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Log from 2006-10-16:
--- Day changed Mon Oct 16 2006
00:00 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-240-54-90.client.mchsi.com] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]
00:14 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
00:14 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
00:34 -!- Vanhayes [n=lamb--ch@stjhnbsu83w-156034240007.nb.aliant.net] has left #armagetron []
00:54 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has quit ["-"]
01:36 -!- Arma60 [n=Arma60@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #armagetron
01:36 -!- Arma60 is now known as Durka
01:39 -!- Arma90 [n=Arma90@adsl-69-106-205-158.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #armagetron
01:39 <Durka> hi
01:39 <Arma90> hi
01:39 <Arma90> k
01:39 -!- Arma90 is now known as budhda
01:39 -!- budhda is now known as buddha
01:40 <buddha> alrigth so
01:40 <Durka> click this: #fightclub
01:40 <buddha> click wat
01:40 <madmax|pt> o_O
01:40 <Durka> double click: #fightclub
01:45 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:45 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
01:46 <Durka> hi
01:48 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@a0204.upc-a.chello.nl] has left #armagetron []
01:49 -!- buddha [n=Arma90@adsl-69-106-205-158.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has quit ["Bye!"]
01:49 -!- Durka [n=Arma60@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has quit ["Bye"]
01:49 -!- Arma89 [n=Arma89@adsl-69-106-205-158.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #armagetron
01:50 <Arma89> durka
01:50 <Arma89> u three?
01:50 <Arma89> there*
01:50 <DrJoeTron> OMG WELCUM 2 IRC
01:50 <Arma89> hellllloooooooo
01:50 <DrJoeTron> :/
01:50 <DrJoeTron> #ping
01:50 <armabot> pong
01:51 <DrJoeTron> #lastseen groundpig
01:51 <armabot> DrJoeTron: groundpig has last been seen on Capture The Flag Sty 0 days 4 hours 58 minutes ago.
01:51 <Arma89> lol
01:51 <Arma89> hey do u know where  durkias?
01:51 <Arma89> durka is*
01:52 -!- Arma89 [n=Arma89@adsl-69-106-205-158.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has quit [Client Quit]
02:03 <spidey_> DrJoeTron, 
02:03 <spidey_> defcon? xD
02:04 -!- Fonkay [i=Fonkay@blk-89-218-73.eastlink.ca] has joined #armagetron
02:04 <spidey_> ew
02:04 <Fonkay> ew
02:04 <spidey_> yuck
02:04 <Fonkay> tsk tsk
02:05 -!- spidey_ is now known as spidey
02:05 <spidey> tsk tsk hell o.o
02:09 -!- Arma29 [n=Arma29@adsl-69-106-205-158.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #armagetron
02:09 <Arma29> hi
02:11 <DrJoeTron> its the attack of the browser nerds
02:11 <spidey> lol
02:11 <Arma29> hi
02:12 -!- Arma29 is now known as buddha
02:14 <Fonkay> everyone always leaves to me for war
02:14 <spidey> eh?
02:14 <buddha> lol
02:15 <Fonkay> leaving me to play your stupid war games
02:15 <spidey> who are you?
02:15 <buddha> sky
02:16 <Fonkay> i hate all of you
02:16 <spidey> was talking to Fonkay 
02:16 <spidey> =p
02:16 <spidey> Fonkay, feeling goes both ways
02:16 <spidey> xD
02:16 <Fonkay> :P
02:16 <spidey> =p
02:16 <Fonkay> If you were about 2000 miles closer
02:16 <Fonkay> I'd so kick your ass
02:17 <spidey> what? huh? what? you think you gonna do!?
02:17 <spidey> pssh 
02:17 <spidey> you'd run away
02:17 <spidey> xD\
02:17 <Fonkay> hehe
02:17 <buddha> dont taek thatf onkay
02:17 <spidey> i'll sick my dogs on you >.>
02:17 <Fonkay> i have 4 of my own
02:17 <spidey> i have 2 and a half
02:17 <buddha> i have 9 wolves and a bear
02:17 <Fonkay> and they wouldn't touch you, wouldn't want that bad taste in their mouth
02:18 <spidey> haha
02:18 <Fonkay> what? huh? what?
