# Revenge Fort, noncomplete patch ("use on a fort server") version. # No resets, no loading base settings. # 2v2conq - left out, up to current server settings # team politics + access_level_play - left out, up to current server settings # Scoring: Compared to "current" fort I reverse the zone and win score settings here. fortress_conquered_score 6 fortress_held_score 0 score_win 4 sp_score_win 4 # Give the other team some time to avenge their fallen base! (t = 1/collapse_speed) # For the initial calculation of time needed I add the 8 seconds of wall stay up time # to the 5 seconds it takes someone to conquer the base (->13) and then throw another few onto that. # I arrive at 20 seconds because it's a round easy to remember number. 1/20 = 0.05 # It might be adjusted in the future. fortress_survive_win 0 fortress_conquered_win 0 fortress_collapse_speed 0.05 fortress_conquered_kill_ratio 1