutec” at the moment, sorry.
21:09 <pippijn> excellent
21:09 <pippijn> so I'm gone :-)
21:09 <pippijn> was about time
21:09 <ivantis> #sd Hell
21:09 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “hell” at the moment, sorry.
21:09 <pippijn> #sd spacezone i
21:09 <armabot> pippijn: SPACEZONE II S: Players (1/15): SPZ_VOLKEN
21:09 <ivantis> #sd -v spacezone III
21:09 <armabot> ivantis: SPACEZONE III ( running unix dedicated, url: http://www.armagetronad.net, Description: “SUPER BRAKES and High acceleration at the Walls“, Players (1/15): Cool
21:10 <ivantis> #sd -v spacezone II s
21:10 <armabot> ivantis: SPACEZONE II S ( running unix dedicated, url: http://www.armagetronad.net, Description: “High Rubber,Almost unlimited Brakes!“, Players (1/15): SPZ_VOLKEN
21:10 <ivantis> #sd -v spacezone I [
21:10 <armabot> ivantis: Error: Missing "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
21:10 <ivantis> #sd -v spacezone I []
21:10 <armabot> ivantis: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “spacezone i []” at the moment, sorry.
21:10 <ivantis> #sd -v spacezone I [H
21:10 -!- ivantis [n=ivantis@63-245-166-39.kitusa.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:10 <armabot> ivantis: Error: Missing "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
21:36 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:37 -!- libervisco [n=libervis@89-172-48-254.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #armagetron
21:53 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:55 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has joined #armagetron
21:55 -!- manuel_ [n=manuel@p50871C7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #armagetron
22:09 <wrtlprnft> #quit
22:09 <armabot> wrtlprnft: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
22:10 <wrtlprnft> #quit
22:10 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has quit ["wrtlprnft"]
22:11 <epsy> wb wrtlprnft
22:14 <wrtlprnft> ty
22:14 <wrtlprnft> is the ramps and flying cycles thing implemented yet?
22:14 <pippijn> does anyone here know how to connect to a jackd running as user 1000 with a client running as user 1001?
22:15 <wrtlprnft> not me.
22:16 -!- armabot [n=armabot@] has joined #armagetron
22:17 -!- K-Yo [n=k-yo@unaffiliated/k-yo] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:29 -!- MaZuffeR [n=mazuffer@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["Leaving"]
22:31  * wrtlprnft should have never started that sig buisness
22:32 <epsy> hrhr
22:33 <wrtlprnft> somehow i knew that either noone would notice it or something like this would happen
22:33 <Monkey_arma> ?
22:33 <wrtlprnft> http://www.davefancella.com/ilovepeopleeating.png
22:33 <wrtlprnft> http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1258/ilovepeopleeatingoq3.png
22:33 <wrtlprnft> http://epsy46.free.fr/iloveadblocking.png
22:33 <wrtlprnft> http://ivantis.net/ddlfy5.png
22:33 <wrtlprnft> etc.
22:33 <Monkey_arma> oh yeah those
22:34 <Monkey_arma> yes i noticed they pinched yours
22:34 <wrtlprnft> well, it was durka's, technically
22:34 <Monkey_arma> no yours was the first durka piss take
22:34 <Monkey_arma> and that is what counts
22:34 <wrtlprnft> i just thought durka's sig had a somewhat “i love myself” messagbe
22:35 <Monkey_arma> yes he should have called the server durka durka durka durkadurka
22:35 <wrtlprnft> it's like those quote wars, just quiter
22:35 <Monkey_arma> quote wars? dare i ask?
22:36 <epsy> mm quote wars
22:36 <wrtlprnft> [quote="user c"][quote="user b"][quote="user a"]hi[/quote][/quote][/quote]
22:36 <wrtlprnft> everyone just quotes the exact message of the last guy
22:36 <Monkey_arma> oh god yes like in the  ct forums is worst
22:37 <Monkey_arma> they do it every post
22:37 <Monkey_arma> not that i read ct forums much :\
22:37 <wrtlprnft> if someone complains you quote the guy before that and the guy who complained in one single post and wait for the next guy to nest the complaint
22:38 -!- MrBougo [n=MrBougo@202.249-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has quit []
22:38 <Lucifer> <wrtlprnft> if someone complains you quote the guy before that and the guy who complained in one single post and wait for the next guy to nest the complaint
22:38 <Monkey_arma> ^^
22:38 <epsy> <Lucifer> <wrtlprnft> if someone complains you quote the guy before that and the guy who complained in one single post and wait for the next guy to nest the complaint
22:39 -!- spidey_ [n=spidey@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:39 <akira_> O.O
22:39 <wrtlprnft> stfu.