02:18 <spidey> that's my line!!
02:18 <Fonkay> whatchya gonna do about it punk?
02:18 <spidey> >.>
02:19 <spidey> i'll feed you to the fish
02:19 <spidey> bwahah
02:19 <Fonkay> I'll start talking all l33t on your ass
02:19 <spidey> gay
02:20 <Fonkay> same thing
02:20 <Fonkay> bah i suck at this
02:20 <buddha> i hope when i get old i dont takl like that :)
02:20 <buddha> lol jk.
02:20 <buddha> umm...
02:20 <buddha> kinda
02:20 <buddha> hahahah jk
02:20 <spidey> LOL
02:20 <buddha> or.. am i? O_O
02:21 <buddha> lol
02:21 <DrJoeTron> revolt againts the browser nerds!
02:21  * Fonkay is not that old kiddo
02:21 <DrJoeTron> browser nerd!
02:21 <buddha> :(.. im a kiddo
02:21 <buddha> i wish i was a youngin
02:21 <buddha> ;D
02:21 <Fonkay> we know you are joseph
02:22 <DrJoeTron> :/
02:22 <buddha> hi joseph
02:22 <buddha> have u guys ever done the buddha bebop?
02:23  * Fonkay slaps spidey around a bit with a large trout
02:26  * spidey slaps Fonkay around a bit with a large cow
02:27 <Fonkay> 0u<h 7h@+ hur+
02:27 <Fonkay> i hit you with a trout, and you react with a giant cow
02:27 <spidey> xD
02:28  * Fonkay slaps spidey around a bit with a large trout
02:28  * Fonkay slaps spidey around a bit with a large trout
02:28 <Fonkay> god damnit, that's all they give me
02:28  * spidey slaps Fonkay around a bit with a large cow
02:28 <spidey> lol
02:28 <Fonkay> lord i feel 12 right now.
02:29 <spidey> isn't that better than the actual 50?
02:30 <Fonkay> no
02:30 <spidey> =p
02:31 <spidey> old ass
02:31 <Fonkay> hag*
02:31 <spidey> old ass*
02:43 -!- buddha [n=Arma29@adsl-69-106-205-158.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has quit ["Bye!"]
03:03 -!- groundpig [n=groundpi@rrcs-67-53-6-47.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
03:06 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-64-108-203-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:12 -!- Fonkay [i=Fonkay@blk-89-218-73.eastlink.ca] has quit []
03:33 -!- Arma82 [n=Arma82@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #armagetron
03:33 -!- Arma82 is now known as Durka
03:33 <Durka> hi
03:34 -!- Durka [n=Arma82@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has quit [Client Quit]
03:38 -!- Self_Destructo [i=Self_Des@h21.169.40.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #armagetron
03:41 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-64-108-203-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #Armagetron
03:41 <DrJoeTron> http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/roomba-monkey--the-missing-link-in-your-living-room-207709.php sooo creeepy
03:51 <Self_Destructo> Luke-Jr: Got my email?
04:03 <Lucifer_arma> Luke-Jr: apparently I still can't connect to your server
04:10 <Self_Destructo> Lucifer_arma: apparently he can't leave his server ;)
04:11 <Lucifer_arma> haha
04:12 <Self_Destructo> so, do you guys have any fancy scripts for processing the scorelog.txt file in nice ways?
05:21 <spidey> erm
05:23 <spidey> <center>
05:23 <spidey> <?php
05:23 <spidey> $handle = ;
05:23 <spidey> $fp = fopen('$handle', 'r');
05:23 <spidey> if (!$fp) {
05:23 <spidey>    echo 'Could not open file $handle';
05:23 <spidey> }
05:23 <spidey> while (false !== ($char = fread($fp))) {
05:23 <spidey>    echo "$char";
05:23 <spidey> }
05:23 <spidey> ?> 
05:23 <spidey> </center>
05:23 <spidey> that's what i use
05:59 <Self_Destructo> spidey...
05:59 <Self_Destructo> i mean to tear it apart and take data from it to insert into a database
06:00 <Self_Destructo> like seeing how many core dumps someone had
06:16 <spidey> erm
06:16 <spidey> like 
06:16 <spidey> all the data over time
06:17 <spidey> or just that season
06:17 <spidey> sesion
06:17 <spidey> or w/e
06:21 <Self_Destructo> basically I want to keep stats like, core dumps per round... all kinda of things
06:22 <Self_Destructo> or rather, avaerage of*
06:22 <Self_Destructo> and average of core dumps per match
06:22 <Self_Destructo> and core dumps for the day
06:24 <Self_Destructo> Lucifer_arma: do you still have the script that was used to make the signatures containing people's stats?
06:24 <Lucifer_arma> yeah, somewhere around here.  It was posted in the thread wehre it was discussed, too.
06:24 <Lucifer_arma> you might want to look in my private area of the svn repo for it, I put all my extracurricular stuff in there awhile back
06:26 <Self_Destructo> if I knew where that was ;)
06:26 <Lucifer_arma> http://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/armagetronad/private/Lucifer iirc
06:27 <Lucifer_arma> er, make it https, can't do a checkout with http
06:27 <Self_Destructo> er, ok
06:28 <Self_Destructo> it automatically did
06:28 <Lucifer_arma> http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/armagetronad/private/Lucifer/
06:29 <Self_Destructo> thanks, because I can definately use it
06:29 <Lucifer_arma> np
06:30 <Self_Destructo> man your php looks way too much like C
06:30 <Self_Destructo> nice :)
06:32 <Self_Destructo> the biggest thing for me is that I am going to already have the data in a db
06:32 <Lucifer_arma> well, all the stat file reading code is in a single class somewheres, you should be able to extend that class easily without touching the statsig
06:33 <Lucifer_arma> although you might have to read the statsig itself, since I didn't go out of my way to document the api
06:37 -!- Plazma [n=Plazma@about/apple/TiBook/Plazma] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
06:37 -!- Plazma [n=Plazma@about/apple/TiBook/Plazma] has joined #armagetron
06:40 <Self_Destructo> ok
06:40 <Self_Destructo> I'm going to bed, gotta get up a 6
06:40 <Self_Destructo> good night
06:45 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-112-91-195.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
06:50 -!- spidey [i=spidey@68-112-91-195.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #armagetron
06:51  * spidey hates apps that use virtual cpu
06:52 <spidey> tron keeps crashing causing the computer to lock up to >:|
07:46 <DrJoeTron> haha
07:46 <DrJoeTron> i havent seen stat sigs for this game in soo long
07:49 -!- [NP]Tangent [n=hyperdev@71-211-210-44.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
07:49 <spidey> ;/
07:49  * spidey needs to defrag 2 drives
07:49 <DrJoeTron> i defrag a lot
07:49 <spidey> 83 day install and i haven't even did a cleanup
07:50 <spidey> lol
07:51 <DrJoeTron> im past 100 days by now
07:51 <spidey> only reason i'm doing this is because i got 6 gigs left
07:51 <spidey> downloading 16gigs of movies
07:52 <spidey> wow
07:52 <spidey> on my 12gig drive if i compress i save 1.2 gigs
07:53 <DrJoeTron> this summer
07:53 <DrJoeTron> all i did was reformat
07:53 <spidey> lol
07:54 <DrJoeTron> it sucked
07:54 <DrJoeTron> everytime something installed horribly
07:56 <spidey> pwn
07:57 <DrJoeTron> your "o" button works
07:57 <spidey> what are yu talking abut
07:57 <DrJoeTron> pwn?