22:39  * akira_ slaps wrtlprnft
22:39 <Lucifer> these sig things are much more fun, though
22:39 <Lucifer> because they're non-intrusive :)
22:40 <wrtlprnft> yeah :-)
22:41 <wrtlprnft> aww, i'd have expected something along the lines of <wrtlprnft> stfu <Lucifer> <wrtlprnft> blah
22:41 <wrtlprnft> err
22:41 <wrtlprnft> <wrtlprnft> stfu <epsy> <Lucifer> <wrtlprnft> blah
22:41 <Lucifer> heh, I'm getting annoyed by the recursive quotes too
22:41 <epsy> < w r t l p r n f t >   < w r t l p r n f t >   s t f u   < e p s y >   < L u c i f e r >   < w r t l p r n f t >   b l a h
22:41 <Lucifer> it was fun for awhile...
22:42 <epsy> < e p s y >   <   w   r   t   l   p   r   n   f   t   >       <   w   r   t   l   p   r   n   f   t   >       s   t   f   u       <   e   p   s   y   >       <   L   u   c   i   f   e   r   >       <   w   r   t   l   p   r   n   f   t   >       b   l   a   h
22:42 <akira_> http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/Bloodysaber/Motivationals/mario-betrayal.jpg
22:42 <epsy> < e p s y >   <   e   p   s   y   >       <       w       r       t       l       p       r       n       f       t       >               <       w       r       t       l       p       r       n       f       t       >               s       t       f       u               <       e       p       s       y       >               <       L       u       c       i       f       e       r       >               <       w       r       t
22:42 <epsy>     l       p       r       n       f       t       >               b       l       a       h
22:43  * Lucifer inserts french-oriented cheap shot at epsy
22:43 <epsy> pleonasm
22:43 <Lucifer> #dict pleonasm
22:43 <epsy> *   L u c i f e r   i n s e r t s   f r e n c h - o r i e n t e d   c h e a p   s h o t   a t   e p s y
22:43 <epsy> *       L   u   c   i   f   e   r       i   n   s   e   r   t   s       f   r   e   n   c   h   -   o   r   i   e   n   t   e   d       c   h   e   a   p       s   h   o   t       a   t       e   p   s   y
22:44 <epsy> *               L       u       c       i       f       e       r               i       n       s       e       r       t       s               f       r       e       n       c       h       -       o       r       i       e       n       t       e       d               c       h       e       a       p               s       h       o       t               a       t               e       p       s       y
22:44 <epsy> *                               L               u               c               i               f               e               r                               i               n               s               e               r               t               s                               f               r               e               n               c               h               -               o               r               i
22:44 <epsy>           e               n               t               e               d                               c               h               e               a               p                               s               h               o               t                               a               t                               e               p               s               y
22:44 -!- Lucifer [n=satan@adsl-68-93-134-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has left #armagetron ["better things to do"]
22:44 <Flex> that's amazing
22:44 <epsy> lol
22:44 <armabot> Lucifer: wn, devils, gcide, and foldoc responded: foldoc: pleonasm Redundancy of expression; tautology. (1995-03-25); devils: PLEONASM, n. An army of words escorting a corporal of thought; wn: pleonasm n : using more words than necessary; "a tiny little child"; gcide: Pleonasm \Ple"o*nasm\,, n. [L. pleonasmus, Gr. ?, fr. ? to be more than enough, to abound, fr.?, neut. of ?, more, (1 more message)
22:44 <Flex> doesn't he have minimize?
22:45 <epsy> minimize dpesn't send a message to chan
22:45 <akira_> #tea
22:46 <epsy> #slap
22:46  * akira_ pokes armabot
22:46 <epsy> the restart craches armabot
22:46 <epsy> crashed*
22:47 <armabot> akira_: Fortress Café: Players (7/32): /dev/null/h4ck, 2+2=10 (aho@forums), <V>BâTTLê, Monkey, Player 1, x22, ~|DS|~G5
22:47 <akira_> mhh
22:47 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:47 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has joined #armagetron
22:47 <armabot> epsy: (slap <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo $who slaps $1 for being a raving moron.".
22:47 <wrtlprnft> armabot's host is compiling stuff.
22:48 <epsy> #ps
22:54 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
22:54 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
23:00 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
23:01 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has joined #armagetron
23:15 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #armagetron
23:16 <Flex> joda_bot,
23:22 <eddiefantastic> wb wrtlprnft nice hols?
23:22 -!- aa_voodoo [n=erollet@def92-6-82-230-4-2.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
23:28 <wrtlprnft> mostly :-)
23:28 -!- hoax [n=hoax@unaffiliated/hoax] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:29 <Flex> you went on holiday?
23:29 <wrtlprnft> the weather wasn't too nice for a couple of days but otherwise it was fun
23:38 <joda_bot> Flex:  ?
23:43 -!- deja_vu_ [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined #armagetron
23:44 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:44 -!- deja_vu_ is now known as deja_vu
23:45 -!- deja_vu [n=deja_vu@HSI-KBW-091-089-163-039.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit [Client Quit]
23:45 <Flex> nothing
23:45 <Flex> i meant hi
23:46 <Flex> bye :)
23:46 -!- Flex [i=savas@unaffiliated/savas] has quit ["Life is ill."]
23:57 -!- Ttech [n=ttech@fullcirclemagazine/developer/ttech] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:58 -!- joda_bot [n=anonymou@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["Leaving."]

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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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