07:57 <DrJoeTron> your "o" button works
07:58 <spidey> what are yu talking abut
07:58 <DrJoeTron> its own
07:58 <DrJoeTron> not "pwn" 
07:58 <spidey> you don't get it =p
07:58 <DrJoeTron> thats what you type when your "o" button doesnt work
07:58 <spidey> i left the o out of everything
07:58 <spidey> xD
07:59 <spidey> xD
07:59 <spidey> what are yu talking abut
08:01 <DrJoeTron> i hate chu spidey
08:01 <spidey> i hate yu t DrJeTrn
08:02 <DrJoeTron> pmg i hat u drjpetrpm
08:02 <DrJoeTron> rpfl
08:02 <spidey> lol
08:09 -!- Arma12 [n=Arma12@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #armagetron
08:09 -!- Arma12 [n=Arma12@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has quit [Client Quit]
08:09 -!- Arma78 [n=Arma78@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #armagetron
08:10 -!- Arma78 is now known as Durka
08:10 <Durka> hi
08:14 <spidey> who are you?
08:14 <Durka> lol spidey
08:14 <spidey> xD
08:15 <Durka> :P
08:15 <Durka> red blue
08:16 <Durka> red blue
08:16 <Durka> no!
08:16 <spidey> >:|
08:16 <Durka> red
08:16 <Durka> blue
08:16 <GodTodd> black
08:16 <Durka> red blue
08:16 <spidey> lol
08:16 <Durka> ahhh!!!
08:16 <Durka>  
08:16 <Durka> ^^^ white
08:17 <spidey> tred blue?
08:17 <Durka> ahhhhhh
08:17 <Durka> how!!!!
08:17 <spidey> no
08:17 <spidey> ./ignore Durka 
08:17  * Durka pokes spidey
08:17 <GodTodd> redblue
08:17 <GodTodd> blah
08:17 <spidey> bluered
08:17 <Durka> how????
08:18 <spidey> no
08:18 <spidey> i will not
08:18 <Durka> no!!!!!
08:18 <GodTodd> red blue
08:18 <spidey> LMAO
08:18 <Durka> :(
08:18 <Durka> who are u godtodd ive never seen u in the game...
08:18 <spidey> he's god
08:18 <Durka> LOL!
08:19 <GodTodd> i must be cuz luke worships me ;)
08:19 <spidey> haha
08:20 <GodTodd> i don't play a whole lot...mostly because i suck and i'd rather suck to a custom playlist and the devs haven't fixed that for windoze yet 
08:20 <Durka> lol
08:20 <spidey> winamp
08:20 <DrJoeTron> now owned by aol
08:20 <DrJoeTron> fuck winamp
08:20 <spidey> xm
08:20 <DrJoeTron> it doesnt kick any lammas ass
08:21  * spidey has a xm satelite hack
08:21 <spidey> xD
08:21  * spidey gets free radio ;o
08:21 <DrJoeTron> hey i do too
08:21 <GodTodd> i do too
08:21 <spidey> no
08:21 <DrJoeTron> we all fucking do
08:21 <GodTodd> it's called umm...what's that...radio
08:21 <GodTodd> :P
08:21 <spidey> you had to pay for your stareo
08:21 <spidey> =p
08:21 <DrJoeTron> nope
08:21 <GodTodd> i did not
08:21 <spidey> liar!
08:21 <DrJoeTron> seriously
08:21  * spidey gets free SATELLITE RADIO then
08:21 <spidey> >.>
08:22 <DrJoeTron> yeah have fun with that
08:22 <spidey> well
08:22 <GodTodd> yeah... beats the hell outta my cds i guess ;)
08:22 <spidey> it's a XM / AOL hack
08:22 <DrJoeTron> yeah
08:22 <DrJoeTron> and...all the music i would want to listen being on my pc already
08:22 <spidey> you know
08:22 <DrJoeTron> man i feel like ive been gyped
08:22 <spidey> i got all this music
08:23 <spidey> and i listen to the radio more
08:23  * DrJoeTron goes to report that spidey is stealing radio
08:23 <Durka> http://google.com COOLEST SITE EVER!
08:23 <DrJoeTron> haha yeah that will sound valid
08:23 <spidey> lol
08:24 <DrJoeTron> uih oh
08:24 <DrJoeTron> spidey
08:24 <spidey> 286,972 files
08:24 <DrJoeTron> its defcon 3
08:24 <spidey> o.o
08:24 <DrJoeTron> the planes!
08:24 <spidey> defcon 3?
08:24 <DrJoeTron> oh god!
08:24 <spidey> eh?
08:24 <DrJoeTron> they're every where
08:24 <spidey> ftw you on about
08:24 <DrJoeTron> :D
08:24 <DrJoeTron> fucking fighters
08:24 <spidey> you playing defcon
08:24 <DrJoeTron> nope
08:24 <spidey> WITHOUT ME!?!
08:25 <DrJoeTron> spidey
08:25 <DrJoeTron> one day
08:25 <DrJoeTron> you and i
08:25 <DrJoeTron> office mode
08:25 <spidey> fuck no
08:25 <DrJoeTron> fuck yes
08:25 <DrJoeTron> thats gonna be amazing
08:26 <spidey> what
08:26 <spidey> spending 9 hours playing a game at 0.5x
08:26 <DrJoeTron> 8 hours :/
08:26 <DrJoeTron> we'd start at 3
08:26 <DrJoeTron> end at midnight
08:27 <GodTodd> that's 9
08:27 <GodTodd> heh
08:27 <spidey> rofl
08:27 <DrJoeTron> i was thinking 4 :/
08:27 <spidey> by that time
08:27 <spidey> i could have pwned europe
08:27 <spidey> 8 times
08:27 <spidey> xD
08:27 <DrJoeTron> sucks for you that pwn isnt a word!
08:27 <spidey> man it's always the stupid people always get europe
08:27 <Durka> ya it is
08:27 <Durka> dictionary.com/pwn
08:28 <spidey> i place my subs right above them
08:28 <spidey> and within 2 minutes i've unload 12 subs and 28 bombers
08:28 <DrJoeTron> its an acronym
08:28 <spidey> DrJoeTron is a acronym
08:28 <spidey> pwnpwnpwnpwn
08:28 <DrJoeTron> #cyborg
08:29 <armabot> DrJoeTron: D.R.J.O.E.T.R.O.N.: Digital Robotic Juggernaut Optimized for Exploration, Thorough Repair and Online Nullification
08:29 <spidey> #cyborg spidey
08:29 <spidey> ?
08:29 <armabot> spidey: S.P.I.D.E.Y.: Synthetic Positronic Individual Designed for Efficient Yelling
08:29 <DrJoeTron> #OED
08:29 <DrJoeTron> #oed pwn
08:29  * spidey YELLS AT DrJoeTron 
08:30 <Durka> DrJoeTron: D.R.J.O.E.T.R.O.N.: Digital Robotic Juggernaut Optimized for Exploration, Thorough Repair and 
08:30 <Durka> lol
08:30 -!- Durka [n=Arma78@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2k1-229.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has quit ["Bye!"]
08:37 <spidey> #night
08:37 <armabot> Good night spidey!
08:41 <GodTodd> if it's in wikipedia, it's a word ;)
08:41 <GodTodd> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pwn
08:45 <DrJoeTron> my god this is sad
08:45 <DrJoeTron> sadder than the knuckles the echidna wiki
08:45 <DrJoeTron> and thats a sad wiki
08:46 <DrJoeTron> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuckles_the_Echidna
08:51 <DrJoeTron> hey
08:51 <DrJoeTron> ah nm
09:04 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@c-71-199-204-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
09:11 -!- Compn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
09:11 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-64-108-203-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has quit [">-;;,ccc3"]
09:11 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has quit ["leaving"]
09:11 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
09:26 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@90-227-129-150-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
12:44 -!- guru3 [n=guru3@2002:5ae3:8196:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #armagetron
14:13 <[Xpert]DarkStar> #ping
14:13 <armabot> pong
14:28 -!- [NP]Tangent [n=hyperdev@71-211-197-19.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #armagetron
14:59 -!- GodTodd [n=GodTodd@c-71-199-204-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #armagetron
15:15 -!- wejp [n=j@i577B9AEC.versanet.de] has joined #armagetron
15:45 -!- MaZuffeR [n=MaZuffeR@darkmoor.sby.abo.fi] has joined #armagetron
17:41 -!- [dlh] [n=[dlh]@a0204.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #armagetron
18:11 <armabot> armagetronad: nemostultae * r6241 /armagetronad/branches/ruby/armagetronad/src/swig/ext/armagetronad/engine/ePlayer.i: “SWIG”ed most of ePlayerNetID.
18:27 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
18:28 -!- Compn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:12 <wrtlprnft> [dlh]: any reason you need SWIG version >= 1.3.29 for arma? Portage only has 1.3.25, and I don't feel like installing a new version manually
20:14 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ipd50aa335.speed.planet.nl] has joined #armagetron
20:15 <[dlh]> 1.3.25 lacks the -autorename option.
20:16 <[dlh]> I think portage has 1.3.29, but it is marked as testing.
20:19 <wrtlprnft> argh, I did install it already, but it's still complaining
20:19 <wrtlprnft> i just trusted what make said, didn't look at portage's output
20:21 <wrtlprnft> ah, reconfiguring fixed it. Why doesn't it complain at configure time anyways?
20:21 <wrtlprnft> cp -r ./setup.rb ../../src/swig
20:21 <wrtlprnft> cp: cannot stat `./setup.rb': No such file or directory
20:21 <[dlh]> hmmm…
20:22 <wrtlprnft> is it supposed to work, actually? I just tried it out because you committed examples, so i wanted to fool with those
20:22 <wrtlprnft> oh, a few lines before it executed rm -rf ../../src/swig/setup.rb
20:24 <[dlh]> Are you building in the srcdir?
20:24 <wrtlprnft> i ran configure and make from the armagetronad dir
20:24 <wrtlprnft> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/mathias/armagetronad3/ruby/src/swig'
20:25 <wrtlprnft> that's a bit before that
20:25 <[dlh]> Try building outside the srcdir, I will have to fix that bug later.
20:26 <[dlh]> also see this post: http://forums.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?p=97751#97751
20:27 <wrtlprnft> i'm using gcc 4
20:28 <[dlh]> You need to add that to your CPPFLAGS for it work, I think.
20:28 <wrtlprnft> CXXFLAGS?
20:28 <[dlh]> Yeah, those. 
20:29 <wrtlprnft> still the same :(
20:29 <wrtlprnft> it's removing the file before it tries to copy it somewhere else…
20:30 <[dlh]> rm -rf ${top_builddir}/src/swig/setup.rb ← that is?
20:31 <wrtlprnft> probably
20:31 <wrtlprnft> nvm, it actually evaluates to different paths
20:32 <wrtlprnft> aaaah
20:32 <wrtlprnft> need to run svn update to restore the original setup.rb first :)
20:32 <wrtlprnft> now it's doing something
20:37 <wrtlprnft> ../../ruby/src/tools/tDirectories.cpp:1335: undefined reference to `br_locate'
20:37 <wrtlprnft> ../../ruby/src/tools/tDirectories.cpp:1335: undefined reference to `br_thread_local_store'
20:37 <wrtlprnft> that's with the fvisibility flag
20:37 <[dlh]> That is an error, or a warning?
20:38 <wrtlprnft> error
20:38 <wrtlprnft> linker error
20:42 <[dlh]> NOTE: if you're using C++ and are getting "undefined reference to br_*", try renaming prefix.c to prefix.cpp
20:43 <[dlh]> from prefix.h in binreloc
20:43 <wrtlprnft> nicely hidden
20:44 <[dlh]> I will rename it and commit, just a second.
20:45 <wrtlprnft> already renamed it
20:45 <[dlh]> also do it in src/Makefile.am
20:45 <wrtlprnft> yeah, sure, did that too :)
20:45 <[dlh]> (:
20:46 <wrtlprnft> <insert one Luke-Jr's smileys here>
20:46 <wrtlprnft> *one of
20:48  * [Xpert]DarkStar curses at the touchpad of his laptop
20:49  * spidey laffs at [Xpert]DarkStar 
20:49 <[Xpert]DarkStar> -.-
20:49 <wrtlprnft> ?
20:50 <spidey> wrtlprnft, 
20:50 <spidey> what would cause tron to crash only when i join mbc?
20:50 <spidey> worked fine on ctf and a fortress server
20:51 <wrtlprnft> maybe they increased the rubber to a really high value?
20:51 <wrtlprnft> #serverdetails -v microb
20:51 <armabot> wrtlprnft: There doesn't seem to be a server matching “microb” at the moment, sorry.
20:51 <wrtlprnft> wtf
20:51 <wrtlprnft> mbc's off my master again
20:51 <spidey> rubber's 28
20:51 <spidey> it crashes at the cyncing process
20:51 <wrtlprnft> [dlh]: same problem still
20:52 <wrtlprnft> “cyncing” sounds dangerous
20:52 <spidey> oh hell
20:52 <spidey> i thought i downloaded saw 2
20:52 <spidey> i downloaded marry poppens
20:53 <spidey> >.>
20:58 <[dlh]> The only other way I know how to fix it involves much more work :(
21:00 -!- DrJoeTron [n=DrJoeTr0@adsl-64-108-203-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #Armagetron
21:00 <[dlh]> hmm, we could turn it off for just that file, use “ #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)”
21:03 <DrJoeTron> wow
21:03 -!- Vanhayes [n=Vanhayes@stjhnbsu83w-156034248032.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #armagetron
21:03 <DrJoeTron> hey groundpig 
21:05 <[dlh]> wrtlprnft: can you try this patch? http://generalconsumption.org/tmp/vis.patch.zip
21:10 <Vanhayes> #armaservers
21:10 <armabot> Vanhayes: Strawberry Fields - BACKUP-SERVER (2 players) || 2020 team challenge (0 players) || SniperRace (Testversion) (0 players)
21:10 <Vanhayes> well...
21:18 <wrtlprnft> [dlh]: trying now…
21:23 -!- Compn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
21:24 <wrtlprnft> [dlh]: no, didn't fix it :(
21:31 -!- madmax|pt [n=madmax@unaffiliated/madmaxpt/x-23911] has joined #armagetron
21:31 <madmax|pt> hi
21:32 <Vanhayes> #armaservers
21:32 <armabot> Vanhayes: Strawberry Fields (12 players) || Tigers Network Classic Play (9 players) || ed's highly experimental mayhem (8 players) || Norm's Place (8 players) || -=|LøÏ|=- Lords Of Destruction Sumo Server (8 players) || Capture The Flag Sty (7 players) || -=}ID< Immortal Dynasty Server (6 players) || AST Server |Fortress| (5 players) || Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress (4 players) || Strawberry Fields - (1 more message)
21:33 -!- Compn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
21:33 <Vanhayes> #serverdetails ed's
21:33 <armabot> Vanhayes: ed's highly experimental mayhem: Players (8/8): -|ct|-ed-, CTTCrispyNoodle, CT~Voodoo, Diocane, JOE dirt, Marth, RJ, |_-*MarK*-_|
21:33 <[dlh]> hmm, maybe try doing it prefix.c(pp)? too. → http://paste.lisp.org/display/28079
21:34 -!- Compn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #armagetron
21:34 -!- Commn [i=lksdfn@cpe-65-29-121-215.twmi.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:37 <Lucifer_arma> Luke-Jr: er, now I can't connect but I'm getting a message that says "You were rejected from the game, server only allows preregistered players"
22:38 <Lucifer_arma> Luke-Jr: my password input box is disabled so I can't even put in a password :(
22:45 -!- Your_mom_arma [n=Jacob@pool-71-245-206-189.delv.east.verizon.net] has joined #armagetron
22:46 <Your_mom_arma> #ping
22:46 <armabot> pong
22:47 <wrtlprnft> Luke-Jr: i've got a presentation tomorrow, mind if i store a backup on beta.aa.net (in my public_html) dir just in case my own server fails?
23:07 -!- ghableska [n=ghablesk@12-240-54-90.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Armagetron
23:08 <ghableska> hello
23:08 <Your_mom_arma> hi
23:08 <ghableska> #weather 50265
23:08 <armabot> ghableska: The current temperature in Des Moines, Iowa is 53.6°F (3:54 PM CDT on October 16, 2006). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 50.0°F. Pressure: 29.59 in 1002 hPa. 
23:26 -!- Fonkay [i=Fonkay@blk-89-218-73.eastlink.ca] has joined #armagetron
23:26 <Fonkay> hi
23:26 <Your_mom_arma> hey Fonkay
23:28 <Fonkay> what's up?
23:28 <Your_mom_arma> not much, you?
23:29 <Fonkay> same
23:29 <Fonkay> being bored
23:29 <[Xpert]DarkStar> you mean boring, don't you?
23:29 <[Xpert]DarkStar> :P
23:29 <Fonkay> and you are?
23:30 <[Xpert]DarkStar> ?
23:30 <Fonkay> indeed
23:31 <Fonkay> i can't do aynthing fun with this computer. It's so old and crappy
23:31 <[Xpert]DarkStar> not even play tetris?
23:31 <[Xpert]DarkStar> or minesweeper?
23:33 -!- Fonkay [i=Fonkay@blk-89-218-73.eastlink.ca] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:35 -!- Lackadaisical [n=lack@ipd50aa335.speed.planet.nl] has quit ["Here I Go, To Save The Day!"]
23:37 -!- Fonkay [i=Fonkay@blk-89-218-73.eastlink.ca] has joined #armagetron
23:37 <Fonkay> stupid computer
23:38 <Your_mom_arma> wb
23:38 <Fonkay> ty
23:38 <Fonkay> i tried to change my background colour, and the whole thing froze up on me
23:39 <Your_mom_arma> ow
23:39 <Fonkay> yea, stupid piece of crap
23:40 <Fonkay> so now it's changed to some crappy colour, but i guess I'm stuck with it. Cause I'm too scared to change it
23:49 <Fonkay> oops
23:56 <Compn> root?
23:56 <Compn> is root here?
23:56 <Compn> #lastseen root
23:56 <armabot> Compn: CT|root has last been seen on -=|LøÏ|=-  Lords Of Destruction Fortress Server 2 minutes ago.
23:57 <Compn> #lastseen root
23:57 <armabot> Compn: CT|root seems to be on Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress right now.
23:57 -!- jason [n=3efd800c@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #armagetron
23:57 -!- jason [n=3efd800c@h10487.serverkompetenz.net] has quit [Client Quit]
23:58 <Compn> doh its full
23:59 <Vanhayes> #serverdetails wild
23:59 <armabot> Vanhayes: Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress: Players (14/14): -CT-KY|3, ., CTT Henry, CT|root, cuca, ender|mbc|, Imagine, jordy, longnotsuki, Ogre Battle, rubik, [noclan] JC, {WPN} Pyr0TeK, °¯Chii
23:59 <Vanhayes> guess he found CTs

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Logs from 2006-2009 pulled from wrtlprnft
Format changes at: 2015-08-25, 2017-02-20, and 2020-03-23. Times (2015 and later) should be Eastern.

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